some COAL IS BETTER Than other kinds of coal. In this class is II & W. INDIAN COAL "Which leads in the race for popularity because of GOODNESS. Phone 130. Csrolina Coal & Ice Company Fancy Comb Honey Very fine flavor. 25c per pound. E. C JARRETT Phones 358 or 192. Fine Groceries, Vegeta bles and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Phone 473.- Established for Reputation Higgason's NEW STUDIO 18 X. Pack Sq. Opp. Fountain. Post Card Photos "the Best." , Reference Our former patrons. YOUR EAR cannot be reached by us! Then let your eyes be witness that our guaran tee Shoes re the best things out GUARANTEE SHOE STORE 4 South Main St A Diamond Ring and $40.00 to the lucky number at BARBER'S FILL VALUE CIGAR STORE ' Now Is the time, come in, examine ring, smoke and read with us, every nlckle counts. Go for It BARBER'S Fall Value Cigar Store, 14 Fattoa Ave. Phone 162t Fine Jellico Coal ! Tha Ideal fuel, it's hot JELLICO COAL CO. J. B. 8UOPE. Manas. City offtVe phone Uzg. Yard phone kit Rnexisl price m rap Inta. MERIT fTf " and MERIT EjjT-alone g is what makes the T people buy the HobarlM.Cable Pianos Eaajr terms at tlia lowest rash price. Dunham's Music House ; Silverware ' And dishes of all kinds for boarding houses, hotels and homes. At a positive saving to those who BUY NOW. 1 1 LrzrAHTiimT etohs f M,: '. !X)Vf, Sola Prop. : ITIIE IIOS BLEW; THEM THE DELUGE Asheville and Nearby Territo ry Visited by Storm Which Did Great Damage. Asheville and Buncombe county last night and thla morning experienced perhaps the worst storm and the most spectacular lightning display, aecom- . panted by a downpour of rain, a rio j lent windstorm and th damage is not yet known. The rain began railing come time after midnight and soon there were vivid flashes of lightning. crashes of thunder and then, more rain. Today many people are telling their experiences of the night; how , children were frightened and women hid their heads beneath the cover. It was not a dangerous electrical display, i however, from the point of safety. jThe lightning Is what is described as j "sheet" lightning continuous vivid jriahtg. The deluge rather than the j lightning did the greatest damage. Corn was badly washed and broken many gardens were flooded; lawns i were washed and In Instances trees j were blown down. On Starnes avenue la tree was blown across an electric j cable and tor a time the lights were i off; electric power al was eliminated j and the plant of the Asheville Electric i company for a time crippled. Volumes j of water pored Into storm sewers and ; over-flowed In low places on the street. In fact, at one point on Starnes avenue jthe water waa above the curb an, over-flowing the sidewalk at 8 o'clock this morning, several hours after the storm had ceased. Information from the outside dis tricts is nuaere. but the news that comes Is to the effect that the storm was done crops, especially corn. In Instances prise corn was blown down or broken near the ground. In West Asheville several small houses were damaged; trees were blown down and j was general, and that much damage crops In Instances, almost ruined. In , the north section of the county consid erable damage is reported to growl n crops. Lightning Hit Rye Stark. Lightning struck a stack of rye in the yard of J. W. Hunter, a prom! nent farmer of Alexander, last night. But for the quick work of extinguish ing the blaze Mr. Hunter would have lost a considerable amount of grain which was placed near by. The loss amounted to about 25 to 30 bushels of rye. LE In Contest Between Horse Hose Wagons Local Boys Won Both the Prizes. Special to The Gazette-News. Newbern, July 28. Asheville won all the glory In the first contest be tween horse hose wagons at the an nuai tournament of the North Caro lina firemen here this morning, taking Dotn tne tirst and second prise The team winning the first prise made the time In 30 1-5 seconds; the second team winning second prise In 30 2-3 seconds. The Asheville boys and their friends went wild when the times were chalked up. Asheville No. 1 won first money, and No. 1, second. Total amount 1175. 