Thursday, November 10, 1910. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. PAGE riV! is the name on a box of Candies that guarantees purity, quality, fresh ness. ThereV'None like Nunnally's." We receive them fresh almost daily. RAYSOR'S The ideal holiday gift. 31 PATTON AVENUE. S OCIAL HAPPENINGS High School Minstrel. In the hurry of a vory full ELfld busy week the minstrel show is to be giv en In the High School auditorium, Friday night. The boys have been practicing faithfully under Miss Klm berly's able direction. The following program will be given: Opening chorus Club Jolly boys By by. My Caroline. . .John Hunnicutt Alexander Jonca Henry Collins When the Rloom Is on the Cotton .1 mi. s Howell It apologize Wilbur Sumner Goodnight Dearie . ...Seth PerklnBon Moving day Lawrence Owen Intermission, lillng Pig, Oscar Steel, School boy's chorus. Second Part. Scene I. The Glee club banquet; Teddy Hoosevelt, guest of honor. Plant a watermelon on my grave Carl Bean 1 wonder how th old folks are Hugh Tarpley The Yiddish Hag Wilbur Sumner Dixie Dan Fred Wolfe Scent II. Camp Grounds. Tenting on the old camp ground James Howell Mlsta' Hrown Carl Bean Scene 1).. Camp Grounds. The German bauu" Full chorus The Star Spangled Banner. Full chorus II Mr. GriggV Lectures. The talk and interest of the club women this week have focussed in the Shakespearean lectures of Edward Howard Griggs, student, scholar and Shakespearean authority, who comes to Ashevllle under the auspices of the Woman's club. Mr. Griggs has been several times sought for Ashe ,fllle lecture courses and lyceums but "he moves In that particularly bright constellation whose orbit it is diffi cult to reach. The Woman's club were particularly fortunate in being aide to adapt their time to Mr. Grigg's convenience, and also in se curing the Interest and co-operation of one of the distinguished lecturers' particular friends. Many Ashevllle people have heurd Mr. Griggs lectures and their enthusiastic praise mingled with press reports and nation wide favorable comment have made ready for the lecturer an earnest welcome. Mr. Griggs during his'stay will be the guest of Mrs. Robert S. Carroll on Ztlllcoa street. M Ullggail Weslfcldl. The following mnrrlage'lnvltations of Interest to many Ashevllle friends have been received in the city: Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Richard DeBuys request te honor of your presence at the marriage of their sister Louise Mather Duggan to Thomas Dugan Westfeldt on Tuesday, November fifteenth at half after five o'clock New Orleans, Louisiana 1 776 State street. Mr. Westfeldt Is a cousin or Mrs. Galllar S. Tennant's and is connected In business with his father In New Orleans. Miss Dnggan is h charming young wnrroin w ho has made many friends fiu ing her visits in Ashevllle n guest at "Rugby Orange." Mr. and Airs. Westfeldt. after a honeymoor. Journev, will reside in New Orleans. It ft The "Christmas shower." given by 1h" Woman's Missionary society of the H myterls n church at the residence or Mrs. Craig, was well attended 'I ii isdaY afternoon. The large center table ot the library was fitted with dainty gifts tor Mr. and Mrs. Bell or Korea. The ladies who were prevent ed from attending, sent gifts. An In teresting program on Korea and re ports from the Presbyterlal Union filled up the afternoon. Mrs. Linn contributed greatly to the pleasure of the hour, with a solo, and graciously responded to an encore. The treasur er, Mrs. R. P. Smith, reported a little over $1000 contributed by the Pres byterlal Union, $400 of which was giv en by the Ashevllle church. After the program the hostess, Mrs. Craig, served a social cup of tea. assisted by Mrs. F. E. Mitchell, Miss Charity Craig. ' s, ft The Methodist Protestant Ladles' Aid society will give a social at home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Mclntyre, IB" Merrlmon avenue, tomorrow evening a.' 8 o clock. A cordial Invitation is extended to nil the friends of the church tn atlend. A silver offering will be received at the door for tin benefit of the new church building fund. There will be a good program of Instrumental and vocal music and readings. Those who will take part In the program are: Carl and Alva and the Misses Mclntyre, Mrs. Oer Hsrdy. Mrs. Collins, Miss Bertie Wuiaer and Mlsi Leona Young. Re freshments wtll be servcu '-'. ft ft There will be a missionary enter- CUT DRUG STORE. Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. j tainment at Cavalry Baptist church j Friday evening, November 11, at 7:30! o'clock. McKlnley Prltchard will de- ' liver an address on "Roman Catholl- ' cism in America." A collection will ! be taken for home missions. The public are cordially invited to at-1 tend. K ? Mrs. Mary Ann Smart of Phlladel- phia entertained Tuesday afternoon at hertiome on Merrlmon avenue with a tea in honor of Miss Beatrice Stowe of Cleveland, Tenn., who is the guest of Mrs. D. MacN. McKay on Aston Place. K TheTahkeeostec club will entertain tomorrow night with a dance in honor of Miss Emma Gudger and Miss Wil lella Rainier of Alabama who Is the guest of Miss Laluge Oates. K The Masqtteraders will rehearse to night and tomorrow night at 8 o'clock In the Swannanoa ball room; Miss Beatrice Stowe, trainer. K K Mrs. Charles C. On' entertained in formally with a bridge party yesterday afternoon at her home on Mont ford avenue. K The Indies of the Maccabees will have their regular review tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock In the K. of P. hall. South Main street. t It Miss Detwiler leaves tomorrow for Charlotte and Gastonia where she will visit for i w o months before going to her new home In Nashville, Tenn. Miss Detwilei has hepn social favorite and made many friends during her residence in the city, who regret her departure. It It Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Westfeldt and their daughter. Miss Gladys Westfeldt, of "Rugby Grande," Fletchers,, leave tomorrow for New Orleans to be pres ent at the Duggan-Westfeldt wedding that occurs in that city next week. It S. O. Bradley has returned from a business trip to Baltimore. While there Mr. Bradley witnessed the. flight of Herbert Latham over the city In an airplane Monday at noon. It Mr. and Mrs, J. Frank Thompson, accompanied by Mrs. T. Davis Hill of Baltimore, are staying at Mrs. Mitch ell's, No. 1 Aston Place. Mr. Thomp son will be connected with the Miller Rice Paint company, having purchas ed stock in this company. K Miss Eugenia Johnston has return ed from a visit of several weeks in South Carolina. It Mrs. C. L Beedlcs has gone to Washington. It It J. Wakefield Cortland and nelce. Miss Ethel Cortland are guests at the Munor. r m Miss Bessie Reeves has returned from a visit to Miss Maud Coxe at Green River. M ft Mr. .and Mrs. Kellogg of Detroit, Mich., have arrived In the city and will spend the winter here. ft ft Mr. and Mrs. D. L McKlnley of Sioux Falls, s. D.. and Mrs. W. V. Tennent of Johnson City. Tenn., are visiting Mrs. T. C McCoy on Park avenue. ft ft Mrs. Candler and Miss Barbara Candler leave shortly for Atlanta af ter spending the summer In Ashe vllle. ft st Mrs. Fred Hull and Miss Emily Campbell left this aRernoon for New York to spend the winter. ft ft Mrs. Blue and daughter. Miss Grace Blue, of Columbus, O., have taken apartments in the city for the winter, ft ft Mr. and Mrs. Locke Aldrlch have returned to their home In Mlddleton, N. T. ft ft Dr. and Mrs. Charles L Minor will entertain tonight with a supper. In stead of last night as was Inadvert ently stated In yesterday afternoon's issue. , ft ft J. A. Herndon, nssistant superin tendent and general manager of the North State Life Insurance company, and Ed. Morton, assistant superin tendent, are III he city visiting Thomas W. Osteen. local manager of the company. LATHE AND MACHINE WORK. Our Repair Department Is equipped w'th screw cutting