Monday, July 25, 1910. PAGE EIGHT THE ASHE ILLS GAZETTE-NEWS. 'I, i! r ! ! i ill !! i! t! V jM I! 1 !i :i i' f tii111 iuuj bbb nrnnni i SOME COAL J IS BETTER Than other kinds of coal. In this class, is M. & W. INDIAN COAL "Which leads in the race for popularitv because of GOODNESS." Phone ICO. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Fresh Lot Queen Olives Per Quart, 30c L C. JARRETT Phones 358 or 192. Fine Groceries, Vegeta bles and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Phone 473. For the "Muddy" Days that are LouikI to come vou will want a jair of torai sho?s! the kind we handle. You) must take into consideration' that this beautiful sumuu-rj weather cannot continue a!-! Trrkr 1... ., 1 therefore, for the mfleuient i lii-u tr. We loost thee now for tin simple reason that it is tLe l-st time to get them, while we have such a lare assortment of sizes and prices. GuaranteeShoeStore SO. 4 W;tTH MAIX ST. MERIT g: and MERIT alone is what makes the people buy the I? r HobartM.Cable Pianos Easjr ternM at the hnrrM raah prwe. Dunham's Music House DOLLS AND OTHER TOYS For the little girls and boy. See our window and come in and see what you can get for a (lime and a quarter. Also magnificent dismay of fine imiorted china. I X L DEPARTMENT STORE S. H. MICHALOVK. Sola fro, f 1 r.TTO! AVE. PHOXE Itt. IIZATIOn I .ItUHbA OF POLICE FORGE Police Cab mission Orders Department Divided into Tbree Shifts Ef fective Aagust 1. Ai a meeting of the poli commis sion Saturday afternoon the plan of reorganization, recently approved by the board of aldermen, was discussed and after much argument the changes recommended were adopted, to go; every evening at Overlook park. The into effect August 1. j park management has gore to a great By these changes the office of ser-jdeal of trouble and expense to make , grant aaa done away with and a desk clerk was created, whose duties it will, be to remain at headquarters from 11:39 p. m., to 12:30 a. m . with an hour's intermission for supper, per forming the duties of desk sergeant. His salary will be i9 per month. Ex-Sergeant McDowell was made desk clerk. The commission has presc ribed that I the chief of police shall keep regular ! office hours and remain at headouar-1 tors from i:J0 a. m. to I2:J p. m.. I and from S r. m. to 7 i,. m. to attend i to al! duties that may com.- up while! he is there, and that the night wat-.'h- man should be on hand 'Nit 12:3 a. m. to I a. m. to answer all telephone calls, according to the arrangements made by the l-rard of aldermen. In accordance with the orislnal plan the whole force wi'.l l-e divided into three shifts with a captain for eai h. The Mrst shift will be composed of live men with a captain, and shall bejin prf ;.roiis condition and how-s to on duty from II at night until ! I te able soon to erect a chapter house, j o'clock in the. morning The second I ! shift Hill hace rive rr. n and a cap-' Judce II G. Connor in United) tain and wiil t on dut from a a. mlstates circuit court today resumed ,to 4 p. m. The last shift will hae a i the hearing of evidence In the big! captain aid seven men and will n-jlind suit ,-f Gilbert against Hopkins. main on duty from 4 p. m. until 13; It will Ik- pnmibly ten days before the; o clock at night, thus .ompletin;; the;,-5, c-j to :V jure There are "54.-! 21 hours. j 00 acre of land in Graham j Ea.h ciuail will be on duty for j ..ur.ty invoked 'is the suit for eject-1 the hours mentioned for one week, j mi nt. valued at more than half a I when a change will be made: but the n.nuon dollars. This is perhaps one : ! evening shift will always have seven;,., ,t, i,ies;4t cj.