PAGE TEN lilllW 1 What to Do for a Sickly Child-Trial Free Many a mother has written thanks after following these suggestions It h&s always been a mooted question jt what to do with an ailing child, for i ra disagree and few doctors spe ll .0 in it. But this much is certain, ti In the majority of case faulty bowel But i inent Is at the bottom of the trouble. ': -.2 first thing, then, to -io with a corn pis ,lne child Is to girs It a laxative, j.ot a : re fruit-stew or such thing but a I nfl) sclentiftc laxative. Many are ti uiuemled but few have been found vi. Iiy. Among the latter none stands out . rromlnently than Dr. Caldwell's !- . Pepsin, which mothers In all parts of Llioi country have used for a generation. T can be obtained of any druggist at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. No chil l will refuse It as It is not a bad bkyttng and violent cathartic pill, but a mii-l. gentle, non-griping liquid. It has Dr. Caldwell does not eel that the purchase of his remedy ends his obligation. He has specialized in stomach, liver and bowel diseaes for over forty years and will be pleased to give the reader any advice on the subject free of charge. All are welcome to write him Whether for the medical advice or the free sample address him Dr. W. B Caldwell, 541 Caldwell Building, Monticello, 111. XOTICK. Notice is hereby giwn that thr jury hfTi'lofore duly uppnintod to prorate Rin1 assess the amoupt of the special bfii' lit arising to encn piece of prop erty deemed by said Jury to be bene ficially affected by reason of the lay ing and construction of a sewer line Known as sewer section No. 2 la the eastern seetlon of the city on Pine. Short Pine. Sassafras. Clemmons ami Latia streets and on BlnekweJl and oth. r alleys of this city, within the city of Ashevllle, as provided by law. particularly by section 71 of chaptei 100 of the private laws of 1901. and all amendments therein', has tiled its repert as required by law. in which HRM cost and expenses of the improv; -meat above mentioned it gainst prop erty and each piece thereof deemed by it to he benetlelally affected by said Improvement, the names of the own ers hi said property, or where names of owners could not be ascertained, the names of those parses in whose names said property has been listed for taxation, or in cases where snl.l pi i : r'v has not been so listed, the names of the party or parties occupy ing wiw, being as follows: Daisy Cannon. Uzzle NVely. Annie Thomp son. Thomas litta. Mollie Williams. W. B. Shuford, Henry Corpenintt. Alice Steele, Robert Cannon. Carrie Holmes. Jennie Parker, V. S. Jaqulth. P. .1. Jordan. Epps Estate. Smith, H. Batterham, VV. S. lite. Lee ;ii ii". Handy Martin, T.on Green. Mis. Cue. Nichols. Arthur ftogers. Thumas Morris, Moses Lord, K. I'. Awry. Mark W. Brown. H. Williams. Chas. Reynolds, Ann Horner, Robert Dtlley, Thos. Owenby, John lattlmore, J. Duckworth. Sarah .Miller, Geo. Aus tin. Mose Harris. Jennie Pearson. Josephine Fair. Dr. I! II Bryant. Alex. Blaekwell, A. .McCoy. Mat hew Baxter, Matt, isborie. Laura Rumple. Annie Pinklns. R, H. Higgins, Elln Brown. Ella Conk. D. Revell, Har riet Burton. Hen. Hampton, M.irv Rlee. Julius Abernathy. Geo. H. lines. Wm Williams. Hatlle Rush, Mar Allnian, take Rumple. Hen A. Sliu ford. Carrie Manse. J. S. Wilson. Lee Flenilnc. Monroe Walker. Gus Wooil b'e Lota Fleming, Margaret Bruton. Ha., shade. Lawson Keynolds, Lnu rema Aloor", Ijiiura Propel Albert Jordan, Thnmas Propes, J. F. Butler, Ed. Keith. Jane Lattn. S. Hemphill, p S. Henry, Wm. Logan, Geo. Willis. Ellen Mills. Walter Greenlee, Win. Connllv, Julia Forney, City of Ash. -vill- . V. S. Lusk. Minnie Woodside. they and each of them, and all parties interested in said property so bene fleially affected by said Improvements as aforesaid, are hereby admonlshe 1 thar the city clerk of Ashevllle, and thai they and each of them are here by required to be and appear at a regular meeting of the board of alder Stte 1 1 of said city, to be held on the 30th day of December, 1910, at 8 p. m.. and show cause, if any exists, win said report should not be approve! ami enndrmed by said board of alder men of the city of Ashevllle. This the J :tth day of Nov.. 1910. A. G. HALYBURTON. til dec 11. City Cle'l. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, truster' in a certain deed of trust dated the 24th day of January. 1910, executed by Ashevllle Veneer Company, and recorded In the office of of the Register of Deeds for Bun combe county. North Carolina, in re inrd of mortgages and deeds of trust No. on page .161, liy virtue of toe power of sale contained In suid Deed of Trust und In consequence of the failure of Ashevllle Veneer compnnv to pay on maturity the notes and moneys secured by said de?d of trust will offer for sale to the last and hU'.hest bidder for cash, at the court house door In Buncombe countv. North Carolina, between the hours of 12 o'clock, noon, and 2 o'clock p. m.. mi .Monday the day of December. 1910. h property conveyed In said d . d of trust which is described at fallows: A certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in th Mi ntj of Buncombe, State of North Yon must do one thing or ib other A stagnant business Is certainly anything but the pride of the community. The "going ahead" merchant has the proper kind of Illumina tion for his establishment fixture that are modern, up-to-date and give the greatest amount of good light at the least cost. The "going back" man yits his faith In old and obsolete methods and fixtures. We await YOUR demands for anything electrical. Asheville Electric Company raustB also tonic properties that strengthen and tone the little stomach and bowel mus cles so that they begin to do their work naturally again. Mrs. Ella N. Williams of Wathena. Kas. and Mrs. Emma Blaken ship of Bedford, Ir.d.. always give their children Syrup Pepsin. If you hesitate to tret even a fifty cent bottle and do not care to aisk your neigh bor about it (who probably is a user of byrup Pepsin), then write Dr. Caldwell and he will cheerfully send you a sample boitie free of charge, and in this way you can make a test without personal cost Simply send your name and address to the doctor. A great many thousand moth ers have had a free sample in recent years, gave it to the children according to directions and now have healthy, romp ing youngsters. Carolina, in the town of Biltmore, and bounded as follows: Beginning In the crossing of an old road and the Southern Railroad track. H. R. Whltaker'a orner and In thi due of T. J. Reed's estate, and runs thence with the center of said railroad track north sixty-seven (07) degrees fast two hundred and ninety-eight and fiftecn-hundredths (298.15) feet to a stake; thence leaving the railroad track and running north nineteen (19) degrees fifteen (15) minutes west five hundred thirty-nine (5119) feet to a stake; thence north thirty- one (III) degrees thirty (30) minutes west eighty-nine (S9 feet to a stake on the left bank of the Bwannanoa rlvir at the mouth of a small brand: it a crooked ash marked as a pointer: thence down and with said river south sixty-two (62) degrees thirty (30) minutes west fifty-eight (5St fee to a stake oa the bank of said river; thencs north seventy-seven (76) degrees west thirty (30) feet to a stake; thence south seventy (70) degrees west two hundred eighty- seven and six-tenth.s ( feet to a stake three (3) feet southwest of .a "mall leaning' maple marked as a pointer; thence with the line of tin I". J. Heed estate south twenty-seven (27) degrees east six hundred sixtv- two and seven-tenths (HH2.7) feet to the beginning, and being the sum land conveyed to the Ashevllle Veneer company by deed of Hattle Reed Whitaker and husband, registered in the ntiice of the Register ol Deeds for Buncombe county, in hook 140, at pngt 592. Together with all buildings, pint forms, sheds, log ponds, machinery. boilers, appliances, ottier furniture. rights, privileges and franchises and other property belonging to the said Ashevllle Veneer company. This the 2nd day of November. 1910. EDWIN L RAY, Trustee. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given by the mayor and board of aldermen of th- city of Ashevllle, as required by law, that thi city engineer has made a survey and tiled his report in the office of the city clerk, showing the amount of work dune and the cost thereof In the mat ti r of paving and otherwise improv ing Woodfin street from Charlotte street to Eurman avenue, in said city, and also showing the name of each ii butting owner thereon, the number of front feet of each lot and the pro rata share of cost of such street im provement to be assessed against such n al estate. And notice is hereby fur ther given that at the first regular meeting of the said board of aldermen, to be held after the expiration of ten (10) days from this date, said board of aldermen will consider said report and If no valid objections be made thereto the same will be adopted and approval by said board and the liens and assessments of said street Im provements will then become com plete and operative. November 28, 19 . A. G. HALYBt'RTON, 251-10t City Clerk of Ashevllle. BATTERY PARK BANK . ASIIKVII.LE. N. C. J. P. Sawyer, President. T. C. COXE. 1st Vice President. E. Hl.l'DER. 2d Vice-President J. E. RANKIN, Cashier. Surplus and Profits $130,000 00 Capital $100,000.00 TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING IH SI NESS. Special attention given to collecMons Four per cent. Interest paid on time depoatts. M. NEW PASSENGER ENGINES RECEIVED BY SOUTHERN re Twelve-Wheel Engines and Beau tiful ami Attractive hi Design Distribution. Railroad men will be interested in the announcement that the Southern Railway company has just received a lew consignment of passenger en gines of the latest and most improved type which are to be placed on the main line to handle the fast trains. These engines are twelve wheel pas--enger engines and beautiful and at tractive in design. The Salisbury Post says they have been distribute! as follows: Danville division: Trains' Nos. 35 I and 38. Engineers T. 11. Kritzer mid Archie Rowzie in charge; Nos. 34 and 37, Engineers W. A. Kinney and Thomas Beach in charge; Nos. 37 and 38, Charlotte division. Engineers W. A. Kezziah and A. D. Smith in charge; Nos. 43 and 44, Engineers Charlie Vesbitt and William Garreaux in charge. Two engines of this class which were received several months ago were placed on the Charlotte division In charge of Engineers A. L Solo mon and i). O. Fogus. pulling trains Nos. 35 and 36, and hnve given per fect satisfaction in every respect. These engines are with the Walsheart 'Hive motion, which is more econom cnl and more convenient to repair in ase of a breakdown, the machinery if the other engines being nil under neath. These engines are also equip ied with automatic fire-box door, and with the new Westlnghouse engine and tender brake. This brake Is a new invention and performs many features that could never be accom plished with the old style brake ap paratus. For Instance, if a heavy rain is descending a steep grade and it Is deal red to apply the brakes on he engine alone, it is easily accom plished, and if it is desired to hold i he brakes on the train and reserve the engine, it Is also easily accom plished by placing the handle on the brake valve to a certain position. This new brake enables the engineer to handle a long train with nil safety is well as economically. The old 1200 class of engines will bo distribut ed to different divisions where they will ho placed on trains of slower tehedule. RUIN BIHELOW CELEBRATED HIS NINETY-THIRD BIRTHDAY Distinguished New Yorker Greeted by Muny Friends and Relatives Flowers by YA uguiiload. New York Sun, 2tlth. John Bigelow's ninety-third birth day anniversary was celebrated yes terday at .Mr. Bigelow's home, 21 Llramercy park, by his children, grandchlldn n and great-grandchildren, with hundreds of personal friends who kept calling through the ifternoon to wish him as many more birthdays as he has had. That part if New York is never so lively of an afternoon as when .Mr. Bigelow's birthday comes around .and yester day a record was made. In tin morning there was a reunion i' the family and Mr. Bigelow was photographed with his son, Poultney Bigelow. thelatter's daughter. Mrs. J. F. Aloysiua Clark, and Mrs. Clark's daughter. Miss