Thursday, July 3, 1313, PAGE SEVEN VMS IX li ueleM (or anyone to call at tbU office In a endeavor to pnd out Um name of advertisers. Those who advertise under an Initial or nom de plume do not wish their namea to be public, and they cannot bo di vulged at this oSloa. ' i - HELP. WANTED. I MADE $f0.00 la five yaara In the Mall Order Bualnew and beran with only a few dollars. here are uau aual opportunities for maktsg mon ey today, and It la not dlftloult to begin. If you hare even a amali cap ital and want to start a mall order business of your own, send, for my free booklet It tells how to make money. Address, Publisher, The Mall Order World, Box 160t, Lock port, N. T. v , u WANTED Railway mall clerks Ashe ville. Examination Nov. 12. Prepa- ration free. . Franklin Institute, '' rn. Rochester. N. Y. . . ., - ; 143-lm WANTED A good nurse; white per ron preferred. Phone 773. . 145-St TOR SALI. TOR BALdV-tA full course scholar' hip In the Emanuel Business Col Hnaulre at Qasette-News of tf FOR S ALB New 7-room house close in, all modern Improvements, $2500. imrhee A Camobell. SI Patton ave nue. Phone its. ' 7-tf FOR SALE Four "No. 1" : desirable building lots in Canton, N. C This property enhancing in value every day. Apply to JefCrcss aV Co., Can ton, N. C , ll-tt FOR SALE $1500.00 -to 13000.00 short time real estate notes. . Liberal discount "Cash," Gazette-News. FOR BALE 100,000 ft new black And galvanised pipe. Bend us your Inquiries and orders, and receive the advantaKe of very low prices. Largest stock of Mill Supplies In western Carolina; Saws, - Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, Pack ings, Hose, Pipe Fitters' and Ma chinists' Tools. Ashevllle Supply ft Foundry Co Market and Eagle streets.. Phone IBS. tt FOR BALE It two room cottages. 12 vacant' lota, for $1000. F. P. Ingle, room t, Revell Bldg. 77-tf FOR BALE One lot, very near an acre, 10 room house, all modern ' conveniences, at Grove Park, 1 91 Charlotte, at a bargain. Phone SS0 or call at Itt Charlotte 8t - M-tf FOR BALI! Roller Top Desk and chairs, I show cases, I oil tanks. Will sell cheap. Inquire at The Ashevllle China. Co., Phone . M1 N. Pack So.. tf FOR SALE A very limited number of beet 8. C. Buff Orplngtens and Light Brahma, both sexes. Also few fine Cornish Indian Ganw cockerels, all March hatched. John Paris, Fernlburst. , Phone 427. 1111 AU, A? WANTED To exchange winter home In Florida, consisting of seven room house and ISO acres of land, beautifully located on slight eleva tion, one mile from railway sta tlun, for residence property In Ashe; vllle. Cuimday .Realty Co., Oates building, phone 074. .'-. 18-tf CLOSING OUT BALE 50 fine thor aughbred single comb brown Leg horn hens and six cocks for sale. R. O. Patterson, 14$ Charlotte street . 144-Jt TOR KENT. FOR RUNT -rum lihul raoma. alnrlr or light housekeeping, ' H block rrom Auditorium, if Haywooa treat Tl-tf f HE NICEST Furnished Rooms . In AsbsvtUe - fo light housekeeping: Sink la kltchin. gas and electric lights. If Starnea avenue.;' tf FOR RENT Furnished house: ; su burban; modern conveniences; on car line. Address M. C. 8., cars Qasetu-Newa or telephone N. 1116 . ll-tf FOR RENT One to five furnished rooms suitable for housekeeping. Apply 17 Vsce. ' lll-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished ron- , neuttng rooms for light housekeep ing; reasonable rent -Apply 1 Grady Bt Phone 8J. 141-tf FOR RENT Right room furnished cottage on Victoria road, beautiful view, attractive porch; will rent for three months from date for $&0 per month. The H. F. Grant Realty Co. ; , 137-tf R RENT Four-room ' furnished cottage, in delightful locality; somo amtance out. but in sight of car line well ihudeil; all ' well people In '"ignoorhood. Apply at Gasetto. News office. . , ' , 145tf. ''OR RENT -Very desirable flats. "nirmiy all modern con 'eiilenrus, $14.E0 to $11.00 per ' month. Also second floor offkws 'ronting on Fsck Square. , O. I. . If R.vel building, or J, ). ihcczlla:;zou3. WIRE AND IRQ', FENCING! Now f Is the time to g-.,t your fences built o as to avoid the spring and sum mer rush. in Oats building, "rst Boor Ihoae 111. M. A. ""nan . Bon. JO-tl CAHPET3 AND IU'03 CLEANED I.lthtr on ymir floor tv viic.iuni Clnaner or tsK. n oi:t sn l oliiml In 4 our regular curp.