S,Wsyl PAGE TWO. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. Wednesday, March 22. 1fln II if I H' 1 s fee At Guffey THE LADIES' OUTFITTER. nUs Quickly As Water Dissolves Sugar AlNMit Tlio Time It Takes Vnr' A Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet lo Work On Tlio Foot! nml Hrlnj? Kcllef. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, AND FINE MILLI NERY. THE STORE FOR WOMEN AND CHIL DREN. AT GUFFEY'S, The Ladies Outfitter. Phone $71 TRIAL 1'ACKAUK SKNT I'KK.K. S7JII GEM THEFT PALM BEACH HOME Villa of Troy, New York, Man on Lake Worth Entered at Dinner Hour and Robbed. Palm llench, Kin., Mari.li 22. That n T0H0 jewi-l rubbery occurred Thursday aiuht at the winter home il' (tcorge It. duett of Try, X. Y.. who. with his ramily. is occupying a villa on Lake Worth, became known loda. .Mr. duett has had detectives working (uietly on the case. He got wont that two snspei ts had been de tained ai New Smyrna, but there is vet little evidence against them, and 1 he duetts are without a single clew as to the whereabouts nl' the jewels. The thelt occurred while the fam ily wax at dinner at o'clock, an hour In lure the night watchman came on dut. This fact ami also the knowl edge the thieves showed of tile lit'elll- (.- and arrangements of the rnmns hc'ii ate they had made their plans i v : i uliy. Some el' the families in tle .id.ioiiiinir villas have emidoyed ppccial watchmen, tearing other at- in ' at hoiip o.j-aK jni;. t- i ne-.al uneasiness all laic- I Icard. l-jiti-rini; Mrs. dueil's room Irom a vi'l'ilid;!. the fidio.-is look Irmii ;i liiiri an drawer a set of pearl bronchos, a silt from Mr. I'lnett at the time of their marriage. fault brooch was coroiioHcd of one lar.;e and two sntali i r iitiiri in an old lashioned settinu The.' wni' highly prized on aeeoiint nl' tlie association. n hi-r articles stolen from Mrs. duett's room were a platinum lorg nette, with platinum charm, set with and there ab.r.u Hie diamonds and pearls, and n bead bag with a silver top. A heavy gold c 'rd case was in plain sight beside the bag, but , was not touched. Passing into Miss Nellie duett's room, which adjoined her mother's, the thieves took a siptare leather jewel box that lay on the top of a bureau. In it were a ring Miss duett trot as a Christmas Rift a year ago. a large ruby surrounded by 10 dia monds: a harvest moon pin of dia monds graduated down from a law stone at the center, a diamond pen dant and a platinum diamond set chain to match, and several small pins and other jewelled trinkets. Near the jewel case on the bureau were two coupons clipped from Illi nois Central stock certificates and worth about $45. Miss Hcatrice Cluett said that ever since the theft they have been dis covering fresh losses, and those to date amount to StUlOO or $7000, and perhaps more. The family servants, she said, had been with them for li-oni live to 25 years and are above suspicion. 'lie duett robbery is the first of ai y eoi'.seiiuence at Palm Peach this srason, but every winter lias had its cottage robberies. Mrs. It. ( '. IMack's cottac.e on the ocean 'rout was robbed last winter, and the lieorne Swirt villa on the lal:e two years before, while tile .sea 'i ti prior tip' Louis darke villa was tinki ii into while the I'amily was i'.-iic'i and valuable jewels taken. ' i 'loop's home In Troy iviih j iii'h .! Jii years ago and all the family ! elate v, as ta ken. There Is no long wait between the time you take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet and the feeling of relief It will bring to an 'overloaded stomach. H gets busy in u jiffy and quickly sets things to rights In that tired and dis ordered stomach. It goes right at the work of digesting the food it finds lodged there and In no time at all has things on the move the gases cease forming, the breath is sweetened, the coating on the tongue disappears and you are no longer eonsHons that you even have a stomach. That is one of the chief recommen dations for Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets that they don't take forever to. accomplish the purpose for which you need them. It is just as if you put an extra stomach or two