. . ' - ' ' . e-- " ' ' ; -'..' .... - ?ag2 roxnt THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. " v Monday. Jitrw i a. ! 5 .- :V PUBLISHED BY Xyening News Publishing Co. ASHEVnXE. N. C. Kew York Office 225 Fifth Avenue (Brunswick Bldg.). Room 04. -Chicago Office 312 Boyce Building. Charles A. Menet. Manager. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Asheville and Bmmore One Week lc. Three Mouths 1-25 Bli Montlia 2.50 Twelve Months 5.00 ' BY MAIL, IN ADVANCE: Three Months 6U Months 2 00 Twelve Months 4 00 Entered at the Postofflce In Asheville as aecond-claas matter. t The Gaxette-News Is a mem- H ber of The Associated ITess. I Its telegraphic news Is there- at fore complete and reliable. t Monday, June 13, 1910. MR. JISTKK SIKKS Ills MIM. V have :il lasl l.i n permltied to nee vh;it we wnntril to see. W knew In reason that number uf i':irolinu statesmen lieM n,itii..ns upon, and ap pertaining to, that liond pun iiase l.y the Anierii-an Tuliure.. , ..inany. I.nt there Were t ll . ' Isa.llllH i.f IIS Willi Were pinillK to See til. .si- private iipiliiulis pillilirly explessi i' No, tin- Haleivli .News ami ul.s.iv.-r has not as yet laoreil us with a .li- reet expression -if ita eilit -.1 i::ri- ions ll Spei tint.' Ibis tuple nf State wiile ini(nrtani but iii'tiif t ly, we have an expression with Hie gnml. old Reliable l int; t it. Tliis nim.-sn tin form of a letter from that distinguish ed Rchismatist, the Hun. K J. Jnstiie of Greensboro, carried beneath wholly typical. home-made headlines. A pleasurable sensation was augmented by rapid stages as the eye fell upon these head lines: "A word to Toad ies of Tobaii'o trust Thrift follows fawning The liuving of I'lilt-Ialged Bonds by the Trust Ioes not Lessen or Remove the d, ligation of the Democratic I'arty to Pass a Real Anti-Trust Law to Take the Place of the Pink Tea Subterfuge that inv Cumbers tin- Statute I looks." With that start the letter of Mr. Justice necessarily pioveil satisfying. The editor of the Vews and observer has not yet brought himself to the point of approaching this delicate sub ject editorially, as we h ae said, but his sentiments are thus amply ex pressed through the medium of head lines and raised type And if those headlines were satisfying. Hie letter of the gentleman from Cieensboro was equally so. We ben have to copy freely from tins let as. largely be cause or what is s.ud .. Ixiitt a water POWer trust We blliee that tile letter Is worthy of consiiferatinn To the Kditot : May 1 be permitted to say publicly a word with referent to the sale of the North Carolina bonds. The purchase of one million dollars of these bonds by the Ameri can Tobacco Company is apt to mag Blfy the importance of a certain class of citizens who are "toadies ' to t Iti: corporation, and to similar special in terests. It may not be out of plao just now to state the case accurately The general assembly of r.tOH as Burned that North Carolina four per cent bonds would sell at pur or above par, Btid made no provision against the contingency that the market for , securities throughout the United States would ro decline by the sum mer of 1910. that even these high- class securities would not bo gladly taken at par or above. Husiness pru dence and ordinary foresight were ex ercised by the legislature in its course. The Republicans promised a degree of prosperity in the event of .Mr. Taffs election, which, if half of it had been realized, would have guaranteed sat isfactory prices for the bonds I have no sympathy with the Cat '..vie com mittee or the Republican newspapers that have tried to discredit the State bonds. If they are so lacking in in tegrity and patriotism that they are capable of such n course they are without the pale, und no preaching will help them. It is not worth while to "sins; psalms to a dead home," and It Is not to answer these that I write. 