Aslrexrtlle TH1 ASSOCIATED , PRESS DISPATCHES VOL. XV. NO. 246. ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 22, 1910. 3c PER COPY REVOLT GROWS; SEVERAL TOWNS TAKEN BY REVOLUTIONISTS, OLD FORI CITIZEN ELABORATE PHOTOGRAPH OF THE LUNAR ECLIPSE 12 GRAFTINGFRAT. Best Ever Taken Were Made by Prof. GET RICH QUICK MEN, FAKE PROMOTERS, WILL LIVE HARD Pickering; of Harvard's Astronomy Department. He Says. Gazette News. I HIS CAPTURED COMMITS SUICIDE OF TIE THIRTEEN Report That Revolutionists at 4 This Morning Attacked Parral, Chihuahua, Lost 15, and Were Repulsed. MARTIAL LAW PROCLAIMED IN STATE OF CHIHUAHUA Associated Preu Telegraph to Monterey and Mexico Commandeered, and Newt It Hard to Get M CXICO CITY, Nov. 12. Presi dent Diss's government tit con fronted with a serious revolu tionary movement. Francisco I. Mad ro, the reputed rebel leader is be lieved to be near his home In Con iniiln Yesterday three bodies of rev olutionist aiucked Ute military bar racks at Orltaba and liberated and armed prisoners. Great difficulty In experienced In Belling authentic reports front dis turbed section.. Censorship l "trie. In many Instance the government hss taken possession of telegraph wire, to the excituion at leant of nrcm dispatches. DRIVEN RACK FROM ORIZABA AFTER FREEING IMUSOXERS Oriaaba, Mrx.. Nov. 22. The revo lutionists have stormed til prtnon here. They tread the prisoner bat were driven back after a lively -gagr-tnent with troops. THREE RICH TOWNS. Eagle Pass, Toi.. Nov. 13. Mexi can revolutionists ha vc captured three chief towns In the rich Naxas river valley, Gomel Pa lade, Lorde and Tor reou. The death toll Is reported lieavy at Torreon, where 1000 rovo hitioHlNts. armed wltii modem long raikto tpum. jurat Urn rtt'. with tor- rifle lire for several liours. No Amer icans are reported killed. Forty Revolutionists Put lo Death. El Paso. Tex.. Nov. 21. A report reached here this morning that 40 revoltuloniata were put to death last night at Pueblo. General Fighting Reported. El Pso. Tex.. Nov. St. General fighting I reported at Orixaba. Rio Blanc. Anogalcs and Santa Rosa, in Vara Crux, whither troops were sent yesterday. Some mills, it Is said, were llwsd. These are cotton manufactur ing towns. Ten thousand employee in nrhtaba are against the government. It la reported that in Paachuca Americans are fleeing. Cards reading "Death to Yankees" and "Down with Grlngoos" arc posted over the town. Many carda read "Kill Dlas and his Yankee friends." An American ar riving from Torreon declared the mayor and two Americans were killed there Sunday by revolutionists and Laredo, Gonw, Palaclo and Torreon are all virtually In the hands of revo lutionists. It la reoorted that revelutlons at tacked the town of Parrel. In the state of Chlhuanua. at 4 o'clocl this morning and were repulsed with the loss of 15 men. The situation on the border remains unchanged. No dis turbances have taken place In Jaurex. The revolutionists have evacuated Gomes palaelo, withdrawing peaceful ly in th hills Torreen has been , s0 Insurrection- ' 1908 ' which was quickly quelled by the federal govcriir eminent and which Is supposed lo have eventuated in tho sending of General Bernardo Reyes who had been proclaimed leader by the revo lutionists to Europe. AlmoBt at once tile some element that had recognised Reyes as their standard bearer turned to Francisco Modern, aud nominated him' for presi dent of the republic In opposition to the incumbent, Porfiro Diaz in tho elections held last spring. Martero and his supporters claimed that they were not accorded fair treatment in the campaign, and Ma dero was Imprisoned on the charge of Insulting the government by hla statement that he could not get justice in the court. He was held in prison until some weeks after election day, when the existing government was overwhelmingly returned to powor. after wheh he was released on ball and made his way to San Antonio, Texas, from which point he Is alleged to nave been secretly preparing his partisans for the widespread revolt which was planned to commence last Sunday November 20. On November 18 Madero slluued out of San Antonio, it was then un derstood, for hla family estate in Coa hulla. to take personal command of the anti-government