Evelyn Bigelow Clark. An Important ceremony was the banging of a new portrait of Mr. Bigelow by Baca Flor, which had just been linlshed. Telegrams and cables of congrat ulation from everywhere begun to ar rive the first thing hi the morning and kept coming all day. Besides there was a stack of letters brought by the postman or delivered by hand, and Mowers kept coming almost by the wagonload and presents by the score. The party at luncheon Included only one guest besides the family, and that was J. Pierpont Morgan. Miss Itlgelow, Mr. Bigelow's daughter, pre sided, and there were at the tuble Major und Mrs. John Bigelow. Poult ney Bigelow, his daughters, Mrs. J. F. Aloyslus Clark, Mrs. Newell Tipton and Miss Dorothy Bigelow, nnd the husbands of Mrs. I'lfrk and Mrs. Tilton. In the nfternoon the friends begnn to call. Among them ivi Mr. and Mrs. James Plnchot, and their daugh ler. Lady Alan Johnstone, wife of the British minister to Denmark, and Prince Troubetxkoy, and those that came afterward represented pages from Who's Who and the Social Reg ister. Mr. Bigel.,,',' received many con gratulations, not only upon his blrth dny but upon the completion of his latest book. It ts called "Building Temples of Peace With I'ntempered Mortar," and deals with the high cost of living and the tariff. During the recent campaign Mr. Bigelow gave ample evidence that time had not dulled the keenness of his Intellect or blunted hl pen. for lie made n number of important con tributions to campaign literature. Yet few realise that he was only eight yean the Junior of Abraham Uncnln and William Ewnrt Gladstone. And he still keeps as much abreast of the times hs he did when 60 years ago he used to edit the Evening Post. Mr. Bigelow has lieen a democrat misjt of th time for 73 years, which la more than 20 years longer than anybody has ever i- en a republican. He has been lawyer, editor, writer snd diplomat, achieving distinction in each Held. Mr. Bigelow's first pnblic office was the Inspectorship of Sing Sing prison, in 1I4S-4S. He was con sul nt Paris during the greater part of the civil war, and in 1M4 was made minister to France, serving for three years. He has written many books on many subjects since 1160. How active Is his Interest in s (fairs Is shown by the fact that he Is presi dent of the hoard of trustees of the New York public library, a trustee of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. ami president of the Century association You Must Head This If You Want the J. W. Oreer, Greenwood. La., suf fered with a severe case of lumbago. "The pains were so intense I was forced to hypodermic injections far relief These attacks started with a pain In the small of ssrasxk which gradnslly became fairly . paralyzing. My attention was attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedy aad I am glad to any after using rhl wonderful medicine I no longer m bothered In a ay way. by my old enemy lumbago.-' Bold kgr all druggists. DANGER IN DELAY Kidney Diseases Arc 4oo Dangerous for Ashevllle People to Neglect. The great danger or kidney troubles Is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer recognises them. Health is gradually undermined. Backache, headache, nervousness, lameness, sore ness, lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy, diabetes and Brlght's disease follow in merciless saccession. Don't neglect your kidneys Cure th.e kid neys with the certain and safe remedy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has cured people right here In Ashevllle. S. F. Miller, 30 Turner street, Ashe vllle, N .C, says: "At times 1 suffered so severely from kidney complaint that I was iald up for several days. There was a dull ache across my loins, ex tending Into my shoulders and a scald ing sensation attended the passages of the kidney secretions. I tried a num ber of remedies and consulted physi cians, but did not succeed in finding relief until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Smith's Drug Store. They disposed of my trouble In a short time and Improved my health. I publicly recommend this remedy In 1903 and now, after five years have elapsed, I am pleased to reiterate every word I then said, as my cure has been permanent." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and tnke no other. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Jury heretofore duly appointed to prorate and assess the amount of the special benefit arising to each piece of prop erty deemed by said Jury to be bene ficially affected by reason of the lay ing and construction of a sewer line known as Section 5 of sewer contracts on South Beaumont, Sorrels, Weaver, Curve, South Pine, Ralther and Wil son streets of this city, within the city of Ashevllle, as provided by law, particularly by section 71 of chapter 100 of the private laws of 1901, and all amendments thereof, has filed its report as required by law, In which said cost and expenses of the improvement above mentioned against property and each piece thereof deemed by It to be beneficially af fected by said improvement, the names of the owners of said property, or where names of owners could not be ascertained, the nanus of those parties in whose names said property has been listed for taxation, or In cases where said property has not been so listed, the names of the party or parties occupying same, being a follows: R. P. Walker. W. H. Bird. Nellie Williams, CaTtle Day. Wal ker, Lottie Priestley, Walker, P. B. Sorrels, L. F. Sorrels. Delia Wain worth, Emma Ball, Jennie Gaither. Henry I,ee. Chas. Ihepard, Maggie Whittaker, Sallie Weaver. Peter Wil liams, Joseph Collins, A. Burgess, Al fred Wilson, Noah Murrough, A. Brooks, M. J. Alexander, James Avery, John Downs, ltuftis Greenlee, Kay Palmer, McDuffey. I.. M. Bost. W. E. Shuford. Montague, J. A. Brysnn. Albert Jordan, chas. Smith. Joe Carter, Mahahr lisgsvale, Alfred MeElrath, Annie Sin th. J. B Wnllace, Henry Clarl , Cald well,' P. A. Golns, 1 enry Moon John Bias, J. A. Wilsol , John Lyles, W. P. Brooks, John Wilson. Mauda Evans, Ella Miller. Rna Ormsted. Minnie Smith, Annie Smith, Jim Mil ler, John Whltson. Dloik Mills, Eliza Bntts, Alfred Oaither, Hy Hamilton, John Holbert. Green Bradshaw. C. D. Madden, Greenlee, R. B. Cannon. John Downs, It. 1!. Porler, Wm. Whit son, Osborne High, Trinity Episcopal church, they and each of them, and all parties bstarested in said propert so beneficially affected by said Im provements as r. foresaid, arc hereby admonished that the report of said Jury as above set forth la now on file with the city clerk of Asheville. and that they and each ..f them are here by required to be nnd appear at a regular meeting of the board of alder men of snld city, to be held on the 11th day of December, H10, at 8 p. in., and show cause, if any exists, why said report should not be approved and confirmed by suid board of alder men of the city of Ashevllle. This the 21st day of Nov., 1910. A. O. HALYBURTON, t.l dee 14. city Clerk. LOGAN MERC 1 1 N r TAILOR. I-egal llldg. s. Pack Square. Phone 797. Mountain City Steam Laundn Modern Methods Tel. 426, 30 N. Uxington Av J. H. WEAVBB. Mtrr. Ur. ... r ... r. ... NOTICE. Notice is hereby given by the mayor nnd board of aldermen oJJ the city of Ashevllle, as required by law. that the city engineer has mad survey and tiled his report in the office of the city clerk, showing the amount of work done and the cost thereof In the mat ter of paving Hnd otherwise Improv ing Starnea avenue from North Main etrret to Flint street, in said city, and also showing the name of each .butting owner thereon, the number "f front feet of each lot and the pro i uta share of coat of such street Im provement ts be assessed against such real estate. Ana notice is hereby fur ther given that at ths first regular tinr of the an In hunt nfiliUmun to be held after the expiration of ten flOt davs from ihla rim mm hMmi oi aiuBiBssu win consicsr said report und If no valid ..i. lections ik m,i.. thereto the same win ha adopted 1 approves! ny sam board and the liens am, mmm -, u III SBIU Street 1m nrovements will then become com ptete sad operative. ' November II, ill. A 0 HALYBURTON, 1 1 01 City Clark of Ashevllle HI SCMUOS5 THEATRE CIRCUIT Saturday, Dec. 3 Matinee and Night