PAG2 SIX. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. Wednesday, JUDe a 1910 -. ,:' r J -1 r- ji i ! iimiim nil yniifii rniPTimrn iiuuin rnfibiunto Lest You Forget We wish to remind you thatM.& W. Indian Coal is just iall good, clean coal, and, best for every purpose.- Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice ' Company SHOWMAN'S SKULL Jack Brown Probably Fatally Hurt Hear Hominy Melton Calhey Alleg ed Assailant Candy That's Always Fresh and always the most delicious is the candy famous throughout the Southland for 25 years. It's Extra Fancy Evaporated Apples 1 h Packages jut arrived ' 15c. E. C. JARRETT Phones 358 or 192. Fine Groceries, Vegeta , bles and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square ; and City Market. Phone 473. Special to The Gazette-Xews. Hominy, June 8. Jack llrown, a young fellow connected with the Rose Kilian show, a small wagon circus agregation, lies here at tha' Luther boarding house in a critical condition, his skull fractured by a stone, said to have been thrown by Melton Cathey. a native boy of this section. The affair happened Saturday, night, but on account of the search for young Cathey the news was kept quiet. There are several conflicting stories n tn how the tight began. One is that Brown and several of the show hoys persistently followed young Cathey with long poles. His efforts to stop them were of no avail until picking up a stone he dealt what may prove a fatal blow upon the head of i Jack I. rown. t athey was last seen at church last Sunday morning. He it- the sun of Harry Cathey, a highly respected farmer in the north Hom iny section. HE SI COMET III 1835 WHEN ITIS II COMET C. F. Jackson, Over 80 Years Young, Well Remembers the Visit of Halley's Show. PAR EXCELLENCE 0 SUMMER STYLES In young men s clothes must of Course be ;t i oiup.lilieil with the best1 kind oxford lor the trousers that j are cut a trille short the show the , feet more plainly and lie- feet .Ml'ST look well. The oxfords we hanol" are v hat the particular oung man wants ex-1 cedent in last, Imisli. style ami dura- bility they will win approval in the I eyes of the most fasiidhm. i i A low shoes with "Class" and with comfort. i GuaranteeShoeStore NO. 4 SOI Til MAIN ST. This paper was today favored with a call by C. y. Jackson of Columbia, who is isiting his daughter, Mrs. M. I). Johnson. Mr. t Jackson has for hail' a century been active in Masonic work, and has for .".3 years held the position of treasurer for the Grand chapter, Uoyal Arch Masons of his L'tate. Mi'. Jackson is more than SO years voung. and knows all about a great many things the rest of us have! reail about. He remembers, as a small boy. watching the I'nited States sol diers as they passed through Charles ton on the way to linht the Indians in Indiana, and recalls vividly that night of terror in Charleston, in 1 S 37. when a gum! part of the city was destroyed by lire. He likewise recalls and this is the story under immediate consid eration the former visit of Halley's coniet in 1X3.-1. It is difficult to lind eve-witnesses ol that visit, bin Mr. Jackson can tell ail about it. He remembers getting nut in the street and watching the vast s weep of the comet's tail, which was as bright as a star from one end to the other, if comets may be said to have an end. Mr. Jackson, after viewing the comet upon the occasion of that other visit, does not think much of the one now occupying so much newspaper space. He says It can in no wise be compared to the naUy brilliant, and impressive spec tacle of 7fi years ago. Almost every day we receive ship ments by fast express assuring bonbons and chocolates as fresh as when they leave Atlanta. There's "None like NunnallyV RAYSOR'S DRUG STORE 31 Patton Avenue. The Hudson Touring Gar Price equipped with magneto top and trunk rack $1275.00. Is great value for your money, with appearance second to none. Has 110 inch wheel base, 32 inch wheels, 18 inch steer ing wheel. Three speeds, selective type transmission. Come in and see this car and get a demonstration. Asheville Auto Company Phone IS 10. Noa. 15 and 17 & Lexington Ave. CITY NEWS I !". 1 1 1 1 nMMiWiliimi 'i 'in i mTirTV'i irm YOUNG A. P. COURTNEY lr. y. T. Meriwether was called to Marion today on professional busi ness. A meeting of the Ited Men will be held this evening at 8 o'clock when important business will be transacted. Philip Itassett of Watertown.' Conn., who has been extremely ill from ap pendicitis was operated on at the .Meriwether hospital and is now con sidered out of danger. At a meeting of tlx: congregation (f All Souls' church, liiltmore, June , the following Rentlemen were t lecte.l as a vestry: George W. Vanderbilt. Arthur !". Kees. Dr. John H. Williams, C. D. Headle. Kinksland Van Winkle, and Charles K. Waddell. The first excursion of the season Into Asheville is that from Greenville. S. C. which arrived this afternoon with a Rood sized crowd of excursion ists. The train will leave for the re turn (rip at i; o'clock tomorrow al ternoon, giving the party k sta'y ol L' 7 hours in the the "ijiml of the Sky." The funeral services over the re mains ol William Sidney Porter will be conducted this afternoon at 4::ifl o'clock from the First Presbyterian church. Itev. I!. !'