Monday, June 13, 1910, .' - : ; T": :' : u ' inr n ; i intr.rv v n i n a ir - - ! i... . , . , . , - u u i ii vit i u u M VI J LO Hit V AKAt h J IT la useless for anyone to call at this office In an endeavor to And oat the names of advertisers. Those who advertise coder an Initial or nom dc plume do not wish their names to be made public, and they cannot be di vulged at this office. ' - . HELP WANTED. I HADE) $60,000 in five years In the Mall Order Business and began with only a few dollars. There are uau aual opportunities for making mon ' ey today, and it is not difficult to begin. If you have even a small cap ital and want to start a mall order business of your own, send for my r free booklet It tells how to make money. Address, Publisher, The i Mall Order World, Box 1609, Lock ' port, N. T. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED Ex perience ' unnecessary. Sell our brands to the retail trade. Big pay. Write for full particulars at once. Globe Cigar Co., Cleveland, O. 15-100t. WANTED One. first-class pastry cook, two first class white maids with experience. Address with ref erence, Lynn Hahn, Manager. Hay wood - White Sulphur Springs, Waynesville, N. C. 106-3t EXCLUSIVE territory Instantaneous Lighting System. Triumph of me chanlcal genius. A Marvel, scien tific application of natural laws. A money maker. Gloria Light Com pany, No. 127T Washington, Chica go, IlL ' FOR SALE. SEVERAL VEHICLES of the Lasater bankrupt stock for sale at Patton ft Stlkeleather's stables. ' tf FOR SALE A fun course scholar ship in the Emanuel Business College.- Enquire at Oaaette-News of floe. tf FOR SALE New 7-room house close tn, all modern improvements, $2500. Forbes ft Campbell, 52 Patton ave nue. Phone 268. - 97-tf FOR SALE 60,000 feet galvanized pipe as follows, per hundred feet: H in. $4.00, In. $4.60. 1 in. $6.60. IK tn. $t.6e, IK In. 210.90. t in. $14.60. Ball, Thrash Co., No. 7 and East College street, Ashevllle, N. C FOR SALE Four "No. 1" desirable building lots In Canton, N. C This property enhancing in value every day. Apply w Jeffress Co., Can ton. N. C. 61-tf. FOR SALE 100,000 ft new black and galvanised pipe. Bend us your - Inquiries and orders, and receive the-advantage of very low prices. Largest stock of Mill Supplies In western Carolina. Saws, Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, Pack ings. Hose, Pipe Fitters' and Ma chinists' Tools. Ashevllle Supply A Foundry Co., Market and Eagle Diinu, nw. FOR SALE 12 two room cottages, 12 vacant lots, for $3000. F. P. Ingle, room . Revell Bldg. 77-tf FOR SALE First class horse and buggy at bargain. Apply 4$ Patton avenue. 95-tf FOR SALE One lot very near an acre, 10 room house, all modern conveniences, at Grove Park, 192 Charlotte, at a bargain. Phone $50 or call at $92 Charlotte BU 96-tf FOR SALE A lot tn good location at a big bargain: terms. Address C. Merrill. Box 164. Frtn QtTfj-nM aatahllahad retail business, all's and up-to-date. No old or shopworn goods. Only reason for selling Is state of owner's health. Terma matt nr ttma. Don't need the money, but must sell. Apply to unas. g. Lee, Atty., Battery ram Bank Bids. tf FOR SENT. THE NICEST . Furnished Rooms In Asbevine for light housekeeping Sink In kltchtn. gas and electric lights, St Starnea avenue, i tf FOR RENT I room eottage near In, all modern conveniences, fine gar den. Has not been occupied by any one sick. XX 8. Watson, Agarht - eod-tf FOR RENT Wfttt board, a desirable suite with bath, at the , Carralton. 79 Asheland avenue, 16-tf FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms unaoie ior ugnt nouseaeeping; well ventilated: modern conveni ences. Apply at Palais Royal Co., Bouia itaia street . tf FOR RENT Four furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Will rent singly If desired. . Modern conven iences. Three doors from Montford avenue car line. Rent reasonable Mrs. a. M. Mathls. 22 Beardea ave nue. Il-tf, FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or light housekeeping. Mock from Auditorium. 9$ Haywoed street . .'. U-tt For nvtxrY a.MM -,-- haaa ' - . ",nwiu , a . .v Mo.; 4 -room cottage, $11.00: mo.: 4. -room eottage $12.00 mo.; 4-room a eottage, modern, just, the thing for railroad man, $14.00 m. Mantel lar Co. , . , FOR RENT Very desirable -efrtcee and sleeping rooms ' In Library building; every convenience. D. 8. Watson, Agent, office In Library Building. 