THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. j Friday, June 3. 1910. PAGE EIGHT . 1 4 Coal for Kitchen Range Should be ALL coal. When you cook with M. & V. Indian coal you get perfect ami reg ular in your range. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company 1 MONTHS FROSTY II THE YEAR 1835 There Wis Frost in Every Month of Last Haltey's Comet Year With Exception of July. CROPS' GROWTH WAS MEAGER AND THE PEOPLE SUFFERED Ferndell Salad Dressing is acknowledged unsurpassed, ev ery Ingredient is the finest to be' hH.I. Kkk are v.i ndled" to insure absolute ireshness. olive oil of th.- first pressing is i,S' d exclusively. Mustard la imported irom Kngland. Small size l.oltles 10c Medium siz.- Lotties I'.'x- 1-argc size l.ottbs 10c Gallon Jugs S-'4" E. C. JARRETT Phones 35S or 192. Fine Groceries, Vegeta bles and Fruits. 12 North Track Square and City Market. Phone 473. The Visit or 111)- Comet or 18C1. How ever. Was Attended hy an I'nu Mially Hot Sumiiier. Mid -Summer Styles In young men's i lot! e necessitates oxioros of tin- U-st type, lor those trousers that are cut a trifle short show the feet ut their best or worst. Our UNfords for particular young men are unquestionably "par excel lence" in lust, finish and durability they will find merit In the eves of the most critical dresser. A low shoe with snappy style and with comfort that doesn't snap your temper. Guarantee Shoe Store XO. 4 SOVT1I MAIN ST. Frost every month in the year, ex cept perhaps in July, is the sad pos sibility communicated to a cold and chilling populace in western North Carolina hy the oldest inhabitants. According to Ieouty Sheriff C. F. Williams, the late Y.ont. Patton, lather of the late Jesse Patton, the beloved fireman who died a short while ago. stated several years ago that there was frost In 1S'!" every month except July. This was the year that Halley's comet made its appearance and that year was known as one of the coldest. It was also, it is said, the year when the people of this section and in fact, the whole county came very nearly starving to death. Such was revealed by a careful study and Investigation conducted by one of the well known local historians. In that year, accord ing to persons who remember the oc casion, the weather was so cool that the crops obtained only a meager growth and were by no means enough to support the people. The nearest market at that time was Charleston, which required more than a month to reach by wagon because of the horri ble condition of the roads. It can certainly be stated with all truthfulness that there has been frost every month of the year 1910 so far. except June, and this section now fcems to be suffering under a condi tion of weather which may be describ ed as near-frost. Then- has doubtless been frost even in June upon some of the high mountains. For the consolation of those who have f.-ars of a failure of the crops. It is held out that the railroads are still doing business, and that to reach other markets is now only a matter of a few hours. The Ice manufac turers of this section, however, ar" not at all pleased with the prospects. It is a little too warm for the coal end of their business to flourish, and not warm enough for the ice man. Such is life when Halley's comet comes around. People who remember the comet of 1X61 say that year was one of un usual temperures about the hottest summer they ever passed. The 1X61 comet was much bigger and brighter than Halley's has been. A LMOST daily, express ship ments of Nunnally's candies reach our store. This assures fresh ness and goodness unequalled by any candies you can buy in the Southland. bonbons and choc olates are supreme in quality and purity in fact, . there's "none like Nunnally's." RAYSOR'S DRUG STORE 31 Patton Avenue. CITY NEWS Services will be held at the temple on Spruce street this- evening at 8 o'clock. The board of aldermen will meet this evening at o'clock in regular weekly session in the council cham ber of City hall. O. P. Allison of Xo. 217 and 219 Merrimon avenue has taken the agency for Gillies' finest obtainable coffee, the well known brand of 20. 2"i, 30 and 35 cent coffee. Judge Pritchard this afiernoon be gan the hearing of the suit of The North Carolina Timber company against McNeil and others. Involving timber land in the Toxaway country The motion is to make the temporary restraining order permanent until final termination of Ihe suit. Governor Kitchiu has honored the requisition of the governor of South ('aro'ina for one George I'.rown of color, arrested here a few days age and who Is wanted in Cross Hill, S C. on a charge of larceny. It is said that the negro stole several bales o: cotton. The negro admits that he Is the man wanted but denies the lar ceny. An officer from Cross Hill will probably arrive today to take r.rown back for trial. A Pointer to the Ladies. When you go to buy Flavoring Ex tracts, always specify Hlue Hibbon Lemon or Vanilla, and your desserts will be perfect. The Hudson Touring Car Price equipped with mnirnMo ton and trunk rack 1 273.00. , Is great value for your money, with appearance second to none, lias 110 inch wheel base, .T2 inch wheels, 18 inch steer ing wheel. Three .