to work when yourstneeded help. You can't continually overlond your stomach and expect It to always smile. It Is going to get rebellious and sulky af ter awhile and refuse to go on being driven to do double work. You must rest it occasionally not "by starving and Uiereby weakening yourself phys ically but by using a Stuart'i Dys pepsia Tablet to do the work of digest Ins your food. These tablets contain nil the active elements of the natural stomach juices and will nlone and unaided di gest food JusX the same ns the gas tric juices. And nothing could -be more harmless than these . tablets. They do not effect the system In any way do not cure any ailment except as they digest food. Use them freely. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets -are sold by all druglgsts everywhere. Price, uD cents per box. A trial package will be sent if you will write . A. Stuart Co., 130 Stuart rtldf., Marshall, Mich.' PALACE THEATER A Mother's Safcgnsrd. Foley's Honey and Tar for the child ren. Ia best and safest for all coughs, colds, croup, whooping-cough anil bronchitis. No opiates. For sals by nil dniffirlNtu The large audiences at the Palace were well pleased with the bill offered lor their .approval last night. Miss l-iiellc Clayton in a straight singing act is very pleasing and most of her mitsic is high-class. Terry .V Frank "The lancing IV. muns." miide : big hit witli tin if up-lo-di'to (dog dancing. Their "Scare Crow Dunce." evident l met with the approval of tin crowds, judging by their liberal ap plause. "Ark Had" is a comical love im-;. t hat won the hearts of all. The Prince & Actress is another piit'ire that Is exceptionally good. Indies should take DIt. SIMMON'S SQUAW VINE COMPOUND 'for all irregularities. It relieves quickly and restores natural conditions. Price $1.00 per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. .11 in Ilornuday. This Meant. You! Scnivd Out. tte'rnit I'lee Press. "Thee s.n Mis wife has him IdnlT. oil." "Yes. Iier war maneuvers have been .'iniiieutly successful." rndianapolis News. If the Washington correspondents are not losing their grip, what is caus ing their delay about giving us accurate forecast of the president's message ? It M KISSED SUES FOH SI 5,000 $5,000 of Amount Is for "Mussing Up by Salesman, YoungtVyoman Says in Petition. Kansas City, Mo., Alarch 22. Miss Nellie Ktherldge, who owns a mani curing establishment at No. 116 West Eleventh street, has riled suit against Charles K. Decker a salesman for the .Milwaukee Hag company, in wnicn me asks $15,000 damages. Miss Ktheridge complains ' Decker forcibly kissed her und "mussed her up." Miss Etheridge values four kisses at $2u00 apiece and the $.'000 balance Is for what she described as the "rough ing" Mr. Decker gave her in the pro cess. This roughing consisteu in bending her across the arm of a chair with such force as to burst hre corset and forcing her chin up with his el bow. Miss Ethridge savs she was lin er a physician's care ten days, suf fering frorn strained muscels und nervous shock. Mr. Decker drove up in his motor car with two other men on the' af ternoon of February l.'i, Miss Eth ridge said. "Mable Peyton was here and saw atl that happened. He was fueling gay-M could see that but I asked him if he wanted his hands manicured. He said, 'No, kid, I want to give you a roughing and 1 am go 1111? to do It. 'lie dragged me down in a clmir and began to kisa me. Those other two men did not lift a linger to help me. I broke away and tried to run, out of the door, but one of the other men held It shut, and then Decker grabbed me again. He bent me over the arm of the chair until I thought my back would snap. " Mabel Peyton and another mani curist. Allen Carroll, corroborated Miss Ethrldge's story. Removal Sale at The LITTLE GEM, 4 Patton Avenue Now Going On And continues daily until the whole stock of goods now on haml is sold. EVERYTHING ON HAND IS OFFERED AT PRICES THAT WILL MEAN A SAVING TO YOU FROM 40 TO 50, PER CENT ON EVERY PURCHASE. It is our intention to make a new start in business in our new store and we will liegin with a hrand new line of Men's up-to-date Clothing and Furnishings just as soon as we can close out our oresent stock and have the new store remodeled and show cases and fixtures installed. , . . . 