PAGE EIGHT THE ASTVETTTr (JAJTETTIV NEWS. s Wednesday. Sm u - -r ii. in n v ma I YOU DON'T HAVE TO "Wrestle with a slow cranky fire if .you use M. & W. INDIAN COAL It catches uitickly, and lmnis a long lime. Phone ATTEMPT TO WRECK Mre "air for Icn, women, iniraren TRAIN NUMBER 13 Carolina Coal & Ice Company Piece of Timber Laid Across Track; Not Sufficient to Derail Engine. Smith's Drug Store Has the Se cret and Gives it to the Readers of the Gazette-News. To ini'i" i ly treat the hair so that it will kiow utiiimkintly anil luxuriant ly, niie should tirst bullish dandruff and stop la 1 1 itiu hair and iti-hiii). iSialp. Thix ran easily he done with Uli inpt wis made lasl t 'urisian S.i;e. sold Iy Mnitli s Drust Barbee's Full Value Cigar Store 14 Patton Ave. "That's All." ink tn wreck pas- A desiieratr niu'ht aluiu -s. sender train X ... 1 :j between Culumtiiu and A-hev ill,-. l-i:t failed. The atti nipt to wreck I'le i ram was made at what is kii-ivn ;i mil N mile west n. Saluda. The train wa- in Chalmers Motor Cars JUST RECEIVED A Shipment of Kail and Winter Shoes. Hoys' uimI tiirls' miumii nnora $1.50 to $2-50 GEO. W. JENKINS, 29 South Muln Street. Store with an absolute nuarantee to J WHITE CLOVER HONEY. One Pound Sections. Something Fine. 25 Cents. E. C. JARRETT Phones 358 or 192. Fine Groceries, Vegeta bles and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Phone 473. icure dandrulT. to stop all fallini; hair and Itching scalp, or money back. j It cures dandrulT by killing the Chalmers Motor Co . Henns. and it kills them so promptly! jap 1 1 about one 1 1 1"'' most skeptical idve it praise.. Our 1911 ("halm Hut I'ansian is nmre than a two thousand dollar nr.- I'm- . I i n 1 1 i- 1 1 tY il will make hair till- uiu-.-il im fl.lo . '" ' "'"'"' - Lome I na.v ; nv .- head where the hair and Kiminci r !bnr .McLean. A pie j l,uli is m-l .ilt.if-rth. r -lead, oi i ::nl.i r a '.en -.,1 !',-( b.-ii; bad be. nl And ne want -r reader of The zette-.-.i ! knew that Parisian ,- is il: most delightful li.iir MORE CHALMERS VICTORIES - York, Pa.. Sept. September 8th. I'ome in and s . Midi. demonstrator won lirst prize in ili'teen hundred t - ..n hair mile tr;i k Labor pay. Also holds r. !ie miles in seven minutes Hat. C. S. SN'YIiKl: d-ipiii ate of t his i ar. id th ralls and a II SIIIIC 111.' , , ,1... .,,,,.1,1 I, ;.. .... limb. t. houeyer. ant to use. ai-.l iis effect is so iu in-I 1 "OI, H10. Hi. the ! train rontnied a . ....--I i a. 1 1. . i . i ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 r, nowi-er, ,,jit to usi was not Mini.-:- at to d.-rail the ,-uniu-' ,,, atii-.s; that it muses Ih and the train aft. r kohik probabh Pmij ,.,,. m.!i on. t.,s. inatin arils was brought to a stop. As the hip. . Asheville Auto Company o. 15 ami 17 S. Lexington Ave. hair to be- : -and lull ofjg 'ii-iii' sttucK tin- oi.strmtii.ii two men I ,are but t !. . mily T.O ci-nls at wen- s.-ii to .pimp irom lb- Intsli. i 1 sitiith-s Inn;: Store and drimuists -v-'" ' ,u " ok and run awa u ni-n . ilirl with Auburn hair on It is sa id th il a t-an! "I nu n li.iv i1 hi u a r. .11 u. I !la k Km k mr si hip tune uttemptinK in lob and il i bilicM-d that it was a ...rti I tin KUiiB '.hat att. nipt- .1 to wr-.