1 m glad the bond situation has been relieved so that a special session of the legislature is not necessary on this account. If, however, a special session of the General Assembly would have resulted In tne passage of an ef- . fective anti-trust law that would have saved the Btate from a combination of Its greater water powers it would . have run worth whilo and I would havs been glad to see it for this pur pose, and on this account. I fear that before the' next legisla ture meets the water power trust , will be a thing accomplished, and the difficulties In protecting the people win nave increased, by reason of "vest ed rights' and other legal kindred questions.' The men responsible for the American Tobacco trust will reap the rewards of the Carolina Water Power trust When the (problems Krowtpg out or this situation, con front the state for solution, there . will b those who will demand im munity from criticism of Messrs. Duke and others, because they earns to the relief of the State In this "our hour of trouble. It will be a long time before the Jol.by ar this corporation, and its sue. elal representatives In the coming legisiuuirt cease io exioi the patriot ism of the officials of the American Tobacco company as exemplified bv the purchase of one million dollars of Mate bonds. -- v Just one more word concerning v bnt we may term the political uiv..-t if i it siniHttnu. We recently giVe expression to some wonder as to. the identity of the person or persons who had performed the diplomatic mission of drawing the attention' of the trust to its manifest duty or opportunity, In the premises. Mr. Justice is of the opinion that this bond sale is "apt to magnify the importance" of statesmen who were Instrumental in bringing about this sale. Whom, may we Inquire, does the former Speaker of the House of Rep resentatives suspect? rrmxci it mildly. The Charlotte Observer probably lid not notice how wu were longing to see an expression of its opinion re- pecting certain performances of its superior fiend, John Motley More- head, but our contemporary has nevertheless given us, indirectly, a line on how it stands. It thinks that the ancient worthy whose impreca tion look the form of a desire that his enemy should write a book would loubtless, if she came back to earth just now, prefer composing a letter as ii more certain and more powerful trouble-breeder." Thereupon, as cases in point, the Observer directs atten tion to the recently disclosed love let ters of Prof. Peck, and to the uolili- I letters recently sent out by More- head ui.d.r hia government frank. w liich is designed to carry public doc uments. Here is the way our con temporary views the Moreheau method of keeping down his postage bills: "Turihemore, not a few pa pers are suggesting with very great truth that Mr. Morehead exceeded H bounds of propriety In mailing -uch letters under his official frank." So our contemporary is really con trained to the opinion that Morehead lias "exceeded the bounds of pro priety." We have an idea that this very deliberate, ami very judicious, com lusion will not be successfully challenged. The aviators know what it is to be borne aloft on the wings of the morn ing; occasionally, also, they come to a feeling understanding of the ex pression, a sudden dull thud. It is upon this occasion that a kind heart d public must pity the sorrows of the several mountain parties just now .using in the tall, uncut. Personally, we doubt very much whether we shall ever fly from New York to Philadelphia. A t'aing like that is calculated to create a disturbance in a place like Philadelphia. They might call that new party the Big Stick party. Now Isn't that Hamilton a bird? t t PRESS COMMENT. K KKKsti,ftit l'KLLAUUA Not FtfOM cortv Deaths HllliliOHed lo lie from the new disease, pellagra, continue to be reported. Physicians have been of tile opinion that the disease was caused bv the eatintr of nnriim nr rot ten corn. There is a good piece of news, therefore, for those who are fond of corn, prepared in various ways; a held committee which has been investigating the disease at liooie, iias definitely proved tnat mai.e, or Indian corn, is not the Calls,' of till, diu.inu., Thi. .mmlllaa lias found that the conveyor of the disease is tV simuliuoi rcptans, a species or biting gnat. The American Miller from utii.-h the) above information is taken, cites the fact that Dr. Sam born, among other physicians ami scientists, has oeen sgepiicai or the theory that the mVHterioilM fifUm-rn nn..i1 l,v eating corn. He advanced the opin ion mat it would be round to be caused by a fly, just as the African sleeping sickness is caused by th bite of the "TselZe" flv Tim r,,nf la n.i forthcoming, and will relieve the mums or tnose lonu or roasting ears, corn bread, fair tironrf ., ,i ihn miti popular articles of diet, to be derived limn torn. Just irecluetv uhul flu in tv, irit ed States causes the disease is not known. The "buffnlr. flvM ,,f th i and the "black fly" of the north are rcmieu io ll. HclenitiiL will now no doubt locate the eact cause of the uisease m the Insist family. Knox ville Sentinel. . . Th sir Fat. The late Dr. 