Thursday, March 23, 1911. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE-NEWS. T PAGE FIVE Makes Konta Baking Easy Personal Mention, News of the Societies, Meetings, Etc. H Redwood & Co. WINS HIS LAWSUIT SOCIAL 3 HAPPENINGS 7W .'"Daisy Chain Beauties." ' The following clipping, giving the names of the. "Daisy Chain Beauties" of Vassar -college, Is of Interest In Asheville as Miss Lucy Pennlman of this city, president of the sophomore class at Vassar, chose and announced the names of thedouble dozen Amer ican beauties who will bear, the daisy chain. The following list shows how widely the selection scattered through the states:- " " ' r- : The daisy chain girls of Vassar were announced today by Miss Lucy Peniman of Asheville. N. C, president of the sophomore class. The 24 girls, selected because they are the prettiest In the class, are! Dorothy Appleyard, Asheland, Wls-i-Grace Isabel Beaver, San Francisco; Harriet Bradley, Ma nilla, P. Li Angeline Leslie, Brook lyn; Dorothy Everett Brown, Rhine lander, Wis.; Carlta Anna Doggett, Jacksonville, Fla.i Katherlne 'llulda Dunham, Wilmington, Del.; Florence Durham, Schenectady: Delphlna I.undsteen Hammer, Branford, Conn.; Hazel J. Harrison, Cleveland, O.; Mary Kelsey Howe, New York; Emcline Wilma Inbusch, Milwaukee; Edith Klolse James, New York; Eliza Bur ger Kimball,' Kansas City;' Ruth Kln- 'V. Cincinnati: r.ivira nusn, bsw York; Caroline Lee Mills, New York Kmma Marie Overstreet, New York Ruth Eldrldge Fembr, ,; Hartford, Conn.; Margaret Moore Seaman, Mil waukee: Anna Louise Sliver. East Orange, N. J.; Elizabeth Burr Thel berg. Poughkeepsie, NV Y.; 'Kathryn Imogene Upson, New , York, and M Irian Lane Winter, Mason City,, la. Little Caps Are Coming Into Vogue. One of the really pretty styles in head dressing has hot as yet found favor in Asheville, where the wear ing of the dainty little caps, so popu lar In the east, has not been taken up, even by the ultra-fashionables. Pho tographs of the large and , brilliant Now York weddings that have been so frequent during the winter and early spring, show many grouiis of charming bridesmaids wearing these quaint and universally becoming caps. The lace frills about the face are par ticularly bewitching when the face Is young and fair, and the mode will thercforo doubtless bo revived an other season. , Tho prevailing spring style of small shupelesa "rrrtmkoy naps" has been largely adopted in the city, and there has been no more try ing and unbecoming fashion In sev eral decades. Combined with the hobble skirt. It makes the prettiest woman a caricature of what . she might be becomingly attired. K . Nurses Graduating ETcrelses. The exercises of the irrad"tr nurses of the Mission hospital will be held at the Y. M. C. A. auditorium to night at II o'clock. The following pro gram will be given: Opening prayer Dr. R. F. Camp- bell. ' - ' Vocal solo Mrs. Joseph E. Mearea. Annual address Dr. C. W. Byrd. f J'ieno solo Miss May KImbcrly. Address on behalf of the city J. II. Alnrtin. Vocal trio Mrs. Joseph Meares, .Mri. Julia Burdlck, Miss Helen Schar tie. - '. ' ; Presentation of diplomas Dr. W. L. Dunn, dean of the Training school Presentation of hospital plns-r-Mrs. Vance Brown, vice president of the board of managers. Benediction Dr. W. M. Vines. 1 it H . Y. W. V. A. Bazaar. The committee arranging for the Y. W.. C. A. bazarr and noon-day lunch,' met as usual on Wednesday morning. .They request that all ar ticles of needlework and fancy work be sent by Tuesday, March is. If pos sible, to Mrs. Lance or Miss Osoorn at the Henrietta. Contributions for the lunch, cake and candy sale may be sent on Friday morning, March 1), to the Y. M. C. A. building. Further announcement will be made later. The bazaar. will be open on Friday even ing as well as during the day on both Friday and Saturday. At 8:30 p. m. there will be a musical program to which the public is cordially Invited. m ' Mr. Kohn Entertains. Mrs. Adolf Kohn entertained the Thursday Bridge club this afternoon at her homo on Chestnut street. Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Stein, who were mar- rled recently at Mrs. 8telne home In P.roofclyn, are the guest of Mrs. Kohn on their way to their home In Cleveland. O. Mrs. Stein was the honor guest at this afternoon's party. A number of small and Informal din ners have been given In Mrs. Stein's honor since her arrival In Asheville. Great Interest centers In the tennis tournament now In progress at 4he Country club. . A large number have entered and the contest a lively and Inspiring one. Out of door sports make a popular Lenten substitute for the teas, dinners and dances barrea for this penitential season. The American Woman's league will hold It regular weekly meeting rrt day afternoon- at o'clock. Questions of importance to the local chapter will be discussed and a lull litem! ance la desired. .. ... :. ' ' - It K The meeting of the Phllathea class of the First Baotist church, at the home of Mn W. O. Rlddlck on Char lotte street, announced for this even- ' log has been postponed. A dale, wui bo sot for the meting. lalor. Tho Rector's Aid society will nice tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the: home of Mrs. W. P. Clarke on Chestnut street ' ' t The Ladies of the Maccabees will have their regular review tomorrow afternoon tu 3 o'clock In K. of P. hal'. t Dr, .. Davis with her , father and mother. Dr. and Mrs. Davis, Mro Clark and two small sons of Chicago are expected to arrive In the city shortly and will make Asheville their permanent home. ' It l George A. Rankin of Washington. D. C, is In the city, a guest at the Battery Purk hotel. . Mrs. A. C. Clark of New York Is In the city for a spring visit. St t Mrs. F. M. Holland of Boston, Mass., is spending some time In Asheville, i guest at the Battery Park hotel. Sir. and Mrs. R. A. Bnss have re turned to Asheville after ai extended visit with relatives In Roxboro, N. C, and are at present staying at 9 Spruce street. " . It . It ' Miss Mamie Steedman. formerly of Camden, "S. C, but now of Henderson vllle, returned to her home today after a successful operation for appendicitis at the r Meriwether hospital. Miss Steedman is a cousin of Mrs. Edward Dukes of this city. Her many friends will be glad to heur of her recovery, .. . v . It It , Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCanless and children, who have spent the winter in Florida, have returned and are at their home, 127 Montford avenue. ' If Mrs. J. W. Schartle left this morn ing ror Atlanta for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Indian apolis, Ind., have arrived at the Manor, where their son, whd Is a stu dent at Asheville. school, will spend the holiday season with them. H Dr. and Mrs. Johnson of Canada who have been for some time guests at the Manor, have taken Rosebunk cottage. t It Miss Mnry Rogers, daughter of Mr and Mrs. II. Taylor Rogers, and Miss Agnes Rockwell, daughter of Dr. Lou la A. Rockwell, students at Wei k'Sley college, have both been honored with the distinguished award of Wei lesley. scholarships. This Is tho sec ond highest honor the faculty of Wei lesley bestows upon students and Asheville friends congratulate them upon their well deserved honors. Mrs. Lawrence and daughters. Miss Winifred Lawrence and Mrs. Brown arrived today at the