-peeds, selective type transmission. Come in and see tliis car and get a demonstration. Asheville Auto Company BATTERY PARK BANK ASHEVILLE', N. O. J. P, Sawyer, President. T. C. COXE, 1st Vice President E. SLUDER. 2d Vice President. J. E. RANKIN. Cashier. Capital . . . . . . $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $130,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Special attention given to collec tions. Four per cent. IntMtut paid ou time deposlta Phone 1810. - Nos. 15 and II S. Leylngton Aye. I i ii mum VII ' 1.11111111 in m in. .in., , iii, m fn itih1iiimniMiffirr - Graduation Gift Books A heautiful line of them, including some handsome Bibles ROGERS' BOOK STORE See West Window for New Fiction.' Phone 254. ra?IRfVNHWM'fC0 3 ,: SEASONABLE DELICACIES. Soft Shell Crabs. Squabs, Broilers, Fruits, Berries and fresh vegetables served to order in a tempting, appetizing manner. CANDY KITCHEN HAYWOOD STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE L. Blomberg Leadf, in Imported, Key West and Domestic Cigars. Smokers' Articles and Sporting Goods. 17 Patt on Ave. LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR. -Legal Bldg. 8. rack Square. Phone I7. . mHtMMHIIHMtMMM Keep butter hard and t firm with plenty of ICE X In your refrigerator. X Phone 72. f Asheville Ice Co. SMlte You're Never " 'i Disappointed In coal when la rnr ceiiar- An dUrt, l dirt has been elinvT. P Hatf1 ami v... i.. t . coaU" .: 61 ,USt PUr Phone 40 Asheville Coal Co. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 426, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. H. WEAVER, Mgr. "ttmttnn, MEAT SUGGESTIONS lYin SCP1-ER, " Nice Lamb Chops, Veal Chops, etc. eal . See us. J W. M. Hill & Co. Phones 4 and 359. City Market, J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue. f Fine Watch Eepairing a Specialty. . YOUR SUMMER EXCURSIONS Will not be complete unless the food yon take along is palatable. Don't fuss ami fume and worry over a day's baking before you start. It will spoil your trip. Just tell us how much of bread, cakes and pies, etc., you will need for the day. We'll deliver them fresh and line, the very hour you want them. Phone No. 622 or 881. Asheville Steam BaRery New June Records for Victor and Edison are better than ever Dunham's Music House Sewing Machines For Bale, Rent or Exchange. . Expert Repair Work. Aiheville Sewing Machine Co. Phon U(l. Legal Building Court Room Yielded to Memorial Exer cises J. B. Sami Awarded $50 A Divorce Case. There was no morning session of Superior court today on account of it being Memorial day, the court room being turned over by Judge Justice to the Confederate veterans and Daughters of the Confederacy for the holding of exercises. Judge Justice went out of the city yesterday after noon to deliver a Memorial day ad dress but Is due back this afternoon, anil an afternoon session of court will be held. The suit of Iluttrlck against the Southern railway was continued yes terday. This is a case where the plaintiff is demanding damages from the defendant on acount of the al leged overflow of plaintiff's land, the defendant being held responsible by the pluintlff. J. IS. Sams was awarded damages in the sum of $30 against the South ern yesterday by reason of alleged Injury to his property hy blasting near the depot. A divorce was granted Oscnr Wll pon against his wife, Lottie O. Wil son. EXPEGTEDJTD BE LIVELY Fourteeth District Democrats to Name Candidates for Judge and So licistor on July 6. Two Big Rolls Toilet Paper, 15c SEE WINDOW. 'i The usual 10 cent roll crepe tissue paper, 5 cents a roll. f XL DEPARTMENT STORE a. 1L MICnALOVE, Pole nop. I PATTOX AVBL" ' ' PHONB lOt. The Fourteenth Judicial democratic convention for the nomination of u judge and a solicitor will be held at Marlon July . In view of the fact that Solicitor Spainhour Is seriounly ontesting with Judge M. H. Justice for the solicltorshlp it is probable that the convention will be one of the most nteres'lng to be held this year. Judge Justice is seeking a renomi- natlon for Judge of the Superior court while Mr, Spainhour. who hn repre sented the dlstrlit most creditably as solicitor, is contesting for the nomina tion. With the elimination of Mr. Spainhour us a candidate again for the solicitorship a number of gentle men in the district are seeking the honor. The friends here ot Mr. Hpaln hour say thut he stands a splendid chance for nomination for Judge while the friends of Judge Justice say