PAGE SIX THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. ' Saturday, October ID, 1910. Ttot t ' -r:7',:,ii'.g3rr' ' alone which can be kept at full or low heat for a short or long time. Four quarts of oil will give a glowing heat for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. Filler-cap does not screw on; but is put in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached by a chain and cannot get lost. An automatic-locking flame spreader prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that it can be cleaned in an instant. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, well made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Has a cool handle. Dealers Everywhere. not at yur$, write far descriptive circular to the nearest cgency cf the Standard Oil Company (Incorporatm!) In Asheville hurchcs NOTK Pastors and church officer are requested to send In copy of chunks in announcements by 4 p.m. Friday. Haywood Street Methodist church, Rev. T. .L. l.allance, pustor. 9:45 u. m., Sunday school. A. iMjnham, superintendent; 11 a. m., pre.irhint,', by the pastor; 7:,10 p. m., senior league, Kred Felmet, president; 8:15 p. ni., preachini;, by the pastor. West Kiid Itaptist bur.-h. !;... 1 P. I la n:i. K , 9:::u a. iii.. .1. i:. ' ;i ic . -1 preaciiing .it I I :t m player meet V'edii' unlay .-. !. I ;il j 1 1 1 . c 1 . 1 1 1 1 , 1 n: : . i. In : I it 7:1", p. ni.. 1 15. . P. L. niet ts Friday at 7 : 4 r, p m. All are cordially Invited to attend these services. l-'lrt Iiaptist church, services at 11 n. rn. and S p. m At the evening hour Itev. Dr. W. M. Vines will 1.. -gin a scri' s of the . - 11 i ii'j st rmo'is on Iianyi r'-us "Isn:; " ,n Ash. ill,'. Mis mihjevt being ' A':iu.. lets 111." S'ni duy school at S:::m and iit the chapils at 3:30: I!. Y. P. I'. M 7 p. in. (irand rally of the Sunday school at ttv hours. A cordial init;ition to all to attend these services. Central M. E. church. South, Itev. G. H. Detwller, pastor. Preaching by Going Ahead MB i ' ii i ifarrHrtrriEgwiwfwai H l I y i '.'will' I I 4J HOTEL BERKELEY POOL mm You must do one thing or the other. t ' : A stagnant buslneaa li certainly anything but the pride of the community, n . - i ' ' 1 The "going ahead" merchant has the proper kind of Illumina tion for his establishment fixture that are modern, up-to-date and give the greatest amount ot good light at the least coat The "going back" man puts his faith In old and obsolete method and fixtures. 'v. We await TOUfl demands for on the side of the house where winter blasts strike hardest always has a lower temperature than the rest of the house. There are times when it is necessary to raise the temperature quickly or to keep iiie temperature up for a long period. That can't be done by the regular method of heating without great trouble and overheating the rest of the house. The only reliable method of heating such a room by other means is to use a SMOKELESS t Absolutely smokeless and odorless .a.-:I nt 11 a. in.; at s p. in. the j Motile itml l-'on-i'iii Mission-! it " ! the si-vrul Methodisl 111 tlie citv Will conduct .1 i" '. . Smiihiv '.'Ium1 al i : 4 r. M. Wenvcr. supcrimenilent. ) . T. Wi-aver. teach 'i- of Ilil,t ; I'.nmra and l'hilathea classes i AietlUMiist I'ri.te.itant chnr. li 1 rv ices in 1. .M. . A. auditorium i J. S. Williams, pastor. Sun.i i. :i.4e a. in.; preachum 11 a. n. I i p. m., cfitin sul'.iei t. ""Th' - I leant Must lie I ii'Stroycd." . ; -I lie to all. l;. . 'lerance ;. Ileynolds. 1 1. 1 '. ..isl..r of the Oakland Heights l'r s lteri;in church, is still absent in th north n business connected with I'l'.nch Proud preybvtery. so that - uininiinion service i.nnonncid foi Sunday is postponed. Itev. K. V. I'lulils of Milwaukee will preach al 'li- nioriiini; service, which . ill be held at usual ..t 1 I o'. lock Mr. i'lulils is a visitor in the home 0! '..s "'!, Prof. K. p. 1 'hi', Is. of the Nor mal and 1 '..II. y.i.t.