Manor and are established In Columbus cottage. Mr? Brown's son, who Is au Asheville school student, will spend the Easter holidays will), his mother. - . tt n Mrs. D. W. Newell of Charleston. S. C, is expected next week to visit Mrs. J. T. Sevier ond Miss. Katherlne Rollins. Miss Emma Laird of Penn Yan, N. Y; who has been the guest of Miss Leona Young, has returned to her Home. ' MM Mrs. Weston and Miss Kate Weston, who have been visiting In Canada, re turned today and are at the Elbemar. Later they-will open their h)me In Arden for the summer. ten Judge and Mrs. J. C. Prltchard left yesterday for Raleigh where Judge Prichard will speak In Interest of the Y. M. C. A, campaign. He will also deliver an address Friday night on "Law and Order" at Klncald, return ing Saturday to Asnevllle. MM Mrs. Mortimer Hancock has sailed from India for America, via China. Japan ami, San Francisco. She Is c conipanled by her small son and they will spend the summer In Asheville with Mrs. . Hancock's father, Dr. 3. Westray Battle. t Miss Bruce Landls, Miss Nellie Blnnton of Marlon and their' friend. Miss Pearl Boger of Concord are upending the duy In the city, staying at the Berkeley. " Mrs. Huntington Wilson, wife of the ssHlstunt secretary of state, and Mis Christian of Richmond. Va., h.tve taken Miss Cora Drummond s bunga low,. -Pine Logs." for a month. n n A. W. Green, president of the Na tlonnl Biscuit company, L. Uselhardt, general manager, and Mr. Green's two danughterl arrived Hoday in the pri vate oar "Republic" and will leave to night for ,the far south. H Peter G. Thompson. Jr., of Clncln null, who Is visiting his sister, Mrs. Reuben Robertson In Grove park went with Mr. Robertson Tuesday tn Sunburst. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Robertson expeel to return the latter part of the week. K- st " Miss BetUe Sites has returned from a visit In Richmond, Va. ' IIP Absolutely Pure The only baking powder maaatrom Royal urape ,, Cream of Tartan HO ALUM.K3 LIME PHOSPHATE Judge, Webb Holds That LaBarbe, Moale & Chiles Has no Claim on Batter Park Lease. The Rector's Aid society of Trinity church will hold another cake and candy sale at Brown, Northup & com pany's store on Patton avenue Satur day from 10 a. m., to 5 p. m. Hot' doughnuts and coffee will be served. It It Invitations have been mailed to par ties in the city for the dance at the Battery Park hotel tomorrow night. This dance will be one of the largest of the season and will be in the ball room. Music will be by Spear's orchestra. Hurry For Spring Slippers iou never saw the like of pretty Spring Slippers that would be pleased to take a walk with you. We've minius. 2 and GLEAN, WHOLESOME FUN, IN UN5ITED MEASURE Oe Woll Hopper Delights a Large Au dience Fairly Good Play, and Excellent Company. Nichols Shoe Co Leading Shoeists. On the Sa oliinil Lcnthcrvvood. 1KMISIKH LAW MOWKU.S. We are sole agents.for this eelc- brated lawn mower, ball bearing cleanest cutting, easiest running luwn nwwer on the market. J. M. IIKAIIN' CO., llaltory Tark Place. Phone Ht iiiiiiniimiiii"! 1 nnimmiMiimnimmnnt (Bty ttttlttttH Oneida Community : QUALITY SILVER . . More thartfriplG plate. Warranted twenty-fivo years. ' SPOONS and FORKS 2 for table use. Look at the Designs and Finish. 