-t ch-milng nia- chine. Work siiKrsM i.T.l. j r!,- rfa "HtlblS. -rj.,. ii. IK "1 f... t..-t l'lx.n s:m HAVE you icamer of kodak you do noi nave any use tor and want to aeUT Bea Carlton W. CapeU, at the Gazette-Neva.".' v . tf IF TOU WANT your ahoee well fixed aee A. F. Coutts, No. 70 Patton av enue. Work called tor and delivered. ' " . j " :'; ' 115-?6t POULTRT SUPPLIES Red . Comb, fouitry reed, scratch, Corn and Fine Chick, Dry Mash for hens, Force feed for 'little chicks, Roup, Gape, Cholera, and White Diar rhoea Cure, Lice Powder and Lice Liquid, and a limited number of SOo books free. Phone TS8, J. IS. Campbell, at Btoner's Grocery Dept. 106-tf. BABT CARRIAGES. 'AND GO-CART TIRES We have them in all sizes and put them on, complete at 30c to 76c each wheel. J. M. Hearn & Co., Battery Park Place. Phone 448. MISS HATTIE FOX, Fortune Teller, 82 N. Lexington avenue, upstairs. Guarantees to tell the truth, al ways., .j I 144-6t LOST. LOST About six weeks ago, ladies' black umbrella, mission handle, with ailver , cap. Reward' for re turn to Gazette-News office. '145-8t LOST Ladies' chatelaine chain belt with double cross on It. Liberal reward. Return fo 114 Montford avenue.::- 145-tf BOARDING. 'GO TO HOTEL BALSAM" Balsam, N. C, Largest and best equipped hotel on Murphy division of South ' ern railway, tenia, bowling, music, dancing and other amusements, al titude SSS1 feet highest railroad point east . of the Rockies, round trip fare from Ashevllle $1.40, write for rates and beautiful Illustrated booklet , , ; . 101-tf. ROCK LEDGE, ft Haywood street rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery park hotel, no coa anmptlvea taken. Mra. P. 1. Cor coran, prop. . BON AIR, It Jlslrsland avenue, close to center of cltv. on car line, ex cellent table. Rates $1.00 to $12.06' per week. : No consumptives taken Mra 3. L. Rich and Miss Boyce, proprs. , 11-tf. BOARD AND ROOMS Fine old country place; plenty of shade; on car line, near Ashevllle; terms, one in a large room, $8 per week; four In room (1) beds, $t each. Fresh fruit, milk and vegetables. Address Mra W. H. Duncan, Weaverville, N. C . 137-St WANTED Reliable boarding house for middle-aged lady who is here for her health but not bedfast; only these with first' class accommoda Hons; answer In writing, "O. R.," care Gazette-News. ' 140-It WANTED. WANTED To borrow $2000 on good improved reel estate, near Grove - park. Address G. H., Gazetto-News. ,- ' -J. . 143-3t WANTED Tour measure for a very lightweight summer suit for the real hot weather that's here. Spe cial prices to men. Imported fab rics. Workmanship best. Guaran teed. J. C. Wllbar, under big elec tric sign on Square. WANTED To sell cow peas at ll.G'O per bushel, D. A. Jones. Phone 663. 148-lt WANTED Good reliable boys - In every town in Western North Caro lina to sell the Ashevllle Oaxette- . Newa. : Good Inducements tq the right boy. If you are a hustler you can make some money. For partlc- 'ulara address Circulation Manager, care Gasette-Newa,' Ashevllle. N. C. . . i07-tf. WANTED Ladies Dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McQlaness, 11 South Main street .. lll-tf PATENTS procured, also ' sold on commission. Positively no advance fee. . Patent Exchange, Jenifer Building, Washington. D. C. IS-tf WANTED Your Notary public work. Phone l J as. W. Albright il-tf CAMERA WANTED To buy a small folding camera. Address "a W.," care Gasette-Newa - tf You Will Find the Grratrst Variety of Fruits ami Vegetables, at At-tra-tlve Prices, al G. D. Allison's Grocery Hum, on Merrliiion Av enue, l'lione : -;. . . SI. . . ' . -. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Old Designs Reproduced. We buy and sell Antique Furni ture.' We reproduce old deslgna LTAVI-IEU & KISER, The Old lime Furniture Rhop. Vo. 1 N. Main St, 1' 1074 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Klght-room moiiern new house, lirautiful lawn, garden, servant house, rtlce concrete walks, hot water heat. Will sell for $6500.00 or exchange for $1500.00 worth , of property, bal. cash or terms. DONNAHOS & BLEDSOE Ileal ICHtate. rine 61V. Reed Mug. - SAVE HONEY , . Ry having your lATINO done now, price en boiii-m and rsillutlon will oon advance, let us give you an ' . L .. w li,u. t. f. 9 4-1. WEAVERVILLE IS A "ROOLIY PLAGE" At Least Seven Residents Have from 25 to 75 Acres Around '. ? "'' Their Homes. ' H Correspondence of The Gazette-News. Weavervlllo, July 28. A visitor to the town remarked recently that thera was one thing about Weaverville that he liked very much and a thing that he had not noticed about many other towns, and that was, the impression of roominess that came to one when he first arrived. He said: , "I have noticed that there are at least seven residents here who have from 25 to 75 acres of land around their homes ami any number with as many as 5 or 10 acres and there are very few homes which do not have at least one acre, and . even those that have not. have large roomy lots. The people here do not realize what they have. There Is Much a chance for a town of unpar alleled rustic beauty." All of which is true. What we need is to form a civic Improvement club, or something of the kind, and make the town one of the best resident towns in the state. It does not need to be a business town; Its proximity to Ashevllle precludes that need. - ,-. - . And now Is the time to begin. ' Peo ple are coming here in large numbers every day. The Weavervlllo car car ried out over 80 passengers on the 0 o'clock trip yesterday. The Woman's Home , Mission so ciety of the Methodist church will have a bazaar thur afternoon, from. 4 until 10 o'clock tonight, together with an entertainment ot some sort about which there seems to be a little mys tery. It is called "An Affair in an Orange Grove.'' The proceeds will go toward paying for the new church organ.-. Quite a goodly number of ar ticles have been contributed for the sale. .', . , Mrs.. Hilt of Ooldsboro has bought a lot from J. J. Reagan and .will erect a small summer cottage. The heavy , rain, wind and thunder storm this morning dld considerable damage to corn. Just how much can not be determined yet In somo Ileitis the stalks are flat on tho ground. Some of them are broken, though probably the grfcaUr part of them can be straightened up. ( American Woman's League certifi cates will be accepted on NEW sub scriptions only, to The Gasette-Newa Sale of Valuable Real Estate. 'The property known as the Adams Home Place, near Bingham - school consisting of a well, constructed nine room house, forty acres of good farm land, line orchard, stables, etc, beau tiful views, will be sold' by the owner at public auction for cash at the county court house door In Ashevllle at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, the first day of August, 1910. Persons . destrins; full Information concerning the" property will apply to Adams Adams, attorneys at law, No, f Drhumor Building, ; - - ; . ;. , t . ' d til Ju II FOR RENT. Three rooms 81 Penland St. Water and