Monday, October 31, 1910. Koyai BAKING Crullers, All Cakes, Biscuits, Hot Breads More Tasty, Absolutely SOCIAL HAPPENINGS Gatlln Cobb. Thi' following clipping from the Charlotte News Is of state-wide In terest: The many friends throughout the state, of Prof. Collier Cobb, of the faculty of the University of North Carolina, will learn with Interest of his marriage Thursdav nighl to Miss Alary Knox Gatlln, of Utile Rock, Ark. The bride Is the youngest daughter of (len. Richard Caswell Clatlln. Miss Giitlln is of the best North Georgia ancestry, Ot n. Gatlln being a native of this state. He was an officer In the I'nited Stntes army prior to the civil war. but, like many of his comrades, gave up his commission to enter the service of the Confederacy. He was n student at the I'niverslty of North Carolina before entering West Point, and was an ndjutant general of North Carolina during the civil wnr. Prof. Cobb, the head or the depart ment of geology In the University, Is recognised throughout the state and elsewhere as an eminent authority on the tube 1 lifts Gatlln is a favorite In Lhtle Kock. being an active worker In church and patriotic societies as well as a social leader. Her coming to North Carolina will be a great ad dltion to the aoclnl life of Chapel Hill. The ceremony was performed by Rev. lr. -Henry N. Hyde, pastor of Christ church. The marriage took place in the church. Prof. Cobb lectured last summer U the student of the Schenrk Kurestry school In lliltmore on the allied sci ences of Geology and Forestry, and is one of the state's eminent scholars. m Stroller' Farewell IMnner. The Strollers will give a lurcwcM dinner at the home of Mrs. Charles M. Piatt this evening. In honor of Burnetts Jordan who leaves Asheville within a few days. The affair will he informal: plans for the continuation of ' The Str II ts" un"er the business HtfeMfftmen! ( Mrs. Charlts M. Plutt with Miss Ida Hamilton as couch will be discussed. The dinner will be pre faced and followed by musical num bers and dramatic recitations and. as the membership Includes many or the talented young people of the city, the .iiut'. n will In- a delightful one. The guesU Will Include Mr. and Mrs. Jim es (. Sllkeleuther. Mr. und Mrs. Inilou F. Curtis, In. and .Mrs. Owen Smith, Mr. and Mrs. '. F. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Gray Boynton. Mrs. C. M. Piatt, Mrs. Mary '. Robinson, Miss Kathleen Ware, Miss Carrie May Brown, Miss Agnes Uttleford, Miss Ida Hamilton, Mfss May Klmberly, Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Ilrlggs, Mrs. EIIbc Dufnur, Mrs. T. K. Malloy. Miss Fran ces Dufour. Mis) Cora Lee Drum mnnd, Russel Deal. G. E. Stark, All mond Jones. 9 n i Spooks. Ktc. Hold High Carnival. ' Witches, spooks and hobgoblins held high carnival on the streets and in the ears Snturday evening; It whs evi dently a dress rehearsal of the dwel lers in fairyland for the "sure enough" revel of All Soul's ve, which will lc further observe, I tonight. Little Rid Riding Hood and Little Miss Mullet with basket and bowl came In on the Merrlmon avenue car with a crowd of clowns, ghosts, flower girls, gypsies, and peasants from across the sea... On the Montford side of towti ulso the strange-look In,?, oddly dressed spirits capered and played their pranks. The masquerade parties at the Asheville arhool for girls and at Hillside Con vent were both very successful and with a large sttendance. m m I'nluue Hallowe'en Party Planned. A uninue Halloween party will be giv en this evening at the Normal and T " I CUT GLA55 Mj.n. kanKftt! nrwl New designs, in many prices. Arthur M. Field Comparr POWDER Economical, Healthful Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. Collegiate. The students and teachers will gather In the study hall in the darkness, and there Miss Huston Will read Hums' Immortal poem "Tarn O'Shanter," which will be. In part, re produced in puntnmime as the reader proceeds. The dance of the witches In the cemetery that so terrified poor Tarn will be acted out in the ghostly shadows anil with the accompaniment of clanking chains and other weird and unearthly sounds. The guests will be led by spooks through the chamber of horrors that In daylight on other days of the calendar Is the gymnas ium. After a sufficient period of chills and creeps ami a visit to the fortune teller's tent, the merry making of Halloween, bobbing for apples, toasting mnrshmallows, etc., will com plete the happy evening. st -i'b' Red and White." The Alumni number of "The Red and White." the college magazine of the Raleigh A. and M. has made Its appearance. The magazine covers a wide Held in Its table of contents, with especially Interesting articles on "The Importance of Our Agriculture," by I P. McLendon, '10, and on "Techni cal Education in the South," by T. M. Clark. '08. The opening article, "Some Notes on Our College