87-eod-tf ..rV'R.nrcWT Attractive and Com fortahW v homes In BIttmore, both furnished and unfurnished. All conveniences; buautlful surround ings and environment. Rents reasonable. Arnlv at rtlltmora of fice, or telephone 68. 104-1't.J MISCELLANEOUS. THE MONTH OF JUNE at the Ashc- cwmness uouege 18' decidedly the best for limited niin.ita scholarship-pupils. Begin a. four iMimuiB course now and we can place you in the early fall. Tuition rates cheaper than they will, be again. Please call this week. New class beginning. Henry S. Shockley, principal. ; 102-6t WIRE AND IRON FENCING Now is me ume to get your fences built so as to avoid the spring and summer- rush. Office In Oates building, first floor. Phone $18. M. A. Creasman Son. jo-tf. SPECIAL A 100-piece Dinner Set ior iz.60, at The Ashevllle China Co., 6 N. Pack Sq. Phone 881. tf RUGS AND CARPETS CLEANED tsy our cleaning machine In a thor ough manner at reasonable cost Phone 228. Ashevllle Carpet House. 270-tf OFFICE ROOMS Three nice con necting office rooms for rent Sec ond floor over Kress' store. Light, heat, water and Janitor service. See T. J. Harking. 75-tf DIVORCE LAWS OF NEVADA, and other states free on request. F. B. Fuller, Ooldfield, Nevada. 80-lm ALL KINDS HAIR GOODS, made from combings; braids, switches, puffs, curls, etc, reasonable prices. Emma Hurdx, J 7 Seney street. Phone 1117. 83-26t HAVE you a camera or kodak you do not nave any use for and want to eellT See Carlton W. Capell, at the Gazette-News. tf LOW COST INSURANCE Join the Woodmen of ' the World. Spe cial 80-day rate. Class Initiation $2.00. For application blanks see G. L. Herman, Clerk, $7 South Lib erty street, or at The Inland Press. 97-26t TYPEWRITER REPAIRING Four teen years' experience repairing all makes of typewriters, together with the largest and best equipped re pair shop In the state, surely places us in the "know how" class. PartB for all standard make of machines, ribbons and carbon papers. J. M. Hearn ft Co., Battery Park Place, Phone 448. ' . WORK WANTED By young man, sober, steady, honest, Industrious. Prefer mechanical, plumbing, elec trical, but will work at anything decent and honorable. Answer "Youth," care Gazette-News, Ashe vllle. dh-tf POULTRY SUPPLIES Red Comb, Poultry Feed, Scratch,- Corn and Fine Chicks Pry Mash for hens. Force feed for little chicks. Roup, Gape, Cholera, and White Diar rhoea Cure, Lice Powder and Lice Liquid, and a limited number of 60c books free.' Phone 7G3. J. M. Campbell, at Stoner's Grocery Dept. 105-tf. WANTED. WANTED Ladies' Dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McGInness, II South Main street 132-tf WANTED TO BUY A ecqd-hand Camera, kodak or Brownie, Carl ton W. Capell, at this office. tf WANTED Position as a traveling salesman. Been two years on the road. For reference apply at Ashe, villa Gasette-Newa offloe, . Address "H." care Gasette-Newa. 61-tf WANTED Your Notary public work. Phone 98. Jas. W. Albright 66-tf PATENTS procured, also sold on commission. Positively no advance fee. Patent Exchange, Jenifer Building, Washington, D. C. 85-tf WANTED A few piano pupils, es pecially beginners, after June It very moderate terms,- Miss Viola Ownbey, No. 8 Merrlmon Place. 8l-16t WANTED A few boarders In quiet private family. Ten minutes walk from BUtmore car Una. Beautifully located, with all modern conven iences. Phone 1168. 82-26t WANTED Men 01 marked .taste In dress to see our splendid assortment of fine woolens. Imported and do mestlc, and select pattern for new summer suit Tailoring guaranteed unexcelled In imerlca. J. C. Wllbar, ' Phonn 889. Pressing club $1 a moMH; 2 months $2.50. WANTED To send messenger for your suits to oe peneouy cieanea, sponged and pressed and returned in ahnrt order. Over fifteen years' experience. Cleaning and blocking - straw and Panama hats a specialty. J. C. Wllbar, phone 889, on the Square. BOARDING. ROCK LEDGE, 68 Haywood street 28 rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, no ooa samptlvea taksa. Mrs. P. J. Cor- eoraa, prop. . BON AIR, 66 Asheland avenue, close to center of otty, on car 11ns, ex cellent table. Rates $8.00 to $12.00 per week. No consumptives taken , , Mrs. J. L Rich and, Mlae Bojrce, " propce. , , 81-tf, HATT1E FOX. Fortune Teller, cor ner Woodfln street and Central ave nue, down stairs. Can change your luck. Tells the truth always. 