Thursday, June 23, Jj)10. THS ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. ' GBKS ocial T r r r Happenings Personal Mention, Newi of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. Mrs. Morris Llplnsky Entertains. ' Mrs. Morris Llplnsky entertained at five tables of bridge last night at her home on Cumberland avenue. In honor of. her sister. Miss Hylda Stern of New Orleans, who. Is spending the summer here. Parlors and porch were decorated with nasturtiums, green and gold be- in? the color scheme used. Six rub- hers were played on the long veran da, Its full length Illuminated by drop lights. Funcn was servea during inn n me. which was followed by a de urhtfut Ice course. The lady's first prise, a hand-painted ivory fan, was won by Miss Badle Emanuel; the gen Neman's, by Fred Cone, a handsome .oarf Din: while Whit Llplnsky and vii.. Edna Long were consoled for hir low scores by appropriate gifts. xirm. Ltolnsky's guests were Miss Hilda Stern. Miss Amy and MIbs 8a- M Emanuel. and their guest, Miss Neva Btaugh f Atlanta, Miss Carrie Whltlock, Miss Bona' ana miss uor othy Long, Miss Annie Kothenburg of Meridian, Miss., Mies Minnie Franck f Baltimore, Mrs. Stern, Mr, and Mrs. Hiimuel Levy of Lake Charles, Fla., Kred Cone, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Sug erman, Whit and Louis Llplnsky, Mr. Kothenburg, Leon Whltlock, Walter Htefn and Mr. 8tern. - . Baskervllle Johnson. rorrespondence of The Qaiette-News. Hot Springs June 21. The mar riasn of Miss Mary Hlnton Basker- ville, teacher of muslo at Dorland In titute. to Prof. Heber Dayton John son of Mt Union college, Alliance, O., took place at 11 o'clock today in the norland Memorial church. The cere mony was performed by Dr. Gray, nresldent of Tusculum College, Tenn. The bride was given away by her brother; . George S. Baskervllle of Ashevllle, and was attended by her nloter, Miss Sadie Baskervllle of Ashe vllle, and Miss Euphemla Johnson of Hprlngvllle. Utah, sister of the groom. Ulna Baskervllle wore a gown of white messallne and a veil of tulle, end carried a bouquet of white roses. Little Helen Field acted as flower girl and Harry Hill was best man. Following the ceremony, a recep. ' tlon was given the bridal party and friends In the parlors of Dorland in- atlttue. Prof, and Mrs. Johnson left on, the 12:40 train for VAsheVllle for a few davs before going to Ohio, where they will make their home. t Burt Jomx. A beautiful country wedding oc curred at Holly Springs yesterday morning when Miss Ernie Burt and Ora L. Jones were united In marriage at "Oakvlew," the home of the bride's oarents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Burt. A targe number of guests were cresent at the ceremony, which was uerformed by Rev.' C. C. Wheeler, Mr. Jones Is a resident of Ashevllle, where"- -has -ma-Try frimds. being mt present employed by the Cltiien linotype operator. - ' - After July Mr. and Mrs. Jones will be at home, at the corner flnears avenue and Hudson street of the city, where Mr. Jones has built a (harming home for his bride, rtcnio at Riverside Park. Mis Bertha Dye gave a delightful picnic to her muslo class at River. side park yesterday. The party, go ins down in the morning, remained until the moving pictures last night One of the exciting Incidents of the day happened during the afternoon when one of the boats capslied and threw nine of the party In the lake. With the exception of a "ducking" the Incident passed oft happily. Those In the-party included Misses Carmen Britt, Florence Wrenn, Ethel Mar low, Myrtle and Alen Davis, Hassle Mitchell, Elisabeth Merrltt, Una and Badle Brown, Mildred Wrenn, Nellie Bard, Millie Hamrlck, Gertrude Ingle, Olive Alexander, Gladys Brltt; Her mon Davis, George Brltt, O. B. Revel and Alexander Hamrlck. - , mm Mrs. Ctemtnger'a Bridge Party. A pleasant' break in the social quiet of the week was the charming bridge party given by Mrs. Francis J. Clem enger this afternoon at her horn on Haywood street. Pink roses in pro fusion were placed in the green draw ing room, while the living room was decorated with sweet peas, and the dining room with golden nasturtiums. After the games, at which a pair of silk hose was given as first, 'and a hand embroidered pocketbook as sec ond prises, with a bouquet of sweet peas consolatlng the lady holding lowest score,' a