Saturday, 'September 24, J910: ' 'j THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. TpageTfive: tyer's?herru Pectoral u. 5 a -J' .ZA renonal. Mention,;, Happenings tftocietiea, Meetinfi, Etc. Cooking With OH. Mrs. Jftek Campbell, Mrs- Churles Moore. Mrs. E. C. Chambers, Mrs. l.Vke t'ruin, and Mrs. Charles M. .'l,(t will be the hostesses Monday ut ,1. Iiimc ln'on served by the Southern ,:i oil company, in connection uilli ihelr cooking demonstration, at ,). Y. M. C A. auditorium. The ,!,.,,, I, sti-ition Is under the auspices (lf Hi'' Asheville chapter of the V. D. C .Mrs. Henry Redwood, president, u'.'i.ill housewives and competent chefs i,',v,- loin; been Interested In the pos sibilities ol cooKinp on, useu msieuu ( day ,i l iitl.T. lard, cottolene. etc. This full ,1,. ,. lustration will Klve them an op portunity to witness the feasibility, ,., niiliness and convenience of cook- with oil, and also, at me mnen- ,n served irom n.ov iu i. unm-, , (':,sti- of the delicious dainties pro- ,r, , Hum this modern cookhik iiiiim of retinliiK vllle with exposition. her husband during the THIS IS GALA DAY El FOR WEftVEHVILLE Reunion of Baird-Vance-Weaver Fami liesMeeting of Masonic Bodies, of District. iy CI,,, process oi ri-iiiiniK " n. Southern COlloil nil voiopnny ; .liscovered by David Wesson. I .who, uy nis BRiii iiiiu ciio- hns brought the StMlc , 1 ' 1 1 i Sil.lip. I nth lull' . Ill it. .1 il ,;l,l. J. in Al'; n V.'.i Itl. . h. mis ...moiis application sun Snowdrift on to us present ,,f perfection. The menu for ;,s luncheon Includes clam salmon croquettes, potato puffs. , unions, Wesson SMioworui on !,,t liisrllll. unpin nK , ...... The following young laoies m l us waitresses in .ionw.i n liei.n: .Miss Sara West, Miss Kmily I'liinpbell. Miss I'ranccs lnirour, .miss ' Chapman, Miss Helen Cluip iiiin and Miss Charity Craig. Small, t 1,1, .. .ill r:i lively laid, will he placed ,., ili. Y. M. '' A. iiiiditoriuin for the serving nf the lunoheon guests. The .,ru ( demonstrations followed by Hi,, v, iing nf luncheon promise to l,. .i social feature of the coming m. . K. Mcllgliiriil Children's Pnrty. 1 1 i, of tin- most delightful cbil ,1,, parties of the season was giv , ,, :,t ilie home nf Mrs. Mamie Howie ,,i, W't M Haywood street this week, in limner of the sixth birthday of t Thos. Howie. Tie .iiteriionn was spent in games mi.! it .". o i lock the dining room was 1 1 1 , . ... 'i open and u shout of delight up from the children. i nnr scheme was pink and Tbe birthday cake was ileio uith tiny pink rose buds anil six white candles. Knch place was I hv a small white camlle in a i bud. Those present wi re . Ilaikins. Ossie Kller, Virginia .11. Sarah Hells. Thelma and Ihl Iteale, Arthur and !nls Cox. Julian ...I, oc k. Carolyn and Kll.aheth iw ii. Thomas llnrvle, Hobert Huff .Mi.l Wm. Iturton. . X lleeeption at Noniinl & ( olleglalc. A deliKhtful reception will be given thi truing at the Normal anil Col . : i.,i. by the older students ns a wel- i. iin. to tbe new students, who have lust entered. The reception Is under lie auspices of the college Y. W. C A. ami the young women of the Y. W. C. A. . iliinet will he the reception com mittee; these are Miss llertba Carver. Miss Margaret Cathey, Miss Helen Knkpatrick. Miss Ophelia Klllott. Miss Maud Gentry. Miss Jean Garrett. M ss Teiiny I'.lshop. The gymnasium h all has been chosen for the affair, and . I. w ily transformed into a parlor. Ii.onelike, and attractive. The decora tions ate of tbe autumn wild Mowers tastefully arranged. The reception will l.e the event of the week for both old an.) new pupils. SMH lal Music lit .Ml Souls' Church. Th. re will be specinl