Thursday, July 23, 1313. US ASH27ILL3 GAZETTE-NE "GTS. no Hazels an & B CITIES PAYING i en Steady Rte in Their Rates Shown in the Census Bureau's Annual r;. ." Report ' Washington, July 18. The rates of Interest cities are paying on their out standing debt obligations are steadily rising. It is pointed out In the census Bureau's annual report for 1908 on the statistics of the 158 cities In the United States which had each An es timated population of 20,000 and more in 1908. , The report states that the rate for all the cities combined was 3.85 per cent In 1906. 3.89 per cent. In 1907. and S.92 per cent. In 1908. For cities of 300,000 population and over the rate for 1906 was 3.68 per cent., for 1907 it was 3.75 per cent, and for ISPS it was .3.79 per cent The highest average rates of Inter est for cities of different sizes were: 300,000 population and over, San Francisco, 4.5 per cent.: 100.000 to 300.000, Denver, 5.5 per cent; DO.OOO to 100,000. Tacoma. 5.6 per cent: 30.000 to 50.000, Birmingham, 5.6 per cent The corresponding lowest rates were: 300.000 population and over. Washington, D. C, 3.2 per cent; 100. 000 to 300.000, Providence, Rochester and" Hardford. 3.6 per cent; 50,000 to 100.000, Spcjncfleld, Mass.. Harris burg and Holyoke, 3.8 per cent; and 30.000 to 50.000, Eloilra, 3.6 per cent The preceding rates are paid by the cities on the face value of their out standing debt obligations, and do not in any accurate manner measure the actual rates of interest that citier have to pay on their loans at the preseit time. Net Interest Rates. A new feature of the report is a table showing the net or actual rates of Interest that cities had to pay for the use of money on their funded debt or long-term bonds Issued dur ing the fiscal year 1908. These rater have been computed from bond tables In a method familiar to all. bankers, consideration being taken of the premiums or discounts received or paid by the cities and of the length of time that the bonds have to run. During the year 127 of the 158 cities of over 30.000 population sold to the public $187.0X3. 286 bonds, on which they received 85.325.651 in premium? and paid 8484.456 in discounts. Only 11 cities are reported as having sold bonds at a discount, most of these be ing In the southern states. The net rates, as determined from the bond tables, differ materially for many cities from the average rates borne by the total amount of funded debt outstanding at the close of the year for those cities. Thus the average rate borne by the outstanding bonds of Seattle is 4.5 per cent, but during the year 1908 that city sold to the public $1,000,000 bonds to run for JO years at a net rate of 3.87 per cent The average rate borne by the outstanding bonds of the city of New ' York Is 3.6 per cent, but during the: year New York city sold to the pub lie $66,000,000 of bonds on which it will pay until maturity a net rate of 4.19 per cent 4'retllt Ratine of the Cities. As indicated by the net interest rate column, the cities of over 300. 000 population with the best credit rating were: Detroit, 3.S7 per cent; Boston, 3.C4 per cent; and Philadel phia, 3.79 per cent The cities of from 100.000 to 300,000, with a high credit Titing were: Indianapolis, 3.49 per cent.; Cambridge. 3.56 per cent.: Worcester, 3.69 per cent; and Fall . Klver, 3.79 per cent. Cities of .eB ' than 100,000 population with a high credit rating were: Somerville, 3.59 per cunt; Lawrence, 3.61 per cent: Taunton, 3.62 per cent: palem, 3.67 per cent.; Holyoke, $.72 per cent; Plnghamton, 3.72 per cent; and Brockton and Newton, each 3.73 per cent Cities of over 300,000 with the highest average net rates were: San Francisco, 4.30 per cent, and New York city, 4.19 per cent Cities of from 100.000 t 300.000 population with tho highest net rates wero: Los Angeles. 