Thursday, January 10, 1011. PAGU C EVE 23 Sloan's Liniment has a Nr ;j sootning effect' on the nerves. It gives instant relief for h'eu f rakria or spiatira '"''. i' HERE'S PROOF. Mrs. Tarbox, of a Champney St', Roxbury, Mass., i writes : ' I have ueed Sloan's Liniment for a number of years for tieu ralgia and rheumatism, and find it gives instant relief. This fall my husband sprained his ankle, and the pain and soreness were relieved after a few applications of the Liniment, and he was able to go to work in a short time. " ' "t-.. RELIEF FROM SCIATICA. W. H, Hawkins, of Frankfort, Ky., R. D. No. a, writes: " Before using your Liniment I had been in bed with sciatica for some time. After I began its use, I got relief." , 17 TiTiTTT h i LI m. is the best remedy for rheumatism, cold in chest or lungs, sore throat, sprains, cuts or bruises; At all dealers. Price, 25,ctS, 50 cts and $1.00. ' DR. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. THE LEGISLATURE " - Gaiotte-New Bureau,. i Chamber of Commerce Rooms, ,. 1 UoUemon Building, . ' '...'' ', , Raleigh, Jan. 19. Speaker Dowd convened the house at .11 o'clock; prayer by President R. T.'Mann of Meredith college. . JCelly pf Wayne sent up a memorial from the Daughters of the Con fed, eracy urging the necessity for a fire proof building for state records. An other was sent up by McNeill of Moore, regarding Confederate pen sions; and McPhaul of Robeson pre sented a petition from Robeson coun ty Daughters of the Confederacy urg ing the erection of a state fireproof building. . 1 Among a long list of bills -reported from committees' that for the reduc tion of the corporate limits of Ruther lurdton came with unfavorable re port. Notable favorable reports were for bills making owners of dogs liable for damages; protect' membera of ta bor organizations; Amend . drainage laws- - .. . "'TttPDHi -to -regular- the salaries oTJ Superior court judges so -that their pay will be on certificate of clerks of court as to the duration of terms with final adjustment- at the end of the year to make, up shortage below 13500 and giving opportunity to run up pay to 14000 came from commit tee with favorable majority report and a minority report against the measure from Representative Wooten. BillH and Resolutions Introduced. " ' Majette of Tyrrell: Resolution In structing the sergeant at arms to put a stop to the distribution of advertis ing matter on the desks of mem bers. ' . . " J Andrews of Bladen: Secure to the use of the people the lakes of Cum berland and Bladen counties. . Home of Johnston: Create state bonds for a million "dollar fireproof administration building. Woodson of Cleveland:' To increase the salary of the commissioner of labor and printing to $2500. . Weatherspoon of Scotland: Permit executors to resign their trust. 1 . 'Wood of Transylvania: Fix salaries Ot commissioners of Transylvania. ' Herbert of Clay: Allow Hennlssee Valley Railroad company the use of convicts. 1 Carr of Durham: Allow special ta In counties for supplementing state pensions to Confederate veterans. K nonce of Onslow: Include easiness ot tire Insurance In anti-trust law by making It unlawful to conspire as to premiums or compensation of agents. Bikes of Union: Allow ball for fugi tives; also relating to advertisement of sales under mortgage. Mitchell of Wayn: Taxing dogs In . Coxe of Anson: Establishing rela tion of parent and child ' between E, C. Covington and Hattle Covington his wife, and Benjamin C. Covington. enabling the latter to Inherit. Wooten of Lenoir: Prohibit lobby Ing In the general assembly. nouihton of Alleghany: State fish ' cries bill providing for creation of kIhIb Huh commlsHlon (accompanied by report of committee appointed at Jiixt sesalon). -' The bill relating to fishing In Albe marie reported favorably and re referring to Huh committee. A bill was received from the senate curing a ilofect In the new charter 1ir Greensboro, providing for the rcglHtratlon ot voters to vote on th Hilootlon of -"ae commission form of mivprnim-iit of that city. The rules were eiiKpeuded und the bill paused busily. I'acd Third Itmdlng, " state oft leers or federal r'!rcMntatlvea from accepting foes 111 BHltH auiilnst the state. Amend the road In' of Wilkes equity. Amended anil re-referred., Iromuto sto k raining In Sampson ( "iint y. i!ei.