dainty salad and Ice course was served. About SO ladies enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Clem enger who will entertain the same number tomorrow afternoon. mm Sunday School Picnic. The Methodist Protestant Sunday school which mets in the Y. M. C. A. Auditorium, will go on Its annual pic rlc next Tuesday. . The party will spend the day on the coHege grounds at Weavervllle. Special cars will leave the Square at a. m. and will leave Grace at :10 a. m. It is hoped that all the Sunday school pupils and their families will go. The round trip fare for adults la 85 cents. mm Joaee Green. Miss, Da Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Jones and Arch W. Green were quietly married by Rev. W. M. Vines, D. D.f at the First church last evening, only a few Intimate friends being present. Mr. and Mrs. Green will reside at No. 120 Clingman ave nue. ' t m i ; Matney Hawkins. . Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Matney of Leicester announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Anlce, to Charles A. HawkltiB of Ashevllle, the wedding having taken place September 9, last year. Mr. Hawkins is the chief clerk to the yardmaster of the Southern railway here, and is a popular young man with the railroad people. m m A party of high school boys and girls, chaperoned by Miss May Kim. berly will enjoy a straw ride this even, lng. Leaving the Auditorium at 7 o clock the merry party will drive out the Leicester road, in a big spring wagon drawn by four horses. They will serve their picnic lunch by the roadside, returning home by moon light. The members of the party are Miss Fannie Pratt Andrews, and her guest, Miss Collins from Spartanburg, Miss May Corcoran, Miss Gladys Lindsey, Miss Rose Clark, Miss Myrtle Reese Cecil Arthur, Nat Arthur, Lawrence Creasmari, Henry and Lloyd Lindsey, Walter Watts and Raby Tennent. mm A party composed of about eight members of the Tahkeeostee club an their guests will leave Saturday to spend the week-end at Toxaway, where they will enjoy a dance Satur day night There will be a horseback party, and they will enjoy the lake, boating and Ashing, until their return Monday. Mrs. Fred Kent will chap erone the party, among whom will be Miss May Bernard, Miss Dora Doe, Miss Sara Jones, Silas Bernard, F. R. Baker and Mr. Ryman. Pink sweet peas and maidenhair fern formed the table decorations at the pretty little dinner given last evening by Mrs. W. S. Hyams at her home on French Broad avenue for Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Saumenig. Place cards in the form of tiny purses, each containing the name of a guest, were used. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Field, Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Bourne, Rev. and Mrs. Saumenig and Mr. Hyams were guests at the dinner. m m The Ladles of the Maccabees will have an open meeting, followed by a reception, to meet Mrs. Brown, past supreme commander, and Miss For. sythe, deputy state commander, to. morrow evening at 8:30 at the K. of P. hall. The Knights of the Macca bees are asked to attend. Refresh ments will be served. m m The Baraca class of the First Pres byterian church will hold Its monthly business meeting? In the Baraca build ing at S o'clock this evening. As the election of officers and of a delegate to the national convention at James- town will take place at this meeting a full attendance is expected. mm Invitations have been Issued to an afternoon bridge party next Tuesday given by Mrs. Erwln Bluder at her home on Montford avenue compli mentary to hor guest, Mrs. W. Hardee of New Orleans. mm Miss Elizabeth K. Ford pleasantly entertained the Friendly Dozen this afternoon at her home on Flint street KM Mrs. E. Elliot Klmberly and daugh ter, Miss May Klmberly leave Mon day for a two weeks' visit In Colum bus, O., after which Mrs. Klmberly will go to New York state, and Miss Klmberly to Evanston, 111., where she has been appointed a member of the faculty of the American Institute of Normal Methods which holds a three weeks session beginning July 12, m m Mr. and Mrs. McNlckle of Kentucky will take possession Tuesday of the Klmberly residence for the summer. mm Mrs. James Walton Bhaw, who has rpent the last year traveling abroad, alls today from Cherboug, France. She will spend several days visiting friends in New York