t r 14 . 'i . :' , ' . . , - I T TTnn7f wm wmm n i imm inn ji n.n,u.)i .iihiiiih.hii., ,mnpiiiii - r . i n i n . in ' ' '"'""'" mwwi mi .iii-n.w l H". - 1 111 - rTf "p - :;.;r'lX:;;..-',f. .' - - ( ims 1;VILL2 CAnJ-i;:""" : ' i- ' elry, Clir r, . - J u A t A " ' sm mmmmm sa s as m , - . ,,.,,,, i : : : I : ' .' ' 1 ' ' ! : ' : l iiii iiiiiiiiiinimmi.i j Cold Weather Is near at hand. Fires are in demand in the liv ing room and other rooms iu the home. Use M. & AV. Indian Coal. It is best. (Jet winter sui ply NOW. Phone i:J0. Carolina Coal & Ice Company 'j. I CARTER AT of n sunon BANK The Institution, It Is Expected, Will Open About the First of , January. mm FRUIT raiie Itanaiiiii lillOaiplCS l'iu Ill's Tears Quhi os I'raiilHifirs Cocoa mil. IX'IIHIIIS. E. C. JARRETT Phones 358 or 192. Fine Groceries, Vegeta bles and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Phone 473. I John II. Carter, president of the i American National lank of Ashevllle. is heading a new million-dollar hank ing institution for Atlanta. The pre liminary arrangements are getting well In hand and It Is expected the new bank will open about January 1. !The Atlanta Ueorgian of Monday has j the following account of the new in j gtitution: I Another indication that Atlanta is rapidly forginit ahead toward ttv.- half million city goal is shown by the an ; nouncement of the formation of one more national bank here. The moving spirit in the organiza tion of the new bank and the man i who probably will Ik- its president is John H. Carter, a native Georgian, of Asheville. , Mr. Carter is chairman of the or ganization committee, a committee composed of prominent Atlanta capi talists and others from over the state. Mr. Ca tcr is president of several Georgia banks and is well known throughout this section as a banker and business mm. He has propcrt i interests in Atlanta and is a director in the Southern States Life Insurance company, in .addition to being a direc tor in the Atlantic National Fire In surance company, of Macon. While the plans for the new bank are not yet complete, they are well un der way and there Is every reason to believe that everything will tie in read iness for the bank to open for business on January 1. Prominent bankers have been se lected for the positions of vice presi dents and cashier of the bank, but no announcement as to the identity of these will he Tade until later. Mr Carter has assix iated with him on the organization committee some of the best known business m-n and capitalists of the state and he has th' ir in-operation in the work now going steadily on of organizing this latest addition to Atlanta's list of banking institutions. The new bank will have a capital of fl.noA.000 and a surplus of Il'Um.omh. With Mr. Carter on the organization committee are K. J Paxon. presid.-nt if the Atlanta c hamber of commerce: V. T. Gentry, president Southern Hell Telephone company: lanbn kins, of John t. Hopkins - S Hollemnn. president I'nion bank and about 30 others. Many mothers have learned how much they needed Scott's Emulsion by taking It to show their ehlldren that It was a sweet medicine. For thirty-five years It has been the best known speeif le against fatigue and enf eeble ment, as well as the standard remedy for warding: off and relieving eolds and affec tions of the throat and lungs. LADIES The new Patrician fall models have f h.irai :er. btle and wear-well qual ities. S3.50 and ILIMI. GuaranteeShoeStore 4 Rnnth MM" . C. Hop- i.ns: J. T. Sa Ings FIEI BT CITY NEWS Chalmers "30" $1500 . Chalmers 'forty" $2750 Licensed under Seidell patent Automobile Buyers Are of Two Kinds Those who want the best car for the least money Those who want the best car regardless of price. The Chalmers car Is the one car that appeals to both classes of buyers. That accounts for its wonderful popularity. , It Is easy to show the man who wants a "cheap" car how much more value he can get in the Chalmers by paying a little more.' It is easy to prove to the man who wants automobile satisfac tion, regardless of price, that Chalmers cars compare favorably at every point with the highest priced cars. Ileal motor value is what you want, and real motor Value means greatest utility for least money. The way to Judgo a car for value is by what it