Friday,, June 3, 1910. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. FAQI 17VB n Social r r Happenings Nurses' Graduating Exercises. ' Very attractive was the setting of he Y. M. C. A. stage last evening for he graduating exercises of the nurses f the Mlsston hospital training .chool.. ,Ivy, entertwlned with the vhlte; blossoms of privet, draped the iack of.' the Stage add was brought ilso across the front, forming a veri '.able verdant frame for the group of lursea and -physicians and the' par tclpants in the program. The grad lates, Miss Pearl Gossett, Miss Lottie A'illlams,-: Miss -Allle : Revls and' Miss iJlllan. Sutphjn. wore .their bjue uni orras, white caps and aprons, in iretty contrast to the white of Miss jaxton, the hospital superintendent Across the front of the stage beauti- I'nl rosea were lavishly arranced. Af iter the opening prayer by Dr. Detwl- sr, Haywood Parker delivered an ad toss full of wise counsel and apt 11 iistration, dwelling upon the prlvi ?ges and responsibilities of the fol- owers of,, the noble profession of mrslng. Mrs. O. C. Hamilton's sing' ng was a delightful feature of the irogram. The Scotch song, "The '.and o' Skye" and the simple ballad, Sweet Miss Mary," won an enthusb stic .encore to which Mrs. Hamilton eesponded with "All Through the Jlght," k At her second appearance h the program Mrs. Hamilton sans vlth dramatic ' power, "Elizabeth's 'rayer" from Tannhauser, the first Ime this beautiful selection has been ;lven before an Ashevllle audience, n the nlisence of Mayor' John A. ""ampbell,' an. interesting address was nude by Judge J. D. Murphy. Dr. V. L. Dunn presented the diplomas vttli ' apn'roprlnte " remarks " and Mrs. "emh Coxe decorated the graduates vith fhe class pins with well chosen vords of congratulation. A letter 'mm Dr. Charles Mtqor wot read y Dr. Dunn, speaking with high ira'lse of the scholarship and pro- lclency of the class members; especial ommendatlon was given to Miss Lot is Williams for the unusual exeel (nce of her examination papers. Dr. vlinor's letter and a pearl enameled iln were presented to Miss Williams imld appreciative applause. The Orpheus double quartet sang a group f songs and were enthusiastically en- al ore. i ne program ciosea wun irayer by Rev. G. G. Harley. To- ight the graduating nurses will hav heir reception at the nurse's home rom 8 to 11 o'clock. i If H f' Interesting-,J?xrel.Nc$ at Orange.'- Thbrsduy- morning at Orange street vhool there were 600 pupils and a lumber of visitors, Including Super- ntendent R. J Tighe a,nd Miss Ma nila" Millar.:irsimervisorr of ' writing. issrmbtod if buttons . and silver nedals wfcre' awarded : td 'pupils for roticiency In writing. One of the wo jrl potur awarded for wrlt- ng. was presented, the other having ien wmi by-fPark: avenue -schoofc lloth prizes in spelling were won last term liy Oranue street school; a beau tlful picture of Robert E. Lee was presented as an award in January last and another picture will shortly e given as an award. Eighty awards f merit were also given, .yesterday lor perfect attendance during the last 10 months. Professor Tlghe congrat glinted the school Upon the very high standard attained. The morning's x errlses closed with the singing of "America" and of the Grange street school gong. m n Miss Myrtle Gudger will entertain tomorrow afternoon with a linen shower for Miss Robin Kennett. Pink will be the dainty color scheme used with pink roses symbol of June everywhere displayed In perfumed loveliness. From a huge pink parasol diverted from Its accustomed protec tive office the soft shower will de scent upon the defenceless head of the bride-to-be. The delectable re freshments will carry out the chosen color tone in every detail. Miss Gud iter's guests will be Miss Myrtle Rol Hns, Miss Ruth Brown, Miss