AL--7TLL CAZITT2 1.3 Friday, I.Iay 20, I3io.V: PAG2 EIGHT ( 1 1 1 ! 1 n. '.: i ' : '31 ii jtj. i 1 1? v . It.. ' .. Mi: . "It j.i Si! 11. v SOME PEOPLE ' THINK That no matter what the price, coal is coal, but we know that M& W INDIAN COAL is superior coal for every purpose, whether for the grate, stove or range. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company RAILROAD PLANS E WE DISCUSSED Executive Session of Mr. Patterson and Special Committee of the Board of Trade. Extra Fancy Comb Honey FULL WEIGHT. 16 Ounces Per Pound. 25 CENTS. E. C. JARRETT Phones 358 or 192. Fine Groceries, Vegeta bles and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Phone 473. What is said to have been an inter esting conference on a new railroad project was held last night between a committee from the board of trade and V. H. Patterson of Atlanta, pres ident of the Greenville and Knoxvlllo railroad. While the meeting was of an executive nature with little given out at this time for publication, it Us known that the committee has taken under advisement plans and a tenta tive proposition outlined by Mr. Pat terson. The business interests of Asherille are keenly alive to the ne cessity of a competing line of railway for Asheviile and it was upon invita tion of the board of trade and other ', local Interests that Mr. Patterson re ; cently came here and laid before the ! board of trade his plan for complet j in a railway from Greenville, S. C, to Knoxville, Tenn , for connection with the L. & N. In the plans of Mr. Patterson Ashe ! vllle was not included in the proposed route and it was with the view of in ducing the promoters and builders of I the new railway to have Asheviile in cluded that conferences were arrang I ed for. It was stated today that those i fully acquainted with the situation ' from a "new railroad" standpoint are I greatly encouraged over recent devel opments and that with an increasing ; demand on the part of the commer cial interests for a competing line of j railway there is strong hope for the I accomplishment of this desire. I The proposition which Mr. Patter son lias discussed with the board of trade relates to the extending of the Greenville and Knoxville railroad to and through Asheviile; 20 miles of road has been constructed from Greenville this way while from Knox ville W. J. Oliver has built and Is operating a line 20 miles long to Se viervllle. It is the plan of the build ers to co-operate and complete the construction of the road from Green ville to Knoxville and Asheviile is anxious to get in on the ground floor. CANDY perfec tion for 25 years has been ex presscd; by the name "Nunnally Y on boxes of bon bons and choco .lates. It is gilt-edged security for su preme quality and perfect assortment. . ii jff ) . comes to you fresh and delicious be- , . cause we receive express shipments almost daily. RAYSOR'S DRUG STORE 31 Patton Avenue. Are You Prepared CITY NEWS For that wedding footwear? ns regards your GIANTS AND U1MLS HOLD Wm SWATFAST The Latter Won, 10 to 7 Five Double Plays Featured , the Game. The board of aldermen will meet this evening at 8 o'clock In regular weekly session in the council chamber of City Hall. The meeting of Asheviile lodge, No. lOfi, K. of P., will be held this even ing in Pisgah lodge ball, Asheviile lodge being "In the hands of painters and paperhangors." Today, May 20, the anniversary of the singing of the Mecklenburg De claration of Indendence, Is being ob served as a legal holiday throughout the state. All the banks of the city are closed. The High School baseball team lina sent n challenge through S. G. Rubi- now, the manager of the team, to the M. O. A. for a game of baseball hen the association team is organ ized. It is stated that the High school team is behind on its expense account and that It desires another game with the hope of breaking even financially and of winning another victory this season. Ladies You can get the famous Blue Ribbon Vanilla and Extracts nt your grocers. REAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Whether you are going to he one of the main partiiipants or just a gui'St you must have the proper foot yteu r. This establishment can fill your wants to a nicety furnish you with the uni; oxfords and If you're the lucky ( n, the sturdy oxfords you'U need for the honeymoon. GuaranteeShoeStore XO. 4 KOVTH MAIN ST. THE RNABE BETTER TIIA EVER I8t. 1 P. c. .S33 .:6i .600 .400 .200 .200 Won Pirates r. Giants t Cardinals S Nationals . . . ... S Cubs 1 Tigers ...... 