si The Girl Who Lives Alone whether the attends college or goes to business, needs the Perfection Oil Heater. It will heat a cold, cheerless boarding house or dormitory room and make it livable. It is invaluable In Its capacity of quickly giving heat. It will burn nine hours with one filling. It is sate, smokeless and odorless ; has a cool handle and a damper top. An indicator shows tbe amount of oil in the font. The filler-cap is put in like a cork in a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. It has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so the wick can be quickly cleaned. , The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, and can be unscrewed In an instant for rewicking. Finished in japan or nickel, strong, durable, well, made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. Dtalin Bvtrywkm. If not at yours, writt for dttcriptim ciraltr to tht nearest agency of tkt Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) NOTICE. Notice is hereby piven that the Jury heretofore duly appointed to prorate and assess the amount of the special benefit arising to each piece of prop erty deemed by said Jury to fee bene ficially affected by reason of the lay ing and construction of a sewer line known as Section B of sewer contracts on South Beaumont, Sorrels, Weaver, Curve, South Pine, Galther and Wil son streets of this city, within the city of Asheville, as provided by law, particularly by section 71 of chapter 100 of the private laws of 1901, and all amendments thereof, has filed its report as required by law, In which said cost and expenses of the Improvement above mentioned against property and each piece thereof deemed by it to be beneficially af fected by said improvement, the names of the owners of said property, or where names of owners i-ould not be ascertained, the names of those parties in whose names said property has been listed for taxation, or in ..aces where said property has not been so listed, the names of the party or parties occupying same, being as follows: R. P. Walker, W. H. Bird, Nellie Williams, Cattle Day. Wal ker, Lottie Priestley, Walker, P. B. Sorrels, L. P. Sorrels, Delia Waln worth, Emma Ball, Jennie Galther, Henry Lee, Chas. Shepard, Maggie Whlttaker, Sallle Weaver, Peter Wil liams, Joseph Collins, A. Burgess, Al fred Wilson, Noah Murrough, A. Brooks, M. J. Alexander, James Avery, John Downs, Rufus Greenlee, Kay Palmer, McDuffey, L. M. Bost, W. E. Shufoid. Montague. J. A. Bryson. Albert Jordan, Chas. Smith, Joe Carter, Mahaha Ragsvale, Alfred MeElrath, Annie Smith, J. B. Wallace?. Henry Clark. Cald well, P. A. Golns. Henry Moore, John Bias, J. A. Wilson, John Lyles, W. P. Brooks. John Wilson, Mauda Evans, Ella Miller, Rena Ormsted. Minnie Smith, Annie Smith, Jim Mil ler, John Whitson. Dick Mills, Eliza Batts. Alfred Gaither. Hy Hamilton, John Holbert. Green Bradshaw, C. D. Madden, Greenlee, R. B. Cannon, John Downs, R. B. Porter. Wm. Whit son. Osborno High, Trinity Episcopal church, they and each of them, and all parties Interested in said property so beneficially affected by said im-1 nrflt'.ntont. am u., I,t .. - admonished that the report of said Jury as above set forth Is now on file with the city clerk of Asheville, and that thy and each of them are here hy required to be and appear at a regular meeting of the board of alder men of said city, to be held on the 16th day of December, 1910, at 8 p m., and show cause, If any exists, why snld report should not be approved and confirmed by said board of alder men of the city of Asheville. This the 21st day of Nov., 110. A. O. HALYBURTON, Nl dec 14. city Clerk. TRrsTEF.'S SALS. Under nnd by virtue of the power of sale contained i n a certain deed of trust executed by Ellsa Cook and Kllen Cook, on the 15th day of Oct., 10. which Instrument was duly recorded In tne office of the Reg leter of Deeds for Buncombe county, N. C, in Book No 7T, page No. t, of the Records or Mortgages and Deeds of Trut for said county and state, to which reference Is hereby made, and defauU having been made in the pay ment of the Indebtedness secured In and by the said Instrument, whereby the power of sale therein contained be came operative, and the holder there of having made demand upon the said trusty that he sell the lands conveyed In and by said deed of truet. according te the tnrms thereof, the .4j trustee will on SATURDAY. DECEMBER II, 110, at II o'clock M. sell to the high est bidder, for cash, at the court house ooor i said county and state, the said lands, which are bounded and more artteularly described as follows, vis: "Situate, lying and being In