1 PAGE EIGHT TEE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. Monday, November, 7, 1910. HOTEL BERKELEY POOL STREET CAR SCHEDULE ZILLICOA AND RETURN RIVERSIDE PARK ROOM fiONTEORD AVENUE 10:30 " Rnd evefy 7 minutes Tn ClAWTWT? GTUli'li'T "ntil 11:00 p m' oxc'Dt 9:07 ,,,1J J.U OJ1J.1 IM OlltJiJil 10:07 which go to Soco street (inly, DL OT VIA SOUTHSIDE u ' '" linU overy 15 "iimi,0! '"lil ,,T 1:15 :then every 7 1-2 minutes until AYiii.NU.Ei 3:45; then every 15 minutes till 11:00 ;i.t car. 5EP0T VIA FRENCH fMD, and every I.', mimne.s until l'ono BROAD AVENUE m" then every 30 "1"lut"s 1111 11 Kl NOR " a' m" tnen ever-v 1 minutes till 11 p. in., except no ear to Square at 10:15 p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET 7 a. m.. s a. m.. then every 17, mi7 TERMINUS 10 anil 11 p. m. ears ko through. PATTCN AVENUE '' :i. m anil every 15 minutes till !1 1 p. m. EAST STREET 6 a- m- and ever-v 16 minutes till 11:00 p. m GRACE VIA 6 m. and every 30 minutes till si MERRIMON AVENUE o'clock p. m.. then every 30 min. until II p. m. j is1 '"'ViORE 6:15 a in. ami every 15 minutes till I 11:00 p. m.. last car. ; ,Sunil:iy schedule dilTers ii; the loiinwlng particulars: Cars leave Square for Depot via Southslde Ave. 6:15. 6:30. 7:00. 7:30. i 8:C0 and 8:30 a. m. Car leaves Square for Depot via French Broad Ave. 6:15, 6:30. 6:45, 7:15, 7:45 and S:15. Car for Depot leaves Square 8:45. both Southside and French Broad. First car leaves Square for Charlotte street at S:45. First car leaves Square for Riverside 8:30, next 8:45. With the above exceptions, Sunday sthedule commences at 9 a. m. and continues same as week days. On evenir.gs when entertainments are In progress at either Auditorium or Opera House, the last trip on all lines will be from entertainment, leaving Square at regular time and holding over at Auditorium or Opera House. Car leaves Square to meet No. 35. niht train. 20 minutes 1 lore ached- ' ulo or announced arrival. r'TT.r : . - - - . SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHF.Dl I.F. EFFECTIVE SF1T. 10. 1910. Schedule figures published as information and not guaranteed. EASTERN TIME. ARRIVE FROM DEPART KrtR No. 7 from Lake Toxaway. 11 20 a.m. No. 8 for Lake Toxawny. . 3:20 p m No. 9 from Charleston ... 2:10 p.m. No. 10 for Charleston.... 4:10 p m. No. 11 from New York... 2:45 p.m. No. 11 for Cincinnati .... 3:05 p.m. No. 12 from Cincinnati... 2:05 p.m. No. 12 for New York 2:25 p.m. No. 13 from Charleston... 0:15 p.m. No. 14 for Charleston .... 7:00 a.m. No. 18 from Murphy 6:40 p.m. No. 17 for Murphy ....... 8:38 a rc. No. 20 from Murphy ..... 1:20 p.m. No. 19 for Murphy 3:35 p m. No. 21 from Goldsboro ...7:46 p m. No. 22 for Goldsboro S:00 am. No. 35 from Washington.. 2:30 a.m. No. 36 for Memphis 2:40 a.m. No. 36 from Memphis .... 6:50 a.m. No. 36 for Washington.... 7:10 a.m. No. 41 from Jacksonville.. 7:00 a.m. No. 42 for Jacksonville ... 8:50 p.m. No. 102 from Bristol 10.35 p.m. No. 101 for Bristol 7:20 a m Through sleeping cars to and from New York, Philadelphia. Haltimore, Washington. Jacksonville, Memphis, Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Louisville, Norfolk and Richmond. Chair cars to and from Charleston and Goldsboro. For further information apply to .1. H. WOOD, D. I. A. Owing to improved methods of gas manufacture now in operation at our plant, wo will from this date, furnish I I gas at $1.60 per thousand cubic feet, with discount of 10c per thousand cubic feet for payment of monthly bill within J ten days from its date. The subjoined map (heavy lines) show location of our gas mains. Hsfc, 1 ' til further notice, we will make connection to houses not over 2000 feet from mains to all who contract for tr.-is P to be rued forne. Respectfully, M A&HEVUXE ELECTRIC COMPANY I At the Sam Old Place "DownStairs A Tine Line of Cigars. IN EFFECT OCT. 23.. 1910 and 30 a. m. 6:30 and every 15 minute until ,s p m., then every hour until 11:00 p. m It. II. GRAHAM. C. t. HAD PSORIASIS FOR TEN YEARS Itching and Burning Terrible. Ap pearance Worse. Had Specialists and X-Ray, with Some Success, Others without Relief. Used Cuti cura, In 4 Days Relieved. Inside of 2 Weeks Cured. "I had boon suffering with psoriasis for a period of ten years. It would dis appear occasionally for a year or so and then return in worse form than before. The last attack came on a little over a year ago, and by early summer had covered mo all over. The itching ami burning were terrible, and my appear ance was worse. 