I Tuesday. April 18, 1911. THE ASHEVILLE GAZETTE NEWS. PAGE THREE KINDLEY'S Removal Sale Prices Attracting the Crowds Here's a partial list of very interesting seasonable mer chandise that you should see today. 25c Merceried Foulards, with borders, now 14c yd 12 l-2c 40-in. Checked Nain sook, now. ..... . . 10c yd 40 inch Fine Sheer Lawn Removal Sale price .... 10c yd 15c Fine Yard Wide Curtain Swiss, now ,...10cyd 25c Curtain Net, 45 inches wide, now 17 l-2c yd Remarkable Sale of Full Fashioned Pure Thread Silk Hose for women at. . . .50c pr Onyx Qauze Lisle Stockings for women 23c pr Balance of Our Stock Sheet and Pillow Cases To be Closed out Today , 15c Pillow Cases 10c Full size Double Bed Sheets today 29c W.E.Kindley&Co. "Only One French Market Flavor" The rare flavor of that famous French Market beverage of 100 years ago is now produced in French Market Coffee. Then, this celebrated beverage could be had no where else. Now you all can serve it daily on your table, for we have perpetuated the old French Market blend by The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process BRENNECKE & CO. REQUIRED TO PAY $200 SPECIAL TAX Kctnll M. n hauls Association Coin plained That Company Watt Itinerant. Tnx Collector K. C Crowell rOSaU collected a pedal tax of S200 fn.m nrennecke and company, who are con .lurting- a special aale .' dry goods at the corner of Patton avenue and Lex ington avenue. This tax was collected on tne grounds that the company wan .In Ink business as Itinerant merchants. The caae la similar to that of tin man who was conducting the foun tuln pen (ale at Kaysor'a drug atore a few week ago and which caae I pending In the hands of JudKe Webb now. It la amid that there waa complaint on the part of the Ketull Merchant aaaoclaUon that the Hrennecke com puny were Itinerants. Mr. Crowell delayed action until he could In..: from JudKe Webb aa to hla declslo In the caae of the fountain pan man hut not hearing from him he proceed cd to collect the tax. The tax waa collected under the Name Met ua that under which Mr Ciowcll colleoted the 1100 from the mail who waa conducting the foun tali pen demonstration. Constipation pat em alne yn I miBertd with ehreaia coBttlpe'loa and during thU tune I hd to take n . jlectloa of warai water once net? at heats before 1 eoakl h aa artiea oa my bowl., i trM rwinu. end today 1 aa a well m.a Purl ax the ala yaan befcta I aiwd Caaautti I nleel sntold muwry whh Interest n w. u m. i aaa raw from all that it. I. .omlaa. Voa eaa aat tU la bans of tufltrlae aaaaaHy You can now buy it in this city, for the natural strength is preserved because we pack it in her metically sealed cans without human hands touching it Order a can from your grocer today serve some tomorrow hear what your folks say when they taste the rich flavor. Ask your grandfather about the famous coffee of the old French Market he knows. Packed by New Orleans Coffee Co., Ltd. New Orleans, La. MISS OSBORNE WILL INVHVENTION Local Y. W. C. A. Secretary Will Seek to Induce National Association to Meet Here in 1913. fraich MaitoKbffa MS 0 ATTEND MEET OF THE MUMS arge Party of North Carolinians Leaves This Evening Pardons and Commutations. Gazette-News Bureau, Yarborough House, Raleigh, April 18. Traveling in a special Pullman, a large party of North Carolina educa tors will leave on the 6:50 train this evening by the Southern railway for Jacksonville, to attend the annual meeting of the Southern Educational ssoclaUon of which Robert C. Og- Cn of New York is president. The program has been prepared with the cw of devoting much time to a dls- nssion of rural life and rural homes nd how to better them. The asso ciation of superintendents of public Instruction of which J. Y. Joyner is resident will meet at the same place nd he will be In charge of the pro- am Wednesday morning. The as sociation meets April 19, 20 and 21 The party from North Carolina will injclude State Superintendent J. Y. oyner, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Parker, H. Poe, editor of the Progressive armor; Mrs. W. it. ltoiioweil ot Goldsboro, Mrs. C. D. Mclver of the Woman's