before returning to her home on Merrlmon avenue. at at Mrs. It. M. Beadles left this morn lng to spend ths week-end at Waynes vllle. ' ; t ft F. 8. Kennett tuft this morning for Louisville, Ky. m Miss Ruth Smith of Cleveland, O, is the guest of Mrs. Edward Alice In Chunn's cove. h - Bryan Jones, a prominent business man of Gastonla, la In ths city, at at Ivy and Genevieve Hamley have gone to Mon treat for a week's stay, instead of Waynesvllle. st It Auditor Mokety has been spendln Model B67 is very popular. DOCTORS RETURN FROM CONVENTION 00 DEALERS MEAN TO DECEIVE ? a few days with friends near Weaver vllle and will return to the city soon, m Mrs. G. R. Brlckley and daughter, Miss Ethel Brlckley of Arkansas are guests at the home of Mrs. Charity R, Craig on Montford avenue. t m Miss Thornton of Wilmington, Del Is the guest of her brother at the Pines. at at Hubbard Shawhan will spend the week-end with his father and mother on Montford avenue. t t Mr. and Mrs. Richard Session of Mississippi, who are occupying the Cefalu house on Broad street during the summer have as their guest Miss Helen Bartlett of Memphis. at m Mr. and Mrs. Rufo M. Fitzpatrick are attending the State Bankers' con vontlon at Wrightsville. They will spend several weeks in Canada before returning home. R ; W. C. Feimster, a prominent law yer of Newton, is In the city today, t at S. T. Graves of Bristol is in the city. Mr. Graves is a prominent timber dealer and formerly was interested In some large deals In Swaln county and other sections of western North Caro lina. at m Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tlndel and daughters, Misses Mabel and Minnie Tlndel of Atlanta have leased for the season Crescent cottage, in Kenilworth park. Mrs. Mary Close Robinson and fam ily leave tomorrow morning for Tox away, where they will spend the sum mer. at k The party going abroad, conducted! by Supt R. J. Tighe, will leave Ashe vllle Sunday afternoon for Cincinnati, rrlvlng In Montreal on the 29th, af ter a sail down the St. Lawrence, vis iting the Thousand Isles and Niagara Falls. The Ashevllle members of the party are Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tlghe, Miss Louisa Williamson, Miss Eliza beth and Miss Eula Arbogast and Miss May Alexander, Miss Ellen Per ry of Greenville, S. C, and Miss Laura Rowe of Charlotte, .formerly of this city ,111 Join the party in Ashevllle while It will be Joined in Cincinnati by Miss Mary Yeager, cousin to Miss Arbogast who spent the winter here Miss Hannah Smith, formerly of Ashevllle, and Miss Maybelle Miller, supervisor of Writing in the Ashevllle public schools. m m Miss Rebecca Cushmnn, who Is spending the summer at Arden, Is Miss Georgia Rankin's guest for the week-end. it at Corporation Commissioner Sam L. Rogers of Franklin Is staying at the Hotel Berkeley. m m Clerk of Court Marcus Erwln went to Dula Springs yesterday. Mrs. Er win is spending the summer there. Several of the physicians who at tended the session of the North Car olina State Medical society at Wrightsville this week returned to the city this morning. Among the Ashevllle physicians who attended were Drs. E. B. Glenn, J. H. Wil liams, H. H. Briggs, Carl V. Reynolds, F. T. Meriwether, M. L. Stevens, M. H. Fletcher and C. S. Jordan. Dr. Polle of Rowan county was elected president; Dr. McQougan of Fayette- vllle vice president, and Dr. D. A. Stantn (re-elected) secretary and treasurer- Dr. M. L. Stevens was ap pointed councilman for the Tenth district Since the society hud met last year in the west and this year in the east, it was decided to hold the next meet ing at a central place, and Pinehurst was selected. The banquet of the Alumni associa tion of Jefferson Medical college was one of the social features of the con vention. Following the banquet the annual election of officers took place, Dr. W. O. Spenoer of Winston-Salem being elected, president; Dr. W. W. McKenzie of Salisbury first vice pres ident. Dr. Caldwell of Wilmington second vice president, Dr. W. P. Holt of Duke (re-elected) secretary and treasurer. The aioociation was or ganized two years ago at Winston Salem by Dr. E. 1!. Glenn, the retir ing president, and Dr. Holt. There are over 100 physicians In the state who graduated at Jefferson. It Is gratifying to the alumni to note that the three highest men In their exam ination