1 had tried different specialists and had had the X-rays used on me, sometimes with someKUci-css and at others without relief. In the early fall of 19011 I was induced to try tho Cuticura treatment, by a party who had heard of a remarkable cure it had made, and I confess that I started in, not only without faith, but with every prejudice against the medicine. In four days 1 was relieved of the inconvenience, and inside of two weeks cured, except for a slight' discoloration of the skin, which wore off in a few weeks. I sub sequently saw my friend Mr. who had the ume trouble. When ho saw the wonderful effect of Cuticura upon me, he at unce started the entire treatment and was well in about ten days. I ieg to thank you fur the n i:"t you have given m. and if any one wants my testimony as to the merit of Cuticura for that trouble and will send me a stamped envelope with their nddrfss on it, 1 will be glad to send them a r"com mendatiou under mv own signature. Harrv (i. Mart in . 10413 Culvert Bldg., Haltimore, Md.. Max. 1, 1!M0." Concur ItcoiciiKM '!d thnuzLnut the world. Pntlrr llrus & dim i.iru. Silf I'mps , p, sh.u. n r " : ' trrf. .i:'-! mic bcel: tn skin rrupnmui. HYAKl'-XIN-SHI." nclent Japanese Game, Adopted in Kngllsli. I- Published h Rev. Y. Mlnakuctil. Purpose of "Hya ka-Nin-Shi" (Ilak-Xee-She) Rev. V. Minakuchl of Ashe xill. has published a religious and ed ucational game called "Mvakll-Nln-Shl." This game has been indorsed b prominent ministers of this clt and numerous religious and educa tional institutions throughout tli country. Krom every Indication "lly-aku-1 nn-Shl" promises to tile d a marked success. Tin following is from the Greensboro News: "Knku-Nln-Shl" is one of the na tional card games of the Japanese, which is here adapted to English speaking players in its improved form The Japanese ivho havi ulawd "Hvn-Itu-Nin-Shi" for mam past centuries recognize its grout educational value. To succeed. ii ry player must remem ber all ol tin- quotations on the cards and bi able to recognize th-m readily. Hence, widespread playing of the gume iii Japan has helped to train the memory of the people and to de velop that ability to act quickly for which the Japanese are so remarka ble. At the .aine time it has furnish ed the youth of Japan with many an hour of keen enjoyment in contact with the bust minds of the nation and has familiarized them with many In spiring thoughts from Japanese lit erature. In order to give the game its great est possible value to its English speak- A. est possible alue to Its English speak- I Iuk players, the publishers have used quotations from the English Bible. The name is intended, however, for everybody, without regard to church affiliation. ati-, or other considera tions. The very nature of it and its contents should convince any one of the frreitt educative value of the game in this form, for, as is well known, ingle pastages from the scriptures have often quickened the moral and spiritual faculties of a man to tremen dous activity, as In the case of Martin Luther, who Wis initially inspired to begin his great reformation by the text: "The just shall live by faith. " All kinds of people In every conceiv able circumstance from Sunday school scholars and members of our various young people's societies, es pecially in their soc(ai meetings, to the prisoners conftrcd for long hours ol gloom and despondency in our jails In fact, everybody will find in this game a delightful ami wholesome form of entertainment. This game, "Hyaku-N'in-Shl." Is moreover, perhapa the only game In existence which may be played on Sunday without violation of the law of the Sabbath. For it is alter all nothing hut a Bible class In a pleasing and entertaining form. It offers an excellent means of arousing enthusi asm and sustaining the. Interest of boys and girls in Bible study. In view ol the Increasing prevalence through out hit country of Sunday ball play ing and other like Sabb.nh bnaking practices, it la high time Christian people were bestirring themselves to furnish the rising feneration with a moie suitable form of Sabbath past time. This game, it Is hoped, when once thoroughly introduce. I. will be one means of keeping our children from spending their Sundays amid the reeking disorder. Impious profanity and debilitating excitement ol the ball park, l: will train their memories, develop the power of concentrated attention and acquaint