Friday, June 3, 1910. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. PAGE SEVElf WANTS IT la useless for anyone to call at this office in an endeavor to' find out the name of advertiser. Those who advertise under an Initial or nom de plume do not wish their names to be inade public, and they cannot be di vulged at this office. "HELP WANTED. I MADE $60,000 in five years in the Mall Order Business and began with only a few dollars. There are unur sual opportunities for making mon ey today, and It is not difficult to begin. If you have even a small cap ital and want to start a mall order business of your own, send for my free booklet It tells how to make money. Address, Publisher, The Mall Order World, Box 1609, Lock port, N. T. CjQAR SALESMEN WANTED Ex perience unnecessary. Bell our brands to the retail trade. Big pay. Write for full particulars at once. Globe Cigar Co., Cleveland, O. 16-100t. WANTED A lady not over 30 nor under 20 years old to call on house wives in Ashevllle in interest of ridden Sun Coffee. Can see you Saturday eve. Address A. D. HiiKheB, City. 8-2t FOR SALE. 8F.VF.RAL VEHICLES of the Lasater bankrupt stock for sale at Patton & Sllkeleather's stables. tf FOR SALE A fuH course scholar ship In the Emanuel Business Col lege. Enquire at Oaiette-Newa of fice, tf FOR SALE New 7-room house close n, all modern Improvements, $2600. Forbes & Campbell, 62 Patton ave nue. Phone 268. 97-tf FOR SALE 60,000 feet galvanized pipe as follows, per hundred feet: V4 In. $4.00, K in. $4.60, 1 In. $6.60, 14 In. $9.fSP, ltt In. $10.90, 2 In. $14.50. Ball, Thrash tc Co., No. 7 and 9 East College street, Ashevllle, N. C. FOR SALE Four "No. 1" desirable building lots In Canton, N. C. This property enhancing In value every day. Apply to Jeffress ft Co., Can tou, N. C. Sl-tf. FOR SALE 100,000 ft. new black and galvanized pipe. Send us your Inquiries and orders, and receive the advantage of very low prices. Largest stock of Mill Supplies in western Carolina. Saws, Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, Pack ings, Hose, Pipe Fitters' and Ma chinists' Tools. Ashevllle Supply ft Foundry Co., Market and Eagle Streets. 'Phone 166. tf FOR SALE 12 two room cottages, 12 vacant lots, for $8000. F. P. Ingle, room , Revell Bldg. 77-tf FOR SALE First class horse and buggy at bargain. Apply 43 Patton avenue. 95-tf FOR SALE One lot, very near an acre, 10 room house, all modern conveniences, at Grove Park, 392 Charlotte, at a bargain. Phone 350 or call at 392 Charlotte St. 96-tf i-OR SALE An upright piano In Rood condition, good hargaln, par ties leaving town. Phone 1448. 98-3t FOR SAI.K A lot In good location at a big bargain; terms. Address C. Merrill. Hex 164. WANTED. WANTED Ladies' Dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McQinness, 21 South Main street 132-tf WANTED TO BUTA econd-hand Camera, kodak or Brownie. Carl ton W. Capell, at this office, tf WANTED Position as a traveling salesman. Been two years on the road. For reference apply at Ashe vllle Qaaette-News office. Address "H." care Gaiette-News. It-tf WANTED Your Notary publlo work. Phone . Jas. W. Albright 86-tf PATENTS procured, also sold on commission Positively no advance fee. Patent Exchange, Jenifer Building, Washington, D. C. sS-tf WANTED A few piano pupils, es pecinlly beginners, after June 10; very moderate terms. Miss Viola Ownbey, No. a Merrlmon Place. . 8l-26t WANTED A few boarders in quiet private family. Ten minutes walk from Blltmors car line. Beautifully located, with all modern conven iences. Phons 1168.. ., 81-361 WANTED You to see our "Royal Brown" Postals something new. Hlggason Studio, Llndsey's old stand, over the Qayety theater. .! -,'.. 4 j7-tf. WANTED Gentlemen with knowl edge of One tailoring and all wool fabrics to examine my line of im ported and domestic woolens and get measured for suit today. Tail oring will be of the highest grade or money not mine. J. C. Wllbar. fine tailoring, on the Square. Phone 889. POR RENT. ma NICEST Furnished Rooms In Ashevllle for light housekeeping; Sink In kltchln. tu and alactrlr lights, it Btarnes avenue. tf POR RENT Four furnished room for light housekeeping. Will rent singly if desired. Modern conven iences. Three doors from Montford avenue car line. Rent reasonable Mrs. G. M. Mathls, SI Bearden ave. nu. Il-tt 'OR RENT room ottage near la. all modern conveniences, fine gar den, lias not been' occupied by SnV ntim stf.k f, a nr.lbk. .carl WANTS FOR RENT Wfth board," a desirable ' suite with bath, at the Carralton, 79 Asheland avenue. 