4.49 per cent; Memphis, 4.34 per cent; and Jersey City and Omahu, 4.27 er cent Cities of under 100. 000 population which had to pay the , highest rates for the use of money were; Little T.'xk. 6.29 per cent; Knoxvlllc, (.04 per cent; Mol i. 5.02 per rent; Kan Antonio, Birmingham, and Springfield, III., 5 per cent; Bay Clti. 1.96 per cent; and Wichita. 4.71 per cent . . ' Why Credit Terms IMffrr. It is seen that Detroit Indianapolis, and most of the Massachusetts citie can borrow money on extremely fav orable terms, while most if the south ern cities. New fork city, and others have to puy materially higher rate. I The length of time that bonds have to run has some effect upon the rnteg, of Interest that cities have to pay for the use of money. Among other factors that determine that rale may be mentioned a small in t debt Detroit had the smallest per capita net debt of any city of over 300.000 Inhabitants, and Indian apolis had the smallest of cities of from 100.000 to 200.000 population. K.h h of these cities sold their bonds on the most favorable terms of any title of their respective groups. The table also shows the net rate of Interest that cities pay upon their lung-term, bonds sold to their sinking ami otbr city funds. New York city r iid to Its funds during the year more limn I17.00.0n0 bonds on which It HI pay a net interest rate of 3.01 I r cent . uttil maturity, this rate I . n, paring with a net rate of 4.19 per tit. inild to the. public. Baltimore borrowed from its funds at a net i n-wt rute of 3 65 per cent com . I wlih ml- of 3 94 per cent, i i.i t?r ml. Mi-. The ri"t rl r i . r --' in (he cilii's of Ohln ! , v ." ( ,,!, rul t :(.:..( . , The cities with the largest per cap ita payments of interest on city debt are: Boston, $6.S7; New York City, $6.36; Pueblo, $3.81; Montgomery, 14.97; and Cincinnati. $4.76. ENGINE KILLS FIREMEN'S PET. 4- Dog Once Risked Its Life to Rescue a Blind Puppy. New York Press. Brownsville firemen are mourning the death of Able, a dog friend and mascot When running in front of the horses of engine No. 131 yesterday af ternoon when they were galloping to ward a fire in 423 Osborn street, Brooklyn, the shortlegged, black-nncl-tan cross betweena beagle and dach shund, was knocked down by a hoof jf one of the horses. Before the dog ?ould regain its feet the wheels of the fire engine passed over it. It was dy- j ing when a fireman, who was in the tender which followed, lifted it and placed it In the arms of a sympathetic little girl on the sidewalk. Three minutes afterward Abie was dead. Its place as a mascot will be taken by l puppy which Able rescued from a burning house In New Jersey avenue. East New York, several months ago. The rescue of Abie endeared the pet to all the Hremen in the district. A tire was raging that day In a tenement house, and several women and child ren were trapped. Firemen fought their way into the house at the peril of their lives. Abie followed at their heels. ' Each fireman picked up a wo Tian or a child and started out. Abie looked for something to rescue. Final ly the dog discovered a puppy. It scarcely, had its eyes open, and had been abandoned by its mother. The mascot picked the puppy up by the scruff of the neck, carried it out of the building, staggered to the battalion chief, and laid it at his feet. Then Able dropped unconscious, overcome by smoke. The surgeons worked on the dog twenty minutes before they could revive it. The dog was a homeless vagrant when it drifted into the engine house '.wo years ago. It seemed so forlorn I irid yet so friendly that the firemen Adopted it forthwith. They never MiHsted of Abie's beauty or pedigree, but they could say truthfully that It never missed a run and that the horses always seemed to go Iwtter when the dog was setting the pace and barking