-i k the p.i I. IMI iiiiirttiiiii 3 j e . ry pat kaui ir I last II Ir-ni i.irri: ;lu. CITY NEWS Tin M'..b m Y. Then-a.b.i.t: '.nip tie- passengers ii th' l ies .in.! smiis tin ni a s, - i.'e lrii;hl no .lam..--;, was ilniie as a r. suit o; II:- ellort- p. wi-.-, k the train. m i c-iei.iN ! th - ilm-i-Hi h. r.- were im- ,A,.jnK. lined ami a railway ! t. . ti.- was sent : , jeht p. t.. I he Scene. I Spe. lal l.aliua- a.-l:t Tavl.-r u ho i Tht. ,.,,,.,. ,, at th. First '""n" '' "" "'' l:-ptl-l . hill. .1 will be Coll. Ill, led lo- alt.ll.t.. Hall I . . I. said that henu:lt ,,v ;..v J - tw.l. II of Kell- " 1 " ' ' : Hi. kv. a.-a ,;. .1 In lb, John Via-s of si.ii-v.-..t -i . -, l,.it ) t. .mid Tlir : v ; s ( r I H.. t I ' it . Slu mi Mil. -hell j !l '' ' -in- with 1.1 1 j Th- ,1 r... I..-- of th, Ten and Plate 1 ,H Alr- Cliche.! ,,,,,, ,.. ni.--i.-m: ,. . i, led p. postpone l-'.Ilbe, ::lu at the Kill w:l!i a or. w ha b i- s, I.. .lul.,1 for And She Wrote on Her Slate (lot your hovl- ami otlit-r ScIkmiI Supplies nt Winers' ROGERS' BOOK STORE odiin-n. Van. t. ;U v i, . in. k this - See West Window for New Fiction. will be a class of Phone 264. a i . w i v i i n i; l i ( . i i , ti : nfc. 1 1 1 1 111. I . . I e W i 1 . tf guarantee OATTJS DAMAGE CASE SHOES m. tie dir. to'' Sh FOR Men and Women I : K I! i I I 1 I I i iu:i t i i i r I oKltl IT I KK 1 . !,. -i 1 . III.. i ; i i;. .a.! ai i -n 11,11 al i. M - in bei-s and ii.Pt .la i in Hi il l . , I I tend .1 l ' Ci i . SELECT STEAKS Served to Order CANDY KITCHEN-PHONE 110. II uhoihI Street, Near PiistolTlce. L. Blomberg k T.oail- in tlio Cio i:. Ttiliai-cn ;i ml Sport iny; (looils 1'iisinoss. Ii vie. I l'st;ilili,sli'l 1887. hook 1110 up tin the Avcnuo. win! in. I ' I " - .-ssi..ti .! III. ill !;..- : . n .-lit. -.-!-. In - : . I.- a lie . a m .. .11-1 tile ' ' 1 1 . 1 ! 1 . . . 1 ill .1 has I.. ii it.- .. .!. i . ... . i . 1 . 1 1 . nel Sal it I b II' a II a. K 1 1 1 1 . ti. I . I . .am a la- eian's 1 1 , iss i . i: a r ui. -. a'. . ;.! . ai. I. .! .. iiiu ' his f- pi-I : w.: 1..- unable p. tr al ..1 :t.r- I . .1 Let , hit ' k. .1 GuaranlceShoeStore : i - 1 1 1 , i ' l .1 tb it. p nn.-t III.-- . is. la M ' p ai 1 1 1 . ' 1 11 se II I I . Ilia 1 ns I -A II -lllle n;,!-,- - that 1 w - I I I!'. i!t-Tli III. pia.Utilf 1- I'll a. . . an .., ii , .lama-, s as i h, .. haM i. I i In, h .. I. ::,!.i' , ,.r. be a. h da i; tin r. pup; :.-,! Sep .1 about l: d In the i , n. .v ' and so -i . 1 1 ni l; t.. I,.,, .ii-i .;, r- in . I'. . W ,1 I h It S I M II III el id - T - h. bas . a , ..inpell. ,1 -. .in-., i : ...ill, la. '.a', desks Tb. ,.f,. li.l.u,. . at tile - : '' u pr- a.'is I . . "I'iIs. We will ser. 1 al best possible ill tOTl i Plpiollias, lesiH!13, .Mountain si. ntelj tin- b. st u riLng obtainable consistent with your Any kind. All kind. Latot. Lest. I'ei lllicate. nui'ossiiii;. I'.y mail. Cards H.'.c u.