108-0t FRENCH CLASSES, frem beginners to highest grade. Madame Esmery; French . University diploma. 80 Flint street. 106-3t PRIVATE BOARDING 16 Woodfin street; five minutes from square, newly furnlnhed hmi, no consump tives. Rutes reasonable. 100-2bt. j M I I m rfj in: uH J W K : Leading Stocks on New ? AiJ St jCuaranteflt 1 J ?ork Exchange-Cotton U3)H( " . OUaiMTeen IX Market Quotations. . Q No stotr ch doongbmthe uSe pleasant, healing, germ -killing sit of Hyomei, sod cue CATARRH, COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP. SOKE THROAT. BROHCHITIS. ETC 4J Complete outfit, including hard rubber in. haler, $1.00, on money-back plan. Exua bottles, 50c DnjggaUerery where, and by SMITH'S DRUG STORE. WANTED Boarders at 46 N. French Broad avenue. Special rates to per manent people and table boarders. Mrs. W. K. Merrick. 93-26t SUBSTITUTE During July, stenog rapher, lady, seven years' exper ience, high school and seminary graduate. Would consider perma nent, If desired. Address R. P. S., Gazette-News office. 104-Kt BONNY CASTLE, Waynesville, N. C. Homelike comforts, large shaded lawn, beautiful views, modern con veniences. Table of the very best. Near Main street. Terms reasona ble. Mrs. R. H. Blackwell. 10S-26t GO TO HOTEL BALSAM" Balsam, N. C, Largest and best equipped hotel on Murphy division of South ern railway, tenis, bowling, music, dancing and other amusements, al titude 3551 feet highest railroad point east of the RocKles, round trip fare from Ashevllle $1.40, write for rates and beautiful illustrated booklet. . 106-tf. LOST, LOST Somewhere on the square or College street Wednesday afternoon, combination field and opera glasses. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning to Carlton W. Capell, at the Gazette-News. , 104-tf Beech Nut Beans, with To mato Sauce, none better, three cans for 25c. G. D. ALLISON, Phone 31. The CANADAY REALTY CO. Oates Building. Phone 974. For sale a new house, modern, of 10 rooms, nicely located, cost $3500 Will sell at once for $2250. $800 cash balance long time. Act quick: this is a genuine bargain. -1 Business Opportunity for young at torney. Small Investment in Abstract Co. with position of $1600 per year. This Is a fine chance and company Is doing fine business. Stock paying 20 per cent dividends. For sale, one of the nicest res!' dences of 8 rooms; modern, best of In cation. Owner leaving city will sell at a sacrifice if taken at once. Price right For sale, some fine moderate priced lots on long time, and small payment down. The CANADAY REALTY CO. Upholstering Department. We desire to call special attention to our Upholstering department. . We have In stock 80 Remnants , of Silk Tapestry, ancient designs, to select from. HAVNER & KISER, The Old Time Furniture Shop, No. fS7 N. Main St. I'lmne 1071. Sewing Machines ' for Bale, Rent or Exchange. Expert Repair Work. Ashevllle Sewing Machine Co .h... us Legal Building FREE USE OF KODAKS 1 We loan good Kodaks free If you have films finished here. The , best developing and printing from your films made on any kodak. Fine en largements from your favorite films. RAY'S STUPIO," Phone 1704. - r 29 Patton Ave. Livery at Weaverville For my friend, the drummer, take car to Weaverville and get Hack or Buggy from me for your trips. My stable endorsed by U. C. T.'s and T. P. A.'s. - Located opposite - depot Phone 28 and engage teams. ' W. M. REAGAN, Weaverville, N. C. . SHAMPOO. ' If you clean your own ncad, we have the best shampoo paste and liquors for the purpose. Used by ell barbers. ASIIKVILLK BAUBE118 SIT PLY Co. 88 N. Main St Telephone 482. THE FORCED SALE OF THE PEERLESS STOCK ' STARTS AT 9 O'CLOCK TO tronnov. ' : WANTS tKXitt(tstltit:KRitstRstst Without special feature the market came to standstill in mid-afternoon, when prices were a shudu below the best of the day. STOCKS. Onn. Close. 77 170 152 6314 12014 25 14 5914 12614 120 26 131 75. 112 77 195 130 145 125 116 11314 60 104 73 34 14 80 V4 38 100 4014 85 18 42 43 10514 u 6. tsteel ... 7f, u Union Pac. ....ICS ft to 169. Reading ... 15,,, Amalgamated Copper ... 62 Atlantic Coast Line Southern Railway , " Southern Railway pfd... St.. Paul ... 125 Southern Pacific 119. Erie Pennsylvania . 180 14 American Smelting 74 1 ramimore & onio Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. 