lights furnished $10 per mo. .See B. T. Tiller, 23 N. Main St - Livery at I , Weaverville For my friend, the drummer, take car to Weaverville and get Hack or Buggy from me for your trips. My stable endorsed by U. C. T.a and T. P. A.'s. Located opposite depot Phone 18 and engage teams. W. M. REAGAN, Weaverrllto. N. C. Will You Trade Your Property? ' There are several we know (hat wish to exchange their property. Some have farms to trade for, farms. Some have farms to trade for businesses. Some want suburban property, Some want city-property. But yon must get together. SEE US. We can brinj . you p gether. , , ' ,t theCanadayRealtyCo. Phone 974. Oates Bldg. , EAT YOUR HEALS AT : CENTRAL CAFE No extra charge, for meuls scnt put. Meal tickets $1.15 for $1.00;' $2. So for $2.00; $1.00 for 2.C0: $5.75 for $4.(5. We can save you money. Good food well cooked. Phone 1381. ' ' POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT. FOB COUNTY AUDITOn. I heraby announce mytulf as a can didate for the nomination for County Auditor, subject lo the action of the Republican county ' convention, July 10. JAMES F. BARRETT. To the Republicans of Aaltevllle Township: I hereby announce myself a candl date for constable of Ashevllls town ship, subject to the action ot the township convention. B. W. WARRKN, 111-lOt - II N. Main St. Political AnnonnimipnL . Notice. To the voters of Puncombe county: 1 hereby snnounre myself a camlldste for shsrirr of Iium'oml.e county .suMm-t to the T!pn,!!( nn i-on- ventlon. If arid rlwtvd 1 .ll "!Ve 0 MO Iny !.. BUSINESS AGENTS , FOR THE FARMERS '(Continues from page 1) a lot of young embryo doctors are at work making the analysis which will show how .many of the members of the North . Carolina national guard have hookworm. All these young sters are practical chemists, and they can thus do good service. They are under the direction of Dr, John A. Ferrell, who Is at the head ot the hookworm work in North Carolina, under the provisions of the Rockefel ler fund. Dr. Wycliffe Rose, one of the directors of this fund, was here today and conferred with Dr, Ferrell and also with State Superintendent J. Y. Joyner. . . The condition of the mother of Gov. Kitchln Is unchanged, but must be serious. She is 63 years of age, and has nine sons and two daughters, all of them' being at her bedside. The,. Farmers Union yesterday adopted a resolution that there should be a business agent in each county, to buy fertilizers and pay cash for them, out of a fund to be raised for that purpose. The Union knows quite well what a difference there is in prices between "cash" and "time." ' Many dealers have made fortunes by charg ing high prices for fertilizers sold in the spring, to be paid for in the fall. , A resolution was also adopted to regulate the sales of leaf tobacco, by having an agent in each county where this crop is grown, the growers to or ganize and this agent to look after their interests, the Union to provide warehouses for storage and sale. It is part of the plan that the sales shall be so well regulated as not to rush the tobacco on the market. This Is how the Union will face the f'tobac- co trust." ' ' It was decided to handle cotton in the same way. ' As to cotton seed, the Union decided that the oil factories must give ton for ton; that is, a ton of cotton seed meal for a ton of raw seed. The mills get the oil and the hulls and yet have given only 1000 to 1S0O pounds of meal for a ton of seed until this season, when some gave ton for ' ton. No trouble is expected in getting ton for ton now. The Union has 35,000 members In this state and Is a power. ;, " The world's most successful medi cine for bowel complaints is Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and suffering, and saved more lives