" Monday, June 13, 1910. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. PAGE TIIEE3 lOcand 15 c & j k-yi. -, jr '. ". '4 .is - 5' ': -r '' -i t." ; ' V " TT -AT s l" ' , ; - -.5 Interesting Reading for Tuher- ' ; , " ' cular Invalids, ir ",w A thousand dozen Fine Vals, RonmT Thread and Linen Torchon Laces in match and broken sets rep resenting a clean-up from a large New York impor ter of all 'samples and broken lines. .1.5c to 25c Fine, Laces ....... 10c yd The same trade story as above. The importer wanted to close out a large quantity of line Laces at a small price and ouv offer was accepted and the goods are here on sale ioday. A look at the lines is all we ask to prove our statement. New Venise and Oriental Bands 25c and 38c yd $1.50 Umbrellas, choice. ..... ." 98c Come to the big store and save money. W. E Kindley & Co. PHONE 542. PHONE 542. Erkinan Mfg. Co.'s Booklet of Cured Cases Part of the Anti-Tuberculosis Crusade. The maker of Eckman's Alterative the medicine that Is curing tubercu losis all over the country have distri buted with druggists or will send di rect, a pamphlet that every consump tive should read. It tells in their own language the true story of those whom Eckman's Alterative has cured. Many medical booklets sign their testimonials with Initials, or give the City or Btate, and not the street ad dress. The Booklet of Cured Cases is honest and sincere. It gives the full name, address (street, city and State), also the date. We urge you to write or call on these people and hear their story direct. , Such stralght-from-the-heart evi dence as this booklet holds is convinc ing, indeed. We offer proofs we do not want you to buy the medicine un til you have secured the booklet It's tree-aml communicated with those whose gratuitous letters alone have made possible the publishing of this nooKlet. No matter if you have unfortunate ly spent time and money experiment ing wun nearly every "cure" under the firmament Investigate Eckman's Alterative. If shown the heart-touching affidavit of a father whose only sun was cureti or tuberculosis by Eek man s Alterative after all hope had ut-en Hwnaoncn, would it not carry some weight with you? Eckman's Alterative is good for nil Throat and Lung troubles, and Is on sme in Asnevuie by all Druggists. It can ajso be obtained at, or procured ny. your local Druggists. Ask for Booklet of Cured Canes or write for evidence to the Eckmnn laboratory, Phlla., Pa. Four Innings juid Part ol the Fifth Wert Played, and Then It Poured. several matters of importance to be considered In the business session to night. It is probable that the union here will send a delegate to this con vention in addition to those who will represent the Various classes. A very interesting program has been prepared for the social session which will follow the business- meet Inng anil a large attendance Is ex pected. Rain Interfered Saturday with the the last game of the week's scries be tween the Mountaineers and the Ap palachians and the standing of the two teams of the Southeastern league remains unchanged. The game start ed off well and for four innings It was evident that eaeh, team was making a hard, struggle Top Victory. Asheville made one run in the second and Knox vllle one In the third. Neither side scored In the, fourth. Then the rain came; the balls became slippery and hard to handle; the grounds were wet and Knoxville at the bat piled up two more runs. When Knoxville retired was still raining but Asheville went to bat. Crisp was given a pass to first but while Hunter was at the bat a heavy rain started and time was clu ed. The rain continued, the grounds became soaked and the team mana gers realizing that further play was ut of the question the umpire called the game off, Acuff, in the box for Knoxville, allowed but two hits while Willetts, pitching for the Mountain eers, surrendered four. Asheville mnde five errors and Knoxville two. Saturday's Results: SouUieastern. Asheville-Knoxville; rain. Rome, 3; Morristown, 0. Johnson Clty-Gadsden; rain. AN ELOQUENT MEMORIAL ATTEND THE SALE OF THE CREDITORS BIG PEERLESS STOCK TO MORROW. v ASK TARIFF. COMMISSION LEGISLATION RIGHT NOW American Woman'; League ft" leates will be accepted on K1T7 sub scriptions only, to The naaeUe-News. K "Meet Me at, the Fountain" K ft H KltttltKXKItKK Many BiihIucwi Men l'olnt Out Dan ger to IluslncHH of the Contin ued Tariff Agllatioii. Rev. Dr. Vines Praised the Firemen's Special Quali ties of Manliness. THE, PIP ALL THIS WEEK Every Afternoon at 1;I0.,J Every Night 8:29 to 