"lBSlliBHMi''rr i ' luhL.km.ji . . nvr- muni THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. Wednesday, December 28, 1910 ORDER A TON OP M & W Indian Coal Perfect fuel goodness, riione 130. Carolina Coal & Ice Company J THE CATHEY CASE AGAIN GOES OVER County Commissioner Patton, Witness for Defense, Object of Intimations by Col. Lusk. Pineapples 15c and 20c Each. L C. JARRETT Phones 358 or 192. Bine Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits. 12 North Pack Square and City Market. Plione 473. SAVE MONEY, START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Wear (hi a ran too Shoes. Tlioy last long'or and cost loss. A lit for every foot, $3.50 to $5.00. GuaranteeShoeStore 4 South Main St. Snowbank Flour 90c sack. The flonr of quality, sold by STRADLEY & LUTHER Sell the World's Best Cof fees and Teas. 3 East Pack Square. Two Phones 651 84. The cose or George Cathey, charged with retailing liquor to former Sherlt J. H. Reed, which has been before Judge Cocke In city police court from time to time for the past week or more, was resumed this morning with several witnesses present to testify tor the defense. After hearing the testimony of witnesses for the defense and upon the statement of Judge Jones, representing Mr. Cathey, that he had an Important engagement dur ing the morning, the case was again continued until tomorrow morning when the prosecution, in the hands of Col. Lusk, head of the Law Enforce ment league, will introduce. It is said, additional evidence. Several witnesses, Including County Commissioner John R. Patton, Frank Wolf, Will Glenn and Air. Kesterson, were introduced for the defense, the witnesses testifying as to the 85 cents transaction between .Mr. Heed and Mr. Cathey, which has heretofore been gone into. They testitied that something was said about Mr. Reed buying drinks; that Mr. Heed said he did not have enough money and that Mr. Cathey loaned him SO cents. The witnesses said that Ab Hlanton bought the drinks; that he nought the drinks from a negro. Commissioner Patton was put through a severe cross-examinatitm by Col. Lusk. Col. Lusk intimated that Mr. Patton had told him a false hood to keep from testifying for the state and then questioned Mr. Patton as to certain moral or immoral inci dents. Mr. Patton made vigorous de nial of the intimations or charges. After Mr. Patton was excused from the stand Judge Jones said that since the character of the witness hail been attacked he desired to subpoena char acter witnesses. Locke Craig, R. M. Wells, Hon. W. J.. Cooke, W. R. Haynes and others testitied to the good character of Mr. Patton, Mr. Craig saying that Mr. Patton was a man of the ".'irst order of character." All tin' testimony in the case is be ing taken stenographlcally and after the evidence is in it is probable that an entile morning will be consumed with argument. The case Is one of the most important that has been tried In police court for a long time. CITY NEWS ASKED CHILD TO KEEP STILL; CUTTING SCRAPE FOLLOWED News ltd-clved Here of Trouble Dar ing Dance in Jupiter Section Those Involved. The best musicians are delighted with the HOBART M. CABLE PIANO spay terms at the lowest cash prices. DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE HOW IS YOUR KITCHEN TODAY? We can furnish it on i demand. Bargains in dinner sets this wook I Y I IWi Cai-o 4 Pbon. 1ST News has been received here of a tight which took place at Jupiter Sat crday night in which several men were slightly cut. The names of all could not be learned but it is said that the men who did the cutting wen- two brothers named Watkins, who live on the old Joe Filer farm Just across the line in Madison county. The trouble started at a house in Jupiter where a dance was going on. While the dance was In progress, Sneed Robinson spoke to a child that was making some noise in the room and asked it to keep quiet, and the Watkins men became offended at the correction of the child. One of them struck at RohinBon with his knife and cut Hobinson's collar in two. Several other men then ran up and attempted to disarm the man who did the cut ting when his brother took a hand and several men narrowly minded be ing badly cut. The fight was finally stopped and the Watklnses succeeded In crossing the county line. No ar rests have been made of the Hun combe county men since it appears that they did nothing reprehensible. Robinson did nothing to realty offend the men and the others were only trying to stop the light. WAS PUT OFF OF TRAIN; NOW SUING FOR DAMAGES Notice of suit was filed today by Jones & Williams, representing 3. H Renstleld, against the Southern Rail way company for damages, alleging that Mr. Rensfleld was put off a Southern railway . train between Mor ristown and Hristol. Mr. Bensfleld I. urns that he had purchased a ticket at Ashevllle to Johnson City and that the conductor failed to return the ticket to him and therefore he Is ask ing damages. Two Dead as Remit of family right Kentucky Iexington, Ky., Dec. 28. Craddoek Wllloughby and Clarence Young, fa tally shot Christmas night, are dead. The men were shot In a tight In Wll buighby's home between the Martin and Wllloughby families. Six others were wounded. Chambers Weaver, Livery Phone IS The Miller-Rice