WANTS IT Is useless for anyone to can ar um office in an eadcavor to And out the names of advertiser Those who advertise under an Initial or nom dr 5 lump do not wlsk their names to br made public, and they cannot be al mixed at this osTIo. HELP WANTED. WANTED Solicitors, either men or women for permanent proposition: good pay to hustlers. None other need apply. Out of town work and pleasant employment. Apply or address Gazette-News. 226-tf. .WANTED Men to learn barber Trade. Practice furnished by free work, careful instructions by ex perts. Few weeks completes. Tools (given, board secured. Experience in shops before completing. Cata logue free. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Qa. 232-6t FOX SALE. FOR BALE Desirable building lot in Canton. Address Caatoa, care Gaiette-Newa. tf FOR BALE 100,000 ft. new. black and galvanised pipe. Bead us your Inquiries and orders, and receive the advantage of very low prices Largest stock of Mill Supplies In western Carolina; Baws, Belting, Pulleys, Shafting, Hangers, Pack ings, Hose, Pipe Fitters' and Ma chinists' Tools. Asheville Supply ft Foundry Co., Market and Eagle streets. Phone 16 6. tf FOR SALE OR RENT Shetland Pontes, with saddle, or rig if de sired. C. F. Mears, 26 Lexington avenue. 214-26t FOR SALE Good, strong, healthy horse, with top buggy In irood con dition. A splendid horse almost any purpose. Apply or t.adress the Gazette-News office. 227-tf. WANTED to sell, exchange for coun try property or rent, nice seven room house and corner lot 2 blocks of square; modern improve ments; nice shade; blthulitic street; five minutes walk In country; five minutes walk in to square; side the mountains, M. C. Galluchat, 51 At kin St. 233-6t FOE JtXMT. FOR RENT 14 room house close in and near car line, SS5.00. Forbes & Campbell, 62 Patton Ave., phone 268. FOR RENT Nicely furnished con necting rooms for light housekeep ing; reasonable rent Apply 18 Grady St Phone 819. 141-tf FOR RENT One nice front bed room; 4 windows; also two or three connecting furnished rooms for housekeeping; electric lights and gas. Apply 26 Starnes. TO RENT Furnished pleasant, con venient five-room cottage, on Mer rimon avenue car line, gas and coal ranges, sunny' porch. Address or phone "Cottage," Gazette-News, tf FOR KENT Storage space, clean and dry, inquire at The Asheville China Co., phone 381, 6 N. Pack Square. tf FOR RENT Furnished room for gentlemen or for couple; convenient for meals. Apply 27 Vance street. 220-tf. FOR RENT Three unfurnished up stairs rooms, at 76 Starnes avenue. Apply at house or to W. C. Frank. Gazette-News office. tf FOR RENT- Very desirable fiats, centrally located, all modern con veniences, 814.60 to 118.00 per month. Also second floor offices fronting on Pack square. O. D. Revel), 12 Revel) building, or J. L. Wagner, postofflce. eod-tf FOR BENT A 14 room dwelling; one store house, a good warehouse, in the town of Black Mountain. For further particulars apply to J. M. Brookshlre, Hlltmore, N. C. 285-8t FOR RENT Two, three or four fur nished rooms, for light housekeep ing. Gas connections; all conven iences; 71 Ashelaud avenue. No sick people taken. 231-fit FOR RENT Furnished room open ing on sunny porch. Modern con veniences. On car line. Mrs. G. M. Mathls. 17 Montford Ave. 231-tf Rome were satisfied witli the results of the election; others were not. All are satisfied with Groceries, Vegetables, Fruits, etc., ordered from G. D. Allison Phone 31. for Sent or saleT 7 room house, modem, close. In. worth 82600. If taken at once 81800. will get It. Act quick. B. T. TILLER, Tel 432 It N Main St Bargains, Good Investments A nice lot Msrrlmon Ave. Owner leaving city, a bargain see It, price 81,200.00. Ora street Cnolce 4 -room Cottage modern, practically new, must be sold. Price 11,660.00. Terms. Act quick. DONNAHOE A BLEDSOE Ileal Estate Agents, ritn.ie SIS. Heed Bide SCISSORS AND KNIVES SHARP ENED. We have regular factory grinding machine for sharpening the above Scissors 10c pair, knives 6 to 10c each, according to else. 0. M. IIUAHN a CO,, Lattery Park Place Phone 441. nDnwn a. nn nn os vv., n Msnhaiit Tnilmai n a 1 and 8 Paragon Building upponte rostomce. j au styles received. WANTS BOARDING. ROCK LEDGE, 68 Haywood street. 28 mums murougniy renovated, across street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel, no con sumptives taken. Mrs. P. J. Cor coran, prop. WANTED Boarders; modern con veniences and reasonable rates; also furnished and unfurnished rooms Apply Mrs. G. W. Davis, 5 Btarncs avenue. 231-Ct WANTED WANTED Ladies Dyeing, cleaning and repair work. J. H. McGlnnes.. 