Thursday, June 9. 1910. rAcsrovs THE ASHEVILL3 GA2TTE NE"WS. m I 4 'i -! ; . PUBLISHED BY Evening, Newi Publishing Co. ASHEVILLE. X. C New Tork Office 221 Fifth Avenue (Brunswick BIdg.), Room 404. Cklcago Office 111 Boyee Building. Charles A. Monet, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : a Aslievllle and Bmmoro COne Week 10c. Three Months fl-25 8U Hontlis 2.50 Twelve Months B OO BY MAIL, IX ADVANCE: Three Months H BU Months 2 00 Twelve Months 00 Catered at the Postofflce In AshevUle as second-class matter. at The Oaaette-Newt la a m em it bee of The Associated Press, at Ita telegraphic news Is there It fore complete and reliable, at ltltltatltltKKKat Thursday, June 9, 1910. trust would have been very glad to have absorbed everything necessary to the comfort of the State Adminis tration, if it had been properly ap proached. Governor Kitchin once stumped the State, the burden of his plaint, and the theme of every Impas sioned discourse being that the tobac co trust's reason for being was to be found in the abiding hope that it would one day And itself in position to bring about his destruction and, through his calamitous downfall, the destruction of the pee-pul. Now, at the first oportunlty, the unmolested trust has made a financial sacrifice to save Governor Kitchin from a sit uation which he must have found em barrassing. From tliso mountain fastnesses one gets the Impress! ) hat just n tow coals of tire have been heaped, K-nt!y. but (irmly, upon the head of tin State's chief executive. And is one not able to discern, in the drift of current events, a bare suggestion of something rather closely resemb ling retributive justice? Ve have an idea the trust hus found it possible to extract at least a million dollars' worth of enjoyment out of the situation. THE CASE OF Mil. WICKEUS1I AM. Collier's Notional Weekly, nvhirli has made a specialty of th- rlullliigt-r matter,' devotes particular attention this week to the part played by .At torney General Wtckersham in the case. What they did was this: Wicker eham sat down hrs desk; lie wrote a document which makes nint-ty printed pages (it took him three weeks to do iO: it took np till the Clavi charges ruul met them, and it endcl with the statement that Ulaxis's eharges (murk the present tense GlaviH, when Wickershum wrote these words had been dismissed three months) 'are so unjust and unfounded as to merit his immediate separation from the service.' Having finished this document Wlekershnm searched backward through his calendar for the appro priate date, and wrote at the top: "September 11. IHod." Then he sinned it "George W. Wick ersham, Attorney-General." addressed it formally to "The President." and sent it to the sei.'le as one of th In these piping times of peace and alleged prosperity people find it neces sary to resort to new and untries methods in the effort to gain a live lihood A New York woman has done real well by falling. She has stepped on well placed banana peelings and has had sixteen good, hard falls that have proven profitable, albeit painful. I'p to the present writing she has collected JT.000 from public service corporations, on whose property the falls have been executed. She had chronic ailment, which she em ployed to confirm her claims of hav ing sustained serious injury. Headers might do well to bear In mind this profitable employment of one's time when next they hear of a rise in the price of beef and other necessaries. The woman not only drew the $5000, but she received very kind treatment and free board while taking shott turns in various hospitals. THE STATE NURSES HERE INIMBEBS Opening of Annual Convention at Battery Park Last Night Or. Fletcher Presided. SEVERAL INTERESTING ADDRESSES DELIVERED BY LOCAL DOCTORS Actual Work of the Convention Was Taken I'p This Morning More Tliuu 100 Present. President Tuft has declined to re move from Seattle a company of col ored troops, after one of the men had b-en charged with assaulting a white woman. The request was made by Seattle citizens tnrough Senator Jones. Is Mr. Taft also to draw something like a Brownsville case? If Youi Eyes Ache There's a reasorfor It and you should come hers r an examination and correct fitting lasses! Our work will convince you iat we Know our business. CHARLES t. H0NESS Optometrist od Optician. Manufacturer ol Spectacles and Eyeg'.sscs. Postofflce. 