I DA1!" . i "J : ' f) in? 0 fr) are especially exposed to the dangers of female organic disorders. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has enabled thousands of girls to hold their positions. Read what these girls say : Phila., Pa." I can truly say that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable , Compound and Blood Purifier saved my life. When I was, J4 years old I was regular and then It went away for a long time. I went to many doctors but none helped me, so I wrote td you for advice and fol lowed your directions. I took th Vegetable Compound and Itlood Purifier and now I am strong and healthy again. I cannot express my gratitude to you. " Lizzie Weber, 4152 K. Fairhill St- Phila., Pa. Cleveland, Ohio. "Having suffered for five r long years with suppression and great pain every month, spend ing big money for doctors and getting no cure, I at last went to Mrs. Pinkham's medicine with little hopes but found Just what I needed. To-day I am regular and have no pain, thanks to your advice and Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Lizzie Stcigcr, 5510 Fleet Ave, S.K4 Cleveland, Ohio. Is it not reasonable to suppose that a medicine that did so much for these girls will do the same for any other girl who is suffering with the same troubles? These testimonial letters are the genuine and truthful statements from honest people. Does it not seem the only sensible thing to give such a medicine at least a trial ? You may be sure that it can do you no harm, and there is lots of proof that it will do you much good. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Y.is been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself wtac will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herJ, and has thousands of cures to its credit. "Jsa Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women itfat to write her for idvice. She has guided thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. HOTEL BERKELEY POOL ROOM At the Same Old Place "Downstairs" A Fine Line of Cigars. A First Class Player Piano has mnny ailvantMRo over tho StralRht Piano. Come In and lot us explain them to you. Spoci.il cncnRi mrnts made nn request. FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE. 21 South Main St. . Phone 20G. T MM. ssions HllHEiOlS Total of 457 Cases Docketed and Adjudicated in Police Court in August. Asheville was a bit naughty during the month of August, according to the record in city police court. In fact, ucoording to this record, more ases were docketed and disposed of during the month by the police court justice than during any one previous month for the past two or three years. The record shows that during the month a total of 457 cases were dock eted and adjudicated. This number of arrests by the police department is a record-bnaker for the year. It evi dences two things: that the police de partment is active and on the alert and that the commission of misde meanor is not on the decrease. The record shows that Included In the 457 cases docketed 94 defendants were charged with being "drunk on the streets" anil that an additional 26 de fendants were charged with being "drunk and disorderly." The record also shows that a total of 40 retailing cases were called to the attention of the court; that In the majority of in stances conviction was had and road sentences were imposed; that In other cases tines were Imposed and In still other cases the prosecuting witness was not believed and an entry of not guilty was made. Several of the pros ecuting witnesses who "turned up" cases during the month found it con venient not to be present when the cases were called and nol. pros, en tries were finally made. The 457 canes docketed and dispos ed of during the month of August In cluded the following offenses: Drunk. 94: drunk and disorderly, 26; disor derly conduct. 5.1; assault. 60; assault with deadly weapon, 10; Inrceny, 14: keeping disorderly house, 3; aiding and abetting in keeping disorderly house. 10; procuring liquor, 1; retail ing llciuor. 40: carrying concealed weapon, 4; vagrancy. 45; gambllr.s, 20: miscellaneous, 77. The record further shows that fines imposed dur ing the month aggregated $369; that costs aggregated $819.85, and penal ties J560. The arrests during the month, counting 31 days, averaged al most 15 per day. I THE markets M r ir r The Leading Stocks on Ken M York Exchange Cotton Market Quotations. HKftRRRftKMltlt New York, Sept. 7. The tendency of opening prlies of stock todny was toward a lower level. The market was narrow and professional. The depression was soon overcome and there was a slow recovery, which brought prices near yesterday's close. Feet Tired- So Tired TIZ Makes Sick Feet Welltto Matter What Ails Them.' 