I - ir. n, j. I.. r New Stock Women's High Class Waists Plain tailored and hand embroidered White AVnists, in Linen, Madras and Flaxon, price $1.50, $2 and $2.50 These waists are not only perfect fitting, beautifully tailored, but the embroidered de signs are beautiful. Suit Department ' New shipment Long Black Coats for Women Prired at $5, $10 and $12.50 Nobby little Coat Suits for Misses and Small Women in Broadcloth and mannish mixtures, priced $18 to $25 Every garment has guaranteed linings. 7uc Long Hip Corsets 50c This is decidedly the In-st value we have over offered in so low a priced corset. All sizes, 18 to 28. KINDLEY'S BAGMEN OF BAGDAD WERE NEW IMSIIILLE Till ENTERTAINED BY . C. T.'S SERVICE IN EFFECT TODAY . Class of 40 Initiated Into the Mysteries el the Order Ceremonies Last ed Several Hours. The Comus guild of the Ancient Mystic Order of Ragmen of Bagdad, the social organisation of the United Commercial Travellers, was entertain ed Saturday night by Ashevllle coun cil, No. 286. U. C. T.. In its hall on South Main street. A class of some forty members was Initiated info the mysteries of the order. The object of this order within nn order is the same as the social organisations . , the Masons and the Knights of Pythias, In a measure corresponding to the Bhrln n and the D. O. K. K.'s. and is con sidered one of the Jolliest of soclnl or ganisations. The ceremonies which were very In teresting, began about 7:30 o'clock and lasted three or four hours, Including the Initiations. There were several talks by the members. There were many out of town v isi tors and officers and they made their headquarters at the Swannanoa hotel. Many of the officers of the guild came from Knoxvllle and other points in Tennessee. Ashevllle Is also well rep resented. A list or officers and the positions lb y hold is given: George K. Preston. ursnt ruler, of Knoxvllle. Tenn.; I'. M. Meek, viceroy, of Knoxvllle, Tenn.; J. E. Call, prime minister, Ashevllle, N. '.; T. P. Reynolds, master of ceremo nies. Chattanooga, Tenn.; W. J. John son, chief of guides, Knorville, Tenn.; Willis jnck, captain or rds. Knox llle, Tenn.; A. W. Collins, caliph, -Morristown, Tenn.; It. L Grant, out side gata, keeper, Bristol. Tenn.; C. V. Iiolderman, Inside gate keeper, Nash llle. Tenn.; O. V. Parker, olloto, Ashe vllle, N. C; R. B, Krepp (Amazada. the handy man). Chattanooga, Tenn.; H. B. Henderson. Metuphlsto, the dev il, Knoxvllle, Tenn. Angels never had to get the furnace started, or maybe they wouldn't be The fact that caffeine The drug in coffee causes Many obscure, annoying ills, Ha induced thousands of Thoughtful persons to Change to welj-inade P0STUAH It contains no drug Belt is rich in the necessary, Vitalising food elements Qf the field grains that Dame Nature requiresior Rebuilding body and brain. Let a 10 days trial show you! "There's a Reason" roatnm Or-al Co. LUL. Battle Creek, Mich. Schedule Between Waynesville - Ashevillc Most Convenient Ever Inaugurated. Effective today tho Asheville Waynesvllle service of trains numbers 7 and 8 was restored. Train No. 8 leaves Waynesville at 7:45 a. m.. ar riving here at 9:25 and returning. No. 7 leaves at 5:15 and arrives at Waynesville at 6:45 p. m. This fur nishes an admirable local service be tween Waynesville, Clyde. Canton and Ashevllle and Is the schedule the peo ple have demanded for some while. Ity this arrangement the people of WaMiesville. Canton, Clyde, etc.. mas come to Ashevllle and spend the en lire day and return home at night. This Is by far the most convenient Schedule ever put on this line, the dif ference being that the new schedule of Nos. 7 and 8 is more convenient. The attention of the public is di r. eled to the fact that, these trains do not run of Sunday. I KI'ssKD IN "BLACK AN YEL IOW." Vol "Football Colors" but the color of the cf ' m containing Fnleys' llon- nnd Tar Ihe best and safest cough remedy for all coughs and colds, do not accept a substitute but see that you get the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In a yellow carton with black letters. Sold by all Druggists. E. J. H0LLINGER Well Known Ashevllle Citlxen Dies at M. rlMOthci Hospital How ins Own Pa ' 1 H-arers Funeral. E. J. Hollingcr. familiarly known to his friend as "Jack" Holllnger, died at 6:30 o'clock last night at tne Meri wether hospital, where he had oetn ......... .... ihn stun. Mr. llollin- k,t was a well known man of the city and had been connected un ninmhlne firm of J. C McPherson as manager for several years. He also was once connected with nan, i nrm. . .... 