76 Canadian Pacific 19'r Gt. Northern pfd Q Louisville & Nashville... Northern Pacific 124 N. Y. Central nr, U. S. Steel pfd 115 Missouri Pacific Atchison . . i 103 National Lead Colorado Fuel & Iron Chesapeake & Ohio 79 Mo., Kans. & Tex Norfolk & Western Uoek Island .. . ZH Rock Island pfd Wabash ... Wabash pfd 42 American Locomotive Peoble's Gas ... 105 ' NEW YORK COTTON. . Open. Close. 15.16 14.66 13.20 12.49 12.32 July 15.18 August ... . . 14.60 September ... , 13.15 October ... ... 12.47 December 12.27 Spot 15.20. A QUEER HEADPIECE. M-RS. EVA.-rSCHMIDX New York, June '11. Many queer hats of all sizos are seen In this coun try, but they havp nothing on the one worn by Mrs. Eva Schmidt, who has Just arrived from. Berlin, She in here as a nurse with a German f:imi!v. and wore the towering headdress and c os tume of Alaaclan nurses in their native land. The nurse's headdress Is , made of black silk and rises In a series of fan shaped flutes a foot above her head. The somebreness of the millinery is re lieved by a broad white collar and cn apron of many colors. PRINCE MIRZA KHAN ON PRlVixiE MISSION P71 TY"a-. inA. Risk mhmt. New York, June 11. Prince Mlrza lilzu Khan, who har been the PersiHn amlMtsaador to Co'istantlnople for t"-n years, is now in this country. He will spend two months studying I various systems of development lu this coun try, especially that of agriculture. He ays his visit Is purely personal, and that he Is not under commission from his government. . - - .-.,' To facilitate his observations here the Prince has been applying himself for eight hours each day slnoe May 1 to a study of English. Prior to be coming Ambassador to Turkey he was Ambassador to St. Petersburg and to Norway and Sweden.': "I have heard svmuch of the wealth f svmu of "his and resources of "his country," the Prince said, "tha I have been plan nlng for many years to visit America. Persia Is a great fruit producing coun try, and I hops toWr methods of development ' here ' that may aid my country In that branch of agriculture.' PLUMBING COUNSEL Talk bvo yeur building plans with and get our estimate ,. on , your plumbing. union PLunniia co ritone 433, SJ N. Main St. III " 4 . t';:S ' v ' ; 3 ?. 1 1 I ATTEND THE CREDITORS BIG SALE OF THE PEERLESS STOCK y TO-MORROW. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Buncombe County Superior Court. Josephine A. Baker, Executrix, vs. Hannah Nye, Joanna Grubb and husband, Harry Grubb, Alverta Wells and husband, Chas. Wells, Wllber Cubberly, and Josephine A. Baker, individually, and her hus band, J. A. Baker. NOTICE OF SALE. WHEREAS, In a special proceed ing entitled as above, begun In the Superior Court of Buncombe County, North Carolina, for the purpose of se curing a sale of the lands formerly belonging toJ. H. Adams, deceased, to make assets to pay debts, an order was made by the Court on the day of May, 1910, authorizing and di recting the undersigned commissioner to sell the lands hereinafter describ ed at the Court House door In the City of Ashevllle, on the 15th day ol June, 1910, after giving due notice of said sale as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is here by given that the undersigned will, on the 15th Day of June, 1910, at 12 o'clock, noon, offer loi sale to the Inst nnd highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in the City of Ashevllle, the following described pieces or parcels of land, bowit: 1. Two lots, about fifty feet by one hundred and forty feet each, situated on the north and east sides of John street, one hundred fifty feet west of Ora street, and being lots twenty and twenty-one on a plat recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds,' In Record of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, No. 52, on page 586. 2. One lot, fifty feet by one hun dred thirty feet, situated on the east side of John street north of the lots .above described and being lot No. 22 on said plat. 1 3. Two lots, fifty feet by one hun dred fifty feet each, on the northwest corner of Ora and John streets and being lots Nos. 17 and 18 on said plat 4. One lot situated on the north east corner of Hillside and Julia streets, about one hundred eight feet by two hundred twelve feet, being lot No. 7 on a plat of the Murdoch prop crty, recorded In said office of the Register of Deeds, in Record of Deeds Nn. 66, on page 621. 