PAGE SIX A:;iVILLS 0AZHTTE-H2T73 Thursday, June 23 io'1ft i t f-, 1 f 1 )" ; '1 r k I Ml a Hi a I . till .13 f : ! HI v J t ; M ; .:! ; . 5 .;.;4 "i ..: ji t i li ,: I II in 1 1 Round trip to San Francisco ) Los Angeles San Diego ) Portland ) Seattle Tacoma j Salt Lake City ) Ogden J Yellowstone Parle Denver 1 Colorado Springs Pueblo ) Date of Sale and Return Limit. On sale July 2 to 8, July 25 to 28, August 30and31, September 1 to 7, September 24 to 30. Return limit 3 months, but not later than October 31. X On sale daily to Septemlwr 30. Return limit October 31. 1 On sale July 9 to 16. Return limit 3 months. On sale daily to September 11. Return limit October 31 Diverse Routes enable you to go one route and return another. Stop-overs allowed at many points of interest. Frisco service to the West is the best. Modern sleeper goes through on the famous Southeastern Limited from Jacksonville, Atlanta, liirniinghain and Memphis to Kansas City and Colotado. Comfortable chair car and Fred llaney cafe obser vation car add to the perfect service of this Main. For futhiT InlnnnHtiot: (.ctiettulcH ami tHio!( A. 1 M ATTIIKWs, i or' "iv K H (COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY J. 11. LIPPIXCOTT COMPANY.) It SYXOISIS. Madeleine V !s found stiibb of her widdini lcr Carlcti n. in Norman, an heiress i! to death mi tin- eve by her tiaiieee Schuy Hobt. Fessenden. best man and an amateur detertive. e to unravel the mystery, and questi the housekeeper. Mrs. Miirkhum. CHAI1I.K XV. TIVi:i) lVssciidcn' hclrctive Work. "Vow she's annoed siu.'nti," ob served Mrs. Matkhatn. pluridlv. "The least little thitiK sets h'-r off." "If not intnisi... Mrs. MarUhatn won't you tell nie how It comes about that Miss Morton inherits this beau tiful bouse'.' Is she a relative of the Van Norm, ins'.''' "Not a hit of it. She was P.i, hard Van Norman's sweetheart, e.irs and years and year-falling-out. and married. f co her anv of hi short time auo. 1 death. .Madeleitu Thi'V b ,!' them . i 1 1 1 . v r-c le ir'tine. ng alt f mud daln t 1. l'.nt onl' a r her uncle's out about it from some old letters, ed then to hunt up tbi nnd she did so. and tin correspondence. She t the weddiii!,'. nnd Made She should make a visit She deb rmin ; Miss Morion. had (juiti' a ami' here for b ine intended . and intended to give her a present of money when she went away. In the meantime Madeleine had made her will, thotmh I didn't know this until today leaving the place nnd all lo r own money to Miss Morton. I'm not surprised a' this, for Tom Willurd has plenty, and as there was no other heir. I know Madeleine felt that part of hi r uncle' fortune ought to be used to benefit tho woman he had loved In his youth." "This explains M,iss Morton, then.' said Fessenden. "Hut what a pcouliai woman she is." "Yes, she Is," agreed Mrs. Markhrtm In her serene way. "Hut I'm used to queer people. Richard Van Norman used to give way to the most violent bursts of temper I ever saw. Maddy ' and Tom are Just like him. The would both fly Into furious rages though I must say they didn't do it often, nnd never unless for some deep reason." . "Mr. Carleton has he a high tem per?" Mra. Markham's brow clouded. "1 don't understand that man." she sale rlr.wly. "I don't think he has n quick temper, but there's imething deep about him that I can't make out. Oh Mr. Fessenden. do you think he killed our Madeleine?" "Do you?" said Fessenden suddenly, looking straight at her. "I do," she said, taken off her guard "That Is, I couldn't believe it, only what else can I think? Mr. Carleton is a good man, and I know Maddy never killed herself, and I know the way this house is locked up every night. No burglar or evil-doer could possibly get in." "But the murderer may have been concealed In the house for hours be forehand." "Nonsense! That would be Impos sible, with a house so full of people and the Wedding preparation going on . and everything. Resides, Mr. Hum would have heard any Intruder prowl ing around; and then again, how Could he have gone out? Everythlnt. Was bolted on the inside, except the front door, and had he gone out that IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS. A record of sixty-live years contlnu oua ups of "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlns Syrup" by mothers In all parts ef Ih world, is the highest praise that an remedy for "children teething" ha. ver rece'ved. Every year the you of mother follows In the footsteps c her jnother and finds Mrs. Wlnslowr Bootning Syrup to be the favorite, am so It has gone on for a period of tlx ty-r!ve year a Millions of mothers had , used It for their children while teethlog with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens thi gums allays all pain, diarrhoea, wind colli Sold by drugs st i and med'rt deal ers In all parts of the knovtik world Twnty-flv cents a bottle,' . lie sura and ask for Mn, Winslow'n f oothlng Syrup and take no other. From From From Asheville Knoxville Chattanooga $78.35 $71.85 '$67.80 X 89.00 ; 82.50 ; 77.80 1 81.80 75.30 72.70 X 95.30 X 88.80 ; 86.20 X 66.15 , X 59.65 J 157.05 69.50 63.40 t; 62.65 t 53.15 46.65 . J 44.05 about these low rates. letf., rue or cull on District Passenger way he must Hurely have been heard." "Well roMKonrd, Nils. Mnrkhnm! I i li in k, with you. we may dismiss the possibility of burglar. The time was i short for anythinx except a dili nitely pri'iii' 'ditated art. Ami yet 1 cannot believe the net nas that of Schuyler Carleton. I Itnow that man 1 rry well, and a truer, braver soul never existed." "I know it." declared Mrs. Mark 'lam. 'hut I think I'm Instilled in ti ll- in; you this. Mr. Carleton didn't love u. t-holera and Diarrhoe Remedy. Madeleine, and he did love another i This is true the world over where this cirl. Madeleine worshipped him. and ! valuable remedy has been Introduced. I think he came last night to ask her I N other medicine In use for diar in release him. and she refused, and rhoea or bowel complaints has re then and then ." j celved such general approval. The Something about Mrs. Markham's earnest face and sad. distressed v,ice affected Fessenden deeplv. nnd he wondered if this theory she had so clearly, though hesitatingly, stated, could be the true one. Might he. af ter all. be mistaken in his estimate of Srlnnler Carleton. and might Mrs. Markham's suggestion have even a Inundation of probability? They "etc both silent for a few minutes, and then Mr. Fessenden said. "Hut you thought it was suicide at lirst ?" "Indeed I did: I looked i,t the pa per through glasses that 'cere dim with tears, and it looked to me like Madeleine's writing. (If course Miss Morton also thought it was. as she was nly slightly familiar with M.nld's hand, lint now that we know some le else wrote that message, of course e also know the dear girl did not l-ring about her own death." -Mrs. Markham was tailed away on one household errands then, nnd Fi sseaden romained alone In the li brary, trying to think of some clue hat would point to some one other Carleton. "I'm sure that man is not a mur- h-rer," he declared to himself. "Carle- is peculiar, but he has a loyal. honest heart. And yet. If not. who an have done the deed? I can't seem o believe It really was either the Du- puy girl or the Hurt girl. And I knew t wasn't Sebuylerl There muBt have jeen some motive of which I know nothing. And perhaps I also know nothing of the murderer. It need not necessarily have been one of these icople wp hnve already questioned." lis thoughts strayed to the under- 'ervnnts of the house, to common bur- lurf. or to some powerful unknown il W in. Hut always the thought re- i.irned that no one could have entered I md left the house unobserved within1 hat fatal hour. And then, to his Intense satisfaction, 'itty French came Into the room. "flood morning. Rose of Dawn." he sild, looking at her bright face. "Are '," properly gl&d to see me?" "Yes. kind sir." she said, dropping i little curtesy,' find smiling In a most friendly way. "Well, then, sit down here, and let ne talk to yon, for my thoughts are running riot, and I'm sure you alone an help me straighten them out." "Of course I can. "I'm wonderful it that sort of thing. But. flrstr II tell on about Miss Dupuy. 