2 Compare the Prices ARTHUR M. FIELD CO. . l)c Wolf Hopper was built for loud comic opera clothes and is not exactly himself in the ordinary khiIi of civil ization. Nevertheless it is apparently Impossible lor him to be anything ex cept funny, and tho usual tribute of laughter wu paM him l;u4 ni'ht at I lie Auditorium. "The Matinee Idol" lias plenty of really funny things in it for Mr. Hopper and the other ex cellent comedians of bis company, and funny thinKS said in the Hopper voice, from the cavernous Hopper mouth. In the Hopper way arc much funnier. The star of tho great comedian shows no sign of waniriK, to all appearances, he may ko on for another score of years, provokinir the multitudes to laughter and the foncetfulnt'HS of dull care in irenuine, healthy mirth. M1ss Louise Dresa-r, who has the IcadltiK female pnrt Is the same com fortable Ceres, with a decided sense' of humor, good to look upon: she has a couple of rather pleasiris little sonirs which she sings in a ry agreeable little voice. '"" : It Is a "sone comedy" but there are no solos of especial merit nor voices to sins; them If there were any. Miss Dorothy Webb has a number of songs but the poetry of her dancing is su perior to the music of her singing. The big comedian has an effective al ly In his comedy situations with the diminutive Georgie Mack. The play is sumptuously appointed. The setting is the coast of Normandy. and the , scenery is beautiful. The costuming Is elaborate, .the chorus girls making eight changes of shoes and stockings, among ether things. It is a good looking, well dressed, well drilled chorus, and the dancing Is cuperb. It was a great audience that the coming of this favorite actor called together, and every man and woman and child laughed as heartily as It Is In their nature to laugh. The play, while nothing so very wonderful in situations, lines or plot is a sufficient vehicle for Its purpow. and in marked contrast to so many similar pieces. Is clean and wholesome. Mr. Hopper of course gave his little curtain talk, not the .least funny of the evening's events, a'nd with which Hopper performance would be In complete. The suits involving the lease of th Pottery Tark hotel were quickly sot tied today when 'Judge Webb Intimat ed that the evidence which had so far heen introduced showed that IjiBnrbc, Moale & Chiles, who were suing for two-thirds interest In a five year lcam now held by J. I.. Alexander would not warrant the case going to the jury This amounted to the uliiin'lffs In the suit of La Par be, Moale & Chiles ngalnst J. U Alexander and tho estate losing out completelv In their allegation thnt ' finud had been per, ; straps, l'ihboil ties Olid OX petpated In the letting of ,'he lease tol . J. I.. Alexander. The suit of J. I.. 1 1 OI'ClS. 1 Oil call make VOU1' S( Alexander against Laliorne. Moale & lection (lltifkly in ailV leather Chiles to settle,, up the pgirtnershii) 1 ' J lease on what Is known as Ihn Wad-1 J'011 Want. Aailie it .and We'll dell lease of . the B:iittery Park hotel jijiow t llOIll running tor IB nwntns was compro mised by Air. Alexander paying hc lefendants $600. Each side- is to pav their proportionate part of the costf The victory is a signal one for Mr Alexander, who, incidentally mnde i tine witness on the stand yesterday He was not placed on the stand today to complete his examination, a settle ment of the suit being evident. Several years ago LnBnrbe, Moal Chiles and J. 1.. Alexander purchas ed the lease on the Patten' Park hotel then held by I. C. Wnddell. jr. The hotel was under this Joint lnanag. ment for about 18 months and when it cainc to a new lease on the hot"l Mr. Alexander and LaBarbe, Moale Ar Chiles each in bids for the lease. and Mr. Alexander's terms being garded us belter for the Coxe estate wus accepted by the crustees. Mr. Alexander being unable to procure settlement of the old partnership brought suit to settle this. He state 1 t.hj'.t he had at all times been reail to settle , up the partnership. The l.nPnrVie, Moale & Chiles brought "oonter suit to obtain a share In tho new lease of the hotel. Kor about' two years Mr. Alexander has had exclusive management of th hotel and this spring it Is enloyin,' one of the heit spring seasons it lins ever hud. Mr. Alexander is a lilk' hotel man and under his experience. 