21 South Main street. 132-tf WANTED Your Notary public work. Phone 98. Jas. W. Albright. 60-tf WANTED Send your soiled silk dresses, opera coats, cloaks, and suits of whatever material to the Asheville Cleaning & Pressing Club to be cleaned or dyed to any color desired. All work guaranteed. J. C. Wilbar, Phone 889. MISCELLANEOUS. We have an experienced man that will come and put in your window glass, varnish your floors, polish furniture and floors and do any little odd Jobs around the house, also have carpenters, painters and decorators for any job at short no tice. Phone 292. The Miller-Rice Paint Co. 230-6t WANTED rAn eight-piece kitchen set, fully warranted, Is offered as a premium by The Gazette-News. No kitchen is complete without one of these sets. A limited numbr left, and are only obtainable by new and old subscribers to the paper. WIRE AND IRON FBNdNO Now is the time to get your fences built so as to avoid the spring and sum mer rush. Office In Oates building, arst door. Phoae ill. M. A. Creasman Bon. tf-tf CARPETS AND RUGS CLEANED Either on your floor by vacuum cleaner or ten out and cleaned In our regular carpet cleaning ma chine. Work guaranteed, price rea sonable. Asheville Carpet House, 18 and 20 Church street Phone 228. 188-tf. POULTRY SUPPLIES Red Comb. I'ouitry Feed, Scratch, Corn end Fine Chick. Dry Mash for hens. Force feed for little chicks. Roup, Gape, Cholera, and White Diar rhoea Cure, Lice Powder and Lice Liquid,' and a limited number of lOo books free. Phone 768. J. M. Campbell, at Btoner's Grocery Dept. 406-tf. ALL ABOUT POULTRY by "Your Uncle Dudley." No system, no fake but sense. Largely the experi ence of a southern poultry man of about 60 years' experioi.ee In the south. Price 60 cents. Beutb'ri: Poultryman, Southern l'ancler and the book for 11.00. Uncle Dudley. 834 N. Jackson St., Atlanta, Oa. tf MRS. HATTIE FOX, Fortune Teller. Mind Reader, Pajmist, snd can change luck. 7 and 9 Patton ave nue, up stairs, third floor. 230-Gt. Notice to Ladies Don't miss this opportunity when yo can get all wool blankets at the rate of 6 cents per day or 30 cents a week In colors and qualities. Our price is the same as anywhere else. Call and see for yourself. CHARLES M. COHN 43 I College St. Phone 1713. BU$INE$$ PEOPLE INVE$T IN REAL E$TATE IT MEANS "$" PROFIT TO THEM FOR BALE; Lot on car line, paved street, Ixvt location: 70 ft. x 108 ft. $1200. Terms. FOR BALE; Twelve room house, modern, hot water heat, on paved street and cur line, clone In nt a Sacrifice. FOR SALE: BARGAINS ALL THE TIME THROUGH THE Canaday Realty Go. Phono No. 074. WE HAVE FOR SALE Or rent, 14 room house, SI acres of rich land, 16 in pasture, fine orchard, apples, peaches and grapes. Good out building. Near Skyland Depot. J. D. PENLAND & SON. No. 11 Temple Court. Anything Electrical W. A.WARD Phone 4tl. No. 10 N. Pack 8o WANTED PARTNER. In (rowing business. Large tWrl tory and good profits. Desirable party with HvOO to Invest, write Box 37f, Asheville, N. C. ANTIQUE FURNITURE Old Deafens Reproduced. Wa buy and tell Antique Furni ture. We reproduce old designs. HAVNER A RISER, Tlie OM Tie e Wo. T M. Mate 84. You Can Work - ' ..w-,, ww.w-w ww .... w..v Billing vi tut; font burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler cap, put in like a cork in a bottle, is attached by a chain. This heater has a cool handle and a damper top. The Perfection Oil Heater has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged and can be unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan or nickel, is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dtahrt Bvtryirhm. If not at yours, mitt for descriplm circular to iht man st agency of tilt Standard Oil Company uacrporuM LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR. IiCgal Bldg. B. Pack gaaare. Phone nt. NOTICE. North Carolina, Buncombe County In the Superior Court. The pnpor writing purporting to contain the nuncupative will of Callle Thompson, deceased, and which is in words and figures as follows, to-wit: "I give to the First Baptist Church. Colored, of Asheville, all my personal property after my death. I call you "Roberta" and you "Florence" to bear witness to my will," is exhibited for probate In open court by J. F. Hughes, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Colored, Executor therein named. It is therefore ordered that this notice be advertised In some news paper published in the city of Ashe ville and County of Buncombe, once each week for six successive weeks, notifying the next of kin to the said Callie Thompson, deceased, calling on them to appear before the undersign ed clerk at his office In Asheville, on the day of , 1910, and .con test said will if they think proper to do so. This the 19th day of October, 1910. MARCUS ERWIN. Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Jury heretofore duly appointed to prorate and assess the amount of the sped:. I benefit arising to each piece of prop erty deemed by said Jury to be bene ficially afTected by reason of the lav ing and construction of a sewer line known as Sec. 4, on Eagle street, Haz zard street. Knob street, and Tuskegee street. In eastern section of this dty, wllhln the city of Asheville. ns provided by law, particularly by section 71 of chapter 100 ol the private laws of 1901, and all amendments thereof, has filed Its report as required by law, In which said cost and expenses of the Improvement above mentioned against property and each piece thereof deemed by It to he beneficially af fected by said Improvement, the names of the owners of said property, or where names of owners could not be ascertained, the names of those parties In whore names said property has been listed for "ntatton. or In enses where said property has not hoen so listed, the names of the party, or parties occupying same, being M follows: M. Y. Angel. Ernest Petty, Henderson, Marin Redmon. Ellen Bias, Alonzo McCoy. Perry John son. Mllas Wilson, Thog. M. Elrod. William Foreman, Carolinu. Williams. Chan. Reese. Colored Orphanage, Cora Steele, Mattlc Reynolds, Alexander Blackwelt, Green Rtlnson, Jack Dean, Louis Connally, J. H. Smith, Ed Jones, David Brown, Laura Knox, Louts Ab bott, Joe Moore, laura Wells, Jon-Anthony, Tom Morris, J. J. Branegan. Julia Bailey, Richmond Pearson, Thos Oglesby, F M. Walnwright, MarR W. Brown, Anderson Jackson, Thos. Chis holm, Colored Baptist church, A. L Wilson, Robert Love, Rose Jones, Katie B. Low, Henry Pearson, Thos McClenncn, John Latimore, Chas Coachman, James Forney. J. J. Car roll, J. A. Wilson, John Lyles, they and each of them, and all parties. In terested In said property so benefi cially affected by said Improvement us aforesaid, arc hereby admonished that the report of said Jury as above set forth i now on file with the city clerk of Asheville, and that they and each of them are hereby required to be and appear at a regular meeting of the board of aldermen of said city, to be held on the Snd day of I ember, 1910, at 8 p. m., and show cause, If any exists, why said report should not be approved and confirmed by said board of aldermen of the city of Ashe ville. This the 1st day of Nov., if 10. A. O. II ALV BURTON, till Nov. It- City Clerk EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of th Estate of Lydla Cheetmon, deceased, late of Buncombe County, North Car olina, this, is to notify all persons having claims against the estate ol aid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Asheville, on or be fore the Ird day of November, 1911. or this notlco will 1st pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said estate will please make Im mediate payment. J. H. TiICKK.t. Bxecutor or Lydla Cbeeatno" Thle Uts Ird day of November 1 lo rvmw wit' at mimm u.a.w.-i THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. Near a Window In winter when you have a Perfec tion Oil Heater. It is a portable radiator which can be moved to any part of a room, or to any room in a house. When you have a RFECT10 9SIUHCLE99 saoftelen and odorless you do not have to work close to the stove, which is usually far from the window. You can work where you wish, and be warm. You can work on dull winter days in the full light near the window, without being chilled to kthe bone. The Perfection Oil Heater quickly oIvpq heat enrl with nn fillinn nf E GOOD INVESTMENT IS ENGINEER TOMS (Continued from page 6.) the crowning, not only on the finished road but also on the sub-grade, .no stone is allowed to be put down In the mud, while the Macadam has been properly rolled and sprinkled as the work progresses. Under the engineer's supervision flat stones and sprawls have been kept from road beds, which is a point the Good Roads association has been advocating and worked for for years. Sand Clay and Gravel. Fifth. Personally,! know the di rection of the county engineer with the assistance given by the engineer. The county during the past year has experimented with both sand clay and gravel roads with the result that probably the best roads we have In the county, outside of Asheville, to day arc those which have been con structed with sand clay