-tment suits ever' 'men. so that two men wiil be trans-ttrK, !n terii North Carolina. ferred to other shifts from week to: I Re- k. j Th" hief and the captains ili (rr.evt fa to choose their squads. Pa-tro'.n-an Luminac was elected captain ' of the new squad. I i;. H. Williams, former desk ser- ISeant. was elected a patrolman, ;md the place of Sergeant M' Dowel! will lie filled by F. L. Condor, a former im'm'.er ui the force. L- W. Young ! . , . . j resignations of Patrolmen tilackstoc k 1 , i I - ,i i . lar.o Leaverett were read and u' epted. Who Made Awaj With $800 in Diamonds Says He It on Hit Way to Colorado. nnkeistein today received , lt,r s- July 22. GINSBERG I T m T l r'll"""U;from Julius Ginsberg, the man who made a- with moo worth of dia monds which Mr. Finkelstein had let him have, ;,nsUrg saying at the time! that he had some prosiective custom- f rs. The lei tt r reads: j "i int to mv I an. 01. iry way to' '"olorad--. and will be hack .n Ashe- j ville r.i about two months and pay! you the ii.noimt. I wnt you to take) my trink cb n to the store. It is In j a board'i, buse. 7 North Main' street, a-id tnke care of it. Yours; truly. "JULIUS GINSBERG." I "P. S Very sorry I did not writ! sooner. Will writa you a long letter shortly." The letter, howecer. is not satisfac tory to Mr. Kinkelsieln, who had greatlj lefriended Ginsberg, giving him several meals at his own home and doing everything to enable Glns-l-erg to make a living. Mr. Finkel stein says he took Ginlerg Into the store simply to enable him to live here. He is making every effort to locate him and if he succeeds will bring him lck here. S NOW PREDICTED People from the Lowlands Are Flocking to the Mountains of Western North Carolina. The people of the lowlands are com ing In great crowds to the mountains at the present time. Every Incoming train from the south and west is packed with people for Asheville and other western North Carolina resorts. Tha Southern Railway company be lieves that this will be one of the best I seasons this aection has eevr enjoyed SPLENDID SEA50 Reports Saturday from the out of town places. a well as the rltjr ho tels and boarding houses. Indicate that the hotels and boarding houses ars being well Ailed. ' The board of trade so far haa re ceived very few replies to the In quiries sent out as to special rates by boarding bouses for the mountain excursion crowds which come for a ten days' stay from all southern points sbout the middle of August. The Southern Railway company will print and circulate the Information In a rlcus cities If the people will only take the trouble of sending to the board of trade- the number of guests they raa accommodate and the rates which they will make for the tea day's stay. Without the boarding bouse and ho tel people, how eve- taking the trou ble sf sending la this Information, ft cannot of course be obtained by the railway company and thos rirrulated. Attention thitiflri ?e glten this Imme- tlM-l (f V -T h It to It Ued CITY NEWS - Program at Theato today: "Huh era Delirium.. "The Wings or Love," Yitagrsph film. A special communication or ML Hermoo lodge No. Ill A- F. Jfc A- II. will be held at S o'clock tonight at Masonic temple (or work in the H A. degree. The pastor and member of Hop kins' chapel wish to thank the offi cers of the Wachovia Loan and Trust- tmkn.v for the use of several small banks during the recent "rally." Beginning on Tuesday evening there will 1 a display of fireworks!""' 'this an attractive and pleasant place to visit. Judge 1. C. Pritchard. United Stabs Circuit iud?e. today signed an order designating Hon. Jas. E. l)d. I'nited States District judee. to hold the Dis trict court of the Cnited States for the district of South Carolina from this date until October. llo. during the'l r beence of Judge Wm. H. Urawley. t' United States District judge. of Charleston. S. C. from the district I For the benefit of the American Woman's league at Waynesville. It is announced that the local ent of that place will gie a production of the play "Powhatan'- at Wayn-?vi!le !Jm!v IT. Th members of the east f have been hard at work and will j doubt: wi sice a S'kkI account of ' themselves next Wednesday. The' ', Waynesville chapter of the league is; Neves of the daeth of W. H. Jarvis at his home at Mars Hill. July 22. has reached the city. Sir. Jarvis was 70' years old and was prominent in his1 community where he had a large number of relatives and