-r tloz. PHoi". it. r. jo.i:s, i me llarls r Shop. 22 t-2 . Pack Siiurc 4 Soutii Main St. BATTERY PARK BANK ASHEVILLE. N 0. J. P. Bawyer. Preii&ent. T. C. COXE, 1st VU. President. i E. SLUDER, Jd Vice President. J. E. RANKIN Cashier. Surplus and Profits $130,000 00 Capital $100,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAN KIN G 111 SIN ESS flpaclal attention (tven to collac i , tlona. Four per ctnt. Ir.t.-reet paid or ' ' tin. .'' . I THE BEST a- $j. 'I.'-. -1 , s ,sh... :lw a was Mi Li. . u;h . ; Arl.i:.. 1. I'.i..wi iniied. To iiraet Mlcntlon. I Hunk." sinl I lie i-xperien,-, d 1 stnau. "I hat 1 slia II refrain fr..m 1- at I - ra lie- and il.-..., niys.-ll to confer, nee with protnn;. nt pie." .' Aren't you afraid you will drop o! notice?" V -i at all. Xotliim: attract-- s., 1 1 iTi i 1 1 on as u h isperinK in . . an -, Wash inn I . u: star. in. hers K i-mir. Iy- ry rhone IS A .-.a.!- . i ,..'- Ir.-rii M i ri. ni i:. , . i . .,!:. a , -:i.i:n tor on the S.-.-.b.r". w , s p..:iliill inlared b '.i!-: ! i i . -a. n ii. ni a frei-bt train, ,lr i I ;na id was . .n the p a r o! a slllttl! -A 1 1 .i I and was I'll.'.lJ.-.l in Aorkb l wiib :h. i .aipl. t. when tlo u mi -.,rt. ,l . --I iu- w .s throw r, t., lie- -r. .iitiil, sbakii.e bun up iial spraannc Ins wrist. Mr. I'linard livs at tie Lb.ietice i, near the j.l. ;.-d. Chaili s M s 1,-ar ,,f (Tiarlott. , win was a.poiut. a post.. dice m-pecto" about four n-oiitbs h:is been as -iirtie.l to dnn in the western dislrio' of ..ith (' r, Una with ii.:idiUart,-rs at Ashevil'e ,M'- S.-tzer is a youtitf i man of ala'it and is w. ;i ktiown in dT" Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" FLAVORING EXTRACTS n Because Best. MMIMMilMMIMUHMMMMMMMMMIMMiM fffTlff' WWW W w ANNOUNCEMENT. In the futtiro the business ? of W. M. HiLL & CO., will lie conducted under X the firm name of HILL & YOUNG Phones 4 and 359. City Market. BROS. STEAM DYE WORKS o o P4 Feed Your Range With M. & w. CoaU j it's a perfect kitchen j fuel. Phone 40 for a ton, i and you'lhise no other- f Asheville Coal Co. H Formerly Asheville Steam Dye W POOLE BROS. wrl8- W The only export cleaners anil O dyers in Asheville. fj t 1 HH If you want ICE IN A HURRY PHONE 72. POOLE BROS., Phone 1230 Southern Coal Xcpils hut a trial to convince you it is the host and cleanest free from slate and soot. PHONE 114. Southern Coal Co. 14 North Pack Square. It's pure, that's sure. ASHEVILLE ICE CO. hh J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR, Let! Illdg. B. I-k Biar. Phone 77. 9 Heating Stoves We have them the kind that (?ive most heat with the least fuel. That's the kind it will pay you to buy. C'oine ami Fee. Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE AND 25 N. MAIN ST. I III' llllllle nf 1 111' 1 ::J, -ra.lo ; The Miller-iai-e Paint t o. I ilea s Paints WAJITED Masonic i 11. les having I ft i pi fill l vis Ted Inn . '1 in caslotlS of S.ottisii Lite -i illiliins, b. bem- a l.'nd .bkirie Ma .,.i- Hi- - iiinei: to Aslie ill, to make ins home a rei.-i,.i with enthusiasm l. Ihosi '.c.puiiute.l with him lie mi.