54 Patton Ave. Opp. documents upon which 'be President had "'..'ted id leaching bis conclu sions." IIi was a plausible docu ment ctin.iingly ontiie. to look as If the Attorney-General had laid it before the President two days before the President wrote his September 13 letter. Omit for the present interesting story though it Is the internal evi dence In this document, adroitly con ceived and elaborately execute 1 though it was, which gave Air Urun dels the clew to its falsity "There is In almost i very kind of crime," hhj Wharton, 'a swelling of tin- upr soil, which shows the subterranean road which the criminal traveled. It Would seem as if it were a germinal element of guilt that it cannot work without such memorials." Omit, also, the details of the long four months of prejured resistance to Hrandels's efforts to con firm or disprove his ap palling suspicions resistaio". which began with timid shuffling and ended with the angry bellowing of men pushed to the corner and in the wrong. All that was the natural se- tiance of the original situation it du plicates the Dreyfus rase: first, an in justice to an honest subordinate, then suppression of th facts in order to Justify that Injustice; then, from sup preeslon and evasion to direct affirm atlon of what are not the facts, is t necessary and easy step. But omit all that. It is frequent and usual. Hut for you, reader here Is the important reflection: If you ever found yourself In an embarrassing situation, and saw how a falsehood would let you out; if you ever contemplated the profits and emoluments that could be yours through forgery; and If through fear or conscience you paused, then you were meait for lowly peths. Not out Of auch callow fiber as yours are attorney-generals made. ' Having made a bad cause his own Wickersham does seem to have made matters worse at every turn. It Is a fearful Indictment, when it la ahown that the Attorney-General wrote of Glavls, that his charges against Bal llngsr were so unfounded as to "merit hla Immediate separation from, the service," and then antedated the docu ment to make it appear that the Pres ident had simply acted upon hla re commendation. It was a device that must be regarded as wholly dishonest; deliberately planned deception. We take It that only a consciousness of the lamentable weakness of hla case would have driven the Attorney Oeueral to a step so discreditable. COALS OP F1HE? nETItlBLTlVE i JUSTICE t State Treasurer Lacy Is said to have expressed confidence, after hear Ins of the liberal bid for the refund bends, made by the American Tobac co company, that, the balance of the bonds would h absorbed by the bank ers and other business Interests. The bankers and other business In terests really hud no reason to trouble themselves over ttys bond matter; th What boots it whether the State has any credit with the Carlisle tirm of lawyers, or with Wall street, so long a.s our credit remains unimpaired in the eyes of the American Tobacco company? Warren Vines Hall has purchased the Southern Republican, published at Charlotte, from J. A. Smith of llessimer City. Manifestly a change for the better. Mr. Hall Is u truthful man. Late dispatches are to the effect that the president wishes changes made in the railroad bill. Very little of that measure has been left, save the enacting clause. PIE BABY CONTEST ATTRACTING INTEREST Manager Arnold of "The Hip" Called upon to Answer Many Questions The Date. The announcement In yesterday's paper In regard to the "prise baby" contest is attracting more attention than the four-leaf clover matinee given at "The Hip" last Monday after noon. Mr. Arnold says The Gazette News had not been off the press a half hour before people were making enquiries. "Last night and aU morn ing," he said, "I have been answering 'phone calls snd all kinds of questions. In the majority of cases mothers want to know if their baby Is a little over two years old if they can enter the contest. No they cannot. No baby over two years of age can enter. No, It Is not necessary to bring the baby In a baby carriage. No, it is not nec essary to have it dressed In long clothes. No, it Is not necessary to have it dressed In white. No, I will not be the Judge. Five ladles will act as Judges and if they decide that your baby is one of the three prettiest you will receive one of the prises. I can