Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1910. TBI ASHE VILLI GAZETTE-NEWS. PlSiriTB foil For Salads and Cooking t HE fine flavor and wholesomeness of food shortened with Wesson Snow drift Oil is the final test of its unrivaled quality and uniform purity. Odorless, taste less, convenient and economical, it has a wider range of usefulness than any salad oil or shortening known to dietetic science. Use three-fourths the amount of oil as of butter. Refined by the Exclusive Wesson Process, and is the height of quality which defies competition. made by John Minor of the High i i school class of June 1909, at the Uni versity of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Such achievement by the High school graduates Is the best testimonial nossi Lie for the city school system. n The young ladles who nre students at the Normal college In Greensboro li ft today to begin their winter's work. In the nnrtv were Mi l?n.. and Miss Lily llattcrhnm. Miss Kemi SO Cudger, Miss Mary Waldon William son, Miss Ethel ISolHnger and Miss Naomi Schell. 9 Carl Collins, who has held a posi tion with the Hendcrsonvillo Tele- hone company for the summer, ro oms Saturday to Ashevllle and will ive tin? first of the week for Atlan ta, where lie is a student at Georgia Tech. Misses Winnie and Louise McMas- and Mrs. Tom ISarringer and chil dren of Winnsboro, S. C. who liav pent the summer in Saluda, spent edcrelay with friends in the city MIks Elizabeth Claxtun of Knox- ille, who has been spending the sum mer with Miss Alice Smith, has turned to her home, accompanied by her sister, Miss Helen Claxton. In Tins Only of All Grocers THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. RcwTtrk'Smaata Hew Mean CUeaf Social nrri Happenings Personal Mention, Newi of the Societies, Meetings, Ztc. WARD POLITICS; WHOLLY LAWLESS" the Ballinrjer-Pinchot Committee Regulars Characterize Others' Action. RAISED AI11IGU5 ON EAGJHICE Two Men Hurl Stones and Brickbats One Fined, Capias for Other. W'vhU Millinery 0x-ning. The average person, upon retlecllon, hi. old be Inclined to believe that ev ery possible combination of notes and harmonics had been made and that we can have no new melodies; also, the average woman would assert that i v.ry conceivable shade and shape line been combined in millinery and Hut nothing absolutely new 'can be evolved ill hats. i'.ut Ilia I tins is an i i -ror one has only to w.sit the ,M Webb millinery opening, today and tomorrow, to acknowledge. In fall millinery there are bewildering mn-i-llies. One that today awakened much comment was the little ap of white net, gathered about the crown with a narrow velvet ribbon, with a deep ruffle of laco-edged net for a brim, and a tiny spray v' llowers. The."' uiiuint little things arc worn un der the evening hat; the bat is remov ed hut the cap worn ut the evening entertainment. These cups, as men tioned last winter ill those columns, came Into vogue 111 Talis aiiU !.r, thfl lutaut thlnf? In N'ew York. They give to a young and pretty face'1 a touch of fiuuintness. Also a novelty is the scarf to match the hat, and worn us an afternoon or evening wrap. With n large hat of black plush with the double brim, giving the effect of a black hat on top of a rose color one wit lithe upper brim rimed at one side, nnd with a trimming of rose (lowers, is worn u scarf of black chiffon over rose. A black ami gold pa tin scarf Is the accompaniment of a large black hat with e. single golden rose for tho flower trimming. Tur bans are largely shown, many of them simply draped, others of til cCocsac-k shape more definitely trimmed. An other new Idea is the bandeau at the ba. k. lifting the hat which tips be comingly over tho face. These hats have sometimes an ef fective trimming of flowers or willow plumes under the brim, at the back or side. The tailored models. In fact most of the hats, set down closely over the head and many of them are so .-"'It they can be folded like a piece of cloth or velvet. An cxnui.dte hat of c gray, approaihlng London ; moke, with IVrfei-n trimming and a ourali bird as fob1 ornament. 1'lnk and rose finings for dark hats are shewn l ut the ciders are mostly dark a n. I rich, blending perfectly. The va riety in shape and style Is large and there is an equally wide latitude In .r. e. The opening today was thronged .ilv n". hi'-. This morning many beautiful hnls were already ticketed l.l." Kor, another novelty of the m asou, wi'B the unusually large sale ' I pattern hats that began as soon as these bewitching turbans, tailored UetM and picture hats were shown to Ashevllle fair women. Mr. AleianiliT KnlrrluliiH. Mrs. J. U Alexander entertained delightfully with a bridge party this afternoon at the llattery Turk hotel. The card tables were placed In the green room, which was prettily dec orated. Mrs. Alexander's guests were