- Itute. Diii Street Prenliyterian . iiurch. m. 1 ir:i street, near South.side avenue Uev. E. Lysander Orau, pastor Ser vices every Sahbath morning at 11 o'clock, and every Sabbath evening al 7:3H. Sabbath school every Sabbath ii ternoon at 3 o'clock. John I!. Shoj.c si. p. rintcndciit; prcycr meeiim; ever . i!ncsil;:v e.ii!:i?4 111 7:".". A most ;.i:if:y weU.irr.e i-i as.- ;;i d. 'i'h.1 si.eciiil servicer which havi lucn in progress f..r a week past, wit! :i.od il l' refit ami I'tteiulanee, w ill con- nt!.- throughout next week. The pas- U' will pr. ;k h Sunday nioriiini; and 1 veiling, and Hey. William lilack and his singer. Andrew P.urr. will arrive t!i mid. ile of next week. Services ev- WE'LL MEND THE WHEEL So that It will be as good as new li sou send your carriage hero. Nc j matter how badly damaged It rn iy b we can restore It If anyone can. Out repairing la growing more popular among carriage owners every day. Do you think that would be the case un leaa our work was more than unus ually good. J. C. WALLACE, .- nnd 7 SOITII MAIN STRUCT At the Sam Old Pl&ct 5 il b-iivh k Tn I "Downstairs' A Tine Line of Cigars. or Going Back anything electrical. . 1 j . . j v i 1 1 y J Is Reduced to a Science Some of the Items of the Bill of Fare Ringling 's Arrives Here on Twenty-Sixth Anniversary of Silver King, the Prize Beauty Horse. m;. tiii: itki ix t A. Ij. Webb, sti-uard of Itingliiu Urotlu-rs' einus. arrhe.l .11 Ash- ill" early this morning, and today w-ntiiat at .me time. An a- eraire evening shopping in the local market. He ' dinner consists of U'ihi of .arries no a basket nor is he iiccom- panied by a box car, ami he makes I ss fuss about buying food for lJG'i people, with tile biggest appetites ill .aplivitv, than does tin- ordinary hom-ew'ite win. lias but il family ..! live or six to look alier. Webb Ions no il e- the car load. - m,Ml.j!.l liollr m barrel lots, V cge- lable's h, (li vv.-ui.n load, butter and l.ird by 'he ton, egvs In hundred c;is. lots, and milk bv the barrel, lie his ninety-tt ree assistants and presides over sf vcnty-rive feet of steel ranges. a nu'ener shop, bakery, grocery and e-, iu-storage plant, lie has his busi- ness dow n to a sr i, nee. and so system- I utio is he in making bis purchase (hat scarce pound of meat, a loaf I of bread or a can of vegi tables Is left over w in n night nines to oarr. to tlie next town. He takes no notes to market vviih him but makes his .-elections according to what he uces displayed. Napoleon said that an army travel ed on its stomach, and the same Is true of a big circus. It Is no snap to cater to the appciLes of more than U'OO people win, tastes peculiar to twenty ur thirty countries; yet W'ebh gets away with his joh with parties con erneil. The Itingling Itroihers believe a bountiful table and the so" mr same . ry morning at In ..'clock and evi rv v-iiing at 7.:in. Cottage prayer meet ings every afternoon nt 3:30, ihe places of meeting being announced at th. morning and evening services. chestnut Street Methodist church.1 '1. (i. H.irley, pastor. There will be no Sabbath school next Sabbnth, the H.tli. but (here will he. under the aus pices of the I tunica and Fhllalhea classes, a general rally day program both morning and evening. Morning lervleeK from Id:.'!!) to 11:30 with nn ! Informal half hour at lose. The even ing service begins at 8 o'clock. The public generally lire most cordially 1 it- vltcd to attend. Junior league st 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday nt j 7:30 p. m. Choir practice Krlday u1 H p. m. Kmmnuticl Lutheran church, corner i South Krench ItmuO avenue and Phil lips street, Itev. E. 