-iilnli! KUtomolilles In New Han- . Two I'm i I , .IT . I N l.i. . I..--I' ri'f r. ineUKlin ' llull'ii''l it, .in ..!,;! ulTectlng road In New H an ile r I l.uiMmtf .In Ilrun I' i, ' of plum I en. i. ! l I to calendar on objection.) ' ; Raise age limit for working on roada from 18 to 21 years, applying to Henderson, Tyrell, Bladen, Durham and New Hanover counties, Empower T. B. Wilson of Bryson City to collect taxes for 1909; Sub stitute by committee provides that bondsmen of all sheriffs or tax col lectors In the state for 1909-1910 who have died may collect and finish their duties. Amendment by Mr. Koonce excepts Onslow and Randolph coun ties from the bill and taxes prior to 1908. (Put back on calendar on ob jection.) . '.' ' ! Incorporate Company B, Second roglment, state troops. '. ' Prevent depredations of domestic fowls In Caldwell county. For the relief of clerk of the Su perior court of Montgomery county. For the protection of Improved stock in Washington county.- Joint resolution to honor the mem ory of Gen. Robert E Le and tender the use of the house chamber for the feienrlsea. - J. .' : . ' ' ': ." .. Provide for the drainage 'of Clark's creek In Catawba county. , ' Establish the relation of parent and child ' between E. C. Covington and his foster son.! After this bill had pawed third reading, Connor of Wi? on moved reconsideration 'on' the ground that It was a dangerous prece dent to make one man the heir of an other without-further light on the subject. Mr. Coxe of Anson explained that he had offered the bill at the re quest of E. C. Covington, who Is full possession of his faculties, and read a letter from his attorney vouching for the bill. . The motion to reconsider can-led and a motion to place It back on the calendar resulted In Its being re-referred. . .'.'' ' .Salary of Judges a Special Order. The bill Increasing the salaries of the Judges of the Superior court was made special order for Tuesday next. It was moved by Gen. Carr of Dur ham that when the house adjourned tomorrow It adjourn In honor of the memory of General Robert E. Lee and this was adopted. The aubstltute to the bill t con firm the charter, of the Blowing Rock and Lenoir Turnpike company and authorize the use of convicts on the turnpike and amend Its charter was passed on third reading, naving oeen previously put bacg on ine caienaar. Committee Announcements. Committee on Trustees of the State University Dillard of Cherokee, chairman; Wooten, Spalnhour, Carr nf Durham. Ross. Williams of Hun cnmlie. Latham. Hampton. Wilson "of Chatham. Kent. Brown or jacitson. Johnston of Orange. Edwards. Fogg. Library Hampton, chairman; jvia lette. Battle. Brown or Bianiey. mc Arthur. Wall. Bikes, uaviness, tieavis, The following additions were named by Speaker Dowd to committees here tofore named: Asriculture Green, Bryan, Mc- ijiiiKhlln. Brown of Jackson. Kent, Anders. Carr of Durham, McArthur, Warren. Coxe of Anson. Wilson of Chatham. ' Hoads and Turnpikes Green, Mc Laughlin, Hampton, Bryson. a Pensons Green. Health McGIlK McGlll, Ramsey. Education Itryan, Floyd. Game; Majette. 1 , laf and Dumb Kelly. , Insane Cavlness. .,'" '" Propositions, and Grievances Wal lace. . ' Public BulldingiH-Carr of Durham, DiMiKhton, Green. Finance Turlington. The house at 1:45 adjourned until 11 o'clock Thursday. The Senate. ' President Newland called the sen nte to order at II o'clock, Rev. A. J, Mom rlel. of Baptist Tabernacle church. ofTerir.if pruyer. Senator A. P. Kltchln of. Halifax, appeared and took the oath of nrflee, which w-ii!" B.lmlnlstered By v me Jusilce Walt Clark, of the Supreme court. .Cittxens of Marshvllle sent In a res olution asking that the corporate Mm lis of that town be extended. Senator Iindon of Chatham, ie aeniiil a petition from members" of rtock Spring (.tit church and H mini church. Chatham . uiintv. utii'iiH the siile of near I) .mil jiitKM. Hi li. nnn s l.v t liil.M. tr (' . of I.'