Tuesday, September 20, 1910. TBI ASHIVILLH ' OAZETTE-NIWS. Ayers Sarsaparilla Digestion ' Social r r Happenings Personal Men Newi of tt Bocietiei, Meetinft, Etc ion, I "Cotton Oil" Demonstration. A series of Interesting demonstra tions will be given next week, begin lini? Monday, by the Southern Cotton oil company In the Y. M. C. A. audi torium. The . demonstrations will be a social feature of the week, as they are given under the auspices of the I'lilted Daughters of the Confederacy, and the serving daily of delicious five course luncheons will be a feature of the series. The friends of the ladies, who are the sponsors for this very Interesting exhibition of what can be sister, Frau Schaeffer, who, with her two children, Is coming from her home In Dresden, Uermany, to speml he winter with Mrs. Davidson In Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Silverstein ol Rosman, N. C, have letiBed the Mer rimon avenue residence oP A. J. Ly man for the winter season. m William Holmes, Sayle Andrews, Victor Brownson, Cedrlc Hobinson. Carl Collins, Ralph Arbot?nst left thi: iTw of the ween. mrs. iienry uea- wood is president of the Ashevllln chapter, Mrs. Kphrlam Clayton, treas urer, und Mrs. Charles Malcolm Piatt chairman of the committee, which lias the demonstrations In charge. Different ladles will act as hostesses from day to uay, giving a note 01 in dividuality and hospitality to the luncheons which will be served from 12 to 2:30 o'clock, at small tables at tractively pluced and arranged. The menus will be . published daily to sharpen the appetites of would-be lunohers. Many housekeepers have wlreadv expressed Interest In the demonstrations which will be con ducted by capable authorities In culi nary and domestic science. The U. 1. ('. will share, in the financial re turns from these demonstrations. m Program for Womnn's Club. The program for the Woman's club for the ensuing year will be mailed shortly to the club members. The dub will continue the study of Shake speare, but will take up the dramas ,m, thorouchlv and exhaustively than last year. The first meeting will be held October 3, and will be a re- u.u; nf "Julius Cnesar" the play that will be the theme for Dr. Edward n.ivinr.l nrliius' opening lecture. No vember 10. Mrs. 8. Elizabeth liolton will lie the leader. "The Tempest Mru fll rl V. Reynolds, leader, will i,e studied at the next two meetings Af..r hr Oi-lirirs' lectures the study of the historical plays will be taken up. The playi chosen are "Richard ii" Mm Marv C. Robinson, leader; "llenry IV." part I and part II, Mrs. fii,iria Malcolm Piatt, leader; "Ilen- rv v ." Mrs. Charity Rusk Craig, lead ..r- und "Henry VII." Mrs. Wllllnm J r.,', v. leader. Several meetings will be given up to the study and reading of euch play, and the leaders, who will outline the work, will choose a number of assistants to helu in carry, ing out and developing the program. It Dutch suppers and informal chafing dish evenings are the favorite social diversions at the Manor, Interspersed u iih .w.-uninnal outings by stream and woodland. Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. llrnmer will spend the day at Kagles Nest. In the evening there will be the usual mid-week dance, always popular with the v.ung pople. Thursday evenn -i Hurnctt Jordir.i will (Sive an Informal recital for the Manor guests and Mrs. Baldwin of Jackson ville, Fla., will entertain her friends, informally, with o chafing dish party. It It Two very interesting exhibits of the Allanstand, Cottage Industries are at tracting attention and admiration dally at the Appalachian exposition. Thou aro the most comprehensive and r. ... hll.lt. hnt have been sent ..... n.,a ! fiiunhi veil In the Arts and ( rafts department and the other In ii... - i. HovntoH in mNslon workers. Asheville people visiting the expoBi .. , ,i..ii,.ht, ,1 with the apprecia tion shown to these beautiful displays Fciit from this city. X The Daraa cl.us of the North Ashe ville Suni'ay school, will have a busl- n-e1l.v: to-night nt I" noire of Miss I'c nriltton, 194 Woodtln street. All members are expected to be pres ent. It It Amonri the people from the Murphy il l.iion ho were here for Robinson's !n us were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hooker und child of Dlllsboro. 