before the state board were graduates of Jefferson and also that in a, recent competitive examination In Philadelphia for hospital positions there were 138 applicants from the leading medical colleges of Pennsyl vania for the places and 48 of the Jefferson graduates were given places; the Jefferson men making the highest grades before the examining boards. Those Dealers Who Have the Best In terests of Their Customers in Mind, Do Not Intentionally Oiler Infer ior Goods Metal Polishes Are a Good Illustration of This. ft YOUTH OF I L ABOUT BMURDER E AGE When you find that . you have bought an Inferior articles that disap points you and perhaps does more harm than good, you cannot help wondering If your dealer has been mean enough to deceive you for a few cents extra profit. If you have been dealing it his store for some time, he should regard you as one of his old customers and he ought to be wise enough to know that the best way to hold your friendship and patronage is to sell you only such articles as will please and satisfy you. But many dealers are so short sighted, that they do not seem to care how badly they misuse a customer. A good Illustration of this is the trou ble that many people have with metal polishes. There is nothing that will ruin the fine surface of a piece of metal such as silverware, harness trimmings or the metal trimmings around a house so quickly as the wrong kind of metal polish. Yet some dealers try to force you to buy a poor polish, regardless of the harm it may do. Most dry polishes for Instance, re quire so much rubbing that they gradually wear away the silver plat lng or bright finish of other metals. Liquid polishes are free from these faults and they require less time and 1, Found With Blood on Hands and Clothe, and Teeth Marks un Arms, He Makes ConfeHKlon. THE LATEST STYLES IN BICYCLEDOM Have you seen the Iver Johnson In ts newest dress of Asure Blue, trim. ned with Gold? Something swell, ll and see them. J. M. HKARN CO. lattery Park Place. Phone 44 f .'The 19 GLASS CUT BY HAND V qUeen of gifts for weddings. Libbey Glass, the standard of ex cellence, is being produced much h, cneaper man in lormer ytu. i . ' . . Compare our prices. ARTHUR M FIELD COMPANY MARRIAGE LICENSES. W. B. Bartlett and Lillian Shroat of Buncombe; white. Sam Moss and Julian Wilds of Bun combe; white. W. H. Hughes of Greenwood. 8. C. and Carrie Caldwell of Buncombe Herr Pastor I've made seven peo pie happy today. I've Just married three couples. Friend But. that's only six people, Herr Pastor Well, how about my self? SimpllclBSimus. - Scratched. "Why, Johnny," exclaimed an nnx- ous mother, "what is that long mark on the back of your hand?" 'Oh," replied : Johnny indifferently. I scratched it with a cat." Phila delphia Record. , "Meet Me Face to Face!" ' ' Thursday. June the 30th. The Wizard DON'T CHASE EAINB0W3 Don't Imagine that you are going to get a fine slice of real property for nothing, or any trivial sum. But you can get town and country lots and farms from or through us that will make a good Investment for you horns for you if you want that, or an opportunity to sell out later at a profit what you buy now. Wis thing to sea a LaBarbe, Hoale and Chiles, Real Estate and Insurance. II Pattoa Ave. Phone 1(1 PHOTOGRAPH MAILING ENVELOPES. . We sell envelopes for malting pho too. Larg'j sheets of special card board for packing photos, etc., also mailing tubes. RATS STUDIO, Phone 1704, . II Patton Avenue ess work to clean and polish. great many liquid polishes, however, depend upon ammonia to do the cleaning and there Is nothing more harmful to a metal surface than am monia. You can always tell If a pol Ish contains ammonia by Its odor. There is a liquid polish called BURNIBHINE which has been sold in most of the stores all over the country for a good many years, that contuins no ammonia, and those who have used It for years have discover ed that It never, In any way, Is harm ful or Injurious to their silverware or other metal surfaces. This polish can be used not only on silverware, but on every other kind of metal. In the Government Buildings In Washington and elsewhere as well as In the Army and on the United States Battleships, BURNISHINE has long been the standard polish. It is also used by most of the big hotels to keep brass railings, signs and show cases, as well as