8he's awfully II I mean prostrated, you know; and he hns a high fever and sometimes he chatters rapidly, and then again ioe nun i uijen ner ups even lr any one speaks to her. We've hml h. doctor, and he says It's Just over- trained nerves and naturally nerv ous disposition; but, Mr. Fessenden, 1 mink its more than that; I think. It's gnllty conscience." "And yesterday, when I Implied that Miss Dupuy might know mors about It all than she admitted, you wouldn't listen to s word of It!" res. I know It, Jbut I've changed my minn, i. m. you have; Just for a change. i suppose." No,' said Kitty,' more seriously; dui Dec a use I've heard a lot of "'! ranting for that's what It Is. "and whll It's been only disconnected sentences and sudden exclamations yet it nil points to a guilty knowledge of some ort, which she's trying to eon real. I don't say I suspect her, Mr. Fessenden, but I do suspect that she knows a let more Important Informs tlon thnn shs's told." Miss Dupuy's behavior has certainly invited criticism," began Hub, but be fore He could go further, the-French girt. Marie, .appeared at the door, and seemed about to enter . ' ' ' ' "What 18 U. . -Mailfi?" said Kitty kindly.. "Are you looking for me?" "Yei, mademolBelle," ald Marie, and, "and I would speak with mon sieur too. I have that to say which fg imperative. Too long already have I kept the silence. , I must speak at last. Have I permission?" "Certainly," said Fessenden, who saw that Marie was agitated, hut very much in earnest. "Tell us what you have to say. Po not be afraid." "I am afraid," said Marie, "But I nm afraid of one only. It Is the MIbs Morton, the stranger lady." "Miss Morton?" said Kitty In sur prise. "She won't hurt you; she has been very good to you." "Ah, yes, mademoiselle; but too eood. Miss Morton has been too kind, too sweet, to Marie! It Is that which troubles me." "Well out with it, Mario," said Rob. Close that door. If you like, nnd then )eak out, without nny more beating around the bush." "No. monsieur. I will no longer bent Marie carefully closed the door, nnd then began her story: "It wus the night of the of the horror. You remember. Miss French, we sat all in this very room, awaiting the. coming of the great doctor the doctor Ix"onard." "Yes," said Kitty, looking Intently at the girl; "yes. 1 know most of you stayed here waiting hut I was not here; Doctor Hills sent Miss Ourdner and me to our rooms." "Yes; it is so. Well, we sat here, I and Miss Morton rose with sudden i ness find left the room. I followed, i pnitly 1 confess It because I trusted I her not at all. and I wished to assure myself that all was well. I followed her but secretly and I shall 1 tell ' you what she did ?" Kitty hesitated. She was not sure i she should listen to what was. after all servants' gossip about a guest of i the house. j Hut Fessenden looked at it different- ly. He knew Marie had been the j trusted personal maid of Miss Van j Norman, and he deemed it right to ! bear the cvidi ik-o that she was now j anxious to give. "(io on. Marie." be said'gravely. He careful to tell It exactly as it hap pened, whatever it is." "Yes, m'sienr. Well, then, 1 softly followed Miss Morton, because she did not go direc tly to her own room, but went to MLss Van Norman's sitling- I m and stood before the disk of Miss Madeleine." "You are sure. Marie?" said Kitty. i who conld'nt help feelinir It was dis honorable to, listen to this. "Please, Miss French, let her tell the story In her own way." said Hob. "it is perhaps of the utmost import ance, and muy lead to great results." Then Marie went uninterruptedly on. (TO UK COTINCED) "It cured me," or "It saved the life of my child," are the expressions you I hear every duv about rhambsphln-. secret of the success of Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy Is that It cures. Sold by all druggists. "Meet Me Face to Face!" Thursday, Juno the :ioth. The Wlnrd. i TART i LITTLE HOME FACTORY A New Book Creating Widespread Interest This new book is being circulated widely throughout the country by The National Home Products League, sn organization for the promotion of the welfare of the home, advsncing plans and ideas whereby women