encouragement. Prince, the horse, which knocked Abie down yesterday md indirectely caused the pet's death, feels so badly about it that it refuses to eat. Soreness of the muscles, whether induced by violent exercise or Injury, is quickly relieved by the free appli cation of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment Is equally valuable for muscular rheumatism, and always af fords quick relief. Sold by all drug gists. The professional man who can't make a living ean go around sneering at the business man who can. American Woman's League certif icates will be accepted on NEW sub crltitlnn" onlv. to The Oqtte-Neva Sewing Machines For Sals, Rent or Exchango. Expert Repair Work Asheville Sewing Machine Co. Phone 1B09. Legal Building SOTTHERJf RAILWAY SCHEDCLE, EFFECTIVE JTXE 19, 1910, Schedule figures published as Information and not guaranteed. EASTERN TIME. ARRIVE FROM DEPARTS FOR No. 7 from Lake Toxaway. :15p.m.lNo. 8 for Lake Toxaway.. No. 5 from Lake Toxaway. :05 a.m. (No. 6 for Lake Toxaway.. No. 8 from Wuynesville... 7:35a.m. No. 7 for Waynesvllle No. 9 from Charleston.... 1:10 p.m. No. 10 for Charleston No. 11 from New York 2:46 p.m. No. 11 for Cincinnati No. 12 from Cincinnati..... 2:05 p.m. No. 12 for New Tork No. 13 from Charleston.... 9:15 p.m. iNo. 14 for Charleston No. 17 from Terrel 7:60 a.m. No. IS from Murphy No. 20 from Murphy .... No. 21 from Goldsboro... No. 35 from Washington. No. 36 from Memphis.... No. 4 1 from Jacksonville. No. 102 from Bristol. Through sleeping cars to and from New Tork. Philadelphia. RalUmore Washington, Jacksonville, Memphis. Chattanooga. Cincinnati, Louisville, Now Orleans, Macon. Atlanta, Charleston, Norfolk. Chair cars to and from Charleston, Goldsboro, Lake Toxaway and Waynesvllle, Augusta. For further information apply to 3, il. WOOD. D. P. A. R. II. GRAHAM. C. T. ASHEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY , Fall Term op. ns Monday. Aucust 2th. 1910. Full set of Rooks and Student's Supplies Olveu Free with every Scholarship pur chased In August BUY YOUR SCHOLARSHIP IN AUGUST AND SAVE MONEY. , We want to make up the moft of our fall enrollment this year In August. Come and arrange for your scholarship now and we will hold it till you can enter later. HENRY Sale of Goncrete Hotel Notice Is hereby riven, that by virtus of and under the terms of a decree of the Superior court of the county of Runcombe and State of North Caro lina, made and entered in the rase of E. A. Smith, against C. II. Miller and wife and J. H. Gudger and whs, and others, that on Wednesday. August the 3rd. 1910. between the hours o.' 1J M. and I P. M. on said day, from the premises herein described, the undersigned commissioner, will sell to the highest bidder, upon terms herein stated, the following described lands and premises, to-wlt, a certain lot psreel or tract of land situate, lying and being In the city of Asheville and State of North Carolina, being the same lot on which is located ths anflnlshed concrete hotel structure com monly known as the Smith or Miller hotel, said lot being and described by metes and bounds as follows: . Beginning at a stake at the noitheast Junction of Korth Main and Col lege streets and running thence north 19 degrees west and with (he east margin of North Main street 121 feet to the corner of lot number 12 of block number two, as Indicated oh a plat made by b. M. Je and filed In aid cause, thence north 79 degrees and t minutes east, and with south line of said lot number l of block two. 139 feet to the northwest c.rn.r of lot number I of said block two.fhence south 14 degrees and 25 min utes east, and with west Una of said lot number I. 120 feet to a slake In the north niardn of College street thmce aoith 7S degrees end 15 minutes lh said enge of College stnet, 131 feet to the beginning T.rms of xal. one-third of the purMia! mnnej to be paid In cash on the ilny of sale, one i! rd In twelve months from day of sale, and balance two yn..l he clef, rr. I , n -,.., tn h,.,r neret from the day of h. r'"l Tfll1pr l , ; ; y tit ttl 1 1 r. rteri fr n rd ' J' rt J . l; w. u. wnrr-" -.v. c..' -' . Note'd for its table. Miller Cottage t .,. 