'and TIZ Acts at oncsj makT tired, aching, swollen feet remarkably .fresh and sore proof. It'a the sure remedy, you know, for everything that gets the matter with your feet. It's, lor sore feet, and for corns, callouses nd bunions, too.' , "For yearn I have been troubled with sore and tender feet: suffered f n tens pains.. Have had the amlfftanVe of physicians without relief.. I bought a box of TIZ, which worked a perfect cure, as It has with a great tnany of my friends. I woMld not be known t be without it. All It require Is to he known to be universally used." A. F. Preutzer, Chicago. TIZ is not a powder. Powders and other foot remedies clog up the pores. TIZ draws out all poisonous exudations which bring on soreness of the feet, and Is the only remedy that does TIZ cleans out every pore and glori fies the feet your feet. You'll never limp attain or draw up your face in paln and you'll forget about your corns, bunions and cal louses. You'll feel like a new person. TIZ Is 'for sale at all druggists, 25 cents per box, or It will be sent you direct. If you wish, from Walter Luth er Dodae & Co Chicago. III. STOCKS. Trinity College Five Departments Collegiate". Graduate, Engineering, Law and Education. Large Hbrar) facilities. Well-equipped lab oratories in an departments of science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate., Aid for worthy students. ,(, Teachers and Students ex pecting to engage in teaching should Investigate the superior advantages offered by the new Department of Kduition Id Trinity Collet; For catalogue and further In formation, address, . .... i R. Jj. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, W. C. r Fiercest VMw 5 h w x itsou ira grtCJ ib visit Hendetson vllle "before you leave the vaountaln. why not stop at Edgeniont cottage, we now have a, few rooms to let fot Sept.'' All modern conveniences,' new house; and new furnishings, no con sumptives taken. , Write for rates and descriptive matter. -MRS.. K. J. BARNETTE, rroprletresa, , ; v Heiulersouvllle, N, C. . , Hotel Richelieu 20 North French Broad At. . Up-tOHflate faaily, hotel. 17 to $15 per week. Excellent table. . Phone 1430. JAERETT SPRINGS HOTEL R. F. iARRETT, Mgr. Dillsboro, N. C. Rates 18 -per day. Hot and Cold Baths.; Large Sample Room Free. Best mt Service. ' Commercial and Tourist Resort'' Lately Remodeled and Improved. Special Rates by Week or Month. Eagle Hotel MARtON, W. 0 f ' W. n. BRTTT, Prop. RATES $2. Free Sample Rooms. Free Pus. No extra charge for baths. Our House t 1 r. W, C HAUir Frop. RLACK MOUNTAIN, M. C Rates tl per dky--Located at Union . Station. M 1 ' ' opeND It! r.-v BALSAM UEINTJt SEPTEMBER. S '? st Months ih the" Mountain, We are making i rtductioh on the regular rates for September Altitude 3551j "Highest Railxoad Ppint, East bf the BcV ies hotel 200 yards from passenger station, best nr.ir.5" largest and best managed hoW on Hurphy 4ivisi6n SovR B., everything clean, new and whofetome, nmnihfr Tint liji cold water in evei roori ind Ughttith gas.; Table the best the market affords, kitchen, handled by the best " cooks' i ob tainable. Amusements Tennis, Bowling, Dancing,ii0r8,. backRiding and Orchestra. Write for, t illustrated ' booklet Address, the BALSAM HbTELdor Jno. GiHaydock.' 7TrTAUTA ASHEVILlir,l. 0. Thia famous resort Is now open to the public, under new management Every room is an outside room, large, well ventilated, and elegantly .furnished. iThe service will' Via , very best, and everything will be. done for the comfort and convenience of the guests. Rates reasonable.: Special rates to conventions. - - Respectfullv. .... , .. ' ' M.X-ZINDEL" Pleasantly 8ltuate4 on Main Street. All Outside Rooms. Winter Season Dunham Houite, St. Augustine, Florida. DUNHAM BOUSE MRS. D. L. DUNHAM. Proprietress. High-class boarding house, modern la every respect Rates tl.lt to 1.00 per day; IT to $11 per week. VTavnnllu. c C. Open. Close. Atchison 64 97 4 American Smelting 60 66 American Locomotive ....35 35 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. 74 " Daltimore 'ft Ohio 102 103 Amslgamated Copper ... 