'T. Coyner, pastor. -Kuniiay school for children and adults :30 a. m.; preaching 11 a. m., !"I't the Children Come I'nto Me;" . reaching 7:45 p. m "Muses Pefused to lie Called the Bon of Pharonh'i ' Daughter." Christum Church Morning Ber- ..ic, inmr hiiiiui n. ,m. iiniies, superintendent; prpnchlng service, 11 o'clock by Itev. 8. T. Tturgesa of P.lackatone, Va.; Third's supper 11:45. Tho public Is cordially Invited to all these services. All Souls' church, Blltmore. Her. R. R, 8wope, H D rector Morning i service arid serrron at 11 o'clock; Hun ' day school at 3:30 p. m.; evensong at i o'clock; organ recital at 6:45 p. m. j All- seats free. Visitors are cordially i welcome, i Illltmore Methodist church, IteT. a. IMPORTANT TO MOTHERS A record of sJxty-flva years continu ous M of "Mrs. Wlnslow's Moothtng Syrap" by mothers In all parts ot the ! world, in th highest -praise that an) remedy for "children teethlnf has r recetved. Every year the youni ( ; mother follows In the footsteps ot ( her mother and finds Mrs. Wlnslows' ( Soothing Syrup to be th'e favor! , and j so It has gone on for a period of ili-;'ty-flvs years. Millions of mothers hail isd tt for their children while ' teething with perfect mu'eesa. II oothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, diarrhoea, wind eolle. -told by druggists, an medicine deal rs In (1 psrts known worll Twer' - cents e,.K.'". I t V., Vel, ,.- (.M I . 1 I e' r J. v hoksi:. ov yi:us(H.d. I tood as lb - high-salaried 1 j i lie Ida innvas hotel 9u.i ..riisi. .-,,,e ""'"' '-' I"'nda of vegetables. IHIO ",110 nKiii iiim 1111, mu pennons 01 SOII pounds of butter, 75 pounds of sugar. 1 '.a gallons of coffee, f.o gallons of milk, .'.a gallons of Ic cream. .I'm pies a n.l 1 T.a lav i r cakes. The big circus will arrive in Aslie v II le early tomorrow morning, i omlng over the South, rn from Prisnd. Tenn. The lirsl train is expe. led bv daylight and the o'b.r three will follow 11 closely. Sun. lav will be a day signi ficant to the circus folk as It is the twenty-sixth birthday of Silver King, i w ho, though only n horse, Is almost as much thought of as though ho were u human. He is the son of the first horse the ninstllngs ever owned, and though tlie animal boasts no pedigree he Irtis rt.r years been ac- eepted by track expert nnd .ctlsts as the perfect horse. He is the rnbir of light-buckskin and his sides shine like satin. Thousapds of people from const to coast bin; fulmired him and the rider who sits 'in his saddle feels honored. Silver King, because of his great age. is practically on the retired list. He is seen only in parade, driven In tandem with a horse to match by Inei Hell. He Is still as handsome as ever. Two performances U1 be given In Asheville on Monday, each Identical with those presented in mil,....,,. .. uie oeginnnig of the season. II. Christenberry, pastor. Prenching every second nnd fourth Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Btinduv school in a. m. every Sunday; prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:30 p. m. Kirst Tresbyterian Church: IUv. It. I". Campbell, 1. li., pastor. Public worship at li s. rn. and t p. m. Sun day school at 8:3 a. m. Prayer meeti Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. A welcome to all services. West End Iiaptist church. Rev. Q, P. Humrlck, pastor. Sunday school, 9:30 a. m., J. n. Grlce, superinten dent; preaching service at 11 a. m. and 8:15 p. m,; prayer meeting Wed nesday at 3:15 p. m.; r, y. P. U. meets Saturday at 8: IS p. m. All are cordially Invited to these Bervlces. Hethcl Methodist church. Rev. D. J. Miller, Utt. II., pastor. Preaching ev ery Sunday at 11 a, m.; prayer meet leg Wednesday evenings at p. m.; Sunday school at l:4S a- m.. W. O.i Kortune, superintendent; Senior and lunlor Leagues Sunday at I p. m. The Salvation Army, Ensign and Mrs. Routers and Lieutenant Hooper, ohleers In charge; hall, 38 H South Main street. Meetings every night at o'clock, except Monday night; open air meeting nt 7:20. Sunday, junior meeting at :80; open air at 1:30 and 7:30; salvation meeting at S o'clock: band of hive meetings for children every Thursday afternoon at 1:30. No. t hall, M0 West Haywood atreet; meetings every Monday, Wednesday and 8a:urday nights at 7:10; Sunday. Junior meeting at ;30; holiness meet ing at It o'clock; Young People's le gion, S:30; Salvarlnn meeting tit S u cloek; meeting every Wednesday af ternoon for children at 1:30. Kv.rv. body cordlnllv Invited to attend these services. Their motto; "Holiness Unto the Lord. . SL lawrcnee-s Cathollo church. Rev. Father Marion, reetoT.