may earn in the home without seeking employment in mills, lactones, stores or shops. The purpose of the book is to familiar ize women with such methods as they are now using to earn a livelihood. It is creating widespread interest in the entire subject. Mrs. Alden tells women how to earn money in womanly ways. One is struck by the number of original and novel occupations mentioned. Its value in every home from Msine to Oregon will be more than transient. It is breezy and inspires confidence and women will find it a comfort to have in the home. There is hardly a woman who may not some day be called upon to earn and this book may save many an anxions hour. The first efforts of this organization is to deal with home manufacture of goods' which can b sold by the maker in her own locality, without the aid of the selling organization of the League. Later the manufacture of articles in the home to be sold widely through the League i to be taken up. Those who are Interested in earning who wish to consider tbe making and selling in their own locality, articles of noma manaisctnre, will receive full information by writing to The National Home rroducts Leapte, Z77 Broadway. New Vork City. tf -t k. -4. 1 1 n . . - ii mc uw a , women s ways oi Earning Money" is of interest, the cloth edition may be secured by mailing f 1.00 io me Lague. One of the profitable lines of manu facture advocated by the League, is the treatment of any inexpensive cotton cloth with a waterproof fluid, then making in the home waterproof aprons, overalls, raia coats, hay covers, wagon covers, rain curtains for carriages and automobiles, folding water buckets and bath tubs. Tbe cost of waterproofing cloth by such methods does not exceed two cents per yard and produces a material superior to! any other to be had and very light weight. ' There is a great local demand for such1 foods, especially when they can be sold at only a fraction of the cost oi rubber material or rubber substitutes, which are anally eery heavy in weight and last nut a short period of time. . NOTICE. Elmer E. Heston. surviving partner of the firm of J. M. Heston A Sons, having made a voluntary assignment to the undersigned aa assignee, all persona having claims against the said Arm are hereby notified to pre. sent the same to the said assignee on or before tha Ith of May, 1111, or this notice will be pleaded In bsr of th!r recovery, and all persona Indebted to said firm are herey notified to make Immediate payment D. 8. WATSON, Assignee. D. RALPH MILLARD, Attorney. j leading Hotels and Boarding HoUscF : "V AN EXCLUSIVE INN.- ' , Attractive Accommodations'" for long or snort, stay, tages for housekeeping or in I The North Carolina Hot Springs MOUNTAIN PAJtK HOTEL. V ... i " , . , . . i i . " The Ideal resort for health, pleasure and recreation. Every amusement. Cool nights, no mosquitoes. Free ttom dampness, fog and smoke. Bathing department In charge of scientific Masseur. Trains from Asheville dally, 7:10 a. m. and 4:30 p. m., returning 12:40 and 9:05 p. m. Write for IJooklet. . S. B. ROBERTS, Mgr. MMUMMMMmmHHMMIHIMMHIIlHMMt Battery ParK Hotel ,;y' . ASHEV1XI.K, N. C. . a OPEN TIIROIGIIOIT T1IK YKAR." i Famous Everywhere. Beautiful arid Famous Tate Spring MiMlern Hotel Koouih with private batli, 1-ottagCH, beautiful erounds. irolf. rldiiur. (InMiic. hathlnc. I, s. SM-nator It. li. Taylor soys: "I regard Tnte Spring' an the best on tho continent." ' IiOnve Asheville B:20 a. m. Central Time; 7:20 a. m. Eastern Time, arrives Tule Spring 11:0 a. in. TATE SPRING CO., Tote Spring, Tenn. Atlantic Hotel M0REHEAD CITY, N. C. Completely renovated and ninny New Features. Opened June 1st. Delightful Surf lialbing, Finest Fishing In America. Dancing. Ten- J nls. Motoring, Riding. , Extremely low excursion rales. Unsurpassed Son ice Cuisine Perfect. j RATES $12.50 to $17.50, Weekly. , Through Sleeping Car Service, Winston -Salem, via Greensboro i nnd Raleigh and Morehead City, N. C. V, i-.te Frank P. Morton. Mgr., Morehead City, N. C, for rates and , handsome illustrated booklet. 