Thursday, November 10, 1910. THE ABHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. PAGE THREE The Week-End Specials at Kindley's Are Seasonable and Interesting from Every Standpoint. 8c Huck Towels, 5c. 100 dozen Suck Towels, 17x .10 size, red border, hemmed ready for use, Friday and Sat urday, you can buy these tow els at, each '. ... ,5c Get Ready for Thanksgiving. (i8e Pure Irish Linen Table Damask for, yard 49c 72 inch Extra Heavy All Lin en Irish Table Damask, yd 75c 72 inch Extra Fine Close Wo ven Pure Irish Linen Table Damask, worth anywhere $1 (25 y;ird, our big leader, at, yd, 98c Big Shoe Stock to Select From. Every pair solid and honest as good leather will nnke them. KINDLE, Y'S il Chas, W. Sellon's Successful Musical Extravaganza, THE CAT Z FIDDLE 40 People 40. 15 New Song Hits Lyrics and Music by Carleton Lee Colby. Will hold high jinks with its Pretty Girls, Smart Com edians, Clever Pantomimists, for one performance only, with HARRY B. WATSON AND THE BOYLONS ROSE and Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c City Stationedv Store. Going Ahead You must do oils thing or the olher. A stagnant business is certainly anything but the pride of the community. The "going ahead" merchant has the proper kind of illumina tion for his establishment fixtures that are modern, up-to-dnte and give the greatest amount of good llglii l the least eost. The "going back" man puts his faith In old and obsolete methods and fixtures. We await YOUR demands for anything electrical. Asheville Electric Company PHONE CHARITIES REPORT FOR THE LAST MONTH The regulnr monthly meeting of the directors of the Associated Charities was held Tuesday p. m. al 4:80. D1 ing the absence of the secretary of the flower Mission and Associated Chnrl iles, Miss Cain has had charge of the -work. The following report for the month of October Is submitted: Applicants SI Applicants for clothing, about iJO Grocery orders SO l''uel orders tt Transportation 1 Vlvlts made . . . 71 Pound employment for 1 Applicants died 1 Home very sad cases have con fronted the Associated Charities, and upon Investigation real problems were it issue. A number of the directors, together with the the presldont, have Riven friendly advice and assistance. One poor, deserted woman, who In the mother of a babe only five months of age. has been given alA and msde comfortable. This case Is still a prob lem mi l upon our hearts and hind). Annthet ior woman, a widow with two small children cume to Asheville from Madison county, for the sole pur pm of getting the Flower Mission W supply her needs. Upon Investiga tion It was decided to send her bac k to her people In Mudlron. Reported calls havs coma for doth liyi and shoes. Many have been turn Boys' and Little Girls, Chrome and Gun Metal Calf Shoes, guaranteed to give sat isfactory wear, sizes 13 to 2, price . .$2.00 Children's dun Metal and Kid Shoes, lace or button, size 5 to 8, price . .$1.25 Same Shoes, size 8 1-2 to 11, $1.50 Same Shoes, size 11 1-2 to 2 $1.75 Infants' Soft Sole Shoes. Big assortment colors and styles in lace or button, sizes 0 to"4, price 25c and 50c We are selling the Craddock Shoe for men to heal the band. All lasts, best leathers, price, pair $3.50 5CML05S THEATRE CIRCUIT FRIDAY, NOV- 11 ARTHUR and 25c. Seat sale Mt or Going Back St. -W7 ed nway on account of the scanty supply. However, a number of bun dles, containing wiirm clothes utul wiaps have been received. We are grateful for '.pese kind remembrances. We appeal, once more, for children's rliithes and shoes. Each time a thin ly clad school girl or boy asks for Ciothlng or shoe", we feel rebuked when It is impossible to meet the need. We also wish to urge the friends who are solicited st the doors for money, or half of any kind to report same to the eentral office. The street beggars are likely to be frauds and unworthy of aid. We wish to thank The Onzette News and The Cltlsen for the recent notices of appeals for c lollies, etc., for this work. A vote of thanks was extended by the directors to Mr. Miller ami Mrs M. D Long for the splendid heaters contributed to the Associated Char ities and Dispensary. Respectfully submitted. DORA