Paint f. Lucas Paint Grant' No. 24 Cures Colda. SS cents. TO Oim FRIENDS As the year It 10 draws to a elose we desire to express to our friends and customers our sincere thanks for and appre ciation of the good will shown us In favoring us with their trade. To both our customer and those to be our ru.tomer. we extend the greetings of the present Holiday Season, and w wish them a. good measure of health, happiness and prosper ity in (he New Tear. Your very truly. Paragon Pharmacy X CHARLKH W HAIKD, Prep. iMn'iininiiiiiMiiinni'm Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Zim merman. Chrfstmas day. a son. Savannah Miller, an insane woman, was today committed to jail until she can be sent to the hospital for the Insane at Morganton. Her home Is on Avery's creek. Deputy Sheriff E. M. Lyda left this afternon for Canton to take Into cus tody Walter Crook, who is wanted here on a charge of false pretense. Sheriff Williams was notified today that he had been arrested by the Canr ton authorities. Louisa Russell, the negro woman who was tried before Magistrate W. A. James yesterday afternoon for complicity in the murder of a young baby, was acquitted. The body of the baby, supposed to belong to the wom an's daughter, was found under a house on Bingham Heights, last week. Mrs. 1. H. Lodor of Philadelphia will speak this evening at the First Baptist church concerning the mis sionary work among the Telegus. Mrs. Lodor is a sister of Mrs. Downie, the celebrated missionary in that field, and is said to be an unusually attractive speaker. The services begin at 8 o'clock. At the meeting of Pisgah lodge, No. 32, K. of P., last night, the old and new trustees of the lodge were ap pointed a committee to Investigate the desirability of moving from the pres ent location on South Main street to the rooms over T. C. Smith's now occupied by the Tahkeeostee olub. These rooms will be vacated by the club January 1, the club disbanding. Hob McClure, a negro man, was given a preliminary hearing before Magistrate W. R. Oudger nt 1 o'clock today charged with breaking into a car on the Southern railway yarls! and with stealing freight, lie plead j guilty on both counts and was re- i mtvnded to jail in default of bond.) Major Hill, another negro, charged with receiving the goods was also bound to court and being unable to give bond went to jail. The Washington and Ie University basket ball team arrived on No. 11 this afternoon in excellent shape to give the Athletics the fight of their llfes tonight and tomorrow night for the basket ball honors. Every re served seat for tonight has been taken and standing room Is now on sale. It Is certain that the greatest crowd that ever attended a basket ball game in this city will be present tonight to cheer the Athletics to victory. The case of Jim Ramsey, the Salva tion army soldier who was in court yesterday and again this morning on a charge of insulting Mrs. Delia Ward in the Salvation arm.v" building Mon day evening, was again continued un til tomorrow. It is alleged that Mrs. Ward had been at the army hall for a week, with her two children and that young Ramsey who works at the hall at times and who has been a soldier for two or more years either kissed her or attempted to and put his hand on her. She had him ar rested. Both Ramsey and Mrs. Wind proved good characters. The annual banquet tendered the Ashevllle firemen each year by Frank Ijoughran, proprietor of the 8 wanna noa hotel, will take place tomorrow evening nt it o'clock in the dining room of the hotel. Some days ago some of the firemen gave a banquet at the Swannanna and the Impression was gathered that It was the banquet which Mr. Loughran gives yearly. This is not the case. The guests of ! the evening will include. In addition j to the firemen, the mayor and the board of aldermen and representatives of the press. The annual banquet If i a thing looked forward to with In- j terest by the firemen as It is a very enjoyable occasion. PROTECT YOUR TIRES FROM WEAR AND PUNCTURES Also prevents skidding in snow, ice or mud. We can fit youi tires from stock. Come in and see them. Ashevllle Automobile Co., Telephone 1310. 15-17 South Lexington Ave. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH GOOD COAL AND BE SURE OF A WARM HOUSE. Southern Goal Co. Phone 114. 14 North Pack Sq. Presents for the Forgotten Ones Rogers Book Store 'offers an immense variety of things suitable for New Year's gifts and to those yon 'overlooked in the rush of Christmas giving. ROGERS' BOOK STORE 39 Patton Ave Phone 254. OYSTERS SERVED TO ORDER Properly Cooked and Temptingly Served. CANDY KITCHEN PHONE 110. Haywood Street. Near Postoffice. J. . Carpenter JEWELER 32 Patton Avenue. Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. 1887- -1911 A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL Thanks to the public and my patr ons for their past favors. Again wishing all a happy new year. Very truly yours, L. BLOMBERG, 17 Patton Avenue. 