has done rather than promises of what It will do. ltegardless of price consider what records have been made by the BATTERY PARK BANK ASHEYI1XJE, If C. J. P. Bawyer, Preslteoi. T. C. COXB. 1st VU President E. BLUDER. Id Vice President t. E. RANKIN- Cashier. Surplus and Profits 1130,000.00 Capital 1100,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL RANKING BISISKiSa tpecial attention given to colleo ttona. Four par cent Inverwt paid or The hijrh Quality of the At Least That Is What Evi dence at Mr. Hackney's Home Indicates. A man that would steal a tierce bulldog In the darkness of night must he i hold, bad man. but just such a person rcidnf somewhere in this vl cinitv if the evidence which con fronted W. N Hackney, is to be be lieved. Mr. Hackney reside nt the Kim lierly place in Woolsev and owned a big fierce bulldog which he kept chained to the side of his house. Th" other morning when he went out to look for Ills dog he found It had Jls aicared. Well-defined man's traeks ii ading away from the house were found and Mr. Hackney believes that Hon.r,one during the night stole the di In this afternoon's Gasette News he is offering a reward for the return of the dog. A S50.000 Fire In Norfolk. HobartM.Cable ; Piano is what makes it a ; general favorite. DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE Norfolk, Ovt. 12. Damage to the plant rt the Portsmouth Cotton Oil Kenning company, partially destroyed by fire this morning, will amount to 150,000, fully covered. The plant will be rebuilt. About 100 are temporarily out of work. Scott Leslie's Merry Maids at Palace Grants No. 24 cure Colds. IS centa WASTED WE GUARANTEE Satisfactory Plumbing, Steam, and Hot ater Heating. Let us estimate for you. UNION PLUMBING CO. II oim) 431. SS X. Main 8t Fine Jellico Coal ' Tt. Ideal fsmL tfa boi. JELLICO COAL CO. J. R. BHOPK. Manager. at Ulrica phone) IU, Yard phone SIS RptMial prtrM on rar Inta. StiSMM til MIMIIMMHf Notice Adopted and effective after T June 10th: Garbage cans shall be provided, under m penalty for vl Mat Ion. Are you comply T Ing with the elty ordl nance T T Apply at the I X L Tpt Ptore X or rail 10T for Information. 1'"t can't beat our prices. V LOST Gold locket and chain. Bears monogram and contains miniatures. Finder please notify Ciura Both Phone 1120, 201 Merrimon Ave., reward. 211-Jt FOR BALE L'nsawn timber for spe cial uses. Locust posts. Prospect Hill Farm, R. F. D. No. 1, Ashe vllle. It The Methodist Protestants w ill hold their regular weekly prayer meeting in the Auditorium of the Y. M. C A. as announced for tonight. The police department has had lit tle to do today, ( inly one arrest ha I been made up to 1 o'clock, that of J. K. Boynton charged with retailing to one C M. laughter. While the Methodist Protestant cnttaee is being moved I'.ev. J. S. Williams will room in the Y. M. t", A. building; his telephone miniU-r will be 7k9. Miss Jessie Howe Wil liams will stay at the Y. W. C. A., telephone 1441. W. T. Mason, who was injured in the derailment of Murphy division train No. IS about ten days ago, is resting well today, although he had a rather uncomfortable night. The physicians entertain the belief that he will be able to lease the house within a short time. Th. re will be a meeting of the farmers of the Weaverville section at the Monticello school house near Weaverville Thursday nlKht at which Mr. Mijlsaps, the state director of the agricultural experiment stations, will be iiresont and will address th" farm ers on the Improved methods of farm ing. The meeting will Ik- informal and there will be talks by some of the farmers present. Hev. Arthur Flahe of N'nshvllie. Tvnn., one of the bright" t and most interesting speakers in the Southern lUiptist convention, will deliver three addresses at the First CajdiKt church. The first one will l given this even ing at S o'clock and the other two on Thursday and Friday evenings nt the1 same hmir The public are invited to hear tin .".