'J.'aliniigr- once called on bis lawyer sud found two of bis pa lishloucrs there on le(ral buslnesa of private nature. "Ab. doctor. culled! tb Iswver In greellnu. "good inoruJuir! Here are two of your fock. Mr ! sk without impertinence If you regard them as black sheerr or whiter" "1 dou t know as yet." replied Tsl- mage uryjy. "whether tb.y re black or white, hut I'm certain that if they re main beeu long they'll be ileeced." Charged For Curiosity. , Mr. Hacb Wbat la the reason you chars! twice aa much for my cuffs you. aid formerly T Laundress Because you hive begun Making pencil note on thd.ro. "What difference doe that maker The girls waste so much time Id trying to make them out" London Spare Moment. . (, Indisputable Proof. ' Tou aay tbey contested tb will of fbo deceased?" Tea. and the court fold that he was suffering from hilraciDstlous." "On what KrouLnflsr . ' "It appears that be ktft three-fourth f his property Io bis roothw tn-!ar. London CfcilulOQ, 1 E VIEWS TO BE EXHIBITED Stereopticon at Palace Theater Will Show How Tuberculo sis Fight Is Carried On. The union printers of this city in their efforts to secure a more general use of the union label on the printed matter which the business and pro fessional men use, will show stereop ticon views of the Union Printers Home at Colorado Springs, Col., at the Palace theater tomorrow after noon and night. These views are shown for the purpose of demonstsnt ing the fact that the union printers of the country are doing a great work for themselves nnd for the public, and that they deserve the recogni tion of husiness and professional men, to the extent that the union label be used by those having printing done. This label is designed as a guarantee that the printing is well done by union men. The physicians of this town, as well as the medical profession all over the country, highly endorse the work which the Typographical union is do ing in the tight against tuberculosis. The following letter from Dr. Paul Patiuin, addressed to the president of the Asheville Typographical union is an indication of the opinion that the local physicians have of the work of the union printers: "My Dear Sir: In replying to your questions with reference to my opin ion as to the work of your Institution for the benefit of its members, I beg leave to state that I am better pre pared to speak about the health side than tb question of recommending utiior labels for the work of Typo graphical union. At the meeting of the International Congress on Tuber culosis last year, 1 saw your fraterni ty's exhibit of its sanitorium and methods of treatment and care of the tubert ular among your people. I was very much impressed with the earn est and thorough work done among you for the prevention of tuberculo sis. 1 became influenced with the conviction that yours is not an asi citition for despotism and "Trust methods" of doing business but a sympathetic one deserving the good will of the people in general. I hope to see your stereopticon exhibits here and wish you success in your efforts to arouse public interest There can be no question of the great merits of your great congregation, and I be speak for you all kindly consideration of your propositions and claims. Very sincerely, "PAUL FAQUIN, M. D." I T Prowlers Overlooked Only One Old Hen in Dr. Reynolds' Fine Flock in Edgemont. Chicken thieves ere again abroad in tlie land. The la t announced raid was made Saturday night when thieves invaded the hen houses of Dr. Carl V. Reynolds in Edgemont park and removed therefrom approximate ly 100 tine fowls, Including thorough bred Plymouth Hocks and white Leg horns. The discovery of the robbery was made Sunday morning when those about the place sallied forth to feed the flock and found one lone, scraggly In n holding down the job, the hen house doors open, the roosts vacant and the beautiful specimens of thor oughbred fowls gone. The police have been notified of the roobery and