Tuesday, April 11, 1911. jry a ii Avar's Pills are liver pills. All vege- Jtf OF ta"5,e' sugar-coated A gentle laxative for all the family. Consult your doc tor freely about these pills and about all medical matters. Follow his advice. He certainly knows best. jft MEN! Your Laster Suit can Be Bought at a Saving Here New Spring Clothing for Men and Boys: Suits $12.50 to $25.00 'Boys' Suits. .. .$1.48 to $6.50 Spring Shirts . . . . $1 and $1.50 Spring Neckwear 50c to $1.50 Silk Hose, all colors 50o St. Regis, a close fitting cotton hose 25c See our Men's KING QUALITY SHOES, all styles and leathers, $3.50 G $4.00 'ia THE ST03E IMA; AS YCU H C N I Y BBUBUBglBe ..jmxvFxmm. is.'- gaged with H. C. Krinbill in the "tlm-ber-crulslng-" business. HERBERT L. SULLIVAN. Class President. New York, March 31, 11. EXPLOSION DUE TOJASOLINE (Continued from page 11 i he Seminole Securities companies, which involves some old notes. The resignation of H. B. I'oit, actu ary of the department, has been ac i epted to take place June 1. Mr. Colt goes to Greensboro where lie be come actuary of the Security Life & Annuity company. His successor will be announced later Capt. W. A Siott, special agent of the Insurance department, has gone to , Greensboro and W'lnston-Salem to Investigate some recent tires. The Washington Buggy company nl W ushlngloli, George Hackney, jr.. stockholder, has surrendered Its char ter for cancellation, it being stated that no money was ever paid in and the charter never utilized. The Brown-Knox Mercantile company of Davidson has amended its charter hj decreasing its capital stock from -VI shares to 183. The Piedmont com pany of Charlotte, L. A. Tompkins and others incorporators, lias applied for dissolution. Fnrm-lilfe Schools. State Superintendent Joyner, who has i harge tif the organization of th f.,rm-llfe school, has returned fror a trip to Craven county, where h mi ile an address in the Interest of the i sta hlishment of a school. The election will be held May and will be the first one held under the farm school bill; the second is called Kot.eson county tor Mnv a. line man in Robeson county has already vol unteered to give $5000 and 60 acre I land, and several townships of that county are offering big Inducements in the way of offering to purehasi the equipment. W II. Satnn ha been appointed !y Cnuimlssloner Graham as stati dairyman, to succeed J. A. Conover, who recently resigned to accept ; position at Annapolis, Mr. Eaton i a graduate of the A and M. collog and has bi n assiiatit dairyman for two year, itnd also took a course ii dairying nl the University of Wlscon sin. lie is regarded as a. thorough ly i-spable man lie takes charg Jluv I. E. B. J. BILTMORE DOINGS Tin iniiblle of March lias ended our tv in Germany, as we sailed from Rotterdam on Saturday morning. March IS, arriving in New York alter a fimooth passage, on Monday morn ing, April 37. k h.ippv lot of young American it vjjy that Set loot again on Ann: in sJiT. Looking back oer the winter's work. It is almost Impos sible for us to estimate, at th's carlv moment, the value of the informa tion dei ,'ei from our stay ui.i from our ciiiiiiectli- lioth with German forestry aid witi; Gentian forest in dustries. In the German loivsts the result of German sylviculture. Germ. mi for est management German forest finance. German forest pulley and German forest protection were seen mid studied from beginning to end in the manufacturing institutions we have been struck by the high uualitv of the work as well as by the small quantity of the output; further, by the economy pr.o Used under the pres sure nl high sttimpage prices, ft has come home to us. without a doubt, that conservative forestrv is practised wheresoever it pay t us.r.e the forests: that slumpuge is in lug raised uniiluited competition is dctrinn ti la 1 to furestrv of a conservative tvpe; that a country wait the gates wide open to foreign timber and foreign timber