1 1,, Mincer came heYe 22 or 2.1 veara ago from Cincinnati, and was well IIKea n an r" In contact with him. Mr. llolllnger had tfl in falling months and redlining thi Hie end might not lie far off. he wrote ii letler before enterln the hoa i.ltol In which he chose hla paUhaar ere. This letter was delivered to Mrs. Mbiuitgor after 1 Is death. The pallbearera choaen are w m. J011e. J. .'. McPher.on, T. J. Irkln. John Majrhlli. A. L Ouiacnaro anu ... M Israel He was a member of the Roval Arcanum and was for 10 or II . ' ,. f the council here. and was also a membef of Ml. Her- mon lodge, No. us. a. r. - and h. choae hla pallbearers from th7;obS age Mr. Holllnger wa. the republican candidate for city ta colic, tor and made a rredltab e race The funer' will he heio pm " " realdence. 217 Haywood Ueet, at 10. dock tomorrow morning and the In terment will be at Hiveraioe tery. . Oeaitl or AJIvr. , mi- What do you want, my little ""Tiul. lov (carryln a cmt)-l want that r. voti offersd as a reward for the return of your canary " Lady That s not a canary; Its a '"Ijttl. Bor-I O" ' the blrd'a inalia Judfa, BONNIE CASTLE IS BURNED TO GROUND Handsome Residence Near Lookout Mountain Destroyed Fire Originated in Roof. "Ronnie Castle," a large summer boarding house located near the font ol' Lookout mountain and to the left Of that peak from Ashevllle, was to tally destroyed by fire yesterday after noon shortly after 5 o'clock. "Bonnio Castle" was built by Otis Miller about 20 years ago. It was a large frame building with probably 15 to 20 rooma and later was sold to J. C. Moore. For the past few seasons it had been con ducted as u summer boarding house. The 1 .use, however, was closed for the season a few weeks iigo and at the time of the lire yesterday only Mr. Moore was at home. It is presumed that the building caught In the root from leuves ignited by a spark from a chimney. The lire was discovered by II r. Westall, some distuncc away, and by the time Mr. Westall reached the seine the roof was burning fiercely. Neighbors were aroused by the liamin and efforts made to save the household furniture. In this effort there was some success although much of the furnishings was destroyed. The names, lea ping high in the heavens, were watched by many people on the square, during the afternoon while a telephone message relative to the (Irs was sent to lire headquarters. Th tire-chart in headquarters showed that the building was more than one hall mile from ttie nearest plug ami that It would be Impossible to render assistance with hose and consequent ly the department did not respond; also the building was considerably out of town. The building burned for nearly an hour and was completely de stroyed. The loss has nut been estimated. GRIGGS LECTURE SERIES Audiences Grew in Size, for the Last Lectures, and Expenses Were More Than Paid. Saturday afternoon and evening the udiences large from the beginning -assembled to listen to Edward How ard Griggs' line Shakespearean lecture series, grew In size. It was Impossi ble that they should grow in interest and attention as these qualities were superlative from the first. "Macbeth." given Saturday afternoon, was the most Intense of the series. A tragedy of revenge. It stirs the emotions and sweeps, the listener, as upon the swift currc'ul f some somber subterranean stream. "The Tempest," fitly chosen us t,, Until lecture, was in strong con u lo Mm both. Mr. Griggs brought mil : II Ihe sweeinisFs in the philoso phy ol "I?, . ;;ero" linking it to thai oi Shakespeare himself as he had mcl i'vd w ith advancing years. The large h: ienee left the assembly hall with re-tret that these marvellous lectures wet e a end, tiul lo u state of mind amine. I to Irok upon Hie with a large and hopeful vision as did the poel hen lie felt the approach of that shadow through which the great ge nius even as the ordinary mortal Dlust w ::lk alone. "lie Woman's ' lub Justified the con fidence tin y pieced In the cultivated people el th,' city when they brought Mr. Orlgg's here to lecture. The ex pepr'es were heavy, something .over 1300, but this has been covered, with a fev doll us to jiparc. Already the duo women of the city and many others are eager for n second series of lectures. Mr. Griggs' time is fully engaged, up-to a year from next April. It Is, however, probable that as soon n i i N i of Itie different clubs can decide upon a common study theme they will engage Mr. uriggs to lecture upon that subject. TO I THE A COLO IN ONE DA Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. C. ROVE'S signa ture Is on each box. 25c. "And you do really think I nm beautiful. Jack?" ahc murmured, aa ahe nestled up close to hM pink waist coat, says Judge. "Well urn ha Marie." said ha. "yes. that Is. you are beautiful to me, and who cares what other people think, so long as we are satisfied.'' Whereupon, with a woman's perver sity, she wept so hard Hint the color on his waiMYoafrun nway us lust as It knew how. ' '" " GOWANS King of Externals Is Security for your loved ones, Ethical nli v si nans aay bow la) Ii ans is we nesi. it Sositively Cures all lis arising from In lamination or Con gestion such as Pneu monia, Croup, Colds. are clrwi Cowan Pnntntjoo m thorough test, his th BUST mnparoo on tkx nwttit lor th rro.'ftWo. Cnop. Cold., Cwttto J AS. . 