1 C UTT7 tO fW T7 T? U nil. IV IV 11 A strictly high .irrade hotel, under new management. Newly furnished this year, and up to date. , S. C. COOK, Proprietor. FRANKLIN HOTEL BREVARD, N. O. In the center of the bcantiful Sapphire Country. Now ready and waiting for tlie Florida towlsta on Ui line. Rates $1.50 ap. Gladstone Hotel Near Southern Railroad Depot. The most up-to-date Kuropran Hotel in Aslievlllc. " ' ' RATIOS 00c, 75c, $1.00 day. ' ' FRANK BLAKE, Manager. Richelieu Hotel 20 North French Broad Ave. Up-to-date family hotel. $7 to $15 per week. Excellent table. Phone 1430. SUYETA HOTEL, , Waynesvllle. N. C. t'nder new management. New ho tel, modern In every detail. Private baths, beautiful scenery. For the tourists and commercial trade. Large lawn, plenty of shade. Commercial rates, $2.00 and up. O. A. WIXTEIt, Prop. Central Hotel Canton, N. C. D. M. SHOOK, Proprietor. Hot and eold hatha, elactrlo lights telephone. Free sample room. Rater 11.00 par day; epeotai b . month. , , Herr Hotel Albert Eleventh Street and University - .fPo, Hew Xork !., . ' One block west of Broadway. ' The only absolutely modern fire proof transient hotel below Itnd street Location central, yet quiet; 400 rooms, 100 with bath, from $1 per day upwards. Excellent restaurant and cafe attached. Prices moderate. Bend for Illustrated Gntdo and Map of New Tor Otty. FAMOUS ESMERALDA INN Situated In most beautiful mountain canon east of the Rookies. Mountain climbing, Ashing, bathing, tennis, etc., are among the amusements. Chim ney Rock, numerous mountnln caves, and the beautiful Rocky Broad River within easy accesa. THOMAS TVRMF.K, JR.. Manager. P. O. Address, Bat Cave.. N. C. LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR. Legal Blilg. a, prk Square). , Phone -7. ; . ' C5t- connection with .The Manor, batl TTVTXT Corner 0ak and 11M1M Woodfln Streets. elr return. Fl.shlnc and driving la T. W. WilTTMrRE, Prop. New House, Newly Furnished. Atlantic City. N. J. THE GREATEST RESORT IN THE WORLD. la an Ideal place to spend the summer vacation. This seaside metropolis offers every diver sion an devery comfort known to seashore life. Hotel Dennis situated directly on the ocean front, surrounded by Its own spacious lawn which Joins the beach and Boardwalk. Most liberally appoint ed and liberally conducted hotel on the New Jersey Coast WALTER J. BUZ BY. Th - St. Charles Moat Select Location Fronting the Beach. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. With an established reputation for its excluslveneaa and high class patronage. Thoroughly modern and completely equip ped. Courteous service. Bath rooms, with hot and cold, fresh and sea water attach ment ahowers, etc. Magnificent porches overlooking 'the Board walk and Ocean. Always open, flolf privileges. Illustrated booklet - NEWUS nAIWES. Atlantic crrr. n. a. x THE WKHTMON HmEL AND ' - 8AN ITARU M , Pplendldly appointed; superior ta ble and service; refined surroundings; large lawns: Wide corchea. mn,l..rni Sea water, curative and tonlo baths In sanitarium. Booklet and rates on request W. H, MOORE, Manager. , Pleasantly Situated on Mala Street All Outside .Rooms. Winter Season rXinhsm Moose. St. Augustine, Florida. DUNHAM HOUSE MRS. D. L. DUNHAM, Proprietress HIgh-claaa boarding house, modern In every respect Rates 11. SO to fi.OV per dsy; II to til per week. W'ayneavlUe, N. C. victoria Inn This famous resort' is now open to the public unclerV management Every' room is an outside room, !aro-e 7 ventilated, and elegantly furnished. The service will bo S ' j "-i " j o conveniencts oi me guesis. xia to conventions. .... .. FOR HEALTH THE BEAUTIFCIi HAYWOOD WHITE SXJIPHUR SPRINGS m. 