I forces in the field. No further word has been ob tainable regard? his movements and it is believed he Is in Mexico. Every precaution is being taken by the American authorities to prevent violation of neutrality laws on United States soli. Governor Campbell is reported to have ordered the entire force of Texas rangers to the Rio Grande, and the commanding oflcor of Fort Mcintosh has placed double guard over the gunracks in each bar racks of the four companies of infan try stationed here as a precaution against theft or seizure by Mexican revolutionists. J. A. Bloomer, Manager of Tannic Acid Plant, Cuts His Throat With Butcher Knife. News has been received here of tho suicide at Old Fort, McDowell rounty, yesterday morning of J. A. Bloomer, manager of the tannic acid plant at that place. The suicide of Mr. Bloom er was a great shock to his family. He was one of the most highly respected citizens of that section and while he had suffered with rheumatism for some time he had showed no signs of Insanity and it Is believed that the rash act was committed in u moment of temporary derangement. Mr Bloomer was in a most cheerful mood Sunday and with his family went over the Sunday school lesson for next Sun day, lie retired as usual Sunday night and arising about 7 o'clock yesterday morning said that he was going down to the kitchen to start the fire. Re did go to the kitchen and took one eye from the stove. He evidently then became deranged and picking up a butcher knife from off the kitchen ta ble went to the rear of an out-house and cut his throat from ear to ear. His prolonged absence alarmed the family and search was made with the result that Mr. Bloomer was found In a dying condition with the butcher knife by his side. He endeavored to speak to his wife but could not be heard. Physicians called in attended the wound and sewed up the cut but their efforts were In valu and Mr. Bloomer died about 9 o'clock. The remains will be temporarily interred at Old Fort and later will be taken to Pennsylvania for permanent burial. tUMARSKl. Lexington County Sheriff Rounding up Negro Rioters Who Killed Man on Circus Train. II SMI OF TWO TAKEN tnsnvErmi-i-v Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 20. Prof. E. C. PlclwWfljE chief ol Harvard university's detriment of astronomy, made protngrspha cf the lunar eclipse which he says, are the best ever taken. Five Instruments were used by the Harvard astronomers, three of eight, eleven and sixteen inches, respectively, and two of smaller size. At the rcqueat of the Poulkown Ob servatory, obaertuonn of the ovula tion of the stars were made with the 15-lnoh equatorial instrument, under the direction of Professor Wendell. These observations are considered as of tho utmost .Importance, as similar conditions may not occur for n long time. Faint lines on the plates Indicate lixort stars, which were brought into Vision by the darkness incident to the eclipse, and as the camera was moved to keep the moon, within range they themselves appear to have moved. REPORTS ADOPTED Asquith Yields To Suffragettes It He Is In Power Next huMiioii. Gov ernment Will Give PaeUMle for Consideration of Their BUI. m I-ondon, Nov. 28. Premier Attnoith hns yielded to the Importunities of the suffragettes, and in the house of com mons today announced that if he was till in power at parliament's next session, the government would give facilities tor consideration of a wom an's franchise bill, so framed as to admit of free amendment Asean tied by Suffragettes. Premier Asquith was assaulted by suffragettes In the precincts of the house of commons today, and was saved from rough handling by the prompt arrival of a strong body of police. T Crippen to Hang At 8 Tomorrow Announcement Takes Away All Hope He May Har That of a Delay at the Eleventh Hour. Shippers Admit They Were Requested to Testify by G. W. Perkins of J. P. Morgan A Co. Washington, Nov. 22 liwestigatlon of proposed freight rate advances In the eastern trunk lino territory was resumed today before the Interstate commerce commission. Shippers con tinued the presentation of their cose. Influence of tho big banking and railroad securities lirm of J. P. Mor gan A Co, of New York, on the tes timony of shippers was injected