music at All Souls' church, Itllfmore, Sunday after- ii at the 5 o'clock service. The anthems will be, "O. Come ltefnre His Presence," Martin; and "Lovely Ap pear." from Gounod's 'Redemption." The soloist will be Mr. and Mrs. J. i snkeienther. After service the following program will he played by Mr. Harker on the eri;. in : AUenretto (irarloso.. Tours Am M, . r ( By' the Sen) .. Schubert Slumber Song Schytte l antalssie, "O Sanctlslimo Iaxx "(toldenrMl t'sj-idval." People who have been away In camp or on the mountain trails report the season us a gnldenrod carnival. Nev er, it is sad, hat the yellow flame of Ibis autumn beauty been so radiant, a ver have the blossoms been so abun dant, so luxuriant. There is some thing barbaric In th splendor of this,, perhaps, the typical American wild llnwer. It may be of Interest to the lovers of the llowsr to know that the golden rod Ilk Heinle' famous pickles a of 7 different kinds. It Is not to be Inferred, however, that It is a golden rod In pickle. Mrs. Josephine Skinner will be the soloist at the First Baptist church to- morroHw-Riarning. Uer .selection will oe uive Unto My Prayer," by Berwald. At the evening service the opening anthem, "O Will Ye That ltyrst, by Lnnnlng, will be given. The offertory anthem will be "No Shadows Yonder," from the "Holy City," by Gaul. Miss Clara Whittlng- ton and Miss Lucy Vance will be the evening soloists. St The American Woman's league will hold its regular weekly meeting Mon- aftcrnoon at the Y. M. C. A. A attendance is desired. The hit committee hopes to report all require ments completed for the purchase of lot. Attention of members is called (o the first annual election of officers to be held Monday. October ID. R Mrs. Mason Smith of New Oiieans, who is spending tbe fall months at the Battery Park hotel, entertained lust night with a dinner. Mrs. Smith's guests were Mr. and Mrs. I'reileiiek ltutledge, Miss IMta Kees, Miss Kllen Barker, Miss Ethel Reeves. .1. J. Me Closkey, Kdwaril I. I'lost and Kilward A. Simons. H id Mr. and Mrs. iv K. Dunn, who were married recently in Knoxville and have spent their honeymoon in Ashe vllle, the guests of Mrs. G. YV. Dunn and family, will return to their home Sunday. m The Young Woman's Missionary society of the first Presbyterian church will meet Monday. September 2. at 4::i0 o'clock at the bom- of Mrs. It. P. Johnston. 44 Grove street. ? t An event of interest to the young people will he the Bingham dance which takes place next Monday after noon at the Battery Park hotel. R R Miss Sarah Seihles is the guest f Mrs. J. Iv Kumhough on Zillici street. ? R Miss Jane Kekles has gone to Black Mountain on a visit accompanied by her friend, .Miss Jennie Strlugfellow Prit' bard of Richmond, Va. R R Joseph Reseumeyer of New York has arrived in the city fur a month' stay. R R Miss Ijiura G. Brown has gone t Charleston to spend the winter. R R Miss Florence J. Gasquc is visiting the family of Judge Davies on Cullo- whee. R R Mrs. Antony Salinas of Augusta, Ga will arrive next Tuesday from Waynes ville. where she has been for several weeks, and will be the guest of Mrs. Bessie Dawson on Molitford avenue. R R Miss Mary McUaln of Washington is the Ktiest Mrs. Mord Hyams on Benrden Avenue. R R Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pritchard will leave tomorrow for a stay of several days In Knoxville. R R Miss Grace Brown of Waller brough. S. C is vLsiting .Mrs. H. K Brims on Bearden avenue. R R !' S. Kennett leaves next week lor a trii) to Knoxville. Chattanooga and Louisville. R R Col. Wade II. Harris, editor-in-chief of the Charlotte Chronicle is in the city. R R Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur M. Field left todav for New York for a several weeks' stay. R R Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Robertson Miss Nell Mifrrlson, Miss Helen Chap man. Allan Morrison nnd J. A. Burckcl have none to Sunburst to spend the week-end at Mr. and Mrs. Robertson's country place. R R Miss Mamie Chambers and Hardy Chambers will leave Tuesday for a visit to the Knoxville exposition. R R Miss Kleanor Teague has gone to Staunton. Va.. to resume her studies at the Mary Baldwin seminary. R R Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gentry have gone to Knoxville to attend the Bible Stu dents" conference Before their re turn they will also visit the Appa lachian exposition. il il Mrs. J. D. Henderson Is In Knox- l MBKEMiAS KE-COVKIlEn In all grade of silk, silk and linen and cotton combinations. At about one-half the price of a nw umbrella. J. M. HEAKN A CO., Ilattcry Park Plat. riiooe 418. VASES , t Gut Glass Engraved Glass j Gut Glass Engraved Glass Sterling Silver Silver Deposit ..... . i ii from $135 up Arthur M. Field Co. t PAST HELP SHE-THOUGHT IIoMless Cojiditlon of One Oklaliiima Lady, Who Tells How Cardul Brought Back Her Health and Strength. ' ' -- . ntau orrespondence of The Gazette- uws. Weaverville, Sept. 24. This iiuiet praceanie town has done itself proud in tne entertainment of two impor tant gatherings today the Weaver ance-Baird reunion and the district Masonic meeting. There has been nne ii ir ot homeliness about the town in which assembled some 500 people lor the two gatherings. The day was line and the attendance was from liiite a wide area. In a spirit of friendliness and brotherly love, so characteristic of the Wcaver-Baird-Vance families, some SOU men. women and children of this connection gathered here on the old Rectus creek catnjiground for the an nual family reunion. This Is an ideal place for this yearly assemblage, not nly from the fact that the ancestors I' these families settled near here, in the historic Recms creek valley, but nature seemed to have such a gather ing in view when a line grove, so cool and plea.sant, was provided. 'I be excellent family spirit and fam ily pride the democratic kind of pride was well ill evidence today. The members of this family occupy jtalions of importance in the com munity and county. There are far mers, bankers, lawyers, doctors, finan ciers, etc., beautiful ladies and attrac tive children, and the gathering was one bin family picnic. While the day was spent mostly in an informal matter of course a few speeches and reminiscences were in order, ('apt. W. K. Weaver of Weav erville presided in a nice way over the more formal exercises. He told a number of interesting bits of family history and tradition. A splendid basket dinner was serv ed on the grounds, and there was more than enough to go around. Ev er body enjoyed the occasion and thi pci pie remained until late in the af ternoon. Following the dinner Prof. o. S Dean of Weaverville college made an interesting talk in which he highly c (.niolimentcd the spirit shown in MU h gatherings this in particular J. .1. Mackey made an interesting tall: it was not a political talk but was full of happy reminiscences. There were many Asheville people hero. The district meeting of the Masons of Buncombe, Trans lvania and Mad ison counties held with Blackmcr lodue, No. 170, has been a great suc cess. There has been a line attend ance of Masons from in al ly all the lode-eft. Thi' exemplification of the decree work by members of Mt. Iler iin.ii and Biltmore lodges has been highly complimented. The work was done under direction of Assistant Grand l.ccttin r A. U