--Mase dally at 7:30; Sunday. I a. m. and n a, ni. , First Church ot Christ (Scientist) While the new church la being erect ed, or until further notice, the ser vices will be held In fh French Rroad Baptist church, near Palton avenue, (nvery funday morning at 11 o'ek ek Sunday school at :4i. Tes- Jmonlal meetings Wedneedey even ings at 1:16, The reading rwm la In the Electrical building, (I Patton ave nue, room ha tt end Is open every ucy except Hunrtny, from 10 to 1J and from 1 to t. All sm cord nMy wet i " t t'o. .it.,nt , i r, .., . TIE MARKETS ........... Iho Leading titot'ki no Mew York j'liaiiKe Cotton K A Market Quotation. V f lriltltK(ltiRKKKtKitat(tatK New York, Oct. I-'-. Trading was active at the opening of the market; ..ticea generally hlgin-r. The effect of profit taking sales, however, was manifest at some points. Stocks were supplied freely, and there was a sharp break all around, j iMune specialties which had I'een con j splcuously stroiis. recently hist heav ily, tuny partial recoxcnis wer made hy aclivt stocks. The market closed strong and ae live. I. S. .Steel was carried upwards on heavy dealings to it liactloii over yesterday's prices. The general list responded in sympathy. ' 1 ' STOCKS. Open. Close Mchison .104 14 lor. i Atlantic Coast Line lis 7 r 4 1 li 7 -A ltlHI 70 j American Smelting 74 American Locomotive ... 4ai, 'jKrooklyn Itapld Transit.. " Baltimore & Ohh 'Amalgamated I 'upper 'oorado Fuel & Iron 1 1 'hesapeake & ihio . j 'anadian lac;!ie . . . Xew York nlral . . j Krie jtlreat Northern ,rd . I Mi .. Kans. & Tex. . . . I Louisville & Nashvill ' .Naiioiial Lead (Ill I ar, 'j . fa1 s.i i. . isii- . llfl'4 ltS',i si l!7i IK1 5 7 31 1 .1 1 3 1 4 7 (il rM r.s 99 12014 109 Ml ?4 33 'i KC, 151 c.l u l!9Vi 127 '-4 j Missouri Pai ilic Norfolk K- Western I Northern I'acilio 1 I People's (las 10 I Pennsylvania 131 li 33 15 I J7'i i; a v. t i s i U'5-S Itock Island I'.a'k Island pfd.... Iteading Southern I tn II way . . . Southern llallivav pfd Southern l'a. Ilic . . St. Paul I'liion aellic P. S. Hteel t". S. Steel pfd Wahush Walajsh old 172-4 173' 120 IS 14 3H 120 39 U 'KW YOKK t'OTTOX. Open. Close. . 14.77 I4.7'i . 14.7C 11.73 . U.S.', 14.811 . 14.91 14.90 . 1T..02 14. 98 I ( Iclober ... . I 1 lecem her . . . I .la :111a rv ... I .March MV Spot 14.90. lociil StH-nrltlcM. Meported and corrected daily bv Henry T. Claudius. Am. .Vat Hank $ Ashe Whole. Irrug Ashe. Water 4s Meaiimont Furniture I'niv. Security s ll.lia I'niv. Security Cert.... 1:1.00 Wachovia 1,. & T. Co Wm. Hrowncll Mill lo.tio 3100.00 70.00 9s. 00 nr.. no 12.00 137. .Id THE JURY AWARDS $1 Personal Injury Suit Against Southern Verdict in Wood bury vs. Westall. After hearing the evidence and ar gument In the case of J. J. Scogglns vs. Southern Hallway company, last ing most of the morning, the Jury In Superior court brought In a verdict by which the plaintiff was awarded 1500. In this case the plaintiff asked for 19 damage for Injuries re ceived while alighting from a train at Marshal in 107. The complaint sets forth thnt the plaintiff boarded a train at Hot Springs with a ticket for Alex ander; that he was told that he would have to stop at Marshall, as the train did not stop at Alexander; that hs started to alight but before he did so the train was started and he was thrown to the ground and bruised. etc., on account of which the damnger were asked. In the case of Woodbury vs. W. H. Weatal) A Co. a verdict was rendered In favor of the defendant company. The vlalntlff was asking -for damages for Injuries received by falling through an elevator shaft In the build ing of the defendant. on request of the referee tn the matter. Judge H. 11. Stevens, the hear Ing tn the case of Ueorge H. Smathera. receiver, et al., vs. Western North Carolina bank, Lewla MsdJox, et al waa aet for October 17. This was done in order that some amendments might te msde and corrections to the report might be tiled with the court. rOlEVSKEDUEYPniS fee Imumi KieMsoMeBuieeca Th ramidf (or tXark. M. tm Urn. MtMMM.lrritoUuliaMukMn.lbiM 0 N siuoout Bwislifaiwjg mj, tbrost, Moauctl ar untairf Ofgaa, old by Drasctels lr hi elils iiBsw. isfta . prcpa.n, os rvroipi ol ri, i or hum Buutrt, 71. SiKiklvl oe rtquctt. . Tit tmm CWnl C 0.1.1. 