Prices. M itlnee ISc, ft) and Tie. Night $1.3, $1.00, 75c, 50c & tic Reserved Scuts on Sale at Whlt lock's, 41 Pntton Ave.. Phone 229. SCHLOSS THEATRE CIRCUIT MONDAY, DEC. 5. Matinee and Night. Musical Event of the Year SOUSA & His Band PRICES Matinee Joe, 50c, .or and $1,00. MIGHT 35c, 50c, ". and $1.00. Reserved feats at Whltloek's, 41 Po.ttor. Ave. Phone A good many people believe that Education come only from schools and colleges. It doesn't. The most effective, most worth-while Education comes from a knowledge of human nature and a knowledge of life. And the best way to learn these things that are real, short of years of experience, is in the pages of Mark Twain's books. You have thought of hin? only at a humorist and philosopher. He is far more than this he is first of all a Teacher, and you may benefit by his rich experience use hii powers of observation learn human nature through his PageS It had been Mart 9 Now far the first time you writings at M exactly o e-half before. This is s new edition, which etal seas, by the way, at MARK TWAIN'S WORKS 12 PRICE only $25.00 for the 25 v Junes. tep)ililitsd library set f a nan tssuea at sucn a row . la thU BBS M lh.r r bMntllut brrxH.?, Thulurup, ChMdliut, K.ult, lad OBf- ' Undine U la rich nt raa tUk book cloth, with Jtl- lakok oil ind to sola. Th. book. WM ortotoi oooor. ataocUly auto for thta oalttoa. E TolaaM U ot (oxorou at. aaS bulk, BxTH Inchoo. HARPER e BROTHERS Wachovia Statement HKSOl lit i:s Ioana and ltonit Rpl I. Maw, Kiiriiiiurv Hxtnrea laali in llniikH a Vault . . Deposits Nov. 26th, 1908 14 226 464 00 Deposits Nov. 16th, 1909 TSa!l46 00 Deposits Nov. 10th, 1910 ..' '. b'mWIM x h! ?f 15118 T. S. Morrison, W. T. Weaver, 8. Lipinsky, W. B. Northnp, ( ol R. BinKhain, T. F. Davidson, Fred Kent, J. M. Westall, T. W. Baoul, Judge J. C. Pritdiard, 1). M. Hotlgcs, Dr. Juatin Wol.lfarth. T. 8. MORRISON, Chairman W B WILLIAMSON, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, TRUST, AND SAVINGS BUSINESS North Carolina's OLDEST Trust Company aad 8TR0N0EST NOTICE,! From and after November 1, 1910, our priecs to our cus tomers will be as follows: Tungsten Lamps 25 watt $ -5 a" 40 watt ' 62 earh 60 wntt. -84 ea(,h 100 watt 130 watt ( 2.00 ea Hi 250 watt 2-75 each Tantalum Lamps 25 watt.. 25 cadi 40 watt . . .' 30 eaci. The carbon filament lamps (ordinary incandescent are re newable free to our customers, upon return of old lamps to our office This expense is borne by the Company with a view to giv ing our customers efficient lamps. Do not wait until your lamps are burned out. When they become dim, send the old lamps in and we will exchange' for new. Respectfully, i THE ASHEVILLE ELECTRIC CO. S. STERNBERG & CO. FOP. SALE For Immediate delivery, all kinds of second-hand ma chinery In first class condition. STEAM BOILERS, ENGINES OF ALL KINDS Pulleys, Hangers, Bearings, Boxes, Shafting, Band Saw Mill com plete; Steam Engines and Boilers ol all sixes and makes; new and second hand Piping, all sizes. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. get a complete set of el Mark Twsm's the price they .save ever been sets just es conn, lets ss the old one. $-0.0. This stM igure. ' mmf In 1st, pktorw by Tri. N.wtU, o iiMhi y SUaotur. Loan & new esStion Is r- can mt th. hooka, I wetnaaaasbaBal ver before has a X ru mini U I kaaytkabooba, I aeissasi ether's works S W-0C " aa Msa egaVse, ass r s Slcntturr " fa easitas - , i , i iii at the Close of Business November 0, 1910. 5,78g.m. ISI.JlT.a7 2e IPS ei Capital HUM k I'lKllvtded ProHtB Itedisrouiit llrpoulls te.Hi6..-ise.ea Twain's ambition to htm his books in erery Aflsg ican borne, and he mads a great personal ggrrifcos to bring about this remark able opportunity for the first time in the history of publishing, iiiiijuigjaai books are sold at ths pries of non copy righted books the chance will not ACS 11-St. Trust Co. LI Will III ks $1.M,100.00 :IH2.5 00 $e.s4s, come again. ' harper a S aaemm 'te-'rele an, y M mt CAM TWA-DTS WOBKB, AtMBMS Uoaal Bdltta. SSI I Si S asJ at tap pb.Uoa ol pjat SSasTtllse X "oon pout a. ana ttattr saaa, BBS. is ss gas- 1 J I rvMeMPwr' J