1 If you buy from us during this Removal Sale you will never regret it for we have over-looked original cost in our desire to move goods. , t , . WE OFFER YCU MONEY-SAVING VALUE3 IN MEN'S AND ' YOUTH'S SUITS, ALL KINDS OF FURNISHINGS, HATS, SHOES, RAINCOATS, OVER COATS, ODD PANTS, ETC., ETC. ' You'can tatter npprecinte what we mean by Haying "MONEY NAVINO VAL TEN," wli,en you visit this store and. look oyer what we are sacrificing. 1 "'' ' s ' . . TH EL H GEM, , 4 Patton. Avenue IKE SWARTZHUIXG, Mnnnncr COLDS CACSB HEADACHE LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world wlcto Cold and Crip remedy re .noves cause. Call for full name. Look for signature E. W. GttOVE. 25c. GOVERNMENT RESTS IN THE COCA-COLA FIGHT IS ENDED FOREVER Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Gas or Indigestion Vanish in Five Minutes. LADIES Call and See the TalR your sour, out-of-ordor stom ach or maybe you call It Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Gastritis or Catarrh ot Stomach; it doesn't matter lake your stomach trouble riKht with you .-to your pharmacist and ask him to opan filr-cent case of Pape s Dlapeiwln and let you eat one 22-Kraln Trian (tule and see if within Ave minute there is left any trace of your former misery. The correct name tor your trouble is Food Fermentation food cour'lnfi; the Digestive orpans " become weak: there is lack of irastrlc Juice; your food Is only half digested, and you be come affected with loss v1 appetite, prepmije and fullness after eatlnft, vnnTitliiK, nausea, heartburn, nrlpiotf in bowels, tenderness In the pit of ftomach, bad taste in mouth, count! pinion, pain In limbs, sleeplessness, belchlnic of Ras, biliousness, sick head ache, nervousness, dizziness or many other similar symptoms. If your appetite Is fickle and noth ing tempts you, or you belch Ras, pr If you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there is but one cause fermentation of un digested food. i , Prove to yourself in five minutes that your stomach is as (rood as any; that there is nothing really, wronn. Stop this fermentation and begin eat IfiK what you want without fear of discomfort or miser?'. Almost Instant relief Ib waiting for you. It is merely a matter of how soon you take a little DJapepsin. New Spring Suits " The offerinj? includes models of severe simplicity to elaborate -afternoon creations, the distinctive features of these dashing new Tailored Suits arej the becomingness and youthful lines; best of all, o many models here that .women of every age may 'wear; them ; with- appropriate ness., Our prices will interest you. P0STAL EMPLOYES ARE TO HAVE LESS SUNDAY WORK Sunday IjtlHir ill liwlolllccs lo IV Dlsciiitimml ns Mucli iim POKxilllc. Peerless-Fashion Stores Co 51 PATTON AVE. such work as will prevent congestion and delay of malls must be done. Mails will be received and dispatched as heretofore, while arrangements will be made for a limited delivery through the "gpnerel delivery windows. The rlkitrlbutlon of mall to boxes will be continued. Special delivery letters will be delivered and patrons of any office will be efforded tie privi lege of having thetr mall delivered on Sundays by depositing the require J fee for special delivery service. Postmaster General Hitchcock's idea is to afford employes of the pos tal service one day's rest In seven. 'Another "Expert" Coming. Milwaukee Free Press. ' , .Vow. thnt Victor L. Berger has qualified us a park expert he may hope to be made a member of the committee on the Improvement of tho Potomac tiver front when he gets to WtshinrtoD.v ; ' I Anything Electrical be Wmmia 44. W. A. WARD No. I J Church St Motion by Defense to Have Case Thrown Out Was Over-Ruled-Will Present Evidence. 