and produi ts cannot be a country in winch it pays to raise timber. Our field work during the no. nth of March lias tin 1 1. ih I two of t In most interesting trips of tin- winter A lull day wuh spent in the Spessnrt mountain, a district ol Bavaria known as the home of the best white oak on earth. These oaks are up to 40u years old and command a sttimpage price of $170 per thousand feel hoard meas ure, on an average. No wonder tltat the Bavariai, plant oak wherever they cut oak. We have seen Individ ual tries number of them having a Htumpugc value which exceeded $500. The texture of the limber seems to he particularly fine. The owners, la number of family estate, the Bavarian government and the Prussian government) are In the huliit of putting annually on the mar ket a limited number of tree only, so as to maintain the price In our country the restriction of the annual cut. In a desire to maintain th" price, mould he decried as a damnable trust In Germany the ame arrangement ucceed In preserving the forests and in supplying the country now and forever with oak timber. Kasclnsting it is to see the embryo stage, the Juvenll stage, the adult stage 'nd the mature stage of the oak finest, nil side by side. The forests of Tnppstadt were in teresting to us particularly because here It I that white pine seed were planted by a German offlrer. Inglorl- ously returning from the Revolution ary war of America, some 130 year ago. Having failed to gnther any laurels in his desire to deteat George Washington. In- returned to Germany loaded with white pine (ones. The result is stunning indei d it roamit of giant w hite pines, surrounded Ifc ndrivK by a second grow th ..f a hif pine up to ;;. v.-irs old It i par ticularly inti resting to note that the ivcond growth has been obtained by nature free of charge and without any help rendered by men other than lire protection. As regards size arm i learness of boles the white pine seen at Tripp stadt rlva s the best we have ver seen in America. The dm at Trippstadt was most enjoyable, and ended in n sharpshoot er match between American, Ger man and English foresters, ending i naturallv i it, a lean victorv for the I.". S A. t Reliable Medicine Not Narcotic. Mrs. F. Marti. St. Joe, Mich., says: "i ' r little boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor's itii In Ine did not cure him. I gave him !"olev' Honey and Tar Compound in which I have great faith. It cured the cough lis well as the choking and I gagging spells, and be got well in a short time Foley's Honey and Tar i on, p.mnd has msny times saved us much trouble anl we are never with out In the house." Sold by all druggists. DEATH LAST NIGHT OFTQM LJQHNSON ''Stormy Petrel" of Ohio Politics Passes Away After a Lingering Illness. Piles Cured Quick semi for a Free Trial Package and You Will Be Overjoyed at the As tonlslilng Relief ami Cure. TWICE MEMBER OF CONGRESS: FOUR TIMES MAYOR CLEVELAND I Was mi dvotatc of I lit' i'lirec-t cut Car Fare ami of the inglc Tin System Storm Career. Cleveland, I )., April I I -All Cleve land mourns the death of Y m L Johnson, which occurred last night. Tin- body probably "ill in- in stale until Wednesday. Scutes of mes s.itis expressing condolence are pour ing into Cleveland from all parts of the country. Governor Harmon, speaking of Johnson, said: A more honest man never lived '' William Jennings Hryan sent a niesage of syniputhv ami declared: "Xn man in past generation did more effective work I'm Ho- people than Tom L Johnson. .Mr. Johnson was twice congressman from ih. 31.s Ohio district, lour limes ma. oi "I Cleveland, champion of 3c railway lure and aihinoli of single lav t, I. ..ries of the l.,t, Henry G go. He o led at bis apartments in the White Hall ut S:4.'