5 in . - 4 i Extra Quality Nuts California Budded Walnuts Soft Shelled Pecans 35c lb. .25c lb. D Clarence Sawyer 53 Patton Ave. Six 'Phones, N. 1800 5 TRY0N NOTES Christ urn- Exercises Changed in the I'OHtolTlce Force Telegraph Com niiinlcatloit Interniplcd. S. STERNBERG 6 CO. FOR SALE For Immediate delirry, all kind of econd-hand ma chinery in first class condition. STEAM BOILERS, ENGINES OF ALL KINDS Pulley, Hanger, Bearings, nixes, Shafting, Band Saw Mill com pute; Steam Engines and Boiler ot all size" and makes; new and second hand Piping, all sixes. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Special to The Oazette-Newa. Tryon, Dec. 28. The Christmas ex ercises for the children went off as planned. Santa Claus tlratt visited the Methodist church Thursday evening, the Baptist Friday evening in a per fect downpour of rain, the Congrega tional Sunday forenoon, and the Epis copal Monday night. A general change In the postoffice Is taking place arming the clerks. Miss Jane Jackson has resigned. N. 1!. Jackson has resigned, his resignation to 'take effect February 1. In their plnees aro H. W. Hill and John Smith of Columhus. A lire left by campers burned a tel egraph pole between Columbus and Tryon and for several daya communi cation wa cut off. Mr. Coulin of Chicago ha been vis Itlng A. O. Hackln for two weeks. He brought a sick sister down to the san itarium at Black Mountain. Rev. E. N. Joyner, former rector of the Church of the Holy ''ro. here, I missionary general of the Episcopal church In the mountains. At present he Is staying Indefinitely In the north, filling appointments to speak In he half of the missionary work of his church. FOR RCNT On Philip street, new sis room house Bee W. H Payne. No. SS Grove street, i ity. S7?-2t TRUNK REPAIRING. We earn complete stock of Trunk Hardw and Supplies, and are prepare)) rebuild or repair your trunk good aa new. New trunk lock put on and key fitted at your home. Price, right. J. M. Hearn Co.. Battery Park Place. Phone 44S. WANTED In the interest of new toilet cream assistance f young woman who is freckled. Oood pay. pleasant position. A'tdrea "Mrs. It," car. Oasette-New other. -eod.at. LIVERY W. M. REAGAN W"ZZ Endowed by U. C. T. and T. P. A. Full Equipment of the Best Homes and Drummers' Hack, and Buggies. PHONE 2 AND TEAM WILL MEET YOU. Promptness and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Special inducement! to Drummers FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE. has a stock of Player Pianos Pianos new and second hand, at as reasonable prices and terms, to meet every respectable competition. 21 S. MAIN STREET Mr. Stewart is onr expert tuner and repairer. Send for him. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, and a Big Line of Leather Goods, Trunks, Bags.Etc., at Money 8aving Prices for the Holiday Trade. Thou rands of other useful things suitable for Xmas gifts. H. L. FINKELSTEIN 23 South Mwn St. SPECIAL PRICES To Christmas shoppers for the next two days. GEO. W. JENKINS. 20 South Main St. Phone 123. MMIIIMIIMMlMMHM Begin the New Year With the use of M. & W. Coal for range, grate and heater. It insures plenty of warmthburns stead ily and long. Ashevllle Coal Co. MIMHMMMMIMIMMt IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIHMII TURKEYS AND CHICKENS for the holidays. Let us have your New Year' order for meat foods. HILL & YOUNG Phones 4 and 359. City Market. MHIMHMHIMIMIM Think of It START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. SMOKE WITH BAKBEE Firetime Hardware See splendid display of Bras and Wrought Andirons and Fen derB. They add beauty to the home, nnd value to the property. Prices up to $35.00. Ashevllle Hardware Co. SOUTH PACK SQUARE AND 52 N. MAIN ST. RED SEAL DRY BATTERIES The best for automobile or gas engine use. Quality absolute ly guaranteed. No better battery is made for automobile, motor boat or any system of gas ignition. Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Ave. Phone 478. TheAshevilleChinaCo. 8 N. Pnek s tunre. Phone 311. Try a Gazette-News Want Izens Transfer Company .m i, woodcock, Owner. FURNI1URE MOVING. Prompt Baggage Transfer Service Endorsed by II. C. T. and T. P. A. Green Bros.' Furniture Store WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 45 PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE, N. 0. China Closets and Book Cases We can sell you China Closets from $15 and up and Book Cases in golden oak, $10 and up. We also have the best sec tional book ease. These will be nice to put your present away in or to repay an unexpected present. Nice line of Children Rockers left over at reduced prices. We received another shipment of Children's Trunks, $2.00, today. GREEN BROTHERS VAIir likiir.il nnlvAMAxA . 1 I Jui iiuciai uauuuai't; mis year, ann wp i I are here to greet you with a full stock of Hardware for 1911. FOR RENT. I FOR SALE UTttrll black purse, Unuln, Flve.roorn I WVIt IIUIUTIUIV VVS I III. K.w.rtlfleftatCrmlchae. Z'rXrcH . Will room rotUge. d.pot action. ' drug tore. 7-1t tn-room bows) mit PrU. IU00 90 ;term. 11.00 down, I TIN SHOP HI CONNECTION. I KKW RIlfM art-arriving, cnn. In sad r''"nr0",n hOU" IS. bahuice SI. p.r month. I p. M I VAnSSm ESTELLIB 00, MARSTELLER A 00, I . Wa4fc 1 jjgjgv MmmmmaA. j I I 1 AY I 1 I I I I I I -l - - THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES 1 1 it I 1 .! La CTlTiTiTTl I it I liYxi 7 PI 1 17 L?mti LAST EDITION 4:00 P. M. Weather Meetit: RAIN TONIGHT. VOL. XV. NO., 278. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 29, 1910. 