8. W. Enloe and three children of Dlllsboro. Mr. and Mrs. V. 11. Rryson, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Hryson of Bryson City. Mrs. Fred Moore and child of Webster. It t J. Q. Barker of Andrews was In the city yesterday. m C. E. Quinlan and Horace Sentelle of Wayneivllle were here yemeruaj. nnoi nut Ur Theodore F. Dav idson leave within a few days for New York to meet Mrs. Davidsons interesting exniuiiiuu ol wu.ii can oe v.mi v.umua, jituijii muwKMBi int. mi: done with cotton seed oil, will unite j morning for Atlanta to continue their ., . In miilfliiv n llinfriiiirh our.- I nt llfllnn lit flprkfLrlu TwVl. wiin iii iii 1 1 " " " 1 i ' - ..r fhA woelr Mm tfenrv Ttorl- . R It A party. Including Mrs. J. C. Arbo gawt, Mrs. Courtney, Miss Craddock. Miss F.ula and Miss lieth Arhogast and Will Ellison, started Sunday morning in the ArbogaHt touring car for Montreat. Neur Swannanoa an accident to one of the car's axles com pelled the party to walk to the sta tion and return to the city via the afternoon train. Fred M. Laxton of Charlotte was operated on yesterday for appendicitis at Mission hospital. Mr. Laxton 1h resting comfortably. K K Miss Helen C. Hobinson has return ed from lika Toxaway, where she spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Camp, who have spent the summer at "Witch wood," have returned to their home in Florida. . from Brevard yesterday in their tour ing car. They spent the day in the city, returning home this morning. Miss McNeill left this morning for Camden, S. C, for a visit before re turning to her home in Florence, S3, u. Miss Margaret Meriwether left to day for Chicago for a visit of several months. M ' Harry Clarke, of Brevard, will leave shortly for Fayetteville to enter a preparatory school. Mrs. Shropshire and daughter of Birmingham, who have been the guests of Mrs. C. R. Schuessler, leave tomorrow for home. Miss Irma Schuessler will accompany them an.l after a visit in Birmingham will go to Montgomery to enter school for the winter. R R Mrs. Frank Park and small son. Engenc Franklin, of Jefferson City. Tpnn.. will nrrlve the latter nart of the week to visit Mrs. Park's mother, Mrs. Thomas Harrison on Starnes avenue. R R Miss lluldah llattimer will leave next week to enter the Woman's co lege in Montgomery. Ala. r m Miss Enirenia Harrison left this af ternoon for Hendersonvllle where she will teach for the winter. R R Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Huntlgtnn, who have spent several weeks in Ashe ville. will return tomorrow to their home in Wilmington. R R It. J. Tighe, Miss Katheryn Rollins and Mrs. Horace Simms, Mr. Tighe's sister, left yesterday for New York nccompnnying the body of Mr. Simms who died Sunday at the Meriwether hospital after an operation for ap pendicitis which revealed a serious and incurable complication of mala dies. Mr. Simms' death was especial ly sail as he came with Mrs. Simms to Asheville for a visit with her brother and their friends, hoping to recuper ate from a state of failing health. STOMACH Indigestion, Heartburn, Gas and All Stomach Distress Vanishes. LONG FIGHT ENDS AT USTHE SLEEPS His Lifeless Body Found in His Home; Death, the Invincible, Besting a Formidable, Bold Warrior. There would not lie a ease of lndi orpatt.in here if readers who are sub o - - Ject to Stomach trouble knew the tre mendous anti-ferment and digestive virtue entalned in Dlapepsin. This harmless preparation will digest a heavy meal witnout tne sngniesi iuss or discomfort, and relieve the sourest, a.eid stomach in five mlnues, besides overcoming all foul, Nauseous odors from the breath. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula, plainly printed on each 50-icent ease of Rape's Dlapeptdn. then you will readily understand wuy mis promptly cures Indigestion anil re moves such symptoms as Heartburn, a feeling like a lump ot leau in me stomach, Belching of Gas and Eructa tions of undigested food, water brash. Nausea, Headache, r.illousness and many other bad symptoms; and. be sides, you will not need laxatives to keep your stomach, liver anu intes tines clean and fresh. If your Stomach is sour and full of gas, or your food doesn't digest, and your meals don't seem to lit, why not u-et a nil-rent case from your druggist and make life worth living? Absolute relit from Stomach misery and per-. feet dlirestlon of anything you eat is sure to follow live minutes