the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe and Btate of North Carolina, situated In the eastern portion of the cliy, on t as nth margin of Mountain street Beginning at a stake In the south mar gin of Moun'aln street at a point ion Hp1 tn" corner of Pine and Mountain streets, and runs thence with the South margin of MotintHln tr. !Shll. ,,,M nd forty. rou, .m. I fee: thence south i n, is always a ready help in the many things women do for themselves in their rooms. With the damper top opened it will heat water for tea or cocoa; it will dry the small articles that a woman prefers to wash herself in her own room. It will quickly heat an iron or curling tongs; quickly dry wet shoes or skirts an ever ready help for the woman who lives alone, depend ent on her own resources. The RFJECT10 9MUHELE5S Absolutely smokeless tad odorless Andrews, to T. O. Thrash by deed dated Aug. 29th. 1907." SECOND TRACT "Situate, lying and being in the said county of Bun combe and State of North Carolina, and In Asheville, on Pine street, and adjoining above-mentioned lot, and bounded and more particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake 1n Lawson Miller's north line, about 100 feet from Pine street, and runs thence with the line of No 11 lot, now Miller's line, north 82 degrees and 16 minutes east about seven feet to a stake in Miller's line; thence north 31 degrees east abont.57 feet in line of said house bought of T. M. An drews; thence south 74 degrees and 24 minutes west about 7 feet to a stake; thence south 1 degree and 49 minutes west about 57 feet to the be ginning." This November 28. 1910 EUGENE WAY, Trustee. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Jury heretofo-e duly appointed to prorate and assess the amount of the special benefit arising to eacn piece of prop erty deemed by said Jury to be bene ficially affected by reason of the lay ing and construction of a sewer line known as sewer section No. 2 in the eastern section of the city on Pine, Short Pine, Sassafras. Clemmons and Latta streets and on Blackwell nnd other alleys of this city, lthln the clr., of Asheville, as provided by law. particularly by section 71 of chapter 100 of the private laws of 1901, and all amendments thereof, has filed Its report as required by law, in which said cost and expenses of the Improve ment above mentioned against prop erty and each piece thereof deemed by it to" be beneficially affected by said Improvement, the names of the own ers of said property, or where names of owners could not be ascertained, the names of those parties in whose names said property has been listed for taxation, or in cases where said property has tiol been so listed, the names of the party or parties occupy ing same, being as follows: Daisy Cannon. I ,c Neely. Annie Thomp son, Thomas Latta, Mollle Williams, W. E. Shuford. Henry Corpenlng. Alice Steele. Robert Cannon. Carrie Holmes, Jennie Parker, V. S. Jaquith P. J. Jordan, Epps Estate, Smith. H. Batterham, W. S. Lee, Lee Qlbbs, Mandy Martin, I .on Green, Mrs. Coe. Lee Nichols, Ar'-ur Rogers. Thomas Morris. Moses Lord, K. P. Avery, Mark W. Brown. H. Williams. Chas. Reynolds. Ann Horner, Robert Duley, Thos. Owenby. John Ijittimore. J. Duckworth, Sarah Miller, Geo. Aus tin, Mose Harris. Jennie Pearson. Josephine Farr, Dr. R. H. Bryant, Alex. Blackwell, A. McCoy, Mathew Baxter. Matt. Osborne, Laura Rumple, Annie Plnklns, R. H. Hlgglns. Elln Brown. Ella rook, O. D. Revel!, Har riet Burton, Geo. Hampton, Mary Rice, Julius Abemathy, Geo. Haines, Win. Williams. Hattle Rush, Mary Allman. Lake Rumple, Geo. A. Shu ford, Carrie Manse, J. S. Wilson. Lee F leming, Monroe Walker, Gus Wood vide, iAila Fleming, Margaret Brutnn. aavtc Shade, lawson Reynolds, Lau renla Moore, Laora Propea, Albert Jordan, Thomas Propea, J. F. Butler, at Keith. Jane Latta. S. Hemphill. P. 8. Henry. Wm. Logan, Geo. Will If. Ellen Mills. Walter Greenlee, Wm. Cnnally, Julia Forney, City of Ashs vllle, V. 8. Lusk, Minnie Woodatde. they and each of them, and all partlea Interested In said property so bene ficially affected by aald Improvements as aforeaald, are hereby admonished that the city clerk of Asheville, and that they and each of them are here by required to be and appear at a regular meeting of the board of alder men of said city, to be held on the 30th day or December, 1010, at p. m.. and show cause. If day exists, why said report should not be approved and confirmed by aald board of alder men of the city of Asheville. This the 2th day of Nov., lilt. A. O. HALYBURTON, Ml daw II. city Clerk. SALE OF REAL ROTATE FOR At It o'clock on Mondav. Jimmrv 9th. It 11, at the court houaa door In