8MTB, M. D., AuguttA, Otoftfa WY TQ-MY! HAVE IT III THE HOME AllInsL. ! SO, t.. Mcmr.i eo nuauus. a. C. - - . toaMI-i-W aw Royal Baking Powder hot biscuit is the luxury of eat ing, the acme of healthful food ROYAL Baking Powder Absolutely I Pure The absolute protection of our bread, bis cuit and cake from alum is j in the use of ROYAL Baking I Powder only. The only baking B powder made from Royal Grape Cream cf Tartar. The Gridiron Princeton. N. J., Nov. 14. Yale 'rlnceton 3. The Princeton football eleven Baturda) lost an opportunity f a lifetime, a a opportunity to go through the football season of 1910 without defeat, and possibly without being scored upon, but they lacked aggressiveness, a characteristic so pronounced In previous tiger elevens. Georgia Techs ijost to anderbllt. Atlanta, Oa Nov. 14. After play- ng Vanaeriiiit i" a sianusiin in me Mrst half of the football game here Saturday afternoon, the Georgia Tech earn weakened in the bitter part of the session, resulting In the Commo dore's scoring four, touchdowns and threo goals, liotb. teams playing straight football. Minul score 2 3 to 0. Tech showed remarkable Improve ment over past performances and the ulisence of fuinlillna was noticeable. Davldaon Kan Aiay With South Carolina. Davidson. N. ('.. Nov. 14. David sons "electric inaesine, me ngnieni footliall eleven In tne south, ran away w ith the University M South Carolina Saturday afternoon, Liverwhelmlng the Palmetto 'varsity hM a score of &3 to Carolina was In t1 oor form and the lightning-like pi of the fraabyte Hans swept them off1 their feet. Georgetown IK-IVnl Virginia. Washlngtoi!. .( 14. Before onr Of the largest en nessed a footliall ton, (ieorgetoKii 1 that ever wit me In Wnshlng- veralty Saturday defeated the l'nlve Ity of Virginia If, to 0. This Is th first time that Ocorgctown has wol foolball alnce the tw from Virginia at rhools resumed athletic relations In f0. Georgetown's def Inse was sfroim and only on i as V irglnla able to make first down. ( jetown resort ed to Ihe old style of ptay for her Bains. But twice 4. is the forward paaa attempted ('oslello, quarterback for Georgetown, waa 4the star, kicking three goals from thd Held. The plsv- Ing of Kelly also w a feature. Auburn Won Ifom Tiiuiuc. Gulfport, Miss., Nov. 4.1 Five touchdowns and a nld gonl tells the itory of the defeat If Tulane unlver aitv here Saturday liy Auburn, tin llnal score being SS to 0. The team from New Orleans Waa outweighed gnd outclaaaed and. although playing a good game, had ml chance with the Alnbama men on thislow field ar un packs sand. Htrakht football was played all the way tiough. Other Glnim. At Minneapolis Minneapolis 28; Wisconsin 0. I, Vt Phlladelphla-jPennayWanla 0; Michigan 0; tie. At Ithaca CorneM 18; Chicago V. At Annapolis Navy 6; Carlisle 0. At West Point West Point 13; Vil la Nova 0. At lialtlmore Johns Hopkins uni versity 14; St. Johns college 0. At Providence Brown 50; Ver mont 0. At Cambridge Harvard 18; Dart mouth 0. At"" Birmingham Sewanee 30; Ala bama 0. At St. Louis St. Louis university 9; Kentucky State 0. At South Bethlehem Lehigh 25; Carnegie Tech o. At Gettysburg Gettsburg 10; Dick inson 3. At Lancaster, Pa. Gallaudet 46; Franklin and Marshall 0. At Portland, Me. Bates 0; Tufts 0. At Amherst, Mass. Amherst 9; Williams 0. At Middletown, Conn. Wesleyan 9; New York university 6, At New Haven Harvard Freshmen 14; Yale Freshmen 9. At Worcester, Mass. Holy Cross 0; Worcester Polytechnic 0. At Durham, N. C. U. S. Training Ship Franklin 11; Wake Forest 0. At Haleigh Agricultural and Me chanical college 50; Richmond col lege 0. At Norfolk Washington and Lee 5; Untversity of North Carolina 0. At Lynchburg V. P. I. 16; George Washington 0. At Lexington, Va. Virginia Military institute 8; Maryland Agricultural col lege 0. At Richmond, Va. Randolph-Ma con 10; Hamden-Snyder 3. At Williamsburg. Va. St. Vincent's 19; William and Mary 5. JUDGE COUNCIL'S ASLE CHARGE TO GRAND JUDY Crime of "Pistol Toting" and Violation of the Prohibition Law Dwelt up on Good Roads, etc. Superior court for the trial of criminal cases began this morning? with Judge W. B. Council of Hickory presiding. The court room was well filled with the usual crowd of specta