lathes, forges, grinders and polishing machines. We are In a position to handle all kinds of machine work at moderate prices. J. M. HEARN CO.. Battery Park Place Phone Hi. GLASS HOT FOOTBALL CONTEST IS EXPECTED SATURDAY :A,hevil.e High Schoo. and AsheviNel! E School Will Play Off Tie at Riverside Park. What will probably prove one of the most interesting games of fdot i all played here this season will be witnessed at Riverside park Saturday) afternoon when the strong Ashevllle High school eleven goes up against i he Ashevllle school team for a test of supremacy. The Ashevllle school and the High school have met twice this season. One of the games went to the High school by a small margin and the other to the Ashevllle school by only a few points. The game Sat urday Is to play off the tie and much interest centers in the contest. The yame Saturday between the Ashevllle High school and the Ashevllle school will be the first football game that the Ashevllle school team has played on the Riverside gridiron. The High school boys have played at Riverside several times and expect to take the game from the Sulphur Springs boys Saturday. The game will be called at 2:3! o'clock and n large attendance !a expected. The hour has been changed In order that the teams and their many friends may go Immediately after to the mat- inee at the Auditorium, "A Double Surrender," which will be given at t:30 o'clock. Colonel Bingham has given permission to the cadets to at tend en masse, and will accompany them In person. The High school, graded schoo, Ashevllle school. Nor mal and Colleglnte, Hillside Convent and Asheville school for girls, are all interested In the success of the play, as the proceeds are for an educational cause, the endowment of a scholar ship at the Normal and Collegiate. IRE FROM M TO 1200 Board of Canvassers Will Not Finish Work Before Late in the Night. The county board of canvassers are In session today nt the county court house, going over the re-turns from the various precincts. The work is lather tedious and It will be late in the night before the whole state ticket is counted out. The vote this year was something over 400 lighter .than two years ago. J. M. Gudger, Jr., cnrrled the county over John G. Grant for congress by a majority of t81 votes. For congress, a total vote of 6707 was cast, Gudger reel in' n total of .1604 and Grant 10 in. F' sn"'allt. received 23 vc' '''' o'-'-' st party had out a fu'i ' Vet and la nominees received b ve ! ;e "n' votes. For the state senate Julius C Mnr tin wins over Capt. T. A. Wakefield by about 800 majority, while Robert R. William and Gallatin Roberts nre elected representatives over Guy Wea ver and B. F. Shook by about 770 majority. Robert R. Reynolds carried the county by about 1200. The county ticket results are being compiled this nfternoon. The lowest majority will he for Marcus Erw n for clerk of the court, who won over J. A. Nichols by about 2j0 votes. R. C. Crowell de feated Clyde Reed for tax collector by over 500. The work Is proceeding harmo niously. License to Wed. Ernest W. Davis and Myrtle Day or Iluncombe; white. Lawrence Miller and Marie A. Mitchell of Buncombe; white. A HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE. To be really valuable must show equally good results from each mem ber of the family using It. Foley's Honey and Tar does Just this. Whether for children or grown per sons Foley's Honey and Tar Is best and safest for all coughs and crlds. Sold by all Druggists. Dr. A. T. Prltchard has moved his offices to the Drhumor Building. Room No. 10. Hours: 11 to 12:30 a. m. 2:30 to 4:30 p. m. 230-Ct FOR RENT In the Adelaide Building, Haywood St, We have three connecting front offices with hot and cold water, steam heat and Janitor service, $25.00. Two nice bed rooms, third floor, 17.00 and $8.00. In Meriwether Building. Two connecting front offices, 123.50. Bed rooms on third floor Also a njmber of nice homes furnished and unfurnish ed. LaBarbe, Moale & Chiles, Ileal Estate and Insurance. 