Mrs. J. 11. Lee, Mrs. Massengale, Mrs. Locke Craig. Mrs. Graham Webb. Mrs. Jeter C. Pritcliard, Mrs. Ijiura Andres. Mrs. Hand, Mrs. Steinheimer, Mrs. Ehvin Spear, Mrs. YV. c. Hudson, Mrs. Todd, Mrs. C. S. lir.vant, Mrs. William Schoeiiheit, Mrs. N. M. Wat son, Miss Al.l.y Moore, Mrs. Fred Hunt, Mrs. Guy Carlton, Mrs. Silvio James M. .Mortimer, Waddell, Mrs. W. E. lingers Grant, Mrs. Mrs. Clarence Saw I'enland, Mrs. Wil- von Ituck. Mrs. jr.. Miss Maude Collins. Mrs. Philip C. Cocke, yer. .Mrs. W. II. Hum lieanlen, the Misses Jones, Mrs, J. M. Cadger, jr., Mrs. Itufus Wood cock. Mrs. liutler Lynch, Mrs. Wll linghatn. Miss Elizabeth Wlllingham, Mrs. St. Elmo Massetigale, Mr. and Mrs. I'elver. Mrs. Chcstmlt and Miss Chestnut. Mrs. Cannon and MLss Nan Cannon, Miss Massengale, Mrs. Brew ster Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. P.adham, Mrs. Arsene Perilllat, Mrs. Mason Smith, Mrs. Fred Kent and Mrs. Arthur W. Culloway. ' K Mrs. Albert Guerrard gave n prettily Informal tea -cWrday .afternoon at her home on Charlotte street. Gol den rod was effectively used in the Moral d rations, and the rooms were lighted by yellow shaded candles. Mrs. Jeter C. Pritcliard, Mrs. Thomas S. Kollins. Mrs. W. C. Hudson, Miss P.ettie Sites, Miss Frances Dufour, Miss Maude Waddell and Miss cii Cushniiin assisted Mrs. Guerrard in receiving and servin gher guests. Mrs. Haywood Parker presided at the punch bowl. There were about sixty guests. Mrs. Samuel Tannabill and Miss Louise Tannabill will be the hostesses for the Saturday Uri.lge Club, which will meet Saturday afternoon at their home on Panola street. R R Rev. and Mrs. John Vines of Ander son. S. C, arc In the city. R R Miss Edith Ijiwrencc will have Tiies.lav for Columbia. S. , where sic- will be instructor of Latin in the preparatory department of the Colum bia College for Women. R R lli.l. n Kamscy will leave Thursdav to resume bis work at the I'niversitv of Virginia. Mr. Itamscy, a. High school graduate of June, l'JOS, entered tlie in herslty in the sophomore class last and held the highest rank in sophomore English, with an excep tional record in all bis studies. As a result of his excellent scholarship, Mr. ltanisey was offered hla choice of ,.,,, h.rHliii, for this year and chose a $400 scholarship in mem. Equally fine Judge M. H. Justice of Rutherford ton Is In the city today. R R Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Uunl.ertsoti and family will leave Thursday, Scptcinbc r "2. for Grceneville. Tenn., where they will make their future home. During llieir residence ot several years in Ashevllle the Lamberts-ems have mad many warm and lasting friendships Miss Eleanor lnmbertson has been lavorite niembi r of the younger socio set. and the departure of Mr. and Mrs. limbert.son and their children will be regretted by a large circle of friends. R R Miss Julia Proolishlre left Tuesday for Greensboro to enter the Normal and Collegiate institute. R R Frank Lotighran, accompanied by bis sous, Richard nnd Ijiiwrcnce Loughran, and Robert White. left Monday for New York via Washington In his touring ear. Mr. Loughran will leave his son Richard at Washington- ia'O university and Lawrence at St. Mary's college before n turning. Mr. Loughran and Mr. While expect I., make the trip and return to Ashevllle in about three weeks. R R Mrs. Ward nnd Miss Mary Neil Ward, wile have hi en residents of Ashcville for about 14 months, hav leased 14 Orange street and arc at home in their new residence. R R Roy Swartzberg, a graduate ot the class of the High school, and who made an enviable record last year at the University of Virginia, leaves shortly for Chicago to enter the Chi cago university. R R Miss Alice Drununond is spending the week at lfiisby hall. R R Mrs. Hoalwright of Wilmlngt. n, N. C, has returned to her home after a several weeks visit with Mrs. Tench ( 'oxe. R R Mrs. 11. H. Sanfor.l of Moeksvllle, N C, Is the guest of Mrs. Mark Drown on Chestnut street. R R Miss Florence Jeffress of Canton passed through the c ity today onrontc to the State Normal college at Gresns-boro. DUMB GIRL SET ADRIFT III Fllli WESTERN STATE Chicago, Sept. 14. Sept. 14. Six republican members of the Laliingel investigation committee who met yes terday issue a statement condemning the action of the lour democratic members and the one republican In surgent member who delivered a re port at Minneapolis last Wednesday. demanding the retirement from office of Secretary Ballin. r. They declared the action of what they term the "minority" at Minnc- ipolis to have been "aerording to tiu worst methods of ward politics." The evidence In the llallingcr case was discussed but in the absence ot a quorum, they state, no action on the case itself was possible. Adjourn ment was taken subject to call ol the chairman, Senator Nelson. As the "minority" declined