them with the pn ifounilesi and sublimest expressions of Bible truths, It will V one means of leading them on to tin- higher life. lle Knew What Was Coming. Prof. Hugh W. Ranwon. ni Harvard, was describing ut a dinner at Cam bridge his experience as a subway workman experience undergone in the cause of science. "One thing that Impressed me." he said, "was the happy home life ol the:-" hardworking men It is a far happier home life than thai ol the idle rii n. And yet the w-.iy people talk you'd think it was a wrvtchtd and squalid homo life. The wiij people talk you'd think Jlni Jackson's was. a typical poor man's home. Jim, very pale and shaky, slopped at the butcher's one nioiniug and said : " ; e me a small pin i for a Mm k eye. please. Who s got a Mack in . ed the In, teller, i-urlajish Xuliody ain't yet,J1hi Hut I've been on. a bust three du and now I'm i of raw beef Jim '." ask- answered. or flie lust u my wh home to the old woiHup Philadel phia Record. DRESSED IN "SLACK LOW." AN YEL- Not "l-'ooiliall Colors" but the color of the carton containing Foley' Hon e and Tir ..." best and safest cough remi dy for all coughs and colds, Do tu t accept a substitute but see that you get the genuine Foley's Hune and Tar In a yellow carton with hi ick letters. Sold by all Drtaglats MADE WELL AND STRONG By Lydia E. Piakham's Vegetable Compound Jpffcraon, Iowa. "When my baby wasjiisttwumontns old I was com pletely run down and my internal or pins were in terri ble shape. I began taking Lydia G. Pinkham'a Vegeta ble Compooni, and mother wrote and told yon just how I was. I began to gain lat once and now I Jam real w e 1 1." Mrs. W. II. BttROEB, 700 Cherry St.. Jefferson, Jowa. Another Woman Cured. Olenwood, Iowa. " About three years ago I had falling and other fe male troubles, and 1 was nothing but skin and bones. 1 was so sick I could not do my own work. Within six months I was made sound and well by Lydia E. ltnkham's Vegetable Com lMHind. 1 will always tell my friends that your remedies cured me, and you can publish my letter." Mrs. C. W. Dtjnn, (lien wood, Iowa. If you belong to that countless army of women who sufTor from some form of female ills, just try I.vdia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound For thirty years this famous remedy has lteen the standard for all forms of female ills, and has cured thousands of women who hae been troubled with such ailments as displacements, fibroid tumors, ulceration, inflammation, ir regularities, backache, etc. If you want special advice write for it to Mrs. !,!iikliimi,l..vnn,M;iss. 1 is free and always helpful. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given thnt the Jury heretofore duly appointed to prorate and assess the amount of the special hetielll arising to each piece of prop erty deemed by said Jury to be bene ficially affected by reason of the laying and construction of a sewer line known as section No V, on (Irnil. lildge. Max and Hald streets, in the enstern section of this city, within the city of Ashevilte, as provided by law, particularly by section 71 of chapter ion of the private laws of 1S01, and all amendments thereof, has filed its report as required by law. In which sal I cost and expenses of the Improve mi lit above mentioned against prop erty and eai h piece thereof deemed by it to be beneficially affected by ea,id improvement, the names of the own ers of said property or where names of owners could not be ascertained, the names of those parties In whose names 'aid property has been listed for taxa tion, or In ruses where said property has not been so listed, the names of the party or parties occupying same being as follows: Trinity Episcopal church, fliles Fuusett. William Hill. John St.-tgg, Alfred Ledbetter, George Hamilton. Julius Wright. Ellison I.lt llejohn. Harriett Jackson, William Greenlee, Jim Kicks, Jennie Htirgess. William Digram, Ellsa Hatts. J. It. Nelson. Dr. Walker. Rebecca Williams. Ed. Harris, ' Maize, Ed. Mtirilock, Jim Dixon, Henry Pearce, T.it (Jain-'. Jim Hrlgnmn. Jim 81ms. Mary I'rlncc. Louise Patterson, church lot, Vina Garrett, Mary Jones, MeGee Jordnn. Collier Duckelt, John lnloe, Sarah BanliMr, J. W. Maytield, Jerry' Wilson. McDowell, O. A. Stlnson, Ab Itlackwell Alice Woods, Forest Petty. Ella Davis. Lula Sims. Hattle PotU. ilaltie Madison. Jane Ilellmore, Mira Hodman, Grei nb e and Ijoder. Grace Ross, Jordan Greenlee, Ie Miller, J Johnson, Frank Wells, W. A. Towns