THB ASSOCIATED PRESS ' DISPATCHES LAST EDITION 4:00 P. M. Weather Forecast: Fair, warmer; rain tomorrow. woe Asoevwe !mtm icrcs. VOL. XV. ifc. ASHEVILLE. N. C , WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 9, 1910. 3 CENTS BET I THE DEMOCRATIC LANDSLIDE MAJORITY OF DEMOCRATS IN THE HOUSE IS A FINE ONE i Four Big Eastern States and Ohio Fall into Line at the Head of the Democratic Column. GREAT SURPRISE THE BAY STATE Majority of Foss, Democrat, Some 30,000 or More. NEW YORK, Nov; 9. More- ii ... e i i ciiiiMeiu itrmtun tiuiu elections throughout United States emphasizes rather than diminishes the democratic landslide. There is hardly a section of the entire nation where the republican vote did not slump notably and' in many cases disastrously. The sixty-second congress will be democratic by a line working majority, wane in the United States senate the repub licans will have only a scant lead over the democrats. Four influential western slate, New York, New .Jersey and Massa chusetts and Connecticut with Ohio 'take places at the head of the column with democratic governors and strong demo cratic representation in their legislatures. Two great leaders of the re publican party, Taft and Koose velt, alike met defeat in their own states. Roosevelt's home town of Oyster Bay went against him; his congressional district chose a democratic rep resentative to replace Con gressman Cocks, Roosevelt's warm personal friend; his state repudiated Stiinson, the repub lican candidate for governor, by 50,000 plurality. As an ad ditional blow, the New York state legislature is democratic and will elect a democratic sen ator to succeed Chauncey M. epew. President Taft today finds himself face to face with one danger he most dreaded a hostile house of representa tives to nullify what remains of his legislative program. A democratic house, President Tuft pointed out, will paralyze the administration and make party legislation impossible. As a result in Ohio, Governor Harmon looms large as presi dential timber. THE REPl'DIATION OF LEADERS IN THEIR HOMES A FEATURE Ths effectiveness of the democratic majority In the lower house will be largely nullified by the hold the re publican retain In the senate. The striking feature of the voting through out the country waa the repudiation of republican leader In their home towns. Summed up the results of the various state elections are as follows: Democratic Alabama. Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts. Ne vada. New Jersey, New York. Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas. Republican Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebras ka. New Hampshire. North- Dakota. Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Da kota, Tennessee, Wisconsin. Doubtful Iowa and Kansas. One of the most astonishing over turns was In the rock-ribbed republl esn state of Massachusetts, whre El.- gene N. Foss, democrat, has a major Hv of 19.000. Fuss's campaign waa mads on the straight-out tariff Issue. The Massachusetts legislature Is re publican and will start Senator Lodge. In New Jersey Woodrow Wilson was swept Into the governor's chair by 20,000 votes, carrying with him a democratic majority in joint session of the legislature, and Insuring d, m ocratlc successor to the present re publican senator. Most of New Jersey's ten congress men will sit with the democratic ma jority in the sixty-second congress. Connecticut elected a democratic governor for the llrst time since 1893, In Judge Simeon K. Baldwin. The chief feature of Baldwin's campaign was his long-drawn-out controversy with Itoosevelt and their respective views of compulsory compensation for working men injured in industrial tu ts. Baldwin's plurality over Charles A. Goodwin is about 5000. The republicans lost heavily In Ithode Island, re-electing Governor Pothler by a scant 900 votes as against his plurality of 12,000 last election. Senator Aldrlch's successor will be a republican. New Hampshire's new governor Is Hubert P. Bass, republican, who won the nomination on a progressive plat form. Diminished republican plural ities were general throughout the. state Per osylvajiia appears on late re turns to have elected John K. Tener, straight republican candidate, by re duced plurality; Berry, democrat, lead him hard fight. Tennessee elected the fusion can didate, Ban W. Iloi,per, by a generous margin: Michigan was overwhelming Jy in favor of Chnrles S. Osborn, re publican; Wisconsin chose Francis McOovern, republican, by a reduced plurality. WKST VIRGINIA LOGlatiATVRB ON JOINT BAMXrT, DEMOCRATIC Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 9. Revised figures on the legislature show that It Is democratic on Joint ballot and will retire Senator Nathan B. Scott next March. Three democratic can didates are already In the field for the toga. CONTROL OF THE NEXT HOl'SE BY DEMOCRATS IS DECISIVE Chicago, Nov. 