and gravel. The condition of these roads today show that the experiment has been a success in this county, but to be carried out or to be continued as a success It will be absolutely necessary to have a competent road engineer In charge; one who knows the material which can be used and which must be rejected, and who knows thorough ly the construction of such roads. Our present county engineer suys he prefers this type of road jto the Macadam which can be built from the stone found In this section. Sand clay roads have been built from Gor man's bridge to the Elk Mountain cotton mills and from Hominy to Candler. Th Hominy road has not been completed otr account of the lack of rainfall during the construc tion of the road. The cost of the Elk Mountain road was 1475 per mile, of which $200 was for grading. Tin gravel and sand clay road const fU! t ed on lienverdam has been entirely satisfactory and Is being continued today up the creek to the Burnavllle road. Bridget, Sixth. All new bridges are put up under the immediate supervision of the county . nglneer. The county Is at present ending n 100-foot steel span at Anandi nnd.nO-foot spun at Mill creek. By buying this steel on a pound basis and doing the work under the direction of the engineer eliminates the contractor's profits. Feet Tired- So Tired TIZ Makes Sick Feet Well No Matter What Ails Them. TIZ acts st once and makes ilred, aching, swollen feet remarkably fresh and sore proof. It's the sure remedy, you know, for everything that gets the matter with your feet. It's for sore feet, and for corns, callouses Mid bunions, too. "For years I have been troubled with sore and tender fret; suffered In tense pain. . Have liad the assistance of pliyslclaiiH without relief.. I bought a box of TI7.. which worked a perfect cure, as It ha- with it greut many of my friends. I would not be known M be without li. All It require" t tn be known In be universally used." A. f. Oreiilier, Chicago. Til! Is not a powder. Powders and other foot remedies clog up the pores. TIZ draws out U poisonous exudation which bring on soreness of the feet, and Is the only remedy that does TIE cleans out every pore and glori fies the feet your feet Tou'll never limp again or draw up your face In pain, and you'll forget about your corne, bunions and cal louses. Tou'll feel like a new person. TIE la for sale at all druggists. II cents per box,' or It will be sent you hi set, lgyoii wish, from Walter Luth er Podge ft Co., Chicago, 111. For example, we have a 60-foot low bridge, 12-foot road, would cost $1350 on board the cars at shipping point, while the steel for a 100-foo; high truss bridge, 16-foot roadwai-, costs now about 11750 on board cars al Asheville. Seventh. The county engineer Is constantly giving advice to supervis ors and overseers in regard to dirt road construction, and Is always sub ject to their call for assistance at time or place where they get into trouble. Maintenance. Eighth. The engineer can him self do but little towards maintenance. The. roads that have been built since the engineer has been employed have been looked after by him as much BS possible, but the problem of main taining those roads which the county has already constructed has not been 'etlled, as there Is but little or no provision on the part of the county for the maintenance of the roads al ready built. No matter what point of the county work is visited today one cannot help but be struck by the fact that this work seems to be better systematized than ever before and the results be ing obtained are on a better founda tion and will be more lasting. While, of course, it Is impossible to say In dollars and cents many, many places where the engineer has saved money for the county, the un dersigned nevertheless, has been told by Mr. Rankin, chairman of the county commissioners, no longer than a week ago that In his opinion our present county engineer had saved the county during the past year at least three or four times the amount of his salary, thus showing that the Good Roads association was In the right, and that the county today In the employment of an engineer Is right, and that the employment of such engineer Is one of the best In vestments the county can make. Ttespectf ullv submitted, C. P. AMBLER. Roads Committee Report. The following report, submitted by the roads committee, composed of !'