Thursday, November 10, 1910. PAGE EIGHT THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. More Votes Every Day for M. & W. Indian Coal Phone 40. Carolina Coal & Ice Company II THRILLING RIDE DOWN STEEP GRAD E Additional Details Show That Freight Wreck on Balsam Was Fear ful Experience. Blood Humors Commonly cause pimples, bolls, hives, eczema or salt rheum, or some other form of eruption; but sometimes they exist In the system, indicated by feel ings of weakness,- languor, loss of ap petite, or general debility, without causing any breaking out. They are expelled and the whole sys tem Is renovated, strengthened and toned by Hood's Sarsaparilla Get It today In usui liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. ENGINEER, FIREMAN, BRAKEMAN. EACH HAD A NARROW ESCAPE CITY NEWS Fruits and Vegetables. Cocoanuts. Grape Fruit, Or anges, Lemons, Bananas. Ap ples, Eggplant, Squash. Cauli flower, Carrots, Cueumbers, Horse Radish Hoots. Tomatoes, Green Onions. Lettuce, Beets. Spinach. Turnip Greens, Mus tard Greens. Water Cres, Italian Chestnuts. Celery. Dry Onions, Cahlmge. Turnips, Pumpkins. Salsify, Swee and Irish Pota tatoes. Every thin;; that is green. t C. JARRETT Plume- 3,"8 or 192. Flue Gro cries. Vegetables and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Phone 473. LET US SHOW YOU A STRICTLY WATERPROOF GUARANTEE SHOE FOR MEN $5.00. Made of French Calf and liavi a cork inner sole, rood and are irood. Thov look Guarantee ShoeStore 4 South Main St. SPORTING GOODS Baseball Goods, Fishing Tackle, Pistols and Ammuni tiou, Trunks and leather goods is our specialty. Money to lorn on diamonds, watches, pistols and anything of valne H. L. FINKELSTEIN'S PAWN & LOAN OFFICE, i South Mnip St Musicin all Branches! can be played on the marvelous AUTOPIANO by every member of the family. Send for n Autopimo Muiir Rnll Catalog ad ce what a weal'h ef muic an-1 pleasure J )U mis 1 nut owning- an AUTOPIANO - THE 3EST PLATER-PIAHO MADE Easy Terms and Lowest Cash Prices DUNHAM S MUSIC HOUSE Entire Train Wrecked, After Running Away Down the Precipitous Mountain Grade. More complete details of the run away freiRht wreck on the Balsam mountain on the .Murphy division of the Southern Monday afternoon have heer. received here. The runaway Ireight on the Palsam gave the train men one of the most thrilling rides of their life and it Is probable that there will tie one or more vacancies as a re sult of the disaster In fact il is stated that Fireman Claude Gnodlake of this city, who was injured in the smash up, will never again go on the road and that a young Irishman who was breaking on the train has determined to seek another occupation. The en tire freight train It is said piled up at the foot of the mountain and while members of the crew were injured to a more or less serious extent no lives were lost although several of the trainmen had miraculous escapes. The trainmen last control whll" going down ihe steep mountain headed for Murphy. It is a steep grade and one that trainmen usually dread. As the fr iht train with sev eral cars o coal and other merchan dise started down the mountain side, according to Information received hen . a young brakeman attempted to put on the brakes. He was new at the game: the train gained momen tum and the faster the train went the tigher he set the brakes. Th-- brak 'n the tail-end car broke, under the ttrong arm of the brakeman. the brake-chain on ttv second car was snapped ar.d the brake-rod on the third car was broken. All the time the train was going down the grade at a faster rate of speed than was desired. When the engineer gave the signal to loose the braks and vase the train down tip- brakeman was endeav oring to hold his own on top of a coal ear The brakes on the tender went to the bad and the train wen, lik" lightning down the mountain side. The trainmen realised that the trnin was from under control and thnt in all probability they would he killed. With the train near the root of the mountain