other metal work, bright and shining. It has been used for generations in many of the finest homes in the coun try where it Is realized that the ques tion of the right kind of polish Is too Important a matter for experiment Cumberland, Md June 23. Har ry C Nolund, arrested on suspicion of having murdered Alice Brown Lttten 18 year old girl, whose body was found In the woods yesterday morning with her throat cut, has made a complete voiiicrBaioii oi muruer, tne ponce an thorlties stated today. The tragedy sequel or a quarrel. The murdered gli-j was the daugh ter of J. A. Urown. and when h was i years old was married to Charles P. Litten. with whom she is said to have lived but one day. Lit ten, who was a railroad emDlove. has not been seen in Cumberland for ome time. "Buck" Nolan, although but about 18 years of age. Is of athletic build and weights something like ISO pouniis. The girl left the home of the latter about midniirht. stuins were found on his clothlnir ami his hands were bloody when he was arrested. In two plates his arm snoweu the murks of teeth, from wnicn It Is Inferred that the girl fought for her life. Earl Mudee and Loring Karringer, both young men. are held as witnesses in the case. 0? American Woman's League certif icates will be accepted on NEW sub scriptions only, to The Gazette-News. Oris Oxfords for Men In all the newest leathers and shapes. $:5.oO and $4. Same prices other stores name, you'll say. Irue! But the shoes are diiTerent. The prices mean nothing, while the quality means "it all." Come see the shoes that will tell the story. It pays to pay cash. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoeists. On the Sq. Mysterious IMckimrkcU. "Has your pockets ever been pick ed?" "Really, I don't know. It never was before I got married. If it has been since I, of course, would have no way of finding out about it." Chicago Hecord-Herold. China Sale Continued Thru This Week Finding It Inipowrible to got out and display even nearly all goods we were anxious to dispose ol or to serve sat isfactorily those who wished to buy them we have decided to continue uhe sale during thin week. A great number of other Items have been added. We are benefitted by this sale In closing out a great deal of fine china we will not crary in the future. And our customers are benefitted in secur ing some fine goods at about half value. As a leader and an Item everybody wants, we have added forty dozen thin China, Richly Decorated Tea Cups and Baucers. These Hre worth, and always sell for $3.00 a dozen Sale price 15c a pair. J. H. LAW, 35 Patton Ave. American Woman's League certlf Icatea will be accepted on NEW sub scriptions only, to The nwft.Nw, Fancy Green Cucumbers BY EXPRESS DAILY 15 CENTS DOZ. 35 CENTS PECK. Ownbey's MONTFORD AVE. Ilmne 5(1. Kodak Work We sll Kodaks. We -rent Kodaks. We do developing and . printing. Just ask anybody you meet who does the best kodak work in Ashevllle. We employ an expert. Try us on our film. Hackney 6 Moale Co. Leading Stationers. On the Square. Sale of Concrete Hotel Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue of and under the terms of a decree of the Superior court of the county of Buncombe and State of North Caro lina, made and entered In the case of E. A. Smith, against C. H. Miller and wife and J. H. Gudger and wife, and others, that on WRilnoxlnv ,i,iai ih rd, 1910, between the hours of 12 M. and 1 P. M. on said day. from the premises herein described, the undersigned commissioner, will sell to the highest hidder, upon terms herein stated, the following described lands and premises, to-wlt, a certain lot, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the city of Ashevllle and State of North Carolina, being the same lot on which Is located the unfinished concrete hotel structure, com monly Known ar the Smith or Miller hotel, said lot being and described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a stake at the northeast Junction of North Main and Col lege streets and running thence north 10 degrees west, and with the east margin of North Main street, 128 feet to the corner of lot number 12 of block number two, as Indicated on a plat made by B. M. Lee and filed in said cause, thence north 79 degrees and S minutes east, and with south line of said lot number 12 of block two, 139 feet to the northwest corner of lot number 5 of said block two.thence south 14 degrees and 25 min utes east, and with west line of said lot number 6, 120 feet to a stake in the north margin of College street, thence south 75 degrees and 35 minutes west, and with said edge of College street. 