86-tf FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping; well ventilated; modern conveni ences. Apply at Palais Royal Co.. S South Main street tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or light housekeeping, block from Auditorium. (6 Haywood street v 78-tf FOR RENT Very desirable offices and sleeping rooms in Library building,' every convenience. D. S. Watson, Agt 67-eod-tf MISCELLANEOUS. WIRE AND IRON FENCING Now is the time to get your fences built so as to avoid the spring and sum mer rush. Office in Oates building, first floor. Phone 818. M. A. Creasman & Son. 20-tf. SPECIAL A 100-pIece Dinner Set for $12.50, at The Ashevllle China Co., 6 N. Pack Sq. Phone 381. tf RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED By our cleaning machine in a thor ough manner at reasonable cost Phone 228. Ashevllle Carpet House. 270-tf OFFICE ROOMS Three nice con necting office rooms for rent. Sec ond floor over Kress' store. Light, heat, water and janitor service. See T. J. Harklns. 75-tf H. D. DAVIS & CO., Painters. No. 39 South Main street. Phone 695. Do kalsomlnlng, paper hanging and all kinds of painting. 78-lm DIVORCE LAWS OF NEVADA, and other states free on request. F. B Fuller, Qoldfleld, Nevada. 80-lm ALL KINDS HAIR GOODS, made from combings; braids, switches, puffs, curls, etc, reasonable prices. Emma Hurdz, 37 Seney street Phone 1117. 83-26t HAVE you a camera or kodak you do not have any use for and want to sell? See Carlton W. Capell, at the Gazette-News. tf INDIAN MOTORCYCLES make good everywhere; the strongest, fastest and most economical motorcycle In the world. Let us show you. J. M. Hearn ft Co., Battery Park Place. Phone 448. IIATTIE FOX, Fortune Teller, cor ner Woodfln St. and Central Ave., up stairs. Can change your luck. Tells the truth always. 94-6t 1 LOW COST INSURANCE Join the Woodmen of the World. Spe cial S0-day rate. Class Initiation $2.00. For application blanks sec G. L. Herman, Clerk, 37 South Lib erty street, or at The Inland Press. ,', -t --'!...- . i .97-26t TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Four teen years' experience repairing all mnkes of typewriters, together with the largest and best equipped re pair shop In the state, surely places us In the "know how" class. Parts for all standard make of machines, ribbons and carbon papers. J. M. Hearn & Co., Battery Park Place, Phone 448. BOARDING. ROCK LEDGE, 68 Haywood street, 18 ' rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, no con sumptives taken. Mrs. P. J. Cor ooraa, prop. BON AIR, t( Asheland avenue, close to center of city, on car line, ex cellent table. Rates 88.00 to 818 00 per week. No consumptives taken Mrs. J. L. Rich and Miss Boyce, proprs. 81-tf. WANTED Boarders at 46 N. French Broad avenue. Special rates to per manent people and table boarders. Mrs. W. K. Merrick. 93-26t EGGS FOR HATCHING. ROSE COMB RHODE ISLAND RED Egg from prize winning atock SS.00 letting. Eggs from br 1 to lay atock $1.60 a setting. Agent for Chaa. K. Cyphers, Prairie State and Mandy Lee Incubators, Brood ers and Universal Hover, "Kant Klog" Sprayers. Crescent Poultry Tarda, 111 Charlotte Street. Pbona lOlt. . , . tf MT BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS are money makers; they are equal ed by few, excelled by none; you can win In hot competition If you buy ergs of me. E. R. Frady, R. F. IX No. I, Ashevllle. N. C MtmUMMHMIMIIIH I have just accepted the agency for Gillie's FINEST OBTAINABLE Coffees I will be glad to have X the old . customers for X this coffee call phone 31. X G.D. Allison ! Nos. 217 and 219 Merri- ' mon Avenue. MMM IIIMMMMi . FOR RENT. - Unfurnished, a fine modern board ing house, steam heated. On car. line, 14 rooms. One of the best . In the city. - ' '.v The Canaday Realty Co., rhoua 7. , , Oatee Bldg. 1 THE JJLRKETS 1 The Leading Stocks