. Stlkelenther and Dr. C. P. Ambler, was adopted: To the President and Directors of th Goods Roads Association of Ashe ville and Buncombe county: Your road committee begs to report on the Gravel and Sand-Clay road work in the county as follows: The half mile of gravel sand and clay road, put down one year ago, by the county commissioners is today one of the best pieces of road In the county. The same has stood well, did not cut up or become muddy last winter and nt no time this summer has been dusty. There are no ruts, holes or bad places appearing. The surface is uniformly smooth. The citizens living in the vicinity are pleased with the road and anxious to see more of the same put down. The commissioners are now extend ing this road up the Bcnverdam and expect to conned Grace and the Burnsville road with the same form of sand clay road this winter. We regret that the county does not realize the necessity of rolling the 5 foot fills now being made on the Bea verdam road, as no improved road can possibly stand, he it Macadam, sand clay or what, unless a solid foun dation Is first provided for. If the sond clav road being con structed nt the Kllllan place on the Beaverdam, later becomes rough and uneven it will probably be due to the fact that heavy fills have been made without rolling. The sand clay road built from Gor man's bridge to the Elk Mountain Cot ton mill Is today one of the smoothest and most pleasant roads to travel on in tle county. There has been no mud and no dust on this road since the same was built. What has been said of the Beaverdam snnd clay road can also be said of the Gorman bridge sand day section. We consider these two pieces of road have demonstrated that snnd clay road building In Buncombe coun ty can be, and Is already a success. The county eommlssloners are also constructing an experimental piece "r sand clay road from Hominy to Can dler, but this has not been gone over by. your committee, as the same Is not completed. The sand clay roads reported upon above nre good roads todav notwith standing that the Beaverdam part was never finished In surfacing and neither hut, bud the dragging that n snnd clay road Is supposed to receive during the first year ofter It is built. The county engineer reports to us that the cost of the Elk Mountain roa' us $475 per mile of which $200 was for grading. As a committee we recommend: First. That another effort be made to rave those In charge of county permanent Improvement road work to always roll heavy fills no matter what kid of top finish Is to he used. Second. That our association call the attention of the county commis sioners to the fact that as the experi mental sand clay roads already built In the county (at a very normal coat) are not receiving the dragging they are supposed and requested to re five, we fear that this neglect will hurt the sand clay road reputation in this community. Respectfully submitted, F. STIKELEATHER, C. P. AMBLER, Committee, Novemlwr 10. 1910. GAINS IN LEGISLATURE MADE BY THE DEMOCRATS Ten or Twelve In the Houte, Five in Senate Flood ol Congratulation. for State Chairman. flaiette-News Bureau, Chamber of Commerce Rooms, Hollemon Building; Raleigh, Nov. 10. i on account of the election the North Carolina Bupreme court held It llrst eeeslon for this week tods the eleventh district caleudnr belag up for argument. The eases follow I utile vs. Warren ft Hill, stokes '1 .......... in miifciii immtammto ummtmMm 1 1 ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT AVegelalaerreparaliotirorAs suoUattng the Food and Reeula ting (lie Stomacbs andfiowls of UJ.i.a-tiiiny'i Promotes DigesHonJOteeifil ncss and Rest.Containsneiuw Opimu.Morphine norrlioaalJ NOT NARCOTIC. ftipeofomDrSM.'ELrnmR Fkmettn W-jttx.Smiui- jtiattetd fTwWJ Sffa Anerferl Remedy forCdnsflw Hon , Sour Storaach.Dtarrtjoea Worms .('oiMilsions.revcrisn ness and Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Guaranteed, undcrthe Fbo Exact Copy of Wrapper. Rockingham (motion to advance). The secretary of state charters two new corporations: the W. S. Martin company of Canton, capital $25,000, by Walter S. Martin, Mary W. Martin and W. H. Williams, the latter of Newton. The company will do a gen eral drug business. Mr. Martin, until recently, conducted a drug business at Hickory. t oimrnt illation-. There poured into state democratic headquarters yesterday congratulatory telegrams for the tremendous victory Chairman Ellcr and his aides have scored In the campaign Just closed. They came In from party leaders in ill parts of the state and showed that the majorities rolled up surpass the most sanguine expectations of very many of the party leaders. Chairman Eller closed up last night, ready for departure this morning to his home In Winston-Salem. The additional figures