Annie I'nlvln, Miss Ilortense Jones, Miss IMh and Miss Eula Arbogaat., Miss Alary Keclhn, Miss Catherine Beadles Miss Ruth Wiley, Miss Kate Nichols Mrs. Thomas Rollins, Mrs. Canie Brown. Mrs. Mark Brown, Mrs. Hen ry Westall. Mrs. J. C. Prltchard and Mrs. V. a Kennett It The operetta "On Plymouth Rock now being rehearsed by the children or the city schools under the dlrefc tlon of Miss May Kimberly and Miss Kathleen Ware, will be given on the evening of Tuesday, June 7, and the afternoon of Wednesday, June 8. at the Auditorium. Ths children have reached delightful state of profi ciency In their sinsmr and actios The costumes are picturesque and very prettily designed. . Reserved seats may now be had at the ' Ashevllle Pharmacy. The special attention of tn cast Is called to tho Saturday af lernoon rehearsal at which every member is requested to be present. mm Rev. W. M. Vines, D. D.. pastor ol me First Baptist church, entertain ea the ushers of the church at the home of Mrs. Wright on college street, lost night. After the business session when Candler Morgan. Rex Duckett and Edward Wright were elected ush ers the guests were served with deli i iWILD R05L Dign French gravQfiniish , -., ' SSi5POONSandF Heavily plated with PURE.5ILVLR on a jSOUDiNICKLL 5ILVE.R base. ES2i WarranKHVL YEARS . , . Compare out Prices, I ARTHUR M.FIE.LD COMPANY - . . Personal Mention, "'News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. clous refreshments. Several lnstru mental selections by Miss Eula Wright during the evening added interest to the , occasion, Among those present were: G. E. Stradley, head usher; Ernest Reed, assistant, head usher; Ernest Davis, Douglas Davis. . Al len' Riddlck, Charles Riddick, i R. R. Fitcnelv-Lee Owenby -and Ceph i Per kinson. W. A: Bryson, one of the reg ular ushers,, could not be present. m - v Miss Elsie Alexander - and Dana Alexander will entertain Tuesday af ternoon, June 7; from 4 to. 6 It will be- a- cherry tree party, the children equipped with buckets will have u cherry picking contest and the win ner will be awarded a prize. The pretty entertainment will be to cele brate the birthdays of the youthful host and hostess which occur June 7 and June 10 respectively. There will be 62 guests. ft ft Mrs. Charles Taylor Rawls enter tained charmingly with a bridge par ty yesterday afternoon at her home in Woolsey The first prize, a sliver mounted talcum box, was won by Miss Grace Jones; the consolation prize was won by Miss Margaret Smith. There were four tables. Tomorrow Mrs Rawls will entertain with a sec ond bridge party; there will be' five tables ft ft The choir of All Souls' church has made arrangements ta, take their an nual vacation at Lake Toxaway this year from June 20-25. Arrangements were closod today With Fred Kent, lessee of Toxaway inn, for the outing. There will be about 25 in the party The last outline was. taken.. two.. yea is ago at -the-lodge on Plsgah.-ri.. , , . - ft ..ft The Friday Book club met thiB, af ternoon at the home, of Mrs E, S, Allis in Chunn's Cove. Swinbourne was the poet studied, with papers b Mrs. Mark Brown and Mrs. J. M. Gudger, jr. ft ft Miss Carrie Schartle entertained her grade, the 1st B of Montford school, with a picnic Thursday after noon. The little people had a merry and memorable afternoon in the woods. ft ft Miss Elizabeth Wagner,' the eight years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wagner, Is seriously Inn with appendicitis at her home on College street. MravW. R. Maguire entertained in formally last .evening at her home on Flint street. ft ft -. Burnett Jordan, will sail this week from Cherbourg' for'EurOpe-Where he will spend 'the Hummer. Mrs1. Jordan, ''ft ft"' Mrs. J. C. Prltchard returned to the city, yesterday, after -R'-yielt to-Rich-mond and Washington, 1 B;j 'SI , "- ,.'