Parker and Dis trict Grand Deputy B. F. Hall. There are more than 100 Masons in attend ance on the meeting. The local Masons have done splen didly in providing for the visiting brethren and the local entertainment committee provided a good dinner at the hotels. The meeting has done much to stimulate Interest in strict conform ance to grand lodge regulations in conferring of the degrees. Judge Thomas A. Jones of Ashe ville made a highly instructive ad dress In the Auditorium to the assem bled Masons Just previous to the af ternoon session. The talk was char acterized by Judge Jones' usual fine delivery und thoughtfulness of preparation. Chandler, Okla. "I hardly know," writes Mrs. Ella Flowers, of this place. how to thank you for the good that Cardul has done me. When 1 tlrst wrote, I thought I was past help, but Cardul relieved me at once. I gained at least 10 pounds, and everybody says I look so much better. I am still Im proving greatly. I owe you sincere thnr.ks for Cardul." There are many Women, completely worurout and discouraged, on account of some form of womanly illness. Are you? Have you tried Cardul? If not. why? Thousands have w ritten to tell of the wonderful benefit Cardul has been to them. Cardul has a record of over hall a century, as a successful remedy for women. During this time, over .1 million women have found relief In Cardul. Why not you'' As a general, female tonic, to build up your strength, and bring back rosy cheeks, nothing you can find, w ill do much for you, as Cardul, the wo man s tonic. A trial will convince you that Car lui is Just what you need. For sale by all druggists. N. B. Write to: I.idies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn.. for Special In structions and 04-pagc book. "Home Treatment for Women." sent In plain wrapper on request. 5 THE MARKETS The Leading Btock on New York Exchange Cotton Market Quotations. VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRK New York, Sept. 24. Orders were scarce ut the opening of the stock market, and very narrow. Local traction stocks were a trifle lower when Brooklyn Transit advanc- eo a poini. inc. rest ot the list was without special movement. Union Pa- citie preferred gained a point; Virgin ia iron dropped eight. The market closed fairly steady 1 lie movement ot prices was listless and wavering, outside a few minor Is sues. Light selling caused a declin. at last. Sloss-Sheffield steel declined one point. PRISONER IS HERE FOB SAFE KEEPING Maxby Would Have Been Lynched, It Was Feared, if Kept in Hendersonville. STOCKS. Muiphy and Clyde. The opening of this line means much to the western part of the state as much difficulty has been experienced in getting rapid communication with these points. The Southern Hell will proceed im mediately with the construction of a toll line to Franklin, connecting with the Ashevllle-Murphy line at Almond. Atchison Atlantic Coast Line American Smelting .... Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Baltimore & Ohio Amelgamated Copper. . . Colorado Fuel & Iron . . Chesapeake & t ihio New York Central Great Northern pfd .... .Mo.. Kans. & Tex Open. Close. 10'J 104 K C 1 ',4 30 6G t;ir; . 12S 31 Vi 7 .-.Vi 112 '4 125 t 31 Flank Maxby, a negro, was brought to fie Buncombe county jail from Hi ndersonville yesterday afternoon for s ifc-;r.,.ping. Masbv. it is al leged, attempted to criminally assault ii ten ears' old child near Flat Rock in Henderson county this wck. He was captured by the father r the ehil.l and held for the olticets. Later Maxby was taken to the county jail at llendersoiiyilie lint as a result of Una at - of io. nee and the alleged assembling id' a nioh it was deemed wise to bring the man to Asheville. In fact, il was Mated here today, had the negro remained in the llen deixon county Jail last night an effort would have beep made to lake him from the bastile and lynch him. Max by will be kept in the Buncombe county jail until the ncxl i.