than any other medicine in use. In valuable for children and adults. Sold by all drugglsta tKltltltKltStJttKi(ltlttw I THE MARKETS The heading stocks on New 4 Tork' Kxcbuute . Cotton X Market QdoUUods. V m m ItltltKimKltHIIKKKIIKltltitll New York, July 28. The prices ot slocks bounded upwards again with th6 opening of the market,' gains rtm' nlng one to two points ovtr last night for practically all active Issues. ..After occaHloialf auses the market gathered force from fresh advances. Reports that embarrassed holdings were taken over by syndicates alarm ed the shorts. Th demand was large both for home and foreign ' account. Bonds, Arm. The demand for stocks died down and the price slipped back to 1 to m on dull trading. ' Offerings almost ceased at the lower price. . The market more than held Its gain during the noon hour on a diminiRhed volume of buetnesa, There were some recessions from the high level at 1 o'clock. STOCKS. . , ' Open. .,,.,167- ...67 to 66 135 4 Close. 159 68H 137 ' 83 108 22 60 121 110 23 127 67 109 74 186 124 130 128 117 110 115 51 7 49 27 71 S2 95 28 60 15 13 16 106 Union Pacific U. a Steel ... Reading ... . AmaL Copper .0ft-tt Atlantic Coast Line Southern Railway ...... 11 Southern Hallway pfd... 60 St Paul 120 Southern Pacific .....108U-M Erie ti Pennsylvania . . . ' ...... 126 American Smelting ..... 5 Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 71 Canadian Pacillc Gt Northern pfd .184 .121 Illinois Central ........ .. Louisville A Nashville... 125 Northern Pacillc . ... N. Y. Central ....., U. Steel pfd..s., ., Missouri purine . Atchison'... ... National I."cd Colorado fuel A Iron Chesapeake ft Ohio ., Mo., Kans. Tex.,.,, Norfolk & Western , Hock Island Rock Island pfd . Wabash ... ... ..... ..11( ..109 ..116 . . 50 . . 90 V. ii'' ..69 .. $0 '.. ii ., i 15 Wabash pfd 13 American Loeomotlvo ... .... People's Qaa ....,..,.,.104 NEW ORC COTTON. Open. Close. July ...... .. ... ....15.90 14.00 August ..' 16.15 15.35 September.. ... ... ... 14.10 14.15 October ... 11.51 11.61 December .. . 11.54 1S.S 8pot 11.06. LOCAL SEtTlUTlES. Reported and corrected by Henry F. Claudius.' i . Bid. Asked. Am. Nat. Bank ...... .J100.QO $ 104.00 lifaumont Furniture . ,,',,. . 118. GO Universal Security, t. .11.00 Wachovia U T. Co, 1S5.00 W'ms-Urownell mill 11.00 Chamberlain's tcomach and Liver TsVleta gestly stimulate the liver and towels to expel poisonous matter, cleAnse the system, eure constipation and sick hwvinchs Sold by all drug gists. , Are r u IxHklng f, the IVnt Tal. cut and Hklil in Fins Penmanship and Art If so, let me nil your order. Let me send you the flnent written cards you ever looked sn n, lie per down. Imlgns, Engrossing, Filling Certlfl cntng, expert preimi-ntlon of all kinds of line wrlilng for reproductions, etc. 15 yenrs experlnc onil ,niotlcn. Pent I'V mini If ri..,uld postsire. I'n.r h. '. j. .I-- - j r,ick 8ii. . i ? .i a.. , ::. c r A Good Gas Range is Man's Best Gift to Woman. From Boiling Water to Cooking the Daintiest Dishes is accomplished on the Gas Range., Every user is enthusiastic and recom mends it to others. Reduces labor; saves time; is economi cal. Ask for our representative to call. Asheville . 'i' t.' f t ,. -. :. !' - ' ' ' 1 . . ' . LOGAN ..' MERCUANT TAILOR. Legal Blilg. . H. Pai'k Kqesre. Phone 77. en 1, , SPORTING GOODS ; ' Baseball Goods, Fishing Tacklej Pistols and Ammuni tion, Trunks and leather goods is our specialty. Money to loan on diamonds, watches, pistols and anything of value. H. L. FINKELSTEIN 'S PAWN & LOAN OFFICE, . . ; 23 South Main St. : KODAKS IjO.WHI) VRliE. ' We make no' charge for use of good Kodaks where we do the finishing. Our fine developing and printing costs no n'ore than ordinary kind. Let us make sampb print to show how