37 Pattoa Are. IMIMMIMMl HMIIHMM i New Italian For stuffing turkeys or 20c NEAR DEATH BY SMOTHERING .YF.AI! DEATH W Finally Effects De liverance, Stuart, Va. "There never has been," says Mrs. Helen Dulton, "and never will be, a medicine to compare with Cardul. I sufferd for years, and would often almost smother to death. Medicines patched me up for a while, but then I would get worse again. Fi nally my husband wanted me to try Cardul, so he bought me a bottle and I tried It. It did me more good than all the other medicines I bad taken. 1 t have Induced many of my friends to try Cardul, and they all say they have been benefited by its use." If you are weak and ailing, think what it would mean to recover as rap idly and surely as did Mrs. Dalton. Cardul will certainly do for you what it has doen for thousands of others with similar troubles. No medicine without merit could re- i main in such constant use and show such a continued Increase In sales, as Cardul has done. Judge a medicine, as well as a man, by sin cess. Cardui is successful. Cardul has brought health and hap piness to thousands of weak women Why not you? Try It. SIXTY-FOUB BODIES ARE TAKEN FROM MINE SHIFT Most of Victims of Mine Horror in Colorado Were Foreigners Work of Rescue. Delagua, Colo., $Jov. 10. Through j two openings scarcljy 200 yards apart j the dead and living are taken rrom the Delagua mines of the Victor American Fuel company at the same time yesterday; hut the dead far out numbered the living. I.ast night ."1 are known to be dead, while 18 es caped alive. Nine more charred and mangled bodies found in No. 3 Victor mine brings the list of dead to 64. The list may reach 80. R. Akakia, a Japanese, was found insensible from the effects of ufter- damp, regained consciousness yester day, and found his way tf the sur face. He was dazed and unable to tell what passage he had come. The escue crew followed back from No. J. H. LAW, House Furnishing Department COOKING UTENSILS OF EVERY KIND ALUMINUM, NICKEL, COP PER AND WHITE AND GRAY EN AMELED STEEL; MOULDS, CUT LERY, COOKING EARTHENWARE, WOODENWARE. ETC. THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN THE BASEMENT AT 35 I'ATTON AVE. VIOLET GLYCERINE SOAP ' True Odor of Violets. Best 10c Soap Made. C. A. Walker Prescription Druggist Agent for Phones 183 and 132. iimmtni Chestnuts creaming. Pound. ' Elected ORIS SHOES The majority counted in fa vor of ( )ris Shoes for men and women is overwhelming. If you did not vote its because you have not had the pleasure of knowing a pair by wearing. Let us fit your next pair. Have a reputation of wear from four to fourteen months. Price $."1.50 and $4.00. Nichols Shoe Co. Cash Shoesters. On the Sq. 2 entry and soon brought 13 others to the surface. Aknkia was greeted with a salvo of benzais by his coun trymen as he staggered down the hill. Scarcely had the line of rescued men begun to trickle from No. 2 mine when carpenters were called to No. 3 entry to make rough stretchers, and it became known that 35 bodies had been found in No. 4 entry, north. Later other bodies were found in the same part of the mine, bringing the total to 51. Last night 3.r bodies were brought out of the mine. Both living and dead found were foreigners. Twenty-nine Mexicans were found in one heap. Seven of Hie department heads of the mine are known to be buried in a fall 400 feet long, which blocks the main slope. Three shifts are tearing away the debris, but it may be days lefore nil the bodies are recovered. DON'T GET RUN DOWN Weak and miwrable. If yon have Kidney or Blad der trouble, Dull head m rm, DiKziue, NcrvoueiiepH, Piihiiin the bavl:,anI feci lire I all over, get a park as cf Mftt her Gray's AI.'MTK AM A pli-synl herb curt', il never falla. Wc have many loiiinnnTiila mini grateful prnplc who h ive und lht won'terfiil r nudr. 