-, wb I , rnii r I'l.stotln e Inspector Ii I llalhbei-.r who has accepted an :n, oort nt poMtiort with Armour ,V 5eT tPIANoS 'A WI'CL, ni'T 1 ST. Live or siv N'otin s were n-. eivi ,1 n. tla- iit to-i-,.,in modern cottai'e. near I'bar- day from A. K. M . i 'Husiaiul, sc. retary !!. street car line, state niiinl.. r -r Suez temple. No. 7:1. U n. K. K.. looms, street i. umber, and price p. r st.itini; that tin dat for th. Ashe- iii. iiili or year Address "i let. 1st,'' nil remonlal hail been set for , ire i lazette-.N'ew s, Asheille, X. '. Thursday niitht. Septembi r J.'. in the IsT-tf hall room of tie' Swannanoa hotel. - This is one of the finest rooms possl- l.i, ST Thia nn.riiim; on l'att -n a,-'ble tor a "Hokie" ceremonial ami In ein. I idies li.indhaii. Liberal re- i di, aliens are that the comiiiK Kather war l d' returned to this olflee , inir of the Arabs will be one of the 1 h "-It ; "best ever " A class of some Tyros - I ire abead l.tiockinic at the outer dour Just Received Fresh Shipment Pecan Meats 80c Per Pound Clarence Sawyer PUOJiES 21 AND IS. ASHEVILLE, N. C W AN T Tn SKI. I . -mans cheap. J. I'. Moore. U ATKI Hood need apply. Apply Thursday morn inx at 1 .".." Charlotte streel. Is7-:!t l'"U IMMKIHATK SALK fi-room dw.lliiu;. Iare lot, paved street; bam, chii ken houses; price $1,100; small cash payment, balance $15.00 month: owner lcnvlnx elty, want to ell. V. M. Messier, American Na ti mill Lank I'.uhl. Phone 682. 187-3t uniiil second-hand beKktiiu: to be shown the way across 0 South Main St. I tin- "hot sands and oasis "Hokh s" II , l.,u' a Kud ceremonial and there Is promise that they w ill not be disap- ni'k. none othei ; pointed. The Kino Kill I sin Kxlilhlt. Appal icliian Kxposilion. will be of in terest to women. Visit it, and learn all about the famous ltlue Llbbon I'lavorinn Kxtractn. D JNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE Fine Jellico Coal The Ideal fneL It's bo. JILLICO COAL CO. i. B. BIIOPE. Umomcer. City office phone 128. Yard phone 610 Special price on car lota. Cooking Utensils : Pure Steel Enamolware will not ruat. crack, chip, arale, corrh or burn. Pure aa China, 4 pretty aa allver; will outlaat J . oinera ill 10 1. WARE THAT WEARS Only the orlftnal Pure En- J amelware we handle. , I I X L Dep't Store I Phone II?. H Patton Ave. 2 V H'Xi ! MAUUIKI) MAX capable of dolnx any klnil of office work ( mi 1 mil ux l)ookkeeiini 1 would like a poHltinn with a large concern. Has kooiI health and can furnlnh Rood references. I!ox 30S. 187-6t Von UKXT, rilEAP 7 room cot- taite, lot 60x200 feet; large porch: plenty of shade; on paved atreet. If. ('. Hunt. 162 South Main atreet. 187-3t MISS M0LUE PICKENS llanuhler of William I Mrkeim of North Muln Stm-t Diet, In Hon pltal Father latlcnt There. Mln Mollle Picket!, lined 2. of Xorth Main street, died nt the Mis sion hospital today after a short 111-' new. She waa taken alck about a week bud at her home and wna Im mediately removed to the hospital, hut did not reapond to treatment. There survive a alater, Mlas Jennie Plcken. and a father, William Pick en, who la alao 111 at the Mission hna- NEW OARLIC, new cranherrlee. new pltnl. The mother of the deceased horae radish. preservliiK peara. J. Idled only two weeka nno. The family L. Ouy, fity Market. lS7-3t j ! related to the Weavervllle and Jup- I Iter families of that, name and until OFFICE POSITIONS For graduateaa few monthi ago realded at Jupiter. The funeral service will take place 28 Piece Breakfast Set Absolutely Free With every $23.00 cash purchase. Compare prices is all we nsk. Beaumont Furniture Co. The Home of Furniture Values.' 