I PAGE EIGHT THE ASHEVIILE GAZETTE-NEWS. Thursday, March 23 m1t 1 i SI 4 i GOAL Cold weather don't bite in the home that uses M. & W. INDIAN COAL. rhonel30. Carolina Coal & Ice Company WALTER B. FOR POLICE JUDGE In Formal Announcement Today He Says He Is Running on Own Hook Just Wants the Place. Hood's Sarsaparilla ' Cur. All Spring Ailmtnt. Mrs. Marlon Bruce, Cumberland, Me, writes: "I have taken Hood's Sarsnparilla for a great mnny years, and I think It the best blood medicine In the world. I take It both spring ami fall. This last winter and spring 1 was in very poor health. I was weak and had lost all my appetite and I was all run down. As soon as I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla my strength came back and my appetite returned. 1 am now well, do my housework, and no longer have that tired feeling." Grr it tod.iy in usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatubs. Mr. (1 miser is formally announcing himself as a. candidate for the demo cratic nomination for police justice ami sayu he is nut running against iny one imr in the intcresfc of any person, persnns or faction, neither has lie been solicited to run by anyone, but is running on his own hook be-. CITYNEWS Simplicity Is the New Keynote of Motor Car Building Engineers are now devoting their attention to simplifying the au- , tomoblle, but It is acknowledged that no one has succeeded - like Howard K. Coffin. ' . ' '. .:' " Mr. Coffin, In the Hudson1 "33,'' has reduced the number of parts approximately MOO over tnose found In oihpr cars. In making a sim ple car, he hns nade it dust proof and oil tight. Our allotment is limited. Many probably will be disappointed at not being able t" get the Hudson for the demand Is greater than the supply. " . The Hudson "33" is furnished in three types: a Touring Car, at $1,400, a Pony Tonneau at $1,450 and the Torpedo . at $1,500. These prices include complete equipment with dual Ignition system. Including Bosch magneto, mohair . top, Prest-o-IJte gas tank, gas and oil lamps, tools, repnir kit, etc,' Steadfast and Biltrite Shoe for spring. Best for style and quality. GEO. W. JENKINS 29 S. Main St. V- Phone 125. PILES! PILLS! PILES' Williams' Indian Pile Ointment wl" cure Blind. Bleeding and Itching Pile? It absorbs the tumors, allays Itching a' once, acts as a poultice, gives lnBtatn relief. Williams' Indian Pile Oinl ment Is prepared for Piles and Itching of the priate parts. Druggists, man 60c and $1.00. Williams MTg. Co., Props., Cle-rt-land, O. Knr wile ""' ni"p Nice Ripe Bananas per Doz. 20c. E. C. Jarrett Phones 358 or 191. IS North Pack Sqaare and City Market. Phone 473. r - 4;.. ' -IIJM.II -v-:V - trc, - 1-- if. . . -.Vv- 'v V.O.VJf. ' OiV . . . The Thought of Spring Suggests a look at our attractive showing of Footwear for discrimi nating patrons. The Very Latest Models for Men and Women $2.50 to spj.QO. GuaranteeShoeStore 4 South Slain St. V. IS. . I IX . I K. can.-".- lie wants the cilice anil neeils tile iiioik v. an. I thinks he an till the office and enforce the law impartial ly, without har or favor, as well as any one. as lie has In n an aeliee jus tice of tile piaee for 1 J successive years, during which lime he has never lie, iroin any either ei n rcve judgin I or cri rsed on nn nt tic lias ri uiinal. ' appeal nilereii. It 550 FINE AND COST FOR KISIG II YOUNG LADY irV. A. Buchanan, It Is Alleged, Made Improper Proposals and Kissed Her In Jail. The HobartM. Cable Pianos Have a Beautiful and Brilliant Tone Easy terms at the a.-li price. DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE itini srit nrniTdi nun 10 way. He refused to ilo so and then Iss' (1 her. M ter he left the plaee the your iiv h;n) .i wiiriiint issued for him mi he vvjis trietl rteiore Maoist rate ,y.