after, and. besides, one case is sufficient to cure a whole family of such trouble. Surely, a harmless, inexpensive preparation like Dlapepsin, which will always, either at daytime or during night, relieve your stomach misery and digest your meals, is about s hand- and Valuable a thing as you could have In the house. R R Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Marshall and son of I.os Angeles are the guests of Mrs. Duff Merrick. R R Mrs. Elsie Beale Hemphill and Miss Beale of Arden spent the week-end nt Mrs Mnciilre's lit I .like Toxawnv. Sunday Mrs. Hemphill and Miss Beale climbed to the lodge on the summit of Mount Toxaway. They returned yesterday to Arden. R R Mrs. A. B. Fortune and Mrs. P. G. I'.aird have gone to Atlanta for a fort night's visit. R It Mrs. E. B. Kimsey and children left Sunday for Greenfield, O., to join Mr. Kimsey, who has taken a position with the American Pad and Textile company. R R Mrs. N. M. McElroy and children have returned to their home In Vlcks- bu$g, Mlse., Rfter spending the sum mer with relatives in the city. R R Mrs. Frank Darby, who has been visiting relatives in the city, has re turned to her home in South Carolina. R R Miss Mary Rogers left Sunday for Welleslev to resume her studies. Clay ton Rogers accompanied his sister and will enter Swnthmore college near Philadelphia. R R Miss Mabel Wolfe has gone to Vnnvvlllu Tenn.. for a ten days' visit. R R Miss Evelyn Merrimon, who has spent the summer at her home In Asheville, has returned to New Yoru to continue her course In music with Joseffv. R R ' Lewis Hood, who graduated last June at the A. and M has taken a position In New York city. R t Mrs. W. Allan Klndel. Mrs. William Roger and little daughter will leave the latter part of the week for a visit in Nashville, Tenn. R R Miss Arney Robinson will leave to- in onter her senior year oi the Colleeg for Women In Columbia. u r Mlu Dorothy Long wlll -- moDuny Miss Robinson and enter tne College for Women. R R Hanford Doekwood, accompanied by his son, Hanford Iockwoou, ji., has gone to New Jersey wnere n.m- ford, Jr., will enter scnooi. in.. iv,.nne Tucker has gone to Raleigh to resume her studies at Mer edith college. v. m tt. P. Clarke, Miss v.n,. .nil Master Harry Clarke and i.. t nu uii McNeill came ui" alia aiiiii - RUSH SEASON STILL ON IT CITY TICKET OFFICE I'alacc Theater Attracting Great At tention. The Morning Crowds as Great These Fall Days as in Mid-Summer Obliging Officials. Another hero of the "Lost Cause made the iournev to that unknown land last night when John Swinney the one-armed, one-legged woodchop- per of the town, passed to rest. Mr. Swinney was perhaps one of the most unique figures in Asheville. He served with valor in the Confederate army and gave a leg and an arm to the cause tlie right arm and the right leg. rnilisniiiyed by the loss of these two important members the old sol dier was no object of charity. With bis sharp axe he went his way from day to day seeking woodpiles and ie lnsinir to eat at a pauper's table. All v,,. smkeil for was work. lie could , ii,,u move wood In one day than any other man. nerhaps. in the town. He was u man of great endurance; a man bold in sin cell and with a determina tion never to enter the county home I Several years ago veterans of the civil war and members ot tne uniiRnu-is of the Confederacy offered to provide for the old man and make his last days peaceful. He refused to accept their onerous offer saying that all w.. ,i,.,l wna nlentv of wood to ..h.,n iirinl: was his greatest curse lie. was an interesting talkr; a man uhn could entertain even a casual ...iisoorhv for an hour with remines- eene.es of the war that In '01 to 'l5 tried men's souls. It seems that Mr. Swinney had been in ill-health for the past several days. In fact he had not been up town since last week. He made his home on nan street and it was thre his lifeless I body was found this morning. Coro ner Morris was summoned shortly af- !ter the discovery of the dead body but finding that death was due to natural causes an inquest was dis pensed with. There are mnnv ill Asheville who ,.m .rPu..n tn lnrn of the death of John Swinney. He was 65 years of age and with odds so great against him had made a game fight. He sur rendered, not at Appomattox, but only to the Grim Reaper. i i ..... - . r cA..,iii.m a:i rZjr Combines in one superior article the best qualitities known FOR BAKING, FRYING AND SALAD DRESSING. It is wholly vegetable, odor less, tasteless. 