J Tuesday, SeptemW r PAGE EIGHT Tins ASTn?vTr,rr gazettenews; 8 i i! ! Winter Coal NOW is the time to fill your coal cellar. M. & W. INDIAN coal is best for fuel. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Just vt'eoivt'd load of line our last Watermelons Prices from .'!Uc to (iOc each. E. C. JARRETT Phone3 358 or 192. Fine Groceries, Vegeta bles and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Phone 473. I High Shoes FOR- Chilly Evenings The new fall lilies iovn here will make selection cay. (iiiaiaiitee Shoes for men ami Women have the right snap and i sty! i'. I $2.50 to $5.00. Guarantee ShoeStore 4 Smith Main St. DON'T MISTAKE THE PLACE FOR THE BEST POSTAL PHOTOS. Higgason Studio 1) X. Pack Si). Opp. I'ountalii. Klrst Floor hmt the Thcatu'' Moving l'i lure shim. The Artistic Knabe Piano ; The liest In The World. DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE Fine Jellico Coal The Ideal fuel. Iff bo. JZLLICO COAL CO. J. B. BHOPE. Managw. City olTIc. phone 228. Yard phone B10 Special price, on car lota. I Cocking Utensils Pur. Steel Enamelwar. will t 4 not rust, crack, chip, scale, I scorch or burn. Pur. as China, 4 pretty as .liver; will outlast 4 f other. 10 to 1. , I WARE THAT WEARS I X. . Only the orlg-lnal Pur. En 1 amelwar. we handle. , I X L Dep't Store j ThJl. 107. - 1 11 i Patton Ar. ... , J- Iv . JiPT A MaS GREAT SHOW, SAYS DIST. AGENT WOOD Asheville Railway Official Returns from Knoxville and Is Greatly Pleased With Exposition. BOARDING HOUSES AND HOTELS MAINTAIN YEAR-ROUND RATES Over 21.000 IVople Visited the KxkisI lliin the First V.-t'n Vmusciir-iit l'( aturo Aeroplane . fu sions. Ktc. ! r-iMrict i'usst imrr Avnt Wood savs in M'uat'il In inquiries as In I In; Ap palachian x 1 1 i I i 1 1 at Kiiowillc; "I spent Satuid.iv. St t'tti l.f r 17. isltim; the Appalachian exposition In K ii i i I ! . The street car sci h c hi -t'.von tllv SiMltln ill railwav station ami tin- i-MHiuiimn grounds i.- ec.l I nl. inrs rt niiini urn t'.vv tiii-Milcs I din .1 from tin1 Southern riihvu.i Ma jllon tn tin ex p. i I i hi n t r. 1 1 u i - A 'charge nl i'i .lis entitles isitors t.i all nl' Hi.- exposition i xhihits proper ' '!' colli'., a snuip ellariio is mailt' In: private exhibits will in tin- ground-' i Mi iiiliriiij; tin- i posit inn grounds, in-ai' tin' entrance. I he coiiilv displays arc shown in tin- Knn coiintv build ing. A leavin-' tin iii.I) exhib its I'll' Willi'. in'. hlcldlll:;. til" gflll1.il posit lull hall, ami th.- (..ii si i I. ml lir-. live st.H-ii cxh il.if ali'l nihil- atlr i. tiniw aif attiactiveh ar r. : i . "In tin- L-i iu-ra: exposition hal! nr. I..ut..l 111" railwav i h. Ints an. I gen eral .lispl i s fr.mi all uv i i- Urn Cuile i M i l. A w h ,1. .lav m.iv I... spent in this 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tr with tin' gr. atest 11. I'Ti-t. Tin ' 'niti d Statt s gov t rt:i:i. nt iia- i must attractive ilispl.iy in bote this builipng . . il in th. forestry build ing "As an .' lurati.aril f.'almv nf t t'.'i n'i ".' .m l :isii. iiltnial pi.ssihili t n s .-t' th- ..null I hav inv.r sen iv thing 'I at ripails tin- display al tins i.-it mi Manilla, tin-, s. fruit ii i- -in an I timhiT i!isplas pri'ilmni i it.-. "Tin. iiiiiii'i.il t.-sinirci's ,.f tlm smith .in- will Kiinwa hut a isitnr will In Mirpi'is.-il u th. iliwrviti, .1 .liil,its nl 'M I III l.'i s. pi,-, jnns Stnlll'S. 1 1 I a I'll'".', i 'nil slat', yra nit . pawns; stum s. ai.a (al.