and running at between "0 ami so miles an hour Fireman Good lake and Engineer Iiek Steele deter mined If possible to save their lives by jumping. one took one side of the engine cab and the other the other Side. "Fireman Onodlnke stepped down to the lower step and doubling up made ready for a jump-Off: at that time, however, the track was heaving and a coal car shot past him: had he dropped at that time he would have b -en killed. An instant later and the tender broke from the train and went hurltina through pace into a ditch that the young fireman hail picked out. Fireman Goodlake, realizing that it was a case of life and death, stoop ed low on the step and when the coal car and the tender went by made readv fur a leap. He placed both hands between bis knees and at an op portune place literally fell off with th train running between 7 and 10 miles an hour. He was thrown sev eral yards and then rolled probably 80 yards further He lav unconscious for 30 minute and finally regaining conseiousnt hs and Aith a badly hruis ed should, r mad.- his way back to the scene of the wreck. In the meantime Engineer Pick Steele had lumped His knees and legs were badly bruised and scratched, while he had a cut on h's head and other bruises about the body. He had saved hia life, however, and for that he was thankful. Tie young brakeman went hurling thrnugl space with the coal car. The trucks were ripped off the car and another car came tumbling on top of the first car and the brakeman. After the accident U was generally believed that the brakeman hail been killed. Investigation, however, revealed that he had been burled beneath coal and that while severely injured he was still alive. He was pulled out and will recover. The entire train was wreck ed nd while practically all of the trainmen were injured none was fat ally hurt, fireman Goodlake. a son of A. M. (Inodlake of this city. Is now at his home on South French Broad avenue. A meeting of the Asheville Poultrv and Pet Stock association Wcl be held this evening at 8 o'clock In City hall All members of the association and other interested in the breeding of fancy poultry are cordially Invited to lie present. Judge Cocke presided over a small docket in city police court this morn ing There was hut one drunk, a cou ple of disorderly conduct cases, an as sault, a larceny and one other minor i charge. Several other minor cases continued until this morning were dis posed of. The remains of John Kunberg. a machinist in the employ of thti Southern railway, whose death oc curred at the Florence hotel Tues day afternoon were shipped to Ports mouth. Va., yesterday for interment. Mr. Kunberg was a native of Sweden but had been a resident of this coun try for several years. The November term of United States District court opened this morning w ith Judge J. K. Boyd pre siding. United States District Attor ney Ilolton and Judge Coble were both present. Judge Boyd delivered a strong charge to the grand Jury. The court this afternoon begun trial I alleged "moonshiners." The managers of what was former ly the Asheville pharimuy have changed the name to the Paragon Drug company, which incidentally was the original name of the store which was established about ill years ago. They also announce that they will be readv soon to resume business in their new quarters on the northeast corner of Pack square. Two negro convicts. Marin Hunt and Will Caldwell, escaped from Captain Brlttaln'i camp yesterday and have not yet been recaptured although three deputies and others wi re out all last night looking for them Hunt had three years to serve and Cald well had one year. Both wen double shackled and escaped in daylight. So far nothing has been learned of their w hereabouts. The Sooner Llx- Better. There's every reason why should use Blue Itlbbon Vanilla Lemon Extracts, and the sooner better. Pure strong delicious. Chalmers Owners Are "Boosters" The greatest advertisement for Chalmers Cars lias al ways Ijeen the recommendation