PAGE TWO THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE -NEWS . Monday, October 31, 191( I m More Clocks For Gazeite-News Readers ' ' XtftS '"'IS aL." sJafsaBBBBBBBBBBBBl Handsome Mission Clocks '11. or Clocks have proved to 1m- a most popular premium. ami ;nh'ii over Ciuzette-News readcis' home-,. Their value Is SH. Tliey are titled with a high-grade movement, ami ran eight or more days uhli one uiftdlng. They strike the hour ami hall' hour, ami -land : Inches hlgcli. This flock is a sHvial premium article, mail' ttl'actured hy coiitruet for that purpose only, and Is not purchasahlc in stoics or elsewhere. This clock is obtainable only hy old and new subscribers to the Dally ami Semi-Weekly (iaxette. II' you wish one of these? clocks tall or drop a card to The (Quelle, ami lull Information will be given sou. HINTS FOR THE BUSY HOUSEWIFE Scissors Grinder Attachment For Sewing Machines. A very simple attachment for sew ing machines has been invented which consists of a small grinding wheel mounted in a bracket which may bo secured to the base plate of the ma chine. The belt of the sewing machine passes over a pulley carried by the grinding wheel, and a small roller serves to press the belt against the pulley so as to produce the requisite frictionnl engagement between the two. The device may be very quickly applied to a machine and used for sharpening scissors or any other small tool or implement Scientific Amerl can. Cucumber Cream. Put six ounces of the best almond oil into a double boiler. Cut four good sized clean cucumbers Into small pieces. Do not remove the peel. Wluui the oil begins to warm (do not let it boil) put the cucumbers into it. Place the boiler on Uie back of the range and lot the water merely simmer four or live hours. Strain, but do not press, then to sir ounces of the liquid add one ounce white wax and an ounce spermaceti. Heut wax and spermaceti in the liquid until melted. Take off the fli? and beat until near ly cold, adding during the heating process two teaspoonfuls of tincture of benzoin. Pour into small jars and cover when cold. Apple Butter. Two gallons sweet cider, one-half bushel tart apples (Baldwins pre ferred!, a cup of sttgnr. three dessert spoonfuls cinnamon, three level tea spoons cloves, one-half teaspoon all spice. Other spices may be used and more sugar if liked sweet. Boil the cider down to sl quarts. Wash the apples, cut up and remove cores (do not pare! and add to the cider. Use a large kettle, as it swells nt first and may boil over. Slir almost constantly and cook all day, or until smooth and dark red. Pass through a colander to remove skins. Add the spices and sugar near the last. This makes about seven quarts ami will keep without sealing. Trv Gazette-News W ant Ads Going Ahead or Going Back Household Note. Paint wooden pails and tubs with glycerin to prevent shriukiug. To teal liuen or silk wet n spot. If the moisture goes through, the linen , , cit. Ia .... To remove Iron mold from marble rah the marble with n cut lemon dip ped in comtuon salt. When frying mush dip the slices first in the white of an egg. This makes them crisp. Never try any brass or silver polish on lacquered ware. It will mean re lacquering It if you do. , You int. st du one thing or the other. A stagnant loudness is . ri.ilnl inythlng hut the pride of the nmmunlty. The "going ahead" men hant h is the proper kind of Illumina tion for his establishment - fixture- I hat m . mod. rn, up-to-date and Rive the greatest acc ent w.o. ,1 light at the least cost. The "going back"' m iu puts hi: faith In old and i.,.-oI,e methods and fixtures. We await V 'I'll demands for amlhieg eleetrlial. Asheviiie Electric Company PHONE t i. ""mm Every Housewife -Should Have a Set of This Silver Pickled Onions. Peel smal, onions, cover with hot brine and let stand twenty-four hours. Drain and repeat with new brine. Make fresh brine mid heat to boiling Jioiiit. put In the onions and boll three minutes. Tut In jars with bits of n-ace and hay leaf, peppers, ,,- and slices of red pepper. Kill Jars with hot vinegar, allowing one cup sugar to one gallon vluegar Seal at ouce. Fruit Cake That Is Not B.ked. Half pound dates chopped line, half pound tigs, half pound citron, half pound seeilltss raislus, halt pound walnut meat, Urlnd or chop ail to gether hue, then roll lu a cup of pow dered sugar, then roll It In mx paper and keep