Tuday, Hay 2,1811. Jll ; Hies I!:r.3 D&kbj Easy FLOUR BUTTER And makes the cake lighter, finer flavored, more sightly, and Insures Its . s. -,.: - freedom from alum. tajal Cook itoofc MO ReceiptsFree. Send Name and Mire. ROYAL BAKING POWDER r- .v - - - Sf m a T ' - ' Personal Mention, ULIAL W News of th Mrs, William J. Cocke Entertains. Mrs. William J.. Cocke entertained the executive board of the North Car olina Federation' of Women's clubs, today at her home on South .French Broad avenue with, a luncheon. The rooms were - appropriately and effec tively decorated with the blossoming .branches of dogwood and crab apple. The dining room was daintily. attrac tive in pink, and white color tones, the rosy crab apple blooms being the predominating flower; these formed the spring-like centerpiece of the table which' was covered with a cluny lace cloth and lighted with pink shaded candles in silver candlesticks. A buffet luncheon of five courses was served, and was followed by coffee in the drawing -room. Mrs. W. W. Bar nard, Tf the Current Literature-Club, poured the ' coffee. Mrs. Cocke's guests "were Mrs. Eugene ReWey of Charlotte, president of ; the Nor tlri Carolina Federation; Mrs. Sol Well Of Aoldsboro, first-vice president; Mr James Brlggs of Raleigh, second vie presidents Mrs. George Walter Whit sett of Greensboro, recording secre tary; Mrs. E. P.Tlngley of Charlotte, Corresponding secretary; Mrs. B K. Hays of Oxford, treasurer; Mrs. F. R. Harris of Henderson; auditor; Mrs Hoke, general t federation t secretary; Mrs. E. R. Micheauz of Greensboro, chairman of the . art department; Mrs. A. B. Kimball of Greensboro, of the civic department; Mrs. R. R.-Cot-ten of Bruce, of the club extension de partment; Mrs. F. U Stevens of Ral eigh, of the department of education; Mrs. W. N. Hutt of Raleigh, of the department of - health; Mrs. W. ' O. Rogers of Charlotte, of the household economic department; ' Mrs. D. - Y. Cooper of Henderson, of the indus trial and child labor department; Miss - Adelaide L. Fries of Wlnstori-Salem, of the literature department; Mrs. . Sydney P. Cooper of the department of library extension; Mrs.- J3. C. Dun- - can of Raleigh, of the department of music;. Miss Gertrude Weil of Golds boro, of the department of publica tion; Mrs. A. A. Hicks of Oxford, of the reciprocity department; Mrs. James Brlggs of Raleigh, of the legis lative committee, - and Miss : Daisy Demon of Raleigh, custodian of rec ords. . The luncheon was a delightful affair and a fitting prelude to the various activities of the federation that will continue throtigh the week , v ' V"-' ' i '.-. Simpson Plant. ' ' .''The following account of the Simpson-Plant wedding, takqn from the Spartanburg Herald, will be of inter est In Asheville, where Mrs? Plant has many friends, test summer she was -thil guest of Miss Clara Whlttington, who was one of her bridesmaids. Miss Mamie Whlttington was also one of the wedding guests: "A wedding of Interest throughout the state, as well as to this city and - section, was that of Miss Bessie Simp son Of Anderson, Ga., Which was eel son of Anderson,' Ga., and W. Chester Plant of Cornelia, Ga., which was eel ebrated here at th home of the bride's parents on Tuesday evening last, at 8:30 o'clock. The wedding march was played by Miss ' Carrie Hunter, and Miss Elite Gray of An derson waited upon, the bride as maid Unusual Values in 52ver ' Hat Pins 40c 75c $1.00 and $150 Reduced from $2.00, $125. $.90 and $50 , r $$$ .7. - Seo them in our Patton Avenue show window t Arthur M. Field J L-3.' . CO., NEW YORK. of honor. The bridesmaids were Misses Nellie Poe of Greenville; Helen Whlteof Abbeville, Rema Farmer of Anderson, Helen Plant of Washing ton, D. C, and Edith Plant of Birm ingham, Ala., and Clara Whlttington of Asheville. r , "The -.ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr." W. H. Frazer, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. A re ceptlon was tendered ' - the . - wedding party immediately after the ceremony by th bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Simpson. - Mrs. Plant, as Miss Simpson, was one of Anderson's brightest and most popular young women.' -Mr.' Plant has a position as auditor with the Southern railway at Cornelia. The young couple are now on a trip: to - Washington, New Or leans and Birmingham, and on their return will make their home at Cor nelia." v -- Altar Society McctUuc-i i--J v The ladies of the Altar society, of St Lawrence's' church will hold their regular monthly meeting Wednesday afternoon, Moy I, at 1:30 o'clock at St Genevieve's college. Mother De Planck , will - entertain the - members. all of . whom are invited, with the following ' interesting; program, pre sented by the students, of the col lege: '' --' --i ': . Instrumental number, The- Church Parade, March, j v 'c- Two pianos and violin, Song, "When - the Birds Go North Again,''-; -i 't . Miss Ruth' Grey. French Song, ' .' Miss Cu th.be rt Dufour. Recitation, , "In , a Fog," ', Miss MaCartney. Song, "China Dolls," . - Miss Juliet Meriwether. Violin solo, . " Irish Jig, ' J Six Little Girls. Song, "Two Marionettes," Miss Ruth Grey.- Piano solo. Impromptu, . . .Schubert Miss Sarah Walker. Song, "The Volcano," , .' Miss Mary Ambler; A play, "The Census Man." Miss Mary Spottswood and Miss Nell Morrison. . Song, with violin obligato. by Miss MaCartney, "Voices of the Night Miss Ruth Grey. it m y Atlanta's Grand Opera Season Great f . Success. Mrs. Samuel Tannahlll. Mrs. Brew ster , Phillips, Mrs.; W. B. Meacham Mrs. Francis Clemenger, Miss Emma Bernard, Miss Lucy Vance, Miss Katlt erine Rollins of Asheville, Mrs. Smath ers of Waynesvllle and Mrs. George Haywara or Ar Jen, -who went to At lanta last week for the grand opera season report this great musical event as brilliant and successful beyond de, serlptton. In the vast auditorium, which seats 7000 people, there was not ven standing room for all who wished to hear the great singers. La' Ola. conda (the Joyful One), The Goose Girl, II TravHtore and Othello were the operas presented. The audience was assembled from all over th South, many New Orleans. Birmlnir ham, Nashville and Memphis people being In attendance. . Financially as well as artistically, the grand opern was an unparalleled success: Mrs, Phillips, who was the guest of Mrs. Van Winkle, Mrs. Meacham, Miss Vance, and Miss Bernard have re turned. Mrs. Tannahlll Joined Miss Louise Tannahlll and will remain for several weeks. Mrs. Clemenger will remain for a short stay, Miss Kath erine Rollins is expected home Wed nesday or Thursday. "' t Ben Greet Players. Thursday evening;, at the first ap pearnpee rf tho Ben Greet Players, I their coming season, when they will present. "A Midsummer's Night' Dream," with the Mendelssohn mui-:lo, In the Auditorium, the delegates attendance upon the Woman's Fjniur Typewrit Repairing. We are as well equipped for doln this class of work as any city in the south. Fifteen ysara expedience with all makes, tm'ntlier with a emnpl'-ie ('m, k of nti..lirn, phii i-s us In a i , i ,ri to (hi ii nut W! k p ri rn ; -1 1 y flr.l ated clubs convention numherUiij about 125, With, the members of the 1 three city federated lubs wljl attend 'in a body. The presence of such a. large number of the state's representa tive women will give an added distinc tion and iinpressiveness to the exqui site rendering of Shakespeare's beau tiful dramatic fantasy. - Ben Green, who will appear in the different pre sentations with his woodland players. will address the delegation of the women's clubs, between the acts will Greetf them, so to speak. Mr. Greet Is noted for his grace and charm as speaker, and his entr'acte address will be of Itself a novel and attractive feature of the evening. - ' Decorating for Women's Club Meeting. Under the direction of Mrs. Bear- dsn, the ball room, of the Battery Park hotel Is today being decorated for the meeting of the Federated Women's clubs of the satte, whose first meeting, occurrs tonight at 8:30.' ', The "latform is draped with American and North Carolina flags .and . .with th colors of the Federation pale blue and while. Pine boughs, ferns, palms and wild flowers are used protusely in the decorations and- the delicate' perfume emanating from these Is sug gestive of woodland dells and sylvan paradises. - , , The private dining room adjoining Is being put in order to be used as t. lunch room every day beginning to morrow While the Federation - is in session here. The ladles, of the city clubs will serve lunches-of hot coffee, sandwitches, etc., to