. Campbell. I ). I)., officiating. The pallbearers will be Judge Thomas A. Jones. Major K. T. C.rinnau. Col. Robert Uiniiham. Dr. y. T. Meriwether. Ir. V. P. Herbert and Edwin I Hay. In the suit of J. T. Illassengame against I). I,. Kuyd and the coiuuv commissioners of Haywood county in which illassengame obtained iudg- i ment against the commissioners for ja sum aggregating J3..00 for road con struction work in Haywood, a petl- I lion has been liled by George H. ISmathers, on behalf of K. K. Osborne and J. E. Welch, asking that they lie made intervenors in the suit and re cover some $13U0 alleged to be due them by lilassengame. After a hear ing before Judge Pritchard the mat ter was continued several days. Commencement Exercises Are always important occasions socially as well as educationally. Gifts for graduation and commencement are quite proper, and nothing Is quite so appropriate as a handsome book. We have many thousands of them for this use. . ROGERS' BOOK STORE See West Window for New Fiction. . ' Phone 2G4. c 1 We Make Fancy Brick ICE CREAM to order. Prompt city delivery and shipment to all railway points. Phone 110. CANDY KITCHEN IIAYWOOD STREET NEAU TOSTOFF1CE L. Blomberg Leads in Imported, Key "West and Domestic Cigars. Smokers' Articles and Sporting Goods. 17 Patton Ave. i. vi )! ' . . i t'!Ni "rt " . H'!-r 'r'-? ' Evidently Became Suddenly Deranged, Very Recently May Be Committ ed to Hospital. Tin: HOBART M. CABLE PIANOS Satisfies tlio best musicians every time. Kusy terms at Dunham's Music House Sewing Machines For Bala. Rent or Exchange. Expert Repair Work. Aihevllle Sewing Machine Co. Phoae lit. Legal Building c 3 A. 1' Courtney, the young white fellow who, yesterday morning In police court created something of a sensation by hurling a New Testa ment nt the heads of the police court Justice and the court officers when called upon to plead to a charge of disorderly conduct, was this morning adjudged insane by City Physician I.. II. Mcllrayer and efforts are now ho igu made to have him admitted to the state hospital at Morganton. .Mr. Courtney is a son of former Comity Treasurer Courtney, one of the best known and most highly re spected citizens of the county, and only n few days ago returned from Oklahoma, where he had made his home for several years. The young man was all right, men tally when he arrived here, and evi dently went suddenly deranged. He has a mania for throwing articles of almost any description at people. Just liefore his arrest Monday night he threw n handsome gold watch at the head of Mr. Coston while that gentle man was quiety seated In Ins automobile. lit- Cream Time To make the richest and daintiest Ice cream, use I'diie Itibon. pure fruit Umon and Vanilla Extracts. British Parliament Kc-Assembles. London. June s. Parliament re-as sembled today apparently in a more conciliatory mood thnn when it ad journed. The constitutional crisis will be held off until autumn. Ijindrrtli Seed. Carolina pluinimry. American Woman's League certif icates will be accepted on NEW sub- scriptlonnnly, to The Gazette-News WAJrTKD SCHOOL i!OV WANT Ell I have a permanent position for a bright, energetic school boy. The right boy can make from GOc to $2.00 or more a week, without Interfering with his school duties. S. o. Uradley, South Main Street. BEAUTIFUL CREPE PAPER FIVE CENTS PER ROLL. Pee big window full of it. and then av. a nickel on each roll purchased. t This la only indicative of bargains tn everything for the home china ware, glassware, etc. tin and enamelware. I Z L DEPARTMENT STORE . H. MICHAIjOTE, BoU Prop, ft PATTON ATE. PHOTO 107. 3 CANTON POLICE CHIEF 1L0R IS SUPERSEDED Special to The Gaiette-News. Canton. June (.-At a meeting of the council Monday night Chief of Police Samuel Taylor was (iieceded by T. V. Hlngleton, who has been a mem Ver of the force for some time. Mr. Singleton waa unanimously elected. This audden turn In city affairs will probably settle the cele brated "Lyerly Investigation." and once more harmony reigns in the town of Canton. The pay roll yesterday of the Cham pion Fibre company la aald to have been the largest in It history. The amount was In the neighborhood of 121.000. Chambers A Weaver, livery. PI ana It The Miller-KJ Paint Co. Lucas paint American Woman' League certifi cates will be a ore pled ihi NKW r Jb. ecrlpiioos only, to. The lJaette-.ejm WA.NTED Any reasonable position by a college student during vaca tlon. Address. "(J. 1..." Gazette News. 103-31 AVANTKD 50 AshelaUd avenue, tnble boarders: also room for man and wife or two gentlemen: and stable for rent 103-31 WANTED Fifty salespeople, 23 cash glrlg at The Peerless Dry Goods Co, Inquire Monday forenoon at the store. FOR BALE A liargaln. Eight room residence lot 55x1 1 sj 1-2 feet. Hu perb location. Address "Eureka.' Gaxette. 