- Ii i tun s. They are of special interest to all church workers and to tin -i neral public. At a meeting of the republican state executive committee nt Greens boro Monday, the resignation of Har ry S Skinner fts candidate for asso ciate Justice of the Supreme court was accopted and Judge A. I Coble of Statesville was named. Judge Coble Is now assistant I'nited States district attorney for the Western district of North Carolina. As candidate for state auditor, John Z. A. Wood of Perquimans county was nominated. William Arthur who for several years, was In charge of the Southern j railway depot station of the Western I'nion Telegraph company, has ae-1 cepted a position us operator for the Postal Telegraph company, succeed- ig W. It. Malone, who has been transferred to Richmond witn ine Postal company there. Manager L. I'.ottorf of the Postal company says that Monday was one of the b"t days e has had since the office was pened. Thomas Revell, the young man who as so badly crushed by a freight car n the Soul Si rn yarns yesieruay mormi.g. passe" the night st the Mis- Ion hospital as well ss could be ex pected, ana tne pnysicians are enter taining great hope today for his re- overy. The injury to his shoulder nd arm was very painful and it was feared yesterday he would not survive the night, but doing so, he wilt likely recover unless complications develop. The left arm was amputated at the shoulder. Harold Tyree, the ten months' old son of Mr. and Mrs. Uuy Tyree or Ix-pot street died late yesterday af ternoon following a three days' Ill ness. The funeral was held this af ternoon from the late residence by Rev. E. L. Grau of Ora Street Pres byterian church. The Interment was at Riverside cemetery. This Is the second child of Mr. and Mrs. Tyree to die after only a short Illness. The other died at the age of IS months. a year ago last May. Mr. Tyree Is connected with the Southern Railway company. Chalmers Motor Cars In speed contests they were given the title of "Champions of the Year." having won more races than any other ear, even from cars twice their price and horse power. In hill climbing and endurance tests the same record holds good. The Chalmers "30" was selected pathfinder for the 1910 Glidden Tour. The- Chalmers "30" was awarded the Glidden Trophy In the 1910 Glidden Taur over the longest and most difficult route ever mapped out for this ccnt. We could go into details of construction, quality, workmanship, transmission, Ignition, etc., but after all, the shortest, strongest and most convincing thing we could say is "See what the Chalmers has done. Where can you get greater value, and what more can you oak of a car at any price?" The 1911 models are now o.i exhibition at our salesrooms, ready for inspection and demonstration. Asheville Automobile Co., 15-17 S.Lexington Ave. It is needed these cool mornings and evenings. X Get prices on 5-ton lots of M. & Y. coal, the perfect grato and stove coal. 1 ' Phone 40. j Asheville Coal Co. j ALWAYS SOMETHING v FIT THE TASTE TO X Fine leg of lamb. Prima T Ribs of Reef for roasting. Phone us for meat suggestions. HILL & YOUNG Phones 4 and 359. City Market. J. E. Carpenter , JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. , r". Pound Correspondence Stationery Extra fine quality in white and tints. Envelopes to match. Extra fiine quality iu white ROGERS' BOOK STORE 39 Patton Ave. Phone 254. Take ari Oyster Loaf Home With You This Evening CANDY KITCHEN PHONE 110. '( IlaywtMxl 8trcct. Near Puxtofflcc IT IS A PLEASURE To wear Dr. Reed Cuahlon Shoes. They arc comfortable, stylish and durable. GEO. W. JENKINS 28 South Main Street. I LOG AN MERCHANT TAILOR. Laf al Bid. ' kk. Pack Bi Til. f I BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN Why not Join the II. C. A. Gymnasium class and get the Gymnasium ex ercise? Now is the time; don't think you have to order your gymnasium suits away, that )oo can get them here In my store for one dollar a suit and "P. - ' Blomberg's Cigars and Sporting Goods Always in the Lead On the Avenue. Got Your Stoves Up? These cold mornings make stoves necessary to health and comfort. We have coal and wood heaters prices range from $140 to $.12.60 and pipe, elbows, tongs, scuttle, mats, etc., at all prices. We have competent men to put I'p all stoves we sell. ' i : - . Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE AND 25 N. 1IAIN ST, ! I.OfiT DOG Small female white Freneth Toy poodle wandered off In . Woolsey neighborhood several days ago. If seen please telephone 1704. Ray's Studlc, 11 ration avenue. . tll-lt WANTED Mlddl. aged white wom an to do housework In family, must b good cook, permanent position, good Wfges. Telephone 142. Ill-It FOR SALE Thoroughbred Homer pigeons for squab breeding 81 ,- Patton avenue, or phone 1(00. 