the visiting dele gates. . : . Felmet Beale. Miss Nannie Myrtle Felmet and Gat- tls G. Beale were married last evening njt 8 o'clock by Rev. W. A. Newell of the Haywood street Methodist church. Mr. and' Mrs. Beale left this morning for Goldston, N. C.,1 to visit Mr. Beale' parents,' returning they ' Will ' be ai home at 375 West HayWood street The bride has been for some time In the office of Tax Collector Crowell. The groom is night manager of the Crystal dairy lunch room.. Mr. and Mrs. Beale have a large circle . ot Asheville friends. . s m n Mr., and Mrs. Joseph Silversteln and children, who have occupied the A. J. Lyman residence on Merrimon ave nue for the winter, will leave shortly to spend the summer in the east. : H It. The Woman's : Guild of Trinity church ' will meet Wednesday after noon at 4:30 with Mrs. Talbot Penni man at Forest Hill. . K Mrs. Augustus D. Sheppard,. jr., and children, who have - spent . . the winter at Kenllworth lodge, the home of Mrs. Sheppard'a parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Rees, will leave the lat ter part of the week for their ' home in New York. ' Mrs. C. A. Raysor and , children have returned from a visit in South Carolina. - It Miss Helen Willard of New Tork has arrived and will be the guest of Miss Elolse Steele on Chestnut, street for several weeks. , , , ' It H ' Justice of the Peace M. A. Creas man has returned from Proctor, N. C, where he has been on a ten days' business trip for the Ritter Lumber company.. ".. Misses Nellie M.' and Helen "'M. Hardie of Chicago arrived In the city yesterday and are staying at the Bat tery Park hotel. . .' y.; , Mrs. H. T. Moortt and Miss Moore registered yesterday at the Battery park rrom Atlantic city. ' IT Jesse T- Bltton of Canton was In the city yesterday, a guest at Bat tery Park. .'.-. -1 . --v. Hilt - - Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haskins of Mt Vernon, N. . Y., ' arrived In the city yesterday and are staying- at Battery Park. . j" - ." V-.' It It Mr, - and Mrs. Thos.'. Pressor, who have been spending several days at the Battery Park hotel leave today for their home In Philadelphia. ". n n . - ? Mrs. Harry T. Hartwell of Mobile, Ala., who has been staying at Battery Park left today. ,-.'-; It Mr. and Mrs. Camahan of Pittsburg, who have been at the Battery ParK hotel for the past week, leave today for Nashville. Mr. Camahan is con nected with the National Casket com pany which has a large plant here. It It Mrs. Charles Malcolm - Piatt . has been elected at a. recent meeting in Columbia, the North Carolina presi dent of the Woman's National Rivers and Harbors association. ' The work of the organization is of national im portance and of great Interest In the state because of the plans for the Im orovement of the harbor at Wllmlng For Sale Modern 8-room House on paved street, conven ient to passenger station good location, $3500.00. LaEaibe, lloals ft CMles, ResJ Estate and Insurance, ; . ST Patton Ave. NEW LIAPLr-JYBUP This is 1911 crop and has that delicious flavor that all I new syrups have. This syrup is pure sap and the best. I Pint Cans 30c. YATES f: --, I V ' . ) . j , , - i . ' toiv Mr.: Piatt', appointment la (n recognition - of her executive ability land interest in matters of progress 'and reform. It-. It , Judge Newman and family of At lanta have leased Shamrock cottage, Albemarle park, for the summer, . - . st , . - liss Eleanor' Lambertson will re turn Wednesday to her nome in GreenevlUe, Tenn., after a visit of ten davs .with friends - in tho cltyi - Miss Lambertson was a great social favorite during her residence in the city and her wide circle of friends hsve greatly enjoyed her brief visit. t:.y. 1 v, ... H.:F. Seymour has gone, to New Tork for a stay of several weeks. -. ! : St St - V . iMrs. C. 8. Cooper left yesterday for Baltimore, summoned by the Illness of her daughter, Mrs. Ogden.- - . "Mrs. James T. C. Ford of Cincinnati j has'arrlved and Is vlaltlng her mother, Mrs.' Sayre in Woolsey. .J.--.:;. ., ' r--'St K : -. .' ' . Mr. and MrsJ E. Hanton of New York city .are viHttihg in Asheville and are; guests at Battery Park.-, t..) ' -4 ' ..