on New . York Exchange Cotton A Market Quotations. tfttKXKtKltKXKt New York, June . Higher London prices this morning brought response in the opening here, where advances were general. Trading was moder ately active. The tone was much quieter than for several days. ,' The stock market was narrower than on previous days, and more sub ject to the operations of the profes sionals. Before noon declines became somewhat precipitated. Bonds easy. Another wave of liquidation swept over the market, under which prices crumbled away In a sensational man ner. Union Pacific. Reading and United States Steel fell precipitatedly and the whole market was without support. The market became rather demoral ized and losses of three points and upwards were numerous. STOCKS. Open. Close. U. S. Steel 79 and 79 76 Union Pac, ex div 175 168 Reading 155 156 Amalgamated Copper ... 67 63 Atlantic Coast Line 117 Southern Railway 26 25 Southern Railway pfd... 61 59 St. Paul 129 126 Southern Pacific 121 117 Erie 26 25 Pennsylvania 131 129 American Smelting 76 73 Rnltimore & Ohio 112 111 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 74 76 Canadian Pacific 196 193 Gt. Northern pfd . 131 128 Illinois Central 130 Louisville & Nashville N. Y. Central 116 139 113 115 65 U. S. Steel pfd 116 Missouri Pacific 67 Atchison .'104 102 National I .end 74 72 34 Colorado Fuel & Iron ... 35 Chesapeake & Ohio . 83 80 38 Mo., Kans. & Tex 39 Norfolk & Western 100 98 Rock Island 41 Rock Isltind pfd 86 39 85 Wabash 18 Wabash pfd 42 40 American Locomotive 40 People s Gas 103 Northern Pacific 126 122 Ti NEW YORK COTTON. Open. Close. July 14.54 14.79 August 14.06 14.38 September 13.02 13.17 October 12.36 12.37 December 12.20 12.20 Spot 14.90. A Dentist's Epitaph. Epitaphs are often grim, but seldom grimmer tbau the following humorous couplet ou a dentist's grave: 8tranger, approach this tomb with grav ity; John Brown 1b tilling his last cavity. London Globe. Lav.ttar and ftcta I. in !': It is Written That laundry work done the Nichols-Way Is best In Ashevllle and the praise is well merited. We wash and iron the daintiest lin ens In a most careful manner, and without injury. A first visit make you our tomcr. package regular will cus- Asheville Laundry. J. A. NICHOLS. Manager PHONE 95. FOR SALE. Second hand 1 email cook stock, 1' 1900 washer, 1 garden fork, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 t gal. Oil can, 1 axe. 1 electric iron, 1 Zonophone and rec ords, etc. All half price. B. T. TILLER, 13 N. Main St. FINE CABINET WORE. We have recently added new and up-to-date machinery which will en able ua to do more and better work In our cabinet department. We make a specialty of reflnlshlng all klnda of Hardwood. - - - . HAVNER & KISER, - The Old Time Furniture Shop, . No. 6T N. Main St. Plione 1071. Livery at i Weaverville For my friend, the drummer, take car to Weaverville and get Hauk or Buggy from me for your trips. My table endorsed by U. C, t.'s and T P. A.'s. - Located opposite depot Phone JC and- engage teams.. , ., W. BI. REAGAN, . ' i . .Weaverville, N. & GOOD INVESTMENTS -.-. 8ee them. - ' 7- rofem new Modem. Hiuse,..,.$)lT00 t-room new Modern House. .. ..$1800 t-room new Modern House 12300 8 - room new Modern House, Orange stru.t... 00 S-room Modern Cottage, new ..$2200 All these placea well located. Pe them for bargalna . ' DONNAHOE & BLEDSOE Real Estate. Phone , Bead BWg. ATHLETICS LOSE 10 MQUNTfllNEERS A Good Sized Crowd, Notwithstanding the Unfavorable Weather, Witness ed Game Score 7 to 4. Notwithstanding the disagreeable weather conditions yesterday after noon a crowd of between 200 and 300 witnessed the ball game between the Mountaineers" and Ashevllle Ath letics at Riverside park when the Mountaineers" took their opponents into camp by a score of 7 to 4. This score came as a bit of surprise to those witnessing the game. For the first six innings it looked as though the Athletics had things all their own way. They smashed the ball over the diamond and the outer garden and piled up four' runs while the "Moun taineers," hitting the ball rather free ly, were unable to score more than two runs in the six Innings. In the seventh the "Mountaineers" made