not tell now what the prises will be; bring your baby and find out." These and many more are some of the questions that Manager Arnold has had to answer In regard to the "Prise Baby Contest" to be given at 'The Hip' next Monday afternoon, June 13, The North Carolina State Nurses' association held an interesting ses sion at the Battery Park hotel this morning when reports for the year were presented by the various officers showing the association in a good con dition, and a prosperous outlook for another year. Kollowiiig the enrollment of mem bers and a meeting of the board of directors, the meeting was called to order at 11 o'clock by the president. Miss Constance E. Pholf, R. N., of Winston-Salem, who delivered an ad dress and extended the greetings of the president. The report of the year was read by Miss Mary Sheets, R. N., of Winston Salem, the secretary. This report showed encouraging progress. Miss Birdie Dunn, R. N., the treasurer, of Haleigh, made her report, showing a healthy financial condition. The report of the meeting of the associated alumnae, written by Mies Mary L. Wyche, R. N., of Durham was read. The meeting was held in New York recently when the fiftieth anniversary was celebrated. It was an interesting report. The associa tion was founded by Miss Florence Nightingale, now 90 years of age and living in London. The report was a careful review of the work being done by the association a .d the results ac complished. Miss Neta V'mberger of Charlotte read a paper on "The Greatest Need of the Nurses of Today." Miss Doro thy liayden, U. N., of Greensboro read a paper on "The Value of Trifles." This was followed by "the question ho," which proved instructive. Opening Session. The opening session was held at the Mattery Park hotel last night with Dr. M. H. Fletcher presiding. There were about 75 nurses in attendance. The address of welcome was made by Rev. It. R. Swope, D. D., rector of All Souls' church, liiltmore. He express ed gratitude that the trained nurses, such an important factor in modern medical treatment, had come to Ashe ville to hold their meeting. An or chestra furnished music. Dr. Paul II. Ringer made an ad dress on "The Responsibility of the Trained Nurse to the Community," in which he spoke of the highly impor tant place the nurse occupied. The trained nurse is the one, he said, who comes in direct contact with tho fam ily of the patient. The work of the physician and the nurse must be co operative; a physician cannot prac tice with the best results without a trained nurse. She has risen to n place of honor, trust and admiration and very grent responsibility. She Is In a dual capacity: the first to the patient and the family, and second to the community. She is the go-be tween the family and the physician Her powers of education are to be shown in the development of hygiene in the house and the methods taken to prevent the spread of disease. By her work she is one of the bulwarks of the nation. "Suggestions." "Suggestions" was the subject of an interesting address by Dr. R. 8. Carroll of this city. He said that suggestion is the inculcation of an Idea unconsciously, while persuasion is the conscious inculcation of an Idea. Suggestion comes through the senses, while persuasion comes by the Intellect. Human nature is sugges tion. All superstition is suggestion. Touching upon hypnotism, he said that this was not truly a helpful mode of treatment, but always dan gerous. Hypnotism is very close to sleep, similar to transition between wakefulness and sleep, but the hyp notist must be present to preserve this transition state. He did not con sider hypnotism a worthy means for physicians to use. Auto-suggestion, where a person himself suggests. Is similar to a hysterical state. A sor row becomes a pain; a dlsannolnt- ASHEVILLE BIWLEHS In the third match of tie long dis tance bowling! tournamen between the local Y. J(. C. A. and Winston- Sulem association, the locJ bowlers again won by g08 pins, miking a to tal of 638 pin ahead ol Winston Sulem. McCanless, Sulivan and James did the best liowlitg for the local club. McCanless bovled a re markably steady game, hatng an av erage of 192 1- for the thee games. The local club again male a team score of over 1700 which feat they have accomplished once belire. This leaves two more matches tt be bowl ed in the tournament and with