100 cooking value, and 20 more economical than lard, and 33r more eco nomical than butter, or olive oil. Sold by leading dealers. Made by THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO. New York New Orleans Savannah Chicago RAILROAD MEN'S WATERPROOF SHOES 1 "We believe we sell tlie best lines of Men's Shoes for Rough Use. Ve've Tans, Wax Calf. and (inn Metal, witn iicavy double soles tliat will suit the most particular and wear the longest. Thov are sold on best terms on earth cash to every body. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoeists. On the Sq. The Gratitude ol Kldcrly People. The city ticket offiie of the South ern Railway company is one of the busiest points in the city at present from the hours ot 9 o'clock in the morning until 1 o'clock in the after noon. The summer rusn seems nm to have abated in the least for this nominir the rrowd seemed ns great as if not greater than during mid-sum mer desiring to purchase tickets or make reservations for berths, l ne waiting ones lined up around the counter and there were numerous others waiting to take a vacant place as one was waited upon and retired. At the same time there was an almost continuous ring of the telephone; some person in the city wanted a res ervation; an agent at tiennersouvin. i;rv,,r,l or Wavnesvllle. Knoxville, or even as far as Charleston wanted to reserve a berth or section for travelers or ask for some information. It Is really a wonder that D'strict Passen ger Agent Wood an.l City Ticket Agent Graham are able to Keep men wits, so great Is the strain of the morning rush. A force of three to four and sometimes six men have been kept at the office during the summer ... ,n,lnte the patrons, who. IU t. V V ........ -- ... ... strange to say. all rusn in during me ,in hours. Yet with all the rush of patrons, telephone calls, messenger boys and the thousand ami one ..m. . things which are Incident to a ranwi.j office, the employes are always cour- . 1 nlJUIni' rr. ,V.. nro nlflllllitlL' tnUK Will doubtless find that If they choose th. r. f,.r their ticket office bus- lnPH they will find it iar moi- con venient as they will avoid the morn ing rush. , Great Crowds Handled . e.,i outimme nlaccs the num bT of people handled into and out of Asheville during me mmim nnn to iu.uuu. i nc i- ords of the baggage otfiee here show that 18 000 trunks were cnecneu u...- i,,M.i Often when families ol . .... ...i.. .. ,.r.mo in me inuu,fi" inrce oi " - ... . ihru trunks are nrounni o It can readily be seen that this as well as the numlxT of people coming for onlv a short stay and brought on y suit cases that the number oi peo,v far exceeds the trunks. The attractions at the Palace this week are of such character that every one who has been to see the show is bik'h In praise of the program. The great Keller, the cnampion whistler of the world, and who is also the greatest bird Imitator known, held everyone in amazement last night. .....' n.n,,an the lilind nianist. also is a wonder. Harry Duval and his assistants. In the "Mistaken Identity" act, which is full of interest and teeming with com edv, was a great favorite last night ano maue u nc... .......... , - - - ,, . The motion pictures were good nini , comrori anu renei w cm.-.. the program was witnessed by two ( pie. Sold by all druggists. packed nouses, r.mj uu.. i Increase the patronage to this theater, under the new management, and Manager Davenport seems to spare neither pains, time nor money to get thiit will meet with the commendation of the people of Asheville. Tonight will be offered a greai am. (, nroffnim and those who could not get seats and who did not kv the nnnortunity to go last iiiko. should not miss the offering. L The Native Born Ry I. A. It. WYMJR. ' This is a novel big 111 plan, picturesquely, imaginative, throbbing with emotion and with three or four really masterly scenes. Price $i.:ir,. HacKney 6 Moale Co. Leading Stationers. On the Square. Goes out to whatever helps them case, comfort and strength ley Kidney Pills cure kidney hindder diseases promptly, and give Fo- and give peo- WASHINGTON AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE An Ideal place to educate your son or daughter. Strong faculty, mor al community, beautiful scenery, healthful climate, broad and liberal courses, positive Christian influences, expenses reasonable. For catalogue write the president REV. C. O. GRAY. D. D. Greenville, Tenn. A Daughter. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. M. Val entine of Swannanoa, formerly of Asheville, a .laughter. Uilllam Visits Francis Joseph. Vienna, Sept. 20. Kmpcror Wil liam arrived here today to be the guest for two days of Emperor i' raiiL.a Joseph at Schoenbrunn. It's time to have Hie Blan kets laundered. Unsolicited Testimonial From a Stranger "Wheat-Hearts is easily the finest product in the line of breakfast foods yet put on the market, and Bhould be used extensively. "F. P. GUPNEY." For sale by all grocers. runnri.T.ti) nK-t'OVERKD . .11 ...,. .r ilk. silk and linen .-a ..nm, combinations. At about one-half the price of a new umbrella, J, M. WKAItf lottery Pork Wiu. rin 18- . i ALCOHOL STOVES 35c 45c 85c $1.00 and on up to $12.00 Every one Is good J. II. LAW, 35 PATTON AVENUE. PHONE, 70 Have our wagons call. Ve make a specialty of Mankets Swannanoa Laundry "We Treat Your laundry While." THE I'ARKKR U'fRY ClUVK l'oi'XT.ux n:s Are sold on merit. All invited to see big shipment just in. Mountain City Stationery Co. 23 Patton Ae. 1. Howard case. The first barrel of New Cran to arrive in Asheville now on display and sale at Ownbey's Photograph Frames Sterling Silver only from 45c to $21. 00 ARTHUR M. FIELD CO COMPARE OUR PRICES For Sale Quick Owner leaving city of fers his residence, a ten room house, Bteam heat, lot 100x190, on good street. EASY TERMS. For particulars see La BaiK Moale & Chiles, exclusive agents for this property. It is a bargain. SATISFY Your thirat vith a drink at our New Becker Iccloa Soda Fountain. C. A. Walker Prescription Druggist. Cor. Haywood & Col lege St. Phones 132 and 183. Agent for OLIVE OIL. For ten years we hnve been sellmg the same brand of Olive oil with the assurance that Its purity was a matter of reeord in the United States Custom House. To protect ourselves we buy in original bulk packages as imported nnd bottled to suit de mands of trade. Whether for medicine or food this oil will give complete satisfaction. I'rk-e. 65o per pint bottle. Kver j tiling In lniR8 SeetU." GRANT'S PHARMACY, "Aeency for Wood's Seeds. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 426, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. II. WEAVER, Mgr. The London Shop Infants hand-made Dresses, Coats, and Caps, Afghans, Baskets, etc. : MRS. E. G. JJUJNU. T The Circus Soiled Clothes The circus soils a ireat many skirts, waists and suits. Send lliein here to he cleaned and pressed and put in perfect con- ition. Slippers Cleaned Free. "When sent along with any thing else. ASHEVILLE STEAM DYE WORKS Phone 1234. 43 W. College St. For Rent , Desirable country place, 10 acrea, 8 room house, near Bingham Heights. , NATT ATKINSON'S SONS COMPANY, Heal Estate Dealers. CADILLACS and everything In automobile Una. A stock of elegant new 1911 Cadillac Models in different styles, just received. Western Carolina Auto. vo. IiT-xiiiKtoii and Walnut 1'lMiue 890. The Palace A Great Show Today Matinees, 3:30. Night Performances Commence 3:15. HAIR! HAIRI HAIR1 . All kinds of hair -roods, all shades and grades, prices ' to suit all. J MISS CRUISE, Hajwood St. Sewing Machines " For Sale, Rent or Kzcliange. Expert Itepalr Work. Asheville Sewing Machine. Co. Phone 1509. Ig BulWliur. wmwiM ELECTA TEA ... leave, of the be.t'tca prepared U to make the best ''poMtlite drlnk.-lIttU Pound Ci 40c YATES & McGUIRE, 23 HaywoodiSti Phone 221, 970. New Evening Slippers Just from New York's liest slipper factories, red and black Batins and white buckskin. See our windows for now styles in fall shoes. BQSton Shoe (Store 0vlt terms are cash. The Chickering Bros. Piano . is undoubtedly the PiaLO to satisfy the most exacting critic. Come, see, and hear it at FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE 21 South Main St. ' pll0M 206- Soecial and Private Police Furnished for all occasions. Each operator connected with tills Bureau is skilled in the lino. Greatest" care . exer- , cised. . . ' .' '-, Inter-State Secret Service Bureau W. A.kJonon,'Mgr. ; ',V i. tlr. J. Scroop Styles, Atty. in II. C. I 'UUNlHfrM i

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