9 to 15 N. Georgia Ave. (Capacity 250.) Dance Room, Music, Electric Light ed Throughout. $1.25 up dally, $7 weekly and up. Established 31 years. Best moderate price hotel in Atlan tic City. HOTEL WILTSHIRE Headquarters for southern tourists. Virginia Ave. and the Beach, ad jacent to all attractions; ocean view. Thoroughly modern. Capacity 350; elevator; private baths; running water in rooms; spacious porches. Noted for table. Special $15 up weekly. 'Bus meets trains. Booklet. SAMUEL ELLIS. ATLANTIC Cmr. N. J. THE WESTMOXT HOTEL AND SANITARIUM Splendidly appointed; superior ta-1 ble and service: refined surroundings; large lawns; wide porches, moderate. Sea water, curative and tonic baths In sanitarium. Booklet and rates on request W. H. MOORE, Manager. V The St. Charles Most Select Location " Fronting, the Beach. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. With an established reputation for its exclusiveness ar.d high class patronage. Thoroughly modern and completely equip ped. Courteous service. Bath rooms, with . hot and cold, fresh and sea water attach ment, showers, etc. Magnificent porches overlooking the Board walk and Ocean. Always open. Golf privileges. Illustrated booklet NEW LIN HAINES. Let us give you an estimate j on that electric wirinpr. Our! work gives satisfaction. j I W. A. Ward ANYTHING ELECTRICAL 10 X. Tack Square. Tlione 449 BATTERY PARK BANK ' asheville; n, o. J. P. Sawyer, Presi&nu T. C. COXE, 1st Vice President E. RLUDER, 2d Vice President J. E. RANKIN Cashier. Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Profits $130,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL IUNKINO DUSIXESS Bpeclal attention given to collen Hons. Four per cent Int.vut paid n 1ma itanofllt 8:05 a.m. 3:50 p.m. :30 p.m. 4:10 p.m. 3.05 p.m. 2:25 p.m. 7:00 a.m. No. 17 for Murphy 8:30 a.m. :to p.m.iNo. 18 for Terrel 7:00p.m. 1:20 p.m. INo. 19 for Murphy 3:35 p.m. 7:45 p.m. INo. 22 for Goldsboro 8:00 a.m. 2:30 a.mJNo. 86 for Memphis 2:40 a.m. :50 a.m. No. SR for Washington .... 7:10a.m. 7:00a.m.!No. 42 for Jacksonville. .. . 8:50n.m. ..10:35 p.m.!No. 101 for Bristol 7-:20a.m. S. SH0CKLEY, Principal. Fairfield Inn On Lake Fairfield. Sapphire, N. C. in THE BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE COUNTRY, among the mountains of western North Carolina, is now open under the same management as last year.. Fishing free to guests. Music, tennis, bowling, boating. 75 miles trout streams. Excel lent cuisine. Elevation' 3250 feet, always cool. -... - - . - .. ' - H.. R. ROBERTSON. Prop. Battery ParR Hotel '-. ASHEVILLE, N. C OPE? THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. Famous Everywhere. Beautiful and Famous late spring Modern Hotel Rooms with private bath, cottages, beautiful grounds, golf, riding, fishing, bathing. U. S. Senator It L. Taylor says: I regard Tate Spring as the best on tlie continent" Leave AshevUle 6:20 a. m. Central Time; 7:20 a. m. Eastern Time, arrives Tate Spring 11:30 a. m. TATE SPRING CO., Tate Spring, Tenn. mMMttHHtlMIIMMHIIHIIMHmMIHHHM A. Atlantic Hotel M0REHEAD CITY, N. C. Completely renovated and many New Features. Opened June 1st Delightful Surf Bathing, Finest Fishing in America, Dancing, Ten nis". Motoring, Riding. Extremely low excursion rates. Unsurpassed Service Cuisine Perfect. RATES $12.50 to $ 17 -50,' Weekly. Through Sleeping Car Service, Winston-Salem, via Greensboro and Raleigh and Morehead City, N. C. Write Frank P. Morton, Mgr Morehead