5. Four lots situated on the north west corner of Hillside and Louisa streets, three of said lots being one hundred feet by two hundred and fourteen feet and ' one being forty-seven feet by two hundred four teen feet, and being lots Nos. 11, 10, !) and the eastern part of lot 8 on said plat of the Murdoch lands. 6. Two lots on the southwest cor ner of Hillside nnd Mordcr streets, fifty feet by one hundred seventy feet each, being lots Noal and 2 on a pint of the lands of Wilson and Francis, recorded In said office of Register of Deeds in Record of Deeds No. 154, on page 12. 7. One lot on the north side of lli-oad street one hundred eighteen feet west of Crescent street, fifty-nine feet by one hundred ten feet, being lot No. 2 on a plat of the lands of C. V. Reynolds, recorded In said office of Register of Deeds, in Record of Deeds No. 154, on page 21. 8. One lot on the west side of Cres cent street, about fifty feet by one hundred twenty feet, and being lot N'o. 7 on said plat of the lands of C. V. Reynolds. 9. Five lots on the south side of Orand avenue, seventy feet by one hundred fifty feet each, being lots Nos. 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23 of Block E on the plat of the Proximity Park company's lands, recorded In said of fice of the Register of Deeds, in Record of Deeds No, 150, on page 305. 10. Three lots on the north side of firand avenue, seventy feet by one hundred seventy-five feet each, being lots Nos. 5, and 7 on said plat of the Proximity Park Company's lands. This the 16th day of May, 1910. JOSEPHINE A. BAKER, Commissioner. TRVSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con talned In a certain deed of trust made by Gasper M. Whltaker and wife. Llllv Whitaker, to the undersigned trustee. dated December IB, 1908. and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Buncombe county. N. C. In book of mortgages and deeds of trust No. 89, at page 815, to which reference Is hereby made, and default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby tho power of sale therein contained has become opera tive, the said undersigned trustee will on Thurmlay, the leth day of June, 1910, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction, for cash, at the rourt house door In the city of Ashevllle, count of Buncombe and state of North Car olina, the following land and premises situate, lying and being In Falrvlew township, Buncombe county, N. C, and more - particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a white oak, the old corner, and runs north 2 deg. east 32 poles to a stake; thence south IK 1-2 poles to a black oak, Clayton's corner thence N. 2 deg. E. with Clayton's line 21 1-1 poles to a black oak: thence north 88 deg. west 60 poles to a rock on hank of branch: thence south down with the meanders of branch 88 poles to stake In the forks of the branch in the old Whltaker line; thence 86 deg. east 84 1-2 poles to the begin ning, containing 21 acres more or less. This May 18., 1910. ' OTTC? HILDEBRAND,' " Trustee. $100.00 Cash, 515 Per Mo. Will buy a four room cottage, well lo cated, practically new. See It for bargain. ' DONNAnOll BLEDSOE, Reel Estate, Phone 841. Reed r.llg FOB SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi date for sheriff of Buncdmbe county, subject to the action of the Democrat ic primary, and promise If nominated and elected to do my duty to the best of my ability. J. HENRY REED. FOB SHERIFF. To the voters of Buncombe county: I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of sheriff subject to the action of the democratic primary. Yours respectfully, T. F, HUNTER. FOR SHERIFF. Being solicited by many friends from every section of Buncombe coun ty to run for the nomination for Sheriff, I have decided to do so, and am a candidate for the said office, subject to the action of the Democrat ic primary, and will abide by the re sult of same. FRANK M. JORDAN. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Sheriff of Buncombe county, subject to action of Democratic pri mary and promise, if nominated and elected, to do my duty to the best of my ability. E. M. MITCHELL. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Bun combe county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. C. F. WILLIAM3.f FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of County Treas urer, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. T. M. DUCKETT. FOR TREASURER. I announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the Dem ocratic primary. I am a Confederate veteran, marked by three balls receiv ed, in battle. I have een a teacher more than forty years, have spent the prime of my life in school work. I now ask the treasurer's place as younger teachers are given the schools and the older ones must seek other support Respectfully, H. L. KINO. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Democratic nomination for Tax Collector for Buncombe County; subject to the action of the Democratic primary. N. A. COLLINS. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Democratic nomination for the lower house of the North Car olina General Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. GEORGE SPEARS REYNOLDS, FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Democratic nomination for the office of Tax Collector for Buncombe county subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary. J. K. CHAMBERS. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS, X hereby announce myself a candi date tor the Democratic nomination for Register of Deeds for Buncombe county, subject to the sctlon of the Democratic primary June 28. BERKELEY CAIN. FOR SOLICITOR. T hereby announce myself a candi date for the Democratic nomination for Solicitor for the Fifteenth Judicial district; subject to the action of the Democratic convention. ROBERT R. REYNOLDS. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for register of deeds of Bun combe county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, to be held on June 25. If nominated and elect ed I will serve the publio to the best of my ability. J. J. MACKET. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of constable of Ashevllle township. Subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. W. A. JAMES. JR., J. P. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice Is hereby given that the firm of McDowell ft Spears, building con tractors. Is this day dissolved; E. E. McDowell retiring from the firm. e. e. Mcdowell, 3. W. SPEARS. 48-4w TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY: I hereby announce my candidacy before the Democratic Primaries for the nomination for State Senator for this County. liur support will be heartily appreciated. , - JULIUS C MARTIN, Ashevllle, N. C, May 8, 1910. For Township Constable. To the Democratic Voters of Ashe vllle Township, Buncombe county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of Constable, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary, June 25th, 1910. , ; JOHN R. HERREN. I FOR CONSTABLE. 'X hereby announce myself a candi date for constable of Ashevllle town- skip, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. F. MACK JONtCS. FOR STATU SENATE. To the Democratic Voters of Bun combe County: I hereby announce myself candi date for termination for the State Sen ate from this, the Thirty-seventh dis trict, subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary, . EEBTJLON WEAVER, FOB CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. To the Voters of Buncombe County: The undersigned earnestly solicits your support and Influence for the nomination for Clerk of the Superior Court of tnts county. Subject to ths actio of the Demo crats primary. WW..LE3 BAIRU PAGE SEVEN FOIl REGISTER OF DEEDS I hereby announce myself a candi date for the democratic nomination for the office of Register of Deeds for Buncombe county, subject to the action of the : Democratic county primary. M. L. REED. . FOR SOLICITOR. We, the undersigned, hereby an nounce Walter R. Gudger, as a can didate for the democratic nomination for the office of Solicitor of the Fif teenth Judicial district, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Respectfully submitted, W. W. Jones, J. E. Joyner, W. A. Reynolds, C. T. Rawls, J. W. Haynes. . FOR SOLICITOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Republican nomination for Solicitor for the 15th Judicial DIs trlct of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Republican convention of said district to be hereafter called and held. If nominated and elected ' I will Berve all the people faithfully to the best of my ability. , D. L. ENGLISH. FOR SUPERIOR COURT CLERK. I announce my candidacy for the Superior Court Clerkship, subject to action of the Democratic primary. It in believed a change In administration will be good for the health of the Democratic party. ' E. a ATKINSON. - FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. t To the Democratic Voters of Bun combe County: ' j I hereby announce to my friends i that I am a candidate for the office t of Clerk of the Superior Court I thank you for the honor conferred i upon me in the past and will greatly !1 appreciate any support you may give me in the coming primary. 