into hearing. This surprise was sprung by Attorney Lyon of the commission, who Induced witnesses representing big furniture Industries at Grand Rapids, Mich., to say their appearance was at suggestion of George W. Perkins Of the Morgan syndicate, which domi nates many railroad interests. The significance of this testimony was that stories were recently cir culated Indicating tho plan of rail roads thus to commit the shippers and then bring about a uniform In crease of rates. WILL GIVE BIG DINNER FDR GOVBNIDRS-ELEGT Sheriff P. H. Corley of Lexington Bounty, South Carolina, passed through Ashevllle late yesterday afternoon cn route from Kentucky to his home, having In custody a negro charged with being Implicated In the murder of a young railroad man. Paul Wil liams, dining the early part of Octo ber. It will be rermetnberrd that when the Hackenback & Wallace shows was passing through South Carolina October 2, a row occurred; a general fight was the result and ne groes on the train assaulted and mur dered Mr. Williams and kicked his body off the train It was alleged at the time that some 13 negroes were implicated In the riot and the murder, and the officers' of Lexington county, South Carolina, immediately set to work to bring Uu? guilty persons to Justice. To the credit of Sheriff Corley 12 of tho accused hove been captured and placed behind the bars while the sheriff in conversa- lon with the Ashevllle officers yester day afternoon declared that he had the 13th man located and that he would have him behind the bars in less than one month. the negro that Sheriff Corley had In custody yester day was located In Kentucky, after hard work and tho expenditure of more than $200. The cost of capture, however, was of little consequence to the authorities of Lexington county, and now that all save one of the ne groes implicated have leen Jailed It Is believed that tho capture of the last negro will be an easy matter. It is expected that as a result of the foul murder of the railroad man some one or more of those implicated will go to the gallows and that the others will serve long terms in the state's prison. The riot and the murder on the circus train was entirely unprovok ed find since Its occurrence more than AT FI1SES51 Rev. H. K. Boyer Elected Secretary of Beard of Missions at a Salary $2500 a Year. Six Who Came In With Democratic Wave to Meat at Banquet of BOO, Dec 15. New York. Nov. 22. The National Democratic club will give a eompli mentary dinner at the Waldorf-As rta, December 15, to six democratic governors-elect. They are John A. Dix of New 1 ork Judson Harmon of Ohio, Eugene N. Fobs of Massachusetts,- Governors- lect Baldwin ot onnecucui. wnson of New Jersey and Plaisted of Maine The dinner will he for 650 plates. placed under martial law. At Acam bero 300 men broke Into the Jail, let ting the prisoners free, and looted pawnshops, confiscating ammunition. According to advices received this morning. Ban Antonio, Ban Andreas, Torreen Ranch. Minaca. EnclntlUi. Guerre ra and the surrounding coun try were- taken last night by revolu tionists, who confiscated all stores and miiiiarv eouloment and surrounded .ii ..on in nd horses. Chihuahua Is under martial law. Mexican Government Seises A. I. Wire Laredo. Texas. Nov. St. The situa tion In Mexico appeared serioua last For the flrst time In the 15 vears of operation, the Jessed wire of nrh. Associated Press from Laredo to Monterev and Mexico City Was com mandcered by the Mexican govern ment on the plea of military need and the Federal circuit manager In Nuevo Laredo was ordered to cut off th Laredo office of The Associated Press to prevent information being leaned from messages moving over the wire. These Instructions emanat ed from the headquarters of the Fed eal telegraph in Mexico City, where It was explained .hat the government would require the full capacity of all Its telegraph facilities throughout the night. Coming ss it does after what waa officially reported-to have been a per fectly tranquil Sunday throughout the greater part of the republic, broken only by a few almost Insignificant dis orders In the smaller places, this ac tion on the part of the government would appear to lend substance to the rumors of bloody riot at Zaca, teces. Gomes Patacots. and Torres, the authenticity of which had been In doubt These Important cities are situated in a region which has been disaffected for years, domes Pmla rios and Torres are cities of about 15. -J 000 and 25. 