History." by E. It. Owen, 'K8, covers, In brief the prog ress of the school since Its origin twenty-one years ago to the present ses sion, and speaks well for an institu tion that ranks among the best in the south. R Mjers Wilson. A quiet wedding occurred last night at the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Williams on Flint street. The happy couple were Miss Myrtle Myers ol Wwervllle and A. D. Wilson of Ashe v ille. Toe coujde were unattended, and the simple cereinon: was per formed by Rev. J. S. Williams. The bride wore her going away gown and hat to match of a navy blue color Mr Wilson Is the manager of the Schns Smoke shop on South Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will reside on College street. at Anthony Wolpcrl. A oulet wedding ceremony wns sol emnised yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Beacham, of No. 45 Tiernnn avenue, when her sister. Miss Dorothy Anthony, became the bride of Fred Wolpert, of Phlla-' delphia. Pa. Rev. E. Lysunder Grau performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by only a few friends and relatives of the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Wolpsrt will reside In this city. It It Miss Frelda Rlormtcrg will enter tain this evening at her home on Woi.dlln street with a Hellowe'en partv. which will also be a reunion of the campers who went together some weeks ago for a several days trip to Cedar CUT. Miss Blomberg's guests will be Miss May Klmberly, .Miss Edith F.ndurson, Miss Katherlne Oinmenney, Miss Fannie Pratt An drews, MltS Celestlne Martorelll; Tennent, Wilbur Sumner. Abner LOWS, Armand Thorpe, Arthur Am bler and Professor T. A. Cos. r It "In Dixie." a drama of the Confed- ra,.v .hiring the time of the civil vnr written by Mrs. Mary C. Robin son for the local U, I'. '.. will be pre sented shortly by the senior history I.ATHK AND MACHINE WORK. Our Repair Department la equipped u-i.h .crew cutting lathes, forges. grinders and polishing machines. We are In a position to handle all kinds ni machine work at moderate prices. 1. If. HEARN CO.. pottery Park Place "hone 448. - . I - i.Afiil wpid.n6 Dresents. pieces. Compare our Jg t students In the College for Women, Columbia, S. C. The play has been produced twice In Asheville also In Spartanburg, S. ('., and In Florida cities. tt tt The Anna Aston Missionary society r Central Methodist church will hold Its regular monthly meeting tomorrow afternoon at the church at t o'clock. Ml members of the society are urged to be present and visitors cordially welcomed. K at Mrs. Edward P, Childs, Mrs. Rogers of the Farm school. Miss White and Miss MaoNelt, will entertain th tear hers of the Normal and Collegiate tomorrow evening at Mrs. Childs' home on Victoria road. st st Mrs. Ira It. Knnes will tomorrow take possession of the residence on Flint street occupied by Mr. and Mrs. H. tt. Williams and will conduct it as a boarlng house. Mr. and Mrs. Williams leave Thursday for St. Pet ersburg, Fla., where they will remain six mouths and then remove to the north. t It Miss Mary Ward of Atlanta, who has been In Kinston to attend the wedding of Miss Fannie Moseley, a school friend, and in Brevard to visit. Mrs. David G. Ward, is the guest of Mrs. William A. Ward on Haywood street. f R Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kent left yes terday for an eastern trip of several weeks. They will visit In Washington, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Providence and Woonsocket, R. I., during their absence. st It Mrs. O'Sulllvan and her neice. Miss Murphy of New Orlenns, who have spent the summer with Mrs. J. E. Oickerson, leave tomorrow for their home. t It Mrs. E. R. Rankin and son, Edgar of Tryon arrived in the city today and will be the guests of Mrs. M. C. Wads worth on Orange street for a few dnvs. .It K Miss Eleanor Ruth Grove of Hilt more left yesterday for Waynesvllle, to spend several days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Welch, st t Mrs. Harvey Dixon of Norfolk. Va., who has been visiting her daughti r, Mrs. Erwin Binder, left yesterday for her home. st It Miss Helen Buck of Charlotte, who has been the guest of Miss Opal Brown, has returned to her home. It K Miss I.lllle Satterthwaite of Waynes vllle is the guest of Miss Louise Mullet' on Charlotte street. t It Mr. and Mrs. Eldredge of New York have leased "Pine Logs" on Magnolia avenue, for the winter. St It Mrs. l. S. McCall has returned from Marion, after a visit to Mrs. C. C. Llsenbee. It It Miss l.lllie Satterthwait of Waynes vllle is visiting her cousin. Miss Lou isa Muller. It It William Canaday has gone to Nhsh ville, Tenn., on a business trip. Removal Notice. Dr. J. W. Faucette has removed bis dental offices from 60 to (12 Patton avenue, over Piedmont Electric Store. 