L CAIN. Secretary pro tem. Croup Is most prevsient during the dry cold weather of the early winter months. Parents of young children should be prepared for it. All that la needed Is a bottle of Chamberlain's. Cough Remedy. Many mothers art never without It In their homes and It has never disappointed them. Sold by all ilea lets. ssa USUALLY ONE DOSE EiiGESW Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Gas and . ff. . T ill. aii stomach Distress Vanishes. a -. . If your mrtls ckm't stlt aotniurtablj , or you feci bloated after eating, anO you believe it is itie food which Alls you j if what little you eat Ilea like 11 lump of lead on your stomach; if there is difficulty In breathing after citing; eructations of sour, undigest ed food and acid, heartburn, brash or a belching of ga. you can make up your mind that you need something to stop food fermentation and cure Indigestion. To make every bite of food you eal aid In the nourishment and strength of your body, you must rid your Stom uch of poisons, excessive acid ami Stomach gas, which sours your entire meiil interferes with digestion and causes ho many sufferers of Dyspep sia, Sick Headache. Biliousness. Con stipation, Griping, etc. Your .case is no different you are a stomach sul ferer, though you may call It by some other name; your real and only trou ble is that which you eat does not di gest, but quickly ferments und sours, producing ulirott any unhealthy con dition. A case of Pace's Dlapepsln will cost BO cents at any pharmacy store, and wl 1 convince any stomach sufferer live nii.'iiites after taking a single dose thnt Fermentation and Sour Stomach Is en using the misery of Indigestion. Si matter if you call your trouble Catarrh of the Stomach, Nervousness or Gastritis, or by any other name always remember that a certain cure Is waiting at any drug store the mo mi nt you decide to begin its use. .'ape's Dlapepfln will regulate any out-of-order stomach within five min utes, and digest promptly, without any fuss or discomfort, nil of any kind of food you eat. Gazette-News Want Adver tising Fays. I THE MARKETS S w - The Leading Stocks on S York Kxctaange Obtton Market Quotation.. n m it it t m m m m at k k i New York, Nov. 10. Stocks started at lower prices than last night, witfs out regard to recoveries established in the London market before the opening here. Declines generally were small, mingled with some gains; but stocks were freely supplied and dealings showed activity and variety. i Stocks were fed to the market on rallies. Prices broke again, when ! large otTenhgs appeared. By It n't'loi k the market, turned upwards, t ami was ruling best. I Stocks were pressed for sale lit I continuation of speculative profit tak.i j lux whic h began yesterday. Traders I sold short und offered prices down on discovering their yielding tendency, t'nlte'll States Steel was freely liqui dated on expectations of poor showing on unfilled orders from the monthly statement. Slight faille resulted when activity of belling diminished, P.onds were Irregular. A temporary respite which the list bsil from the selling movement, did not bring much relief and prices fell uguin under renewed selling pressure. A stili.-eijuent rally did not amount to much. The whole market became dull. STOCKS. Open. Close. Atchison 102, 102 Atlluitle Coast Line 115 American Smelting 79 '4 77 American Locomotive S8 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. 77 78 Italtlmore & Ohio 107 107 Amalgamated Copper ... 68 68 Colorado Fuel Iron 32 Chesapeake & Ohio 82 81 Canadian Pacific 197 New York Central 114 1J4 Erie 29 28 Oniit Northern pfd 125 125 Illinois Central 133 Mo., Kans. & Tex 33 32 Louisville ft Nashville. . .144 143 National Lead 57 Missouri Pacific 49 Norfolk & Western 7 Northern Pacific ...... 117 115 People's Ons 16 Pennsylvania 129 1S9 Rock Island 12 31 Rock Island pfd 62 Resiling 160 150 Southern Pacific 116 117 St. Paul 122 123 Southern Railway 27 27 Southern Railway pfd... 63 63 Union Pacific 173- 174 U. 8. Steel 78- 77 U. S. Steel pfd 116 117 Wabash 17 Wabash pfd S6 25 NEW YORK COTTON. Open. Close. November, bid 14. $8 .. December 14-51 14.64 January 14.S0 14.59 March 14.71 14.75 May H-79 14.88 Spot 14.80. LOCAL SECURITIES. Reported and Corrected Dally by Henry F. Claudius. Bid Asked Am. Nat. Hank I $100.00 Ashe. Water 4s S7.50 Ashe. Who). Drug 65.O0 Ri aumont Furniture 117.50 Cltlsens Bank 11$. 