-. . in ii'lrn in. harvt'-s. kan liii .11, 1 iii.i i : x ith.r Industrial pm ' ' i' 's will '.1 ali n p , ,1. '"I'll"' li'i'1 ''lis anil aut. inn. hih' ami lariiuni; im pli'ini'iit i hihits am up tn t' in i i't parti, ular. "1 1 1 1 . s 1 1. i s. 1 1 hitw.-i n tin I'llin a tin'al t, atur.'s nf th.. , spnsitinti :ir, t 1 fnii'iii a in aj.-rmrnts nf cirrv ' T.ala. t. r Iaih liallnnli as. rnsimiv 'W'h tiipl" paraihuti' ln.,s ami ilir-,!-il.li' l.al'.mis ami Wriu'it l.i-plan. a-. . i.sinlw. wil.l wist -hinvs aiul th. in ral .-lass nf nnw'Mii-s silrh as im 'hi wn at ail i'pi'itinn nf this si, am tn 1," tnuil.l "I' urn's tiri'W ..rl.s. r.'.iiirinu- tn.i spi'.'ial trains, im.w.l frnm Milwau i'.. . 1.. K n,. i! Ii law w . , k iin.l arc 'i' '"" niilitlv .1. m..i Wratams ,,f th. till .1 I ' mi p. i i -it. I t h" "!.it,. nf lh" i'i.. nls." This .ill. in is wnrth a trip tn Kii" ill.. ' 'I-'. i' an I". ' I i:-c !,..! I-- ami in iiui'i'lal'l" l'n.ir.hni; hnii.;i s ;n Ktin. wll. . all nt which arc ma inta i niui; tin t'. "-' I'lar . II the i.'iir r. niii.l cmn iticnia I i i'.s am! an- liamllim; tin irnwils in ; p. i- i a' "i h . r J I iiiiii pc.pl, i atc.l t In- t -pnwtinn tin lir.t wii k it npciic.. A sll'ant;. r is struck with the f.n t that all that is ti ss.lrv is tn liml a rcsi- 'I' I't nf K'.'.W ill.- Ir nr.h r th it h. in" I'c.lvi fi II intniuial i.-n. tu.t ml'. II! l"L,-a, tn th" i .i'S'tinn. Pill ail' ml nil "th. r i ... i ii J nf interest in ami .I', a ml K m . 1 1 1 . . "Th- i.it.' tn Km.vwH. arc utias'i ' v I"1' I" in- S I 1 ii s, I, I ,ail . li.iml l.-r the .'III:-, s.as.,'1. ami nil sp. , at,, .I.P- a" i'i1.. His ,i in th" papers am) '''-pi m-i! nu ., '.amier in fmnt .r (hi "nut In rn rail iv nth e. arc s ' - 1 I'T Ii' 'las Th. ... rates apph t i'.i,, Ash. ill.- i ' rresp, .n ,1 i n i;l i.'l' s appl. in- 'ruin all ..tln r p.iints in i Ii.' t i - H. ii". . There are three li ains ilail'. !,, tw. . n Asln x Mh- an I Km.w ill. - LEWIS I. RISER I lenlli jsiniilnv Utr-nooii t.r Well Km. vv ii Uini -heville ltien alie of TciiuciKM'e. Lewis I. Kis.r. alter several jciij of HiilTering. ilit ti at his botiie in ',.ht Asln i lib- Sunday afternoon at the age ol ''! .Mr. Ki.MT. nt the time of his .bath, was surrounded by his family lb- eaine to Asheville about two years ago from Tentn sset , his native Mate Mr. Riser had been a faithful member ol the Presbyterian church fur the pant 4 il years and was a devoted I'hristian Hf was highly esteemed by all whir knew him ami was Inter ested in the welfare of his community ami eager to do all In his power to atlvant e every forward movement. He was an affectionate father, a loving husband and a sympathetic friend. His gentle Christian Influence will be sadly missed In the community where he hail made -his home. The funeral services were conduct ed from the late residence yesterday afternoon. Rev. S5eb. P. Ilarnhardt and Kev. R. P. Walker, officiating. The ser vices w ere attended by a large number of friends. The interment was in the W est Asheville cemetery. Auction Sale of Weaverville (Lot. Some one Is going to be mode hap py out at Weavervlllethe thriving; and delightful little city, and a favorite rer siding place for particular people. The Southern Auction Company Is adver Using a sale of nn. lots, desirable, well s.tuated building lots, the aal. to oc cur on Thursday, HepL 21, beginning a i. 10 o clock. There are sixty of these lota, adjoin Ins; the Weaverville College property, on Main street and In the heart of the tom-n. Refreshments will be served and much music will be In evidence, a large brass band hs been