Betterment department, Mrs. W. N. Hutt of Raleigh, Prof. N. Walker and Prof. C. S. Noble of the University of North Carolina, Mrs. . I.. Stevens of Raleigh, Dr. George '. ljiy of Raleigh, County Superln ndent D. Y. Giles of McDowell nunty, Superintendent Y. D. Moore vf Caldwell county, L. C. Hrogdcn ol the department of education, and titers who will Join them at Greens- air and charlotte, tne party is in harge of Prof. K. C. Brooks of Trin- ty college. Superintendent T. T. Atkins of Poll er county announces inai a special tax election for school purposes has lecn cnrrled by 24 votes for and four gainst. This makes the third time his particular district has voted on a Imllar proposition, twice reject ing It. I'artlon and Commutations. Four pardons and two commuta tions were made yesterday by Gover- or Kltchln and in each case the gov- rnor se'a forth fully the conditions uromptlng such a course. The caae of Tom Btmons of Runcorn he mentioned yesterday. J. W. Carlton of Durham county. serving 12 months on the roads for larceny. Is rn a conditional par don. The governor says: "Prisoner bought stolen gods, knowing them to lie stolen. He has served two-thirds of his sentence and Is suffering from sciatica. Ills physical condition la ad: he Is unlit for work, and It Is doubtful If he can survive his full term. The county physician, mem bers of the board of county comnils sinners and many citizens re I"' his uardon." Jesse Barlow and J. h. mams aentenced at the March term. 110 of the Martin County Superior court for two years and i'ur years respec tively In the state's prison for burning a atorehouae. have aerved 12 months and now get a conditional pardon The governor eaya: The evidence waa circumstantial, the offense waa an attempt to burn a tarler ahop and the judge in recommending par don states that there waa only more than scintilla of evidence against one of the prisoners. The only witness to show the conspiracy was a 1Z years old nearo boy aince the trial affida vits of several men whose characters are (mown to be good, being tiled showing this prisoner was elsewhere at that time, one of the affidavits showing that on that dav hla booke how the prisoner was with him and waa paid off for a certain piece u work. Pardon was recommended ny attorney employed by Insurance commissioner." Henry lignn of Stanley county, sentenced March 7. lll, for carry ing cot "ch led weapons, haa hla sen tence commuted to 110 and pay all coeta. he having served part of his sentence of three months nr. the roads. Action waa taken upon rec ommends tlnn or chief or police and prosecuting attorney of Albemarle. I,ii. Wadford of Wake county, aen tenced In Bantam bar, 111, for forci ble trespsta and given one to three yearo on the roada. has his aentence I commuted to eight month He id. -ad (guilty of taking 110 of his sister s uiotiy and a4 aerved seven mouths. Miss Grace Osborne, the secretary of the local Y. W. C. A., left todav to attend the biennial conference of the national board of the Y. W. C. A which will be in session at Indlanap oils, April 19 to 24. Miss Osborne will take with her an Invitation from thi local Y. W. - C. A. and the board ol trade to the national board to meet in Asheville in 191.1. Abouit 700 dele gates usually attend these conferences. This Is the third biennial conven (ion of the Y. W. C. A. of the United States of America. The finely eonln ped association building will be the headnuarters of the convention though most of the sessions will be held in the First Baptist church. In the church also will be displayed the publications issued by the national movement, Including its official organ The Association Monthly, and the ex-. hibit of the national board which will present in graphic form some of th various phases of the work. The convention is a national gath erlng at which will be enacted legisla tion to affect and influence for all time the work of the Young Women's Christian association in all sections of this country; It will likewise lnfluenc-j the development of association work In other countries where there are American secretaries sent, out under the foreign department. The nrogram has been carefully planned with all of these points in view. AsiJe from the egular business of the convention the program offers much of value. The regular business of the national urbanization will lie transacted. Re- When the historian of the Amerl-1 ports and recommendations, in view can theater gets down to work he of the past two years of study and will llnd a new name to add to the experiment, will be presented by the .A. .... . 