in a cool place It la rery nice and will keep a long time. It will be ready to eat in twenty-four hoar after mating Do not bake It. :!tVplrv Hlfcr Set, warranted, Is offered old ami new sabscrlhais af The OaaMM Mew. Nearly one thousand of these seta an- now In scrle hi Aslievllle and vicinity, and a dosra of them are going out dally. If you want to make that good wife, mother, sister or friend a delightful run! sei-rii cable sift yon t an do no better than secure one of these mngniin ent tUfter Table sets bjr aubarrlMng to The Gssettr-Newa. A "cr tilkale warranting ttteae goods go with every art of silver. Win Hum what you are getting. There's no smer or mom reliable Silver obtainable today at I0 to lit for 28 pieces. No Premium waa ever offered the equal or this silver, ami the terms on which It la offered makes you a proud owner of n set ut n bout Um rice of die sulk rpiu of I No usual Jaf jgg- Only a limited number of nets left. Be quick. There' gain of enasx ami rabarrlber arts the 2d air itw. Sootch Shertbraad. Pour cups of flour, one cup sugar, one-half capful of butter, one egg Beat butter aud sugar to a cream, then beat in egg. Gradually mix in the flour. Turn out on to board and kneud uutil amouth. Roll out to one-half Inch thickness, place in shallow pans, prick top With fork and bake in a moder ate oven about half an hour. Cat while warm Into serving pieces. The Rug That Curls Up. Every housekeeper has at some stage of her experience been wrled by a rug which would curl up at the ends Pressing did no good: the curl would" stay. Perhaps she learned be fore tbe rug wore out that strips or Tiff buckram sewed on the under side of the ends of the rug would hold It In place. IN THE WORLD OF SPOUT Daniels, Champion Swimmer, Who Will Compete Again. Apol. and Horssradith (talis. A delicious relish to serve with roast pork or other meats Is made cf mil lng apple and horseradish. To two- thirds of staple chopped or ground Hue add one-tMM grated hmWralTUli AM vinegar enough to make pleasantly eld and a little augur to suit the taste. Bottle, that sJal keep all win tor. -tb t A iHttaaal a Narcotic H Get the taurine Foley's Hoaty and Tar In the yellow package Tt Is safe and eKauftJVs. Contains no nratm C. M. liaulels of t lie New York Ath letic club, champion sprinting swim mer of the world, hns no Intention of retiring from the competitive Herd, all reports to the contrary notwithstand ing. Daniels says that he does not under stand how the report originated, us he never Intimated any one that ho would stop rating. New Baseball War On. The fruucblse in the Southern league held by the Montgomery (Ala.) club hiis been officially declared forfeited by President W. M. Kavanaugh fol lowing I lie failure of that club to pay a Hue of sfl.iV) assc-sed because of an alleged violation of the salary limit. According to Montgomery officials, the next move will he recourse to the courts in au affi it to sec ore the reral- Uiltloa of the franchise. However. Hi - league . resident iii a statement contend the ousting of the club was hi a nlaifo with the require ments i I Hie laws of Hie league ami promises t Tin t. the issue will be vigor ously contested). Pit her flerliert .Innl of the P.llll Montgomery team advanc ed the i icirg-j of uiary rtouHtoa, ai le.lng Mini lie received $J."i n month In execs , i f what his contract eulleil for. supplementing Ills assertion with nirtdavlis Ntw Motorboat Race. There trill be asuatbef race for the British interniitloual trophy f. r mo torhoiits ueM year. After the last nice, when Hie Dixie II. wnii thronxli the accident to the Pioneer, owned by the Dike of Westminster, the interna tlonal committee met and agreed on some changes in the deed of gift. One or these is that the match shall lie two out of three races Instead of Just one. Other changes were suggested, and it waa also thoug!:: that the deed of gift and all the conditions might be rewritten and expressed more clearly. These suggestions will be made to Lord Northcliffe, tho donor or the cop, and he will doubtless agree to tbe changes suggested. l'ower of Faith. Good old Gedrge Herbert (he is al ways known as good and old) says "Curiosity In prying into high specu lative and unprofitable unt-stiona is another great s-tumnnng ntoei, into tiiu holiness of scholars." It is the ai'lrii that Puds truth, not the mind. A man has to assume something