8. Bernard, Second Vice President. With the choice of Charlotte as the next meeting place, the week of May 20. and the re-election of Pres ident James D. McNeill for the seven teenth term, the State Firemen's as sociation adjourned the business ses sion of Its twenty-third annual con vention after midnight yesterday. President McNeill had one oppon ent, S. Q. Bernard of Asheville. The other officers: First vice president A. H. Boyden of Salisbury; second, a Q, Bernard of Asheville: secretary, J. I Miller of Concord, and treasurer, R. C. Taylor of Winston-Salem were re elected. M. a Davis of Loulsburg was elected statistician. The information that Asheville had won both first nnd second at Newbern this morning waa (received at fire headnnarter shnut njvn at A iMM diately an alarm box itt was turn er in. was simply for the purpose of lettlna the neon! know that ,.. vllle had won. The firemen who didn't to to Newbern were wll with ,iii.?h. at the outcome. They gathered about Are headquarters and Ulked and spec ulated. It wss great news to the boys here and their friends. It was be lieved all alone that Aahvili make a fine showing, but to win first and m-cond prises in one race was Just a bit better than was nani ii did they de it? Why. by fine team work and with fleet-footed horses. They caa't lose Asheville. , New Show at the Hip Tonight There will be an nHr h . program at -The Hip" tonight, and for the hatanra of tha and Interesting pictures by the Hop-o. j win ae snown. Jim Almond will present a musical act that seen to meet with the same approval nere mat it nas is other cities; White hurst and Wyide, were a big hit the first oart of t'.s tHk mia tu retained and will present a new one act playlet entitled "Retribution." The bis novel tv and aninl ,.. of the bill will be John West the black nrownie, and his singing wolf. This is one of the finest an.l it at seen here and is one great big, leng iaugn trom siart lo nnun. Four Are Killed, Warsaw. In-i.. July II. A weat. bound Pennsylvania train atrnrk n automobile went of here today, killing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brooks and Mrs. r f-horlnr n( .! , . ASHEVIL BOYS II AT BERN A CKOWN OF GLORY As WeU aa a Mark of Beauty Is Lax nrioos Hair. . .." It has been truly said that the crowning glory of our race is a lux uriant head of hair. It used to be thought that this was one of the blessings which the gods bestow capriciously, and it is only re cently that scientists have discovered that its beauty is dependent upon the absence of a minute germ which flourishes In the hair follicles, where it destroys the life of the'hair. To restore this life and kill the germs which cause the mischief Is the mission of Newbro's Herpicide. Herpicide surely kills the germs. and Is the best hair dressing on the market It contains no grease or oil, neither will it stain or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co.. Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed. Smith's Drug Store, special agents. CITY NEWS Program for Theato today: "Th Funny Stories." Vitograph lilm; "The Seminole Half Breeds." Kalem flint. As showing what Buncombe may do In the way of wheat production it 1a stated that H. C. Bridges has Just sold to the Asheville Milling company a consignment of wheat that brought him 1139". The members of the Christian church went to Weaverville today for a picnic In a special car furnished by the Asheville and East Tennessee Railroad company. There were over 150 people In the party. Revenue Agent R. B. Sams today received notice of the destruction of two illicit distilleries In Wilkes coun ty. The outfits were not quite in run ning order, as the final touches had not been applied before "firing up." Work of laying track on the South ern railway's new re-enforced con crete bridge near Murphy Junction on the French Broad river has begun. A large iorce of hands are busy placing crossties and rails for the