'Tlie V.k- iI On the Southern railway,! one hour from Ashevills. rnu' ..." Mn rnnnimntlVM. TTn nnd CcA and Cold TAniita. Special attention to Mountain - r . Dirwmi party and ratea. For Information address 4. IjYNN . HAHN, Mana 1 (Forrnerly Manager of Kenllworth Inn, a.,,.. THE SWANNANOA ; A STRICTLY- HIGH GRADE a . Family aiid Transient Hotel Mits $ a oay ina ppwara. Swannanoa Hill KS? A high class house, with open air life "advantages. Thoroughly hauled. Conducted strictly on hygienle and sanitary linen. At altltuu over 2000 feet. Magnilicent sceneries, splendid crystal water. On IllltrnoM oar line. Send for booklet Come and aee. Write for particulars , THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND tOTJRIST HOTEL Of WAYNESVILLE, N. C. Z i. , , MRS S ALL IE E. CORY. ProBrietrein , Open the Tear Ronnd. Hotel Kenmore WAYNESVIIiLK, N. O. V ? ' Open Throughout the Year. ; v STRICTLY niGII CLASS SERVICE ALWAYS. C. H. jtnd MRS. L. W. KNIGHT. EagleS NeSt Altitude 60CO feet, 1-J mile higher beautiful beyond description, simply nnequaled. Air and water unsur passed. Hotel modern, clean and cosy; an Ideal resort No consummm , or annoyance from unruly children. LAKE VIEW INN SSKSSSFT Newly built and furnished, and equipped with all modern conveniences. Electric lights, bells, telephones, porcelain batha and mounts'- snrinr . ter, Is located on one of the finest roads and within ten minutes drive from me court House, xne Hotel overlooks a beautiful lake and Is surrounded by four acres of lawn and shade trees. Rates reasonable. Address E. E. HOLLIS, Hcmicntonvllle. N. C Fairfield Inn On I.aka Fairfield, Sapphire, K. C, In THE - BEAUTIFUL 8APPHIRI COUNTRY, among the mountains of western North 'Carolina, Is now open under the same management as last year.1 Fishing free to guests. Music, tennis, bowling, boating. 75 miles trout streams. Excel lent cuisine. Elevation 3250 feet, always eool. . II. R. ROBERTSON. Mgr. M0NTF0RD COTTAGE 103 Montford Ave. Phone 1081 Elegant home-like and refined Centrally located. Cuisine the beat Transients and table boarders ac commodated. MODERATE RATES. Jarrett Springs Hotel, R. F. JARRETT, Manager. Dillsboro, N. C. Rates (2 per day, Hot and Cold Baths. Large Sample Room Free. Best of Service. Commercial and Tourist Resort lately Remodeled and Improved. Spe cial Ratea by Week or Month. WEST'S HOTEL, Weavervllle, N. O. newly built and equipped, la now ready for summer visitors, and trav ellng men, Special ratea by week or months. We own our own dairy, chicken ranch and garden, thereby giving you everything fresh and cool. write lor ratea, The Catawba OLD 1-ORt, . OL li. a MOORE. PrtrteMr. Transient and Commercial Patron age BollelteL ' ' - ' HOTEL ENTELLA RRYSOJf CITY. Headquarters for traveling men and lumbermen. 'Rate $1 per day. Spe cial rates by the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating nouse fronting Southern depot Lie ry In connection. W. W. A ALMA WHEELER, Propre. Our House W. O. HAIfi, Prop. RI.AnK MOUNTAIN, N. a Rates tt per day Located at Union tattoo. AETHELWOLD HOTEL , Under New Management, -BREVARD, North Carolina. an ineai winter and summer resort Bpeclal ratea by week or month. Open all the year,. Altitude 116 feet. T. D. ENGLAND, Proprietor, . The HcFall House ROT SPRINGS, N. C. commercial and Tourist. Special rsies ny weeg or month. "Located conveniently for hot baths, ... i. ' il-It and , tes reasonable. Special EesDectfnUv. rates AND PLEASURE - "ZJZC.i - .i: AiiHW tM .Sulphur Baths. Mui i,"!,!'?- ' Dnlnh,,. t..v r... J '"W. Partlea. Special nartv . 4 mnn Loagnraw, Owner and tnf. wUViQ, Xmmnpityfrom Hay Fever than Asheville. Scenerv rn m.t See folder. 8. C. SATTERTHWAIT. Pron.. uuuo iui life comiort Waynesvllle, K. C or Eagle's Nest. N. HEMMING HOTEL t It T. MADDEN, Maaager, f , Marion, N. a Rates $2.00 per day. Recently re painted Inside and out re-arranred, thoroughly renovated, and otherwise greatly Improved, making It one of the best hotels along the line, -Free Sample Kooins, Hot Bad Cold Ratlin, Electrle Lights, and other mod ern comforts and conveniences. Free bua meets all trslna Hotel Gates ;.,MenderionYill,H.O. J ijaj--. ft -r'.; Open Thronghoui the Teal. Commercial and TourUI Rates $2.50 per day udtf. V jLA.OATIS.Prof ' P' v "...mnur! AN t PLAN. WM.TAYLORkS0N,lnc BOTFI. WABTIielOTjh-; THE PIEDMONT ' 4. D. HYATT, Proprietor. Wayaeavllle, N. 0. Situated two miles fr om the n of the town. A delightful ptoea IJ caned on the beautiful Sw snd inth. very heart -- tains. The hou throuKhout and la au pplle '' i.tnina elartrlO lights, WSIr, ,. anli'n. frr milk, butter, etc. Ratei leasoBa" t j - .- . ,' .' I . ..- . ... .1. . i" HOTEL ?ST;DENIS "wpjaSSsi