000 Inhabitants, re and are located tour miles apart In the Laguna district of the state of Coahulls. This territory war Hit scene of the London. Nov. 22. Or. Hawley II, Crippen will be hanged at 8 o'clock to morrow morning. This announcement was made today and with it passed all hope that the condemned man may hate hud of an eleventh-hour delay. CLASS II STARTS BASKET BILL LEAGUE OR FRIDAY HERBERT ALLEN TALKS OF COMMISSION PLAN He Reviews Movement Here, and Discusses Their Ten tative Plans. Games Will Be Played During the After noon-Class B Will Play Saturday Morning - Bible Classes. The lirst games iu the Y. M. C. A basket ball league will be played Fri day afternoon of this week between the class A teams while the class B teams will play Saturday morning of this weak. The schedule for the class A teams games to be played Friday is as fol lows: Clarence Young, captain, vs. George Khuford. captain, 2:30 to 1:1. Wtlbsr Kumnrr, captain, vs. Don Randolph, captain, 3: le to 4. Walter Hunt, captain, vs. Malcolm Rurbk'ik. captain, 4 to 4:45. Hockey Newton, captain, vs. George (Tela, captain. 4:45 to 6:30. The class B teams will piay tneir samaa Saturday morning of this week from :$0 to 11:45. Their schedule is as follows: a sores Mesrs, captain vs Karl gchartle. captain. S:S0 to 10:15. Horace Robertson, captain, vs. WU I Ism Brown, captain, 10:15 to 11. Slbert Chambers, captain, vs. Mark Lance, captain. 11 to 11:45. The Bible classes will start Sunday afternoon at V o'clock, lasting just 46 mtutea. The text book win be 'The Gospel In Athletic Phrases" by R li. Walts, Jr . and will be made specially Interesting for the boys LIQUOR SELL! CASES FEATURE COURT SESSION A Number of Cases Nol. Fross- ed in Absence of Prosecut ing Witnesses. Discussing the commission form of government and the agitation for the dan s adoption now going on in Asne vllle. Herbert C. Allen of the Ashe vllle Transfer company, who was ap pointed a member of the board of aldermen when Greater Ashevllle was created, and who with natural mod esty admits that he was one of the first if not the llrst to begin tne move ment hsd this to say In conversation with a Gazette-News man: "The movement started about two ears ago and able It has progressed THE WICATBER. Pair For Ashevllle and vicinity. tonight and Wednesday. Per North Carolina: Generally fair tonight and Wednesday v n.wiv It has arown surely. Some moi ths ago the board of trade ap pointed a committee composed of George B. Powell. 8. Llpinsky, Judge Prltchard, Haywood Parker and jonn A. Nichols, and the Retail Merchants association appointea n. neuwoou, , B. Williamson aud H. C. Allen to mak tun Investigation and report. Of the iolnt committee Judge Prltchard was chairman and hU report, sub mltted to the organisation, was adopt ed and approved and the committee made permanent. This report was made only after considerable investl satlon "Later a committee on Investigation from Central Labor Union waa ap uolntrd and two of the members, J. L Murphy and Mr. Robinson, who were In Des Moines recently for s meeting of the carpentefs union, Inspected the operations there. They seemed much impressed with Its operations 'The plan Is to have a general en abllng act passed by the legislature after that bill has bean approved Dy the local committee having the move mtnt In charge, and then It will be re ferred to the people for ratincallcn it will probably embody the initiative referendum and recall features. There is some difference of opinion whether tho election should be held before ths rstrular spring city election or soma time In th summer or fall fallowing N' Special to The Gazette-News. Winston-Salem, Nov. 22. The Western N, C. Methodist conference has passed into history'. The features of the closing session yesterday was the adoption of reports and the read ing of the appointments for next year The report of the committeo on temperance endorsed the North Car olina Anti-Saloon league and Its work condemned tho sale of near-beer and Included a resolution that the next general assembly be petitioned to pro hibit tho sale of near-beer. The ac tion ol the general conference in reo ommendlng that the preachers abstain from using tobacco was endorsed. The report of the board of missions contained a recommendation that the assessments for foreign missions and domestic missions during the coming year be fixed at $21,600. 