THE ASHE VILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. page three In the Midst of Great Coat Suit Selling Now is the lime to buy your Coat Suit and lie correctly dressed for the winter. Kijid ley's stock contains the stylish, KIND LEY'S well made suits, reasonably priced. Your very special at tention is called to the Suits priced $15, $18, $20, $22, $25. Our alteration department is in charge of first-class peo ple and we guarantee every suit to fit perfectly in every way. Come in now and make your selection and avoid the week end rush. $7.50 Persian Waists $5.95. Beautiful color combinations to match any suit, sizes 34 to 42. ,, f $1.25 yard wide Black Mes saline Silk for a leader this week 98c yd $1.25 Guaranteed Black Taf fefca Silk, heavy rustling qual ity... 98c yd Warmest, yet lightest bed covering made is the Maish Laminated Cotton Down Com forts, made from pure white Sanitary Cotton with beautiful Silkaline Coverings, priced at $1.48, $1.75, $2.95, $3.50. KINDLEY'S MH. LITTLETON PAYS HIS RESPECTS TO ROOSEVELT Sap That Another Executive, Meaning Taft, Awaits Hit Place in the "Hall of Infamy" Now York. Oct. 26. A now turn was given to the attack of Colonel Kunsevelt and IiIh now nationalism by Martin W. Littleton, democratic can didate for congress In the Oyster Ray district, in an address last nigh! it t Carnegie hall at a mass mooting held tinder the niisnicen of the democratic league. The new nationalism. he tld has its source in the ahidlng di-- rMiif('t Mr hiia . it t :i m 1 1 v- imiwn toward our torm or repunne, HkL.t. I. .. .... Ul... i .1.... .11 ... IDKIIflTI . . ill. 111., iiiil.ll,. i.i. . ..I I I.I.. .-Mi' ii - U i iili.l.i I I i 1 . li ,.i ttlcton added thnt apparently an- ber executive nnd that one of Mr. tipsi'vch H fiwn rrpntinn in nri.hnlvtv "He (Roosevelt) has not yet com- ld Mr. Littleton. "He has not con- but there (seems to he another presi dent scheduled to fall under his con demnation. There seems to he an other who will Had his place with Buchanan, the 'shifty and selfish poli tician of monumental littleness,' with Van Ruren, who 'faithfully served the mammon of unrighteousness,' with Monroe, who was 'a courteous gen tleman of no especial ability;' with Madison, whose Incapacity 'brought shame and disgrace to America In the war of HIS;1 with Jefferson, 'the most Incapable president that ever filled the president's chair.' "And this president Is awaiting, no doubt, his place in this hall of Infamy. is one that Mr. Roosevelt himself treated. "It is a pathetic picture of broken friendship; It Is a sad commentary upon the stability of political alliances to see a patient, a Just, an earnest, plain and rugged gentleman, who oc cupies the position of president. "Al most crowded out of his place and ex cluded from the prerogative of hip ofiice by a man who continues to reign wherever nnd with wnomsoever he may lie. "Is it any wonder then that h I preaches pew nationalism.' Having gotten his view respecting seven oi the presidents of the United States and having surmised his attitude to ward an eighth, need we be surprised that he tlntls no difficulty in urging u radical change In the structure of th. fcov eminent a change which is (he strongest mixture of socialism ml empire: a most unique union 01 ' 'S 1 mi is in and disorder. "In the wide range of his active mind he has never encountered a structure of authority which he would not change; a form of government which he would not alter; a society which he would not transform. In the long reach of his ample and en riched years he has never met with 0 philosopher whom he would not ad vise, a teacher whom he would not Instruct; a soldier whom he would not command; a king whose sceptic he would not wield; a book which he would not re-write; a llglon which he would not reorganize; a civilization which he would not reconstruct. "In government bound by no law; in life bound by no policy; In Inter course hound by no attachment; in THEY ACTUALLY DO THE WORK Food Eaten Is Worthless Unless Di gested Some Stomachs Must Have Help. DIAMOND SWINDLE GAME B'ood taken into the Stomach which, from the nature of the food or the condition of the stomach, is not di gested, is worse than no food at all. fills Is a true statement as far as it goes and a great many dyspeptics go only this far with their reasoning. They argue with themselves that be cause their stomachs do not do the work given them, they must be given less work; in other words they must be starved. It would be just as sensible for a business man who Is unable to do all his own work to cut down bis business to his own capacity as it Is for a man to starve himself to relieve his stomach. The sensible business man employs help and goes forward with his business. Likewise the sensible dyspeptic will employ help for his stomach and give his body proper nourishment. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets actually lo the work assigned to them. They relieve weak and overburdened stom achs of a great portion of digestive ac tion. Their component parts are Iden tical with those of the digestive fluids and secretions of the stomach and they simply take up the grind nnd carry on the work Just the same as a good, strong, healthy stomach would do It. On this account Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are perfectly natural in their action and effects. They do not cause any unnatural or violent, disturbance In the stomach or bowels. They them selves digest the food and supply the system with all the nourishment con tained In what Is eaten and carry out Nature's plans for the sustenance and maintenance of the body. How much more sensible is this method than that employed by many sunerers lrom wean stomaens. ay this means the body and brain get all the good, nutritious food they need and the man is properly nourished and equipped to carry on his work and perform his duties. He could not possibly be in proper working condi tion by sturvlng himself or employing some new fangled. Insufficient food that does not contain enough nutri ment for a year-old baby. A strong man doing strong work must be prop erly fed and this applies to the brain as well as the body. Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets, by re lieving the stomach of its work, en ables it to recuperate and regain its normal health and strength. Nature repairs the worn and wasted tissue just as she heals and knits the bone of a broken limb, which is of course not used during the process of repair. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale by all druggists at 60 cents a box and they are the one article that the druggist does not try to sell some thing in the place of that's "Just as ijood." Their unqualified merit and -tuccess and the universal demand for them has placed them within the reach of all. Scheme Wat to Order Genuine Dia mond C. 0. D. and Substitute Paste (or Gems. DISCHARGED HER HIRED GIRL How Cardui Helped Mrs. Bur lison To Solve the Servant Problem. COME TODAY 1 4 i Charlotte, Oct. 26. A unique swindling game, far-reaching in oper ation and Involving prominent dia mond Importers, was laid bare here, yesterday when J. W. Napier and W. P. Duke, from nobody knows where, were arrested on warrants sworn out by United States Postofflce Inspector Bulla, of Washington, and bound over by United States Com missioner Cobb to the United States District court. Duke collapsed, following the ar rest, turned state's evidence, and un folded the operations of the gang to the commissioner without restraint. Briefly the scheme was to order dia monds from a responsible concern ('. O. D., subject to examination, sub stitute imitations for the real dia monds, and return the shipments to the importers with some flimsy ex cuse ns to flaws in the stones. The gang operated successfully In Rock Hill, .S C; Branchville, S. C; West vllle, S. C,i Charlotte and other neigh boring towns and cities, using James Parris, an unsophisticated country boy, as a decoy. Asking the privilege of examina tion of gems, the importers were led to ship the precious stones to Par ris. On arrival at the express office, Duke, who professed to be a Jewel er, would show up and with profes sional care examine them, nnd with some flimsy excuse turn them back to the express company to be return ed, taking care, during the examina tion, to substitute the paste gems for the originals. The imitation stones were supplied by a house in Terre Haute, Ind. Parris, whom the swin dlers used as a tool, is an Ignorant boy who can neither read nor write He was discharged by Commissioner Cobb, while Duke and Nupler were held In bonds of $2500 each. Duke made a full confession of the affair. The only victim of the pair disclosed during the preliminary ex amination was Daniel Ijoko & Co. Salem, Mass. Ooreville, 111. "I had to hire a girl to do my housework," writes Mrs. Ka tie Burllson, of this place, "because I had grown so weak that I could hard ly stand on my feet. At my husband's rgent request, I tried Cardui, and soon my health began to mend. Now, can do my own housework, and feel so much better! I will be thankful all my life for the help Cardui has been to me!" Every woman owes It to herself to try Cardui. You should keep it in the house, for you never know when you may need it. Its specific, curative action, on the cause of most womanly troubles, has been proved by the wonderful results obtained In so many different forms of such troubles. Its tonic, strength ening action is noticed after a dse or two. It has a record of 50 yenrs 'tf suc cess, in treating the ailments peculiar to weak and delicate women. Take Cardui when you feel 111 In ny way weak, tried, miserable, or nder the weather. It will help you. Forty thousand . druggists sell it. Go to the nearest one, and get a bottle today. You will never regret it. Hand-painted hats are a millinery novelty for women who are opposed to the destruction of birds for their adornment lebate bound by no record; In society mund by no conventions; In conduct bound by no traditions; In attack jound tiy no strategy, In retreat bound by no order; In ambition bound by no limit, he towers today, the em it' 'iincnt of . nnscious and uncon- lintel power. He is the final, con clusive and dogmatic answer to the riddus Oi the universe." Senator Klklns, of West Virginia, Is the must BtHMt Spanish scholar in th" senate, In his younger days he KM a 1'nltid States district attorney )n Ntw Mexico anu at that time Span ish v.ys the official language of the courts. Jack and Jill went up the hill Tn fetch a pall of water; Jieii fell down, and In latest gown, Jill came a-hobbllng after. Judge. Since 1!"12 there have been forty five rteathl due to balloons, Bteerable and non-steerable. ft V4 Switched Over Some folks thought khey didn't care for lneukfast cereals utftit they tried POST TOASTIES Selected white corn is thoroughly cooked rolled out thin and fluffy toasted to PLACATED "BLACK HAND ADVICE OF Letters Became Too Numerous, and Now Said Boarder Is Under Arrest. a delightfully appetizing brown. PotuW CewST fca 1 . -8a.'. s7. myMQ They are ready to serve direct from the package with only the addition of cream or milk, arid a sprinkling of sugar if desired. Try I'ost Toadies nnd tell yoin-sHlf! "The Memory lingers" Made at the Pure Fx4 factories- of Postum Cereal Company, Limited. Battle'' Creek, Michigan. Chicago. Oct. 28. Ftar that her daughter would be Ki'led or kid napped caused Mi's. Kva, I.. BWtTlriK to nay tribute demanded in a series of letters, which it developed in the United States court yesterday were written by a member of her own household. This was shown when E H. Downer was arraigned before Uni ted States Commissioner Mark A Foote on a charge of writing threat ening letters. Downer had been a trusted roomer at Mrs. Buffing's home. Two months ago he was married and brought hi wrfe to live In the house. Shortly afterwards Mrs. Huffing, who had just inherited $1000 from her father received a letter signed "P.lack Hand." and demanding $15 0. Down er was greatly Interested, and ad vised Mrs Huffing to regard all stlpu latlons and pay the money. Five davs later, she received another de mand which Downer advised her to nav. This was repeated until sht had paid $275. Then she advisee i rxt i I inspectors and Downer was arrested. He was held to the grand Jury in $5000 bond. ' HERIDITH GETS S50.DQ0 AND TRINITY $1100 General Education Board Makes Ap propriation$ Amounting to $725,000. Nw York. Oct. 26. ADDronrla Hons amounting to $725,000 were nnnriinned tn six colleges and uni versities at a meeting of the general education board here yaatsrday after noon conditional on tha institutions raising certain amounts to secure the gifts. J. D. Rockefeller, Jr., and Starr 'J. Murphy were among the members of the board present. The institu tions named and the amounts are aa follows: Ravlor University. Waco, Texan $200,000; Trinity college, Durham, N C, $160,000, university or inana mmim Trim 6150.000; Meredith col lese. Italeish. N. C $50,000: Weslej an Female college. Macon, Oa., $100.- 000; Amherst college, Amnerst, miss.. 176,000. WOODWARD WANTS OFFICE AOAIN. James O. Woodward Is holding the hoards in Atlanta. Th farmer mayor of the capital city, who by his untie coming conduct brought shame the fair name of Atlanta a short time ago. Is again In politics. He Is mak In an aggressive campaign Tor mayor nnd Is again going to lake tha level best" of those Interests hostile to him to turn him "n. Woodward has sins enough to anawn for but thero are whale lot of people In Atlanta who be tieva In him, and think ha has made that city her bast mayor. The prea- . . .... I.. , VS. vttth , ' HI ' i. in I"" "S w... ...... ...... i keen Interest by the who! stats. Columbus Ladgar. And View Our Showing of Coat Suits at ! $25.00 The widest range of suits at the above prcie ever at tempted by us before more models, weaves and colors. A suit to satisfy the best dressers. Broadcloths. Serges, Basket Weaves, Rough Weaves, Diagonals and Worsteds. What more can you ask for. See our line before buying. rru STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY ASHEVIH.E. N.C. IE Selected Cleaned Milled Roasted and Packed without being touched by the Humnnd hand. We give our personal attention to the blending and roasting, always producing a uniform drink in our Celebrated- JACKSON SQUARE COFFEE "WHITE LABEL" This coffee has a different flavor. Our guarantee Is to please, or the Gro cer will refund the purchase price. Ask your Grocer to supply yon IMPORTERS COFFEE CO., Ltd., New Orleans, La. A af Auditorium FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 reef. .- R e turn of the Favorites Frederic Thompson's Big New York Success POLLY OF THE CIRCUS A Real Circus on the Stage See "Little Hip" The Performing Elephant r A picture post csrd which was mailed In Oenoa on August, lftol, hi Juat been delivered after two years Houses, Ponies, Dogs, Clowns, Acrobats, Trap eze and Aerial Acts, Bare Back Riders, Ring Masters, Tumblers. Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. Re served Seats now on sale at Mt. City Station ery Store. Phone 1617. I' i the pvraon In Bayonna, N. J., horn It was addreaaad,

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