1 The Giants by losing to the Xatlon- als yesterday were forced down from tying the Pirates for. first, place Into second position, only One game ahead of the Cardinals. . .. The game yesterday was a "swat rest", each team getting 12 safe hits and the game ending 10 to 1 in favor of the Nationals. There were five double-plays, which is the league re cord. Emanuel and arlow were the batting stars, each securing three hits out of four times up. One of Mar low s drives being for a home run scoring two men ahead of him. Bar ber, Miller, Schartle, Zagier and Bur bank each securing two hits. The race now Is getting very inter esting, as each game won or lost makes a change In the standing of the different teams. Today the Cardinals to win would tie them for second place, and the Tigers are going to try to win also aa they are anxious to climb higher In the per cent column Manager Arnold Certain All! Will Be Ready for Open ing Monday. Dunham's Music House Buy Silver China Buy And buy the finest snamelware In the country at the I X L birthplace of great values. Money saved on every purchase. XL DEPARTMENT STORE ft. It, MICHALOTE, Sol Prop. 1 PATTON AVE. ' PIIOXB 107, R. L SMITH PROMOTED: GOES TO TALLEDEGA Appointed Manager of West era Union Office There, He Leaves Next Week. iftU&OS Robert U Smith, familiarly known to his friends In Asheviile aa "Man Smith, for the past several years con nected with the Asheviile office of the Western Union Telegraph company, today received official announcement that he had been promoted and nam, ed as manager for the Western Union office at Talladega, Ala., a town some 40 miles from Birmingham. Mr. Smith, who has been In efficient charge of the Western Union office at the Auditorium during the session of the General conference of the Meth odist Episcopal church, south, will probably leave to assume the dutlea of his new position either Monday Tuesday. Mrs. Smith will Join her husband in Tallodega later. The many friends of Mr. Smith In Asheviile, while regretting to learn that he Is to leave the city, will never the less extend to him their heartiest congratulations upon his success and promotion. He Is distinctly an Ashe, vlllo boy and during his connection with the local office of the Western Union, as clerk and later as telegraph operator, has won many close personal friends and the; respect and esteem of all those with whom he came in con tact. His friends are fully persuaded that he will "make good ' In his post Hun. VP . V " Seismograph, Record Earthquake, Washington; May 10. Am earth quake which is estimated to have been 5000,, mile from" Washington, was re coraea ty tne seismograpn at Ueorge town university- this morning. BOOKS 50 CENTS Great display of recent fic tion by popular authors, that formerly sold for $1.25 and $1.50. ." , .- - 'v ROGERS' BOOK STORE See West Window" for New Fiction. Phone 254. : SPORTING; GOODS : Baseball -. Goods, Fishing Tackle, Pistols and , Ammuni tion. Trunks and leather goods is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, pistols and anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTEIN 'S PAWN & LOAN OFFICE, 23 South Main St BON BON S And Other Home Made Candies Fresh Daily. CANDY KITCHEN HAYWOOD STREET NEAR flOSTOFFICE REFRIGERATORS From $8.50 to $45.00. ' , ' Best makes. - Beaumont Furniture Co., Phone 1002. 27. S. Main St. L. Blomberg Leads in Imported, Key West and Domestic Cigars, Smokers' Articles aud Sporting Goods. 17 Patton Ave. CRISP CRULLERS are always good and there's none so good ns those from our bakery. Ev erything is good here, much better than you can bake yourself; much better than you can buy anywhere else. : We make It our business to bake the best. If you try our crul lers you will ngreeMhat they are the best. Phono 622 or 381. Asheviile Steam Bakery $4.00 ELECTRIC IRONS. $4.00 ' Ironing today can te a pleasure Instead of unpleasant Work. No more hot kitchens, hot stovt-s, burning of fingers, scorching clothes and running back and forth, putting irons on the stove to heat. The electric Iron gives heat only where necessary and that Is, at the bottom of the iron. We sell them and guarantee them. $4.00 PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. $4.00 Opposite I'oHtofflce. Work on the alrdome of the Ashe- ille Amusement company, at the corner of Haywood and Walnut streets. Is rapidly nearlng an end and touay Manager Arnold of the com pany said that he was certain all would be In readiness for the opening Monday. The entrance to the alr dome Is some IS feet back from the sidewalk line on Haywood