much better results we get at HAY'S STUDIO, 2B Patton Ave. DR. F. L. HCNT Wishes to announce that Dr. C. II. McAnally has become associated with him in the practice of Dentistry, ef fective at once. tfj THE, HIP Kvery After noon 3:30. Every Night 8:20 to 10:30. Itulu or Slilno THIS WEKK. Monday. TucMlay ami Wed wwlay Whltehurst & Wylde, Oeo. Murphy, Johnny Williams ' . & Co. & Foolish, lllp-o-Scope. Tliurwlsy. Friday iinil Saliir iliiy I '.I'M & Hell, Jag. Almond, John West, Musical Ilrownie and Singing Wolf, lllp-o-Scope. Always t.ood Show. ' Often a fJront Show. A CLEANING AND DYEINO : SERVICE UNEQUALLED In the "country, tecauo'of perfect eiiulpmi'nt and the very best of expe rienced men along this line of work. Thursday, Friday, Saturday A eat Ihit Inst fluva nn U'hlph U-A will clean gloves FREB when sent In with other orders. ASHEVILLE STEAM DYE WORKS, Phone 1234. 41 W. College St Only $9.00 A good gas cooker for only $9.00. Let us show you. Burton & Holt ration Ave. and Battery Park HacQ. 2) piftloMah Electric PHONE 69 KTttF.rrr r!AR RriHTnfTT.K - - - ZILLICOA AND RETURN RIVERSIDE PARK DEPOT VIA SOUTHSIDE AVE. DEPOT VIA FRENCH BROAD AVE. MANOR- CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS PATTON AVENUE EAST STREET GRACE VIA MERRIMON AVE. BILTMORE iu:so p. m., then every 10 minutes till - 11:80, last car Sunday schedule diners in the following particulars: Cars leave for Depot, both Southslde and French Broad. :1K e m a. m. Car for Depot via Southslde for Depot leaves Square 1:45, both Southslde and French Broad. - ' First car leaves Square for Charlotte street at 1:45. First car leave Square for Riverside $:20, next 8:45. ' With the above exception, Sunday schedule commences et t a. m. and continues same as week da vs. On evenlnsra vhnn nnliTln Inmotit. n r aM 1 -1 . , . ... " or Opera House, the last lr!p on u. . . e u.u.. urn, nn ii.'iuuiK over ai Auaitonum or Opera j Car leavei Square to meet N. 15, night train, 20 minutes before schd lle or announced arrival. i Purest Rumford Try a Gazette-News Want Music ,i OVERLOOK PARK MtiKicdiul.y from 2 to 11 p. m. Nearly 100 miles -of Mountain Horizon finest view in America. Take . Charlotte street "nr. ' Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" FLAVORING EXTRACTS Because Best. l;Vl'ROXE WORKS ron RVCCESS,'and'ln the it'rugggle" some timi'S forgets that success Is not measured by duUnrs tnd.conits sjune, but more largely by mutual sutlslartlon In business transactions. Yet that state of mutual satisfaction coming from stilling quality jilanos like "Angolus" Flayer Piano and the "Kurtzmann" will In the end bring the moit dollars and rent. . . . . . FALK'S MUSIC IIOUC Ihono 20C. . .. ' 21 S. I !- r, 1 . f i J t . ,i ,U: '-.U. r IS iv trvrrr Awrvw'.n - - - . w v A. MU M.V, A ,JVi . ; a. m. 6:30 and every 15 minuted until 9:45. then every 7 1-2 minutes until 11:00 p. m., 11:15, 11:30 Inst car. v 6 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 1:15; then every 7 1-2 minutes until, 1:J0; then every 15 minutes till 11: SO, ibri car. ihmi car, - - C-K G OA T.ii i v. iu, i .w U. in, ttiiu every 10 minutes until 8 p. m., then every 80 mtnntf. fill 1 1 9 ft G, 6; 15, 6:46, 7, 7:30 a. m., then evory in minutes tin 11:45 p. m. 7 a. in., 8 a. m., than every 15 minutes .till 11:30 p. m. 6 a. m. and every 15 minutes till 11:45 p. m. 6 a. m. and every 15 minutes till 11:45, last car. 6 a. m., 6:30, 8, then every 15 min utes till 10:30 p. m., then every 80 vnlmifni. ,(11 ,1..n I . men mi 11. ou, i:r. Go. 6:15 a. m. and every 16 minutes till - 7:00. 8-on a m ...... i. '. ..w ... ifiuBicw m ciiuer Auuiiorium all lines will be from entertainment. and Best Powder at Baking and Dancing it 4 4 I!

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