19:30. r - .' Rah .or Shine. -V ' Benefit Co'a ""' and "K." v S LUCIKEBS 9 WALTON AND HltAKDT FIIKI) 1IAKKI8 IUTKMAN KIKTKR3 A great show for the money. New York, June IS. President, Cobb of the National Tariff commis sion association, which has head quarters here, issues a statement urg ing congress to enact at this session legislation creating a tariff commis sion. The situation is so serious, Jt Is added, that a conference of prom inent business men will be held in Washington this week to discuss the matter. Mr. Cobb appends to his statement the opinion of a number of prominent business men who point out the dan ger of continued tariff agitation. H. E. Miles,- chairman of the asso ciation's executive committee, is quot ed as saying that .during the tariff making last summer the loss to the country's business exceeded $10,000, 000 a day. Rev. W. M. VlneS D. D., pastor of the First Baptist church, preached to the Asheville firemen at the morning Hervice yesterday the annual sermon taking for his text James 4:14: "What is your titer it is even as a vapor that appeareth for a little time and vanlsheth away." Dr. Vines' eloquent sermon, his tributes to the firemen, his feeling reference to the late Jesse Pntton and other' firemen of the city wno nave -maue tne last run," were listened to with the closest attention by the large congregation. About 4 members of the Asheville companies attended In a body, marching from headquarters to the church. Dr. Vines referred to the origin of the lo cal department; Its efficient work the splendid qualities of the men, and declared that three essentials neces snry to a good firemen are vigilance, fidelity and courage. During the service the following pleasing musical program was ren dered : Prelude, Largo Handel Quartet: Anthem, "Come Unto Me Ye Wearv" Caryl Florlo Mrs. V. 3. Clemenger, Mrs. Burdlck, Ed Moore and C. T. Carr. Offertory, "The Lord Is My Shep herd" , Riddle Mrs. F. J. Clemenger. Organ prelude...' Solly BARACA AND PHI LATH EA UNIONS TO MEET TONIGHT Program lias Been Prepared for So cial Newton Which Will FoHow i the Business Meeting. rThe- regular' monthly' meeting of the city Itaraea and Phllathea unions will tie held In the Sunday school an next of the First Presbyterian church this evening at 8 o'clock. As the convention of the world wide unions will be held at James town, N. Y., July -14, there will be THE BIG PEERLESS FORCED SALE BEGINS TO-MORROW. ; PLUIS I- s : J 1 TEAMS : DROVE 0FF:' FIELD rtn If FRE IH YM.C.A. lUICKLHUT' 00T Ttie Damage $300 or $400 One Dormitory Boy "Saved" . His Talcum Powder. DO DEALERS MEAN TO DECEIVE ? Thorn Dealers VIh Have tlie Best In terests of Their Customers In Mind, Do Not IutentionaUy Offer Infer ior Goods Metal Polishes Are . a Good Illustration of Tills. National. Pittsburg 0; Philadelphia 6. All other National games poned; rain. . v . post- American. Washington 3; Chicago 0. New York 4; Detroit 3. Philadelphia 6; St. Louis 2. Southern. Birmingham 2; Atlanta 2; ml tenth allow Birmingham train. New Orleans; Memphis 0. New Orleans 7; Memphis 5. Mobile 1; Nashville 2. Mobile 0; Nashville 2. Montgomery 7; ChatanooKa called catch South Atlantic. Savannah-Maeon, rain. Columbia-Jacksonville, rain. Columbus 2; Augusta 2; called eighth darkness. An early morning fire In the base ment of the Y. M. C. A. building, dis covered about 1 o'clock yesterday morning, did about $300 to $400 dam age to the flooring, woodwork and lockers. The fire department re sponded quickly to the alarm and thnt the building was not burned to the ground was due to their prompt and effective work. The fire originat ed in the portion partitioned off for the water heater and whether the woodwork Ignited from overheating or from coals is uncertain. The flames burned a hole through the floor near the boiler and also In Secretary Dill's room. All of the woodwork, except ing two benches, was scorched and charred, while much of the plaster ing fell. Immediately upon the discovery of the fire, first by S. J. Barco, and Im mediately after by Dr. F. J. Clemen ger and It. S. Jones, the occupants of the building, some 30 or 40, were waKeneu. wnile some of the men rushed out partly dressed, the crowd as a whole was very cool. Confidence In the fire department's ability to ex tinguish the blaze was shown by the fact that very few things were car ried out by the boys. One brought out a typewriter while one or two others brought out some small things. After the fire was over, some of the hoys guthered in the lobby, waiting for the smoke, which