City, N. C, for rates and handsome illustrated booklet tM0 M t4IUHMMHMHMMMMH ' I ' '... j'--'' O J".. Ili flij LI lnllflvVJVilllf 11M1M . Woodfin Streets. A 6trictly high grade hotel, under new 'management. Newly furnished this year, and up to date. S. C, COOK, Proprietor. THE, FRANKLIN HOTEL BREVARD, Jf. C. . I enjoying the best season of Its history. Why, because we have the bfft orchestra in the State namely Don Richardson's and the prettiest grounds in Western X. C. All kinds of amusements. If you will come here you will go no further. ' , Respectfully, . T. W. WnmiIRE, Prop. Beaumont Lodge On Beau catcher Mountain. 500 feet above, and overlooking Asheville, now open for guests. All modern conveniences. Phone 1556. Miss Tempe Harris, Prop. Asheville's New Hotel, THE GLADSONE ' Next to Southern Depot. The only modern up-to-date European Plan Hotel in tho city. Eates 50c, 75c, $1.00 per day. Baths free. . FRANK BLAKE, Manager. SUYETA HOTEL Under New Management. " - WAYNESVILLE, N. C. New hotel, modern In every detail. Private baths, beautiful scenery. For the tourists and commercial trade.. Large lawn, plenty of shade. Commercial rates, $2.00 and up. . G. A. WINTER, Propr. Hotel Kenmore WAYNESVILLE, N. C Open Throughout the Tear. " STRICTLY HIGH CLASS SERVICE ALWAYS. C. U. and MRS. L. W. KNIGHT. TOXAWAY INN, Lake Toxaway, N. C. is unquestionably one of the finest equipped resort hotels In America, mod ern In every sense, and conducted on a most liberal plan. ... The structure Is thoroughly modern, equipped with everything for the comfort and convenience of Its guests, elevators, steam beat, electric lights, sanitary plumbing, etc, . . The rooms are large, each one commanding beautiful views of mountain and lake scenery. For buoklet. Information and rates, address . I. II. A1KKN, LnkeQ'oiaway, Jf. C. HOTEL WHEELE.R: Hcndersonville, N. C. ' Now open for the season, with same standard of excellence that baa made the reputation of the Wheeler. Address S. T. WIIEE LER, Hendersonville, N. C. COMMERCIAL. HOTEL, MAJESTIC M1M. BCOTT BROWX, M 'X' r, IIEXDI ItSOSVILLE, N. C Centrally ktated. All on' rooms. Private and connecting baths. Western Union and Long I mce Telephone In Hotel. lutes 8J.09 per day. By week $10.00 to 8H ' 1 e"r 2 "S ' The Imperial Hotel J. R. WIDBY, Prop. CANTON, N. C. Steam Heated, Hot and Qold Baths. Best of Ser vice Large Sample Room Free. Rates $2.00 Per Day. TOURIST. Ragles Nest 4 . . 11 sirup unequaled. Air "d water un.urpaea e ; c - cosy; an Ideal resort . consun.-. p' : ,, aren- ' K iv , i V WaynesvHle. K. C. or Eagle's Nest. N.'-C. VICTORIA INN! -. ASHEVILLE, N. C. V ''- This famous resort is now open to the public, under new , management Every room is an outside room, large,' . well ventilated, and elegantly furnished. The service will be the very best, and everything will be done for the comfort and convenience of the guests Bates reasonable. Special rates to conation. .TzfOTEI. : "TOR HEALTH THE BEAUTIFUL HAYWOOD WHITE SULFHTJR -The L.nd of the Sk WarnesyiUe X on tne eoumern ranwj, " No Consumptives. Hot and Cold Tennis, 8peclal attention to Mountain rate- For lnformationaddres. ;- t,. . (Formerly Manager 01 a'""" ""' - THE SWANNANQA A STRICTLY HIGH - - v,f Family and Transient Hotel Kites $Z50 a day and npward. Swannanoa Hill Ilighest class resort house. Conducted strictly on ' sanitary ! lines. Altitude 2000 feet. Limited capacity. Advise before . coming. Send for booklet. THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL OP . WAYNESVILLE, N. C. - - MRS. S ALL IE E. CORY, Proprietress. Open the Year Round. : " '. LAKE VIEW INN Newly built and furnished, and equipped with all modern conveniences. Electric lights, bells, telephones, porcelain baths and mountain spring wa- , ter. Is located on one of the finest roads and within ten minutes drive from the Court House. The Hotel overlooks a beautiful lake and is surrounded by four acres of lawn and shade trees. Rrtes reasonable. Address lt. - E. E. HOLLIS, HemleraonvlUe, N. C. , HOTEL GORDON "The Leading HotcL" WAlNESVIIAEr N. O. Private Baths, Electric Lights, Modern Improvements, etc , Rates $2.60 and up . Bpeclal weekly rates. . . .. : MRS. 4. Ik MOBGAK. Iev4 The gate way to Mt. Mitchell Rainbow Terrace Hotel, Thirty minutes by rail from Asheville, only one mile from station at Black Mountain. 