-r lturhiimtn ilentert that ho toivhed the j-irl but she polntoil to i ruise on his wrist which "he Rakl li.nl ititlieliU in the tnitf g1t Fine Jellico Coal Tin Ideal fuel, H'a hot. JELLICO COAL CO. City office phone 22S. Yard phone 510. Special price, on car lota. A Itnvsor's druK store was the ene of one of the irreatest fountain pe.n sales wtiu-n has taKen place in this comiCy, 1000 fountain penis lieiriif sold over the counter by Mr. Worth, the pel: company' represcntu- tive, and his assistants. Kvery pur- haser was delighted, for each one it a fountain pen usually sold from !.S0 to $10 for $1. with the guuritn e of money refunded If thu pen proved unBatlsfactory. The sale clos- Saturday, no it liehoove everyone ho wants a real bargain to hurry In nd see Mr. Worth. It 1b worth your me to look at the llf window dis play. WHY TAKE MEDICINE I If you don't take the best? Anything in the pharmaceuti cal line that you Ret here, you cun "bank" on as being the licit obtainable. Every product oC our prescription department . la physiologically and thera peutically correct. Paragon Pharmacy Car. X. Pack Market St. Pbone) SM. "Get It at the Paragon." ., tMMMtMtlftMMMMM DON'T USE Thoae old ruty knives, forka, anil lonlini. when vnn ran mmt tuch bargains In illvervar u 2 we are now offering. Special thle week for Braaa and Copper Jardentere and Candle Hold- "X ere. Come anil see, IaL D.Vt Stcre ( I ::i ii;iti;i ii. n iuti!j man re Hfi'; it; In-1 southern se'tion t.f tlv iy. is r.iw in j;ul in drfaull if monvy pav a liln- uf $.10 ililm"t on hlM r-iiisc a it JS alleged. h- enter-'d husin s house in which a ; tuiriK wa.s i nidoV4'd and alter makiiik? suiting prj!saN to lu-r, forelhly -sed her. ft was staled thi't the man entered e t't-tuhhsliment while no ore but he voting l.tdy wa prent. II-' d insi.llinsfly to her it v;it al- Record Fountain Pen Sale. TO.TMiniTT 3 At the services nt the Oakland Heiifhts Prosliytorian church and Sab hath school last Sunday a total of $12 whs. raised for the Chinese suiTerr ers. The oratorical contest that is to be Knen at the Y. M. I. is attracting much interest. The speakers are to represent different schools. H Is Kiven by the (Jills' Industrial dub for the benefit of the Institute. Miss Clara Kmmcns, representing a publirhliiK company, at the reuuest of Superintendent lteynolds, will In struct the ttacliern of the West Ashc ulto school in t lie "full arm" move ment of pcnmanslrp. She will bo here the remainder of the week. The Knights of the .Maccabees of the World have tlirouuh their lleeerd Keeper, .lude V. K. Yarnon. paid to 'til-. I.ily Sale Amlrew, wi.low and ooneticiiirv $luno in full of policy hold by K. i;. Andrew, deceased, late a resident of No. 2 Hilliard Uine. this citv. The North Carolina Trans, .uitinent al Construction company has opened offices in the Cnxe estate biiildinu: with C. .1. L. Ijuntry as manager and I'. A. Nickerson, assistant treasurer. These vrentlemeii are interested in tile proposed Transcontinental Hall way company. A house occupied by Sum Kincaid. colored, on Livingston street, was burned to the ground last nit-'lit about 7:4.". o'clock, and the adjoining house, occupied by Itussell Iteuson, was slightly damaged. The lire had gained great headway before the department arrived. Alarms were turned in from buses and 4 L " . Tlvnrman Mel lone stands trial this afternoon tin the charge of seduction under promise of marriage. Magis trate C.udger hears the ease and the complaining witness is Rather Plem ninns. Mel lone has succeeded In eluding the officers for the past sev eral months but was arrested yester day several miles north of the city. The automobile of D. V. Johnson, chiet dispatcher of the Southern railway company, was damaged last njuht on Sonthside avenue. The pave ment was slick and the night dark and rainy: The i nr skidded into a I telephone pole. None of the occu pants were injured. The car was tak en to the Western Carolina Automo bile company for repairs. This afternoon the court engages in the trial of the damage suit of Ida V. Kmory admix., John Kmory deceas ed vs.. Champion Fibre company, et al. The plaintiff Is asking damages mi the sum of ti'.Orio alleging that the defendant company Willi so ne defen dant employes let a car get away from tlum on the company's track above Canton; tint the car struck the de ceased Injuring him so that he died i The deceased was In the employ of I the defendant company at the time ! of the accident and complaint alleges I that he was walking to his work along the track. Mitchell Creaseman was tried before , Magistrate W. R. tludger yesterday af ternoon on a charge of forgery and bound to court In the sum of $200, in : defuul of which he was placed In Jail. It was alleged that Creaseman bought some harness from Patton and Hpur- i ling Harness company on North Main street to the amount of 16. 