9. Control of the next national house of representatives by the democrats is decisive. The democrats have made a gross g&ln of 4K members. There was a republican guln of live members, leaving a net democratic gain of 43. To get con trol of the house It was necessary for the democrats to elect 24 new mem bers. With a net Increase of 4 8 they have gained 19 members more than necessary to control. The greatest gain was In New York where the present delegation of 12 democrats was Increased by 10, making the di vision as to New York In the next house 22 democrats and IB republi cans. ((-presentation from New York In the present congress Is 25 republicans, 12 democrats. The next largest In crease ,was In Illinois where the dem ocrats made six gains. In Pennsylvania democrats gain 5. New Jersey 5. Ohio 4. North Carolina I c rtain), West Virginia 2. Mis souri 2, Maryland 2. Maine 2, prev iously elected and one each In Con necticut, Indiana. Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts. Oklahoma, Rhode Is land. Republican gains were one each in Iowa, Massachusetts, Missouri, new York and Pennsylvania. Montana. Helena. Nov. I. Both Chairman Waite of the republicans and Stewart of the democrats claim the legislature on Joint ballot. Virginia. Richmond. Nov. I. With Dickson county returns missing, Bascomb siemp. republican, probably is elected In the ninth district by more than 100 majority. Tciiimukoc. Nashville, Tenn. Nov. Si The latest advices show that Hooper defeated Taylor for govern orby -between 11,000 and 1V000 votes. Puslonlsts elected the lower house b ya safe majority. The senate la close. Claims In Lews Des Moines. Nov. I The Daily Capital with estimates bused on scat tered precincts in 17 counties predicts the re-election of Governor Carroll By 1000 Thi aide of PntlsVl democrat, claim he will have 10,000 plurality. ELECTION SUMMARY littlest cougrowlonal Nummary: Democrats elected 221, republican-. leeted 157. socialists elected 1. Mim ing 12. Total !. Gain by demo crats A3. Gain by republicans 62. Net gain for democrats 40. Num ber neccsxHi'y to control 100. lYcwont tlcniocrutir membership 172. Work ing majority for democrats 25. The sweep of the political tidal wave over the country Is. further em phasized by udtlitionul ri i urns and re vised figures today. The democratic majority In the house of representa tives will lie at least 12 and possibly more as compared with the present republican majority of 43. Added to this reversal of the lower branch of congress, morning returns showed the republican majority of 2(1 in the I'nltetl States senate rapidly ap proaching the vanishing point, al though the republicans are now rea sonably assured of 18 senators, or one more than necessary to a majority with a number of states still ill doubt. Most in , able changes from those presented last night arc summed up us follows: In Ohio a democratic legislature Is elected, Insuring a, democratic wucccs-m-.r to Senator Dick, republican. The plurality i f Governor Harmon Is In creased to 8000 ( 60,000?) The West Virginia legislature Is democratic and will elect a demo cratic senator to succeed Senator Scott, republican In Indiana the legislature which chooses a successor to Senator Revee idge is In douht. Democrats are claiming a majority of 12. The re publicans are maintaining that Bcv eriilge will have a small margin. Iowa In still uncertain, with both sides claiming the governorship. The PennsylvaiUa legislature Is safely republican and will elect a re publican successor to Senator Oliver. Washington has a republican legis lature, insuring the election of Miles l'oimlcxler to the senate. The Utah legislature Is republican. The Montana legislature In donbt. ait. aliens point to the election of the republican candidate for gover nor of California. Hiram W. Johnson. Incomplete returns from Oregon indicate the election of the demo cratic' candidate for governor, Oswald West, by a sncll plurality. The plurality of John A. Dlx. dem ocrat., elected governor of New York, approximates 65.000. Dlx carried the entire democratic state ticket with him to victory. The plurality of Woodrow Wilson, democrat, In New Jersey Is now placed at :10,000 and of Judge Baldwin, dem ocrat, In Connecticut at 3500. IS FOUND DEAD N HIS BED TODAY W. B. Duckworth, a Well Known Tran sylvania Lawyer, Dies Suddenly Lanslide Catches Transylvania. Special to The Oasette-News. Brevard, Nov. 9. The entire county democratic ticket was elected yester day by a small majority with Robert F. P.eynolds leading for solicitor. The county will give a small majority for Gudger. Of the six precincts so far heard from Qudger has a majority of 20 more votes than Crawford got two years sgo. There was much Interest In the, con tests and the largest vote In the his tory of the county was polled. The democratic also hit Transyl vania all along the