-rin of Superior court for Henderson county or until such time as the feeling in Henderson county abates. 9 School Shoes .'lib I J-loys the school c toes, r,;iinral school j of rou i !"ii - -.-, iVr en (lirls' lihlren. Shoos for with wide lit if. Steel Shod shoes stand the knocks t hoys while the parents "rows i'iit on the saving, Missouri Pacific ,"2'.. Noirolk & Western Northern Pacific . . Pennsylvania Rock Island Heading St. Paul Southern Pacillc . . . I'niori I'acilic F. S. Steel F. S. Steel pfd Wabash Wabash pfd !bl !i .11'. '.2 .143 1 14 "k .Ilia bj . C7M, .lit: II Ii Kj 11.". 'I I 2 S 7i 14 3 120 I I I 1 U HI"' ' 17 111! i r, v, :i:.-4 I Oeorgo Fa j week in Detrc Fighter." ett is appearing ill his new play. this 'The I Price $1.25 to S3, according I to size. Tr n. j Nichols Shoe Co. j Casli Shoeists. On the Sq. XF.W YOItK COTTON. COCKE GOES TO POLK IN CODGER'S INTEREST September . . ( letober . I leceinber . . . January . . . May Spot 13.70. Open. Close. . . 1 S.r.O 13.37 . 13.1S 13.23 . 13.1a 13.1S . 1.L1"! 13 1S . 13.30 13.32 Local Secu,,'tifs. Will Speak Tonight at Spring Creek, Under Auspices of Democratic Club. Reported and corrected daily hy Henry. V. Claudius. Rid. Asked. Am. Nat. Rank $ $102.00 Ashe. Whol. Drug 71.00 I'.eaumont Furniture 112. Ml I'niversal Security Us.. 10.00 11.00 I'nivcrsal Security cert. 12. '.0 Washovia L. &. T. Co 139.00 William-Rrowncll Mill. 10.00 Master of the Vineyard n.v mvim'i i-: morn. Thousands nf novel readers anxiniislv look r.,r t,.-i -no.Vo new novels. We are assured by the publishers that this year's book is to anything this popular writer has wirtten. I'llK K $1.50. Hackney cS Moale Co. Leading Stationers. On the Square. r iimi nil tf WASHINGTON AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE An ideal place to educate your son oi (laughter. Strong faculty, mor al community, beautiful scenery, healthful climate, broad and liberal courses, positive Christian Influences, expenses reasonable. For catalogue write the president, REV. C. O. GRAY, D. D., Greenville, Tenn. CADILLACS EXTENSION OF TELEPHONE LINES TO THE WESTWARD MnnnKcr Krsklnp nirectnl to Install ItiMillis nt h Milliliter or Points on Murphy Line. The Southern Bell Telephone & Tel egraph comjWny has untitled Manager F.rskine to Install telephone booths on the Asheville Murphy copper toll line recently completed, at Rryson City, Andrews, Forney, Marble, Wes ser, Judson and Whitticr. A booth has already been Installed nt Halsam while connection has already been made with exchanges at Canton, Dills boro, Sylva, Webster, Waynesville, lion. William J. Cocke, who was to have introduced Col. S. A. Jones at the county court house tonight, was sent to I'olk county this morning by Chairman Owen Giijlger of the Tenth distri. t democratic "executive commit tee, and lion. Locke Craig has been selected to introduce Col. Jones to the people of Asheville and Mnneombe county. ti Mr. Cocke will make an address to the voters of Folk county tonight at Mills Springs under the auspices of the democratic club of that place. It is also probable that Mr. Cocke will make two or three other political speeches in Polk county m the interest of lion. J. M. C.udger. jr., before returning to Asheville. TOO MUCH PAID for Hour if moro than 93f; le- cmiso tlmt's the price of Olio lislc, than which there is none 1 tetter. OWNBEY'S ALCOHOL STOVES 