'A a reuiaior it has n equal. Ak for .Mmhcrfhay'a Australian if r t inig 'i'. or pent hy m til for ftO eta, Hani ueu. iiiiiinnn Tm MiiiTu 'mi On imf I 1 heavy sales of grape fruj;t Have resulted from this shop's policy of supplying con sumers ;it less than wholesale price. The stock is not infe rior hut the hest. fiOe, 75c, $1 loz. $4.50 box. Dealers not supplied at these prices. Ownbey's Parker's Lucky Curve Foun tain Pen for Ladies. Mountain City Stationery Co. 23 Ration Ave. J. Horrn Case International Automobile Races SAVANNAH, GA. November 11th and 12th, 1910. Tickets on sale November 9, 10, 11, final limit November 15. Rate from Asheville $9.45, Bre vard $9.45, Hendersonville $8.75, Hot Springs $10.55, Waynes villa $10.35. Splendid opportunity to wit ness the most spectacular auto mobile races of the age. For further information ap ply to your Ticket Agents, or address the undersigned. J. H. WOOD, District Passenger Agent. 7 GOLD FISH Wo have a new lot of Oold Fish ret alii ok at lKc each AUo one. two and three gsllon Aqua riums, Ornaments and Fish Food. A circular giving gene: al rules for the cars of the Aquarium supplied on request. Furs, the best things in Ladies' ;& Misses' Suits & Long Coats, Novelty Sweaters, Kimonas and Dress ing Sacques. Fine Dress Goods of all kinds, Staple Dry Goods and House keeping Goods, fine Rugs in all sizes, La dies' and Misses' fine Shoes, ready-to-wear Hats and Children's in new shapes. Fine assortment of the forc going lately opened and now on sale. As a consequence we are selling freely. In Fancy (roods the stock is now very strong, please remember. As always the very best things go first and on the first favorites there are now no supplies in the hands of wholesale people who are hard at work on Spring .Merchandise. H. REDWOOD & CO. Typewriters Remingtons. Olivers, L. C. Smith and other Type writers for Rent. All in good condition. Hackney s Moale Co. Leading Stalioners. WASHINGTON AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE An Ideal pluce to educate our son or daughter. Strong faculty, mor al community, benutlful scenery, healthful climate, broad and liberal courses, positive Christian Influences, expenses reasonable. For catalogue write the president. REV. C. O. GRAY. D. D., Greenville, Tenn. CADILLACS and everything In automobile line A stock of elegant new 1911 Cadillac Models in different styles, just received. Western Carolina Auto. Co. Lexington xukl Walnut Phone 80. Sewing Machines For Sale, Rent or Exchange. Expert Repair Work. Asheville Sewing Machine Co. Phono 150. Legal Budding. OBE H. DEAL, Former Pupil Dana's Musical Institute, Teacher of Violin Call at residence 27 Highland St., or Phone 1727. GUN METAL $3.50 tTREET BOOTS Either cloth or kid top, are 11 For Rent On the Square. FOR A SWELL WEDDING RECEP TION OK DINNER PARTY or for Social Functions generally we are turntHhlnfr the most sumptuous wedding cakes, fancy and ornament ed cakes, Charlotte russe. Paddy Shells and High Grade Pastry. We can make your entertainment a success that you will he proud of when we furnish the hake stuff such as can not he dupli cated anywhere. Thone your order. Asheville Steam Bakery Phone (22 or 381. Election Returns Indicate the people want their laundry work done the NICHOLS WAY. It's best. Conscientious work and a well equipped plant tell the tale of su periority. Asheville Laundry. J. A. NICHOLS, Manager FOR SALE FAR FAMED DRYMAN IIKIGHTS. Estate of the late Capt. Sleppy of Washington, D. C. Contains 70 acres. Views most beautiful. Four miles from city. Natt Atkinsons' Sons Company steal Estate Dealers. NOTICE Customers are requeateu to call for all hslr goods which we have made to their order and all old pieces that we have worked over as we inn not ha longer responsible for work uncalled for. MISS CRUISE, 43 Ra,woou ht. M.L. - -" ' " -'-' uuwUinA niuunil presents. YATES & McGUIRE, our iiigBanl il loi ir i llu r ((, ,( .,- ( gjgg I KAMI l Newdft&igns, '.in many piece. ml Compare our vy j I