line. W. H. Duckworth, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of itrevsrd was found lying in a bea. dead about 7; 30 o clock this morn ing. It Is supposed that death was due to heart failure. The news caus ed quite a shock in the community. Mr. Duckworth was for years one. of the leading lawyers of the county. Lord Mayor m -nig. Iondon, Nov. . Sir Vesl Strong, London's nrst prohibitionist lord may or, was Inducted Into office today with a great civic pageant in his honor. Berlin, Nov. 9 Dr. Emanuel Las- ksr, holder of the worm s cnampion ship, bests D. Janowskl, the French 1 1 1 1 j I 1 n l . h. ss champ n the first game for the mm m mope His Majority Can Hardly Fall Far Below 1000, and His Friends Are Claiming District by 1000 to 1200. HAS CARRIED BUNCOMBE BY MAJORITY OF SOME 700 Grant Carried Henderson by 600, Gra ham by 30 Swain by 225 and Cherokee by 225, Ap proximately. complete returns from the renth Congressional district in- 1 dlca ate thai lion. J. M. Gudger, Jr., the democratic nominee, has been ejected to congress over Hon. John G. Grant by a majority that will not fall far short of 1000. In fact Mr. dodg er's friends axe.iclalming the district by between 100e and 1200 majority. Mr. Gudger's majority In 'Buncombe is approximately "00. It may go beyond that figure a few votes and It may fnll under aew -Obtes. Tn Tlen- aerson county Mr, Grunt has a ma jority of about 600 the republicans la i ni 610. In Graham Grant has a majority of 30; In Swain he has a majority of 225; In Cherokee lie has a majority of 225. That about winds up Grant's majorities. Mr. Gudger on the other hand has carried Runcorn he by 700; Haywood by 779? Jackson by 60; Polk by 75; Transylvania by 75; Macon by 50; Mc Dowell by 25; Rutherford by 435; Clay. 50. These figures would Indicate ithat Gudger ha-s the district by more than 1000 majority, or a larger majority than the district has been carried by democrat for many years. In Ashe- vllle township Mr. Gudger received a larger majority than was ever before given a congressional candidate. Following is an accurate result of the vote In the thirteen counties In tho district: Gudger Buncombe 700 Cherokee Clay 60 Graham Haywood 771) Henderson Swain Grant 125 is 1 1 1) its Macon Jackson McDowell Polk . . IS 2;, 75 30 Transylvania Rutherford 435 Totul 2194 MM 1090 Gudger's majority 1104 lU'ports from Western Counties From the w estern counties re porta of democratic gains continue to come In. Felix Alley, it seems, has been elected solicitor of the Sixteenth Judi cial district, by about 600 majority over Frank Henbow, the republican candidate. The democrats have car ried Jackson, according to a mes sage received from Chairman J. E. Wilson, by a majority ranging about 100. He gives Gudger 100 majority in the county. A telegram trom A. W. Horn, chair man of the democratic executive com mittee of Macmi. gives Gudger 60 ma jority and it is believed that most of the county ticket Is elected. It. G. Grant, democratic chairman of Graham county, wires that Grant has carried (Jrnham by 20, while a telephone message from Andrews states that Grant's majority In Swain and Cherokee will not exceed 300 In each. It now appears that Sheriff Roan, democrat, of Swain has been elected; also Mr. Gibson for clerk of the court, also a democrat. Haywood has elected an entire democratic ticket, and sends Dr. J. H. Mease of Canton to the legisla ture. Thomas A. Cox, democrat, has been elected to the state senate from the thirty-eighth district by a good majority. News from Cherokee Is to the effect that Allen Fain, democratic clerk of the court has been re-elected and that 'J. H. Dlllard. democrat, has len elec ted to the legislature from Cherokee. Swain returns seem to Indicate the defeat of W. A. Gibson, democrat, for clerk of the court, by O. P. Williams. Roan's election as sheriff Is certain. Grant's majority In Swain Is given at ITS. Returns from Haywood county give Gudger SIS majority with Big creek and Cattaloorhe to hear from, these will probably give a slight Grmt ma MAJORITIES IN COUNTY RANGE FROM 4011 TO 000 This Is Chairman Swain's Esti mate, With Gash's Creek, Av ery's Ceek, No. 1 in Ivy and Sandy Mush Missing. BIG DEMOCRATIC RALLY 15 TO BE HELD TONIGHT Briel Speeches to Be Made by the Suc cessful Candidates and Others Details of the Vote as Tabulated. N celebration of the tremendous democratic victory In Buncombe county and the tenth congression al district 11 blir democratic rally will lie held at the county court bouse tonight at 8 o'clock to which every body is invited. Chairman Owen Gud ger ofthe congressional executive-com mittee, and Chairman J. E. Swain of the Buncombe county democratic ex ecutive committee and J. W. Haynes, president of the Young Men's demo cratic club join in the call for this meeting. The newly elected Congress man, Hon J. M. Gudger, Jr., the next solicitor, Robert R. Reyi.olds, Julius C. Murtln, the state