1 national noaru, 10 ue consiaerea f.no .st ot nnt.ve ptaymaaers. , nat name . . D tne ,onvpntlon in theil. is ueorge ttracKett settz. His claim relation to the future policies and de to the historian's attention Is based velopnvents of the national work and upon his being the author of ..The ;lB theV w111 aftect the actlvitles of the ,n . .. ... national board for the ensuing two ivuiK b name, me suiue un ine c""! years ventlonal romantic play in which The national organization now rep- James K. Hackett will return to this resents a membership of over two nttv nvt svidnv irii oa t th. a.,, hundred and sixteen thousand women I in the cities, educational institutions UIIUI Mini. Like all well educated men and women, Mr. Seitz lives within the shadow of Harvard university, his home being in Brookline, Mass., but AMUSEMENTS Advance Sale for Hackett Opens To- morrow Morning. presents and purses of money were given him on surprise, and when he got up to respond he expressed him self as being deeply touched by such expressions of esteem. It Is remark able now he holds this large congrega tion together so long and so well. You may go to his church any Sun day afternoon or night and the place will be filled, year in and year out. He has one of the best singing con gregations in the city. The native music of the race, better known as "spiritualists" Is used In most every service, and many visitors have gone to the church to hear this soul-stirring music sung. A committee of the church at the close of the program served a well-prepared banquet to the invited guests, which numbered sever al hundred. Dr. W. G. Torrence pre sided. W. J. T. trR r.r.twi m la, tt M A PAB1S JIINT. at S a i.n.p-fri-n. t . Industrial centers, mill villages and towns of the country. If the local associations were to send one voting lelegate for each one hundred voting tnnn.lia.B aa tViev n re entitled tn do. hes tarted In the theatrical world as I two' thousand women would as- a stage hand In the famous Castle semble in Indianapolis. One evening Square theater, Beaton. He could lf fhe conventlon te to be devoted to a navu Biaiueu muiw auomciuusij, uui I ,. .h hotel Pta vnool. ten with a cool Yankee determination he dereJ t0 tno de,egateg by the national grouna up. wnue acting as a stage Jn an(J near In(lianapoii8 ls situated nami no asKeu more questions oi me-. nf eaucati0nal Institutions, chiefs of every other branch than wno students, it is hoped, will gath- tney ever expectea anyone wouiu. tie er n lftr(?e numbcrs in a student mass wanted to know what the electrician meettnft to be addressed by Miss was doing; he asked why the prop- Theresa Wilbur of the national secre- erty man allowed certain liberties; he tari(ll gtafr pros00t Henry Churchill inuicou ine Hciors, ami mere Kine of Oberlln College, and Dr. Wil mora WJOlcmg wnen ne leit meifred T Grenfell qf the Iabrador Castle Square theater to go to NewjConst Gn annther evening the physl York to get more information. Dur-I, work of tn city associations will ing mo new iorK periou oi inquiry. ))e ,iemonBtrate.l in a gymnastic drill, no loiitio ume to wrue ine ams , whch will tako part representa- tiin.c. A reeoru-oreaKing space "i I .i. n.,nv llv gamirialinn nm- Ime intervened between Its being ,. A mel8s meeting to which read by William A. Brady and Its ovpry younK wman In Indianapolis " was jtimcH iv. hhhh has bpen nvitcd will be held on Son mipaiiy. one autnoruy stales tne ,, Hft,rniln and will be addressed actual time was a fortnight. I. M,a. (im..p it Dodgir. nreshient of ivir. nnia noes m niiemi in rim- ,h nntnn.,i hoard, and llishop J.d teilt himself with one success. He islwnrn