3c PER COPY THE m& HI Of MUM Conflict Imminent in Party's Household, Which Will Show Whether the Two Wings Can Flop Together. OF in mmm s n P LET WELL ENOUGH ALONE HAS BEEN GENERAL IDEA This Dictated the Change in Plan of the Baltimore Meeting Some Dis cussion of Presidential Timber. i Many Bills Will Probably Be Be fore Coming Legislature Looking to State Road Aid. THE CAPITOL BUILDING BEING PUT IN ORDER Some Appointees of Governor -Elect Dix j J 1 1 mm saci' ' -1 1 ' 1 " Argument in the Standard Oil Case Goes Over to Tomorrow Var ious Items ot State Interest. tlnzcttc-News Bureau, Hotel Hnmilton. Washington, Doc. 29. HE situation in which the demo cratic pnrty today finds Itself, In respect to the country at larfic, is not dissimilar to that In which fhelr opponents may he found. In a previous article It was told how sup porters of the administration have planned the enactment, dnrlnn the next lew Week, of henctlcial and pro gressive legislation, with a view to establishing a record of achievement which would warrant the' president In iiskinir for another nomination and election, With the republicans the thing must be done quickly. Demo cratic leaders, on the other hand, hove been pleased to reflect that theirs would be a futurity event, that they would not bo compelled to establish a) record, by which the party is to be Judged, for u year hence. Plans were to lie well laid. A new ways and mean committee, with a tentative right to serve, wa to spend the sum mer solitice, so to speak, in framing up a tariff bill upon which all the 67 varieties of democrats (If the varied phase, of political thought were still found to exist) could agree, while a committee on committee would have ample time H wtrtcn te t-ompose the eonlldently looked for strife among i-i - nt th. house, and HSpirtllH nmwwiHvH I to make a second trial of an experi ment which thf first time ended din- astrously. llelerence Is made, of course, to the proposal to take from ihe speaker the prerogative of ap pointing the committees. Most or the democratic leaders have since the election shunned all interviewers. Senator Simmons remarked one day that a newspaper man representing a northern paper had sought expres sion from him and other southern senator respecting the party's prob able conduct In the future. The North Carolina senator thought there would be no better way to revive differences .. ... In In tell ttian lor every ninu w ...... - what he thought ought to be done, before things shaped up so as to en able one to determine, in u measure, what would be best lor the country and the party. It was this sort of feeling, thja democratic Idea to let ' well enough alone for a spell, that re milted in. changing the object of the approaching Baltimore meeting. Ln ea.y lay, every democratic head, until the word "conference'' had been elim inated, and the agreement reached to call It a rally, treat political fetl val for ratifying the universality of the November victory. No Dollar Dinner, Tills, This, by the way. I no dollar din ner, wlileh was th. vogue when. In the lahghage ot the New York Sun. Mr Oryun was engaged In waging his several tight for fre silver and free Filipino. It 1 hard to pro nounce tao of the menu, while two brands of champagne will be availa ble It will cost five dollar a plate, . ,t hull will be made to rrllllt' . . , . K. mnat hPM lit itlll UnO niOBBOIIl vv mi hi mw. eapewive of Hower., by Baltimore democrat. Not that there Is an (dlspleaitrr. over this prospect, Most It the democrat who will PUelpaW would ' much rather pay nv dollar, for Uit verdure and verbiage ntw ahow. and rail It a ratltleatlon" meet ing than to pay one dollar and call It a Conference. ' The feeling of M lief over the change they consider easily worth the difference. A con fer, nee might have r.ulted in an at tack upon Mr. Bryan. Ttw Drift of the Time But consideration of thl hlgh pricefl feed bring one back to the main thread of thought. It ho the drift of the tlm., as ha. been faeetloualy r.marked. It I. on y the hapless plutocrat who I. expected to puv live dollar, fpr a dinner, and all hand, are WPPsJd to be Pl'W on thai HUMv. Prm. trail. The plan t? ptt off the day when the par te I to be Judged by IU work., for good or il may fa". There was nothing wrong? With the orlglna idea ,r assigning committee to work on i...i.i.ti..n und matter of party pot- .... ,i. ...,- ih. nmmir. but there are evidence, that a conflict i Imminent In the democratic household, a con flict wheh will determfnc whetner the radical and conservative wing of the party, which have not flopped to gether for so many year, can o made to work In untoon. The con ervatlv, that fly. dollar a pjate din ner remind one. dictated the plat form and the candidate. In N. York. New Jeraey, Connecticut. In diana and Ohio, and thee old Un. democrat, are demanding recogni tion while ihe nroarewdve are re- altlng tharn on general principle the llrygsrtrment being liu-llna to hold (Cunliuued oa pag. ! (luaette-News P.urcan, Chamber of Commerce Rooms, llollemon isullding. Raleigh, Doc. :!9. A DEMAND has gone from the corporation commission to the Southern Railway company for a report on the fact that on Monday last Its Oreens-boro-Goldsboro passenger