1 inan.'i'-'emt nt the l'nttery Park tn continued lis prestige. Some of till best known lawyers In Asheville were employed in I his suit Craig. Martin & Tli"imisoii an. I Judg Mcrrimon represented Mr. Alexander, Bourne, Parker & Morrison, the Coxc estate, and J. C. Martin, Frank Car ter and Alt. S. Barnard, iAiBarbc Moale ii Chiles, ft. LADIES' DRESSES of good material in all. the new effects at most reasonable prices, also "WAISTS, SKIRTS, KIMONOS, &c. Stylish Indeed Kprcial to The Gazette-News. Waynesvlile, March 23. Miss Mvr- le Noland and Parker beatherwoo.l were married Mondav afternoon March 20 at the bride's home in Wnynesville. the ceremony being nei- formed by ft. Q. McCracken. justice of the peace.- Mrs. Leathcrwood is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Noland and Is prominently connected in Haywood county. After the cere money the bride and groom left on the 3 o'clock train for Oregan where he latter is successfully engaged In justness. Mr. Tart is going to wish there was Homuboiiy could helu lilni let Aliat ex ira session "loose." BROWN'S Bronchial Troches are invaluable to sufferers from chronic lung trouble. Bronchitis and Asthma. They are in convenient form and atford immediate and grateful relief. Warranted free from opiates or anything harmful. Price. 25c, 60c and $1.00. Sample free i Jin I. Browa flV Son Boston. Man. Kodak developing and finishing by an expert at Brown Book Co. thoy are mid well fitting. Our customers tell garments seem to lead easily the competing shown. WASH SUITS FOR SMALL BOYS us the things Thc.v lire due to arrive Maw li tcinplin,'; lot of goods. The vu $1.(1(1. S1..X $1.75 mid gSL'.OU. Mill and they will prove a I'Icty it great, the prices niotly Big lots of SPRING GOODS have come in lately making a fine array for your inspection and consider ation. In the items of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND LADIES' LOW CUT SHOES the move ment has b,een brisk, as young as the season is. FINE TRUNKS in large sizes have just arrived. BUTTERICK PATTERNS, DELINEATORS and FASHIONS. FINE ROOM RUGS, . PORTIERES, COUCH COVERS, LACE CURTALNS, CURTAIN GOODS, UPHOLSTERY GOODS," BLANKETS, COMFORTABLES, QUILTS, SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, TABLE LINEN, NAPKINS, TOWELS, BATH TOWELS, &c. OBE H. DEAL Violinist Hattery Purk Orchestra, Teacher of Violin 12 Cumberland Ave. Phono 1727 Good Orchestra ares at Theato. and Moving Pic- Once In. a great while you meet a woman who is given to retailing gos sip but the majority are wholesale distributers. Fresh Fish There is said to be. k.'HpiiiesM among I sonic savage tribes where money Is I unknown. Trout, Herring, . Mullets, Ituck Slind, Iloo Siiud. TO THE PUBLIC: Von are cordially invited to attend the Sixth Memorial Exercise of the Asheville Arie No. l;!77 Fraternal Or- er of Kaglcs that will take place at Auditorium Sunday, .March Stith, 911', at 3 p. m. Bring your friends. Special arranged program Memorial committee: VU. K. H. MHKR1S. MUItUIS M YISKS, E. M. MITCHELL. A smart woman who knows mor" than her husband la also smart enough not to let him suspect it. And some women look much belter after visiting an oculist. VISIThVa the ' Smith (Ircuter shows m like loving a widow. You rau't over-do It. 3-3t The Montford Market John Hurley. Mgr. "The place for tender meat" ARTISTIC PICTURE FRAMING The Best of Material Anything