35c 4Si 85c $1.00 and on up to $12.00 Every one Is good J. II. LAW, 35 PATTON AVENUE. Plant Bulbs This fall for early Spring Flowers. We have on the way to arrive about Tuesday the following. Chinese Lilies. Giant White, Paper White and Von Slon Narcissus, Emperor and Trumpet Major Jomiuils, Dutch ami Roman Hyacinths, Crocus, Tulips and Freesla. Karly buyers get the best. "Everything in Drugs and Seeds." GRANT'S PHARMACY, "Agency for Wood's Seeds." For Sale Quick Owner leaving city of fers his residence, a ten room house, steam heat, lot 100x190, on good street. EASY TERMS. For particulars see La Baibe, Moale & Chiles, exclusive agents for this property. It is a bargain. SATISFY Tour thirst with a drink at our New Becker Ii-clem Soda Fountain. C. A. Walker Prescription Druggist. Cor. Ilavwood & Col lege St. Thones 132 and 183. Agent for New Evening Slippers Just from New York's best slipper factories, red and black satins and white buckskin. Soe our windows for new styles in fall shoes. Boston Shoe Store Our terms are cash. Mountain City Steam Laundry crjtk Modern Methods X 7-5 Tel- 426 30 N- Lexington Ave. VW "wll J- H. WEAVER, Mgr. a nd everything In automobile Una. rr j j f A stock of elegant new 1911 1 fte 1011(1011 jSilOO Cadillac Models in different , , r , , , . , Infants hand-made Dresses, Coatsi, JUSt received. and CaIM). Afghans. Baskets, etc. ' Western Carolina Auto. Co. MRS. E. C. DUNN. Lexington nnd Walnut -m Plume 800. ' ' : ' For Rent IN II K Olt AMFNTS Desirahle country place, 10 acres, 8 r.nndeuux. hack eomhs, side comhs, mom house, near Dinghnm Heights, shell hair pins, baircttes. spmiKled ornaments, etc., etc. An interesting NATT ATKINSON'S SONS display at attractive prices. COMPANY MISS CRUISE, "'v.d si. ' Heal Estate Dealers. Sewing Machines r . Z7 For Sale, Ilent or Kn-linnKe. Kfll 1TP 1 jhflflCTP Kxpcrt Kepalr Work. IvllUlU VJIiailC Asheville Sewing Machine Co. - Phone 150U. Legal l!iilldlnK. 0l 1 10 1113111 .iu: vol oi: or thi: pkksons of 'PfiP Pil1(lPA Who hiiUKlit a Parker l,n. kv Curve Ql 1 11U 1 dldVU l-'minlaiti l'.ti this week? It's the best pen mi the market, and ladies es pecially like tin in. rp J Mountain City Stationery Co. 1 0Q3y. 23 Patton Ate. J. Inward Case. LI The Chickering Bros. Piano is undoubtedly t he PiaiiO to satisfy the most exacting critic. Come, see, and hear it at FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE, 21 South Main St. Phone 20G. Pure Strained Honey This Is made from the orange blossomi In Florida. 1 la llghl color r and fine flavor. lint Mason Jar 85o. ; YATES & McGUIRE, 23 HaywoodiSN Pbone 221. 970. You Can Buy More Shirts With money yon save in increased life of your lin ens hy having them done THE NICHOLS WAY PHONE 95. . Asheville Laundry J. A. NICHOLS, Manager THl?rir.U7Ki OP TBK THltfTr IIOVSKWIKK Is how to supply the family with the hest of eerything at the least rost. If slio has figured the cost of baklnif carefully she will find that It la cheap, er fo buy our high grade bakestufT than to hake at home. Our gooda are made hy expert bakers together with a modern plant Give us a trial order.- Asheville Steam Bakery Let us give you an estimate on that electric wiring. Our work gives satisfaction. W. A. Wardli ANYTHING ELECTRICAL (0 tf. Pack Square. Thono 443. BATTERY PARK BANK '' J ASHfiVHXfi,l Ot ! i J. P. Sawyar, Preaiaetru T. C. COXB. 1st VU PrMldaat, " . a BLUDKR. Id Vice PrtdnU J. . RANKIN. Caabie ... Surplai an4 profit 1130.OO0.C0 capital. t..:$oofpco!cp , TRANSACTS A OlaTKTtAL v , ;t . U BANKING B0HlliEH4 ' ' VpeeTar Attention gven ' to colleo dona, Punr par eat Interwi ad a iv dapoalia ' ' '! -Luiuiiituiiin ittn .uiiium .4. -