trnln was marked at the union station hero half an hour lute when the fact wns that he train was four hours late, the pas sengers here being kept In a state of suspense as to the arrival of the train. IX wy nsn III O'KWT I MEN INIl Investigation by Grand Jury Into Vote-Selling in Adams Co., Ohio, Reveals Startling Situation. MOTHER SOLD HER SON'S VOTE; PREACHER SOLD HIS FOREST DIEE'S FRIENDS HOPE Senator Crane Expresses Confi dence to Secretary Finney That the Reserve Measure Will Pass Feburary 15. FORMAL AGREEMENT CALLS FOR A VOTE ON THAT DATE ' Honest and Reputable Citizens Thought it Ail Right to Sell-Out-Votes Range from $2 to $26 Average Price $8. Ill EST UNION, O., WTWO new featuri or vntp Irafflnkli IN TCVV YORK. Dee. St. John A. lll.x, K" ernm -eieei, vvuu, "mini it few days will be Inducted Into office as the first democratic governor of New York since the late David Bt UIU occupied the executive mansion, has announced the personnel of his military otaff, which, in a social and financial way, will be the most dis tinguished staff a governor of ttM Empire state has had In many years. The senior staff officer Will be 01 mo FIRST 10 CUMBER UPON BUND WftbQN The company must also report on Its Commander KUMeil unynot failure to make proper provision for the accommodation of passengers as the train filled, the Inference being that this should have been done by the addition ot extra cars as the train passed through principal- towns where extra cars could have been pressed Into service. The Capitol Improvements. The installation of the new electric lighting, heating and ventilating in the capltol building is about completed and the legislative halls and commit te rooms and other apartment tor legislative work are being rapidly put in order for the opening of the legis lature next Wednesday. It Is believed that the accommodations of the legls-1 latitre wjU l"' far and away ahead of, . .... . .(.anion and Hint. mat tor anj H 1 ' ' -Y- ----- owing to the improved heating and ventilating systems installed the health of the members will be a ver great Improvement In the records for previous sessions. The sub-station postoffice for the accommodation of the legislators Is already set up in the wcat corridor of the State house on the second floor convenient to ttie legislative halls, and this Is ready to be opened simultaneously with the legislature. I v Slate Fair VUm. The directors of the North Caro lina State fair are to meet here J""' snlng In republican Quarter Utterly t round tut the affairs for the I. ,h. hHg .,,, struggle as to year Just closing and determine upon v liether lh(. old-line crowd with Nn- the policies and permanent Improve- t)ona, Commtteeinan Duncan as the ment expenditures for the coming emU,r Bh:lU . ,. to have the year to take care of the 1911 State , lltl, yWqe 0 patronage matters ' 1 thul nne or .. ,,...l,n,.H. P.ul !er ,it- whttner tne "" - First battalion, naval militia. He is chief sanitary Inspector of the New York city health department and Is well known to military men of the state. The aides In the order of their rank are Major William S. Reekman, Seventy-first Infantry Major Edward H. Snyder, Korty-seventh infantry; Major John F. O'Rourke, Coast Artillery corps; Major Marcus H. Rice, jr.. First infantry; Captain Do Witt Clln Iton Falls. Seventh infiimry. Captain Dec. 29. res In the line klntr dcvelonnd ai vesicruav titieroouos whwuii ot f . the special grand jury Investigating John P. O'Ryan, First battery, Field I wholesale buying of votes In Adams artillery; Captain Monson Morris Captain Walter F It It a Morehead-Butler Committee That Which so Warmly Endorses Taft Administration. In politieal circles here today there has been considerable discussion of I the resolution adopted by the repub lican state executive committee at Greensboro yesterday endorsing Pres ident Taft as a national and not a local president and urging his re-election In 1912. Such a resolution can hardly be construed otherwise, In the general opinion, than as an attempt to Hatter President Taft Into a recogni tion pf the "organization," headed by Chairman Morehead, In matter of patronage distribution. . i....... lhA smoothest mere na l" ' " t r MR. WOOD TO ACCOMPANY CAROLINA SPECIAL JAN. I Will Go to Charleston Sunday and Make Initial Trip to Cincinnati Monday. Twelfth infantry; C.lhs. n, Seventy-fourth infantry; Cap tain William Derrick, Tenth Infantry; Lieutenant Charles Crule, Jr., adjutant of squadron C, cavalry; Lieutenant Henry H. Rogers, engineers; Lieute nant Qriswold Green, First Infantry; Lieutenant Allien R. Whitney, jr., adjutant of Squadron A, cavalry, and Lieutenant Harry C. Pnderwood, sec ond infantry. Innniu in niunnrn niiDin la unnnbtu county. One was that of a woman's Real Test Will Come When Amendments Are Proposed Senator Newlands May Tryto Sneak in Joker. Perhaps. J OHN tho Hon, lair. The expectation t more additional concrete buildings rill be erected thl year, carrying out the policy of permanent Improvement of which the splendid agricultural building erected last year was the .tarter. U Is understood tha the re port of Secretary Pogue will show very good financial success for the IP 10 lair In spite of the rain that came In for Thursday and