PAGE TWO. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. .Thursday, November 10, 19in Clergyman's Sob Cared of Tuberculosis To neglect a cold, bronchitis, lung trou ble or Consumption is dangerous. We all know how prone people are to deny they have Consumption. It is a flattering dis ease, and the sufferer is filled with bright hopes of improvement. Call consumption by its own dread name and then take Kckmana Alterative, because it is effec tive in Tuberculosis. No one need doubt about it there is plenty of evidence from live witnesses. Investigate the following: Amenla, N. Y. Gentlemen: "Prior to Feb., 1908, I was located in Rochester, N. Y., sufrerins with LaQrlppe, which developed Into Tuberculosis. My physician gave maone month to live. I was having terr bie night sweats and mid-day chills and los ing nosh rapidly, having gone from 155 to 1 36 lbs. I cottshed and raised contin ually and bocame so weak that walking a few feet exhausted me. On my return tone, my regular physician gave me lit tia encouragement. My father, who .s a !er.yman, heard of Eckman's Altera tive and Induced mo to take It. The nifht sweats and chills disappeared, my cough liecama easier and gradually di minished and in a few days I developed un aipctite, the first In months. I am now In perfect henlth, back to 155 lbs. I feel certain that I owe my life to Eck- mnn's Alterative." CSU-ried) E. H. COWL.ES. Gentlemen: "I cannot find worels to CTrnress my appreciation of what your remedy has done for my son. It changed i espalr Into hope within two weeks arte- he began taking it, and without any r.oubt in my mind, it saved his llfo. I wish to add my endorsement to every word of his testimonial." (Signed) REV. J. J. COWLES, Pastor Presbyterian Church. Eckman's Alterative cures Bronchitis. Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat and Lung Affections. Ask for booklet of cured cases f.nd .rite to the Eckman Laboratory, rr.lladelphla, Pa., for additional evidonce. For Sale by all leading druggists and THE POLICE COMMISSION III MONTHLY MEETING Reports Show Marked De crease in Number of Arrests in Recent Six Weeks. REVISION OF TARIFF Missouri Congressman Says Democrats Have Goldern OpportunitvtoProve Fitness to Rule. Bowling Green, Mo., Now 10. Downward revision of the tariff is til pledge made for the new democratic house of representatives by Champ Clark, the congressman from the ninth district, who is B candidate Tor the speakership. "The landslide is in line with my prediction of months tigo," said Congressman Clark at his home. "The people are tired of th present administration and are pro voked to lust the extent that the re turns indicate with the tariff decep tion. 'The lirsl great proposition that the democrats should stand for is a re duction in the tariff to a revenue basis. I would reduce it scientifically and gradually and put onto it a slid ing scale, much like there was :n the tariff bills of lSNH. "There Is no question but that the democrats will be on their good be havior In the next congress and the future will depend largely on our own conduct. Democrats' now have a gol den opportunity lor constructive statesmanship and should seise it and demonstrate once more their fitness for legislative wisdom and patriotism." I A REDUCTION. I That Will Be Important to Every Lady in i Asheville and Surrounding Country i t i l x i r u w i. i t -:- '" - :- .i..!, T ilu tw; nuu.... T l 4. m T A Uur Duyer nas JUSl returned irom new lorn wnere lie puiuuttoeu au uuuiciibc new siuuiv uituira, itiibbcs suu viuiuieu xvettity-iu-wear trar- A ments. The reductions on the entire line will save customers fully one-third. A Regular tailor made $25.00 Suits at $14.97; $22.00 Suits at $12.97; $45.00 fine Broadcloth Suits at $33.97; $35.00 Scotch Mixtures at $25.00. Ladies, these are facts and you can depend upon them. A X i Many school children sutler from constipation, which Is often the cause of seeming stupidity at lessons. Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet! are an ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild and gentle In their effect, and will curt even chronic con stipation. Sold by all dealers. At the regular monthly meeting of thi' Asheville police commission held in City hall last night Frank M. Jor dan was elected a regular police offi cer to succeed .Mr. McLean, resigned. It was stated at the meeting that the police had observed rigidly the police commission's order that there should lie no activity on the part of the po lice at the polls or in politic, that only one officer had been observed in anil around the polls for ny length of time and that while this officer was not known to have done any political w ork he w ill be given a reprimand. The report of the police department lor the month of October showed a material falling off in the number of . uses railed and disposed of before Judge Cocke. While during August and September there were a large number of arrests, the total going for each month beyond 40() there were only 384 arrests made during October. Indications are that the arrests during November will be even less than in October. With one-third ol the pres ent month gone there have been but S4 arrests made, a very small number for ten lays of any month. Drunken ness has decreased materially during the past month and also arrests on charges of violating the prohibition laws, in short. It is evident that Col, v. s I.usk and the ljiw Enforcement league are accomplishing results. Prize for Ticket Soiling. The school children of the city are elated and excited over the prospect of winning a $2 gold piece. A ticket selling contest has been started offer ing the coin as a prize to the child selling the greatest money value In tickets for the performances of "A Double Surrender." To qualify for the contest the ticket seller must sell at least 2." tickets, one ticket is also given for every ten sold. The young lady who soils the greatest number of tickets, under the same conditions, wins a box for either performance she chooses. Tic play will be given Saturday next, a matinee performance at 4 o'clock, and Monday evening fol lowing, at the Auditorium, with a Change of cast. Park avenue school is already taking the lead as ticket sellers, with 200 tickets in the hands of the school children who are well known as indomitable workers. A similar contest for another 12 gold piece is going on at the High school. When a cold becomea settled in the system. It will take several days' treat ment to cure It, and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and also leaves the system in a nat ural and healthy condition. Sold by all dealers. : v (tuw; 1910 OPENING OF HANDSOME DEPENDABLE FURS Second only in importance to our General Fall opening is this initial exhibition of the new styles and fashion favors in Fur Garments. We've planned for it far ahead even while the Summer's Sun was burning hot. We sought out the most noted furriers and leisurely ami carefully made our selection of the sort of garments and character of furs that we, through experience, knew would most strongly appeal to our customers. We know how much you depend upon this store in the matter of quality and miolitv in I'nr is iniirp lii'iitiv( fluoi in ;mv oilier elnws ol mci-flinmlisi' Sn flint the jmis- i "ti 1 1 . ... r - . - - " - A , j i .i i l i i ; . . a i j t tomer nnii reiy on me ueaier s worn auti iiniiuy 10 cnoosc ior uer. Fully realizing this we have made our selections along a higher quality plane, and coupled with quality is the most comprehensive gathering of Furs we've ever askecfyou to see, including the season's most favored skins in the newest shapes and the absolutely correct color shades. Fur Sets for Women, Misses and Children. Fur Coats and .Jackets Neckpieces, Muffs, Etc. Made from reliable skins in Mink River Mink Russian Mink Jap Mink Australian Chinchilla Black Lynx Black Fox Australian Lynx China Wolf Black Opossum Black Hares Fox Hudson Seal Blue Wolf Opossum Coney, Etc. Etc. We invite you and your friend- to see this splendid display. You will not be asked or exiiected to buy. II is merely an exhibit of the latest furs to crive von an idea of what you will probably desire a little later on. Gazette-News Want Adver tising Pays. Tall, cars transfer to f . ff.JSi FRENCH LINGERIE fXRERWF.AR Hand embroidered but machine made, which reduces prices of these pretty nlgl gowns and other undergarments to a very low figure. liatlste Night downs, short sleeves, low necked i ami up I Combination Corset Covers ami Drawers, elaborately hand embroidered t..M up Corset Covers, the Corsage hand embroidered s i o up Other dainty Undergarments 91. .10 up Kspedally low priced. THE LINGERIE SHOP IVwtofflco Square 7B I'atton Aveeutr oca Amusements. X. Bentley Sage, Clairvoyant Sage tells your ininie IIKKOliE you soeak one Word. IT 1 . ti.llH In thiu ' " -onsaf4f4f4f4k t your reading will nolh- SBKKt "" '' IN "" KXACTI.Y what you wish to know concerning the very af !alrs in which you are most deeply In terested or makes no chHrge. SAtJK Is noted for tho length and detail of his readings. If you are unhappc, discouraged, unsuccessful. In doul '. or t" uble, this liowerful master of occult forces can I'OSITIVFLY change your condition. An honest rending at an honest price. TKinH in advertising Is a guarnn- tee of honest business methods. 