Asheville. N. ft. I wltt aell at 1,1,1.11.. outcry to the hlfthest bidder for cash. ,irsuant to the laws of North Caro lina, all the Innriii in Hnn.,mi.u I on whiuh the taaas far the year iivd anil ltot remain unaalri tart ef which lands to be acid, and the inniwuni 01 taxes due thereon, with I coats of advertisement added as re quired by the laws of 1103, as fot- THE CHRISTMAS TREE. How to Decorate It to Get Beautiful Effects Cheaply. Decorating u Christmas free' gives plenty of scope for artistic talent and the display of originality. The use of electric light bulbs of different coloro atldj much to the beauty of the tree, but they also add to the expense. uuU beautiful effects can be gained without the expenditure of much money. Thought and work will take the place of money iu creating a tree that will delight the children uud will add much to the enjoyment of grownups. One novel effect am be gained by the use of twisted crystal drops, which will look like Icicles when suspended from the tree. They come iu clusters and are comparatively cheap. The crystal drops from old fasioned lamps can be used effectively ib connection with he new ones. Stars, crescents and diamonds cut from silver paper and scattered lavishly over the tree heighten the effect, anu strings of white popcorn looped from itough to bough will also add to the arctic ef fect. Too much color should not be used In this scheme of decoration, though tradition demuuds that some holly ber ries, mistletoe aud cranberries appear. Small red nnd green apples if stuck full of tiny crape paper flags nnd then suspended from the tree can he used to good advantage. They can be fas tened by braids of red, white, blue nnd green paper. Walnuts, hickory nuts, peanuts, pine cones, etc.. can be gilded and then used so they will help the decorative scheme. Buy some smalt of your paint dealer. Dissolve a piece of glue iu boiling water, place a small tack In the end of the nut and then dip it in the glue. Then roll It in the smnlt. which can be had in gold, silver and other metallic shades. The nuts can be at tached to the tree by means of the tack. They should be hung from bright colored ribbons in places that look bare. A yard of tarletan, costing but n few cents, can be made Into dozens bf small bngs, hearts and stockings, which, when filled with bright colored candles, are useful In decorating and at the same time serve as presents. DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY. How to Lessen Your Own Troubles and the Merchants' Worries. Shop early. The woman who shops early is in letter temper to make judi cious selections, has more time to de vote to making purchasers, a less rumped assortment of goods to choose from and, above all, is apt to Eeceive more effective and considerate service from the clerks. Women are prone to making early shopping resolutions and are also prone to breaking them. Really the results might be worth the effort of a good trial. In addition to the utilitarian feature of early shopping there is the humani tarian feature. A New York woman has formulated the following rules for Christmas shopping: "First Do as much as possible of your shopping before Dec. 1. "Second. Have it all done one week before Christmas. 'Third Shop early In the day. "Fourth. Carry home as many par cels as possible. "Fifth. IK) not ask to have parcels delivered on the day of purchase. "Sixth. Do not ask to have articles sent home on approval. "Seventh. Do not shop during lunch hours, thus shortening the honr for the clerks." There Is so much common sense In these rnles that all women might adopt them with profit to themselves, the merchants and the clerks. How to Stencil 0 Frieze. When stenciling a design fur a wall paper frieze draw the diapered pat tern on heavy paper so as to allow the skeleton design tu bold firmly together after the sprays have bec-j cut out from steucll plates. Cut out each piece of the drawing with a sharp knife uud lay It on a rough piece of the enrd board so that tb edge of the knife is not turned. Prppnr each piece to re sist the action of tbe color by suing or by shellac dissolved In inethyl:it-tl spirit. Mix the color with ooe-tbj .1 picture copal varnish and two-thirds turpentine, using only a small portion at a time, as It Is very volatile. Then dab the color nil over the surface of the deslgu with a stencil brush. You will then be ready to apply It to tbe walls. Hew to Make a Christmas Ball. Take two wooden boons ami. after placing one Inside the other ao they are t right angles, make a network of wire arwuud them no as to form a hol low ball. Stick into tbls countless bom-has of holly aud