trlday. nuikllnK and Loan Associations. Speaking ot the progre. of build ing and loan aawclatlon. in North (Continued on page 6) COLD WEATHER PREVAILS FROM ILLINOIS SOUTHWARD - S,.wrc Cold Weather ami Freciing Tciniteraturc Predicted for Cotton Belt Tonight. Distiti i PasayitjWj ; s"nt " Wood hns been ordered to Charleston Sunday to make the Initiative trip on the Carolina special which will b Inaugurated' Monday between Char leston and Cincinnati on the Southern railway in conjunction with the Cin cinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pa cific railway. Thi is the splendid new train Which wW give a fast ser vile between the southeast and the northwest, via Ashevllle nnd will he of great benefit to this section since it greatly reduces the time between Ashevllle end Charleston. No. 7, which leaves Charleston nt 9 a. m Is ilac to arrive at Ashevllle at 7:30 p. m., and leaves at 7:40 p. 1 1 III- i .I,.. Nhrl N'O 8 which IU., AHIie.tny v,.e , "" - Hub Cincinnati at 5 p. nt., will ar- WITH LOOTING BANK rive at Asnevme in depart from Charleston at 9:35 a. in. Traffic Passenger Manager S. H. Kardwtck and General Passenger gent H. F. Cary will also make the initial trip on the new train. Louisville Dec. 29.-Thunder.torm n,l torrential rains prevail from Cairo, 111... wuthward to the gulf. I'nnsttally heavy and merely cold veather with freeing temperatuie tonight and tomorrow are predicted or many Motion. the cotton belt. crowd shall reign supreme. As is well known to those who were in touch with developments at the recent state convention, the word went forth H'om the Morehead-Butler caucus that the congressional districts hould select as members ot the ex ecutive committee only such men as i, ,Hv favorable t" State iftnB ABE which yesterday In endorsing Presl-1 dent Taft In uch warm terms up- , !':. ,t,mt,ied to put themselves! n a peculiarly favorable attitude to wards the White House from which U Is eornertly hoped that a few ,.a ronaac crumbs will be dropped. Among the -nore Important po.lt on t be decided upon are the western ollectornhlp of Internal revenue wl h P"siUn l being held on to by George H. Rrown. and the attorney ship lor the western district, occupied for some 12 or more years by A. E. Holt"n .. ... ,. true, between the two faction, of the republican parts Man Responsible for Failure of North ern Bank of New York Aceused of Stealing $80,000. New York, Dec. 29. Joseph G. Robin, whose financial transactions It Is alleged are responsible for the clos ing of the Northern bank of New York Tuesday, Is Indicted. The Indictment charges Robin with the larceny of $80,000 from the Northern bank. k.. mi ah nn lll-l n mm m n Eiurb ntLu POISON INSTEAD OF WINE sale oi her son's vote, and the other concerned a voter who was bought three times one election. The woman In a widow living at Peebles. She Is accused of having J accepted So for her son's franchise, j Roth mother and son were Indicted , hut neither has been arrested. I A farmer In Jacksonville precinct, who came In from Melgs township, toul the jury that he was bought three times lust election day. For his promise to vote the straight repub lican ticket he snid he received 12.fi0: on a contract to vote the straight democratic ticket he was paid 10, and the price for agreeing to vote for a certain democratic can didate was $3. He pleaded guilty ' when arraigned and wns disfranchised for live years, fined V and costs and given six monins in me wora.nousv, with the prison sentence suspended. Newly 1000 Indicted. One hundred and six indictments were returned yeatcrjiay, which brings the total up to 998. Judtre Rlalr declares the probe will :. " . ' .... ... ,. i mm w continue lr..-UiOl.ncc nwnin,. 'WiHUj,), MW af Tilll Hi' MMIC ,T V n.lll Ml. ,11 II. Ut, county and that ht! lOAk for prob ably 3000 indictments. The list In cludes a preacher, the Rev. Isaa Hil ton, of Red Brush, who admits selling his vote In the last election for HO. "It has been going on for years. The most highly held men in the county purchased votes. Canvasses ot the county were made by the different political parties; the amount of mon ! pv neressnrv to cam- an election was ascertained, next raised, and then i divided among the voters. At the last I election 1 personally distribute! about J30O among voters, said jonn A. Mc carty, of Peebles, democratic central committeeman of Adams county. MeCarty Given Immunity Hath. McCarty recently appeared before i the grand Jury Investigating tne eiec- I Hon frauds and wns given an immun I .rfh.cn Plntr Mad. Mistake: Three !"' blUh with score, of other prornl- ......... , i nent men tor teiung an nc kiic Are Dead and Twenty-Nine Seriously III. St. Petersburg, Dec. 29. Three communicants have died and 29 seri ously 111. is a result of a mistake of the elder In u Lutheran church In Peterhof district, who tilled the com munion cup with a mlxtuti of sulphu rated chrOiAote instead of wine. Uigan Or Kiife on llonrd llardistnu. Fighting in Progress Along Honduran Nicaraguan Border Ceiband Objective Point. JOHNSON WILL FIGHT WINNER OF JEANETTE-LAN6F0RD BOUT II I. 8aW That Negro Champhm Has .p1 n Offer of tSR.OOO to right in larls. Pari.. Dec. 20 It I. nniwiinced that Jack John.on. the heavyweight champion, has