engaged enliven the, occasion. to The Mlller-nio Paint Co. Lnraa Paints Cliambfi; $ Wver, Ltxery. tkon. It IN THE GOOD OIJ FASHIONED DAYS. 1'ow.lt ntl WIks Formetl an Imiortaiit A.ljiiiicl to a (Joiitlemuii's ApjMir'!. It Is safe to say that the majority of bald men of to-day would gladly revive the, old. dlgnilled custom if they could. Hut, they can do the next bent thing to it; that la, hold on to what hair they have. ' In cases where the hair root or hair bulb has not been completely destroy ed by parasites that infest it. New bro's llirplciile will do wonders in the way of encouniKlng a new growth of hair. !estroy the cause, you remove the effect. That is the successful mis sion of Herpiciile. Sold bv leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The llerpkide Co., Detroit. Mich. Due Dollar Uottles Cuaranteod. Smith's Drug Store, Special Agents. CITY NEWS All mciiihcrs Co. !'. 1st X. C. X. G. arc rciiicstcil to report at armori Thursln. Sept. ::'inl at 7 p in, to t ike part in the l. O K. K parade. The Knowtllc Sent In. I has g.ilteti out a tine Appalachian i xposillnii cilition alula niinil.cr nt the opi.-s of this edi tion are at the Srnit iicrn railway tick et i llicc where liny may be ..ht.iineil p' i'l'iispc,; i c exposition isltnl'S. An excursion from Shelby Is schcil- u leil In ai'iiw- here September -.1. leaxinu Shcl.. at s n't lock In the linn -it i ii ir. 'lh" ii. i'n will leave at ti o't lock the i wnnu; nl September L'l. allow iim the visitors a night in Ashe ville. Totuoi I'nvv eve'iin-; al the first Itaptisl ihurch live il. 'aeons will he nl tla incit. inakiiiK the iiuiiih. r 17. The Inllintiiu: arc the new deacons tn lie ordainc.1: ('. S. Davis. Dr. II. .1. Dur ham. Ii. II. Sams. II. I-". Trcadway ami .Mr. Williams. The pastor ami others wdl make addresses. A special i I'fort was made Sunday it tin- V. M. I. snnu s. rv ict ,r the ii.w furnace. The sum of $ 1 1 I was raised. This will lint be enough tor the w.ak ( he dime, so the directors have decide, I to have the rally effort run till next Siindav. In the mean time s. vera! of the envelopes will '.me in trmii the willing and anxious vvmUeis who arc det ply interested In the intum of this work. A meeting of the lmnr.1 nf trade .hr. i '...is was held this tnoriung when W. I'. Wcathertord ami ! K. wh. r. w h.i ...te pushing the IHue Ki.lge as- .1,111. HI (lev cli.pinetit nf the V M. '. A.. V. W. C. A. ami V. 1". M. M.. i x pi. ii.''! the plan nl bidding a cam paign 111 al! the titles nf the smith . '. t..l.. r 17--- tn raise the lance .if tin Him. Asln villc's part is fl.Miii 111. I It is believed It Will he r.lisetl With ease. The direct.. rs heartily approved tin plan. M. N'nlatiil ..I the 1 1 r rn of Nnhnul, IllnWll A- i',,.. left VCMterdav altel'llnnll for Xtuin'k where he will he Joined tnilav l.v M D. Martlet' of I lenders..!!, i presiib nt nf the North Carolina l'un enil lir". tnrs and Kmbalmers asso ciation, Tb"V wdl gn by boat to Xew York, tin nee tn Detroit, to attend th" M'ssu.ns ..I Hie National I'liueral Di n i tors association September '.' to i t.il,. r I. Mr. N'oland was elect, d hv til" Slate asMicliltloll as delegate to th" national association. lb Willi he gone about two weeks and will; visit Niagara Kails and Canada hi fur. j reluming. A number nf the nit mix rs nf th' linard of trade mi hiding John A. Nit hols, (he presiil.nl. and Ceorge S. J I'ow.ll will make Ibe trip to Knox-j lilt- for Asheville dav at tin- expnsi-I linn, leaving lure at 7 J'l a. m. ami ariiving a' ll:Ha. It is planned f..r: a large iinni!..r nf penple t.. g.. .low n ( that dav 'o "whoop up Ash.v ill.'' audi I v r. turning on train No. m xt I rn. i nina only .iim tlav will he ' .st j 'I'.