an other tally but tnen the score was against them by one run. The eighth resulted in a goose-egg for the Ath letics while the "Mountaineers" don ned their batting clothes and drove the horsehlde Into the far gardens for one and two bases and piled up a total of four runs, giving them the game by a score of 7 to 4, the Ath letics in the ninth being unable to add to their four runs. The line-up for the two teams was as follows: Athletics: Ed. Brown, lh., Crisp, of., Gudger, p., Mcl.ain, c, Hllf, ss. Allport, If., H. Brown, 2h., Orr, 3b., Coleman, rf. Mountaineers: Johnson, lb., Holt, 3b, Gilmore, c, Woodward, If., Thrasher, cf., Hunter, ss., Burnett, rf., Watson and Spry, 2b., AVIllet, p. The score by innings was as fol lows: R. H. E. Athletics ... 103 000 0004 7 6 Mountaineers . 100 001 14x 7 6 1 Struck out: By Willet 5, by Gudger 5. Two-base hits: Gudger, McLnln. Johnson and Thrasher. Double plays, Orr to Ed Brown; Hill to Kd Brown. First base on balls: Off Willet 0; Gud ger 3. REAOSJLL RIGHT The Postoffice Receipts and Other Evi dences Show That Last Month Was Asheville's Beat May. ' T Asheville's trade barometer the re ceipts at the postoffice shows thiit liuHintss conditions In the city are im proving steadily. During May, 1910, the receipts from the sale of slumps and stamped envelopes, a':d newspa per postage, amounted to (6429.30, while the preceding May the sales were $5319.16, making an Increase of (1110.14. or a gain of 20.8 per cent. The pust May was by far the best In the history of the local office. All records for sale of stamps in one day was broken Tuesday when the sales amounted to $876. The Glen Rock station, near the passenger depot, which was estab lished about six months ago, is show ing up splendidly and more than paying the expense of operation. H is a great convenience to the busi ness houses In that section and a num ber of residents especially In receiv ing and dispatching mail. In this connection It may he noted that the past May was by far the best May from a business standpoint per haps the city has ever had. For al most three weeks there was a large crowd of Methodists here attending the general conference of the Metho dist church and it Is estimated that they spent more than $200,000 while here. June is starting off splendidly and should also he a record breaker. DAY TO BE SUNDAY. JULY 3 i . V - It Ir Expected Attendance' at the First Baptist Sunday School That Day Will Be 1200. Recently the First Baptist church Kunrtuy school Inaugurated "overflow day" when the 1000 mark was aet for attendance. The day was a great success: men and women, children and infants in arms were present and the total attendance figured up more than 1000. Now the Sunday school Is prepar ing for "mothere and fathers" day. The first Sunday in July, which hap pens to be July 3, is fixed as the date and the Sunday school officers and worker have set 1200 aa the high water mark. It is purposed having every child and every mother and ev ery father of the church present on July i, and thua make the day the greatest In the history of the Sunday school. The First Baptist Church ' Sunday school l now the second largest in the state. The attendance has grown constantly during the past year and it la confidently believed that, before the close of the year 110 there will be enrolled In the Sunday school not less than 1500, , , PLUMBING COUNSEL Talk oyer your building plan with us and get. bur estimate on your plumbing. ' . UNION PLUMBING; CO. II.OJi. Hi. It N, Main SU TRADE BAROMETER HIDDEN DANGERS. Nature ' Gives Timely Warnings That .No Ashevllle Citizen Can Afford to Ignore. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 comes from the kidney secretions. They will warn you when the kidneys are sick. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick, red, III- smelling urine, full of sediment and Irregular of passage. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2 comes from the back. Back pains, dull and heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and warn you of the ap- proacn or dropsy, diabetes and Blight's disease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them per manently. Here's Ashevllle proof: James C. Cleer, Lenoir Street, Mor ganton, N. C, says: "I used Doan's Kidney Pills and the results were so satisfactory that I have no hesitation in recommending them. Some months ago I began to suffer from a soreness across my kidneys and at times the kidney secretions were unnatural. I at length procured Doan's Kidney Pills and used them in accordance with the directions. In a short time I felt a great deal better and I continued tak ing this remedy until I was rid of every symptom of kidney trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and American Woman's League certif icates will be accepted on NEW sub scriptions only, to The Oazette-News. BANKRUPT SALE. United States District Court. Filed May 111, 1910, 4 p. m. W. S. II YAMS, Clerk. United States of America, Western District of North Carolina, ss. In the United States District Court in and for Said District. Ashevllle Division. In the Matter of G. W. Seay, Bank rupt, No. 140, in Bankruptcy. Pe tition for Discharge. To the Honorable James E. Boyd, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Western Dis trict of North Carolina. O. W. Seay, of Otto, in the County of Macon and State of North Carolinn, in said district, respectfully represents that on the 12th day of March, 1910, last past he was duly adjudged bank rupt under the act of Congress relat ing to bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all his property and rights of property, and has fully complied with all the requirements of said acts and of the orders of the Court touch ing his bankruptcy. Wherefore he prays that he may be decreed by the Court to have a full discharge from all debts provable ngainst his estate under said bank ruptcy acts, except such debts as are exempt by laws from such discharge. Dated this :11st dnv of May, A. D. 1910. G. W. SEAY, Bankrupt. Per R. D. Sink, Attorney. Order of Notice- Thereon. Western District of North Carolinn, County of Buncombe, ss. On this 1st day of June, A. D. 1910, on rending the foregoing petition it Is Ordered hy the Court, that a hear ing be had upon the same on the l(tth day of June, A. D., 1910. before F. W. Thomas, referee of said court, at Ashevllle, In said district, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon; and thnt notice thereof be published In The Gasette News, a newspaper printed in said district, and that all known creditors and other persons In Interest may ap pear nt the said time and place and show cause. If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not he granted. And it is further ordered by the Court, thnt the clerk shall send by mall to all known creditors copies of iald petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as stated. Witness the Honorable James E. Boyd, Juilge of the said Court, anil the seal thereof, nt Ashevllle, In said district, on the llrst day of June, A. 1). 1910. Attest: W. 8. IIYAMS, (Seal of Courtl Clerk. A true copy. Test Clerk. Our House W. C. HALL, Prop. BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. O. Hates $1 per day Located at Union station. HOTEL ENTELLA BKYSOX C1TV. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. Bates $1 per day. Spe cial rate by the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot Liv ery in connection. W. W. ALMA WHEELER. Propra AETHELWOLD HOTEL Under New Management, Bit KV A III), North Carolina. An Ideal winter and summer resort. Special rates by week or month. Open all. the year. Altitude 2250 feet. T.D.ENGLAND, Proprietor. WEST'S HOTEL, Weaverville, N. C. Newly built and equipped, is now ready for summer visitor!, and trav eling men. Special rate by week or months. We own our own dairy, chicken ranch and garden, thereby giving you everything fresh and good, Write for rate. MflTrt. .ST. DENIS' BROADWAY and UTH STREET IwtttilS fn'Am'tt T!wrr Foist of kOTKD FOR 1 F.twll'Bw o CaUlo.Oo I it mimitM' wait ei unonmni uiiir n. let Md lloawUk Kmrvualiiift. ROOUSS 1.00 PER DAY AND UP: EUROPEAN PLAN, r Tabls d'Hota Breakfast SOe.1 WM.TAYLORii80N,lnc. ... Morn, KiAitTiwiar,,.,, Hotels and Boarding Houses Battery Park Hotel fc ASHEVILLE, N. O. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. j (Famous Everywhere. ! nUP 11 Albemarle Park. Ashevllle, N. C. AN EXCLUSIVE INN Accommodations equal to the best hotels in the South. Rates, (19.00 per week and upward. Golf links of the Ashevllle country club offer splendid golfing facilities. Regular schedule of weekly tournaments. A first class golf course which Is sure to please. For further information address, ALBEMARLE FARE CO., M MM tM til THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL OP WAYNESVILLE, N. C. MRS. SALLIE Open the Year Round. VICTORIA INN ASHEVILLE, N. C. This famous resort is now open to tlie public, under new management. Every room is an outside roonv, large, well ventilated, and elegantly furnished. The service will be the very best, and everything will be done for the comfort and convenience of the guests. Kates to conventions. FRANKLIN HOTEL BREVARD, N. C. In the center of the beautiful Sapphire Country. Now ready and watting for the Florida tourists on their return. Fishing and driving la line. Kates $2.&0 up. T. W. WITITMIRE, Prop. THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE Family and Transient Hotel Ratis $2.50 a day and upward. Frank Loaghran, Owner and Prop. Hotel Kennibre WAYNESVILLE, N. C, Open Throughout the Tear'. . " STBICTLY HIGH CLASS SERVICE ALWAYS. L CHEROKEE Open throughout the year., date. H. C. B ARDIN, Prop. Fairfield Inn On Ijike Fairfield, Sapphire, K. C in COr.N'TKT, among the mountains of under the same management as last year, on June 15. Fishing free to guests. Music, tennis, bowling, boating. 75 miles trout stream Fiv,.ui. lent cuisine. Klevution 3250 feet, always cool. FOR HEALTH AND PLEASURE THE BEAUTIITL HAYWOOD WHITE SVLVIU'R SPRINGS HOTEL "The Land of the Sky." aynesville, N. C. Altitude 2,850 'feet. On the Southern railway, one hour from Ashevllle. Capacity 250. io consumptives, not and Cold Tennis. Special attention to Mountuln rates. For Information address LYNN HAHN, Manager. (Formerly Manager of fCenilworth Inn, Ashevllle.) Immunity from Hay Fever! EAGLES NEST Altitude 5050 feet, 1-2 mile higher than Asheville. Scenery grand and beautiful beyond description, simply unequalled. Air and water unmirn.iM. ed. Hotel modern. clean and cozy; an Wayne Pleasantly Situated on Main Street. All Outside Rooms. ' Winter Season Dunham House, St. Augustine, Flort'ln. DUNHAM HOUSE MRS. D. I DUNHAM. Proprietress. High-class boarding house, modern In every respect. Rates $1.50 to $2.00 per day; $7 to $12 per week. Waynesville, N. C. The Catawba OLD FORT, W. O. L. B. MOORB. Proprietor. Transient and Commercial Patron age Bnllrlts. Central Hotel Canton, N. C. I. M. SHOOK, Proprietor. Hot and cold baths, electrlo lights telephone. Free aample room. Rata $1.00 per day; special br : HEMMING HOTEL, R. T. MADDEN, Manager) , Marion, N. C Rate 11.00 per day. Recently re painted Insld and out, re-arranged. thoroughly renovated, and otherwise greatly Improved, maklug It on of the beat hotels along the line. Free Sample Rooms, Hot and Cold Baths, Electrlo Light, and other modern eomforta and convenience. . Frea bus maeta all train. MONTFORD COTTAGE tot MoMiwd Ava. pinhd io8. Elegant, home-Ilk and refined. Centrally located. Cuisine the beat Transient and table boarder ao commodated. MODERATE. RATLS. A VTAT) I ASHEVILLE, N. C. I E. CORY, Proprietress. reasonable. Special rates Respectfully, M. K. Z IN DEL C, II. anrtJMKS. L.W. KNIGHT. .INN..$Mr Every thins: new and un-to- THE fEA HTIFITT. Sappiiipr western North Carolinn. will own H. It. UOBKRTSOX, Mgr. Sulphur Baths. Music. Bowline and Parties. Special party and famllv Ideal resort. See folder. S. C. SATTEKTHWAIT. Propr. svllle, N. C, or Eagle.s Nest, N. C. Richelieu Hotel 20 North French Broad Ave. Up-to-date family hotel. $7 to $15 per week. Excellent table. Phone 1430. Jarrett Springs Hotel, R. F. JARRETT, Manager. Dillsboro, N. C. Rates $2 per day. Hot and Cold Baths. Large. Sample Room Free. Best of Service. Commercial and . Tourist Resort, lately Remodeled and Improved. Spe cial Rate by Week or Month. Hotel Gates j Hendersonviile, N 0. ", Open Throughout the . Tear. Commercial and Tourist Rates 12.53 per day tzl tp. A. A. C TT", Tr: 31 .v.- V M U .-- Yd HO MM -?( 7