thai they have no fear but the Judge will be renominated. The Fourteenth dis trict Is democratic and is comyostd of the counties of Burke, Henderson, McDowell, Kutherford and Yancey. ON LEGAL BUILDING Of Elaborate Design, It Is the Biggest Galvanized Iron Cornice Job Done Here. The cornice work that finishes the Legal building, J. R. Gates' handsome office structure, hus been done by A. I. McLean, sheet metal work contrac tor, and Mr. McLean's workmen are now engaged In roofing the building with tin. This Is the biggest gal van Ized Iron cornice Job ever done In Asheville. It la also a vert elaborate design, giving a classic finish to th big building. The cornice work 1 now under the painters' hands. Mr. McLean has on hand a contract In Wllkesboro, where ha la Installing the metal work In a leather drying system for C. C. Smoot, Sons V Co, Work on this Is now well under way Chamber tk Wsinr, Uvarr. Phone 1 Lamlreth Rent. taronne Pbarmars American Woman'! League certlf Icatea will be accepted en NEW sub scriptions only, to The Qaiette-Newa. Kxi-arnloM front Anlievllle to Bristol, rhe Ulller-Klce Paint Co. Lace Palnu WANTED WANTED Your collecting to do. by lady of experience. Salary op com mission. Address B. A., Gazette News office. ?7-3C FOR RENT Two desirable furnished rooms, modern conveniences, two blocks from square. 144 N. Main atreet. -tf. WFOR SALE Seven room hoiute modern and practically new, price 12.(50 for quick sale, owner has just reduced price $1000.00, must sell, will make terms. Alarsteller - ft Co. Sl-tf, FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner can have same by Identifying property and paying for this advertisement 1L FOR SALE Milch cow, half Jersey- Apply 234 Oak street, or phone . -3t, CASH FOR EVERTBODY I pay highest cash prices for vour old broken gold and silver or exchanged for anything In store. Victor Hternr Jewelry shop, Bondley Bldg opposite Battery Park. It-st FOR RENT Twe furiikhed rooms two blocks of square, modern con . veniences. 144 N. Main street. IsJiYour Porch Useless Half The Day? mt't a CHARMS a COMFORT ALWAYS will make the sunniest ' breeziest porch 'an inviting all-day livinsr room, where you can read, sew, play games, or take a nap in perfect com fort. At night, a protected sleeping place for those who sleep out-of-doors in pleasant weather. Vudor Porch Shades shut out all sun-glare and wind, j ;but let in ample light and airj f , TTlPV m've th i uLffV&s rlfntvrf nntlvA- V ti1 If outsider gets no inlook. They really add another I' . i ........ i wm ij your tiuuM as scctuueu anu private as any and unapproached for healthful enjoyment, at a cost so low that it will surprise you. ,j 1 The way Vudor Porch Shades are made, accounts for their great superiority. The slats are of tough, straight-grained wood, stained (not painted) in pleasing colors. And the warp is of seine twin such as is -used for fishing nets. They have heavy strips top and bottom, and are supplied with the best possible fixtures. They last for years and do not frazzle out at the ends, nor warp out of shape, as do the cheap bamboo screens. - 1 Anyone who has a screw-driver can quickly put them up. They are easily raised or lowerea and may be fastened at any desired height. The only place in Asheville where these shades can bought is Green Bros., 45 Patton Ave. No extra charge hanging in the city. Freight prepaid on three. or more on of town orders., ; GIULEN BROTHERS f i for out TO THE Automobile Public! AVe hog to annonni'o that we have succeeded to the business known as the "Cdston Automobile Co." AYe have a complete line pf Automobile supplies and a competent shop force. Your business is respectful ly solicited. Standard Motor Car Co., 95-97 Patton Ave., Phone 244. Spading ForKs and Potato HooKs ore two exceptionally fine tools for gardening. Breaks up the ground easily and thoroughly with least effort Spading Forks $1.00; Potato Diggers 60, 65 and 75 cts. Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE AND 25 N MAIN ST. 1 ' '" -" i. FOR SATURDAY'S BARGAIN "We will offer on June 4th as follows! MACARONI and SPAGHETTI Finest Imported at pnly . ..... 10c per pkg- Finest Domestic at only ..." . .7c per pkT- These goods retail at 15c for the Imported and 10c vjfor the Domestic and we guarantee that oar prices are less than present cost Only a few cases to be Bold at 7c per package. f t m ' v. v Clarence Sawyer riIONE8 31 AND 1S6. , . ASHEVILLE & Citizens Transfer Company rATTOU AVENVk!'"' WOOD COCK, Owoee texETHONB FURNITURE MOVINO. t 1 Prompt Baggagt Transfer Service. ; ICodonwd by 17. O. T. and T. r. Electric Fans, Ceiling" and Desk style? The .very best at rock bottom price?. - Piedmont 'Electric -Co. 473. 13 Juue 7th, round trfp.ts.00. f T-fit : .ll-SL Opp. Tostofrice. , ACIIZVILLw. 1 :i

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