seemed to have penetrated every part of the building, to clear away. Then it was discover ed that in his haste to leave, and leaning off his dresser, one man had carried out a lone box of talcum powder. The clothes in the lockers were burned or badly damaged, while the steel lockers themselves will only re quire a new coating of paint The damage will be repaired In a few days. The loss is covered by inBur ance. The department was called to the home of MaJ. Corey on Zillicoa street Saturday afternoon where a blaze the kitchen portion of the reBl dence did several hundred dollars damage. The fire was discovered by sevant of the house and an alarm promptly turned In. The fire Is sup posed to hove originated either from spark or defective flue. In Carolina. Anderson 3; Charlotte 2. Spartanburg 2; Greensboro 0. Spartanburg 0; Greensboro 3. Greenville Winston-Salem 1. Eastern Carolina. Wilmington 3; Wilson 2. Rocky Mount 3; Raleigh 2. Coldshoro 0; Fayettevllle 1. MR. SEAWELL OPENS STORE IN SWANNAN0A BUILDING The New Pharmacy l Finely Fitted li, Well Equipped, and Has Soda Fountain. C. C. Seawell, who for several years conducted Senwell's Pharmacy in the Sondley building on Haywood street, has moved to the store In the Swan- nanoa hotel building, at the corner of South Main and Willow streets and today opened up In his new place. The store has been handsomely dec orated and well equipped. The busi ncss is known as "C. C. Seawell, drug' gist," and is in charge1 of Mr. Seawell who will make a specialty of prescrlp tion business. The handsome soda fountain has been Installed and a full line of foun tain drinks will be served. The open lug of the store on that part of South aln street will be m decided conven lence to a number of people In that section, as well as the guests of the hotel. $ t&'Oiiomy'ftews Wll'-ironVAaltttvltle'a FaMOst Growing Store. Cool Garments for Warn! ' Weather Wear Buy jour summer; wardrobe -now and get Jhe, benefit of a full seasosi't service, , likewise 'the benefit of the sav ing our present prices afford. Careful buying and gi'iisping the oj)l)ortunity when it presents itself has enabled us to secure some of the rarest values in ready made outer apparel for women and misses that the shopping public of this community has ever hal the pleasure lo in--spect - - , ' '' . . ; ; i . ' Among the numerous underpriced offerings to be seen at this' store are: Wool Dress Skirts, Tailored Suits, Silk and Lingerie Dress, Wash Skirts, Tub Suits, Wash Dresses,; Linen and Silk Coats, etc., all in great variety. : THE SIiI()N ' ' ' The Store That Lives Up to Its Name V'v'' u ' . . 1 . 18 Patton Avenue. l:: Don't Eat Too Much especially If time limited as In the ease of butinesa ' men, during the noon-day lunch. But get all the nourishment your active brain needs. MUST PRY PIILEGE TJIX, DOESNO "STANDS Three Refreshment Places Have Paid up and Others Are Expected to Dogs Tags Are Here. Try tlzlng a d ln of crisp, appe- Grape-Nuts and creamf-4t slowly , ad note how trie afternoon's work "slips away" when brain and nerves are properly fed. This world-famed ' food Is made of wheat and barley and contains the- phosphate of pot ' ash (grown In , the . grains) which Nature uses to repair . brain and nerve waste. , ' ' Don't eat too much, but eat Grape-Nuts and. ehew them thoroughly. , . ' "There's a Reason" ' m m i ... s , : Postum Cereal Company, Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. Already three "near-beer" places have taken out the J1000 privilege tax for the sale of "near-beer" and other prohibition compounds of a kindred nature which sprang up Phoenix-like in the wake of the prohibition move ment. Those who have paid the $1000 to the city are John McCabe, at the southeast corner of Lexington avenue and west College street; X. B. Uinge, at the northeast corner, and Vance L. Wells at the Glen Rock hotel. It understood that two and probably three more will take out this privl lege tax. City Tax Collector Bartlett says that the time for the sale of "near-beer' under the old license expired June and that all of those who are continu Ing the sale without paying the J100 special tax are doing so In violation of a city ordinance. The 1910 dog tax Is now due and about 100 of the 600 dogs of the city have been given another year's lease on life. After much effort and the throwing away of the first thousand tags received. Tax Collector' Bartlett has got Asheville spelled right on the tags. The first assortment this year had it spelled "Ashvletle" and since this "frenchlxing" of