0. H. Neal offered a strong resolu tion oppieing tho increase of the as se.ssment of the conference for 1912 by the various boards of the church. Speaking in support of his resolution, ho referred to the high cost of living now prevailing over the country, and said there is a limit of possibility finan cially and that the limit in this con ference had about been reached. There are a lot of men," he said. "sitting In their offices in Nashville I master who are indulging in large visions and charge Postmaster General Leads Two Raids in New York, and Plans to Arrest These Gentry All Over Country. THEY REAPED $100,000,000 IN A FEW YEARS, HE SAYS One Concern Has Cleared $15,000,- 000 Selling Worthless Securities Government Evidently Means Business EW YORK, Nov. 22 Postmas ter General Hitchcock's crusade against "get rick Quick" con cerns is expected to cause a general exodus of fake promoters from the city. The postmaster general Is de termined to send to jail this class of promoters, who, he says, have sold one hundred million dollars of worth less securities In the last Ave years. Many arrests are expected through out the country within the next few days Officials of Burr Brothers com pany, Shclton D. Burr, Frank H. Toby and Eugene H. Burr, arrested yesterday, spent the night In the Tombs in default of $10,000 ball each. The Burr Brothers concern Is said to have cleared over 15 million dollars In stock operations Two Raids Made In raids so important that Post- General Hitchcock took in person, his Id mey nave a way ot thinking mat tne ton fell on two concerns yes- preacliers and laymen In tho different terdav afternoon which thoy charge TZZuTZ TZSZZtoSm conferences will come across with the Uith 8wln(illng the public out of more niir, niLimm, m.v. , .... L i use Ol IIIO inano. oneiuuii n. Dull, The Rev. H. K. Boyner was elected oresident of the Burr broUiera, and sceretary of the board of missions at Bugene Burr, secretary of the firm. a salary of 32600. 1 md Frank T. O'Brien were arrested Following are the conference ap-1 in tho first raid and were held In pntntmemts, in addition tn those I2u.O0O bail each. The government telegraphed yeiterBuy afternoon: (charges that the Arm sold between Greensboro District. 40,000.000 and I5O.SO0.00O of ntln- W. R. Ware, Presiding Elder; Ashe- lnK 8tock and oil stock worth little or boro station, c A. wood; AaneDoro i nothing. Charles L. Vaughn, a direo Clrcuit, R. A. Taylor; Coleridge, R. L. tor of the Continental Wireless cor- Meltnn; Denton. J. P. Hornbuckle; East Greensboro, 8. T. Barber untiringly effort to bring the guilty parties to Jus tice. j , i, POISONING KiMER TO DISCRE01T NEW CHEF That IS Ifiarge Doing invesngaiea, Rlrh4Tdson. oreensboro. Centenary, Against Commissary Steward and Second Cook at Academy. D. M. Lltaker, W. L Orlssom, super numerary; Greensboro, Spring Oarden, J. W. Long; Greensboro. W alnut poratlon in Arizona, was taken in the second raid and held in $10,0oo ball. Inspectors say Ws company has solo stock to the amount of at least one million which has brought no return to the investors. Roth ralda yesterday are further 8treet, J. E. Woosley; Greensboro, evidence that the government in its Annapolis. Md Nov ed of complicity In a 22. Suspect- malicious at- warfare against alleged interstate swindlers means business .and no longer will be content with issuing them fraud orders denying them the use of the mails but will press for conviction on criminal charges. The present campaign began some West Market Street and Bethel. E. K. McLarty; West Oreensboro, W. L Dawson; High Point, South Main Street. J. E. Eaves; High Point feasant to mslce us manv mldslilDmen Washington Street, J. H. Barnhardt, ill am noulhln and therubv cast re-1 Liberty, J. K. ueus; rieasnni naraeu ectinn imon the shllltv of a recent- J. A. Sharp; Ramseur and Franklin ly appointed chief