-' , Frank E. Ray and B. B. Royal of Hewitts are guests at tho Hotel Berkeley today. ft ft Miss Reba Belle Keener of Colum bia is visiting her uncle, Capt. J. F. Keener, on Bartlett street, - ft ft J. Coleman Ramsey of Marshall Is in the city -... :.' " 1 ft ft- . ' W. F. Smlthdeal of Salisbury Is in the city, staying at the Hotel Berke ley, ft ft Mrs. John Curry has gone to Foun tain City to visit her sister, Mrs. Thomas Stevens. ft ft Captain J. D. Llncbergrr of Shelby, quartermaster and commissary of the First regiment, is in Ashevllle with the Shrlners. ft ft Professor and Mrs, J. C. Patton of Morganton have come to. Ashevllle to make their permanent home and will reside at 271 Haywood street , ft ft " br. and Mrs.'n. F. Campbell have returned from Davidson, where they went to be present at the graduation of their son, RufTner Campbell, ft ft Miss' Pauline Pettit or Greensboro is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Howard Case, 118 Woodfln street. ft ft Charles Sutver of Charlotte is in the city with the visiting Shrlners. ft ft Col. J. T. GarOher of Shelby Is with the Shrlners, ah Ashevllle visitor. ... ft ft Ruffner Campbell has returned from Davidson where he graduated from Davidson- college. ft ft Mrs. George H. Smathera of Way nesvllle Is the guest of Mrs. O. C. Hamilton. INDIAN WINNERS. Why does the INDIAN win ninety nine out of every hundred contests It enters? Its records In speed, t hill climbing, endurance and ecohomj contests year In and year out have demonstrated Its superiority over all makes of machines, both at home and abroad. Call and see the It 10 models. J. M. HEARN & CO., Battery Park PlM-e. Ilione 418. 3 m Mrs. Asbury Barnette has cone to Knoxville for a brief visit. the Misses Jordan; and Gilbert Jordan will continue to 1 occupy Shamrock cottage, Albemarle park, until fall. ,;ft ft .i. W. H. Millard,, who ,has been em ployed as dispatcher by the Southen railway . has bqen. transferred to th position of passenger agent at Atlan ta. , Mrs. Millard will Join him in i few weeks. ft ft Miss Estella Bush ' has returne from a visit to friends and relative, in Columbia, S. C. 1 - i' . M 41-' Mr. and Mrs. d. o. Lawrence am' Miss Frances, Hartsell returned ves terday from a week's stay in the Sap. phlre country. Harry Hartsell wil return this cven(ng from the A. am M. at Raleigh. ,f ' i !- It Miss Rose and Miss Lena Borsi leave shortly for Cincinnati to spent! the summer. ft ft Leo Johnson' is at home from tin University of Pennsylvania, Philadel phia. ft- ft . Robert Renner has returned from u week's fishing trip at Fairfield, in the Sapphire, country. ft ft Gray Boynton of Biltmore left to day for New York where he will be married at Grace church to Miss Dor othy O'Brleu. Returning immediately Mr. and Mrs. Boynton will be at home on All Souls' Crescent, Biltmore. ft ft Miss Bettie Sites will go to Ardcn Sunday and be the guest of Miss May Bernard for a short visit. . - ft ft.. Miss Nancy Clarke of Brevard If visiting in Union. 8. C, to tuke part In the prenuptlalj. entertainments for one of the A. S." A. girls whose wertv dins occurs shortly. An A. S. A. house' party is now assembled In Union and. Miss Arney Robinson is making a brief stay there on her way home from Columbia, S. C.; where she is? p studerftj attho Coflegc or -'Women. Miss Robinson will arrive in the cltv tomorrow. ' r ' '. ' ft ft ' ' Mrs. M. A. Ersklne will leave Mon day for a visit to her former home In Dayton, O. ft ft Miss Louise Mtiller has gone to Waynesville to visit Hiss Lillian Sat terthwalte. ft ft Miss Marguerite Inmann. who has been the guest of Miss Louise Muller on Charlotte street, returned this af ternoon to Turnpike. ft ft Mrs. Eugene B. tilenn and small sons have returned from a visit to Mrs. Glenn's mother, Mrs. V. W'. tAimpkln