103-St WANTED AT ONCE Board by two adults and two little girls, perfect, ly healthy; private family orefer red. Address, giving location and price, K. M. Q." care Gaxette News. WANTED At once, an office srirl Apply at office not later Vutn t:4J a. m. Tnursaay. Do not phone Dr. r, U Hunt 101-lt FOUND A sum of money; owner can- get same by proving property and paying coat or this adv. W. C lirownson, Jr. Phone 1177. 101 -It BONNY CASTLE. w Homelike comforts, Urge . shaded awn. neautirul views, modern eon-venlencea.- Taole of tha very best mear main street. Terms reasons Me, Mrs. It. II. Ulackwell. . IT TAKES THE CAKE is whi t every one says of our high grade bakestuff. the lightest, whitest, most delicious and nutritious bread, rolls, . layer . loaf, and ornamented cakes and pastry. That's what we serve you with at all times and which are baked fresh every day and sold at prices cheaper than you can make them at home. Phone 0i2 or 381. Asheville Steam Bakery IsfYour Porch Useless Half The Day? Mike it a CHARM and a COMFORT ALWAYS W$mr BATTERY PARK BANK AS1IEVILLC IO. . ' 3. P. Sawyer, President. V-A T. C. COXE, 1st Vice President E. SLUDER. Jd Vice President J. E. RANKIN. Cashier. Capital. . . .. . . . .$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $130,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL : RANKING BUSINESS ' Special attention given to collec tions. Four per cent lnt-vert paid on Urn deposit LOGAN n MERCHANT TAILOR. 'Xegal Bhlg. 8. Pack Square. Phone 71)7. - IHMIIMHIIMMHMUHI t . Keep butter hard and t X firm with plenty of ICE In your refrigerator. X f rhone72. ! Asheville Ice Co. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 426, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. H. WEAVER. Mjtt. ... ( You've Got Something , Uood ; .To show forVyour money when you buy M. & .to ; CoaL i v-" Phone 40: Asheville Coal Co. 1MM H I OCR MEATS are flrst in popular favor with peopw In every walk of life. ' Moreover we are always ready t f,irA, you suggestions in the line 0f T meat delicacies when yuu ore A puzziea over wnat to order. Ve jnvue a can. -none us. I W. M. Hill & Co. Phones 4 and 359. City Market, Mllla J. E. Carpenter JEWELZB 32 Patton Avenue. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. TO THE Automobile Public! We beg to announce that we have succeeded to the business known as the "Coston Automobile Co." We have a complete line of Automobile supplies and a competent shop force. Your business is respectful ly solicited. Standard Motor Gar Co., 95-97 Pattern Ave., Phone 244.. F will make the sunniest breeziest porch an invitinrr all-day livinnr room, where vou can read, sew, play games, or take a nap in perfect com fort. At night, a protected sleeping place for those who sleen out-of-doors in rlpasant wMthpr. shut out all sun-glare and wind, - y .. 1 but let in ample light and air t outsider gets no inlook. . They really add another room to your house, as secluded and private as any and unapproached for healthful enjoyment, at a cost so low that it will surprise you. The way Vudor Porch Shades are made, accounts for their grcaj superiority. The slats are of tough, straight-grained wood, stained (not painted) in pleasing colors. And the warp is of seine twine, such as is used for fishing nets. They have heavy strips top and bottom, and are supplied with the best possible fixtures. They last for years and do not frazzle out at the ends, nor warp out of shape, as do ' the cheap bamboo screens. Anyone who has a screwdriver can quickly put , them up. They, are easily raised or lowered: and Unay be, fastened at any desired height. . - , i The only place in Asheville where theh'e shades can le bought is Green Bros., 45 Tatt on Ave. No extra charge for hanging in the city,'' Freight prepaid on three or tiore on ou of town orders. , GREET 1 BROTHERS , Electric Fans, Ceiling and Desk styles. The very best at rock bottom price?. Piedmont Electric Co. . Opp. Postoilice. Bought a Lawn Mower Yet? Isn't the grass getting high in your yard? Buy a mower ami run over the lawn yourself and make it a "beauty spot." The liM'E KIDGE high wheel ball bearing mower It Inch blade for $.V OsK' OL.1NA GEM. low wheel, plain bearing. 14 Inch blade, for 13.50. Others better quality and longer blade up to $15. Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACE SQUARE AND 25 N. MAIN ST. ASHEVILLE. Phone 478. Our Best Offer On Saturday, June II We will nell large 2 1-2 lb. tins STANDARD AS PARAGUS as follows: ' . 1 TINOR. . . . . . ...23 CENTS 12 TINS FOR., .......... L ... .... - 270 These goods are worth at least 40c per tin. We wiil also offer a few cases of Extra Fancy As paragus Tips at Bargain Prices. ' ; - You cannot afford to m: this wile. , Clarence Sawyer , . - - ' ASHEVILIC !. C- FUONE8 tl AND 111 Citizens Transfer Company - ' JCUAJI WOODCOCK. Owner. mK..vvnoXK FURNITURE MOVING. Prompt Baggaja Transfer Service. ElMfaifwml hr V. O. T. al T. P. A. Try Gaccttc-i!ov3 VantA(b """" 1 " - II I I II If I- 1 I I . , I i ' I

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