Electrical be W. A. WARD Minna 4Sj. No. 11 Church 8L and the I: Best Work ALWAYS and at Prices that will compare . very favorably with any Others. REMOVAL NOTICE. Dr. Ambler has removed Lis omce irom ivieaicai ruiiamir jo his new building, No. 72 N, Main street. Special price on some Mouldings Just now. i J. H. LAW. 3 S Patton Avenu LUCILE CLAYTON, "Singing Comedienne.' TERRY & FRANK, "Dancing Demone." .Palace Theatci FOR SALE . Nine room house neai Swannanoa drive, 1 acre land also for Balo at bargain. LaBarbe, Moale & Chiles, . Rval 1-Jdate and Insurance, 7 Patton Are. BulstV Garden Seeds A big lot - lust received. These art high class seeds and ars vary popular every where. Phone In your or ders to H. WEST END DltlG STOKE, C. A. Walker .. Proprietor. 70 Pnttou A to. CALL AT MISS CRflSHTS SHOP 23 Haywood trert. For tho best work In the city. Sham noolnsT. Hair Dressing, Facial Mai sage, Manicuring ana unir-jpoay Bring In your combings to have made up. Hood's Millinery HAYWOOD ST. SPECIAL REAL ESTATE BARGAIN. One seven-room house, Woodfls street, at end of Spruce, and one store for quick sale $3000. Terms Natt Atkinson Sons Co. Real Estate Agents. M. Webb Co. MILLINERY IMPORTERS Haywood Street, In the ' Asheville Club Building. Telephone 1044. A Clean Paper Towell For Every One Vat Every Waah ABSOLUTELY HYGIENIC ;THtr sinrs tbs sKMsn sertecttr ssf bsst tss skis ry ss4 scllisihlir ssft. rrmstsckassisf el ssssS 1 lam? tisssst Avoid ths duffer of .kin tnfcctiosl wfllcfa the mm rolWr towsl sod (MrslIy sssd IsbrK towsl lavsnsblv csrrv. bv usinc (Ualbi UsNsrl 750 Towels " lfcl ' ' t V- fu e trial Z f o.ei ifoaeatiiY - IIOKKOW A KODAK No rhnrge for use of Koduk If we do the finishing. Cameras bought and sold. Films for sale. HACKNEY & MOALE CO. Leading Stationers. Oil tho Bq. Ol' It OLD FASHION BREAD ia Increasing daily. We can guarantee quality In the bread. Try a loaf and bo convinced. . Asheville Steam Bakery, Phone 2S or 181. C F. RAY. Phone 1701. 2 Patton Ave. Sproat's MILLINERY PARLORS Oatcs Uullillng Spring Millinery on Display. Gazette-News Want Adver tising Pays. IMIimilHIIIIHIIIMIIHIIHMMMMmtMiHMI i BATTERY PARK BANK I ASHEVILLE, X. C. J. P. SAWYKll, President E. SLUDEIt, V-Pres. T. C. Coxe, V-Pres. J. E. RANKIN, Cashier Capital $100,000 Surplus and Profits $130,000 TRANSACTS A GENERAL RAN KINO Rl'SINESS. Special attention given to collections. Four percent. Interest paid on time deposits. Sill r. m. 'j- U tAUUn3 LLI JULiAJXUUUJLAA. H 1 1 1 1 ft t mf WASHINGTON AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE An Ideal place to educate your son or daughter, fltrong faculty, moral community, beautiful scenery, health ful climate, broad and liberal courses, positive Christian Influences, expenses reasonable. For catalogue write the president. RRV. C. O. QUAY, P. P.. Oreenvllle, Tenn. MAPLEINE t Makes tno sugnr syrup tnsto like maple syrup. One bottle wi'l wtXfs two gallous of ,Byrup. 35e per bottle. YATES & McGUIRE, FLOWER SEEDS : In addition to our ukuhI stock of Flower Het-ris In pack ets we can supply In bulk, Sweet Peas. Nasturtiums t.'os nios, Morning Olory, Sunflower, Wild Cucumlier and Castor Oil Kuans. . All new seeds. Re member flower seeds should not be planted out of doors too early. "Everything In Drugs and Seeds GRANT'S PHARMACY Agracy (of Wood's Seed FURNITURE New and Stcond hand; Stoves, Ranges, Iron Bed; Springs, Mattresses', I!ug, Art Squares, Mattings, etc. ' We givo you a "Square Deal" and "Golightly" on the Prices. A cordial invitation to you. Deal & Golightly Phone 221,970. 1 27 North Main St. PLono 354. BREAIX ::::;::sn::nKtm:n:n::::::K:ajn::rctr.nui 25 Haywood St. FRESH BALTRISINO