sluil It with ber ries fronted wit h snow powder. I'najen ribbous to It from which to suspend the present. Hang tbe ball from tbe cell ing by a picve of ribbon, which can be run though a hook so the bail can be raised not of the wty until tt Is time to distribute tbe presents. The Cbrtst raaa ball Is a pretty and Inexpensive substitute for the Christmas tree. Haw to Tie twees Comfortably. Msn who have trouble with shots because the lacing does not stay tight over the instep, but becomes to tight at tbe top as to be uncomfortable, can avoid tbe discomfort by a Uttle care. Lace tbe shoe tightly until halfway ap, then paaa the string a second time over tbe books and than lace tbe fW of the shoe loosely. The doable tun over the hooks ut tbe)nep will keep the lower portion of the lacing tight, and the . onset portion will remain GARAGE SHOULD BE CLEAN. How to Car Far sn Auto 80 Expensss Will Be Kept Down. Cleanliness In the garage Is essential to the well being of one's car. Next to that, cieaullness iu keeping tbe car Is most to be desired. The first of these two liuportaut points can only be secured when pbmnlng the build ing, and it Is one that the owner will do well to look out for. The draining of the floor should al ways Incline toward the center and should be of a cesspool pattern. Be low the opening there should be a re ceptacle to catch nil grease and dirt and with It a grit chamber. These should be carefully looked after, so as to guard against any obstruction. A good thing to keep tbe gursge floor clean la a hoi. saturated solution of common washing soda, which can. If wanted for use frequently, be made up in large quantities and stored away. If this Is done, however, tbe solution must be reheated to nlout boiling point before making use of It. This will, of court e be too hot for the hands, so that an old broom or brush should be utilized to spread It around. Another preparation as good, If not better, that can be used for this pur pose is trisulphate of sodium, which can be procured from several chemi cal companies, priced at from 4 to 5 cents per pound. Tills solution, al though strong enough to remove paint, can be frequently ustvl for the hands with impunity. It is more convenient than the first solution In that it can be used cold. For cleaning the body of a car the use of needlessly strong alkali soap should be condemned. This, with neg lect to wasu off the snap and failure to dry the varnished surface perfectly. Is responsible for a great deal of the Injury done to a car's paint As a matter of fact, neither soap nor water should ever be need on a car above tbe undersides of the mud guards, ex cept In cases where tbe mod Is caked on the body In Urge quantities. In most cars tbe first signs of wear of the painted portion invariably show on the varnished surface of the en gine bonnet. This Is due to the fact that it is frequently covered with mud on the return from n run and is then washed with soapy water while the metal Is still hot. Sonp should not be used on the bonnet until It has cooled and even then should be carefully washed off. After n number of wash ings while the bonnet Is still hot the Injurious effect is quite noticeable, and Within a short period tbe car has to be repainted long before its legitimate time. The problem of clean hands Is fre quently a difficult question with own ers of autoe who do any of their own driving or repairing. The use of a mixture of soap powder and powdered pumice is recommended. The propor tion of the Ingredients can only be de termined by use, as it varies with tbn Individual. This last fact, of course, precludes its being , kept In stock any length of time. How to Get Winter Eggs. At this time of year good poultry men are preparing for the winter, and tbe supply of eggs marketed In the cold weather largely depends on the preparations that are made now for several reasons: First, because the cocks and bens r now molting and require extra care In the way of feed, wster and grit. Roll corn nnd oats together and feed once a day. Wheat nnd corn are good foods, not cooked, for the bal ance of tbe day. At this time iu' year good, cold drink ing water kept in vessels is all right. but when the v outlier is cold bent the water. It will help to retain the body neat of tbe hem. Keep sand at all times In your poul try yard. It Is tbe cheapest and best of grit. Bee that the broken panes of glass are replaced and the csscks ail closed before the winter storms begin. Fresh nests should be made at least once a month. The bens do not like to leave their offerings iu soiled nests and often refuse to lay where lice are In tbe nests. Whitewash