the lead the local bowlers now mve it is har dto see how they can oee. The score follows: WlnHton-iSalciii Y. M. t A. Douthlt 147 10 196 Watkins 145 18 161 Norman 143 13 142 Spainhour 1H1 IB 166 rtynum 134 12 147 Vaughn 1(14 10 160 Howard 1C9 IS 167 Cafer 1S4 13 160 lirown 1 G il lg 138 Ogburn 114 13 168 Brewers Adjourn. Washington, Junei . Endorsing the proposal that the organised brew ing industry offr aotlve assistance to the government authorities In devis ing measures for the regulation of the retull liquor traffic, the fiftieth annual convention of the United Slates Rrewerg association adjourned today. Turkish Mb lister Calls. Washington. Jutie t. Turkish am bassador to the tJnlted States, Tous ouf ZH, made his first official call upon Secretary of State Knox today. Lame shoulder is almost invariably caused by rheumatism of the musol and yields quickly to the free appli cation of Chamberlain's Liniment This liniment Is not only prompt and effectual, hut In no way disagreeable to ase. Bold by all dealers. Totals .1.- 47 154i 1685 AshevUle Y. M. C A. McCanless .205 Sullivan 134 Sevier 121 Urock ...145 Suggs 146 James 149 Lomenbein 133 Jones 144 Loins 126 Hoffman IdO 181 19. 15( 184 168 182 181 161 147 162 191 175 189 158 160 190 155 132 152 174 Our $4.00 Patent Leather Oxford men is something we really love to talk about. It's "all to the good" with a full measure of value there that most men would be perfectly willing to pay live dollars for. We invite men to "put your foot in It." BROWN - MILLER SHOE CO. Leaders in Fine Shoes. 47 Patton Ave. A Bulwark of Strength and Security ; On April 1st, this bank will Increase Its stock to one anil miuiou uuunio. mot.a v uieir money; UArri'Aii. . N . ... . .,, StIKPIiUS. . . . . . . ............. t,, ( .' cAmr.wnT,TKRfl LIABILITY ... .... .. Quartet l.M,OOO.oo ' J,500.00 1!50,000.00 i ' :- A eiUHU lAiAii ui . . : ; .. ..$218j)5oj THE BIO BANK OP THE SOUTH. Wachovia Loan & Trust Company T. S. MORRISON, , Chairman & Vice-Pres. W. B. WILLIAMSON Caahier. Miinnmiuttttttf itTtttittttmiriiiininiMlut The American National Bank Capital $300,000. Deposits $1,200,000. The Largest Bank in Western North Carolina, The Only Bank in Ashevill Under U. S. Supervision. ACCOUNTS INVITED, LARGE AND SMALL JOIIX II. CARTER, President. C. J. HARRIS, Vire-Pres. L. Ii. JENKINS, Active) V-P. JL REDWOOD, Vlee-Pres. K. M. FITZPATIUCK, Cashier. " H4HW J NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as administrator of B. L. Imvis. deceased, late of the county of Buncombe, state of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 4th dny of May, 1911. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. This the 4th day of May, 1910. R. R. DAVIS, Administratrix of the estate of B. I. Davis, deceased. Totals.- K.02 11707 1677 AsheviTVs grand total...! .. ..4886 Winston-Salem's grand tdal . . . . 4678 AshevUle wins this match by 208 pins. Ashevllle formerly led by .'..430 pins. Asheville now leads by C38 pins. RAILWAY I NTH It EOT DfV M VXD A FUR DEAL (Continued from pagt 1.) ed and the reasons therefore so clearly set forth os to require the '.east pos sible time to comprehend their si-ope and bearing, and that the officlils of the railways aro.u:int the shippers more fully with the reasons freight advances. "3. To the shippers: Than look on the railways precisely aj would look upon any other for whose solvency the the ment a dyspepsia; and anger hyster ics. Through persuasion nurses should teach hysterical women to forsake auto-suggestion. He denounced grunt ing and grumbling as harmful. For nurses he could prescribe no better thing than thoroughbred habits, which are the stamp of high character. A nurse should bs sympathetic and thoughtful, and have complete mas tery of emotions, In conclusion he urged ths asso ciation to memorallze the stats bosrd of examiners for nuraea to allow the furaes of western North Carolina to become registered nurses, affix "R. N." after their names. Lightning 8lrikcs tsoldieiV liayonvla; Ono Dead, One Hurt. 8t Petersburg, June I. Lightning atruck the bayonets In a patrol man euvering at Krasnole Selo, killing one soldier and faulty injuring another. Pr-nian Orphan's Homo Dedicated. Decatur. Ills.. June . In the pres. nee of 10,000 Knights of Pythias of Illinois ths Pythlans and Orphans' home waa dedicated this morning. The home cost (200,000. British Parliament Re-Assembles. LondojirJans t. Parliament r-as-sembled today apparently In a more conciliatory mood than when It ad journed. Ths constitutional crisis will be held off until autumn. for they they cern nuge- ment and not the government Is res ponsible. A growing concern must have nn adequate revenue. Tbe pres ent problem Involves not metely the amount wheih the railway snail re ceive for carrying a consignment, but Its ability to carry it at alU It em braces not alone the transportation efficiency, but general prosrfrlty. We suggest to the heads of freight paying enterprises that they study this ques tion nt first hand in tho broidest way. By so doing they may conclude that an advance may be tor their own best Interests. 4. To the public:, fhat they frankly concede to the itllways the necessity for art,. mate revenue snd await with patience and good nature the findii gs of the commission as to the reaso:" jleness of proposed rates I he met ibers of the flail way Bus neas association have but recently emr-rged from a period of closed shorjs. Idle men and disastrous losses due to cessation of railway purchases,. We contemplate with grav4 anxiety ths possibility of undue restriction of rail way revenues. Ours Is not ths pies of a special Interest or Of the general public. If our product la not bought, the commerce of the country cannot be efficiently carried; If our men are wholly or partly off the payroll the stoppage of their outlays communi cates itself to millions more who make or sell them necessities as the basis of our belief In the necessity of Increased rsvenues for ths railroads ws submit: Either ths railroads stand alone tn tneir ability to meet universal in creases In cost of tabor and material without advancing the mice of what they sell or else an advance In rates is necceasary. GERMAN COLORED SOUVENIR POST CARDS. 15 Cents Per Dozen. Brown Book Company uppoelte Post OBloa. Phone St. DEALS IN DIRT. Deeds of Transfer Filed for Itariatr Uon Iat the Register's Office. Ths following deeds of conveys nee, with the consideration named, have been filed for registration la the office ot Register of Deeds Maekeyi - Arthur U Alexander to O. H. Mor Ha. one-seventh Interest in 71.16 acres adjoining the lands of John M. David son; eonslderation list. John W. Snyder and wife to James H. Brown, 44.1 acres on Beaverdam creek: consideration $4600. v J. II. Brown to John W. Snyder, l(.s acres on Beaverdam; considers Uon $3000. Laurs J. McFall to Ira Atkew, lot on Knnt street; eonslderuJoti )!( . Wra Lilly Ross Williamson to Mrs. Minda Broadwater, two aui a . In Weavervllle; consideration Itie. American .Woman's League certif icates will be accepted on NEW sub scriptions only, to The Cax tie-News For Best Washing Phone 95 AshevUle Laundry. J. A. NICHOLS. Manager PHONE 95. Mackerel, New Catch These Mackerel are Extra Fine M. HYAMS, Grocer Groceries, Vegetables and Poultry. Cor. N. Main and Merrimon Ave. Phone il $1.25 Chairs, 85c To make room for new car. Beaumont Furniture Co., 27 S. Main St. Apples 85c Per Perk. 0 K Grocery Co. Isl-M Depot Street, Pboue til. PLUMBING COUNSEL Talk over your building plana with ua and get onr estimate on your plumbing. UNION PLUMBING CO. Pnooe 3a. tt V. Main u , GO-CAKTS Big stock of go-carta. Prices $1.50 up. DONALD & DONALD, No. It South Main St. Phone 441. W. E. MASSIE HARNESS Co. aTanufacturar and dealer la .' HjUTBesa, .Strap Goods, Bores Collars, addles, Whips, Etc M North Main. Phono . Home Papers late Magazines, Post Cards, etc. Best Line Cigars and Tobacco on the Market BARBIE'S Tnll Value Cigar Store. American Woman's League eertlf Icatea will be accepted on NEW sub scrlptlons only, to Ths Oasette-Newa CHICHESTER S PILLS S . . n In. .4 V 1 1 )?"'' r t-Zr V ' ",. K.U ......... The Most Economical Power Proposition The Electric Drive Consult Us if You Contemplate Installing Power Units. It May SAVE You Money ASHEVILLE ELECTRIC CO. Phone 69. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder Jhe Ready -to-lOear Jfouse oj Ashefdle Another Shipment of Pongee Coats We received a number of Pongee Coats similar to those we sold out so quickly last week. " ; . .They are made of Rough Pongee, and come in all sizes. "Regular $20 and $25 Coats for , $15.00 Z5 Per Cent Off on Xingcrh I .i-lL,

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