before he can hope to reach the truth about anything, and that something before, what he has discovered, but what Is a part of himself, something Intuitive,). something he sees with his soul. A man who speculate about God pr the moral kingdom plunges into a jungle ami getu worse Jost as he pro ceeds. And this going on all the time. Kuith is not argument; neither is reli gion. They are both a beautiful, help ful, simple life. And when one thinks he can prove anything mote by his syllogisms and terminologies, he Is sadly mistaken A man who tries to measure Qed hy tine tests is awfully deceived about his own wisdom. He gets farther frum the truth and makes himself unhappy beside. Ohio State Journal. Cupt. Uuganrus Again tilts the Bull's Eye. This world famous rifle shot who holds the championship rticord of 10.0 pigeons In 10 consecutive shots is liv ing nt Lincoln, 111. Recently interview ed, he says: "I suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trouble and used several well known kidney medi cines, all of which gave mc no relief Until 1 started taking Foley Kidney Plllt. Before I used Foley Kidney Pills I had severe backaches and pains in my kidneys with suppression and a cloudy voiding, (in alrlslng In the morning 1 would get dull headaches. Now I have taken three bottles of Foley Kidney Pills and feel 100 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kldiieys or bladder and sguln feel like my own self." Solu by all druggists. The Fair Sponsor (as the car slides out the garage) I christen thee Two hundred and twenty-two thousand six hundred and Uili ty-nlnu Nt w York. Punch. IT UKAT8 ALL" This Is quoied from a loiter of M. atockwell, Hannibal, Mo. "I recently used Foley's Honey and Tar for the first time. To say I am pleased does not half express my feelings. It beats all the remedies I ever used. I con tracted a bad cold and was threat ened with pneumonia. The first doses gave great relief and one bottle com pletely cured me." Contains no opl atis. For sale hy all druggists. i irst suntirixiniti We ve got a baby grand in our house. Second Dit to We can go you one better. We've got a grand baby In ours. Itnltlmore American. A Generous and Charitable Wish. "I Wish all micht know of the hen. eflt I received from your Foley's Kid- nev Remedv" savs 1. N ltemm. Far mer, Mo. Ills kidneys and bladder gave him so much pain, misery and and annoyance, ho could not work, nor sleep. He says Foley's kidney Remedy completely cured him. Sold hy all druggists. "He'll ni;Vfr wake a great politl clan." "What makes think so" "He's got no kind of inrleaium fncf lodge. I "or More Tlinn Three Oecades Foley's Honey and Tar has been n householil fMVorlte for roughs, colds. and ailments of the (hioat. i host nnd lungs. Contains no opiates. For Mil by nil druggists. HOTEL BERKELEY POOL ROOM At the Sam Old Plac "DownStairs A fine Line of Oigan. it NOTICE From and after November 1, 1910, our prices for Tungsten Lamps to customers will be as follows: 25 Watt $ .54 i 40 Watt 02 i 60 Watt 84 100 Watt 1.11 150 Watt 2.00 25 0 Watt 2.75 The carbon filnment lamps (ordinary Incnndescent) are renewable fri our customers, upon return of old la nips to our office. This expense is home by the Company with a view to giving our tomers efficient lamps. Do not wait until your lamps are burned When they become dim, send the old lamps In and We will exchange new. Respectfully, ASIIKVILLH KLECTIUO COM! VICTORIA INN jYSHEVILLE, n. 0. This famous resort is now open to the public, under : managemeut. Every room is an outside room, large, n ventilated, and elegantly furnished. The service will be very best, and everything will be done for the comfort convenience of the guests. Bates reasonable. Special, i to conventions. Respectfully, M. K. ZINDE Battery Park Hotel ASK FA W.U :. N. C. ormn throughout thk year. Famous Everywhere. THE SWANNANO A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE Family and Transient Ho1 Rites S2.S0 a day nnd upward. Frank Louthran, Owner and GLADSTONE, CAFI A First Class Restaurant in connection with the Glad; Hotel, next to Southern Depot. FRANK BLAKE, Manag Hotel Kenmore WAYNKSV I I.I K, If. O. Open Throughout ths Tear. ktrictlt man class sk.kvick always, O. IL and Mil.