0E, that he presented a check for 125.00, sign- j ed with the name of Allen Cogglne and ' in favor of Ralph Creaseman en dorsed by the latter; It was drawn on the Mattery Park bank. Mr. Hpurling called up the bank and was notified that there was enough money to the credit of Cogglni to cover the check, tjiter when the check wa presented at the bank for payment the signa ture was adjudged not genuine. Creaa- man was arrested and tried yesterday. 1 His home is near Swannanoa. Think of It BARBEE'S See the Triangle on the Radiator. B Asheville Automobile Co.. TeTftnhortft 1310 15-17 South Ixinsrton Ave 1 ' ii iimtujiii u'i"lsai a i asjmjMui i n I w miihiii mmm mu wn - - Fine Croquet Sets Made of the finest onality linrdwoods perfectly seasoned, priced from to $4.00. Also full line or Tennis. Coif unci Ilnse. Hall Goods. ROGERS' BOOK STORE 39 Patton Ave. Phone 254. The pleasure in buying Candy Kitchin Candy is the Satis faction in knowing that it is pure, wholesome and home-made. CANDY KITCHEN HAYWOOD STRKI7T NKAR POSTOFF1CE When You Want a really rrood Ton of Coal Call Phone 114 Nor ilust, no soot, just good Clean Coal. ; V Southern Coal Co, rhonoNo. 114. No. 10 North Pack Square. M&WCoal COMES FROM' " THE BEST 1 MINES IN THE JELLICO DISTRICT. . PHONE 40. AsJievilleCoalCo. 8 North Pack Sq. fitiiitiiiinnMllu MIIMIMH i MEAT SUGGESTIONS ,'. Prime Rib Roasta of Beef Leg of Lamb. ' Beef Tenders, J Calf Brains. Sweet Breads. HILL & YOUNG . Phone 4 and S5. City Market "Home Rendered Lard." Removal Notice J. K. Carpenter, the jeweler, has moved his place of business from 32 Patton avenue to 11 West Pack Square, In Moore's Furniture store. Mountain City Steam Laundry Modem Methods Tel. 426, 30 N. Lexington An J. H. WEAVER, Mgr. . BASEBALL, TENNIS, FISHING TACKLE Croquet, all out door games. A full line just in. BLOMBE,RG'S Leading Cigar and Sporting Goods Store, 17 Patton Ave. i3 Try a Cup of Hershey's Cocoa ONE-HALF POUND CAN ONLY 25 CENTS. . i , Gives hotter satisfaction than any we have sold. A sample carl for the asking. t Clarence Sawyer 53 Patton Ave. . Six 'Phones, N. 1800 Grape Fruit 75c a Dozen These grape fruit have a thin skin and are full of juice Stradley & Luther Rolls White House Coffee and Tea the World's Best. S East Pack Square. - Phones 61 and 651. ? ft. WANTED Position by young maa with experience in cnllertinir and tore work. Itfione 1010. It FOR a Kl time fso to tha Smith Greater Khowa, week of March Tth. OUADUATK8 PLACED Claud Don- nnhoe, bookkeeper. Bo., Coal Co. City; -Win Luclle Robertson, Drs. Stevens 4 McBrayef, City; Dock Itradley, Patent Department, Wah Ineton, D. C, salary 171.00; later $100.00. Also could receive twenty new students by April first. Posi tions secured lur graduates any and every week in the year. Please call at the Asheville Business Col lore. It INVESTORS' CD. BUYS 1ST WIUE DIRT South Boiton, Vi., Concern Cloud Deal Today for Ten Acres-Will Sell Property in Loti. If it's hardware we have it. If we hnvc t, it's the best. Hight Hardware "at right prices. The Asheville Hardware Company's Pack Square Store Consolidates with 25 North Main Store Exclusive Wholesale Offices and "Warehouses, 347 l)eK)t Street. Don't Take Any Chances of having your plumbing work done by incompetent men and boys but patronize one of the CNION PIXMIllXU snot's mentioned below. Only a small percentage of the competent plumbers and steam fitters are non-union men, and by giving your work to a UNION SHOP you are assured that the work will be dona by an ex pert who has served an apprenticeship of years In learning hit business. When the plumber cornea ask him for guarantee of good ' workmanship his Union Card. .. . '''-. The following firms employ union men: ,"- . UNION PlitMBINQ CO., tS North Main St, Plione 439. J. R, RICH