friends. His death was no unexpected, as he had been in bad health for several years.; He baves a widow and several child ren. Mr. Jarvis filled the office of I magistrate in his prec:nct for manv ! , . . , . . ., I yars. and .S-juire Jarvus was a well lt .... ixnown man an over .viaaison county. John Raymond Reilly. only child , of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Reilly. died at j the home, m charlotte street, at 14:30 o'clock Sunday morning, after ran illness of two weeks He was of a genial disposition, loved by all who I knew him. and will be sadly missed 1 by his little companions. He waa a , pupil of Hillside convent and was a 'genera! favorite. The funeral ser f vices will t... held Tuesdav afternoon at 4 o'c'.txk at St. Lawrence ratholic church. Interment will be at River side cemetery. For Tomorrow's Dcwrt Get a bottle of rich, delicate Itlqe Ribbon Vani!!i Extract to tlavflr with. ' ASHEVILLE WILL HAVE PUCE AT EXPOSITION Appalachian Exposition at Knoxville f Will Be a Success-Mr. Cohen Coming. Secretary Buckner of the board of trade today received notice (rom offi cials of the Appalachian eipositijn of, Knoxville that Mr. Cohen, assistant to President W. J. Oliver would be here' within a few days to consult with the board of trade as to an Asheville ex.; hlbit. Some time axn the officials' very kindly tendered free space to Asheville and it is in regard to plac-, ItiK these exhibits, etc., that Mr. Cohen will discus. The exposition promises1 to tie a big event for the Appalachian ; se .lion, -.nd U is not two months un-i til it opens. It w ill run Irom Septem- 1 lr I1 tn ("letr.her 1 llnrlnv Hi. ' position both President Taft and for mer President Roosevelt sill be pres ent. It Is stated that everythinK is be ing; done to make a fine exposition and one that will he a success. The i people of Knoxville have taken hold ! of the matter and are pushing it for all there is In it. Asheville will doubt less send a fine exhibit of manufac tured articles, pictures of scenery, hotels, etc., and will show the natural advantage of the country to the best advantage. Complete change daily at Theato. The Miller-RIre Paint C o. Lacas Paints Cumplete change dally at Theato. Chambers A Weaver. larvery. Phone 11 WANTED To borrow 2w0 on (ol improved real estate, near Orove park. Address G H., Gaxette-Xew. . I41-3L : LOST Conductor's punch, cuts letter V. Finder will receive reward for Its return to Asheville Electric Co. 1 I It WANTED Traveling salesman to represent us In this locality, live proposition; steady income. Brooks Tire Machine Company. Sit Ellicolt Square. Buffalo. N. T. . It LOST Last Friday alteraesa. bs tweea If Border street and busi ness portion of city, a crescent pinj e vim . . pesrim. netm IO inrs. office or 1 Border street and re-1 eelre reward. - It WANTED Railway snail clerks Ashe ville. Examination Sov. II. Prepa-j ration free. Franklin Institute. I lept. SJt, Hoch.-tcr, N. T, I Chalmers Wins Again ! j Chalmers Motor Co.. Iwtruit. J " Alan McDonald ins Newport Indiana. Hill dimo with Chalmers forty. j . , ..', . .n,. Buick, Palmer-Singer. Steams- Car this year. Seventeen hundred foot hill, fourteen per cent grade. ROUT. HOLMES A BROS Asheville Auto Company Phone 131. The Little Shepherd of King dom Come, by John Fox, Jr. Red Bock, l-y Thomas Xelson Pa "re. ROGERS' BOOK STORE See West Window for New Fiction. W A Picnic is Not a Pic Vii don't know tli- real dcliciousne ss yu'e tasted it on-!- r the trees on a hot Candy Kitchen Mid-Summer f Per On AH Cigars, Pipes, Smokers' Articles and 25 Per Cent Off on Sporting Goods for 30 Days All 5c Cigars, leading brands, at $1.7"terbox of oO. The i"ason of this sale on account of the sesvon being short. Money saved, money made. Xothii: 'charged daring safe. BLOMBERG'S, 17 PattonAv Welch's Grape Juice QUART BOTTLES 50c PINT BOTTLES 25c 1-2 PINT BOTTLES 15c Also Fruit Syrups, Imported and Domestic Ginger Ales, Mineral Waters, eta Clarence Sawyer PHONES 21 AXD ISO. ' ' ASHEVILLE. K. C. ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS You can visit oor fixture room, at least once a week and you caa always Pnd new fixtures attractive In design and price. We aell them as quickly as we buy them. onsciiuently something new and pretty all Ihe time. Piedmont Electric Co. G4 Patton Ave. , Asheville, X. C, Citizens Transfer Company illUJ WOODCOCK. Owner. . ' it PATTOX AVENCK. . TELETHON; U FURNITURE MOVING. . y Prompt Baggage Transfer Servica, Ftetnrwid h Tl. ft T. asxl T. P. A mi .TiTnTiTTi it FOR RENT. ( Room House. Furnished...... 7 Room House. Furnished S Room House. Furnished 12 Room House. Fiirnmhed. . . . . . S Room House, I'nfui nlshed . , i Room House, fnfurnished. . . Room House. I'nfurnlnhed . . , 7 Room House, fnfurnished. . . jer- r t a Dumille. Ills, July nth. 1M. vc wins J. G. Cannon cup last year, also No. 13 and IT 8. Lrxlngtoo Ave. 3 Phone 151. nic Without Ice Cream. of good ice cream such as ours till summer dy. Phone 111). HATWOOD 6TREEX NEAR POSTOFI'ICB Reduction Sale Cent iorrv TIIE BEST BREAD FOR CHI.JREX Because of its purity and terior quality la to be found at our bakery. Always wholesome, toothsome, excel lent and the service as well as Ihe product is first -class, the shelves are tilled dally with choice fresh bread, rolls, buna, cake and plea and every thing Is Inviting. , Special cakes are baked to order for weddings on abort notice. Phone (ZX or SSI. Asheville Steam Baliery i i t . mi .io.m .la.OO , .$;. .011.00 .tivw .(15 oe .xl.o Off A Diamond Ring and $40.00 to the lucky number at BARBErTS FCLIi VALCE CIGAR STORE . r Now is the time, come In, examine ring, smoke and read with us, every Dickie counts. Go for It BARRETTS TuH Value C igar Store, It Patton Ave. Phone 1628 Fine Jellico Coal The Ideal foci, If hoc JELLICO COAL CO. J. B. SROPE, Manager. Cttj office phone 1128. Yard plione 510 Ktiertal prior nn car tola. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 4C. .0 X. Lexington Ave. J. II. WEAVER, Mjrr. Vtir Hot ihI Tiretl Feet Try a pair of our DR. REED CUSHION SHOES or a pair of OihmK. The eaicM slioe on earth. Ft $.".00. GEO. W. JENKINS, 29 S. .Maiul St. I Meat and Poultry Phone us for nice broiling or r.Mfting i "hit kens. Ducks or &i:at. Fine Roa?t of lnib or l!ccf. W. M. Hill & Co. Phones 4 and 359. City Market, The superb quaiity and unrivalled durability ot SHAMROCK ENAM ELWARE insure lasting satisfaction. Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE AND 25 N. MAIN ST. n Maxwell HEM CjL f SOO.OO. S. STERNBERG & CO. FOR BALE For Immediate delivery, all kinds of second hand machinery In first class condition. , STEAM BOILERS, ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. rulleya. Hangers. Bearings. Boxes. Shafting. Band Baw Mill com plete; Steam Engines and Boiler of all sixes and makes; saw and seconi band Piping, all sixes. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, HOTEL BERKELEY POOL Green Bros.' WHOLESALE 45 Patton Avenue. ROOM Eddy"- Refrigerators and Ice Boxes. We have ft couilc1e line of Ice Boxes from $i.50 up. Also the "Eddy" Refriger ators $8.50 and up. Wudor Forch Shades" $2.50 and up Torch and Lawn Rockers $1.23 and up. MUIIIIIIHIIIMIIHIDM WHEN YOU BUY A TON OF VI. & W. COAL y You don't buy a quar- I ter or an eighth of dirt or slate along with it. Ev ery ton is a ton of unadul terated FUEL just good, clean coal. Phone 40. Asheville Coal Co. j HMMIIH Ml K DOES YOUR MILK SOUR? It's a sure sign you do ; ; not use enough ICE. ; ; Phone 72 for. a supply. .; ; It means pure foods, and j u re foods mean good ; ; health. - :; ASHEVILLE ICE CO. ;; MIIIMHUMimMMMMt J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue. i Fine Watch Repairing ,j a Specialty. ! ! POOLE BROS. STEAM DYE J WORKS i Formerly Asheville Steam Dye Works, F..XPF.RT CIJCAXF.RS AXD DYERS Phone 12.10, V Work called for and delivered. j 1 This is the best small car on the market. Standard Motor Car Co., IMioite 314. 15-07 Patton Avenue. At the Same Old Place "Downstairs" A Fine Line of Cigan. Furniture Store AND RETAIL ' Asheville, N. C. .G f