3000 feet elevation and lifted 609 feet above the valley with surrounding mountain views that are unsurpassed and especially at- 1 traottveduring a rain storm. Fine spring water. An easy walk to Mon treal or Bluemont Send lor folder about Rainbow Terraej and of The ; Edgewood. the most attractive resorts In Montreat. Special rates opening season $7.00 to 310.00 week. - p. I. ROOD. Manage.' SALOLA INN, On Sugar Loaf Mountain. Above Rainbow. Altitude 4080 Ft Grandest scenery in . Annalachlan mountains, pure spring water, good roads from Hendersonvtlle. Hates 12.00 per day: 18.00 to 110 per week. Address, J. WILLIAMS. Otlnnola, Post Office, . . N. C. Jarrett Springs Hotel, R. F. JARRETT, Manager. Dillsboro, N. C. Rates $2 per day, Hot and Cold Baths. Lar&re Sanrola Room Free, Best of Service. Commercial and Tourist Resort, lately Remodeled and Improved. Bpe clal Rates by Week or Month. WEST'S HOTEL, Weavervilta, V. G. Newly built and nautnnad la oa ready for summer visitors, and trav eling men. Bpeclal rates by week or months. . We own our own dairy, chicken ranch and garden, thereby giving you everything fresh and gool. Write for rates. The Catawba OLD rOHT. H. O. L. B. MOOKE. PnjarfcMnr. Transient sad Cosaaerolal Patroa age BollcJUe. Our House W. i HAIiL, Prop. BLACK MOUNTAIN, H. 41 IUtes tl per day--Located mt Unlos tatioa. The Manor An EXCH'KIrE INN Attractive accommodations for long or short stay. Cottages for BQusekeeblnc or In rnnntu. i.k - .,vu Willi The Manor. The McFall House 1 HOT SPRINGS, X. 43, Commercial and Tourist Bpeclal rates by week or month eonvenlenUy for hot baths. , . . llt-ltt Hotel Richelieu 20 North French Ercal Ave. Up t" ?:;f .1 f - -'y J r.tfl Immunity from Hay Fever 9 4 t(i fant H.TWWA a nil AND PLEASURE" ... Sulphur Baths. Musio. Bowling and Fames. P'' ' . '--"l' Fran mngnran, uwncr ana iron. KEXTLWORTH TOWW. ' Pof.1 offices: Blltmore and Box 18, Ashevill, W.-C - i . . HENDERSONVlXIiK, NORTH CAROLINA. . black mountain, n. c. HEMMING HOTEL, R. T. MADDEN, Manager, Marlon, K, CL .TI Rates $1.00 ner ' dar. Recently re painted inside and out, re-arranged, thoroughly renovated, and otherwise greatly Improved, making It one of the est hotels along the line. Free Bample Rooms, Hot and Cold Baths. ElhUrlo Lights, and othar mod- ' 'era comforts and conveniences ' ' Free bus meets all trains.. Hotel Gates HendersonvilleN. C. , . trrv Oicn Tbronghout the Ye&r. Comraercinl and Tourist Rates $2.50 per day and up. A. A. GATES, Prop. HOTEL ENTELLA , imysoN crry. Headquarters for traveling me and lumbermen. Rates tl per day Special rates by the month. Itatla room. Free sanple rooms. Railroad ting house fronting Southern depot. Livery In connection. w. w. alma w nnrxm, rrop.a. FAMOUS ESIITIIALDA CTII Bltuated In most beautiful mountain canon east of the Rockies. Mountain climbing, fishing, bathing, tennis, etc., are among the amusements. C'lilm-. ney Rock, numerous mountain caves," and the beautiful Ilocky Broad River within easy access, THOMAS TUHM-.R, JR., Manager. . P. O. Ad dress, Bat Cave, N. C. Pleasantly Situated, on Main Btreet. A.1I Outside Rooms. , Winter Season Xunhm House, Bt Augustine, Florida. du:;:iati i:ou:r. UV.H. D. I a, IH;niIAM, Ixprletreea H i h- ! t ! ) .. , lii e tt r 'I-, t. ; , . ; i J I" r , . t T t , l i