62 H 63 Chesapeake & Ohio 72 73 Canadian Pacific- 188 18DH New York Central 110 110 Erie 25 Oreat Northern pfd 123 Mo., Kana. & Tex. 31 Louisville & Nashville i. 141 National Lend 50 Missouri Paclllc . . . Norfolk ft Western Northern Pacific . . . People's Gas Pennsylvania ... . Hock Island Hock Island pfd . . . Reading Southern Rnllway . St. Paul Southern Purine . . 52 96 113 106 127 29 3 .137 138 . -22 22 .117 118 .111 112 96 ,.117 .. 29 Special and Private Police FurnislitMl lor all occasion. Each oH'r:itor oonnoctcd .'.with this I'liiro.ui is skillci in the lino. (Jroatost care txer risod. Inter-State Secret Service "Bureau ' " " ' ' W. A. Johnson, Mgr. Mr. J. Scroop Styles, Atty. in N. C. I'nion Pacific 162 164 V. 8. Steel 6t 67 I. S. Steel pit! 115 Watmsh pfd 35 XTCW YORK COTTON. Try pasette-News ,Want Ad Onnn. Close. September 13.45 13.49 October 12.96 11.02 November 12.91 11.19 December 12. 93 13.11 March 13.00 11.07 IKal Securities. Reported knd corrected Henry F. Claudius. dally by Am. 'Nat. Rank'. Ashe. Whol. Drug. . . . Beaumont Furniture.. Unlver. Security Ss... IT a. Security Cert..., Wachovia UT. Co., Wm. TlrownoH Mill.... Bid. 10.00 12.00 11 00 Asked. 1102.00 76.00 t.00 .50 114 C .11.1 140.00 FOR A SATISFACTORY ' BREAKFAST -:V . order some' rolls or brend', light as sea- (onm, delicious as to , fluvor, pure, wholesmno, Vfll hakeii, the -mojorltjr of the people in Asheville are using . our break rnd rolls and other bake ty prodoits. ' ' ' 1 -Phone 2 er til. 1 Asheville ' Steam BaKery :v 3 ; hit;. : 5. STERNBERG tS .CO. rOR tALEi For Immediate dollrary, all kinds of second hand machinery it first class condition ..... . ' , j . ETiAll R0ILL3. ENCEIE3 Of ALL KCTD3. 1 uiioys, riangsra, Bearlngm. (lose, Shafting, Band Saw Mill eesB 'plots; Steam Engloes and Boilers cf all slssa and makea; new and econa hand Plptn. U etsea.- , . , j r. I APPALACHIAN EXP0St: t - -i flour, tii Knoxville, Tenn. Sept 12-6ct. 12, 1910. t n. i a On account of the above occasion Simthern railway will sell tickets from Asheville, N, C as follows; 14.1t round trip tk'kets on sale dal')' Sept. 10th to October 12th, Inclusive good returning ten days but not in eluding date of sale.' ,i i 2.l( round trip tickets sold Sep. 13, 15, 21. 22, 17, 39, .October t and 6th, good returning five days but not htcradhtg date of ease.. .- v. Three dally trains from Asheville, with PutlBiAB and Dining car service. - ..- i",. (J ' i '.:. i , . For full Information apply to tick et agents or address,. . .. t. J. H. WOOD, D. P. A. Asheville, N. C. CLYDE INN. Clyde, N. 0. Splendidly conducted and an excellent resort for tourists as well as the home for all com mercial men, TRrSTKICS SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certai ':Deed of Trust made by Z. A. Putterson and his wife, Millie Patterson, to the undersigned trustee,, dated July 1 J907, and. duly recorded in the ufllbe it the Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, N. C, in Book No. 72, page 81, and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, and the holder of indebted ness having demanded that said trus tee comply with the provisions of said deed of trust, therefore the undersign ed trustee will, uii Saturday, 0 -tuber 1, 1110, at 12 c lock, noon, sell at public auction f"r cash to the high est bidder at the court house door in the city of Asheville. county of Bun combe, N. C, the following described lands and premises situate, lying and being in Asheville township, county oi i Buncombe N. C. adjoining the lands of Margaret J. Campbell, Wm. Moore,' and others, and more particularly de scribed as fo": Being lot No, of a plat re'ftercd In. the office of the register of deeds of Buncombe county, N. C, beginning at a stake the northeast corner of Lot No. ( of said, plat and runs south 40 degrees 20 minutes west 253 feet to a stake as marked on snld plat, to the north ern margin of a road to Buena Vista, and runs thence miuth 70 degrees 10 minutes west 98.7 feet to a stake In the northern margin, of 'said Buena Vista road, the southwest corner of lot No. and the southeast corner Of Lot No. I; thence north degrees 19 minutes east 243 feet tor a stake, the northwest corner of Lot No, and horThprtsT corner of Lot Wo. B; thence north If degrees 16 minutes east 100 feet to the beginning, being Lot No. and being the same lot sold Z. A. Patterson by Mnrearet J. Campbell and her husband, J. M. Campbell, the Uth day of July, 1907.. This August 24, im, ; ' , . P. C. COCKS. Trustee. HOTEL ENTELLA BRTSON CITY. Headquarters for traveling ' m and lumbermen. Rates tl per day Special rates