in Killinn, S. C. ft ft Mrs. Lawrence Young and daugh ters. Julia, Holen and Louise. Mrs. W R. McGulre, Ms Sarah Johnson and Mrs. K. C. Crowell and children pf Acton lert today for Hendersonville t spend ten days with the parents lof the several' ladles,. Mr,, and Mrs. J. P. Johnson, in their old home. ft ft Miss Eugenia Harrison has gone to Jefferson City. Xuu. fuca ..several weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs, Frank Park... . - Jl'UY CHARGED IX DOXKY CASK Argument of CouiihtI to Follow and It Is ExMM-ted Case Will Itcucli Jury Today. St. Louis, June 3. Judge Grimm gave his charge to the jury this morn ing (n the cast of Mrs. Dora E. Doxey, charged with murdering William J. F.rder. After arguments of counsel It is expected the caso will go to tho jury this afternoon. Mistaken for s Burglar; Shot to Death Mlddletown, N. Y., June .1. Mista ken for a burglar, Elmer Frost, a wealthy resident, was shot and killed by a 13 years old boy. COPVBlCnT WHEX YOVR LAMP GOES WROXO throw It out of your window and call yourself lucky. Then come to -us and we will give you pointers on Insurance which will make you luckier still. As a matter of fact, you shouldn't wait until the lamp or gas gets you Into trouble the best time to Insure with us is before the accident occurs. LaBarbe, Moale and Chiles, Real Estate and Insurance. It Patton Ave. Phone 681 ! I I l MM 1' rt- w y K I I i 'M J. E. M. FLOUR is white, pure and wholesome. It niakea the best bread cakes and pastry. 24 pound bags $1.10. .' YATES & McGUIRE, l 23 Haywood St,' To the most exacting and crjtical patrons of 'cafes: .We want you to try our service, if not right we male it right. WATSON'S ,v Ladles' Cafe and Catering Co. '. tt aw ' -rtious nt MYSTIC SHIES CAPTURE THE GIT! : vs . t :-.''V.- v . ' Red-Fezed Host of Invaders Throw Care to the Winds -First Ses sion 4 P.M. STRANGE THINGS TO HAPPEN TONIGHT, BY ALL INDICATIONS A GiMKlly Xuuh r r Candidates, Mo-i of Fneiii Labeled or Tagged, to Be Seen. This city, noted for its resort and convention features, Is again enter taining. Today it is doing honor to the members of Oasis temple, Order of The Mystic Khrine of North Caro lina. The red"ft".es are in evidence everywhere, while ihe Battery Park hotel has been turned over to them. As the Nobles arrived they registered their names nud any "fresh meat'' they may have chanced to bring along, with N. Buckner at the Battery Pari; hotel. Each Noble was then present ed a souvenir pin. in the shape, of a reen leaf, upon which was stamped in gold, a replica of the Shriner's badge, and "Ashcville. X. C, Juno, 1910." The llrst ceremonial session will be held in the Auditorium this afternoon at 4 o'elock-.t .Intermission for dinner will be taken'tit (i::;o. and the Nobles and. "candidates" will reassemble -at it o'clock for the concluding session. The ladies will 1 e entertained at the Battery Park while the ceremonial session is in progress. Following the Cftremonla I session the Nobles will assemble at the hotel for "refresh ments" and a social hour ofter the long and weary journey across the desert sands. The Shrlners today threw cares to the wind" and had one good time. Considerable amusement was furnish ed at the expense of the candidates who were labe'"l and tagged, with many ridiculous sign. Among Those lYcsent. Among those who are here for the ceremonial session are Past Potentate J. L. Ludlow of Winston. Past Poten tate Walter S, Liddetl of Charlotte, Past Potentate. !?. 8. ltelnhart of Lln colnton, fyndmt Potentate W, F. Randolph of Ashcville and Potentate H. A. Murrlll of Charlotte. The official divan for 1910 includes II. A. Murrlll, Illustrious potentate; A. J. Crnmpton,. illustrious chief ' rab bon; J. F. Bnm. illustrious assistant rubhan: O. !y Spencer, high priest and prophet; Dr. (.'