211-St WHY TRT through an agent when you ran get a better bargain from the owner T I have a modern f room house at better vs'ue thaa any agent la town ran offer. ' Address, D. K. r Gaxette-News. Ill-It TO RENT Furnished pleasant, eon ' venlent five-room cottage, on Mer rlmon avenue car line, gas and cos ranxes, sunny pnrrh. Address or phone "Cottage," Gasette-News. i fop. EXrilANGF Three 4-rnom Mhkcs. on paved B'rel, In gnu i i r, r,,r " si to eluht room s. sternbe,rg.g;co. MB BAIjS For Immediate delivery, aD kind of second hao . machinery la first class condition. STEAM BOILERS, ENGINES OF ALL KINDS Pulleys. Hangars. Bearings, Bosea, Shafting, Band Saw Villi com plete; Steam Engine and Boilers at all slses and makes; new and second band Piping, all slses. CORRE8PONDEXCK BOUCITKD. Citizens Transfer . Company ' JTXIA tfOODOOCK. Owe. PATTOK AVEJOTE. - TEUEPHOinB M. rUENITURE MOVING. Prompt Baggage Transfer Serrlea, . . Kndnran) by C. O. T. and T. P. A. Improved Hot Water Heating System NoV is the time to prepare for winter; have ns install in your home our improved hot water heating system which lessens the cost of installation and saves in fuel consumption and assures you summer hast throughout your house in the coldest winter days. Wo employ none but skillful workmen and us the American Radiator Co's boilers and radiators, and guarantee perfect satisfaction. 1 Royal Mushrooms The mott delicious end wholesome article of IU kind on the market. Arc grown and prepared In France, and are ready for Instant use. No. S Willi Madeira Sauce. No. 7 'With Ilurjrundjr Sauic. Xu. a (.rilled, Nli cl. No. 10 Wlula Grilled. 0N,LY JO CENTS PER TIN. . Clarence Sawyer 53 Patton Ave. Six 'Phones, N. 1800 NOTICE AdvlMS Your Friends To always use Blue Hibbon Vanilla and Lemon Extracts, the real fruit flavors. Only one-half th. quantity Is required, and the flavor Is delicious. W. R. PULL! AM DEAD 1 It Is Reported Tliat He Is. but Rail way Offk-tata Kay He Is on lite , Road U Recovery. . From and after July 1ft our prices for Tungsten lamps to our customers will bo as follows: ' 25 watt .$ .54 each 40 watt ,G2 each CO vat 84 each 100 watt ... 1,11 each 150 watt.. : 1.20 each 250 watt , ...... V. . . . 1.C5 each v THE ASHEVILLE ELECTRIC CO. Although reports have been publish ed at Murphy of the death of W. R. Pulliam of Yellow Hill Saturday, these reports war. denied here this morning by Southern railway officials who sny that th. news last night from Mr. Pulliam was to the effect that he was on the road to recovery. It will be recalled that Mr. Pulliam was the most seriously Injured In the wreck of psssenger train No. U near Governor's lland Friday. He has re gained consciousness., Th? plher In jured are doing nicely. . . 3. M. McOa Plena, Studio. Phone 112. New f.ireeVonedy at Palace today The MlHcr-I?lc paint to. Iaic Paints Ball, Thrash 6 Co. 5, 7 and 9 East College Street, - Asheville. Nt 0. '. Barbee's Full Value Cigar Store 14 Patton Ave. "That'i All." BROS. STEAM DTE WORKS N Formerly Asheville Steam Dy W 3 POOLE BROS, work w O Th on,y xpert cleaners and O (I oyer in Asheville. q POOLE BROS., Phone 1230 FOlEYSOMOlAimVf foa tTMucn Teoud and CtTiAi ww SEE US About Coal in 5-Ton Lots Southern Coal Co. Phone 114. - Pack Square. YOU MAKE A MISTAKE if you don't buy a Harwood Iron. This is the iron that don't burn out or get out of order, but it costs no. more than a great many of the inferior irons. Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Ave. , Ashevill. N. fi. J0R SALE For quirk sal. lot located on Mertlmo. Acs , aHsa 76x219. Priee 1100.OO. , MARSTELLER & CO., 10 llarwixxl W. i FOR RENT Modern' sic room rottag. on Z paved street. 128 months. MARSTELLER & CO., t 2 Haywood K. Green Bros.' Furniture Store WHOLESALE &ND RETAIL. 45 Patton Avenue. Aneville, N. 0 312. rass , Look in' Our -Window' $12..rX) Buys $23.00 worth. 2-inch Tost Brass Bed $12.50. ' We have pome Renuino bargain 8 in furniture. Cash or on time. GREEN eroti:3:o iff- 7r i m m, (Ore l. I'hone 240. 21 t' Ch;(p,l M & U . nv r, livery. Mione It rHUHMIHMfttmmtmttiHHl4tHHMMnM