the name did not appeal to his sense of the esthetic, he promptly consigned them to the Junk heap. Last year there were about (00 tagged dogs and since the price la $1 tor males and 2 for females, this source netted the city a nice little Income. Unless the tax Is paid shortly the dog apprehender will get on the Job. When you find that . you have bought an Inferior articles that disap points you and perhaps does more harm than good, you cannot help wondering if your dealer has been mean enough to deceive you for a few cents extra profit. If you have been dealing at his store for some time, he should regard you as one of his old customers and ha ought to be. wise enough to know that the best way to hold your friendship and patronage is to sell you only such articles as will please and, satisfy, you. But many dealers are so short sighted that they do not seem to care how badly they misuse a customer. A good Illustration of this is the trou ble that many people have, with metal polishes. There is nothing, that will ruin the fine surface of a piece of metal such as silverware, harness trimmings or the metal . trimmings around a house so quickly as the wrong , kind of metal polish. Yet some dealers try to force you to buy poor polish, regardless of the harm it may do. Most dry polishes for instance, re quire so much rubbing that they gradually wear away the silver plat ing or bright finish of other metals. Liquid polishes are free from these faults and they require less time and less work to clean and polish. A great many liquid polishes, however, depend upon ammonia to do the cleaning and there is nothing more harmful to a metal surface than am monia. You can always tell If a pol ish contains ammonia by its odor. There is a liquid polish called BURNISHINE which has been sold most of the stores all over the country for a good many years, that contains no ammonia, and those who have used It for years have discover ed that it never. In any way, is harm ful or injurious to their silverware or other metal surfaces. This polish can be used not only on Bilverware, but on every other kind of metal. In the Government Buildings in Washington and elsewhere as well as In the Army and on the United States Battleships, BURNISHINE has long been the standard polish. It is also used by most of the bl hotels to keep brass railings, signs and show cases, as well as other metal work, bright and shining. It has been used for generations In many of the finest homes In the coun try where it is realized that the ques tlon of the right kind of polish is too important a matter for experiment, list u: : ml The laws of North , Carolina . require that all residents and property owners - list their property, Real, Personal and Poll, in the Township or the Ward in each County during the month of JUNE in each and every year. A failure to do so is a misdemeanor. ; Tax listers for the City of Ashe ville are now in the Grand Jury room in the county court house for the purpose of re ceiving such lists. .' ;.; : U .. . F. STIKELEATHER,, W. W. WEST, MRS. RACIE ADAMS, Listers. American Woman's League certif icates will be accepted on NEW sub scriptions only, to The Gazette-News, It , A Gaiette-News Want Ad. will at t , rent that vacant room try It. at NOTICE. E Elmer E. Heston. surviving partner of the firm of J. M. Heston A Sons, having made a voluntary assignment to the undersigned as assignee, all persons having chums . against the said firm are hereby notified to pre sent the same to the said assignee on or before the 6th of May, 1911, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of thalr recovery ind all persona Indebted to said firm are hereby notified to maka immediate payment. , D. S. WATSON, Assignee. D. RALPH MILLARD. Attorney. Let us give you tea estimate on that electric wiring. Our work gives satisfaction. W. A. Ward ANYTHING. . , . ELECTRICAL 10 N. Pack Square. Phone 449., Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder Sale of Concrete Hotel Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of and under the terms of a decree of the Superior court of the county of Buncombe and Btate of North Caro lina, made and entered in the case of E. A. Smith, against C. H. Miller and wife and J. II. Oudger and wife, and others, that on MondayAugust the 1st, 1910, between the h urs of 12 M. and 1 P. M. on said day, from the premises herein described, the undersigned commissioner, will sell to the highest bidder, upbn terms herein stated, the following described lands and premises, to-wit, a certain