senator, Robert R. Williams and Gallatin Roberts, the new representatives, will make ad dresses which will bo limited to. a few minutes, while each of the county of ficers will probably make flvo minutes talks. Hon. Locke Craig, who has worked throughout the state In the democratic cause this ysar, will also be present and make a short address. "Scared Democrats." The victory which will be celebrated has been won against what appeared to be heavy odds, for the republicans were In the tight to the finish. But the democrats also went into the fight to win. In fuct they were "scared demo crats" and there is a saving that when democrats get scared, results may be looked forward to. When the polls closed yesterday at sundown there was a feeling of slight depression among some of the democrats, since it was rumored that Limestone township had gone republican by a big majority and there was trouble in one of the Lei cester townships, and that some of the democratic candidates had been badly scratched. As soon as the result was announced from some of the noarby precincts on the Gudger-Grant vote It was certain that the democrats had more than held their own and the re sults from the precincts as they con tinued to pour in continued to show big democratic gains. Chairman Swain at 12:30 o'clock to day authorized the statement that ev ery man was elected by majorities ranging from 400 up to more than 700, while Robert It. Reynolds' majority of over 1400 continues to Increase. At that hour all precincts except Gash's creek. Avery's creek. Ivy No. 1 and Sandy Mush No. 1 had reported. It Is said that Gash's creek has gone demo cratic by 45, that the republicans car ried Sandy Mush by a slight majority, not more than 15 or 20, and that Av ery's creek Is vciy J.uae. Taking the county commissioners ns a general In dex, Chairman Swain stated at 1 o'clock that they would carry the county by about 950 to 1000 majority and that the average democratic ma Jorlty would probably he somewhere about 900. A notable feature of this campaign has been the activity of young men and men who have heretofore not tak en such Important places In politics. J. E. Swain, the county chairman, and Owen Gudger, the district chairman are both young men, having never di rected a campaign before and while entering, It might he said In the fresh man class, have by the results In the county and district shown themselves masters of the situation and have cer tainly acquitted themselves with great credit. More flattering is the compli ment the results show to their ability when they were pitted against such skilled politicians as Chairman Roland of Ihe republican executive committee A highly Important factor In the re sult In Buncombe was the Young Men's Democratic club of which J. W llames Is president. Mr Haynes has put his best Into the light, has done wonders In the way of organisation and he has been aided by numerous loyal enthusiastic democrats, both voting and middle aged, who have sac rificed their time in the Interest of the party. The hoard of canvassers will meet at '11 o'clock tomorrow morning at the j court house to canvass the returns. The complete returns have been re- ce I ved for sll except Sandy Mush No 1 and 2. Gash's creek, Avery's creek and Ivy No. 1. These will hardly corns In before tomorrow, but will alter the majorities but little. Robert R. Ray nolds has carried Huncomb. by be tween 1300 and 1400 and this Judicial district by about 800 majority All candidates are i., mired to tile with the board of elections and the clerk of the court detail d account of campaign expenses within five day at- ter the election. Three have reported ii iron T. A. Wiikcticbl and Gallatin Roberts each spent $75 and T. P. Gas ton for the board of education says he spent nothing. " The Result In Detail. FIRST PRECINCT. Congress. Qudger 111 ('.rant 84 Solicitor. Reynolds 178 Mashburn 52 Senate. Martin 138 Wakclield 88 Representative. Roberts 155 (Continued ui. tiee SI UP TO NOVEMBER 1 Census Gives Number ot Bales Ginned as 7,339,983 Against 7,017, 849 Same Date in 1910. Washington, Nov. 9. The census report this morning shows 7,339,983 cotton bales, counting round bales as half hales, ginned from the growth of 1910 to November 1, compared with 7,017,849 for 1909. Round les included this year are 81,187, com pared with 109.621 for 1909. Sea Is land that year, 40,016 bales, compared with r,K.237 for 1909. Ginning by states follows: Florida, 3827; Georgia, 1,241,138; North Carolina, 386,114; South Caro lina, 729.023. Distribution of Sea Island cotton for 1910 by states is: Florida, IB, 191: Georgia, 22,607 South Carolina, 2818. I HILL JOHNSON WIS IN F OUR n T He Is Elected Solicitor by 400 to 500 Majority-Mixed Result in McDowell. Marlon. Nov. 9. Returns indicate the election of A. Hall Johnston as solicitor of the fourteenth district over McRorle, republican, by 400 to 