-lll hllMlnSS. Ill nrdef tn a see ! t a I II ' m lh" crnwd s.i the I 1 1 1 w . i v coin m nv I i aii sujU'lv ,r,.p. r ears nn the iiinrn ing train Thurs.l.n it is .bsir.-d that ill whn inn ml gtum: Hi it tlav. drop the secretary of the hoard nf trade a postcard immediatelv . lime Von Si'cn It? Th. IHue liihhoii KMra.t exhibit. Appalachian Kxposit ion. I'.e sure veil see it. You'll like IHue Kihl the perfect flavoring extracts. WAlfTKD il-',-'!: MII.K IIIMIMS to let oil Col lege, l'or further information phone i::s7. i'.ij-:'t in SKI. Iy One set billiard balls. I earl. .ok. ix.".; will sell cheap. J. C. Moore, r.O Smith Main St. l2-lf TKI.Kt i ItA PI I Y Students in telegra phy can get instruction in the af ternoon and at night at the Ashe ville llusiness college. Classes be ginning now. luily five dollars a month. Please tall and arrange to start. l2-r.t WAN'TKI) Ten more new students to enter In this month. Itook-keeplng, shifrthaml. typewriting. Knglish courses. T hi hers, II S. Sh.x kley. Prof. . 1,. Hall. Mr. It. P. Hall. I'lease call at the Asheville liusl ness College. FOR RKNT One nice front bed room; 4 windows; also two or three connecting furnished rooms for housekeeping', electric lights and gas. Apjly it Htarnea. FOR RALE Ten room house Char lotte street neighborhood, nice home, $4,000. P. M. Messier, American National Hank Itiillrtlug. Phone C82. 125 feet front. tf WANTED Ten shares American Na tlonal Bank. I'nlversai Security company. 11-12 Paragon Building, Phone 1S47. FOR RENT Four room cottnge. Nr $1 Depot .treet Apply at No. Flint l2-3 MAN OR WOMAN To travel and ap ' P'.lnt agents for established house $11 a week and expenses. Stats aga and previous employment. Zelgler Co., Xg Fourth St., Philadel- phi a, HELP WANTED White man and wife; woman for general house work In country for family of three; man tn work In lumber; good wages. C 11 112 Cumbeeland, FUc. Chalmers Wins Gold Medal Sacramento, Calif., Sept. To. Chalmers Motor Car. Co. Detroit, Mich. Pleased to advise Chalmers Cars were awarded premium and' gold medal at Sacramento State Fair in competition of all makes of cars. S. M. l'HFLLllVS AND CO. The Chalmers irjve you hest value for your money. Come ami see the 11)11 model. Asheville Auto Company Itione 1310. Nov. 15 and 17 S. IRxlng'toii Ave. An Affair of Dishonor I'.y William De Morgan. A thrilling story of the Eigh teenth Century in England, if 1 .58. ROGERS' BOOK STORE See West Window for New Fiction. Phone IS 4. it ,: : 1 FRESH OYSTERS CANDY KITCHEN Haywood Strr-ot, L. Blomberg Leads in the Cigar, Tohacco and Sporting Goods Business. Estahlished 18S7. Look me up on the Avenue. We w ill Betid hsolutely the best writing obtainable consistent with your In st possible Intel w Any kind. All kind. Ijitcst. liest. Cerlllli utes. Uiploinus, Design , Kngrossmg. lty mail. Cards 35c per do. l'HOF. 1C. 1'. 40XKS 7 7 Mouiitaiti St. Acme ISarlxT Shop. ii 1-2 N. 1'ik k Stpiare Ask your Grocer for "COLONIAL BRAND" FLAVORING EXTRACTS Because Best If you do not investijrate the iriees we are making on hundreds of items during our Stock Taking Sale You will do yourself nn injustice, for you will miss the nt opjiortunity of their v;i!iie. Clarence 5:) Patton Ave. Try Gazette-News Want Ads YOU MAKE A MISTAKE Iron. This is the iron that don't burn out or get out of order, but it costs no more than a great many of; the inferior irons, Piedmont 64 Patton Ave. ,r MtMHMMIMMlMlMMIMMMMMMMHMMIMMIH POIl RENT. ' i ' On. 4-room cot tag.. . 