50 . .. Universal Security 6s.. 10.00 11.50 Universal Security cert. 18.00 Wachovia L T. Co 187.00 Wm.-Brownell Mill . . 10.00. ... Will Manage Aasnista Tram. Oreenvills, H. C. Nov. 10. Tommy Stourh, for three years manager of the Greenville baseball club In t be Cam Una' an. i .elation has signed to manag JSLLIFICHT1 OVER HE VICTORY Democrats Hold Meeting at the County Court House and Are Addressed by Their Leaders. BUT NOT ALL WAS REJOICING; A STERN NOTE SOUNDED FOURTH ltel-i is Plain in Plain Words Those Who Do Not Abide by the Result of the Primary. to The democrats celebrated their vic tory in the state, county and district by a big rally at the county court house last night. Among the speak ers were Chairman J. IS. Swain, Hon. Locke Craig, Congressman-elect J. M. (Huiger, jr., State Senator-elect J. C. Martin and Representative-elect R. R. Williams. A good sized crowd fathered in the court house and en thusiasm abounded. Mr. Swain declared that when the democruts fought at the polls Tues day they fought for truth, righteous ness and good government. They went there with the odds against them, for beside the boodle and booze of their opponents, some who claimed to bo democrats went to the polls and worked against the party nominees. He expressed appreciation of tjhe work of Walter Haynes, president , of ihe Young Men's Democratic club, Judge P. C. Cocke, Charles A. Webb, Owen Gudger, Donald S. Ellas and others. Mr. Craig followc d, with the state ment that it was an occasion of uni versal rejoicing since the county, dis trict, state and nation had gone dem ocratic. "We had a primary,' he Baid. '.'and there were not enough offices to go around. I deeply regret to say some who wont into the primary and bid for office came out and fought the party nominees, some openly, some secretly. I'm tired of going into pri maries or conventions with men who come out and knife the nominees. For one, we ought to determine that when pledges are made they ought to be abided by, and if they do not abide by the result they ought to be kicked out of the party." Mr. Craig explain ed that his remarks were directed more especially to men who take ac- Ive part in politics, in primaries and onventlons. He paid a tribute to Chairman Swain, "one of the ablest and most honorable young men of this county a man whose character Is above re proach and who in all the relations of fe is as true as steel and us loyal as he Is true; all honor to Ed Swain, for conducting a campaign from be- gimii ng to end "In which trickery and corruption h? rio place. He was ably assisted by that magnificent young democrat, Walter Haynes. Mr. Cruix also praised highly the work of Judtie P. C. Cocke, who has greatly asslBted, as well as Charles A. Webb. He said that , the rcpubli- nns had tried to make Mr. Webb an issue in this . aiiipuigit but "the peo ple have responded to this Issue, and they always will respond In this way, because they have confidence in this democrat who never knew anything n his life but to be true to his cause uid to his friends." Mr. Gudger enlarged somewhat upon what Mr. Craig had said as to some men who failed to support the party nomii after participating very actively n the nominate"; con vention anil the primaries. .Mr. fittd ger thanlieil every man !n the tenth district for h!s loyal support. He at tributed his e i ei Hon not to his per sonal efforts but those who nave worked ror him. It Is a victory lor the democratic party and the prin ciples for which II standB. Judge Thomas A. Jones njnue a humorous speech and sang some par odies on "Casey Jones" which brougnt forth the applause of the audience. J. C. Martin made a good speech in which' he declared thai the people v..i .n.,.,i the democratic party because It stood for right. He com mended every elector who stands up for right and justice even though It muy be against his party affiliations. He thanked the press for Its support. Robert