received at head quarters still further confirmed the Conclusion that every one of the ten congressional districts Is safety dem- eratie and the already overwhelm ingly democratic status of the house and senate of the state legislature Is materially Increased ns much as 10 r 12 in tubers of the bouse and five li mbers of the senate. Some of the counties unit nice cnuuce.i irom rv uhlicnn to democratic representatives In the legislature nre Davidson, Ala mance, Stanly. Cntavlin, Jackson. Ca barrn?, Pamlico. Ornnge. Chairman Eller's only regret Is that In some overwhelmingly democratic counties like New Hanover and others', they did not have enough party conflict to get out the full democratic strength. However, be sayi that with something like 30,000 majority Underlain Is lim ply "snow-d under" to pn hide any return of this insue In rutin f ram- palgns. KTI.I. TIIK DANDRT7FF GERM. Or Vour II lie Will I all Out Till You lle.-ocM' liald. Modern sder.re has discovered tbat dandruff Is caused by I germ that digs up the priilp in scales. n It bur rows down to the roots of the hair, whr It destroys the hair's vitality. causing fulling hair, and ultimately. baldness. After Prof, t'nna. of Ham burg. Ocrmanv, dlrcovered the dan druff germ, nil efforts to lind a rem edy failed until the great laboratory discovery was made which resulted in Newbro's Hcrplcldc. It alnr.d of all other hair preparation kills the dandruff germ. Without dandruff, hair grows luxuriantly. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to The Herpiclde Co., Detroit, Mleh. One dollar bottles guaranteed. Smith's drug store, spe cial agents. THE BIGGS Cor Oak and Woodfln Streets. For the treatment of Dyspepsia, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Asthma, Bronchltig, Neurasthenia and other chronic ailments. (No cases of tuberculosis accepted.) EM'XTIUOITY. HIGH FREQUENCY. SW EDISH M VKSAGB APPARATUS, I I M'TRIC IJGHT RATH, HYDRO THERA PEUTIC Ol H IT, MASSAGE, and every other form of physiological treatment. The best equipment In the South. We would call special attention to our facilities for adminis tering massage and baths. This work la under direction of an excellent medical masseur, a graduate of the best European and American schools. THE ADVANTAGES OF OUR MASSAGE AND BATH DE PARTMENT ARE AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC If you are In ill health, we cordially Invite you to call and In vestigate our methods and inspect our equipment. Consulta tion free. The Biggs Sanitarium Phone AmIh'vIIIc. X. O. PAGE SEVER CUSTOM For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CUSTOM TMK CENTAUH COMPANY, HEW TORS CITY. JURY LIST IS Mil FOR DECEMBER TERM The board of county commissioners has drawn the following men to serve us Jurors for the civil term of Supe rior court which convenes here De cember 6: Walter Shook, H. E. Ma ney, B. F. beliruhl, V. M. Lindsay, Jos. H. Miller, Geo. H. Davidson, W. A. Ervin, Mark Brown, C. H. Chunn, Z. C. Fisher, F. E. Embler, W. M. Bur nett, M. L. Culbertson, J. S. Wells, P. A. Owenby, O. M. Coston, F. M. Stevens, R. L. McFall, S. H. Chcdes ter, G. L. Dalton, W. M. Franks, Chas. S. Bowen, C. M. Hamptvn, D. L. Ballard. Second week J. W. Dillon, David Brookshlre, T. T. Pickens, C. L. Hol- combe, A. W. Sluder, Sylvcstus Now ell, S. M. Stevens, Grover Greenwood, J. V. Johnson, Chas. A. Evans, P. R. Moale, J. F. McBrayer, T. L. Frier son, C. B. Wilson, J. E. Leadford. Jay Mears, R. F. Monday, R. S. How land, E. M. Hampton, A. R. Bradley, Walter L. Daugherty, H. B. Coffey, C. B. Beale, J. P. Emery. BOTH SPKKDV AND EFFECTTVK. This Indicntes the action of Foley. Kidney Pills as 8. Parsons, Battle Creek, Mich., illustrates: "I have been afflicted with a severe case of kidney and blndder trouble for which I found no relief until I used Foley Kidney Pilly. These cured me entirely of all my ailments. I was troubled with backaches and severe shooting pains with annoying urinary irregularities. The steady use of Foley Kidney Pills rid me entirely of all my former troubles. They have my highest roc ommendntlon." Sold by all Druggists SCHLQS& THEATRE CIRCUIT Saturday Afternoon and Monday Night, Nov. 12 and 14. THE D. A. R. PLAY by MRS. MARY C. ROBINSON "A Double Surrender" Colonial play, with masked Imll of 2!i duncers In seeond net Best Ashe ville Amateur Talent. Two distinct casts for the two performances. Prices 25c and 50c matinee; 25c, 50c and 7Gc night. Reserved seats for night performance at Mt. City Sta tionery store. SANITARIUM

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