111. $0 mo. On. T-room cottage. . 1.00 mo. On. t-room cottage, ,$:i.t0 mo. On. I -room house... $21. C mo. , , UAR-STElXKIt A CO, vn .Utrwood w." 3 SERVED TO ORDER PHONE 110. Npnr PohtolTloe. getting (Jroeoriea far below Sawyer Phoncst 31 and 136. DAINTILY DECORATED DINNER SETS that are an endless source of pleasure for those who love a prettily laid ta- ble. This lot of the best china man ufactured we are now offering at re duced prices, and 1 a chance seldom offered to get the most elegant and beautiful war. ever shown In our .tore. TheAshevilleChinaCo. Phone til. ' " IN. Pack Square. if you don't buy a Harwood Electric Co. . Asheville, N. C. roii SALE, , , Three story business block at Canton. N. C; a good cbanc. to secure a property that will sn- banc, rapidly in valu. MARSTLXLEll CO,, SO Haywood St., Asheville, N. C. Barbee's Full Value Cigar Store 14 Patton Ave. "That's AIL" JUST RECEIVED A Shipment of Fall and Winter Shoe. Boys and Glrfc' Solioot Slioca $1.50 to $2.50 GEO. W. JENKINS, 29 South Iln Street. ; . ANNOUNCEMENT. t In the future the business I of w. m:hill & co.; X will he conducted under X the firm name of HILL & YOUNG Phones 4 and 359. City Market. i BROS. STEAM DYE WORKS Formerly Asheville Steam Dye W t-4 O O POOLE BROS. Work- Jd Tho only export cleaners and dyers in Asheville. POOLE BROS., Phone 1230 Southern Coal Needs hut a trial to convince you it is the hest and cleanest free from slate and soot. PHONE 114. Southern Coal Co. 14 North Pack Square. Coal and Wood Heaters The season for lire Is at hand, und you should get up your itovei to kill the chill of the cool mornings and nights. Cole's Hot Blait Air Tight Heaters are In the lead for real merit, and we Invite yon In call und see them. We also have other Moves that are good, tovt prices ranging from $1.40 to $32.00. Asheville Hardware Co. ' SOUTH PACK SQUARE AND 25 N. MAIN ST. f 1 Citizens Transfer Compan JULIAN ttOODOOCK. Owm. 48 PATTON AVKNTK. FURNITURE Prompt Baggage EndornMl by V. G. Progress, Dixie Steel Ranges These Ranges are made throughout of strictly high grade material and there is nothing cheap about them ex cept the price. v These Manges are made of No. 1G and 18 Patent I-evel-ed Steel and are Asbestos lined. Have latest Duplex (irates and the castings arc heavy and made of the liest ( J rey lion. 0 v ens are sq ua re and 1 argo and these linngM have all the lato improvements. They arc Full Nickel Trimmed and the workmanship is equal to that on any 1'ange made. ,t Prices $25.00 to Beaumont 27 South Main St I - Purest and Best Rumford Pgj We are ready to serve you with any kind of a hcutcr you may want from the best Wilson coal or wood burner to the chcaicst. Experts to put them up. ' Otlis Green Hardware Co T X X TIN SHOP 'C I Phone 53. : o tue father k ( good and there's ; plenty , of time, why not . yout coal cellar filled with I higli grade coal-lL& 1 Tbone 40 for five tons I Asheville Coal Co I n imnnj I ICE IS NECESSARY ; To Rood health-butter ; and meats and milk soon r skii ir not kept Krfectly cold. Phone 72 for surmW of Pure. ICE. 1 J ASHEVILLE ICE CO. 1 hW J J. E. Carpenter JEWELER ! 32 Patton Avenue: Fine Watch Repairing I LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR, Vagal Bldg. B. rack 8Mn PboM TIT. -an? 10MIK TELKTHOM MOVING. Transfer Servics. T. imI T. P. A. Furniture Co. Thono 1002. ii IN CONNECTION, ' ' -11 Pack SqWf