'nfhlni;t'n. March 22. Sumlm work in postolllces throughout the country Is to be discontinued so far a: Is coril.slcnt with the facilitation of tin- tin iikui i:i.si(i of mall. In the important postottiocs only Inspect our line of Lingeries, comparing them with others will show where we are slrong. . . At the LINGERIE SHOP t'hattanooga, Tenn.. March 'it. The government rested lt case last even ing in the hearing o' the .United States against the coca-cola people and Immediately thi! attorneys for the defense made a motion for peremp tory instructions to the Jury to return a verdict for the defendant on the grounds that the government's testi mony was not sufficient to warrant a verdict of guilty. The motion was overruled by Judne Sanford and the defense will today present evidence. Dr. Wiley, chief of the food and drug bureau of the . department of agriculture, was not put on the stand, the government believing it had offer ed sufficient evidence to substantiate Its contention. During the day Dr. II, C. Fuller of the bureau of chemistry, Washington, stated that soca-cola contained ubso l itely no cocoa ami only a slight trace of kola. He declared that the caffeine In the drink was not made of either coca or kola. As a part of his evi dence he filed a piece of niter paper through which coia-cola syrup had been filtered, showing the presence of parts of and particles of Insects and straw. lie stuted that the plain where the syrup whs prepared was in a filthy and unsanitary condition. Other scientists testified to the ef fect that coca-cola was harmful to the human system on account of presence of caffeine and the effect on the brain. heart, spinal cord, and other portions of the body. I l f '..- Orie Thousand New Shares In The Blue Ridge Building and Loan Association Foley's KlitvM) nils Neutrallss and remov th poisons that csum backache, , rheumatism, nervoastnst and all kidney and blad der Irregularities. Thejr build up and rsstora ths natural action of these vital organs. For sals bf all dmg (isUk . . - 4 EE At Om Time Flames Threatened to De troy Entire Business Section ol Town. " HUmiton, Va.. March II.-t-Approx-Inmtely KUO.OOU damage was caused by a Are which threatened to flesloy the business section hers yesterday. The conflagration started shortly after midnight In a stable and spread rap Idly. Firs departments at Charlottes ville and Clifton Forge sent aid. The firemen worked until noon before ex tinguishing the flames, making a hard fight to save property. Then Staunton Milling compsn.v'S plant and a block of stores were destroyed and the.lSeverly hotel Aamagsd about fS, eUO Yesterday afternoon there was a fresh outbreak when II. C. liraxton's tore caught flrs evidently from spo ttiness ronbustlon. He had a large tok of oil and gasoline stored at J Imil shut all the windows Outing the previous fire. At one time h flume Jumped twenty, feet across . lsir atrect and Irnlted several wsrehounea Will Be Offered April 1st This is the Sixteenth Series, making Eight years of constant, steadv, growth. ' . . ' ! Every Six Montlis we" mature a Series. The last one was paid off in Fehruary and ' ' ' ran the total amount we have paid out up to fifty-one thousand dollars. So far we havagmt into Asheville homes a Quarter of a Million Dollars Poor and rich -alike share in its profits. " . ' . ' ' ' , ! '10 BUILD A HOME for the education of a child, for simple saving puqioses, it has no equal not one dollar of its funds is loaned without collateral security. ' It has never had to foreclose to collect a single loan.. Its expenses are less in projiortion than those of any well conducted institution in Asheville. It earns more than 6 per cent for its shareholders and pays the taxes. If yon -do not know B0inthiiig of its merits "ask almost any Aslieville citizen mid he will tell you. Don't put off joining. You are sure to regret it if you do'.. First come first served. If you want a loan make your application now. OFFICES OP- POSITE P0ST0FriCE. N0. 1 Haywood Street. . A Cold, foOrippti,' then I'nriinionls In too often ths fatal eiuccs. Foley Money and Tar expels the old, rhw ki ; the lagrlpp. arid prevents iincumcmU ' H Is a rrompt sod rellMuls ccush medicine that contains no tinrcotlcs, j It la as snfe for ynnr rf i'.'- evi . yrvor- : ae'f. t'r ..' by (II di . ' . fTD m IDi m MUM m m m W timzii . J.'E. EANKIN, President, " ' II. TAYLOR ROGERS, Active Vice-PresidcnJ. EDWIN L. RAY, Secretary and Treasurer. A. II. COBB, Auditor. 1 i