double track. This, when completed, will allow the trains to and from Murphy a separate track into the depot - J- E. Jackson, who conducted a creamery at 65 North Main street, yesterday afternoon filed a ietition In bankruptcy in United States court giving his total liabilities at $1841.1 and assets I17S6.76. He claims $759 In real estate and J416 in personal property exempt Besides $750 in real estate, his chief asst consist of ma chinery, etc., valued at $600.85. R. S. Renner and his mother, who left here yesterday afternoon in Mr. Renner's' automobile for Charleston, S. C, after a several months' visit in Asheville, returned to the city last evening, the machine having broken an axle between Skyland and Arden. When the axle broke the garage of the Asheville Auto, company was tele phoned to and E. C. Sawyer of that concern sent a machin to the scene of the accident and this' morning towed the broken car into town. The suit of M. A. Buttrlck, Turner Buttrick, et als., against the Southern Railway company, which was begun ; several years ago in the Superior court of Buncombe county, was, by motion of the plaintiff, transferred to the United States Circuit court and yesterday the record In the case waa filed. The Buttrlcks are asking for $10,000 damages from the Southern Railway company for alleged negli gence In the construction of a trestle or culvert over Hominy creek at Lutheri, which Is alleged to have caused water from the creek to back upon the "Buttrick brick yard," dam aging machinery, bricks and the brick clay. The complaint alleges that the culvert was put In In 1905 and that the damage was caused In that year and succeeding years. " Tempting; Snmmcr Dessert. Tllue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla Flavoring Extracts make Irresistible summer cream. Ices, puddings. Ten long years ago an Ohio girl married a rich old man with one foot In the grave o she thought but he is still buying his shoes by the pair. . Chambers Wearer. tvery. Phone II WA1TTKD FOR RENT Fonr-rofim cottage, in delightful locality; some a lata nee out, but In sight of car line: well shaded; all well neoDle in neighborhood. , Apply at Gazette- news umce. 145tf. FOR RENT New 7-roora house, nn- furnisnea, on Highland street, with all modern conveniences; reason able terms. Apply at tl Highland street - , 14.-SI WANTED All ladles to know that tne Asheville Cleaning ft Pressing club gives special attention to the careful and perfect cleaning, dyeing and pressing of ladles' summer wearing apparel of every kind, with all work guaranteed. J. C. Wllbar, phone 18. on the Square. FOR RENT One to four furnMied rooms with or without board. Mod ern conveniences. Three doors frori klontrord esr line. Terms reason able. Mrs. a. M. Mathts, II Iiear den avent'e. , J4-SL EXPERIENCED lady stenographer nd bookkeeper wants immediate employment Answer "E. C. G." care Gazette-News. 14-Jt WANTED Work cleaning offices In mornings, by experienced colored woman. Apply C, It, Gasette-N'ews office. ' , 14(-It WANTED A bright a1lve. energetic, reliable young man as clerk In one of the well-evtabliehed businesses In thla ctt. Would prefer ana who could Uke financial Interest Apply "Business.'' Ossette-News. 14-3t BOAHDER8. In refined private fam ily; slry rooms; sleeping jx.rrht-; rurivalfscent lnvi.i txken. Chalmers Wins Again! . rxtnville. Ills, July 14th, 1910. Chalmers Motor Co., IV: oil Alan' McDonald wins Newport, Indiana. Hill Climb with Chalmers forty, best time twenty-five seconds, three events Out of four against Oakland, Bulck, Palmer-Singer, Stearns. Car wins J. O. Cannon cup last year, also this year. Seventeen hundred foot hill, fourteen per cent grade. - . ROBT. HOLMES & BROS. Asheville Auto Company Phone JS10. ' OVER 600 DIFFERENT B OOKS by leading handsomely bound, and that will grace any library, For 50 Cents ROGERS' BOOK STORE See West Window, for New Fiction. HOME CCA MADE JLi 1 The Candy that is liked by both old and young. Candy Kitchen r Mid-Summer 10 Per Alir - . A FULLrllNE OF POSTCARDS AT 10c PER DOZ. On All Cigars, Pipes, Smokers' Articles and 25 Per Gent Off on Spirting Goods for 30 Days All 5c Cigars, leading brands, at $1.75 per box of 50. The reason of this sale on account of the seaon being Bhort,wrtoved,nl6Beyrnade. Nothing charged during sale. BLOMBERG'S, u To introduce BOSTON CRYSTAL GELATINE, on SATURAY we will sell One Package for 9c As you cannot get a better gelatine at any price, we are anxious for you to give this a trial. Remem ber only ONE PACKAGE AT 9 CENTS. Extra pack ages at 13 cents or two for 25 cents. Clarence Sawyer PHONES 11 AXD JJ. ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS Ton can visit our fixture room, at least once a week and you can si ways find new fixtures attractive In design and price. We sell them as quickly as we buy them, consequently something new and pretty all the time. Piedmont Electric Co. Patton Ave. caivaJrj fclV " Citizens Transfer Company PATTON VIXrn r rurjJITURE Prorrpt Baggage wrw4 be Tl. tl 4UMHIIM4ft, T et4t4i444srTrrHei4ttt Except! onal Rent Values C lloom Uiif.- .-.Mil Cottare Cliarlolte ttrcct $18 tno. Small' ! ttiio, best location $r0.00 tno. ' MARSTEJ; C 20 IT-.vccJSt. Noa. IS and 17 8. Lexington Ave. 3 authors Phone 264. 3 CHAM FRESH Viilfl DAILY Try some. HAYWOOD STREEf NEAR POSTOFFICE Reduction Sale Cent Off ASHEVILLE, W. Ct, Asheville, N. C. DEPENDABLE BREAD That can be relied apon at .Ml times for excellence ' and goodness. Not only Is it delicious flavor, but It Is full of health-giving qualities that makes lots of brslnv The highest praise that can be given to any bread can with equal Justice be bestowed on ours. Phone m'or S81. Asheville Steam Ballery TELEPHONE KOVCIO. - v Transfer Service. T. nil T. T. A. - ' LET US LAUNDER , YOUR LACE CURTAINS Our methods insure them against mutilation. ' Phone 70. Swannanoa Laundry "We Treat Yonr Laundry Wliite." - For Hot and Tired Fret Try a pair of our DR. REED CUSHION SHOES or a pair of Oxford. The easiest shoe on rartli. For f.'t.OO. - GEO. W. JENKINS, 29 S. Maint St. i: Meat and Poultry Phone us for nice broiling or , roasting Chickens, Ducks or Squabs. Fine Roast of Lamb or Beef. iW.M.HiIU Co. Phones 4 and 359. City Market, Special Sale on Aluminum Kitch en Ware, 20 Per Cent Off Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE AND 25 N. MAIN ST. re Maxwell IJ H. P, 1 CjL tSOO.OO. S. STERNBERG 6 CO. FOR BALE For Immediate delivery, aU kinds ot second band machinery In first class condition. STEAM BOILERS,' ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. Pulley Hanger. Bearings. Boxea, Bhaftlng. Band Baw Mill com PtejBUan. Engine, and Boiler, of all toe. and make.; and seconl hand Piping, all sizes. CORRESPONDENCE BO LI CITED. HOTEL BERKELEY POOL I wish ti ROOM - fm ----- w luv inenua mat i am a candidato foSstiu TLJ rPA!hevilk Canton Waynesville Carolina. Thanking yon in nd vanee for yonr eupport Respectfully, : MRS. fi. II. JELLAKD. Hot Meather Calls for Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Freez ers, Oil Cook Stoves, etc. We have the lt of all these necessities and will be glad to serve you. , Olfe' .Green. Hnrdvcre Co., Till 110? HI There IX I WHEN YOU BUY A TON OF M. & W. COAL You don't buy a quar ter or an eighth of dirt or slate along with it. Ev- f cry ton is a ton of unadul- X terated FUEL just good, clean coal. Phono 40. Asheville Coal Co. Ii rfc n MMHMIHMUMMIIIMH does your milk sour?; It's a sure sigh you do ' ' not use enough ICE. ; riione 72 for a supply. ; It means pure foods, and ; ; pure foods mean good ' ' health. . ' ASHEVILLE ICE CO. ; ; J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. POOLE BROS. STEAM DYE WORKS Formerly Asheville Steam Dye Worko, EXPERT CLEANERS AND DYERS I'lione 1230. Work called for and delivered. This is the best small car on the market Standard Motor Car Co., rtione i-H. ' - 5-97 Patton Avenno. At the Same Old Place "Downstairs" A Fine Line of Cigars. C t ... raliitsii dress l C. H,, I;.. i. " I !

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