of enthusiastic owners. That such men ;is these mentioned are Chalmers Owners is sufficient guarantee for those who have little know ledge or experience in automohiling. Many of these men could well afford cars of much higher price many own expensive cars as well as the Chalmers in fact, many of them have replaced their ex pensive cars with the Chalmers. Some are technical men wlio have an expert knowledge of motors and automo biles. Chalmers Cars represent all you possibly can look tor in an automobile for every use beauty of line, comfort, ower, speed, perfect control, reliability. You can pay more for a car but you cannot find a car at any price that will give you so much real value. 1911 models are now on exhibition at our new salesrooms. Deliveries made in order of purchase. Asheville Automobile Company 15 and 17 South Lexington Ave Phone 1310. itmnmiiniMMiiniH Five Tons OF M. & W. Coal) In your cellar is worth more than seven tons of some coal you buy. T Phone 40 for price. Asheville Coal Co. HIIMMMIIMMIIIMIIil H MEAT SPECIALS Prime Rib Roasts of Reef. Fine Pork Tenderloins, first of the season. "Phone us lor meat suggestions." HILL & YOUNG Phones 4 and 359. City Market. J. E. Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. We have In Stock a large assortment of Wright's Health Underwear in Rib and Fleex-e. Prices $2.00, $2.:0 and $3.00. Also a nice line of Sweaters. GEO. W. JENKINS NO. 89 SOITII MAIN STRF.ET Box Paper and Frame Special 25 Cents In East Window. Worth your while to look. ROGERS' BOOK STORE " 1 39 Patton Ave. ami I t he Phone 254. WE ARK Ml UP IN THE AIR AS VET (Continued from p.ige I.I I ith. 22nd 7 Oklahoma, 3d l Pennsylvania. 5th. Sth. 12th. 14th, 22nd 5 Pennsylvania. 10th. 24th. . . Rhode Island, lsi 1 W. Virginia. 1st. 2nd. Sd. 4th 4 Totals 50 Net democratic Rain. 61. Summary. Democrats elected, lit. ' Republican elected, 1(4. Socialists elected, 1 Majority of house, iss. Democratic majority in house, Hoti Fountain Drinks CANDY KITCHEN PHONE 110. Haywood Street. Near PostnlHre. 11 jto.I e TO THE PUBLIC Having decided to cut out all credits ! in order to treat all alike after the 10th of this month nothing will be charged to retail customers, Yours truly, mm L. BLOMBERG, Cigars, Tobaccos' and Sporting Goods. 17 Patton Avenue. 30. The old. old story, told times with out number, and repeated over and over again fur the last If years, but it is always a welcome story to those In search of health There is nothing In the world that cures coughs and colds as iiulckly -as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. WE GUARANTEE Satisfactory Plumbing, Steam, and Hot Water Heating. Let us estimate for you. UNION PLUMBING CO. riione 432. SS N. Main St Fine Jellico Goal The Ideal tmrnX Its hot. JKLLIOO GOAL GO. City office phone 9SS. Yard phone $1$ Special prices on car lota. SENATOR STEPHEN H. I I KIN IS HFMOVED TO WASHINGTON Washington. Nov. 10. Senator Stephen U. Elklns of West Virginia who was removed from Elklns. West IVrglnia. to Washington. Is holding up well, according to physlclana H's private secretary denies that the Sen ator will undergo an operation. Umr imck comet on suddenly and Is extremely painful. It la caused by rneumatlsm of the muscles. Quick relief Is afforded by applying Cham berlain's Liniment. Sold by all dealers. WANTED. WANTED For small family, a wo man for cook and to assist In I housekeeping; easy Job and good I home to the right party; room In house will be provided. Apply at (iaxette-News office. 2(-(t S. STERNBERG & CO. FOR SALE For Immediate delivery, all kinds of second hand machinery In drat class condition STEAM BOILERS, ENGINES OF ALL BINDS Pulleys, Hangars, Bearings. Boxes, Shafting, Band Saw Mill com plete; Steam Engines and Boilers of all sixes and makes; new and second hand Piping, all sixes. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Spark Guards and Fenders May save your house from ImrnlnK down. W'c have the must improved models of highest grade, Prices from $1.00 to $0.00. Can lit any sixe grate us show them to you Asheville Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE AND 25 N. MAIN ST Citizens Transfer Company JULIAN WOODCOCK, Owner. 4 PATTON AVENTJE. TELEPHONE Si. FURNITURE MOVING. Prompt Baggage Transfer Servica. Endorsed br V. C. T. and T. P. A. FOR SALE OR TRADE for country property, neat il-room house on ccrner lot. worth $3000, one mile from square. Address G. H. D.. iaxette-News It WANTED Piano player and Illus trated song singer at Theatn; no vaudeville of any kind, only mov ing pictures. Phone 1802, or call in person at ( Spruce St. 1 3C-dt STOKE HOITSE FOR RENT Good location, long time and low rent to right party. See me at No. 25 North Main street or write Ashe ville R. F. D. No. 1. R. A. Long. !$- WANTED All candidates and voters In Asheville to Join the Asheville Cleaning and Pressing club and keep up the same gentlemsnly ap pearance after election you did be fore. $1 a month; three months for $2.50. J. C. Wllbar. Phone 'it. 3ran's No. 14 curve Colds. II cent Chambers Weaver. Livery. Phone 1$ When You Need Things Badly Tou wnt them good, the newer! and the beet of course ! cheapest for China, glass, tin and enameled ware ars al ways the earliest at I X L Dep'tlStore If Paste Asa, The Miller-Rice Paint Co. Lacae Palnu We are now making FALL AND HOLIDAY PHOTOS No trouble to show yon the latest. Higgason Studio 18 N. Pack Sq.. over the "Theato." LEARN TELEORA PHY Only Sve dollars a month. If you have already made some progress. Come! Finish with ns. Asheville Business College. 12-8t FRESH SHIPMENTS CHEESE. Neufchatel 8c per pkg. Philadelphia Cream 15c per pkg. Pimento 18c per jar Pim-Olive , 18c per jar Clarence Sawyer Improved Hot Water Heating System Now is the time to prepure lor winter; have us install in your home, our improved hot water heating system which lessens the cost of installation and saves in fuel consumption and assures you summer heat throughout your house in the coldest winter days. We employ none but skillful workmen and ns the American Radiator ( o's boilers and radiators, and guarantee perfect satisfaction Ball, Thrash 3 Co. 5, 7 anO 9 East College Street, Asheville, N. C. Barbee's Full Value Cigar Store 14 Patton Ave "That's All" 53 Patton Ave. Six 'Phones, N. 1800 POR SALE Forest products to con sumers "-posts, shade trees. Address . Prospect Hill. Rural 1, Asheville. It POR SALE Near Grace. 1 to It acres to suit; views, shade, accessi ble. For good Improvement only. Grace, Gaaette office. It BAKER'S Soft Cream Taffy, 20c st 14 Psck Sq. l$C-$t NEW CLASSES Start Mn-ids In Rook -keeping. Typewriting and Shorthand. Five more new stu dents ran be enrolled. Come NOW and enroll with us. Asheville Hus Ineaa College. lH-tt POR SALE Or exchange. Go..d wood heater, or will errs tinge for smell coal beater. Apply IT Mor- Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder BROS. STEAM DYE WORKS W Formerly Asheville Steam Dye U g POOLE BROS. work.. w O The only expert cleaners and O (L dyers In Asheville. qq "OOLfc BROS., Phone 1230 FOLEYSOWNOlAXAHW roe Stsmich TSeuait and Constipation SEE US About Coal in 5-Ton Lots Southern Goal Co. Phone 114. Pack Square. Try a Gazette-News Want Ad. T0T7 MAKE A MISTAKE if yon don't buy a Harwood Iron. This is the iron that don't burn out or get out of order, but it costs no mora than a great many of the inferior irons. Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Ave. Asheville, N. C. IMM $MMMII MMIIIIIIMMe FOR SALE Five room cottage $2000 00. X Terms $100 cash, bal. $10 mo. MARSTELLEH CO. SS Haywood St. FOR RENT Seven room house, suburban, bath and electric light $1$ mo. MARSTRLLKR CO. SS Haywood M. GET IN LINE FOR A Wilson Heater Saves fuel over other stoves, gives bettor results, and lats longest. Let us put up one for you today. Ottis Green Hardware Co., TIM SHOP IN CONNECTION. Phon 63. U pk gqa. sssVeBasBBBaBBsaa AsasaaVaaVaa

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