.l n. Mel eli ed a petition from the Robeson chap ter ot me Daughters of the Confed eracy urging the .erection of a fire proof building fop preserving histori cal records ; Introiluclion or Bills. . Hobgood of Guilford: .; Relative tn the salary of the adjutant general. Graham of Orange: Establishing a recorder's court for the town of Gra ham. ,. . s Hobgood of ' Guilford: beclarln void certain contracts. .' Martin of Buncombe: i Authnrlzlne the commissioners of South Blltmore to levy a special tax: also authorizing the county commissioners - of Bun-? combe to issue bonds' to build and maintain public, roads , In certain townships; also requiring the registra tion of all names of persons engag ing In partnership business; also val idating certain probates and registra tion of deeds. 1 r ... . i Bills RaUOed. Establishing division line of school districts In Richland township, Beau fort county. Relative to the cotton weigher at Albemarle, Stanly county. . . Providing for the appointment of a court stenographer In Macon county. "Hills From th House. , The following bills were received from the house and referred to com mltteesr. .-.. . Authorising the mayor and commis sioners of Hickory to lBsue bonds to extend the sewerage system. Protecting quail and other game In Caldwell county. ' j Authorizing the levy of a special tax In Brunswick county. - " Incorporating Minneapolis, Mitchell county. . , ; v ... . . , Authorizing the commissioners of Richmond county to Issue bonds. Incorporating Ellerbee, Richmond county. ' Preventing disorderly conduct on public roads. . ., .: Protecting game In Warren county. ; Authrorizlng the town of Elkln to issue bonds.. Regulating hunting In Washington county.,, ; , , . Authorizing the commissioners of Henderson to construct -. a bridge across the Frinch Broad river. '. Amending the charter of Wilson. Amending the road law of Hertford county. Amending the charter of Orrum, Robeson county. . Authorizing the commissioners of the town of Washington to pay In debtedness. ' Joint resolution thanking Governor Pothler of Rhode Island for his action In the North Carolina bond matter, The bill Incorporating the town of Woodvltle, ' Bertie county, passed see ond reading and took Its place on the calendar.- r 'rawed Third Reading. - Authorizing the commissioners of Polk county to purchase land for a county home. ' Enrolled for rati Ilea tion. ' - 4 j .Approving the $25,000 bond Issue for Murphy, Cherokee county. En rolled for ratification. . i Authorizing the commissioners . of Alleghany to Issue bonds for a new rourt house. Enrolled for ratifica tion. Amending the charter of Trinity College. Enrolled for ratification, Requiring butchers to keen records Enrolled for ratification. . Improving the public road--' from Lenoir to Blowing Rock. Enrolled for ratification. - --, Amending the road law of Bertie county. ' Ordered engrossed and sent to the house. , , Relative to laying out and working the public roads of Guilford county, Ordered engrossed and sent to the house. The bill relative to escapes was re ported favorably, but on motion of Senator Bassett, of Edgecombe, was recommitted to the Judiciary com mittee. , ... There was an extended debate on the bill relative to private sales of personal property by executors and after being amended It was recom mltted to the committee on judiciary. Senator Barber of Johnston, was granted a leave of absence. The senate at 11:56 adjourned un till 11 o'clock Thursday. nini""- ''"i' lllbllU..iL.a Ketcham Went Into Barber Shop Dec. 5 anil Lett tonsciousnesi V Came to ian. 15. : REMEMBERS STARTING OUT FOR A WALK AND THAT'S ALL HE KNOWS RcCalls Nothing TliHt Occurred Be tween Time lie Lout Conscious ' uctw and January 15. . A Bellabks Cough Medicine Is a valuable family friend, Foley's Honey and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. - Charles Kline, N. sth street, Easton, Pa states; "Several members of my family have been cured of bad eolda by the use ef Foley's Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle In the house. It soothes and relieves the irritation In the throat and loos- ens up the cold. I have always found it a reliable cough cure." It a reliable cough cure." Bold by all druggists. WEST VIRGINIA DEMOCRATS SELECT TWO NEW SENATORS Watwm and Chilton Caucus Nominees . to Succeed Wlklns and ;; Scott. Charleston. W.. Va., Jan. 19. Clar once- W. Watson of Fairmont. wealthy coal operator, owner of high