Hughes Gf San Francisco. at work on other plsys, and in due I rorm(.rly president of De Pauw Uni- lime nicy win no proiiui i-n uiiiiei I Vp.sty worthy auspices, us 'The King si ,)np f tbc r,.pent nieces of work ame" was. The advance sale opens I ,..,. hv tl,.. national board is un tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock and I investigation into the conditions sur- WAYNESVILLE DEMOCRATS HAVE NOMINATED TICKET it would be advisable for those de siring good seats to be on time. rounding immigrant qirls and the op portunities for the association among them. At the session at which Qtia subject will be reported upon, Miss (.race Abbott ot Hull House will speak. In J. It. Hoyil Niinied For Mm.n llii-r Mr. Slu lton and Mr. Howell ldi i limine NiilltllH'4's. n. . lal to The Gazette-News. Wsynesvllle, April 18. In a trian gular i. bt for the nomination of mavor on the democrttle ticket here Saturday night. J. R. Boyd won out over Mr. Shelton and J. H. Howell The aldermen nominated are J. I Strlngfleld. Dr. F. Abel, T. L. String- tleld, lArry Harden, and W. T. Bla lock, the latter being a member of the old board. It was one of the hottest primaries that haa aver been held here. J. U Strlnglleld led the ticket The town will be In the hands of young blood for the next two yeara. THE CONCRETE HOTEL It It Located on the Seventh Floor and It for Be r. lit of Workmen Work li Progrming. Piles Driven Away FREE It may not be generally known that there is a blacksmith shop In Asne vllle 90 feet from the ground but It Is true, nevertheleaa. While It wa not established for the purpose rolleltlng general custom. A. M. Good lake, the proprietor, or rather the men who estatdlshed It. says that he will not refuse to shoe any horses that are brought t" the ahop. It Is situ ated on the seventh atory of tin- eon eeei.. hotel a healthy, alrv location Cbsn Of KUreine Torture lurwl oand waa put there for the convenience tjuim as in Amnao .- ww ((f the wnrkni. n in preparing irons t Know Un- Terrors or nies. i h ,, ahmll me roof timbers Even a small and recent caae of Th wnl.k ,, th building Is goln plies la had enough but tnousunus are i .t,nlHtlc -. Il and more men nr in abject misery. Great protrusions jin,, axjed to the force from tlm render life a torture In ery commu-tlme- Thl. top story Is now beln nlty and yet, right within elbow room erw.te(j and the temporary scaffoldln is certainly a drug store tnat nas tire ,he south wing has been put up wonderful Pyramid Pile Cure. If not. Tna j, t0 be use la connection with It will le mailed free upon receipt otrbjn the ri)1fi the timbers of whi the regular price ouaa ar0 airoiitly cut and ready to be pu It works like a miudrcti hwui ni..- atreama of water on a sudden blase. I yv, ton torv la to be built of con puts the nre out. eaves Uvea, saves rPPte blocks and on the south wing the nerves, prevents gangrene, slops WU ..mlose a ball room 40 by S all puln. all Itching, all bleeding: re- ft,t dims all swellings, Internal or exter-l Tnf, moke Ktack. which Is on th nal. curea quick and complete to stayin.de of thi l.ulldlng, la almost com cured. Many severe cases think theylniH,.a ,) win reach the top of th are hopeless, must be operated on, I building todav . The concrete block have part of their anatomy cut and I machine, which was purchased u few carved. Don't let It happen. davs ago, was expected to arrive yes Remember unythlng cut off Is gone tenia v but for some reason It did not forever. Pyramid Pile Cure saves all ,.,, this, cures rationally, rest area ue Darts to normal, healthy conditions. I taih Anniversary Of Rev. J. It. Vel- You can easily aad quickly prove thlsl son'-. Pastorale by sending your name snd addreaa to Pyramid Drug Co.. 271 Pyramid (Contributed) lltdg.. Marshall, Mich. A fraa trlall lAt evening the members and will at once be mailed sealed In plain I friends of the Mt. Zlon Baptlat church wrapper and vou will never after-1 met at the 1. M. I. to Join In the .In wards tie at k loss to know what to hratloa of the Uth annlver.. rv ot advlae when you hear of a caaa of I the pnetorale of Rev. J. K. Nelson. piles no mnttrr how severe It may be. iHevsral addreasea Ware delivered For aale at all drug stores at 50. a which dealt with the work that he hai kage and be sur you get what accomplished In title field of labor aak tw, luring. u Ntn M number t H Sample Sale of Women's Smartly Tailored Coat Suits New Spring Coat Suits, sea son's newest models, all good styles and sizes Values from $20 to $22.50. Sample Sale price Maa : Trr- - ast.