. o'i lo. k. after . long Illness. Death as . nised bv cirrhosis of the liver, i le w as T.'i years old Air. Johnson has bun II for more than a vear. but his . onditloll was not thought serious until lo- suffered a relapse on Wednesday March la. He had bei ii gaining strength ever since he ci. me home uftei spending th sii'iiiiiei on Nantucket island. On Sat urday, March 11, In- left his uprt lllellts ami attended a h.iiupiet of tile Nisi I'riiis club, an organization of Cleveland lawyers, lb lem.iiioil tin- 1. 1.. Sunday ite iuui;; ..nd vvln-u i ihmI to bis b in i ' I. lined . . hog well. Mowing e.lm - .I i-. Ins con- Anyone who has piles wants quick relief. If you can't wait, drop into the next drug store and get a fiOc package of Pyramid Pile Cure. Tou will lind relief right away The cure comes quick and Is a complete, per manent cure. Old, chronic cases, that itch all the lime, bleed, protrude and are sore, become gangrenous and are the very essence of utter misery. Write to tlie Pyramid Drug Co.. 371 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall. Mich., for u free trial package by mail in plain wrapper of Pyramid Pile Cure. Such cases have tried a dozen remedies, they believe in nothing, expect to be opernted on, are sick, weary and discouraged. They need tills free trial. It will be a rev elation. The relief will bring buck their hopes of a cure, the remedy will turn that hope into realization. A man in Indiana past 70 had suffered over 30 years with bleeding piles. The tree trial ol Pyramid Pile Cure was his tirst real comfort He was trior oughlv cured and has lived his re maining years in peaceful enjoyment doing such odd work as would occu py his mind, and going about with none of the restraint and hardships mat always accompany piles. iioiit neglect to send for this free trial, and remember you can always obtain the regular .'0c packages in any drug store and lie sure you get what you ask lor. Ill 3 he 1 ol li Ti dilion was -uch that d t go to l.i it. From th ii day to Hie title nl his death hi t U1 ion was grave thong,, several tini.-s. In- made seem- Just spent lories .ast "I,, n- leaving German n interesting d ij in some it Frankfurt, visiting a .'iks using hornbeam vv e fac- HlloO and nl nol .nl. PRESIDE!? OPPOSED TO Seeking Way by Which Provision be Stricken out of Arizona Constitution. May Stiff Joints become elastic and pliant by using SLOANS LINIMENT Pries. .. to., tl.oo. Ann rl' a i 'it ... -pere. e a i . .viiier ean. German and Kussiun while oak and employ lug al together n German make of machines manufactured bv Schmalts Brothers. The factory is up t.. date in every particular, exporting wine barrels and beer barrels all over France and F.llg land. The stave machinery used for joining. listing. Inn king. bending, planing and grilling was most ingeni ous. A German machine seem to do one job at a time ami does It well In Kott'-riiatu we were treated by Messrs. I'. Stelnweg to a most inter esting trip of Inspection through the harbors, of which there are quite a number. Be it known to those ignor ant of geography thai Rotterdam. Holland. 1 situated at the mouth of the Bhitie and that Itotterdam is the great transshipping place for nil mean freight going up or down the Rhine as far as Switzerland We were told that no less than 300.000 Ithlne vessel call at Itotterdam. either to unload or to receive ocean freight. Mir passage across the Atlantic vva most comfortable. Dr. Schenrk cotnlnued hi lecture in th main parlor of the first cabin every day, giving us the finishing touches in American Forest Policy." Arriving in New York, ws were given the nrt tlve day vacation that i he Rlltmore Forest school has ever bad during the year. Ws hall re port for duty at Clear Lake. In the Adirondack, on April I and hall stay at that place engaged In ths study of Empire state forestry for two or three weeks. Minimi Notes. Mr. Wat kin and Mills hav gone into business a dealers In rail mad tie and timber, at Walih. But l"r county. Mo. Our best wishes for their surce In limine and In life nre he vlth submitted. W H liunn, 107. writes interest ingly from his office at 101 Lumber Exchange, Portland. Ore , J. Gordon Dnrrancs, 1(10, Arthur C Volkmar, 1110. H. C. Carpenter. 