tors when the selection of a grand Jury bus begun. Judge Council made one of the clearest, most precise and thoughtful charges to the grand Jury that has perhaps ever been heard here and numbers of the Ashevllle bar congratulated him upon such a clear expounding of the subject of the law. The first part of his charge was confined to the relation of law and government. He dwelled with partic ular emphasis upon the careful en forcement of the prohibition laws and said the grand Jury and the people should not look upon these laws in a rabid sense hut should wtih coolness try to enforce them to get the best results. The crime of pistol toting was one that he dwelled upon forcefully, and declared that the people and the grand jury should put on eyeglasses and liow many of theso offenders (HHttl be ferreted out and brought to justice. He touched upon the law I dealing with slandering Innocent wo men and seduction under promise of in irringe. and wished If any cases of this nature were known to exist the offenders should be brought to Jus tice. He approved of the good road work being done In the county and said that good roads should be encouraged as much as possible as they were one of the most important factors In building up a community. He thought eveiy road overseers should consider It a great duty to see that the roads over which he has charge should lie well kept. Judge Council declared that a good road overseer was one whom the peo ple would some day want to promote to other positions. In this connection he charged the grand jury to look into the conditions on the county chain gangs where the convicts were working on the roads and see that they were properly attended fo. He ipproved of convicts being employed on the roads Instead of lying In the jails, and believed It was healthier for them If properly cared for. The grand jury Is composed of the. following: O. A. Webster, foreman; J. M. Alexander, H. H. Littrell, J. P. Monday. C. W. Brown, M. Korstberg, W. A. Lynch, J. G. Morgan. IJoyd Uunsford. James Reece, W. L Peebles, B T rlhuford. W. U Dillingham, R. H. Hchank. L D. Deweese, E. H. IVnley, G. L Pulton. The Smith estate hotel case, coming upon motion to confirm the report of the sale of the property was set for Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock al though this may be changed to Thurs day morning. It Is said that both sides desire to go Into the trial of the case against K. C. Watklns charged with kil ing H. Bunting at Black Mountain more than a year ago. If this case Is tried It will probably be gone into next week. The solicitor took a not pros In thi case of State against Ed. Harbin, charged with retailing. Ihni'y 1 Alexander. Huge ne rowan. Don't Be Bald Nearly Anyone May Secure a Splendid Growth of Hair. We have a remedy that has s record of growing hair and curing baldness In (3 out of every 100 eases where used according to directions (or reasonable length of time. That may seem like a strong statement It la. and we mean It to be, and no one should doubt It until they have put our claims to en actual test Wo are so certain Kexall "93 " Hair Tonic will cure dandruff, prevent '..il.l neaa, atlmulute the scalp and hair routs stop falling hair and grow new hair, thut we personally give our positive guarantee to refund every pegny paid us for It in every Instance where It doeu Mil give entire satisfaction to the user. ' , .' : ' ' Rexall "98" Hair Tonic is as pleaa ant to use as er spring water. It Is delightfully perfumed, and does not grease or gum the hair. Two slsoa, 60c and ll.OO. With our guarantee hack of It, you certainly take on risk Bold only at our atore The Kexall Store Smith's Drug Store. Pack Ho opp. Public Library. , . . , , , . . . . . . Did Your Read Our Adver tisement Yesterday? If Not, Come Here Tomorrow, Anyway. Bargain Surprises Await You. Our Coat Suit Department for Misses and Women of fer values that will surprise the most economical women. Cold Weather Underwear, Blankets, Comforts, Wear Apparel, Shoes and Hosiery are here to make you comfortahle. "THE STORE THAT ASHEVILLC. and William Johnston, three negroes, pleaded guilty to gambling. Alexan der and Cowan were lined $10 and costs and Johnston $ir and costs. Wlnt Owenby submitted to an af fray. Claud Palmer, assault with a deadly weapon, fined $25 and cost. Ham Caldwell, charged with lurceny, plead guilty of forcible trespass; sen tenced to four months. William Thomas. Charlie Williams and Hardy Burnett, all charged with carrying concaled weapons, waived bills, plead guilty, and received short road sentences. MILLS BOUND TO COURT ON A FALSE PRETENCE CHARGE O. C Mills, who, during the last few months, has been involved In suits onnccrning alleged irregularities In the matter of the guardianship of Phyllis Hipp und Inter demoved rem the guardianship, was bound r to court Saturday after noon on the charge of obtaining mon- under false pretence. The case was heard before Magistral- Gudgor and bond of $400 was required. The case Is the outcome of an al- eged real .