-r-'erera $14.95 New Spring Oxfords for Men and Women. 24 "THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY" WILL GIVE PEOPLE MORE TIME TO CONSIDER TAX Commissioners Desire That Voters Take Initiative in School Tax Matter. I.ace tea gown with silver embrold- red gray mousselln coat, edged with marabout. THE MARKETS New York, April 18. A hard drive at Mlsourl Pacific was the feature ot the opening of the stock market. The rst sale was made at a loss of from yesterday's close, from which point the stock was forced down rap idly to 46 14, a decline of 1. A num- er of other railroad Issues receded in sumpathy. Losses wero small. Traders attacked fertilizer Issues vigorously, forcing 'hem down a mini. Persistent lkiuidatjnn in this Itiarter and lack of support to Mis souri Pacific disturbed conlldenee to some extent. There was some show of weakness to sbindard stocks. Prices fell away steadily during the morning session, in which trading was most active of any day for sever al weeks. Selling subsided for a while after noon. The list rallied a smalt trac- ion, then became very dull. loiter the murket relapsed to the lpw level. STOCKS. Atchison American Siiieltin.-r American Locomotive Brooklyn Rapid Transit, Open. Close. 108, 106 T3 71H S6 78 76 Hultimore & Ohio 105 104 Amalgamated Copper ...62 60 lllrudo Fuel & Iron 29 f'hesnpeake & Ohio 80 78 Canadian l'ac'tlc 224 N. Y. Central 105 Erie 28 f'.rent Northern pfd 125 124 Illinois Central IS? Mo., Kans. & Tex 31 Louisville ft Nashville 143 National Lead 52 51 Missouri Pncillc 47 46 Norfolk & Western 105 Northern Pacific 121 People's Gaa ,...104 103 Pennsylvania 124 12 3 Hock Island 2 28 Heading 154 151 Southern Pncillc 115 114 St. Paul 120 117 Southern Railway 26 Southern Hallway pfd 62 I nlon Paclnc 176 174 C S. Steal 76 74 I' s. Steel pfd Il 1 l'.i Wabash 15 Wabash pfd 35 Tennessee Copper 35 At the Joint meeting of the board of county commissioners and the board of education yesterday it was decided that It would be better to give the people further opportunity to con sider the matter of voting on the special school tax for the county before- calling an election. They wish the people to take the initiative In the matter and they desire that they be fully informed about it The bill en- cted by the last legislature by which he election may be called ls given below: A bill to be entitled an act to author ize any county in North Carolina to vote upon the levying and collection of a special tax on property and polls to supplement the county school fund of said county. The general assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section 1. That the county com missioners of any county, upon petl- on of the county board of education f said county, may order an election be-held In said county to ascertain he' will of the people whether there hall tie levied on all taxable property nd polls of said county a special tax, ot to exceed thirty cents on the one undred dollars valuation of property nd ninety cents on each poll, to sup- I. no nt the county school fund of said county. Section 2. That said election shall le conducted for the county as nearly s may be under the same rules and regulations governing district special school tax elections, as set out In sec- ion four thousand one hundred and Itcen of the Revlsal of one thousand nine hundred and live of North Carolina. Section 3. That In case a majority f the qualified voters at said elec tion shall vote In favor of said tax, Ha) same shall be annually levied and collected In tho same manner and at the same time us other taxes of the county are levied and collected. Section 4. That In case a majority of the qualified voters at said election in any township of said county shall ote for said special tax, the same shall he annually levied and collected n said township in the same manner MEW TORE COTTON. Open. Close Mv 14.78 14.7 July 14.78 14 8 August 14.42 14.5 October 12 90 12.92 Spot 14.