K. Williams followed wttn an enthusiastic speech of appreciation and declared that In the legislature he would fight, above all, for those things for the progress and upbuild ing of this section. AN HONEST DOCTOR remarked to his patient who had been cured by Lydla E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound after his efforts had failed 'Mrs. Weber. I do not oeuee in patent medicines, but I will say thnt Lydia E. fin K nam s vew Comnound Is the best medicine ever dlM-nwred for women, i-onmiiie i us It." This is another link in ine long chain of evidence to prove the reliability of this standard medicine for women. An UnbsDsver. The UOaXM Uiiln't I Ml you the other day that lii'icaflcr you stank serve n tore promptly'.- Why did you not obey? The Walter Because I don't bulletr in anv her-ilt T. Mir - f 'hi ato News. Mr Otto Paul. Milwaukee, Wis ..v. fnuv'i Honey and Tar Is -till mnr. than the best. He writes us, "All those that bought It think It Is the heat for cougha and colds tney ev er had and I think it " still more than the best Our baby had a bad cold and it cured him In one day. Please accept thanks. Sold by all Druggist. , Wlrrtsr. Winter Is coming! The days now sre nlsb When we'll weep as we vlsw the coal lie gelling icant. When we'll Item Ms each morning and M- futly sigh As we open an egg from some cold stiw age plant Detroit i . - How Much Is Your Stomach Worth It's worth almost as much as your life; how much is that worth? Smith's drug store has a remedy that keeps the stomach right and makes it right when It goes wrong, j MI-O-NA is the fiame of the great stomach remedy and Smith's drug store guarantees It to cure the follow ing stomach ailments and symptoms, or money back. Upset stomach, pain In stomach, belching of gas, biliousness. Heartburn, sour stomach, lump of lead stomach, after dinner distress. Nervousness and headache caused by stomach derangement. That all-in feeling In the stomach after a night of sociability. Bad effects of overeating or drink ing; sea or car sickness. Vomiting of pregnancy, or any stomach distress. Remember money back if it fails at Smith's drug store or leading drug gists everywhere, and the price Is only 50 cents a large box. DEALS nt DIRT. Deeds of Transfer Filed for Registra tion In the Register's Office. J. E. and Leo. M. Cousar to Lucy M McConncll, lot in Mountain Re treat; $50 and other considerations. Mountain Retreat association to A.' W. Roslnger, iot in Mountain Retreat; consideration $100. R. S. Howland and wife to E. W. Grove, lot on Macon avenue; consid eration (800. Mark W. Brown and wife to Citi zens' Realty company, property on Hazzard Heights, Zillicon street and and Short street; $10 and other con siderations. A. G. Halyburton and wife to W. M. Adams and wife, nine acres In Chunn's cove; consideration $10 and other considerations. HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE Is the name of a German chemical one of the many valuable Ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Heax mcthylenetetranflne is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and anti-septic for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy promptly at the first sign of kidney trouble and avoid a serious malady. Sold by all Druggists. Now, Was It7 Clerk- Is this to be i barged, madam? I.ailv IMi. yes; you'll lime to. M.V ni-l,riinl bas .ln-t list! bis position'. DRESSED IN "BLACK AN YEL LOW." Not "Football Colors" but the color of the carton containing Foleys' Hon ey and Tar the best and safest cough remedy for all coughs and colds. Do not accept a substitute but see that you get the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In a yellow carton with black letters. Sold by all Druggists. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust made by C. B. Fore and wife, Mattie Fore, to the undersigned trustee, dated March 20, 1909, and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C In book of Mortgages and deeds of trust No. 76. at page 119, to which reference Is hereby made, and default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust whereby the power of sale therein contained lias become opera tive, the said undersigned trustee will, on Monday, the 12tli flay of De cember. 