-state transaction between Mills and W. It. Williams, the plain tiff. wh,ch took place In the spring or lava, ihe pitman allege? mat a deal was proposed by Mills by which Mills was to exchange a lot cn Gaston street for property belonging to Wil liams In Kalrvlew, and that Williams paid Mills $1K0 In addition. The deal was never completed and it is charged that Mills had no lot on Gaston street and that the plaintiff has not been able to recover his money, nor the deed to the Falrview property. HEXAMETltfY LENETKTRAMINE Is the name of a German chemical, one of the many valuable Ingredients of Foley's Kidney Remedy. Heax- methylenetetramlne Is recognised by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antl-septlc for the urine. Take Foley's Kidney Remedy promptly at the first sign of kidney trouble and avoid a serious malady. Sold by all Druggists. When Women linn Politics. Visitor (to her honor, the mayor) hear yer gonna give a racket up atcher home on the ayenoo. Now, 1 carry the vote of the Ninth ward In muh handbag. Do I get a bid for me an' muh steady, or don't I? Puck. Mr. Otto Paul, Milwaukee, Wis. says . oleys Honey nnd Tar Is still more than the best. He writes us, 'All those that bought it think It Is the best for coughs and colds they ev er had and 1 think It is still more than the best. Our baby had a bad cold and It cureil him In one day. Please accept thanks. Sold by all Druggists. Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder Going Ahead Tou muat do one thing or the 04 bar. A stagnant buslneaa la certainly anything but th pride of the community. The "going ahead" merchant haa the proper kind of Illumina tion for his establishment fixtures that are modern, up-to-date and give the greatest amount of good light at the least coat, Tho "going back" man puts hla faith In old and obsolete methods and fixtures. . Wa await TOUR demands tor anything elactrfcaX Ashevillc Electric Company PHON ju" - rniM t SAVES YOU MONEY I smppinu a Leak. Yes, we found our cook was pass ing a lot of our domestic supplies through a hole in the back rtnee." "You discharged her, of course?" "Discharged her! No, Indeed. We nailed up the fence." A HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE. To be really valuable must show equally good results, from each mem ber of the family using it. Foley's Honey and Tar does Just this. Whether for children or grown per sons Foley's Honey and Tar la best and safest for all coughs and efftds. Sold by all Druggists. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given by the mayor and board of aldermen of the city of Ashcville, as required by law. that the city engineer has made a survey and tiled his report In the office of the city lerk. showing the amount of work done and the. cost thereof In the mat ter of paving and otherwise improv ing College street from Oak street 'o east end of Poplar street, In snld rity, and also showing the name of each abutting owner thereon, the number' of front feet of each lot and the pro rata share of cost of such street Im provement to be assessed against such real estate. And notice Is hereby fur ther given that at the first regular meeting of the said board of aldermen, to be held after the expiration of ten' (10) days from this date, said board of aldermen will consider said report and if. no valid objections be made thereto the same will be adopted and approved by said board and the liens and assessments of said street Im provements will then become complete and operative. November 14, 1910. G. HA LY BURTON, 239-10t. City Clerk of Ashcville NOTICE. North Caroura, Buncombe County In the Superior Court. Florence Murrey vs. John Murrey. The defendant above named will take notice thut an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior court of Buncombe county, to obtain an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice thut he la required to appear at the term of the superior court of said county to be held nn the IM Monday In Decern txer, 1910. at the cu house In said county. In Ashevllle. N. ('.. and answer or demur to the complaint In said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for th.' relief demanded In said complaint. This the 12th day or Nov.. 110. MARCUS ERW1N. Clerk Superior Court. or Going Back IC Mu --T.--ss-ir.il

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