-.. L W. KMOIT "Do yon mean to xny that yon ti -fused the millionaire who proposed to mi1" "No, i didn't. I a ten-day opting on him." -Cleveland lender. pood results atwnyt follow the use of Foley Kidney Pills. They contnln lun the Inanletits ssressary to tone, strennlhen and rcKulnte the kidneys un I hhiddcr. and to cure backache Still Bis Factor In Football. Walter amp la of the opinion that "heef" Is still a powerful factor In the makeup of a winning football team notwithstanding tbe fact that tbe new rules provide for more open game. "ft Is true that there Is more chance for a Ifgbt. fast uuu to make sn elev en under the revised code than former ly." explained sir. Camp, "hut weight trill still lie a powerful factor In the line, and the light back will he work ing under a handicap In smashing Into ft defense of heavy forwards. Weight Is still a potential factor In tbe mate up of a w.anlug eleven, and those alio contend that the" tew rules require plsjers of 'beef are partially right 'In their contention." Orcat Bsg tiesling Record. William n Zimmerman of Newark, N J., who was Ml of the guardians of tbe outer garden for tbe T.'tlca team of the New York St te league, has 10G etolen bases credited to his si . omit this year. Ry going oyer tbe hundred mark lie bss written bis name In baseball history beside tut Of such old time he roes, as Hamilton, Brown and Lange. t .tj Arnst May Visit Amertes. Richard Arnst. who Is to row s re nam match with Ernest Barry, the English champion, whom be beat In smth Africa. In aasaad. Is expected .to return home by way of America sod Is llkekr to row i gainst Dura an or one other strong professional while In this country. aaaMnaaaaalBwaasawaBaBBsaa)Bjaas Mountain City Stoam Laundry Modern Methods Tel. 426. 30 N. Ltxiwrton Ave MONDAY. OCTOBER St. John W. Vogel's Big Gfty sst Minstrels The one that has "Stbnd th Test r i a v ' e Different from all oilier. BARGAIN M Tl Ml: Adults. M) cents; children. SS tents K.IIT HICK. 91. 7s-, Ma; and Uc Keaerved seats now on sale at Mt city st. iii n Store. Phone ltl7. TtlE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTIL WAYNESV ILLS, N. 0. MRS. S ALL IE E. COSY. Proprletr mi Open the Year Round. ' ' FREE 8 AMPLE ROOMS TESnyi(i J4lNIRALlrVE! Magnesia-Iron Calhartlc-T. or. r, r. n. me or sttii..v.i c.utrn, ji "TATS SSBINO WAT.'fc u tbil -l slsnrisntstnsmS. SuvH., urMUu.i (Caw, Nstt.. (taws N 1 IVbIMi, 3 Hi. Isml.. S MODERN BOTH ormn six Tin. n U.rSTBSTBD UOUb.LV f KHU.D im sratsti imrnn. Twtrw. tp Democratic 'County Candidates Will speuk at the following times and places: Oct. ttth, at 1 p. m , Alexander. Oct. ICth, at ?:! p. m., Montlcello. v Oct. ITth, 1 p. m.. Jupiter. Oct. 17th. 7:1 p. m., Weavervllle Oct. Ilth. 1 p m Bandy Mush Brick church. Oct. Ittb, at 7:1 p. m , Zlon 'Hill BrhOM House Oct ttth. at It a. Bi . Lslcester. The Manor Aa KX( LCM Or Attracttvs sccnmmodatlons fot Ioiik er short stay. Cottages foi housnkeoplng or in connection with th Manor MOTL1. ST.OENIS4 BROADWAY ant) UTH STREET! riEW. YCKK CITY. " ..- Within Ksw Art it f r.'rr Mat at I lstrrrot. Hair ninrk fran f I K A. ...... ... .1 TIL...I. . 1 f XOTKf rOR I l:., -llKrr M Ciilalw. I'mu- Iwrl- '.1. Aep,..iiln ut C HTtv'-u. on?. 1.1 &b J Jl...nlikr Siire uaJlajS. ROOMS SI. CO PER DAY MD UP EUROPEAN PLAN. I TaWo d'Hote Bresk.'ast 50e. rWM.t AYLOlb 6ON,ln0. HoTsTL MABTlkiatia. . Si. owoites? m s pills . .TB DITitOMU IIRANS. A f'l kln k.A I I .11 r-u u SlsV.ixn hinmi ii7.1 swtilBVBIiii:..(HHnriM i-iJ 1 , BATTEftY PARK BANK sjtaswiujB. h o. , . . . atsgtiBasBsaaasa 1. P. Bawrar, Prel4sai. T. O. cox, in r.aMeat. B. HLUDKK. ti Vice President. I. . ItA-NKIN Cashier. Surplus and ProflU $130,000.00 Capital $100,000.00 TOANaAOTB A UKNHRAX rtANKINU Busurim flrsassftlall aVltainltnn araM ts- eWillaa.. Eagle Hotel M AHIO.V. K. 0. W. U. JIHriT. 1'n.p. HAT Free Sample ltooma Free II extra charge for hatha, Our Hous W. C. HAUL, Prop. BLACK afUONTAHf, M. Kates tl per day Locale at HOTEL ENTELLA BltTSON cm. Headquarters for traveling and lumbermen. Rates It P Special rates hy ths month, room. Free sasnpls rooms. Ri eating house fronting Southern Uvsry In connection. V w AtXA VaTkUB. I F.lectrlc LlghU Free Sample Steam Heat. Tree Ball IMPERIAL HOTEL Canton, N. 0. K. M OSTER, Proprietor. Kates gl.oo per day. PATTOW HOUSE, Murphy, N. 0. Ths best and roost ressonsbls In town good tahU, clean bet home cooking. Rates M Pr d MRS. ROSA PATTO Hotel aONortn Richeli North Trtnch Sroad Up-to-dato family hot 7 to 111 f wtaa. Exeellcnt Ubla. VU.J..I