1910, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at public auction for cash, at the Court house door In the city of ABhe vllle, county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, the following lands and premises, situate, lying and be ing In the county of Buncombe and state of North Carolina. FIRST TRACT: Containing one hundred acres and being the same lands anil premises conveyed to C. B. Fore and wife. Mattie Fore, by J. E. Whltaker and C, K. Whitaker by deed dated January 20, 1905, and duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. ( ., In deed book No. 136 at page 5 4 et aen.. to which reterence is nercov made for metes and bounds. SECOND TRACT: Containing thtr- tv-nlne acres and being the same lands and premises conveyed to C. B. Fore and H. A. Byas by Arthur TUir gln and Mary Norrls by eed dated February 7. 1907, and duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C.. in book of deeds No. 148 at page 420 et sen. to which reference Is hereby made for metes and bounds. This November 5, 1910. W. M. JACKSON, Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Bv virtue of the power of sale con tained In n certain deed of trust made bv O. F. Wtevens and wife. J Tt. Stev ens, to the undersigned trustee, dated the 1st day of June, 1910, and duly recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county. N. C in book of mortgages and deeds of I trust No 79 at page 476 to which. reference Is hereby made, and default ! having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trurt whereby the power of sale therein contained has become opera tive, the said undersigned trustee, will I on Monday. tlie iJth day of lwemlr. 1910. at 12 o'clock, noon, sell at pub lic auction for rash, at the court house door In the city of Asheville. connty of Buncombe and state of North Carolina, the following lands and premise, situate, lying and being In the county of Buncombe and state of j B. Roberta and others containing thlr-l teen acres and being the same lands and premises conveyed to W. K. Shu- ford, trustee, by D. F. Stevens and wife. I. B. Stevens, by deed of trust dated December, 23, 190, and duly reeorilod In ths office of the register of deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, in book of mortgages and deeds of trust. No. 79 at page UR to which i.-rYren. i- Is hereby made foT metes snd bounds This November 4th, 1910. W. M JACKSON, Trusts. o.a w-d. More Coat Suits More New Dresses More New Long Coats Every day sew things are arriving to help fill out this season. Every new model created gets a showing here. Come in today. See the New Things 'THE STORE THAT ASHEVIL The Big Money Rais ing m is a Thing of Tt was brought to a close of the greatest merchandising achievements in this state in years. To all our friends and patrons who bought from us so liberally during tbis sale, and who so materially aided us in making tbis sale such a phe nomenal success We Extend Our Heartiest Thanks and Assure Them of Our Appreciation. Announcement . A number of odd pieces and broken lots of stock are left over from our sale which we have assembled for a general clean up at the same low prices that were in ef fect during the sale just closed. If you can find what you want among these "odds and ends" you'll get a good bargain. . The offering includes a lot of matting remnants rang ing up to 0 yard lengths, which we will dose out at 10 Cents the Yard Also a number of slightly damaged dining room chairs, H rVw rockfrs, several tine china closets, tWo chiffoniers, some odd dressers and wash stands, one pfcish covered couch and two wardrobes. To dispose of the balance of our stock of comforts the sale discount of 20 per cent will be continitvd until further notice. Come make your selection today. The special prices during this final clean up salt' are for cash only, although other goods ran be had on tfmo payments at our usual modest prices. Beaumont 27 SOUTH SAVES YOU MONEY" I LE. N ..HinuDui the Past last night, having been one Furniture Co. MAIN SEIST. m m Vi CHENEY'S iHatl m. tiv i lvriai v Vi jl ui llliUl V ' TOR A BtBBBBI