to at tend today's conference and took their adjournment at Minneapolis until the next meeting of congre ss it is proba ble that Senator Nelson will not call another meeting until the return ol Senator Flint, who is in Europe and who, as the seve nth member, would ma lie a quorum. The report Is signed by Senator Nelson, Sutherland. Root and Repre sentatives McCall. iilmstead and lJen- l.v reviews at some length the find ings of the democratic minority of the committee tho minority members arc diarply criticised. I lie report declaring that "tho spectacle was presented ol live gentlemen out of a tribunal of twelve created by congress, assuming to act as the tribunal itself." Contin uing In this connection the report says; "These live gentlemen continued their proceedings t. the end according to the worst methods of ward politics; and after pretending to adopt a report of eighty-nine pages' which they brought to the meeting already pre pared and which was never the sub ject of consideration or discussion or even read In committee, they gave it to the newspape rs although the law required It to be rendered to con gress and they eomplcted their per version of the purpose of the meeting lev ad learning to December .1. so as to forestall, if possible, any action ol consideration or discussion or evidence by the committee in the meantime and by solemn vote they graciously extended to the majority the leave to file a minority report. "It does not need to be said that suc h action in both form and sub stance is wholly lawless, anil it leaves it entirely unnecessary to ask what sort of justice any public servant could look for whose character was on trial in such a proceeding in the ex citement of a political campaign. Ifj there Is any relation between law less methods and the character of the j results which t'hey accomplish this so called verdict condemns Its authors rather than the ori'ieial under Invcs- tigation. ! " This action of the minority in ' no j way relieves us from our responsibility under the law. II is encumbent on US to Slit 1 110 great mass Ol e eoeeee e and to reach and render a just ver dict. "Every effort was made to Induce tho minority members to agre e, to a meeting on some early day at Minne apolis, or Chicago as might suit their convenience, but without avail." entire police force, augmented by many special officers, was on duty in Vbor City, and the west Tampa au thorities have also added more men to the police fori" and have called on the sheriff for extra deputies. Jose K. Cosio, of the J. Cosio Cigar company, and a brother of the secre tary of the (iar Havana Manufac turers association, was fired upon while rilling on a street car in the afternoon, en route to his home. A Cuban boy sprang upon the running board as the car was passing and II red point blank at Mr. Cosio. The l.ull. t went wide of ils mark but the; e xplosion of the weapon scorched the intended victim's face. There was trouble down fin Eagle errace that "underworld" sea-lion of he; town just cast of South Main are-et last evening anil as a result f the disturbance two white men, Harry ( alloway and George 1. Penny, were cited to appear before Judge Cocke this morning and answer barges of assault and also of disor leiiy conduct, while; several women of that section were present as wit nesses. Penny, who came here re- e-iilly as one of the auctioneers to Jell a piece e..f near-in proiHTty, was ibseiit. He put up a sm ell heme! with Patrolman Williams and then made a quick get-away. The bond was for Iciticl this morning and in addition an instanter capias was ordered is sued for the man and when next he puts in an appearance here he will lie taken 'nto custody. Calloway was present. It was in evidence that the me n went to Hie resort and raised a dis turhnnea and that after leaving one .f 1 lie houses lliey began chucking in ks and brickbats. The dour of 1 he louse was lammed with rocks and brickbats while other stones were hurled against the lattice work. It was also 'n. evidence that one of th' men threatened to shoot any person who stuck his or her head out of the door. A short distance from the orig inal scene of trouble, so the cvideiu'e ran, Calloway attacked a negro and knocked him down. .Indue Cocke fined Calloway '1T, and .lists and ordered that an instanter capias be Issued for Penny and that if the man could be found he should lie brought into court. He said that the women ecu EaglD terrace had a protection ..f their homes other citizens. Calloway came from Salisbury on his way to St. I lln and the cost. WHITE PEARL ONION SETS Out til' (lie licsl v.