1 1 ' JW II 141 Yd XL' 0 0) 0N VA WILL ISSUE CATALOGUE ihniiT urmriiRrn nnrT nr TUT I flPII PnillliTTrr Mi muw rinDi Many Who Showed Fowls Here Last Year Write That They Will Aflaln Send Exhibits. -Mrs. C. It. Campbell of the Ashe ville poultry association is receiving letters each day exhlhitors testi fying to great interest in the show In Asheville December 8-12. She hus received many letters from last year's .exhibitors stating that they were so well pleased with the way the birds were handled and taken care of that they are again going to show here. The catalogue will be out Hbout No vemhtr 1. An Issue of 1500 copies will be widely distributed this season and U Is confidently expected that there will be 1200 birds In the show. Some persons have raised I he point that the poultry show association be ing a stock company, the individuals got the benefit of the proceeds. The fact Is that the entrance fees and the gate receipts go to defraying the ex pense of the show, rental of the build ing for the show, getting out the cata logue, etc.. and that the olllcerg get nothing out oL the show hut the Joy of working in the interest of Im proved poultry which the show has done much to create nn Interest for. FOLEYSKIDNEYRIIS lorn OACKACitc y.tof.rrr Qlaoak ASHEVILLE, Monday, Oct. 17 STRONGEST Or All TARTtf'SSWONGMEN BO ACROBATS AND THE 60 fit8IAU5T5 AND 6 0 RIDER 5 MOW nOBLtufLLO, SEEN rnir Tur DARfful, riKSTTlMf. AMERICA OOORS OPEN (CRFORMANCES BECIM at a Mel mi aa ONE 60c TICKET Anr-HTftrJ? 1, Admisston tickets and numbered resen-ed seats will l,o on sale show day at Q A. WALKER'S DRUG STORE, cor. Hay wood and College Streets, at exactly the same price charged in the regular ticket wagons on tho show firotuids. THE BIGGS SANITARIUfil Cor. Oak and Wootldn Streets. A!1TT,T? ty,p'P" Rheumatism. Asthma. ProncMtl Neurasthenia and other chronlo llm.nt (.No cases' of tuberculosis accepted.) SST rt"111"' 8WEniS" MANAGE and ever, other form of Physiological treatment equipment In the South. Ji7sSr .lR MA88ACE AND HATH 1K. ' PAHTMENT ARE AVAIIlIIILE TO THE CEXPJtAL riBLIc ve.trBu.,:ruin mm crMiy ,nv,, - tbm free ' Ur -P-"t Co...a , The 'Biggs Sanitarium" Mum 11 A MEETING ON TUESDAY ur inc luuhl uuivimm ill Campaign Will Be Launched for Blue Ridge Association Sub- ' : v ' scriptioiv The local committee to assist O. n, Olier and W. 1. Weutherford in, the campaign in Asheville next Week to raise the $4000 required of this city for the lilue association f,,'r Christian training will meet at C:ao' o'clock Tuesday evening at the Y. il. U. A. for a nipper, after which the or ganisation will be perfected and tha campaign launched. It la believed that the sum asaed of Asheville will be raised next week without much dif ficulty. In a letter to Secretary Ylunter re ceived today llr. Ober states that the prospects for a successful canvas in the cities of the south liext week Is bright Indeed, and he hopes to raise the whole amount by the end of the month. The locul committee Is composed of the following: George 8. Powell, chairman, C H. Hohlw, Dr. , It. 4iuckner, K Stlkeleather, M. M. Sul livan, J. It. Oates, N. A. Reynolds rr. I.. W. Kllas. II. A.. Mllfer. tcdwei L. Prtiwn, Jr.. K. V. Chambers, S. 1.;. plnsky, Kred Kent and H.-W, I'luln nier Mr. Kent la unable to serve and Mr. Plummer la out of town. HOLDING 8000 LBS. ON THEFCET OF TWO MFft CHEAT LORCil TROUPE THE ALEXIS FAMILY, T H E DUTTONS wizard of high wire. IN missus iim THt WORLD THE GREATUT THt ..nrilS ...oCt j AT I ilin i d aa 1 The best

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