223-5t The Lingerie Shop Opens. The opening of the Lingerie Shop today at 78 Patton avenue. J. D. Pos ner proprietor, was an Informal one, because of the unfortunate delay of a great part of the exquisite stock, which was not sent through on account of the prevailing strike of the express companies In New York. But in spite ot the difficulties an array of beau tiful dinner gowns, house dresses, hand embroidered blouses and delicate neckwear war displayed, to the admir ing visitors. The evening dresses and little lingerie frocks are especially ar tistic and beautifully fashioned; they are In all colors, and many of them combine the effects that modistes have studied in sunset skies, of cloud like textures one color laid softly over an other, producing new and nameless shades of exttststtS beauty. Pale blue over pink, white over black, with hand embroidery lavishly used made combinations that to see is to covet. The school frocks for1 young girls are in excellent tnste and reasonably priced. When the stcok Is complete It will Include lingerie, fans, bags neckwear and all the attractive acces sories of my lady's wardrobe. FORRENT Furnished. For three months from Nov. lDth, handsome private resi dence, containing two bedrooms bath, sleeping porch, living room, dining room, and kitchen on first floor, and two bed rooms and bath, on second floor. All conveniences and com pletely furnished. LaBarbe, Moale & Chiles, Real Estate and Insurance. 1 Pulton Ave. HAIR DRESSING EXPERT SERVICE AT SHALL COST. MISS CRUISE, 25 n.ood st. Fresh Pineapples These come direct from the plantation to us and they are In fine shape. 2.V ami 30c each. YATES & McGUIRE, 26 Haywood St. Phone 221, 970. FRMH SALT RISING Hit HAD i tr , t;i FIRE BREAKS OUT IN VICTORIA Considerable Damage by Water: Little Damage by Fire Department Had Busy Morning. The Asheville fire department was kept quite busy this morning from o'clock until after 10 as a result Of two alarms sent !n within 20 minutes t Of each other. The first alarm went in at 9 o'clock. It was a call for the department to Mountain and Pin streets. The hook and ladder and hose wagons were soon on the scene but there was little need for the lire men's services and the wagons re turned to the department. Just as they were backing into headquarters, however, another alarm was sent in and announcement was made that Victoria Inn, nearly two miles from headquarters, was on lire. The wag one were sent on a run to the scene but the city hose was not required, the water from the hose in the inn be ing sufficient to check the flames. It is said that but for the equipment at the Inn in the matter of water pres sure and fire hose considerable dam age would have resulted. The rite originated on the third floor of the old portion of the inn and had gained considerable headway when discov ered. The equipment at the inn, how ever, was brought Into play ami streams of water turned on the burn ing apartment. Much water wns thrown into the burning sec tion of the Inn and while the lire damage is not so great the da mag" by water will amount to a considerable sum. The lire was under control within :I0 min utes after its discovery. The depart ment was called to Asheland avenue and Philip street yesterday morning but the fire was extinguished In quick order with little damage. BASKET BALL TOGGERY OFFERED FOR THE CONTEST The Goods Are Very Handsome Rule of tlie V. M. C. A. Junion's MemlMTsliip Contest. The athletic goods which arc to be given the workers in the Y. XI. Ci A. Junior membership contest have ar rived and will be put in the windows of the Hackney Moale company this afternoon. Some of the boys have already scqu the goods and are so pleased with them that those hav ing the contest in charge look for the greatest contest thai bus ever been conducted by the local association. The fact of the matter is that the basket-ball goods offered are better than have exer been worn by any Y. 11. C. A. first team of the local Y. M. C. A. Some of the boys have already com- J. H. LAW, House Furnishing Department X COOKING ITEN8ILS OP EVERY KIND ALUMINUM, NICKEL, COP PER AND WHITE AND GRAY EN AMELED STEEL; MOULDS. CUT LERY, COOKING EARTHENWARE, WOODEN WARE. ETC. THE BEST OF EVERY THING IX THE BASEMENT AT 35 PATTON AVE. The London Shop New designs in Tahle Covers and Runners and Sofa Cush ions. POl'XD WRITING PAPER In white and tlnta at 25, 15 and 50 cents a box. Dally papers and maga ilnea. Mountain City Stationery Co. 2: Patton Ave. J. Hour r-l Caar VIOLET GLYCERINE SOAP True Odor of Violets. Best 10c Soap Made. C. A. Walker Prescription Druggist Agent for Phones 183 and 132. Oris Shoes $3.50 and $4 AYhen you want the best shoes for men or women just eonie here and cull for ;i pair of "Oris." Any leather; they come in all the latest shapes, have a reputation for wear of four to fourteen months. Let us fit your next pair. Nichols Shoe Co. Leading Shoesters. On the Sq. menced getting their