street, and between the sidewalk line and the entrance two fountains will send up small sprays while one of the foun tain basins will be the playground of gold fish and the other will be housed" sliver fish. The trees on the outside of the 12-foot galvanized fence and on the Inside will be Il luminated with hundreds of electric lights: the entrance will be well lighted and also the inside of the dome". Comfortable benches will he provided for the patrons of the alrdome and so elevated that all may have a splendid view of the stage which is well raised and commodi ous. Mr. Arnold snld today that he had perfected arrangements for the Keith & Proctor circuit vaudeville and that high class entertainment would be offered the people of Asheviile and the thousands of visitors this sum mer. The bill will be changed once every week. Our BARGAIN DAYS Are beconiina; more popular every Saturday. Last Saturday wo offered Olives and sold 351 quarts or two barrels. nearlv POPl'LAR PRICES AXD GRAND OPERA Continued from Page One. talne." She will se the French dra matist In Paris and later will consult with Mr. Maurice Masterlinck con cerning a ptay which she desires him to m-rlte for her. Miss Nethersole expects to spend part of the summer in the Pyrenees. Selee - ir On Saturday, May 21st "We will sell large Tins (25c size) i t Herring Roe ' u at 9c Per Can As these cans hold 1 1-4 lbs of Hoe, net freight, it will cost only 7c per lb. Where can you get meat at this price? Price case of two dozen, $2.15. Clarence Sawyer rilONES 21 AND ISO. AS1IEVILLE, N. C. Phone 72 FOR PURE ICE Asheviile Ice Co. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 426, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. EL WEAVER. Mgr. '"" mi WE HAVE EXPLORED THE COALFIELDS 1 and know there is no coal ueuer man M&WCOAL. It is clean coal, contain ing over 95 per cent fuel properties." , Phone 40. i Asheviile Coal Co. M X Meat Suggestions for BREAKFAST TINE BROILING ' CHICKENS i W. M. Hill & Co. Phones 4 and 359. City Market, "" Miiiinimtt4 J. E. Carpenter S JEWELER " v3 32 Patton Avenue. Fine Watch Repairing , -a Specialty, , On the road to arrive next week acar load of 'IMPTCHELL'S' MODEL T. 1 50 6 cyl. model S close coupled; 1 10-15 4 cyl.tnodel T, close eeupM. i ua i cyi mouel "It with surrey seat fi , .1 We will be pleased to give you a demonstration on these. Coston Automobile Co. Phone 244. No. 95 and 97 Patton At Negro Hanged at TlioinasTillr, Ga. Thomasvllle, Oa.. May 28. With the Jail guarded by three companies of state militia, Howard Harris, a ne gro convicted of assaulting a' white woman, was hanged today. : Itis Miller-Rice Paint Oo. Laraa Paint tavndreth Seed, imrotina Pharmacy. Chsmhers A Wearer. Urerr. Phone II WANTED Good cook (white), per manent position to the right party. Apply II North Main St It WANTED A housekeeper at the Hotel Gates at Hendersonvllle. N, C. Please do not apply unless you nave had experience. A. A. Oates, Prop'r 17-tf HONEY-t-Certainly as fine as the world produces, is the verdict of i prominent people of the city. De- llclous on r.rmwherrles or loe cream.. Money refunded If not ' pleased. ' C. W. Harmon ft Co. It At The Palace Airdome Lessik & Anita, Marvelous Whirlwind Gun Spinners. Little Silverplume, English Child Vocalist. ' Connors & Connors, Singing, Dancing, Talking. Miss Mabelle Blesser, inCleopatra Dance.'.. When weather not favorable sbowat Palace Theater. Make Ice Cream at Home Use a "Frost King" or White Mountaifi, Triple Mo; tion Freezer. Prices from $1.25 to $15.00. -. Asheviile Hardware Co. . SOUTH PACK SQUARE AND 25 N. MAIN ST. , I mmiimi MMiMiMnniniiiiH Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" FLAVORING EXTRACTS ... Because Best Snn , inniiiiiiiii HMittV s. Sternberg & co. ' ... FOR BALE For Immediate delivery, all kinds of second hand": machinery in first tias condition. , ,,i STEAM BOILERS, ENGINES OP ALL KINDS. ' Pulleys, Hangers, Bearings. Boxes, Shafting, Band Saw Mill com ' plete; Steam Engines and Boilers of all slses and makes; new and second hand Piping,' all slses. . . - ..' . CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ' Purest arid Best Rumford Baking Powder pitiscns Transfer Company ' TCUAH WOODCOCK. Owner. PATTOW AVENCrc. y . Prompt r.-r-jse Transfer Eervice. hvX hi ', , 1iiULlIL t v. a t. and t. r. a. uujjfj TELEPHONE Si' Green Bros.' Furniture: Store 45 Patton Avenue. Couch Hammocks, name as shown above, $6.50 ana up; also "Vudor" Reinforced Hammoclb ut $2.50 and up. GREEN BROTHERS - 'Vudor" Torch Shades. r "