man. Dr. Austin. Wm. Greenlee, Hugh Baxter, Uo4i Love, H. Batterham, Win. Westall. J. Earle, Hattie Way, Slu der. Albert Rest. Hattie Goodrow Wm. Alexander, Geo. A. Khalord. am) Alex 'Mark, they and each or mean and all parties Interested in said propet ty so beneficially affected by the said Improvements as afori said, are hereby admonished that the report of said Jury as above set forth Is now on file with the city clerl of Ashevillc, and .that they and each of them are hereby required to he and appeal at a regular meeting of the board of aldermen of said city, to be held on the 2d day of December, 1910, at K p. m.. and show cause. If any exists, why said report should not he approved and confirmed by said board of aldermen of the city of Ashevillc Tbls the 1st day of November, H10, A O. HALYBURTON, UU Nov. 23 Citv Clerk SCHLOi FRIDAY. NOV. II. HAS. A. SF.LII.VN Hety .Musical Kxtravaganza The Cat and The Fiddle 1$ Bong HI 20 Gorgeous Scenes 4 People with HARRY B. WAT- siiN and the BOYLAN8. Different from Otlwr Musffwl Com- etltea. PRICKS $1J. t, Nc, 50c, 95r. . Sale opens at Ml City Utationery Store Wednesday. . sT-dInis- BROADWAY in UTH STREET NEW, YORK CITY, "w IWroVn Eay AreMi : r.ry Point tm k aa uoasltu surviudjir KHHUSI40 PEA DAY JiD U? ; BUROPKAN PLAN. I TaW3 4fM4)teBrokfn50. vt nwr IS THEATRE CIRCUIT Going Ahead , You must do one thing or the other A stagnant business is certainly anything but the pride of the community. i The "going ahead" merchant hastho proper kind of illumina- ' iMVWS20Mltl4MWr'1 ' r Wm . Hon for his establishment fixtures that are modern, up-to-date and give the greatest amount of good light at the least cost. The "going back" man puts his faith In old and obsolete methods and fixtures. We await YOUR demands for Asheville Electric Company DWnVL i uvm MM VICTORIA INN ASHEVILLE, N. 0. This famous resort is now open to the pnblic, under nev oianagement. Every room is ventilated, and elegantly furn ished. The service will be the very beat, and everything will be done for the comfort and convenience of the guests. Bates reasonable. Special rate to conventions. Respectfully, M. K. ZINDEL. Kentucky Home Hotel Henderson vi lie's Leading COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST. Hendersonville, N. C. Battery Park Hotel ASHEVILliE, N. C. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. Famous Everywhere, THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIOH GRADE Family and Transient Hotel Rates $2.50 1 day and upward. FranklLouijhran, Owner and Prtp. GLADSTONE, CAFE A First Class Restaurant in connection with the Gladstono Hotel, next to Southern Depot. FRANK BLAKE, Manager. Hotel Kenmorc , waynksyHjMe. sr. o. Open Throughout the Year BTKICTIiY Hit ill CLASS SERVICE ALWAYS. C. H and MBS. L. W. KNICHT. THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL 01 WAYNESV ILL, M. 0. . MRS. SALL IE E. CORY. Proprietress Open the Year Round. ' ' FREE SAMPLE ROOMS ' ' The Manor An EXCLUSIVE INN Attractive accommodation fat long or short stay. Cottages for housekeeping or In connection with The M;inor. Hotel Richelieu 20 North French Broad Ave. ITp to-date family hotel. 17 to $15 per week. Kxccllent table. Phone 14.m sr Our House w. r hall, prop. BLACK MOUNTAIN, H. O. Rata 1 per day Locate at Onlos ttftttaft. Eagle MAKI e. Hotel on, n. a W. B. nRTTT, Prop. RATES SI. Free Sample Rooms. Free Bus. No extra charge for baths. Blectrlc Light. Free, Sample Boom Steam Heat. TF- ne Bath. IMPERIAL H0TETT Canton, N. 0. t M, OmTUaU Propria. Rttoa SS.Ofl par day. or Going Back anything electrical Ad WSF. WOMEN CAN SAVE In crockery or China buying here far more than one would think at first glance. Our stock displays a variety to satisfy every taste and our prices nre made to fit every purse at TheAshevilleChinaCo. Phone 381. 6 N. Pack Sq. an outside room, laree, weK Sample Room. Center of Town. HOTEL ENTELLA BBYSON CITY. Headauartera for traveling men ! and lumbermen. Rata 12 per day. Special rates by the month. Bath room. Free sasnple rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot i.tvery in connection. WW ALMA PATTON HOUSE, Murphy, N. 0. The beat ana most reasonable house In town good table, clean beds anf home cooking. Rate f 1 per day. MRS. E0SA PATTON. WINDSOR HOTEL W. T. BRU BAKER. Maaager. miaa. II M per day aa4 up arlase. I MM sr day aM ay Mklwy between Broad Street i ar.d Pcatsng TemnJ I WM.TAYLORttSON.lnc. Un OTStl. ) Iruitwil riffmrc pi ZU Ji.i. I