00 majority. Johnston carried Mc Dowell by 198, Rutherford by 476, Burke by 200, Yancey by 200 and oik 120 tn 100. McRorle has car ed Henderson by about 600. McDowell gives Gudger 26 major ity. The democrats elected their can didate for legislature, county com missioners, clerk of the court and register of deeds, but lost sheriff by 1.1 majority. The republican from this senatorial district will probably bo elected. THK WEATHER. For Ashevillo and vicinity: Fair and warmer tonight; Thursday rain. For North Carolina: Fair and warm er tonight; Thursday Increasing cloud iness with rain In west portion. riJLJt UJCO IN THE RESULT GINK REPORTS S Hon. Richmond Pearson, when asked how he explained the St St clean sweep In the stale, said: SI It "Four rsuses were operating concurrently to produce the result. St St "First: Keen disappointment at Mr. Taft's constant preference St It of Democrats over Southern Republicans. St H "Second. The Illogical, inconsequent and grotesque action of the t Greensboro convention In trying to endorse Mr. Taft without quail s' ficatlon and In the same breath nominating to our highest tribunal St the Identical men whom Mr. Taft had severally and successively In st spected. Insulted and turned down for an Inferior office. St "Third, The ambiguous. Impudent and obviously deceptive plank St on local self government. St "Fourth, lint greater than this, than these, than all saddling St upon the republican party responsibility for alleged acts of Mr. Marlon St Butler committed or performed at a time when Mr. Butler was Mght- St ing the most cherished principles of the republican party and assail- St ing Its most beloved and most honored leaders. This form of vlcar- St lous punishment stands out unique In the history of political luetics St and men like Mr. Simmons and Mr. Aycock must have laughed In St their sleeves while the remorseless work proceeded. It "I believe that the fierce and passionate denunciation of Mr. But s ter hurt the republican cause leas than Mr. Butler's admission that S while holding the state's highest commission he prosecuted and Utter St collected a claim against the sovereign power which had thus hon sf orsd him. There Is no statute law sgalnst such an act because un it til now It has been considered unnatural If not impossible United St Statsa Senators arc like Ambassadors, and not even a Talleyrand or St a Machlavelli, though each was a genius of ardent and daring na si ture. ever prosecuted a claim against the governmsnt whose high Si ost credentials he bore. St "It may be said without harshness or Intemperance that this st alone dtsqusllfles Mr Butler now St that distinction and democrats St sound title thwreto at ELLER PLACES MAJORITY IN STATE ABOUT 00,000 Today's Figures Still Indicate Solid Democratic Delegation in Congress Has Been Elected in This State. DOUGHTON'S MAJORITY 1000 BY THE LATEST ESTIMATES This, It Is Said, May Be Increased to 200 Stedman Wins by 3000 and Yates Webb by 6000 Probably. Gazette-News Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Rooms, I loll, -moii Building, Raleigh, Nov. 9. I ATER reports of election returns In various counties to democratic S- headquarters confirm the conclu sion reached last night that all the ten congressional districts are safely dem ocratic. State Chairman Eller says he sees no reason for changing his view that the democratic state majority hovers around 60,000. Significant re turns this morning bearing on the eighth district are that in Ashe, Doughton's majority is 307; Alleghany, 233; Caldwell, 160, Lincoln, 260. Doubt In Forsyth. Rutherford county reports gain of over 200 for Gudger; Forsyth In the fifth district, reports the democratic treasurer, part of the legislative ticket and county commissioners elected and the balance of the ticket In doubt. 1000 to 1300 for Doagitton. Special to The Gasette-News. i Charlotte, Nov. 9. The latest In the eighth gives Houghton 1000 majority over Cowles. with a possible increase to 1200. stedman wins easily by 30t)0 and Webb's majority will probably reach 6000. ONE OF WORST RIOTS IN THE EXPRESS STRIKE Drivers of Four Machines Are Pulled Off and Beaten by Mob General Arrests Made. Ji'fn York, Nov. 9. One of the worst riots in the express strike oc curred this afternoon In Eighth ave nue. The drivers of four machines sent out were attacked by a mob, pulled off their machines and beaten. Police reserves finally beat off thi mob Several arrests were made. A Cotton Fire. New York, Nov. 9. Fire broke out this morning on a pier filled with cot ton hales at the foot of Atlantic ave nue. Rrooklyn. The blase was extin guished with difficulty. B. F. Crouse Dead. Baltimore, Nov. t. Benjamin F Crouse, state Insurance commissioner, died today, aged 66. IllA I lViCa 1 cu OF YESTESDA Y at and forever front becomlni are powerless to confer or

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