bred horsec, was last night nominated bv the democrats of the West Vir ginia legislature In caucus to fill out the term of Senator Stephen B. Kik Ins. republican, deceased. Watson had a long lead on the first ballot taken and his nomination followed on the eleventh ballot. ' Soveral previous ballots placed him near the aroa both the fifth and the ninth brtngln him within one of the required forty voles. . The opposition made a determined effort to rally round Judge John H. Holt of Huntington, but, when the break finally came, Watson won with iO votes. The caucus then ballotted on the long term now held by Senator Na than U. 8cott, republican, W. B. Chll ton led on the first ballot, reoelvln :! votes, four less than the required number. John T. McUraw Was sec ond with 20. Chilton was soon nom nated. Mottoes of Suveful Men., New York, Jan. 19. Gaston Ketch- am, a real estate man; reputed ricn, Waasalc, Dutchess county,, left a barber' shop at Haverhill, Mass., on December S to return to the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. F. E. Tucker, horn he had been vuriting. Sunday afternoon he found jhimself standing at the corner of Broadway and Thirty fifth street. New York. Where he had been in the mean time and what he had been doing he had no idea. Ketcham was not sure until noon yesterday that he had come back to his senses. -He went with some hesi tation then into his bank at Poughc keepeie and asked to ,' have a check cashed. William Schlckle, the cash ier, knowing of his disappearance and seeing that Ketcham Was by no means the best of condition physically, detained him until word could be sent his half-brother, Charles H. Ketcham, whose Office was near. Gaston Ketcham .recognized Qis brother with a- glad cty, and for the first time was ' entirely sure that he was himself again. The cashier's de lay hod made him hav his doubts. " - Had a Nervous iiinctw. Six months ago Ketcham had an illness that left him in a serious nerv qus state. A few weeks after he was able to leave his bed he disappeared from his home In "Wasslac, and after a search had been made through the principal towns of. the state he was found In Flshklll." He could not ten where he had been for the two weeks of his absence. ' As a result of this cxperliuce Mrs. Ketcham took her husband to her sister's home in Haverhill, .hoping that the visit might Improve his health. He did get better after a few days, and when, bt 3 o'clock on the afternoon of - December , 8, he started for a barber shop on the other side of the 'Mefrlmac river no one had any feat thelt he would not return. He stayed at the shop until t o'clock, but no trace was found of him after that time. Y ' The river was dragged In the fear that he might have met with an ac cident, but it Was not untlt he had been missing for two days that an alarm was sent out ' Circulars con taining his picture wee sent through out the United States', rat ".mVword came of him. . Mrs. Ketcham made up her mind that there was faint hoDe of seeing him alive again.-. He had a considerable sum of money, in his-possession and wore several pieces of valuable Jewelry at the time ot his disappearance. ' ' All Forgotten since walk. I- remember starting .out for that walk In Haverhill," Ketcham said last night, "but I don't wen -remember being In the barber shop they say I left at o'clock that night I don't remember anything at all, as a mat ter of fact, until Sunday afternoon, when I suddenly came to at the cor ner of Broadway and Thirty-fifth street. - "I stood there for some time trying to get my hearings; trying to remem ber where I Wad been; trying. to re member how and when I got to New York. I couldn't though, and after a while I went to a hotel nearby and went to bed. I was pretty badly un strung, but I slept well and In the morning I was sure I would be able to-unravel the mystery. -," But I wasn't; I couldn't be sure who I was, even, until my brother came into the bank at noon today and called me by name. Then I knew, I was at home. But where I have been since t said goodby to my wife six weeks ago, I have no more notion than you." Ketcham was almost : penniless when he reached Poughkeeusle yes terday. He was stilt wearing the Jewelry he had on when