tbe henhouse and roosts twice s year and scatter dry lime over it balance of time or sprinkle with coal oil. If cleanliness Is closely watched there will be less danger of sick fowls. p Hew to Clean Woodwork. Tbe woodwork around my kitchen sink became very dirty, and I wanted it cleaned and revnrniohed. This easy method of getting the dirt and old var nish off at f ie same tea was told ma snd proved to be a boon. Tbe instruc tions were to make a soft soap from common yellow laundry soap and when it was nearly cool to Stir In one table spoonful of concentrated lye and one half capful of coal oil. When the rals ture was like a heavy paste It was ready to be spread OTST the woodwork with s paint brush. I followed these Instructions, letting tha Swap remain a day sad a halt and Whan I washed It off with plenty of not water ws pleased to find the dtrt and old rar nlsh come with it. leaving tbe clean Tvood expoeed When It was dry I var nished it. snd I had it sweet, clean V 'hen again with vary BbSe 1st . Mrs. C C. Andrews. Haw to Clesn a Mask Skirl It hi possible to clean a black skirt with very little trndfett Lay It flat on s clesn table Remove all grease spots with brown paper snd a hot lrn. then with n Sponge dipped Im sir.. as; coffee rub over the entire dress, paring special attention to the front and edge of the skirt. After the wh ile of ihV skin has hewn snouted nnd Tne telegraph rosspswles of th Htatee employ fifty i ThU Home-Mad Cough f Syrup Will Surprise You T Stops Even Whooping; Const (i sickly. A Family Supply at Small Cost. MM MMMIMHH Hero is a home-made remedy that takes hold of a cough Instantly and will usually cure the most stubborn in s noura. xms recipe mattes a pint enough for a whole family. You couldn't buy as much or as good ready made cough syrup for 12.50. Mix one pint of granulated sugar with H pint of warm water, and stir 2 minutes. Put 24 ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) In a pint bottle, and add the Sugar Syrup. This keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste children like It. Braces up the appe tite and is slightly laxative, which helps end a cough. You probably know the medical value of pine In treating asthma, bronchitis and other throat troubles, sore lungs; etc There Is nothing better. Plnex la the most valuable concentrated com pound of Norway white pine extract, rich in culalcol and all the natural healing pine elements. Other prepara tions will not work In this formula. The prompt results from this inex- fienslve remedy have made friends for t in. thousands of homes In the United States and Canada, which explains whv the plan has been Imitated often, but never successfully. A guaranty of abaoluto satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Plnex or win get 11 ior you. tr not, send to The Plnex Co., Ft Wayne. Ind. The Stray Chlf-ft Crowded Out Kansas City Star. They talked It over and decided that it was their duty to rear some body else's baby. They found a boy three days old and took him home. That was IS years ago. Then something attracted the stork. He began to visit the home at 265 Independence avenue where a found ling baby had been taken In because he had neglected to stop there, But after the stork had called five times and there were five- little mouths of their own to feed they talked it over again. And Joseph Bayne, who Is a mall carrier, went to the Juvenile court and asked that he and his wife be relieved of the care of the adopted boy. "You see." he said, "whan we took this boy we believed we never would have children of our own." And so the adopted boy is going to find a new home at the Met 'tine farm. A Simple Safeguard for Mothers. Mrs. D. Gllkeson, 32t Ingles Ave., Youngstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by experience. "My little girl had a se vere cold and coughed almost continu ously. My sister recommended Foley's Honey snd Tar. The first dose I gave her relieved the Inflammation In her throat and after using only one bot tie her throat and lungs were entirely free from inflammation. Since then I always keep a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar In the house. Accept no sub stltutes. Sold by all drugsrlsts. To provide sgalnst false Are alarms an Inventor has suggested a fire alarm box that locks n hnndcuff on the wrist of a person who rings an alarm re movable only by a fire department ofiicer. Worse thi.n an alarm of fire at night Is the metallic cough of croup bringing drend to the household Careful mothers keep Foley's Honey and Tar In the house snd give It at the first sign of danger. It contains no oplstcs. Sold by