110, have obtained the degree of Bachelor of Forestry. B. Lauder burn, 1101, of the Orest Northern Paper company, Clarence P. Willi, i '.'" of ths Forest service, JL B. Oak 'eaf, l 'in 7. Forest service, have' ob tained the degree of Forest Engineer Ws congratulatal Paul Gearhart Is recovering at Hilt more from a sever attack of malaria contracted In the south, and baa an- TVaahington. April 11 - Although President Taft might be unwilling to disapprove the constitution of Arizo na on account of it provision for the retail of judges, he is seeking to lind n way bv which that provision mav ! stricken out through the action of tin pie of Arizona themselves. The prescient looks with disfavot mi ... proposition for t lie recall ol judge He has, however, consulted (iirthtr with Attorney General Wlck- ershatn and other members of his end has concluded Hint it unwise for him to disprove iint i a ol net might I the Arizona onslitiition on of one i lause To Representative Flood of ihi house committee on territories thi president yesterday outlined s schemi to solve the problem. The president proposition wai that the legislation pending hefort congress be ndopted and later I hi people propose an amendment to thi r. institution. As the president under stands now the people of Arizona, matter how they felt upon the recall it the judiciary, did not care to vote against the constitution as a whole and thus endanger their prospect of statehood. If there I a sentiment agnlnst the recall of Judge In Ari zona n submission of the question to the voter would re.enl it RESENTED MAN'S PRESENCE AND SHOT HIM IN SHOULDER Humgarner Found Colin DolUnger in III Home Near Hickory and I'm reeded tn fr shotgun 8 BB5S- BV ' ssTissBa Hsr sKIH result 1 1 if Air. Johnson's efforts. In while Air. Johnson was mayor 'lev eland, he was nominated l or governor h.v the democrats of Ohio, but was unsuccessful at lection. Crushed both in health and spiGt, after Ins defeat by Mayor Ru hr, tin formr mayor w ent abroad. He hoped to regain his health, but came bono no better. Besides his wile. Mr. Johnson is survived bv one son. Lul'tin. and a daughter, Mrs. Bessie Muriani. WILSON TEAM DEFEATED SCORE 6 10 Ii Interesting Game ol Baseball Yesterday Between Y. M. C. A. League Teams. Mantling of Team , Hunt. Young . '.Vilson t'h.'imhors Arthur. X. Arthur, C n I ... -i . I I el I inn i I nun glv impo-'sllili rallies nnd despite the , i ii, ,,i h, i-e ili.ed In- del ii"t hav l,,ng to livi. " .- lornn r mnyoi was heerful nil'' oii Imlstic almost to Iho 1st Toi l I. Join son once r- ferr.-d lo htmsi If in a public address n storm-' petrel" and metaphor ipth ileserilM'd b i ill ail indicated the reer. I-Tom the time llice of the Louisville otnpany as a Imy of at for a nfth term as .mil on November .'. . r in tin- center of .. al or financial And i ' it was thus Hint he oiirsc ol his ii enti t "! t In llreel Uellwav ', .Mild his .1. "iivnr ol I'lev flail, lie was eve ome storm, polii n ie often said I hat n j,.v ed hlmsi If In Johnson vva- I.. v.. Jut'. IS. dirk in a li"i vhen still a : king and I" lb fore a go, sized crowd Wilson id. featid Arthur. C, yesterday after- noon i; to :. in a hard fought and well I played ball game. Tin- came was n j '! i i. b-d until the lust man was out. iWith the scon- G to ; and Burbanli on ml Newton hit a hot one which 'looked safe but Hall. A . by a pr.tlv stop and throw retired tin- side, win nlPK the game. The features wet , '.lie home run of Arthur. ., the op ting or Wilson who gn! two three 1 u.-rs nnd a double, tin- hitting ol Ni w ton. nnd Burbnnk. "it'll in Genrgetown. s.