Friday, June 17, 1910. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. PAGE THREE ousmg Big Specials In every department 'of-the. "big store for Satur day's shoppers. . ' . 25c iine Ribbed Black Cat Stockings, 15c, 2 prs 25c Women's 25c Black Cat Stockings 19c pair Onyx Brand Black Hosiery, 3 pairs for $1.00 Men's 25c Imported Taney Sox . 17c pair Full seamless, all colors and sizes. WASH GOODS AT SPECIAL PRICES. 15c Tine Sheer Voile, stripes, checks, Sec. .7 l-2c yd 10c Best Fast Color Chambray, .7 l-2c yd 15c Colored Lawns and Batistes 10c yd Men's White and Colored 50 Shirts ..37c $1.00 afld $1.25 Sample Negligee Shirts ... ..75c Ked Seal Double Wear Collars, 2 for ... .... .25c Shoes and Oxfords for Men, Women and Child ren. Prices right every time. Come look our lines over. , READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT. Big stocks to select from." Lowest prices every time. Come in and look the new garments over. W. E; Kindle & Co. n PHONE 542. PHONE 542. Gonstipaiion v Cure Frco With the first signs of Constipa tion you resort to the home methods of relief, such as hot or cold water on arising, lots of stewed fruit with your breakfast, etc., but what do you do when these fail? ... . ... m,?..maJori1ty tnen Btart on salts and ii ;"r,? permanent result! h?,V t2w you. u8.hould try Jus once again. I UT. omethn Practical and sensible a remedy made and intn fn. .v.. J08 are trying to accomplish. Such a remedy, as thousands can testify. ! ?ukna,deIi" uByrU PePSln- Whlcl fnS? i. d. to 5? Permanent In Its re K i?' , lts taarealenta are auch that by a brief use of It the atomach and bowel muscles are trained to again do their W,rnormaUy-,.t0 that " end ou That ?aSywl.tS.mJdlcme of a" klna That It will do this Mr. Q. T Dodson of SrlS'if'S XaA Wxi" Kladly attestand eo will Mrs. 8. A. Hampton of Portage O To those who are still skeptical "there la a way to Drove then a nrtit. .i.v. out a penny of expense: Simply send rour name and address to Dr. Caldwell and ob tain a free sample bottle. After using it. If you are then convinced it la the rem. eay you need, buy a fifty cent or one dollar bottle of your druRglst and con tinue to Use it for It hrlof Hi.. ,,ll cured. The directions are simnle and the dose It small. It Is pleasant to the taste, does not gripe and la promptly effective and these statements are guaranteed or money will be refunded. Thla remedy Is over a quarter of a cen tury old nnd is personally taken by more druggists than any other similar remedy on the American market. Because of its effectiveness, purity and pleasant taste It Is the Ideal laxative remedy for children, women and old folks generally ui. uiuwen personally will Bo pleased to give you any medical advice von may desire for yourself or family pertaining to the stomach, liver or bowels absolutely free of charge. Explain your case In a letter and he will reply to you in detail. For the free sample simply send your name and address on a nnHtnl mrA n. otherwise. For either request the doctor's address Is Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 11 r.'"l Cald well building, Montlccllo. III. Km bALK BY AliL DRUGGISTS. STATEHOOD BILL PASSED BY SENATE New Mexico and Arizona to Come It. as One, After Congress Approves Constitution. Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" FLAVORING EXTRACTS Because Best. DIATED PRESS MAN if nFllhlTFlY F I bll I VMSil Wl g I He Was 0 rawing $3000 a Year from Foreign Ship Concerns; and Now He Has "Resigned." WasliiiiKtiVi. Juno 17. Jteprescn- ntivc Humphrey of aHliliiKtini, in troducer nf I lie ship bu lis lily bill, yes terday afternoon spoke in the house upon various forma of combinations muni; foreign lines touching Ameri an ports nnd referred to discrimina tory rates charged for sending Amer ican inoliut!i abroad. In the course f his speech he charged tnut certain fiiri'iRii lines were represented In Washington by a member of the staff of the Associated Press, In that con nection the following was issued by the Associated Press: "It having come to the knowledge "f the executive officers of the Asso elated Press that an employe In the Washington office has been engaged under salary by the steamship lines in furnish them with certain classes of Information, an Investigation has buen made. It has disclosed thnt while sneh employment did not at '")' time involve any act on the part was being paid for his services. of the employe which could In any way nffect the Integrity of the ser vice, nor even interfere with his legit imate and proper work for the Asso ciated Press, nevertheless such em ployment Is so subject