CO., 21 North Main St., Phone 861. B. M. STEVENS, 05 Cumberland Avenue, Pbone 1314. IUIINEJ1ARDT BROS., 11 Patton Avenue, Plioue 218. G. Ii, GV'ISCIIARD, 21 South Pack Square, Phoue 772. FOR SALE One 110 North Star Re frigerator In good condition. Price It. 00. Yunedu Dnlry Lunch, 13 Patton avenue. Il-St NOT1CK If yon want a new home to suit you see us. Will ttulld you one and let you pay for it like rent. Donnahoe A Bledsoe, Phone ttt. U-lt FOR RENT Six-room house unfur niched, close In and near car line. KorlxH. A Camplwll, Room I Drhu . mor building. Phone Hi. It The Investors Realty company ef South Boston, Virginia, today closed a deal fur about 10 acres of the Oreen and Thrash binds In West AHhevllle and will shortly offer the lot for sale at publlo auction. The property, some of which adjoins the new street car line. Is well senate 1 an 4 Is very desirable residence prop erty. The In vest ore Realty company, which has conducted several success ful sqles In this section of the county, has a reputation for fair dueling. Its recent sale at Canton was a, big sue cess and everyone was pleased wlrii tne manner in wnicn the sale whs conducted. These gentlemen have conducted sales In all parts of the votith, but In no place do they pur chase property where there Is not bright outlook. They believe thut Wcet Asheville has a greU futurs and did nut hesitate to Oroept the propu Fttlon, The new tar line will be open ed within a short while and the date of the sale will be announced lotr The members of the firm Include T. 1'. f ry nd V. IV Hill of Houth Boeto.t. FOR RENT Furnished or. unfur nlehed.' i-room pottaae at Jnnctloa f Biirnsvllle ro? iind 'A. A K. T. II. It. at reaftonalds) price. Must bp I n ni-rt nt nr.re. Apply to W, A. flrnnt's No, It cures Colds. t-Uuiin, As!i, .III,. y p r. I i - 24-3U t'luimbcrs 9l Weaver, IJvery, Phons It ARhrvllln Paint OIs Co., formerly The Stlll.-r-Itlce Paint Co. Lw as Paint tS cents. Delays Are Especially Dangerous Where Defective Plumbing is Concerned. In the Interest of your own and your family's health you posl ' tively cannot afford to neglect the smallest defect In your sanitary equipment If you are not quite sure about your plumbing system, let us examine it and report upon its condition. Should It bo necessary, ws will install a guaranteed fixture at a minimum cost, and guarantee the workmanship employed In Install ing it ' . , , . , , Union Plumbing Company J. Claud Cauhle. J. Leo So??- 93 N. Main Street. RED SEAL DRY BATTERIES - The best for automobile or gaa engine use. Quality absolute-' Iy guaranteed. No better battery is made for automobile, motor boat or any system of gas ignition. Piedmont Electric Co. 64 Patton Ave. Phone 478. SUITS AND OVERCOATS AT HALF PRICE at THE LITTLE GFM, No. 4 Patton Ave. BROS. STEAM DYE WORKS 9 Formerly Asheville Steam Dye POOLE BROS., work.. W O The only expert cleaner, and O - dyer. In Asheville, OS POOLE BR03., Phons 1230 Citizens Transfer Company JTIJA WOODCOCK, Owner. FURNITURE MOVING. Prompt Baggage Transfer Service. Endorsed by V. C.'T. and T. P. A. ' Try a Gazette-News Want The Gruner Sanitarium Asheville, N. 0. 31 Haywood Street., Phone 681 Devoted to the thorough and acientlno treatment for selected ease ' Nervousness, Paralysis, Asthma, Habit. Stomach, Rheumatism, Disease, of Women, and other chronic diseases. , ' THE BATHS AND MASSAGE Department of tl Banltmrlam k open to me puouc Turkish. Russian. Cabinet Bets Hot Air, Electric Light Tub, Bits. Foot Bhower and Needle Hatha. Oalvanle and Farradlo Treatments. Klectrlo VI braUng and Bwedlsh Massage and Movements. Thure Brandt Massage for dlseaees of women. Douche Lavage. . Try Garctte-Ncws Want Ads FOR RENT. . Store Room on Houth Main street, price !!. month, will rent entire building HO 00 month. FOR SALE. 4 Room Cottage, price 1160.00. Terms 200.att down, belanca lltOt mouih. One small lot for Ut 00. :y term. Our stock of Perfection Blue Flame Oil Gook Stoves have ar rived. They save you time labor and money. Let us explain them to you. Otiis Green Hcrilvrrc Co., CO., i:t cc:;. I i

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