lot, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the city of Asheville and State of North Carolina, being the same lot on which is located the unfinished concrete hotel structure, com monly known as the Smith or Miller hotel, said lot being and described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a stake at the northeast Junction of North Main and Col lege streets and running thence north 10 degrees west, and with the east margin of North Main street, 128 feet to the corner of lot number 12 of block number two, as Indicated on a plat made by B. M. Lee and filed In said cause, thence north 79 degrees and 3 minutes east, and with south line of said lot number 12 of block two, 129 feet to the northwest corner of lot number S of said block two, thence south 14 degrees and 25 min utes eust, and with west line of said lot number S, 120 feet to a stake In the north margin of College street, thence south 75 degrees and 25 minutes west, and with said edge of College street, 1S9 feet to the beginning. Terms of sale, one-third of the purchase money to be paid In casu on the day of sale, one-third In twelve months from day of sale, and balance two years, the deferred payments to bear interest from the day of sale. For further Information appiy to the undersigned. ' ' This June 10th, 1910. W. R. WHITSON, Commissioner. Six Folliee ef 8oience. Tue six follies of aclence are the squiring of tbe circle, perpetual mo Uou, tbe philosopher's eteue. the elixir of life, rootle aud astrology. . In all agea men of undoubted ability have toiled early and lute to unravel the mysteries supposed to be connect ed wit I) these fascinating problems. It la not always remembered that suco Intellectual glunU aa Bacon. Sir Bob ert Boyle and Sir Isaac Newton aoujUt tbe philosopher's atone. lit tne atudy of astrology Lilly was for time even pensioned by parliament Most of these "follies" conferred In direct benefits upon acleuce, for In seeking one thing tbelr devotees dis covered many another. The erase for tbe secret, or unknown, has atlll Its bold upon men and Is seen la palmis try and kindred cults. Te Take Ne CruMcee. Hamlar Why In tbe dickens bare you got tbat string tied around your tootn? . , -' .. Abseote To remind me that I must have the tooth removed .. Iltnilar But, goodness gracious, why doa't you do as ordinary people and hava tbs string tied around your fin gerT v . ; i : ' . Absente Istlfflyi-Becauae. air, I don' care te have my finger removed. Cbl cago NttV , ;lo a. m. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 17TH, 1909. ZILLICOA AND RETURN RIVERSIDE PAEj! ' ' MONTFORD AVENUE TO SANTEE STREET DEPOT VIA SOUTHSIDE AVENUE t;80 and every 16 mluutes until ft p. m then every hour until 11:00 p. m. 10:20 a. m. and every T 1-1 minutes rntll ii:0 p. m., except 9:07 and 10:07 which go to Bono street only b a. m. and every 16 minutes until 1:18; then every T 1-2 minutes until 1:10; then every II minutes till 11:00 last car DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVENUE MANOR , 0:16, 6:20, 7 a. m. and every 16 min utes until ( p. m., then every 10 mln utea till 11:00. , :15. C:46, 7, 7:10 a. n then every II minutes tlU 11 p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS PATTON AVENUE EAST STREET GRACE VIA MERRIMON AVENUE T a. m., a. m., then every II mtn. till T:tl p. m. 11:00 o'clock ear runs through to Qolf club. - I a. m. and every 16 minutes till 11 p. m. S a. m. and every 16 minutes till 11:00 p. m. a. m. and every 10 minutes till 11:00 last ear. 11:10 te 2 p. as., and from I to T p. m. a II minute schedule will be maintained. ' ' - (.it au in. and every li mluutee till :su p. m. men wary sv hihulh ujj 11:00. laat car. Sunday schedule differs In the following particulars: '. Cars leave for Depot, both South aide and French Broad. 1:11, I: II a. m. Car for Depot via, Southslda 7:00, 7:10, 1:00 a. m. Next regular ear for Depot leaves Bquare 1:46 both tootMslde and French Broad. First ear leaves Bquare for Charlotte street at 1:46. ' . .First car leaves Bquare for Riverside 2:10, aaxt 1:41. With the- above exceptlona, Sunday schedule commences M I a. m. Md Contint.ee same as week days, m On evenings when entertainments are In progress et either Aui1" .turn or Opera House, the last trip on all lines will be fi' m entarth .iment, leaving Square at regular time and holding ever at Arxlttortum or i'wr House. . . - . " "t. n Car leaves Square to meet No. II, night t'sJa. 20 3itnota before ' 1 ale or announced arrival. V

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