139 feet to the beginning. Terms of sale, one-third of the purchae money to be paid In cash on the day of sale, one-third in twelve months from day of sale, and balance two years.the deferred payments to bear Interest from the day of sale. For further Information apply to the undersigned. This June lOtlt. 1910. W. R. WHITSON. Commissioner. ! BUMMER IS HERB TO STAY and If you are going to buy anything In Summer Footwear, now is your time. Why postpone It longer? Boston Shoe Store Leaden In High C.rsde Footwear. 10c Playing cards, extra heavy, Best writing tLblet. White paste, in soft tubes. Mountain City Stationery Co. 11 Patton Ave. : J. Howard Case. MmMMMIMMMMHMtMIMIH tt Dixie Coffee Is a blend of fine selected South American Coffees, blended Just right to make a cup of delirious coffee. 15c Pound. Pounds 11.10. roasted and YATES & McGUIRE, t 23 Haywood, StJ . " ' Phone 221, 970. Nyal's Face Cream A splendid skin food free from grease. It clenrs the skin of blemishes, muklng it soft, smooth and beautiful. Will not cause growth of hair. Price 25c. "Everything in Drugs and Seeds." GRANT'S PHARMACY, "Agency for Wood's Seeds. The Normal and Collegiate Institute ASIIEVILLE, N. C. Under the care of the Presbyterian church, offers to young women ex cellent opportunities for thorough education. A faculty of 15 trained teachers gives facilities for thorough instruction In four courses of study. Board and tuition only $100 per year. Tuition alone, for day pupils,' only 130. For catalogue, address EDWARD P. CHILDS, Pi-PHldent. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wom en of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for Teachers. Fall Session be gins September 14, 1910. Those desir ing to enter should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other Information address JVLU'S I. FOI ST, President, (ireeiiHlHiro, N. C. THE SUPERLATIVE degres Is the one that adequately de scribes OUR coal. You'll agree with us In the fact that It's the BEST coal mined after you try it. Tou act wisely if when you buy you buy from us. Southern Coal Company ! OBloe 14 Nortfe Pack leuM f Pbooe 114. iiiiiniminiimi THE CENTRAL CAFE Regular Meals 15c each. (Sunday dinner 10c.) Special attention to or ders sent out, which will be without extra charge. Meal Tickets for $100; $1.1 for 11.00; fl.60 for 11.00. PHONIC tilt. CADILLACS and everything in automobile line. Western Carolina Auto. Co. Lexington and Walnut Phone 190. To the most exacting and critical patrons of cafes: We want you to try our service, if not right we make it right WATSON'S Ladles' Cafe and Catering Co. 4 Char. PtwiM fill. TO LOVERS OT POOL Ton wlU And an wp-to-dats place la the BUmberg Building, eor. Lexlngtoa Ave. and College Bt, IMPERIAL POOL S00U . A. BOHAKHOJf, U&. Mountain City Steam Laundry ' Modern Methods TeL 426, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. H. WEAVER. Mtcr. Who is the iiMwt popular yming lady In Ashevl'le T "Meet Me at the Fountains.'' THE, HIP Aihevllle's Summer m. nt. Lending Theatre. Every Afternoon at 1:10 p. Every night 8:10 to 10:10 p RAIN OR SHINE, THIS WKF.K. FORRE.STF.R LLOYD, Rl llK. STRICKLAND KF.OKG! NK14M)X KHAMKIt ROSS Always a good show, some times a great show. Oh Joy! The Nspanees next week. Guaranteed the blgrust set ever seen here. BATTERY PARK BANK ASnEVILLE, n. a 3. P. Sawyer , President T. C. COXB, 1st Vic President - B. BLUDER. Id Vice President J.. E. RAN Kir. Cashier. Capital... .. .. ..$100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 1130,000.00 TRANSACTS A flENFRAL BANKING BUSINESS Special attention given to collec tions, four per sent Interest paid oa time deposita Full line of HAIR GOODS . Novelties, combs, barrettes, etc., Just placed In stock. These goods were all personally selected by Mlra Cruise In N. Y. recently. The latest style Mm sre here. MISS CRUISE, rwov l TOR SALE. Bplendld Bins room house, fine lot, 110x100 feet Pleasant, shady, with extra line outlook, cost 17500; for early sale 11150 will buy. Oo paved street NATT ATKINSON'S EC:: COMPANY, , Real r:UUD;tI::j. I v "I MHMIMrrrMfM