27 South Main St. - Phone 1002. nf the Asheville Business College. South Carolina, one, $65.00: Char lotte, two, $50.00 and $66.00; alao In city, two temporary places, $10.00 per week, one permanent place, $50.00 per month. Any out of em ployment? please call. Alao fif teen more new students to begin at once. l$7-4t WANTE1 Young lady to learn pho tography. Hlggason Studio, ' It WANTED Good, clean, competent cook for email family. References. 201 Merrlmoo Ave. It nt Jupiter tomorrow morning at 11 o clock Asheville Real FaUte Market. The Asheville real estato market Is just now exhibiting aiuns of the moat gratifying activity. Inquiries being fre quent and galea consummated every day. As the metropolis of the tnoun tain section which Is mak'ng such' no table progress, Asheville does not by any means depend eurtely on Its tourist business and the dirt In that region Is likely to Increase rapidly In value. ; Charlotte Observer. Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN VOODCOCK, Owner. 48 PATTON AVENUE. TELEPHONE K. FURNITURE MOVING. Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Endorsed by VS. 0. T. and T. P. A. Improved Hot Water Heating System Now is the time to prepare for wiuter; have us install in your home our iinpiovetl hot water heating system which lessens the cost of installation and saves in fuel consumption and assures you summer heat throughout your house in the coldest winter days. We employ nuiie but skillful workmen and use the American Radiator CVs boilers and radiators, and guarantee perfect satisfai'tion. Ball, Thrash & Co. 5, 7 and 9 East College;Street, Asheville. N. C Try Gazette-News Want Ads ELECTRIC CHANDELIERS Tou can visit our fixture room, at least once a week and yon can always find new fixtures attractive In design and price. We sell them as quickly as we buy them, consequently something new and pretty all th time. Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C. t i iMiiiimiii FOR RENT. !One 4 -room cottage. .$11.50 mo. One 7-room cottage.. 15.00 mo. One (-room cottage. .$11. SO mo. One I -room house... $15. 00 mo. mRSTELLER A CO, .. . M lUrwooJ Bt. , , FOR SALE. Tbree story business block at T Canton, N. Ci a good chance to I secure a property that will en V nance rapidly In value. MAR8TELLER A CO., JD Haywood St, AslirTtllo, N. C. I The Chickering Bros. Piano is undoubtedly the Piano to satisfy the most exacting critic. Come, see, and hear it at FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE. St South Main St. Phone 20. O. K. Ranges 22b I'M1 fTEs This range is a medium pri ed high-class Cooker vthat al ways gives satisfaction. With large open flues that throws the heat all around the oven and cooks on bottom as well as on the top, $35 to $42.50, owing to size. We also have the cheaper ones for, $20.00 and up. Small payment down and $1.00 per week.; Let us send you one. - , , uiLliiiliOlB HIIMIMIHMMMMMMIMMHIMMMMHMMMtT in