he left the Tucker' home in Haverhill, but hfs clothes showed signs of hard - usage. He was worn physically, too, but he said last night that his brain was clear, and he declared that he would be back at his desk within a week Occasionally we meet a young man who Is willing to go through any thing for a girl he loves Including her fortune. ' AU the world loves a lover with the exception of his rival. , , . lloufhold Economy Aid- Chicago Tribune. I have nothing to say." John D. Rockefeller. "Hhut the door!" -Nelson W rich. "Tra many Cm-ks spoil the broth. i ' i m n , !i n il,-r 1'eary. i ii ; i .HT-t eft prorl.i imS Mis , : r. ; i v V .1 i it. Syras sad save - BlakJaa; M at Haas. Cousrh mefllelres. as a ri!. contain a lame quantity ot plain syrup. If you 1.1.. ., ,.in, nf aranulat'i surer, add if warm water and nir about II nunutea, you have as good syrup as money ooula buy. . 1( you will thn put IV4 eunoes ef Pine (50 emits' wortni in a pint come, iimI nil It up with th Siiuur hyrup, you ..III I, v. a milfih AOIIKil syrun as you could buv rdy made for i.50. It Iimaki mifftctiv. And you will find' It the best cough syrup you vr ur-l even In whooping rminh. inn un fI ;t f-He hold usu sliv t!' ths most ssvera tn,j-h In 14 lioiirs. If is J'H.t laxatlva n,,i,li. has a eood tonfe rtt asd ta Ii piavant. Ihm a taiooi.tul eveiy oua, two or tlnee bonis. It is a ST.tondiJ remadv. ttoo, for h,- -riiii , 1. .inn,, ehsst vma, fo. I ,n. I ,h I luimt VH Cntirn- Iimi-, o - ' K'-' vhtiM pins P, , , a, 1, 1 ml Ilia 1.. - tii- ' r prepa re v- 1 V - In I h-- t. RQDAY AMD SATURDAY Great January Sale Of White Goods, House Lmens g and Domestics at TIE PA A1S WAL 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET TO). 5 SOUTH MAIN ST. Every .Housekeeper in the city ought to take advantage of this sale, acknowledged the best time of the entire year to buy. t Fruit of the Loom Bleaching, special ,., .......... ............... .... 9c Barker Mills Bleaching... ;.. ...... ....9c Best Lonsdale Cambric . . . , . . . . ....... 9c 15c 36-iich English Longcloth. .".v. . . .. .i. ... .......... ... ............ ;10c 18c 36-inch English Longcloth ....... , . ............ .12c 10c Curtain Swiss, 36-inch, siecial . ...... ...... ..6c 15c Curtain' Swiss, 36-inch. . . . ,.- .9 GO-inch Table Linens, worth 50c,' special . . . f . ,,. . . .25c yd 72-inch All Pure Table Damask, worth 89c, special . , . . . .49c yd 72-inch All Pure Satin Finish Table Lhiens, worth $1.25, special . .......... .79c 72-inch Best Table Linen, Hie $1.50 grade, special . ... .98c 34 size Napkins, the $1.50 grade. . ............... ; . .98c 34 size Napkins, $2.00 grade,1 special ...... $1.39 34 size Napkins, $2.75 grade, special ... , ..... ...... ...... , . $1.98 ' Kitchen Toweling for this sale , .4 l-2c Sec our line of Crashes for Toweling use. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN WHITE LAWNS, SPECIAL BARGAINS IN NAIN SOOKS, SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DIMITIES. ? See our prices on Towels for this'sale; see our new line of Gingliains and Per cales. Now is the time of limes to replenish Bed Linens. KeadJBdowj. . A Money Saving Opportunity PILLOW CASES" 42xo6-inch Case. , . r .. ... ... 10c ; 45x36-inch Case He 1 20c grade Pillow Case, 45x36, special . 14c Hemstitched Pillow Case, 45x36,. worth 25c, our price. . . , : .19c , Sheets 72x90, special-. .V. . ............ ... .. k...39c Sheets 54x90, 59c grade, special .46c ' Sheets 72x90, Seamless, worth 69c, special ... ......... ... . . 49c Sheets, Mohawk brand, 72x90, worth 89c,. special for t his sale 59c 81x90 Mohawk brand Sheets, worth 98c, special for this Sale. . . . 69c Hemstitched Sheets, 81x90, worth $1.00, for this sale, special , 88c In the rear of the store. you will find some Bargains in Ilemnants of all descrip tions: Dress Goods Remnants, Silk Remnants, Percale Remnants, ' White Goods Remnants, all marked in plain figures. Come and look them over. (1 AMUSEMENTS ttKRKttK(ttRKKKK s( ' It MlHa Dorothy Txtiihrldge, It t r TONIGHT, . at - ' .