. P. Ambler, orien tal guide; George A. Page, Illustrious treasurer; T. S. Franklin, Illustrious recorder; J. I Dahbs, first ceremonial toaster; ll yyJajnith.econd ceremo nial master; JB. TtWtnr, marshal; S. II. Greene, captain of the guard; It. II.. Bradley, puter guard; it. B. V. Jones, assistant" ''outer' guard; A. K. McL'ausland. alchemist; T. E. Austin, electrician: Harvey M. Day, master of ceremonies; Prof. R. L. Keesler, or ganist; J. o. Walker, captain of the natrol; Wulter S. , Liddell, director. The representatives to the imperial council are Walter S. Liddell, . S. Rclnhurdt, T-,,C. Linn and J. H. GrlggF. u' ' Muny of the Ladies Came. A number of the Shrmtrs have brought their wives along for a trip to the "Lind pf the Sky." Among those who arc, at the Battery Park hotel arc: A. Borden of Shelby. Mrs Fred K. Montgomery und Mrs. ('. V Beuuchuinp of. Shelby, George 1) Boyd of Charlotte. S. L Stringliehl of Waynesville, W. S. Forsytli of Murphy Col. J. L. Ludlow of Winston, A. 1 Coffin of Crcensboro, Mr. und .Mrs. It P. Noble, Miss Annie Noble and W M. Richardson, jr., of SelmH. Ken neth Gaut of Burlington, Frank Wine NEW STERLING SILVER ' " PAitERrv' A chaste and elegant , design. Plain graceful lines ally ay In (rood taste. Can be supplied In all weights and at the clos est price. I '. J. H. LAW, 'I Patton At. Phone 221, 970. FOR SALE. eplen5ldlni foora house, fine lot, 120x300 fwt Pleannt. ihady, with extra fine outlook, coat $7500; for early sale I) ISO will buy. On paved treet -' f NATT ATKINSON'S SONS corirAinr, Men's Oris Oxfords Bettor Men's Oxfords Hum ours liave yet to lie iiuidc, bet ter shoe niakino- for the .ju ices was never conceived. Pay ns $3.50, $4 or $.) and you'll jet the best Men's Shoes to lie found anywhere. You have experienced men 1o do your fitting here. You pay cash and get your shoos cheaper. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoeists. On the Sq ske, D. J. Craig, S. V. Scott of High Point. R. 13. Peters of Charlotte, Mr. ami .Mrs. C. K. Thompson, Miss Lau'a Bartlett, J. Kenyon W ilson of Eliza beth City, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hall of Norfolk, Charles II. (lytner of Hickory, Mr. and Mrs. J. TV Mallard and daughter of Monroe, A. J. Cramp ton of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Murrill of Charlotte, J. L Martin and W. J. Hogue of North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Gardner and J. t. I.inehergcr of Shelby. F. M. Roberts, I II. W. Simpson, Cieorg:? Hurst, W. II. N'cNon. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Uhem. .Mrs. K. I.. Spencer, of New Hern. .Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Shields of Lincolnton ; George II. Greason, J. V. Higher of llalcigh. W. 1). Hutchinson. A. .1. Gcmayal. T. T. Barker. K. C. Coli. hl. uid J. A. Hutchinson of S..ilsbuiv, I.. H. Patterson and two Indus of Patten Springs. Mr. and .Mrs. J. K. Smith of Spencer, Mr. Pethel and Miss liuth Pethel and Miss Pcsslc Stanshury of Sptneer: II. II. McGill. W. II. Gavden. W. .1. Conway of South Carolina, W. L. WiUioele of Charlotte, J. Howard Norwood or Gastonia, Dr. C. 1',. Cotton of Black Mountain, W. 1 1. Woodbury of Murphy J. K. Doisett of Spencer. J. E. Mellwaine of Charlotte, G. i I. Walker of Gi a-usboro, N. R. Bnymtrd of Charlotte. K. O. Jennings and J. H. House of North Carolina, J. Bailey Owen of Henderson,. Thomas B. Wbit ted, Fred II.' While, Walter K'. Clark. Thomas H. Ross of Charlotte, J. (i. White of Gastonia. T. II. Rohlnsoii of Dallas, Hal. M. Worth and Dr. II. II. Hialt of Ashchoro, C. M. Sclwr. W. G. Rogers, (). B. Rifbinsoii, L D. Southeilln, Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Reln hardt, -Miss Lena lt alnhartlt. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Itelnhardt of Lincoln ton. Bear Admiral Dillingham Retires. Washington, Juno 3. Rear Ad miral Albert C. Dillingham, a member of the naval executive und retiring boards, was placed on the retired list today on account of age. Admiral Dillingham had a brilliant record in the civil ami Spanish-American wars, and is known as the champion of the enlisted men in the navy, being really the father of the present law which provides a retired list for them. Coldest June Day In Seven Years. Chicago, June a. Yesterday was the coldest June day Chicago has ex perienced In seven years. The ther mometer fell to 4:i degrees above Kero. John Kmcrson, one of the dramatic slage directors of Ihe Shubeits, sail ed for Kngland the othur day to In spect a number of new plays in Klig land and on the continent. Whllo In Germany be will confer with Mariet ta Oily on a new play for her Use next season. Excursion from Aslievilli lit Bristol. Tuesday, June 'III. 21 hours in Bris tol. Bound trip S:l.OO. 97-M OKRA SEED For , proper germination Okra seed should lie planted only when ground gets warm. One ounce will bow 30 feet of drill. We can supply the White Velvet, Tall and Dwarf Green and Knockley's Favorite. "Ev erything In Drugs and Beeds." GRANT'S PHARMACY, "Agency for Wood's Seed SOROSIS DULL KID PUMPS AND OXFORDS Are very much mora comfortable than any serviceable leather made. We have quite a few customers who wear this leather and are very much pleas ed. Try one pair for comfort. .-. Boston Shoe Store Fine Clothing Fashionable Cloths Newest Shapes. .... .Superb Fits Excellent as to wear. vTROUSE 6i BROS All Wool Suits as low as $7.50 and going up to $28.50. The assortment will please you mo are sure and vtc tan promptly lit nine out or every leu cullers, l iulcnvear. Hall' lloi-e ltcl Haven, llolajii-oor and oilier good makes) hilk lluir Hose, a rich assort ment of ScHii's. a great vuilety of l ine Shirts. Men's Pumps and Oxfords. Panama Hats hud Straw Hats below t!:e market. Su-Ihoii Derby lluls and Scd't Hats. Kt: See our Ladies' .Wash Suits ami An to Coats; tlicy are tcmptintr, nariiionts, trustworthy for wear, well fitting and reasonable. H. Redwood & Co. JUNE WEDDINGS Orders for Invitations and announcements for .Tune Weddings' should be placed llil week. I t us tdiow you samjdes br correctly engraved Invitations and quote you prices on game. '' HacKney 5 Moale Co. Leading Stationers. BM YOU CAN BUY High Grade Pianos on luontjily installments of $6.00 to $13.00 at FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE, Telephone 20G.. . Asheville, N. C. 25 and 35 CENTS A POUND. For very fine quality correspon dence paper. Also box paper 27t cents a pound. Mountain City Stationery Co. 23 Puttou Ave. J. Howard Cnse. Fine Jellico Coal The Ideul fuel. It's liot. JELLICO COAL CO. 3, B, SHOPE, Manager. City oflice plione 1128. Yard phone SB) Special prices on car lota. That word .to tho wise is advertise. , , , MUHnillMIIMMHmi THE SUPERLATIVE degree Is the one thut adequately de scribes OUR coal. You'll agree with us In the fact that It's the BEST coal mined after you try It. You act wisely If when you buy you buy from us. Southern Coal Company ; Offlr 14 North rack Bqnara. : rbone Hi. . jjira .A On the Square. '-vsl Gayety Theater GARDNER AND MATHOT, Present Farce Comedy, Kose's Fiance. Coupon good for one drink Xova-Kola given with every ticket sold this week. CADILLACS and everything In automobile line. Western Carolina Auto. Co. Lexington and Walnut Phone 890. EAT GOOD FOOD Our supper meals changed dully; special dishes also changed duliy. Eat at our cafe. . i THE CENTRAL CAFE : Regular Meals S5o each. (Sunday dlp.ner JOc.) Special attention to or ders sent out, which will be wlthmn extra charge. f 1.15 Meul Tbkcts for 1 1.00; fV r l 00; $VE0 f r Jl f 1. s SMI.

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