cook, C. J. Ridge- vllle, O. P. Ader; Randleman and monlhB ago and has resulted in the lv rommlHsarv steward, and William Naomi. K. u.. ttunt; nanaoipn ircun, nrrw.t of ruig Cella and nis asso Harris, second cook, both colored, A- a. Kaper; nriaviiie auuiun, w. r. ciates, charged with operating a siring have lieen susnemled from duty and womble; Humn circuit, c. n. nf bucket shops; the officers or tne forbidden to enter the naval academy, ness ; uwnarne, r. JS- weaver, wsni- of rigid InsVSO I WOrtn, A. l Aycocs; couor r. v. Christian Advocate, M. M. ttiair; As sistant Editor N. C. Christian Advo cate, W. L Sherrll; Secretary-Treasurer. G. F. College, W. M. Curtis; Missionary to Corea, J. R. Moose. Winston District. T. F. Marr. Presiding Elder; Ad- pendlng completion tlou. Today was scheduled as "tiger" day n city police court but the result of the morning session gained little for the advocates of prohibition and the prosecution of Iquor cases In fact V'lth the absence of material witnesses talc's witnesses tne aiiegcu ti gers had cverytning praciicaiiy ineir wn way and there was nothing left for the court to do but nol. pros, s number of cases that had been pend- ng for days. When the "tiger" docket was called there were some 14 or 18 retailing cases set for trial. In the three cases against Horace Melton, pending when Superior court con vened. Judge Cocke ordered that a nol. pros, be tken in each case, say ing that Melton was now on the coun ty chain gang serving 20 month-, for retailing. Zeb O'Kellcy was a atar witness tor the tat against J. L Ivey and Joe Metcnlf. lie was on nunu origin sou early and gave hia testimony at some length. After the state's evidence was In the cases were continued until tomorrow when linal Judgment will be rendered. John Mull was another star wltnc for the state Mull testified again! W. P. Darnell and J. L. Ivey. His character was severely attacked, how v. and declarcil bad by cltu- in from Haywood county who professed to know the man These two cases wsre also held over until tomorrow In the cases of Joe Metcsir. JSU. Keith and P. H. Thrash, were W. A. Dewese was the prosecuting witness, nol. pros, was taken In each case upon the failure of the prosecuting witness to put In an appearance. An entrv of nol. proa, was also or dered In the cases of Joe Metcalf. Buddie Earwood, J. L. Ivey and W. P nnait where H. F. Bnsley was marked as the prosecuting witness Ensley after turning up tbe alleged "tigers" saw flt not to appear. He was called out and today the court disposed of the cases by ordering a nol. pros. In each case. MAJORITY OF OEMOCATS IN HOUSE WILL BE III United Wireless company oi tne mi Progresso Banana company, of the United Exchange of Chicago, of the Steele-Miller cotton Arm of Corinth, Miss., and more than 60 other firms in all parts of the country. Mr. Hltchcocks statement rouows. "The arrests by the postofflce in spectors of the principals of two Im- vance. L L. Smith; Coolcemee, W. T. oortlint companies with offices In the r. . ,. , , T T- T, I . I ' .... . . . , . ttcaies; uav:uoon v nvuii. u. i. I Flatiron building are ine nuii Roster for Next House Shows 227 Democrats, 163 Republicans and Lone Socialist Fire, Starting In Toy Store, Does 0800,- 000 Damage. Harrlsburr P" , Nov. SI. Klre to day threatened to destroy Madison square business section this morning. causing naroage. ins sbtarted ill a toy establishment. fire ledirr: Davie. A. J. Burrus; Farming ton. A. G Loftin; Forsyth, D. P. Wsters; Kernersvllle. H. C. Byrum: Lewlsvllle, J. B. Tabor; MoeVsvllle, B. Marglson: North Thomasville, P. E. Parker; Thomasville. Main 8treot, R. M. Courtney; Walkertown. J. C. Har mon: Winston. Burkhead, W. M. Bllee; Winston. Centenary, J- E. Ab emethy; Winston, Grace and Liberty, Winston, fiouthslile ami L. W. Collins Washington. Nov. 22 Democratic Salem. J. H. Hlatt; Winston, West r.nn representation In the next house will w. A. Lambeth; Lexington Station. A. conciuston that "the results already thn tnvBsturations made by the inspec tors of the fraudulent use of the mails. With the work accomplished today 71 such oases have been brought to a head during the year. It is estimat ed that tbe swindling operationa of these 78 companies have mcneo rrom the American people over S 100.000. 