to misconccp- lon as to seriously impair his useful ness, nnd his retention by the Asso ciated I'ress has In consequence cens- d liy the acceptance) of his resigna tion. 1 "This termination of his long, use ful and honorable service does not Justify nny assumption thnt he has been consciously guilty of nny mis conduct, nor that In the work he has performed for tho steamship compa nies he has done anything which one not conneutod with the Associated Press might not hnve done with per fect propriety." This is what Mr. Humphreys snld on this ssubject: "The h'red representative of Ilerr Rnllln nnd his Interests is here In Washington today on the stuff of the Associated Pivss, the greatest news gathering agency In the world. The gentleman's name is Mr. Jerome J. Wither, nnd when you remember how close the Germnn merchant marine Is to the German navy it Is at least sug gestive that this representative of this giant foreign steamship trust should also be the representative of the As sociated Press assigned to our state war and navy departments. "When he was on the witness stnnd the other day he refused to testify as to the amount of money that he The next day after that Mr. Hons of New York. American manager of the Hum burg Packet company, was upon the stana and ho testified thnt Mr. Wit oers compensation was $3000. What does he do? What are the services that he returns this company?" nar. Humphrey's statement that reference to testimony given before the house committee which had been investigating the alleged existence of a lobby. The American trusts, said Air. Humphrey, receive special rates anil privileges from the ships. He mentioned the Standard Oil company, me steel trust and the harvester com bine In this connection. i ne Hamburg - American Packet company is the greatest, is the most gigantic trust, combine and monopoly tnnt exists In the world." declared Mr. Humphrey. "ll the different combines of the Atlantic ocean are also under thnt gignnti.-! working scheme and have a common understanding. The head of Ibis greatest of all trusts Is the Jlam-biivg-Amerlcnn line. It is also prob able thnt this line exerts, together with Japan, a controlling Interest In all of the Pacific companies." American Woman's League etrtft testes will he Accepted on MT!r' ub scrlptlona only, to The Gazette-News. IS IN THE LDRIMER CASE First Corroboration of Charles White Charges in Evidence of Other Representatives. Washington, June 17. After malnlng on tho senate calendar for almost three months in a state of un- ertalnty as to its fato the bill pro wling for the admission of the terri tories of New Mexico and Arizona to separate statehood, was taken up by tho senate yesterday and passed after debate consuming little more than wo hours. , The measure was called up by Sen or Ueveridge, chairman of the com mittee on territories, and was passed irtcr speeches by Senators Ueveridge. ruzier, Nelson, Hughes anil Sinoot All of the speeches were favorable ti tho creation of the two states, but the democrats favored the house bill When the vote was reached there was a division on the senate substitute for the house bill, hut with that amend mont uceepted the senate voted solid- for the passage of the bill. 'I'll senate substitute was adopted as an imemlment to the house measure bv i strictly party vote, the ballot stand ng 42 to 19. As passed the bill would provide for the admission as Btatcs of the twi erritories, but not until after a con itilution has been adopted by each of them, approved by the president and ratified by congress. Much nppre honsion has been felt that the bill would be tied up lit conference wltl the house, but during the discussion much was said to dissipate that fear Senator Nelson of Minnesota declarei he would do all that he could to brlnn Ibout an agreement with the house during the present session. "Ill do all that I can." he said and I think wo can do it, wo ought to dispose of the natter In two or three days." Senators Carter and Ilorah concurred in this view. "There are two reasons why we should reach an agreement," said Mr. liorah 'one Is that we wont' ko home untl we get It, and the other that it is get ting too hot to stay here long." Saying thut he would prefer the senate bill to no statehood legisla tion, Senator liailey declared that it would be before congress a long time if the conference committee did not report an agreement. Representative Hamilton of Michigan, chairman of the house committee on territories. said thut he had no doubt now of the amendment of the statehood bill into law at this session of congress. He has confidence that the house