1 nd erllsc KXACTI.V what I do and 1( EXACTLY what I advertise. H- Curious or frivolous nervous not desired n am- nricft I'll. no. i.. sin. ere y.on . better service SAUK renders. Hours: 19 to 8:J0. ' Located at 47 1-2 College St., McFee Building, Suite 32-34-36. A GOOD INVESTMENT HOT SPRINGS, N. C, NOTES, $850.00 EACH; on,., two, three and ..u years; interest (j per cent., payable semi-annually. No other indeh dness. If taken at once will sell to make 8 per cent, investment. Write at dnce. - NASHVILLE BRIDGE COMPANY, Naanvuie, Tenn. L7 . ... w ill terf iMa i PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indinn Plla Ointment will cure Blind, lileedlng and Itching PUea. It absorbs the tumors, allays Itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives Instant relief. Williams' India Pile" Oint ment Is prepared for Pllea and Itching of the' prhate parts. Druggists, mnll 0c and $1.00. Williams M'f'g. Co., Props.. Cleve land, O. Kor sale at fjasimU'l Pharmacy. Mountain City Steam Laimdrj Modern.Meihods Tel. 42f, 30 N. Lexington Ave. J. H. WEAVER, Mgr. WOMEN CAN SAVE In crockery or China buying here far more than one would think at first glance. Our stock displays a' variety to satisfy every tastu and our Idlest, arc made to tit every purse at TheAshevilleChinaCo. Phone 381. 0 X. Pack sq. Till'. SAIIAMl BOYS WITH Till" CAT AX1 THE PIDDLE," AT THE All Ill M. ITU DAY. NOVEMBER 11. m k H TOWKIHT H the Hunaways. s s h n rntSAT, nov. 11 . The Cat and the Piddle. H n KRftttttKttKKKftftsiltattt Tomorrow Nlglil "Tlie (at and lb. KUIdle.-' The attraction at the Audltorlinn tomorrow night will be the musics', extravaganxa success. "The Cat and the Fiddle," which deals with magic, spirits, gnomes. .Iff., fairies and a story of the mythical Isle f Rye. It Is said to form a combination tha' ploascs the most fastidious, and re minds one of "The Babes In the Woods," "Mother Goose." ami tb I present success of the century, "Utile Nemo " "The Cat and the Fiddle" has many weird and novel stage characters-. The Oood Oenil and her wonderful gigantic cat: Queen Circe, the falo queen, who with greai Oobs rules ove. the destinies of the mystic Island, and the esrth bHnga who are spirited away to F.lftand; all art aald to con tain many new ideas" In the line of musical comedy. The plot leads to and permits of a score or more of pretty ballet evolu tions, some 26 musical numbers, and bevy of pretty girls well selected and trained, srhlle the costuming Is of new design, strikingly handsclm I In manv roses and decidedly weird ill i others. In conformity with the locale I of the scenes. The presenting company numbers Iforlv or nr.ore uaODls. The cast Is headed by Mr. Harry II. Watson, u iaiorite comedian and it Is said he has sored heavily everywher be has. I bos far been aen. Ho Is ably us slsteil by those clever artists, Itosa and Aithur Uoylan whose grotesuuc and acrobatic dancing delineations have mads the famous, not only In this OOUntfy, but In Europe and Aus tralia. I jtwri nee Ootthard, an animal Impersonator of no mean ability, is the "Cat." Geo. E. Hart. Marty Marts, J. O. Campbell, and Qeo. F.. Wakefield are all among the prlncl pala. Unserved seats' now on tale at the Mountain City Stationery store. STUART'S LOCAL REMEDY FOR ECZEMA Many different remedies have been tried for Ecxema and other skin dis eases. Hut It Is now known that th only possible curs ia a mild, soothing liquid made up of Oil of Wlntergreeni Trymol, Glycerine, and other Ingredi ents so careful)- compounded that each Ingredient has Ita proper effect. rnls compound Is now made up In the I). D. D. Prescription. Ten years of success and thousands of cursa show the merit of this wonderful compound, but for most convincing proof Is a trlsl of the remedy by any ecaemn aufferer.. Ik O. D. will prove to you that you can be cured. The very drat drops will give you Instant relief. Oe g Unequaled Values Exemplifying the Buying Power of This Firm Wft nic always trying to mine the standard of our liit'ichaudisc, makiug new trade con nections wlit'iv ever wo can improve the .it, or workmanship of our garments or show the new "Americanized" foreign models more quickly. The continued growth of this store's business proves how well we are succeeding. Our showing oi ready to don outer apparel for women and misses includes much wanted, exclusive style features and the fact thai wc offer a liberal discount during this removal sale and stock reduction movement is the basis of our claim that we of fer the best values in Asheville. THE FASHION, 16 Palton Ave. owns atoNiv amp suae - i iovbui mm