1 lii Yours truly, r""' MARCUS ER WIN. ' N.Bl,WAVa 6t EARNING MONEY 1 Start. WonM ye ,fllt 'a Th" i Wl'tarb 9iKjmt o (jut B mall oianafac-r - , . turioff bttsincti is yotir home. I MX LI ttlG if Dot an tgrot propotitioo ; yott get tht auoufactarer'i "D g mm middleman';. Home Factory --. art homs MeoucTt tsaevt. i a., n.i. otv NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Jury heretofore duly appointed to prorate and assess the amount of the special benefit arising to each piece of prop erty deemed by sard Jury to be bene ficially affected by reason of the lay ing and construction of a sewer Una on lower end of Asheland avenue to Smith street, within the city of Ashe vllle, as provided by law, particularly by section 71 of chapter 100 of the private laws of 1901, and all amend ments thereof, haa filed its report as required by law. In which said cost and expenses of the Improvement above mentioned against property and each piece thereof deemed by It to be beneficially affected by said Improve ment, the names of the owners of said property, or where names of owners eofild not be ascertained, the names of those parties In whose names said property has been listed for taxation, or In cases where said property has not been so listed, the names of the party or parties occupying same, be ing as follows: Henry Thompson, J. M. Sprouso, Jim Rutherford, Sam Reed, 8. Sternberg, P. L. Hendrlx, J. P. Sawyer, they and each of them, and all parties Interested In said property so beneficially affected by said Improvements as aforesaid, are hereby admonished that the report of said Jury, as above set forth, is now on file with the city clerk of Ashe vllle, and that they and each of them are hereby required to be and appear at a regular meeting of the board of aldermen of said city to be held on the 17th day of June, 1910, at S p. m., and show cause, if any exists, why said report should not be approved and confirmed by said board of alder men ef the city of Ashevllle. , This the 23d day of May, 1910. A. O. HALYBURTON, City Clerk. 1 till June 14. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Jury heretofore duly appointed to prorate and assess the amount of the special t- benefit arising to each piece of prop- erty deemed by said Jury to be bene- "1' flclally- s fleeted by reason of the lay- ing and construction of a sewer line 11 on Pearson's Drive, within the city of '!1 Ashevllle, as provided by law, par- :i ticularly by section 71 of chapter 100 of the private laws of 1901, and all ' amendments thereof, has filed Its re port as required by law, in which said cost and expenses of. the Im- : provement above mentioned against property and each piece thereof deemed by It to be beneficially af fected by said Improvement, the names of the owners of said proper ty, or where names of owners could not be ascertained, the names of those parties In whose names said proper ty bas been listed for taxation, or In cases where said property has not been so listed, the names of the party or parties occupying sams, being as follows: Manson Mclntyrs, J. F. Hartshorne. J. E. Hawthorne, they, and each of them, and all parties In terested In said property so beneficial ly affected by said Improvements as aforesaid, are hereby admonished that tbe report of said jury as above set fix-It, 1 Al. t. .y.,.. ,a iu mill VIKJ VlflK of Ashevllle, and that they and each, at them are hereby rco'ilred to he and appesr at a regular meeting of the board of aldermen of said city, to be held on the 17th day of June, 11, at 8 p. m., and show cause, If any ex ists, why said report should not be ap proved and confirmed by said board of aldermen of the city of Ashevllle. . This the 23d day of May, 1910. A. O, HALYBURTON, t.i,' City Clerk. June 14. THE FORCED SALE OF THE ?EEItLEC3 STOCK , STARTS AT ' 4 4 9 O'CLOCK TO-!'nrov;.

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