by the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot Livery In connection. W. W. A ALMA VVHFKIiKR, Prop. Battery Park Hotel l- ' taiBBtnu- tax. . OPEN TIIROCGHOTTT THE TSAR, Famous Everywhere. Hotel Kenmore Open Throughout the Tear. , - ". bTTRICTLT high class bervicb always. .' ; C H. ana MRS, 1 W. KNIGHT. THE S W ANN ANO A A STRIOTLY HIGH QRAD3S , f t J. Family and Transient Hotel Eatti tl50 1 day tnd upward.' ' Frink UsihraAwctr1 fxtx ELagleS 'Nest tomaaity from Hay Ferer Altitude tOSI teet.' 1-1 ton higher than AsneViUa, ISOO feet "abivi ani overlooking Waynesvllle. Scenery gr and and beautiful beyond descrtpUon. . simply unequkled. " Air and water tin surpassed. Hotel modern, clean and cosy; as Ideal rCiort Ktf consumptl ves or annoyance from unruly cM 4ren. , '" ; 8. C 8ATTERTHWAJT, Prop., -" "" - ' "" Wayne svflle. N. X or gagle's Meet- M. L t THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL A ND TOtJRlST HOTEL 0? V:'11: WAYNESVILLE, IT. 0. : 'rifVi a MRS. SALLIE X. C0R7t Proprietress. J Open the Year Round. , j - -.- - Hotel Alabama I JIlH j, , , (Near yilTH AVENUE) 13-19 East 11th Street, ' NEW YORK - THE MOST V. . . V - . HANDY Beet racUUea. Kr ery Rooea Baa Bath With Shower. . j Ktecilemt Amsrtraj Plan Table la Haw York. . ' To All Theatres aad rota of European Plan IL00 per clay np. . . . . . f American Plan 12.50 per day np. t , Send for Booklet' MtiMnilillUlHHMI MMIHIMMHHMIM v . . SPORTING GOODS BaftelM Goodv l Fishing Tackle, Pistols and . Ammuni tion, Tmuka and leather goods is our , upodalty. Money to lonn on , diamonds,- watches, pistols and anything of valuo. ,. H. Li 7INKELSTEQrd PAWN & loan omcv 23 .Squth. Main SL Let ns give you an estimate on that electrie wiring. Our work gives satisfaction. Y' ATdrd ANYTHIirG In, ui...w-llj to n. brk y I The North Carolina Hot JSprings 1 ' MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. ' 1 The Ideal resort for health, pleasure and ' recreation. Every amusement Cool nights, no mosquitoes, Pre from dampness, fog and smoke. . Bathing department In charge Of scientific Masseur. Z Trains from Asheville dally, .Tilt a. m. and 4lt p. to, returslng ltit and l:QS p. m. Wrjta for Booklet ' "" ,. it t ft ' 8. B. ROBERTS, Mgr. COMMERaAL. , vt i TOURISX HOTEL MAJESTIC MRS. SCOTT SlkoWN. Manager. ,.; VEXDKBBOftVJLlX, W. 0. Centrally located. All outside rooms. ' Private . and-. connecting bathe. Western Union and Long Distance Telephone In Hotel. Rates il.tt , P" day. By week 110.0" to II. 00. ' d - The libtel Regal; Murphy; N. C. Is now Gptrt for bnsinefesTha only modern h'otel in "Wt ern North Carolina. Everything new, climate and wnter IM best Good fishing. For rates and Informntion it.l.Imt C r H. 0. BARDINi Murphy, a A Stron? ' Argument In iavor of The Empire for YOUE, laundry is tho absolute cleanliness of the plant, and the careful manner .in .which every piece is handled. Every worker nn feipert. Oct on the .visiting list of the Asheville Laundry wag tm and be happy. , ; AshtvHh U:br.iry. JA, NICHOLS, Manager ) , - phona B3., ri Pal., Itnt or I nrliang . 1 ipm nlr W ork. Asheville Lcrtr.T Ilachira Co. THE, FRANKLIN HOTEL . t a at fs enjoying thl best sesion of Ms hlstofy? Thf, fcecanse1 eM1ie the heat orchestra In the State nameTy Don Richardson's and ths prettiest grounds tn Western M. C All kinds of amusements, if you win coins here rd will go no tnrther. - Respectfully, ' ' - j. - . . i H i ., . . HOTEL WHEELER - HendersbnVille, IT. T5 , Now open for the season, with same standard at excellent that has the reputation -of the Wheeler. Address k i ' ' " S. r. nTHEElR, Hendersonyilla, N. U GLABSXOftE CAFp- A First Class Restaurant in connection with the Gladstone HoteL next 1q Southern Depot. ' . '.. h FRANK BLAKE, Kanayer. ... . VrST'3 llOTSL, ' WeaTerrtlle, H, O. -Newly built aad equipped, to ready for summer visitors, and tra H tig men. flpectal rates by week or mouths. We 'own tour- own dairy, chlckea ranch and garden, thereby giving yon everything fresh and fool. Wrfts for fates. ' ' The Manor . Ad EXCXI .SIVR J N 1 At'r, tiTe icrommii . one ' .for loi.g or short stsy. Ctis fr h ...... i. .1, t or a (onni-r" n with i t , i BRYSOII HOUSE, r BRTSOJf, PropTt ' :3I)UEWS, . C. Ewellent table, clean, eomfortt beds. Everything best for the Itst- ...... s, .-.r.' ' t '..J. PATipiT nous: .tlurphy.'N. 0. rrslii The ln-st and moat rrsinawe m In town good tal.le, cltn d home cooking, listes H Pr da. Tut Oct. nth. 4;3 I'lioiia 1J' 3. -4 2 I) 1