-,4. Ite started to ,le traction olHee nn.l lib secured aufflclent ght n controlling lu cres! in 'lie Indianapolis street rail vii' s. In Hie eighties, with Ills hrotli r Albert, be came to nevelund and eeatiie inten-i ' In the street rail ,vav svsii'in nil'' i-iiii n"""- isrllal i on. nli'li' ' mil of them He also i nt. red into the sleel man ifacturing busiiussnl Johnstown. I'a vloxhaln. Pu.. and lioraln. Ohio. lo prll. I'd' I. lo vv is elected miiviir ol 'lev i land on a pi itform whnli prom led universal th-.f cent cur fare rter a light wiib the street ear com iiiny. w hich lasted until 1 90s, and hrough four election, in each nt which he was triumphant, the I leve- at.d Practlon i "itipnuv. lines passed into tlie hands ol isc .Municipal iruc Hon couipsny. After six months trl -l f the three ci nl l ire the pie al -i referendum election voted out the V'ilson's Team Wheeler, ss liinis. c. . . Miller. . p 2b Wll Hall I'hilds H "W n McMullen I ktincaii ' ; . AH 4 4 4 I rnnehlse and lb- passed Into the i where It remain 11110. line nioi. nnHtiiclpHl company mills of a receiver I until HVbruary, attempt was made by Mayor Jolinson In secure the p:is fnge of the :; cei ' grants but his pro- i Ih were i ji iled lit III! election held August l"uS. Mis own defeat followed three ntlis later and on January 1. lulu, he surrendered I he reins of office to the present mayor, Herman ( Bin In. Two months later three cent fare was established, the 1 1. rf II . 'rv . Bourne, Tennent, 'owan. i Lee. Totals r. V rl hur' C. Ti i m. Holmes lb . . . Johnson, of . . . Newton, p . . . , 1 1 ii n ii I. -ii 1 1 s . . Pelham :lh iollin lib. Arthur. C, c. . . . Heaver. If. . . Burbunk, 2b. . . Thr-istt If Woodson, cf . . , Pn a i: II I II 111 I 1 a i, n a r, n 1 :: a 10 II I a n a n a a II 0 ii II II o II II n (I II 'l II II n II II II J 7 ;i I I'll A K 4 I i II (I a 2 Ti 0 0 2 2 II 0 il :! l 1 12 1 I n o o s o I) a o o o o Total. ... !U fi 12 27 1 4 Score to Inning: it. H. K, Viium . . 201 oo; 020 a a i Arthur, ' . 210 ooti ? 12 4 Batteiles: Wilson anil Davis; .Vew - on and Arthur, ('. OONT LBT THAT COUGH i ON Brown' Bronchial Troches afford Im mediate relief. Liverpool has Impounded n river iiiul built n sevetrty-Hve mile aiieduct lo improve the municipal water sup ply. A For Six Months We Have Been Preparing mm for This Easter Display of Womens' Ready for Service Apparel THE OFFERING INCLUDES Dancing Frocks, Eeautiful Lingerie Shirt Waists. Street Dresses, Evening Gowns, Tail ored Suits in several hundred different correct styles, the most wanted fabrics and desir able shades Spring Coats, etc.. etc. Yp arc showing :i varied ;unl M versified assemblage of distinct ive ultra fashionable garments, that have been carefully eliosen by us from the .Mm-ks ol' the best mak ers thai this conn try affords. Eacli garmonl hits lieen picked with the utmost cure; we set a hiju.li standard for all froods that comprise our stocks and wo feel thai' it is nbsolntvly essential fur the inaiiitcnaiiec of our reputa tion as lenders in women's I'aliioiiahle aiiiiarel lo ilicated in styles and values that cannot lie du nor a citv of this size in the South. At offer evillc Because we lay special em phasis on exclusiveness in de signing, please do not form the impression that our charges are excessive. You will find associated here the highest qualities, the advance authen tic styles and the most moder ate prices. We Invite Exacting Comparison Peerless-Fashion Stores Co. 51. Patton Ave. Try a Gazette-News Want Will Represent Nation At the Rome Conference fir mjoAw ' . ,. a iilim "Wm Charles F Scott 'HOTO tf ClllfCllIHM Wimhitm'tou, April 11. I.iviil J. Kurtcr of Vermont. Charles F Sentt of KiuiKta uiul Vlelor II. olinteil utiitinlielun of Hie ilepiirlinetit of agrlrulture. lime iH-rn selei ted by Prenldetit Tuft to nerve on 11 deleuutinn to attend on Iho part ol the Tolled State the inter nutionul uKrleulturul ronferenee at Koine, wlileli Iu-kIii May 14. sssssssssss. . . . mmmmmm Spril to Ths 0itt-Nw. Hickory. April 11 Colin Ooliinw rerlvd n u;ly wound In ths houlder lst Sunday night st Bronlc ford. He had lieen in ths home of a mn named Bumsarner when