000. The crusade now In progress Is the result of a carefully laid plan of some months." The postmaster general aecmren in be 227 as against 163 republicans and u Stanford; Linwood. A. R. Rurratt: I accomplished by the department rep resents only the beginning or tne work of Investigation and prosseu tlon will proceed with all possible vigor until the swindling of the peo ple through the use of the malls is brought to an end." one socialist, according to the house Jackson Hill. E. M. Avett; Missionary pnatur imliltshed todav. tn Cnhn H. W. Baker: Agent for These llgures give tho democrats a Chlldi m's Home, J. P. Itogers. majority of 3 and a plurality of 64. Mount Airy District. It M. Taylor, Presiding tvuer; un fMnM TO ZASEIKA. hnrv Circuit. R. L Doggett: East Bend Circuit, J. M. Folger; Dobeon Siwoial Trains ltHimd In Through tlie circuit, it. M. Jackson; Elkin Sta- Nhrtit and Morning. Hearing new- t on. K ; mine; jonesvin uu. oat oils lo To HUH H mnersi. orcer. supply; usasvuie nwuun, r. L Townaend; Madison aim Mayooan, Tula. Russia, Nov. 22 Throughout w. V. Elliott; Mt. Airy Circuit, j. v. the night and during early morning Qlbson; Mt. Airy Station. J. F. Kirk, hours special trains arrived st Zsseika, pilot Mountain. J. C. Richardson; near the Yaanaya Poliana estate, bear- Rural Hall. T. E. Wyrhe; Spray and Ing delegations to the funeral Of Count Draper. T. C Jordan; Stokesdale. L Tolstoi. T. Hendren. supply, 8tono1lle, O. P. The unerlal train brlnslns Tolstoi s iRouth: Summerfteld. C. f. uooue, body from Astapora arrived at Zaselka Walnut Cove, J. II. Brendail; Yadkin- at S o'clock this morning. The funeral vllle, W. T. earner, supply. party was met by throngs of mourning KatesvlUe DUrt. ,.,.mUi,is Thn neasants marched at E I- Bain. Presiding Elder, Alex- tho head of the procession; then came Under Circuit. W. O. Davis; Caldwell student choirs, . bunting memorial circuit. J. G. W. Holloway; Catawba, hymns, and four carriages niled wltn B. Wilson; Davidson, k. e. Aimn", wreaths. The count's sons trudged oranlte Falls. W. F. Bandford; Hlck ..i..,. i, ,,.ir the welirht of the rasket. nrv Circuit. N. T. Smathers, supply; .,'" I ' .. W . ... Una. n rtialnm Till. nl nrw Htntlon I . I. II1H . Ildwi ACOIU...S ' I "" ,,..lul.l ,kn.V .1 OlIllMI ....c. u',.m the hearers, slid car- Circuit J P. IMLVIS: lienoir in. uii, . mei iio.nni i.i .i... n their ahnulilara m iri..- t ,iio r Htal ion. t i ics-i some "v '"""i rinu in ....!. .. . I , .a. . ...i. .-A ...A -aat .K.,t t miles The interment was una: Ma den. (J. M. turns; iviw dik " -"- . hill in Aforum wood, late this af- vllle Circuit, C Myers: Moores- the proposition of j. k. mnraiwii. WILL BUILD CHnTkUQIM IT BLACK MOUNTAIN North Methodist Committee Yesterday Accepted Proposition There. According to information received hers this afternoon the committee ap pointed by the conference or the ternooii. Prealdeut's Panama Cruise Ended. vllle Statinn ton. B. W. Fox; Rock Springe. T. B. Warn: statesvllle Circuit. L D Ran kin; Wwst Btatesvllle Circuit, E. K. Nov. :2. President Yates; BUteevlU, tiroea oirtwi, i. Statesvllle usee Hireei. it. r. Hargett; Stony Poiat, t. y. jonnson; TToutman, J. J. Edwards; Conference Missionary Evangelist. D. H. Coman; President Devsruyort College J. B Craven. Charietle Biatrial J. R. Scroggm, Prseiding Elder, (Continued on page 4.) Fort Monroe Taft's Panatnn cruise csme tc an end Turner here today. The armored cruisers Ten nessee and Montana with the preal dentlal party aboard dropped anchor at 11:SS a. in The president remain ed aboard ths Tennessee for luncheon and left this afternoon for Richmond, whsr he stops ever night, reaching Washington late tomorrow. establishing at Ulack Mountain a Chautauqua similar somewhat to that of the Presbyterians at Montreal and the Baptists at bl'le Moat- There are about 400 to lee acres of land in the grounds which Includes the property of J. C Coggins. J. W Dougherty and Rev W. O. Mel on. The proposition before Anally claOad must be accepted by the bishops and it Is believed this will be done shortly. The rhauuuqua is to embrace the so called "Northera" Methodists east of the MllilsOxfaS liver.

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