- It Tlie Butjr DooUir, H JAMAIIY 23 and II. at n st Viola Allen In "Tlio While It Klmnr.M It JANUARY 35. t It ' ItltltltltltltttttttltltltslKKItltK - TmilKlit Ikimlhjr Lothbrltlcp. MIm IXirothy tthbrlUne. IhB fam ous EnKllfch ila,nlst, arrived In th city ypsterday and rRlsterd at tho Battery Park.' Her appearanca to night at the Auditorium Is creating unusual Interest among th better class of musio lovers and sha will probable be greeted by the largest audience that has so far attended thn I.vceum course. Miss Itheridge's concert tonight will begin at s:S o'clock. Keserved seats ran now be ecured at Whltlock's. Phone 3 2 it. Price 75o and toe. "Tlio Beauty IKK'tor," Monday and Tiirflday Afternoon, Jan. z.1-2-1. It Is suld beauty Is only kln deep but no man ever lived or married a lady because of her accomplishment but for her charma. It Is true that the subtle charm Is what attract and make men fall In love and It I her . harm that keep him worshipping at her adrine. Beautiful women have waved nations, lleautlful women ar! a Mixing nd where a Udy k.-epa In mlml that he must prenerve and cul i h.-r chfii-inH, plie la irt-n.-i-Hllv a t.,n,l 1....K liikT luilv lit f.'l. 1'M.r. 1 In I 1 nr.- f I ' - of age and will tell the ladles how he doc It. Kvery laly In .Ashevllle Is Invited to attend the first lecture Monday af ternoon at o'clock. HI lecture will bo absolutely free to ladle and no children will bo admitted. and it la almost a positive fact that she will be greeted by the largnst and most fashionable audience of the sea son. . Reserved seat sale open at Whltlock's Monday morning at . 9 ; o'clock. Price lower floor 11.00. tl.BO and $2.00. Balqony $1.00. 75c, and 50c i . . WediH-mlay, January 3. Viola Allen In T lie WMU Sister." lly no means the least Interesting. feature of the engagement at the Auditorium next Wednesday, January 35 when Viola Allen, arcompaniod bv Jamct O'Neill and the greatest supporting company ever organlied, including Minna Gale. KVnny Addison Pitt and Henry Stanford, will be aeen !n the late F. Marlon Crawford' last play, "The White Bister," will be the local reappearance of Minna Gale, quondam lending woman for Booth and Harrett. after a retirement from the Stage of-oveb seventeen years. Mia Gale wa a discovery and pro tege of Lawrence Barrett, who made her hi leading lady when she wua only alxteen year of age. A uch nhe bemme the leading member of the dlataff aide of the famous com pany which included Booth, Barrett. Hang and Davenport among the males. After Barrett's death, Miss nule did "leading business" with Ed win Booth, appearing as Ophelia, to the great actor's Hamlet on the occa alon of his farewell performance at the old Brooklyn Academy of Mualc In 181. Kor some years after that Miss Qule toured the country as a star by herself In classical repertoire, re tiring upon her marriage with Archi bald HajTieg. the well known lnur ance man. It Is an open secret that her hUHoand'a recent financial difficul ties had no little part In Mlns Gale n determination to return to the sIhkb. In "The White Himer" she Is rn-t fur the Hron part of the fiiunteaa fhalr rinonle, the "vlllliin.'r." of tl.e -pl.-iv. Sht- i.- hMI a Iv.-Hiiuitil voHinii. nts! I , )...-'-,,- MM, I tl I Cl,. I..... DOCTOR PRAISES D. D. D. Althniieh an M. D., I acknowledge to my patients and patrons that your remedy, D. D. D., reaches ow of Kcaema and permanently eures them l)r. Ira T. Oabbert. Caldwell. Kan. "My euro began from the flrat ap plication of I. D. D. My skin Is now as smooth a a baby's. I wouldn't take a thousand dollars for what P. IX D. has done for mo," write August Santo, of Chlllleothe. Ohio. Theae are just samples of letters we are receiving every day from grateful patients all over the country "Worth Its weight In gold," "All my pimple washed away by 1. P. 1." "I found Instant relief." "D. 1). l. i little short of miraculous." Theao '' the words of other tn describing tin great skin remedy, D. 1J. D. Proven by thousamla of cirtea, fm ten years to be absolutely ha miles and rellablo In every caae of skin trouble, no matter what it In. Get a, trial bottle today! IiikImoi relief only 25c. Smith drug store, Pack ainarc, opposite Public IJbrary. " When a woman has an uimttta. li figure other women are willing to n mlt that It Is natural. The biiKli-Ht and M!u Se ttling tlnit ei-r w us nia if i i l:tln's H'niTi n h h r. 1 l.i'. . r They do ll.e w o. k v I:. ,..