accepted an offer of SI6..0S to come to Part. In April and tight th. winner of the Joe Jeanette Kn l-.ngford light. Wife SaiWlncerf Iter Btooil; Save Ilushand. l allcil to New Orlean. Dec 29. Advices re ceived last night state a revolution has broken out In Honduras. Flght- ,he resolutions adopted yenteroa can , jm ,H ,n pr0Kres(1 .long the lionuu hardly be constructed a going far In u Nlc llln ,,orrter below Cape that dlreetlon. wnen . . According to wlrel the taci in"'' '-'". .,. ,h mini :,r r; the next national con " Alon and not Chn.rman Morehed fTmh8tJo r'ne .! a touch about thorn not altogether unfamiliar ' A.hevllllnn.: The state executive committee infor- tlghtlng Is being led W General Cbrtstmus. Tne uavtia ernment recently moved $05,000 from Puerto Cortez to Ceiband. It Is be lieved Celbeond is the objective point of the revolutionist. Death List Will Not Exceed Six. of I The tato rxecui..r I),,,.. 29. The (team therein party, ta, ,,rtHiar;.Tm of yesterday's .me.ter today, aoopieo will orobably not me nui.:-.- .i.t .nd not "I made a clean breast or it to me ; grand Jury," McCarty said, displaying a note hook containing the names of i men whose votes he had purchased I at the last election. "I gave the names of these voters to the grand Jury, but when I was before it I couldn't remember all I had dealt with. I am now revising my list from memory, and will return and make a further report "You see, it doesn't cause any bad feeling down In my county to tell on the other fellow. He expects It. Why, the very best people in the county tire In It, The buyers, as we politicians call 'em, are made up of mii,iiiT i.t w vera. business men. ministers, iuv.vtTi, mm,.. The Dizurd. Knglnnd, Dec. 29. The 1 farmPr., teachers, laborers, Sunday British steamer Rardlstan, from Nor folk for Bremen, signalled today she had aboard the crew of the British st. -tier Logan, abandoned December 19 after losing sails and rudder. The Logan was hound for New York from Port Httwkebur.v. Shrinkage in Kcoltish Whistle. New York, Dec. 29 The Scottish whiskey trade show the worst shrinkage In many years, according to statistics published In London. Total dealings during 1910 dropped off woefuliv. Total production I low est for is years. Decline i 2.000,000 gallons In the last 1 months. etven Drugs and "Sake" by 'apanesc. Ursa. Ma-.. Dec. 29 -Wllllarn Troon, a promln.nt business man died today doaplto the fact hi. wife v her blood to save him. He sur fered from nasal hemorrhage which weakened his aj.tem. rendering trans f.lon neeerv. HI. wife', prince failed to anvn hi. life. exceeu six The accident w uuc .u ..... charge of 4000 pound, of powder, which burled a score of workmen, pour bodlrs are still underneath the hy the . w reckage. 5.uth to the president's .outhern nation e"" ,T ... invltsd n wognltlon w slV "ana JortTce ,n regard , t. ab rogating the referee sy. em nd the .. ..-I- .i ih. freiinetit I'. II Hi tune ii.l..n. uiiii. lllllieiff l"l I.'. ' - ----- t.nderf to retard (iranilaon of Jelfreaon Davis Marrlee. Colorado Springs. DM. .-J',r-... Hy Davis, grandson of MM Davis. U married yerterday to Mm Doree DoWltt. Jefferjo.. Hays-, h.d his name changed from Jefferson lDlrU Z "rayes by a Sf. lorado leglslatun ,..iiy.-I nute tne mancljnilioii south from . .... I, have -owth The North Carolina com ,. owm. . ,..(, republican mlttee was the r.t stat e r i committee to meet since the eler Man and thM- in.t themselve. on record a. being Vt l endorsing Taft'. renom- ,nBti In IS II." niMinoll. l ire r SS,t)QO Damage AnnspoU". l'iTTm d'tstrle fiumA htilldlnv lii the hustness ed I2t 000 damage. Fire sup- niack-Hamlers Rcsponslhlc New York. Dec. IS. niack-Hand.r. .re believed again to I responsible . .... .... l ...i iiMir- liomb explosions "ok i. " dlno 8agsno' grocery store ou east ThlrteeniH street, togano receive, letter, d.-aindlnti IM. The violent shock crested panic. spend Year in Jail Ralltcr Than Pay Han Francisco. Dec. IS. William Stark ha spent nearly a year in JH rather than pay allfaony. Btark re- Seattle, Wash.. Dec. J9. Mary Har ris an 18 year old gtrf rescued from her Japanese captors, was committed to an Insane asylum by the lunacy commission. The girl was found In a helpless condition and told Ihe exam ining physician she was given drugs and "ke ' by Japanese. State Hanking Deparimcnl In (oiilrol. New York. Dec. 29. The state banking department has assumed control of. the Washington Saving, bank, pending nn Investigation. J. O. Rohln, whose operations cattstjd the closing of the Northern ban. president ot this Institution. John W. rails Tead. New York. Dec 2$. John Ellis, who playtd s rt In engineering the national flnan. durlUP the .Wlwur i. dead, aged 4 years. Bills a nsthe of Williamsburg, Ohio. IP was instrumental In organising the national bank system during in. ww land wns commiiirti i. .