-irirties for Full il;iiiliii,u' and the curliest to mature. Pure while, liiihi iiiul of deli cate llavor. Price L'Oc per (uart. " I ls erythiiig in Drugs ami .Seeds." GRANT'S PHARMACY, "Agenc y for Woods Seeds." J) .ill .1 '.Jei r.Li.itr New Fall Shoes The new Fall Shoes are here, gun metals and patents with cloth tops in button are in tho lead, you can get just the correct lit if you come here for your fall shoes. They will cost you less for cash. Price $2.00 and $2.50 to $3.00 and $3.50. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Khoestcrs. On the Sq. right just said that to the as any that bc hc was a nil mis. 50 Per Cent Off On our large line of Souvenir Post Card Albums. HacKney & Mo&le Co. Leading Stationers. On the Square. lie paid the STKIKi: CONDITIONS TENSE AMOMi THE t'l(;ll! MAKI ItS Two Attempted Assassinations Tampa Call Out Full Police Force and Deputies. In Tampa. Sept. 14. Strike i-omiUhui" among the cigar makers became tense In re yesterday following two attempt ed assassinations and last niuht tin1 The Pitiable Case ot Miss Carrie Sor rels of Limestone Will Probably Be Sent to D. and D. School. the law depart- was the reeorel TVI'I'WKITKK VAMTS. What Is your favorite typewriter? Do vou like a Itemlngton. an Under wood or an E. C. Smith, or maybe an Oliver, Smith Pre mier or ltoynl? Wc have them in any of the above makes at a saving of from :15 per cent to 40 per cent under the manufacturer.' prices, and sold under the same guar antee that the manufacturers give. See our stock of fifty machines. J. ,M. IIKAKX !'.. Hattery Park Place. Phono 44S. I feiiiH V Photograph Frames J Sterling Silver only from 45c to $2 i. 00 ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. COMPARE OUR PRICES V In eiiargi' of Mrs. M. A. Italdwin of the' municipal department of public f.-ty for young women of Portland. nre.. Miss Carrie Sorrel, a mule, was brought here today and placed In the Childre n's home by Clerk ol the Court Marcus Ki win uiit'l the arrival of the girl s lather, wnn uvea near Arucu. l'bi' case is a very pitiable; the young laeh drifting to the far west with ret- ticK some months ago and being It by them, It is said, to make her way Tor nerse ir, was lasen cnarge e.i by the auxiliary of the police depart ment. The girl was unable to muKc her way as she, not having sc hooling In the sign language' of a deaf-mute, couhl not make herself understood. The girl's father Is expected to come here' shortly nnd lake her to his homo In Limestone township, sue neems to be a bright girl, and will be given an education ut the state' deaf and dumb school. ALCOHOL STOVES 35c 45c 85c $1.00 and on up to $12.00 Every one Is good J. II. LAW, 35 PATTON AVE1NUI2. New Evening Slippers Just from Now York's best slipper fnotorios, rod nnd black satins and white buckskin. Soo our windows for now stylos in fall shoos. Boston Shoe Store Our tonus nre cash. WASHINGTON Ideal plac An al community, be; positive Christian president, e to cd util'ul si inlluene AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE ic alo your son oi daughter. Strong faculty, mor ene ry, healthful climate, broad and liberal courses, s, expenses reasonable. For catalogue write the 11BV. C. O. UUAY, D. D., Greenville, Tenn. CADILLACS 5 and everything In a'utemohUa line A stock of elegant now 11)11 Cadillac Models in different styles, just received. Western Carolina Auto. Co. Lexington and Walnut Plume H!M. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 4'2G, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. II. WEAVER, Mgr. For the best in Groceries, Veg etables and Fruits try Ownbey's PHONE 56. The London Shop Infants hand-made Dresses, Coats, and Caps, Afghans, liasketB, etc. MRS. E. C. DUNN. HAIR GOODS We manufacture- all Kinds i gci.ids from cc. ml. inns and .ill l-'ull line ,,r the- latest hair MISS'rUISE, '" 1 !' ha liai g.ii.c SI. FOR SALE. Splendid nine room house, fine lot, 12x:'00 foot. Pleasant, shady, with extra fine o.itlook, cost $7500; for ear ly sale $3710 will buy. On paved street. NATT ATKINSON'S SONS COMPANY, Ileal Estate Dealers. IjOCAIj vikw postcards Croat variety, 15 cents a dozen. Big gest value quarter box paper in town. Mountain City Stationery Co. 23 Patton Ave. el. Howard Case. For Sale Quick Owner leaving city of fers his residence, a ten room bouse, steam heat, lot 100x190, on good street. EASY TERMS. For particufars see La Baibe, Moale & Chiles, exclusive agents for this property. It is a bargain. SATISFY Tour thirst with a drink at our New Becker IivIcm Soda Fountain. C. A. Walker Prescription Druggist. Cor. Haywood & Col lege St. Thones 132 and 183. Agent for Fall Opening -OF- Imported Models -AND- MM Fresh Dove Hams Cured juRt as they should be nnd 'smoked with Hickory wood 24c pound. YATES & McGUIRE, 23 HaywoodiSt. Phone 221, 970. ttffitfoa m m Tt m i i m 1 1 H )i 1 1 1 t it t Tailored Hats WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY September 14 and 15 M. WEBB CO. 6 Battery Park Place. Asheville, N. C. I t f

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