prospective members in line and a lai'Ke number of application blanks will no doubt be handed In Thursday night at 7:30 when the boys who wish to work in this contest will assemble in the as sociation hall where refreshments will be served them and the plans of the contest outlined. A new feature of this contest will be that any boy of the city though he may not b a member of the Y. M. C. A. now, can join during this contest, have the points which will be given for bis membership credited to himself and Willi these points as a starter enter the contest for himself. The rules for the junior membership I'ontest are as follows: Contest be gins November .1, closes november 12. Renewals of memberships which ex pire November 1. December 1, and In the past, will count the same as new memberships. For securing $10 memberships, 20 points; each dollar paid, 1 point. For securing Jti memberships, 1J points; each dollar paid, $1 point. For securing $4 m'emberships, S points; each dollar paid. 1 point. Three points given for each dollar collected o nhack dues of $(i and $4 memberships. TO CTRK A COLD IN ONfE DAY Take LAXATIVK BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa tore is on each box. 25c. FOR SALE FAR FAMED DRYMAN HEIGHTS. Estate of the late Capt. Slcppy ol Washington. D. C. Contains 70 acres. Views most beautiful. Four miles from city. Natt Atkinsons' Sons Company Heal Estate Dealers New Grapefruit First of the new crop to arrive. Very heavy, Juicy and ripe. $1 to tl.30 a doz. SI. 7.1 a box. Ownbey's Flowers for Christmas Start now to plant Dutch and Roman Hyacinths. Narcis sus. Daffodils and Freeslu bulbs for Christmas Flowers. It takes about six weeks to bring them Into bloom and that about measures Hie lime between now and Christmas. "Everything in Drugs and Seeds." GRANT'S PHARMACY, Agency for Wood's Seeds. Coal Vases Coal Hods Coal Shovels Are you supplied? If not, see us. t Harris FurnitureCo. t "Home Furnishers." 19 S. Main. Phone 1516. 1 MMMMIIHMMI 111 tttlt Great values in Plaid Blankets and Plain Blankets, Fine Wool Couch Covers and Steamer Rns, and Fine Sweat ers for every body. IN FINE DRESS GOODS OF ALL KINDS Ol'R STOCK IS VERY STRONG, ADM) IN SUNDRY FIRST RATE ITEMS OF CXOAKING8 SOLID COLORS AND PRETTY MIXTURES. SEVERAL OF THE LATTER MI CH BELOW MARKET PRICES. H. Redwood & Co. December Weddings Not too early to see about Invitations and Announcements for December Weddings. We shall appreciate an opportunity to sub mit samples. Hackney & Moale Co. I.eiMon : Stationers. . WASHINGTON AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE An Ideal place to educate your son or daughter. Strong; faculty, mor al community, beautiful scenery, healthful climate, broad and liberal courses, positive Christian influences, expenses reasonable. For catalogue write tha president, REV. C. O. GRAY, D. D , Greenville. Tenn. aSSSaaal bbbsT Fry a Gazette N. H. Curious or frivolous persons not desired at a-.iy price. The more sincere your object the better service SAGE renders. Hours: 10 to 8:30. - " Located at 47 1-2 College St., McFee Building, Suite 32 34 36. v- I $1.75, $2.75, $3, $3.75 For Children's and Misses' Long Coats Big Bargains Well made and of good materials, ami in most of the colors in deiimnil tills Autumn. These will not be here long s do not delay making a selection. Choice things in Ladies' Suits and Long Coiils, Fur Scarfs and Fur Muffs lately opened. On Uie Square. HOWARD & FOSTER'S SHOES FOR $4.00, $4.50 AND $5.00. Wear longer, look better and re tain their shape longer than most $8.00 und S7.00 Shoes. LKT IS SHOW THEM TO YOF. Boston Shoe Store W 1 1 1 It I CASH COUNTS. - News Want Bentlcy Sage, Clairvoyant Sage tells your name ItEFORE you speak one word. If he falls In this test your reading will cost you noth ing. He tells you EXACTLY what you wish to know concerning the very af fairs in which you are most deeply In terested or makes no charge. SAGE is noted Tor the length and detail of his readings. If you are unhappy, discouraged, unsuccessful, In doubt or trouble, this powerful master of occult forces can POSITIVELY change your condition. An honest reading at an honeat price. THUTH in advertising Is a guaran tee of honest business methods. 1 ad vertise EXACTLY what 1 do and DO EXACTLY What I advertise. WHEN YOUR WIFE PLEADS for a new China set send her here to choose to her heart's content and you'll not huve n large bill to settle, because tht) best is not highly priced here. TheAshevilleChinaCo. Phons Ml N Pack Sonar. CAKE AND DESSERT TIME i Especially when the cakes and desaert come from our bakery li, a most interesting period of dinner T Moth young and old 4flHH our lucloua baking. You need never bother with the cooking ot anything in the way ot pies, raksa or pastry, where you can get them mads In home style at our bakery. 111 . 81. Ai shcvill e Steam Bakery