- school superintendents; In fact, an kinds of men. It's Just a condition there. Average Prk'e Was SS. "I am forty-ono years old. As a boy 1 recall cases where votes were bought and sold. The game started with a 2 limit. As years went on voter became more business-like. At the last election several influential men, perfect gentlemen and honest a. (the dav Is long, held out until they got 2 for their votes. I had to pay Lm awful hlnh nrlces. The average price at the last election was 8. A few could be purchased for $5 and a little talk. i "Workers of both parties knew that if a man had sold hi vote nc ,,u... not be bribed by the other side, l'ew of the fellows were downright crook ed. t 'i. llttllntH. "How could the politicians know that thev had voted right? Ka.y. 1 say they voted on contract. They marked their ballot o the official inspector, could tell their votes It s casv to fix a ballot to .how that. "Judge Blair, before whom the In dicted men are appearing. Is playing the game square. Republicans and democrats look alike to him. It loo t . ... mA.! In OMUlll- llke an enort is Den. ,..-..-lie things down there. About the .ame number of democrats and re ....i.i.n. .m helns disfranchised. The postmaster of Peebles Is to appear berore the Judge, It I. ld. n t. a treat political Worker. Ac cording to rumors around the coun try Judge Rlalr had a hnrd time netting a prosecutor. The regular prosector, C. C. W. Naylor got lck W P Stevenson w. appointed, but didr. t want to srv. He 1 on the lot., however. The flnw are running from ID to tlO and Sll. Wtsmvar po.lbe the nnes run about the tame a. the (Continued on fiaga 4.) Oozette-News Bureau, Hotel Hamilton, Washington, Dec. 29. FINNEY, secretary of Appalachian Forest assoc la in entertaining a lively hope of the passage of the forest rerve bill. Mr. Finney, who keeps open house here for all those who wish to find out anything about the alms and objects of the measure, or the pros pects of Its passage, says he recently had a talk with SenatCr Crane, and i that the Massachusetts senator el pressed the confident belief that the bill wouM pass. Considerable signifi cance may be attached to this ex pression of opinion, since Mr. Crane in perhaps second in command of the senate majority, and usually speaks advisedly when he says anything at all. Mr. Ftnney does not think a nll httster airalnst the bill will be pos sible, or that It will be attempted. He says thfe calendar will' show that senators agreed, not merely to take up the bill for consideration on Feb ruary 15, but that the formal agree ment calls for a vote on all amend ments and the bill Itself on that date. The real test will come whan tfcn amendments are proposed, tt " t thougnt, because It Is not unlikely ...... m UMvionri. of Nevada. MsSNIg& KIR , i have a privately conauctea ctnmvmw tion scheme of their own, will Offer an amendment the effect of which would be to render the passage of the bill of no avail. That. In fact, would be the frank Intent of the amendment, which u'uy command the support of Heyburn of Idaho who, before tne last destructive forest fires in hi. state, which c-,t millions In money and many lives, declared that these forest fires were nature's houecleanlng method. Bailey's Lonely Position. In the matter of this forest reserve bill New England and the south have struck hands, or rather they would be in position to strike hands were It not for th.' attitude of Senator Bailey. The Texas senator has alwal" been opposed to the bill, In all the severa". forms ih which It has been presented to the senate, but it is nopea ini -will simply vote no, and let It go at that. New England present a oIW front with respect to this legislation, which concerns so deeply the Peoplo of North Carolina, a movement which had its inception at Ashevllle. Mr. Finney remarked the other day that, in looking over the record of the early history of the movement, he had been .truck by the effective work of Dr. Ambler. Has Passed the Home, ' With respect to this hill, the trouble ha. heretofore been with th. house and when It finally passed that body the majority was .mail. Now the fate of the measure rests senate, where are to be found It. most ..... ,..: a. nna where It has 81- acuve i.iniuo, - - - fc rAM. ways been approved hy a aw i ns jorlty. There Is a reeling that It would be all over with the bill should It fall thl time. The New Apportionment. There Is talk of Increasing tne hou.e membership to 40. In the new apportionment. If the As, keep climbing like that North Carolina may . he sending another member here, in.teaa ni mc..j r.-m.' own, as most North Carolinian, here . ... ., ... ,.,.,,i.i i,e the can. Ua- der those circumstances the democrat might he willing to create one rock ribbed republican dttrlct. without In terfering with any other of Owlr present holdings. Many of them wold be glad to we that done m ,y v, iv but it has been hard to ngnre the thing out without trenching upon some of the private preserve of the statesmen now In congress. W. A. H. TEN HOMES ARE PARTIALLY DESTROYED BY EXPLOSIONS Grocery Store of Jim Ma no Wrecked Man Says His ItaHan En, mle. Are Responsible. Detroit Dec. 29. Ten home. wer. nartlally destroyed by two dynamlta explosions destroying tho grocery store of Jim Mano. on Clinton stcet The resident were thrown liom inn" beds by the shock. Beveral sticks of dvnitmllc with nau-Duvn. tw discovered. Mano say hi. Italian ... - enemies nr. cisin"""' Pin- Marshal Hurley Dead Cincinnati Dec. SS. -M l., district mrhal of tha fl.e deDartment, who WE I 2. 000, 000 blase Dee wm her day. .. I. died to- 1 Clnrlnssttt JflH ,nvt iii the JmWm