are at work on the case but thus far have failed to secure any evidence that would lead to arrests. Dr. Reynolds has offered a reward of $10 for information that will lead to the arrest und conviction of the guilty persons. WILL SIXL BAKING .pOWKKK. Metlnxll-t phlluihcaM Will Visit the Housekeepers This Week, Taking Orders for Ruinford. All the housekeepers of the city will be visiled this week by u band of blooming persuasive young women who will solicit their orders for Rum ford baking powder. The amateur canvassers are the members ef the senior Philathea class of ,-ntral Methodist church. The class has ac cepted a proposition from the Rum ford baking powder company to do their best for them for the week In se curing orders for their goods. The young women do not deliver the baking powder nor collect the. mon ey: they slmnlv turn In the nrAr. t the grocery stores. For their services me mining powder company will pay the Phllatheas 140. With r.r ..r this money these energetic young women win aivide their Philathea room by a partition, and materially Improve It In enulnment Tk. ... mainder of the money will be sent to the Methodist orphanage at Wln-ston-Palem. ROUND TRIP TO SAN FRANCISCO, For $89.00 to JIM JEFFRIES AND JACK JOHNSON PRIZE FIGHT ON JULY 4th. As the time is verv nwir nil persons, during to en will communicate at once with GEORGE CATHEY, Asheville, N. 0. Train will leave about Juno . I o o tm I A muwarK 01 fctrencth a i -rjj,) i ii i - If Your Eyes Ache There's a reason for It and you ell 11 1 1 1 ) fnmA haM tPna, n (Vomllll I illll and correct fitting glasses! Our work win convince you that we Know our business. CHARLES R. HONESS Optometrist and Optician:. Manufacturer of Spectacle and Eyeglasses. ' 54 Patton Ave, opp. Postofflce. PULLMAN PARTY TO ATTEND FIGHT AT SAN FRANCISCO George t'allicy Organizing Crowd of 10 to Ixii vc Here June li Will Make Several Mops. fleorge Cathey is planning to get up a party to attend the Jeffries-Johnson fight In San Fram -it-o July 4. He has chnrtered a buffet l"ullman car to accommodate 40 pe.oih and plans to leave here Juno 26 and after stopping over at several points of interest nlong the route, arrive at San Francisco in time for the great fistic mill. The car is to be parked at San Krancisco for he party's accommodation while there, thus saving hot -1 bills. The party will go one route and re turn another, affording opportunity for seeing the countrv. Mr. Cathey h.is secured a rate of t S! from Ashe ville and return. Alnady about 0 people have signified their intention of going, including persons at Black Mountain, Hot Springs, Morristown. Asheville. Spartanburg. Danville and several other places. The buffet car will he stocked with all kinds of eatables and a cook will be taken nlong to provide meals. Stop l over privileges will bt Riven for prin cipal points. In this section, the big fight hns aroi'sed much interest and more than a down people will likely go from Ajduvillc alone. Mr. Cathey would he glad to give further information upon application to him. ' We desire to call attention to the advertisement of the State Normal and Industrial College which appears in this issue. Every year shows a steady growth in this institution devoted to the higher educution of the women of North Carolina. The college last year had a total enrollment of 993 students. Ninety of ninety-eight counties of the State had representatives In the student body. Nine-tenths of all the graduates of this institution have taught or are now teaching in the -schools of North Carolina. The dormitories are furnished by the State and hoard is provided at ac tual cost. Two hundred appointments to the dormitories, apportioned among the several coiimiis ' according to school population, w ill be awarded to applicants about the middle of July. Students who wish to attend this In stitution next year should make ap plication as early as possible, aa the capacity of the dormitories Is limited. , It WHEAT-HEARTS GRIDDLE CAKES (Superior to Buckwheat.) And Infinitely More Digestible, To one cud of wwrat-hkahtb add one cup of flour, one teaspoon of sail, two teaepons of baking pow der, one tablespoocful of brown su gar,, one well beaten egr, and suffi cient sweet milk to make a thin bat ter. Bake on hot, well greased (rid dle, and serve with syrup. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the state for the Wom en of North Carolina. ; Four regular Course leading to m-Jrees. . Special Courses for Teachers. p?ill Session be gins September It. laio) Those desir ing to enter should appy aa early as possible. For oatalngue and other information address Jl'LIl'S I. foi st. PreiadMit, (ireenslHro, Ji. C. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods TeL 426, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. TL WF.AVKH Mt. IF IT IS A i Question of Quality In laundry work, you're always safe in having it done the , NICHOLS WAY ; Asheville Lrr.dry, J. A. NICHOLS, liana jer PHONE 05. jy wnos iour )noemaiw Has he made a special study of shoes, and how to fit them to the human foot for comfort and health? 1 Come here, where you n"re as sured a perfect lit by men who hnvo made shoes and their lit ting to the human foot a spe cial study, and who knows ac curately all the vital points about a shoe. Every 1'910 style here for la dles, men and children. BROWN -MILLER SHOE CO. Leaden in Fine Shoes. 47 Patton Ave. I! PORCH ROCKERS AND HAMMOCKS Nice assortment of Porch Rockers and Hammocks. x It will pay yo uto look our stock over and get our prices, as we can save you money. DONALD & DONALD, 14 S. Main St. Phone 441. Prescriptions I have the complete lot of the old P'afflin and SeaweU'B Pharmacy Pre scription l'iles. Any one desiring to have Prescriptions lUdilled can Phone tlie number to 201 nnd orders will lie promptly attended ru und delivered anywhere in the city. We make a specialty of prescription work.' 1 i r r QpqwoIi J J UtdtVLIl Driest. 46 8. Main Sa. Phoni 201,. In Hwannanoa Hotel. 1 THE BIG PEERLESS FORCED SALE BEGINS TO-MORROW, Jhe Seady Special Jbfe of Smbroidored inen Coat Suits This sale began today and' will Txrlr T not- -rrl,'. 1 r T i ' kooi vyccu. o sciic ui juingene ureases waa a s1 i success. Those who purchased at this sale can appre- I v.iciic uun xviarcne values. - $22.5o Embroidered Linen Coat Suit for $17.50. $20.00 Embroidered Linen Coat Suit for $16.00. $12.50 Embroidered Linen Coat Suit 'for $10.00. , U.00 Black Jilk Untienklrti-fr On Tuesday for one day ONLY we will sell $4 -Taffeta Silk Petticoats for $2.98 "Jl,ir' V'1,J": ' ' ' ' ' Thisis sucha splendid value that it is really unnec essary to harp on it any longer. JttsiJ'cQ lOindov JOkplrjj ' Security , On April 1st, this bank wffl Increase tta stock to one an million dollars. Its depositors srOl havs back of their money -C SIR PLCS. ...,...,..- . . wr.,;.T. ., v. . . r. ' "l,f 5'W.0I SHAREHOLDERS lifABIUIT .. ViV. 'J'SmJJ A GRAND TOTAL OF... wyy m ,,.J v: THE BIG BANK T. S. MORRISON, Chairman & Vice-Pre. The American WachOia!Loan& Trust Company Capital $300,000. Deposits $1,200,000. The Largest Bank in Western North Carolina. The Only Bank in Ashevilli Under TJ. S. Supervision. ACCOUNTS INVITED, LARGE AND SMALL' JOIIW n. CARTFK, President. O. J. HARRIS. Vlee.ftL Ii. Ii. JENKINS, ActlVB V-IV It REDWOOD Vlee-pT- R. M. F1TZPATRICK, Cashier. itlllllllllllllllllllllllllMMlMT GERMAN COLORED 15 Cents Brown Book Company Phone St, Mackerel, New Catch These Mackerel are Extra Fine M. HYAMS, Grocer Groceries, Vegetables and Poultry. Cor. N. Main and Merrimon Aye. Phone 41. W. E. MASSIE HARNESS Co. Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Strap Goods, Horse Collars, Saddles, Whips, Etc. 30 North Main. ' Phone . I LOGAN n MERCHANT TAILOR. Legal lildg. 8. Pack Square. Phone 7(7. . BATTERY PARK BANK ASnEVILLE, Ji, O. J. P. Sawyer, President. T. C. COXB. 1st Vice President E. 8LTJDER, Id Vice President. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. Capital ..$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $130,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Special attention given to collect tlona, Four per cent. Int. Test paid on time deposits. - tO'lfDear Jiouse OF THE SOUTH, t t W.B. WILLIAMsnw " Cashier, nun tuu National Bank SOUVENIR POST CARDS. 7"- Per Dozen. vpposita Port Otlce. Apples ,' 25c Per Peck. O K Grocery Co. ' MSS4 Depot Street. Phone fix Home Papers,"late Magazines, Post Cards, etc. Best Line Cigars and Tobacco on the Market BARBEE'S Full Value Cigar Store. 1 THE FORCED SALE OF THE PEERLESS STOCK STARTS AT 9 O'CLOCK . TO-MORROW. of jisheville .continue the entire TA ." - a rrralt f TT.1 -f