will adopt the conference report when made. Under the bill as amended by the senate it might he two and n half years before the Htatehood bill would become operative nnd, (be house con ferees want to shorten the time to the sin-lug of 1911. Speaking for Un democratic minority yl , the commit tee on territories, Senator Frasslcr con tended that under all the require ments both Arizona and New Mexico were prepared for statehood. He said that there was estimated to be 12, (Mlti.OHO.liOU tons of coal In New Mex ico.. "Wo admit infant states nol full grown states, and expect them lo grow," he said. Measured by the standard of area of growth and of wealth both territories were enlilled to admission, he said, adding that it would be unjust further to withhold that boon. "Are we to refuse to admit Arizona and New Mexico because their admis sion would mean four democratic sen ators," he "asked, and then declared HER PHYSICIAN APPROVES raking Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Subattns. Maine. "Yon told mo in take Lyilia K. Hiiklmw's Vegetable, Compound and Liver Pills before child-birth, aud we are all surprised to see how much pood it did. Aly physi cian said ' Without doubt it was the Compound that helped you.' 1 thank vou for vour kindness in advisinrr uie and Rive youfuil permission in use oiy name in vour testimonials ir.i U. W. Mitchkm.. Hox 8, Nnuattua, Ale'. Aiiwwr woman Helped. uioiuKiniB, vi. "i was passing JirougutheChaiiKeof Life andsullered rom nervousness and other aniioyini' lymplouis. Lydia K. Pinkhaui's Vege ,able Compound restored my health and llreilL'tll. and moved of gold to me. For the sake of other iuncniifr women 1 am willing you mould publish mv letw " 1rU C11AK1.KS. JJahclay, K.i'.D., Granite JUK, V U Women who are passing through this critical period or w l.o are suffer ing from any of those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose tight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com Tound, which ia made from roots and lerbs, has been the standard remedy 'or female ills. In almost every com nunity you will find women who ave been restored to health by Lydia . riiiKiiam a vegetable compound. SECOND WEEK Annual June Sale Shopping is at its best here; more val ues throughout the Big Store. See Our Window Display of Beautiful Lawns 7 l-2c Yard """ulni !!!! THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY BftllllHKUIII!JIIIlR3lMitlinVM ASMEV11.LE, N.C. lyiiiiiiiuuniiuimi jiiiuuuiu.uuuuui:uusiy port, but If it were true he would call attention to the pledge of the repnb lican platform. Mr. l'la.ler advocated the house bill in preference to the senate measure. lie found fault with the latter because he said iL undertook to fix the (imli lications of voters In Arizona, lie contended also that the requirement that the constitution of the two states shall be submitted to the president "was contrary to the constitution of the I'nited States Klvilu; congress power to admit slates. Let us give yon an estimate on that electric wiring. Onr work gives satisfaction. W. A. Ward ANYTHING ELECTRICAL 10 N. Pack Square. Phone 449. Ktiiomy New Dally from Aslicvlllc's Fastest Growing Store. 20cXQFF On Warm Weather Apparel LADIES' AND MISSES' TUB SUITS. LADIES' AND MISSES' WASH DRESSES. LADIES', AND MISSES' LINGERIE DRESSES. Tailored Wash Suits in all the popular summer eluules; materials of pique, poplin, linen, crashes, etc., made along fetching lines with distinctive style features that are to be found only in the moat exclusively fash ioned ready for service tub suits. Wash Dresses for house and street wear, in white and beautiful floral designs, materials fiaxon, lawn, organ dy, batiste, dimity, etc. These garments will prove of great service during the heated season of the year and wo suggest that you purchase a sufficient number to hist throughout. the summer, as the prices now are about what the materials would cost you later. .;, ChicnRo, June 17. Fourteen ohjec lions by the defense nalnst the ad mission of the testimony of State Hep resentath'es Myers. Link nnd Heck myer in the trial of Ie O'Nell Brown for bribery were overruled by JudK McShiirley after five hours' arKument, This permitted the first corroborative evidence in support of the story of Representative Charles White that he was paid (1,000 by Rrowne for voting for William Iorlmer for United Slates senator. Myers was the first witness for the prosecution. His testimony was. In effect, that Tlrowne hud called him aside on the day of the election of Lorlmer nnd asked him for his vote, saying that there were lots of Jobs and plenty of "ready" for those who voted for fjorimer. Representative H. C. Beck myer of Carlisle, Ills., corroborated White In every material particular. Reckmyer snld that he hud been called toxSt. Ixuils sb White had been, and thye wns handed a "package" by RrowifV, I who remarked: A I "There Is your Larimer money, Reckmyer said he opened the package and found $1000 In 50 bills.. The payment of the $1000 to Beek myer wns mude, he said, on June 21, 1H09. nt the Southern hotel In St. Louis, the same day on which WhlteJ declared the general "slush fund was distributed. Reckmyer said that on that day he saw Representative Rob ert E. Wilson, J. 8. Clark and Charles Luke In St. Louis. t The defense promised to Introduce a confession" on Its side of the case. Attorney B. C. Krbstein of counsel for Browne declared he had found a wit ness who had confessed to entering into a plot with White to obtain money from Rrowne nnd Ixirlmer. It is de clared that tho confession to he offered by tho defense will prove that a black mall plot existed. that he Refused to accept such a NOTH'K. Ily virtue of the power ct .aie con tained in a certain deed of trust made and executed on September HHth, liMiS, by John Cnthey to the under signed as trustee, which Is register ed in tiook 63 at page 179 et sen., in the office of the register of deeds for lluncombe county, to secure the In debtedness therein mentioned, de fault having been made in the terms and conditions of said deed of trust. The Most Economical Power Proposition The Electric Drive Consult Us if You Contemplate Installing Power Units. it May SAVE You Money! ASHEVILLE ELECTRIC CO. Phone 69. and the grantor having failed to pay the indebtedness, we will, having been requested so to do by the holder of the notes, si II at public auction nt the court house door in the city of Ashe- ill.-, on Thursday. July 9th, 11110. at 12 o'clock ni.. for cash, to the high-e-,t bidder tin- following described property, to-wit: The western half of Lot No. 4 7 of the Catholic Hill property, which is fully described by metes and bounds in a deed from 1). C. WatUiell, Jr., to John Cathey. This deed of trust was given lo se cure the payment of part of the pur chuse money, and this sale is being made to satisfy said Indebtedness. This June lh, lllllt. WACHOVIA LOAN TRUST CO., . Trustee. iL'ihiift THE, FASHION Tfce Store That Live Up to Itt Name. 'U0 Patton 'Ave. HOX. (.II.MOItK VAU1 BU-.NT, Rrninl 1'HtrlHch of North Carolln.i Will lHy Annual OltMal Vlnlt to AnIh'vIIIc This K onlng. Hon. Oilmore Ward Rryant, of Dur ham, 11 rami Patriarch of the North Carolina Patriarchal branch of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will make his annual official visit to Asheville Kncampmrnt this evening. All members of Camp No. 1 will please present themselves for Inspec-1 tlon, nnd meet this distinguished vis-1 itor. Tho Rncampmeut will work In Koyat Purple degree and about one doxen candidates will be advanced to Patriarchal Odd Fellowship, You may have noticed that multi tude of friends come to islt those Don't Forget Tomorrow at Xlie Sill MILLINERY DAY Bargains in Millinery. All Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats are greatly reduced for tomorrow. 1 DON'T FORGET OUR BARGAINS. Shirt Waists and Silk Petticoats 160 Rlack Batteen Petticoats, embroidered ruffles, special Hc . (.. j Ixit Rtuck and Colored Taffeta Petticoats, worth up to $10.00. special :U,H t Lot Rla?k 811k Petticoats, ft values, special 1 Lot Long Bilk Klmonas. In Persian designs, midliim and dark colors, $5.00 values 2ftH 1 Lot Colored Waists In neat designs. 50c nnd "5c values, special . . 3o Jl ot White Lingerie Waists, Lawns and Initiate, $1.50 values, special !"' I Lot iJidles" Waists up to $3 values, special !." 1 Lot Taffeta Walsta, black and colors up to $ vulues, special. ,$2.BS 1 Irfit Net Walsta up to $8 values, .; ... ... ... ...... . 1 Lot 7&c ladles' Corset Covers, special We Look Over Our Line of Beauti , . . ful Trimmings Household Furnishing Dep't An opportune -time for the housekeeper. Fill your wnnta for the next six months. Sheets. 72x90 lft! Sheets, Slx90 8!,, Sheets, 72x90 JIW" Sheets, Xlx90. H1' Pillow Cases ,0'' Pillow Cases, 42x36 -2"' Pillow Cases. 45x36. .. , ... ,:k' White Quilts .. ... ... -...H(e White Quilts. ... '' White Quilts... Curtain ficrim 0' 12 ,"2' ' Plain Scrim i ... I J-a"' Scurfs B' Center Pieces ... , Shams ' Towels B, Towels ,0, Towels ... ,5' .Turkish Towels .... ao' Rath Msts Wc Table Cloths ....IMHi Tallin Cloths.. ... ... ' Napkins Napkins ' 3 j won live oa fcasy stmt.

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