ths latter earns In and found him them Puiursrner resented ths presence if Dolllnger In his hnine. and went for hi (hotajun. Jut nt this Urns Fletcher Holland w panalna; by and hearing some one toy. Don't hoot me. ran Into ths houe from his huggy. H and Dol l'.nger left th house together and as th.y got Into the huggy, he aya, Humgarner ahot t them. DolUnger got the ugly shoulder wound nd llol lnd not a few ahot In one hand which hardly hrok ths, zkln. Dr. Henry Ahsrnathy took Dnt llnger to Htatssvllle to h treatsd. Bumgarnsr escaped and haa not yst bssn captured. It la hslleved Jeslousy wai back of the shooting. HAD NOT WALKED WITHOUT CANE OR CRUTCH FOR 12 MONTHS; USED GERMAN MEDICINES ONE WEEK, BRISTOL WOMAN WALKS WITHOUT AID Th govrrnor-gtm-raJ of Nether lands, India, sstimoitss the next rrop of Java colts at 4,111,001) pound. The Health Ye irher hn been in Ahevllle fur none than three week meeting large number of people of the city, and every traction mr bring somsone from the adjoining towns to talk wtili him snd to b urn ne.f of the Herman medicine that b.ive the power tu sceoinpllah RUch remarkable cure (Irani a I'huniiiu y on Main treet, whers the medicine are aoid haa been a huy one alncs the Health Teaelicr arrived, and ev ery mull bring imiulriia u to the medicine. While the Health Teacher was in llristol, V.i , Mm. Kr un e . Sinlib. of St. dr Htrest. railed and said: "Till is ley son who ue ompu tile ine anil we have come to till yuu uf the good "ur iiH'eleloe huvs ac coinplUhed. Muybs I don't look liks a rheumatic aufferer Well. I felt like I could not wait until Monitny to i ome ilov.li and tell you what result I have obtained nnd what It will do for In tnnimutory KheumatlMn. I had not walked a step wlUiout my cane u ml i riiteh for 12 month, a I am lift vear of age. I felt like 1 would be a i ripple for life, but somehow my folk never fave up. They ulwayn Hcemed to behave they would get oms thing that would cure me and a they hadn't lout faith I let them try many different thing on me. Finally, last week my son bought a bottle of Her man Teutonia and Oil. 1 took th Teutonla as the directions said, and they poun d the oil on and riiblied me vigorously twice each day. I began to Improve from the second day. I have walked all ths way from my lious down here, ulter using th med icine one week and I feel like 1 will not need my cane and crutch again. I I- bow 1 use my limbs." Here Mr .Smith walked aero tlie lloor everiil time without liny aid whatever You ma have tried oilier medicine n i hi woman had, hut Herman medicines may lie Jut the one you have needed for year. (Jive them a trial; Hu-y ine sold with a gum anteo In tin you more good than anything you have ever used for what they are recom mended to cure. Hear In mi id Hiey are not cure-alla, a cure-f.ll curs nothing, but If you have catarrh In uny form. Imllgeatlon. sour '"T.ach after meal, gas on atomaeh and bow els, liver n"i anting good, you are (allow, your tongue 'a coated, and you have that tired all yon feeling, constipated, sick nervous headaches 1 i'i 1 1 li ii i'nuloulu will put yuu ou th right road, and It will give you psr m. up nt i ure. fl per buttle, three for $2..'i0. (lermanin nil ternnl, and IW most powerful penetrating medicine, now on tlie nun ki t It cure atlff and drawn Joint caused from rheumatism, sprains and bruises. line bottle will i ure lumbago and lain a It gives immediate relief and 1 a (lodseml lo Jty home. 60 cent, throe Tor fl 2ft. nrrman Cough Cur that cure that llgittnex in cheat, top tickling In throat, 2ft cent. Oerman Halve for blind, Itching hemnmrold or protrud ing plies, has no equal: one box will convince you, 2& cants. Mall ord.r will ree.ive prompt sttentlon. B pres said on f S 00 or over. Be urs vim re, ,ive Hi mid of Health;" frssi to every culler, or mailed on recsJpt ul tvvu cents In poi.i. . sMassHssaja ' " " """ill

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