(0. Illl'Mi SECURITIES. by Reported and corrected dally Henry K. Claudius. Bid. Asked Asheville Water 4s. . .$ $100.00 Beaumont lurnlture 108.00 Citizens Hank 141.00 Universal Security 6s. 12.76 14.00 Universal Security cert. 14.10 Wachovia 1). T. Co Wm. Hrowiioll Mill... 10.00 144.00 Heard Ihvwn Town. flpoac my face Is dirty, said th otbee hoy In thi elevator, what bust ness Is It of vours? Vou ain't my dad No, replied the elevator man but I'm bringing you up. Boston Trati script. flOIIYS 0WN0JLAM7Y vm anM.W!t.utAHP and at the same time as other taxes are levied and collected, and used to supplement the school fund of said township. Section . 5 That in caee a majority of the qualified voters at said election in any county shall fall to vote for said special tax, on petition of a ma jority of the members of the county board of education of said county, the county commissioners shall, after thirty days notice, order an election. In any subsequent year after the first election, for the same purpose and under the same regulations as the first election herein provided for In any or all of the townships of said county that shall have failed to carry said special tax in the former election. Section 7. That the expense of holding said election shall be paid out of the county school fund of said county. Section 8. That this act shall be In full force and effect from and after its ratification. ECZEMA CURE A BEAUTY WASH Although D. O. D. Prescription haa been recognized for yeara as the one remedy for Gczema, Phoriasls, and all other forms of skin diseases. It ls now known that there ls no other wash, even those used by the beauty spec ialists, that can compare with this mild liquid for cleasing the skin of pimples, blackheads, rash, and all similar skin affections. For this reason alone, a bottle of D. D. D. should be kept on hand In every household. A trial 25c bottle will show you the merits of this great remedy as a complexion wash. D. D. D. seems to remove the cause, whatever the trouble may be, cleans ing the skin, and leaving It aa soft, as smooth and clear as that of a healthy child. Get a 25c bottle today and keep It in the house. Smith's Drug Store. University vs. Davidson. Special to The Gaxette-Newa. Durham, N. C, April 18. The base ball teams of the University of North Carolina and Davidson college will meet here today in their second con test of the season. The game will be played this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock ut the Rust Durham park, and a large crowd is expected to attend, aa much interest lis being shown In the con test. The University boya won in the first game, which was played In Char lotte, by a score of 2 to 1. Since then the Davidson lads have shown won derful improvement, likewise Caro lina put It oer Virginia at Charlotte last week, so the game today promises to be fust und cloae. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which haa been in use for over 80 yeara, haa borne the signature of and has been made under hla per- i&rfflf-1-.') sonal supervision since lta Infancy. 7, ACAMa Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnat-as-good" are but Kxpertmcnt8 tltut trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Kxperienee against Kxperlment. What is CASTORIA Caatoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It ls Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootlo substance. Its age Is its gnu run fee. It destroys Worms and allays Feveriahness. It curea Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates th Stouiiu h and Bowels, giving healthy and natural slajmJ The Children's PauMCea The Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS, Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always In Use For Over 30 Year thi ctamus eoasnwt. rr emir. w voaa errr. Bought

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