all drugglBts. To make nn atomiser a more con venient Implement ot handle, an In ventor has placed the rubber bulb In a depression In one side .' the bottl" so thst It can be operated with on" hand. (Katural and foleradl If it's a floor, or a door, cither inside or out ; a boat, a canoe, cr your piazza steps, there's s KYJtNIZE FINISH FOR IT Wtralth natlif ertlor or your mom-7 back. Try Kyaaute satisfy younrif. RANDOM BROS. COMPANY, Richmond, Va., Wholesale IMstHbutnrs Local Agents: (Mt Lumber Co., Asheville, N Ci Clark Hardware Co.. Hendersonville. C MrTICF.. North Carolina,'' Buncombe County In the Superior Court. Frances Whitley Moore vs. Richard Barbour Moore. Notice of Publica tion of Summons. 7 Is defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been comenced in the Su perior count of Buncombe county by the plaintiff therein named for a di vorce a vinculo from the defendant on tbe grounds that the defendant has committed fornHstlsn and adultery; snd the aaad defendant will further Uka notice that he Is required to ap pear at the tarns of the Superior court tor said county te be bold on tha 4th Monday before the first Monday of March. 1111, at the court house of said county In Asheville, N. C. and answer or demur to tbe complaint In said action, or tha plalnMf will apply for the relief therein dssnsnded In said complaint, ThU: 2". November, 111. MARCUS EI Clark ot Superior Court- rdrhetan. Attorney BROS. STEAM DTI WORKS ASHEVILLE, N. 0. This famous resort is now op en to the public, under iiew management. Every room is an d utside room, large, well ven tilated, and elegantly furnished. The service will be the very best, and everything will be done for the comfort and con venience of the guests. Rates reasonable. Special rates to conventions. Respectfully, M. K. ZINDEL. COMMERCIAL TBE KENTUCKY HOME HOTEL Endorsed by the T. P. A. and U. 0. T. Traveling Men. The best Sample Room in the GLADSTONE HOTEL Asheville 's New Hotel. The only up-to-date European Hotel in the city. Rates 50c, 7 5c, $1,00. Baths free. Cafe now open. Furnace heated. Th e commercial trade solicited. FRANK BLAKE, Manager. Battery Park Hotel ASHBVILLB, K. C. ,J OFBN THROUGHOUT IBB YEAH. Famous Everywhere. THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE Family and Transient Hotel Rates $2.50 a day and upward. FranfcOLouiJhran, Owner and Pr on. Hotel Kenmore WATNEHVUXS, W. O. . 2 Jl Open Throughout the Tsar. STRICTLY HIGH CLASS SERVICE ALWAYS. O. H. and MRS. L. W. KNIGHT. THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL 07 WAYNESVILLE, N. 0. MRS. SALL IE E. C0R7. Proprietress, Opm the Tear Round. "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" . HOTEL ENTELLA BRYSON CITY. Headquarters for traveling msn and lumbermen. Rates 13 per day. Special rates by the month, Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating house fronting Southern depot Livery In connection. W. W. ALMA WHEELER, Froprs PATTON HOUSE, Murphy, N. 0. The best and most reasonable house In town good table, clean beds and home cooking. Rates 11 per day. MRS. ROSA PATTON. FOLEY'S 0RIN0LMM fon Stomcm Toubv.l end CoiTirTioa Improved Hot Water Heating System Now is the time to prepaie for winter; have us install in your home our improved hot water heating system which lessens the cost of installation and saves in fuel consumption and assures you summer heat throngnont your house in the coldest winter days. We employ none bnt skillful workmen and usa the American Radiator CVs boilers and radiators, and guarantee perfect satisfaction. .! , Ball, Thrash 6 Co. 5, 7 and 9 Bast College Street, HOTEL BERKELEY POOL ROOM Going Ahead Ton must do one thing or the other. A lesgnsut business Is certainly anything bnt tha nrlds of the community. Tbe "going ahead" merchant has the proper kind of Illumina tion for his establishment Salutes, thst sre modern, up-to-date and grre the greatest amount of good light st the least cost. The "going back" msn ssta his faith in old and obsolete methods snd natures. We await TOTTr' demands for anything eleouical. 'I 1 Asheville Electric Cc TOURIST town. Hendersonville, N. C. Our House W. C. HALL, Prop. BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C. Rates 11 per day Located at Union tnttssL The Manor An EXCLUSIVE INN Attractive accommodations tar long or short stay. Cottages for housekeeping or In connection with The Manor. Eagle Hotel MARION, N. O. T. J. WILLIS. Manager. RATES $2. Free Sample Rooms. Free Pus. No extra charge for bathe. Asheville, N. C At the Same Old Place "Downstairs A Fine Line of Cigars or Going Back

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