-St - " Mrs., W. R,V!lEngel- of Charlotte is in the City, registered 'at the Battery Park hotel. ' -. st st G. L." James : ht Raleigh is in the citv, a guest at the Battery Park. '- Mr. and Mrs.' J. M. Sints of Ohio are late -arrivals at; Battery 'Park. Mri and Mrs. Thoa L. Green arrived In 'the'" city w yesterday front.-, Blue Springs, Neb., 8.d are guests at Bat tery Park.. ' : j--.-!".'; . ., R. F. Henry of Franklin is a guest at the Swannanoa. T. D. Brysbrt arrived here last night from Bryson. City and is staying at the Swannanoa. A E. ' Jenkins of Charlotte is stay ing at, the Swannanoa. , . , i J. Yancey of Marion is a recent ar rival in Asheville. t It ' W. W. battle arrived from Jackson vllle yesteray and is a guest, at the swannanoa. It It Mr. and Mrs. Burton Schoepf are moving today , into their home on Chestnut street m k - Dr. A. F. Reeves leaves this after noon for a trip to Washington and New York ,and expects to be absent about ten days. , New Bonn! of Trade Envelope). The : board of trade has Just had some new envelopes and letter heads printed which, It is thought, Will show results. Along the left margin Of the letter heads there Is a column of in formation that in most cases will tell a correspondent what he wishes to know about Asheville. The informs, tlon,. while complete, is in concise form and can be digestea in anon time. The following Items are refc- ferred to; Altitude, temperature, pop, ulntion, postoflice , receipts, weather bureau, public and private schools, parks, paved streets, arc lights, prop erty valuation, library,, police. Are and water departmental banks, churches and missions, newspapers. Electric company, Weaverville line, hospitals, hotels, telephone system, trains per day. number of visitors, payroll, fae tory sites, power.". The .front of . the envelope has a bird's eye view of Asheville with appropriate advertla Ing. . j ' If' ! TOILET SETS , 1 At Low Prices Both the Sets and the prices are es- i peclally suited to Hotels and Board ing Houses Call and See Them j. H. LAW, as Patton Art. Buist's Garden Seeds big lot Just received. These are high class seeds and are very popular every where. Phone In your or ders to lit. WEST END DRUG STORE, C. A. Walker Proprietor. .', STO Patton Ave. Quart Cans 50c. McGUIRE, " . . I51W CLOSED AS HOTEL All the Guettl Of the Place Left Yetter- day Property In Hands of S. Lipintky. As the result of the recent deal by which. 8. Liplnsky takes over the lease on the Hotel Berkeley building, that popular hostelry was closed yes terday, all the guests checking out The cigar' store will ' remain until June 1, When the work of remodel inis the building will make ' necessary Its removal and. it will then be moved to the Swannanoa-Berkeley, as the Swannanoa is called.' ' U will take some time for the peo ple of the city and the trianslents to get used to the change which discon tinues this hotel which has been con ducted in the heart of the town for so many years. It was a popular place both for the travelling public and for the men of the city who were accustomed to , gather In the lobby and lounge in the comfortable chairs. It - was a happy thought that even though, the hotel is not in existence its name la to' be continued In the name Swannanoa-Berkeley. ; . , , . THEY ALLEGED WELLS Two Suits Against Ollie Salisbury for .. Money Due Negro Troupe All Settled. Two suits were brought against Ol lie Salisbury this , mornjng 1 before Magistrate w. A. James, a civil sum mons and attachment proceedings. fo r money alleged to.be, due a color ed troupe of vaudeville artists.. Salis bury is, or was, proprietor of a place of amusement for colored people on South Main street It seems that he had rented the house to a colored man named Wells who engaged the. troupe known . as "Budwelghts Bunch of Funmakers,' the leader of which Is K. D. Bagnell, The troupe came here from Spartan, burg and after playing a week for Wells, that "worthy" is alleged, to have skipped Out wtih the cash In hand. Then it seems that Salisbury took charge of the house and engag ed the troupe for another week and paid them for the last week; but they then brought suit for the first week's contract and the civil action - was tried. This was decided in favor 'of the troupe and before action was tak en in the attachment proceedings the matter was settled satisfactorily. Bag nell said that the "Funmakers" . had certainly made the, fun and it appears that they were determined to. be re compensed. AT THE PALACE A capacity house at both perform ances at the Palace theater last night vouchsafed v It appreciation for the very excellent program presented. Gardner and Parker, two winsome young ladies delighted the audience with a high class singing act Both had good voices, and both the duet and solo selections were very pleasing. In their last selection, a telephone duet "Hello, Hello, Hello," they brought down th ehouse. Copland and Walsh accomplished their part of the entertainment by musical numbers both vocal and instrumental, and con vulsed the house with laughter with their store of Jokes. It was a toss up as to which was the better-team. Tho Illustrated song "Baby Rose" was well sung and the pictures were good. Sproat's . MILLINERY PARLORS Oates BuUdlng Spring Millinery on Display. . Palace Theater COPLAND & WALSH MISS BUTTEEWOETH MOTION PICTURES , MOD'S ' MILLINERY 6 Haywood' St. NASTURTIUM SEED Now is the time for active planting of Nasturtium seed. We can supply both the Dwarf and climbing varieties In mix ed colors at the rate of 10c per ounce and less for quanti ty. It. is still too early to , plant flower seeds out of doors. Walt until the soil warms up. Everything In drugs and seeds. GRANT'S PHARIIACY Agency for Wood's Seeds. 11. Webb Co. BERKELEY FEEL SPLENDID Stella Halquist, of Laporte, Minn., Tells How Her Trou bles Disappeared After Taking Cardui, the Woman's Tonic. ' Laporte, Minn. "I am getting along Ane and feel splendid, since taking Card u I ."writes Mrs. Stella Halquist, of this place. : . "I used to have backache, headache, and that tired out feeling. I had other womanly troubles and dragging sensations, hut they have almost dis appeared now. ...'-,.:,-:..., . "I cannot praise Cardui enough, for it has done wonders for me." Cardui is no mere nerve sedative or pain queller, and contains none of the new headache Ingredients, Ithe too frequent Indulgence in which may be dangerous. . On the contrary, Cardui is harmless, as its Ingredients are mild, tonic herbs, acting mainly on the female constitu tion and building up both nervous and vital energy. No harmful effects can - possibly come, to young or old, from the use of Cardui, the .woman's tonic, and thousands of women, have written. like Stella Halquist, to tell of the great benefit they obtained from its use. , . .... Ask your druggist Note The Caxui Home Treatment for Women consists of Cardui ($1), Thedford's Black-Draught, (26c), or Velvo (50o), for the liver, and Cardui Antiseptic (50). These remedies may be taken singly, by themselves, if de sired, or three . together, as a com plete treatment for women s ills. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanoo ga, Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64-page book. "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on re quest. " ' "- Foley's Klducy Remedy Acted Quickly M. N. George, Irondale, Ala,, was bothered with kidney trouble for many years. "I was persuaded to try Foley Kidney Remedy, and before taking it three days I could feel Its beneficial effects. The pain left my back,. my kidney action cleared up, and I am so much better. I do not hesitate to recommend Foley Kidney Remedy." For sale by all druggists. . If you want to read a good ( book then get "In the Nantahalas" ' from the Brown Book Co. Price $1.00. JUNE WEDDINGS v- Not too soon to place orders for Invitations for' June Weddings. Send for our samples of Engraved Invita tions and Announcements. You get the correct kind from ns. ')'. ;y ,. HACKNEY & MOALE CO.; Leading Stationers. imiUMMMIMIIMIIIMMMIMMM HMMMI i BATTE.R.Y ' - ASHEVILLE, N. C. t, J. P. SAWYER, President E. SLUDER, V-Pres. T. C. Coxe, V-Pres. - J. E. RANKLK. Cashier Capital V.. ... ... ......i ... ... ... imOOO Surplus and Profits... ........ ... ... ... ... $0,000 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BTJSTNESS. Special attention given to collections. Four percent. Interest paid on time deposits. MIMMMMMIIIIMMIMMIMIMUMIMIMMMM i WASHINGTON AND TUSCULUM COLLEGE An Ideal plar- educate your son or daughter.- Strong faculty, moral community, beautiful scenery, healthful climate, bread and liberal courses, positive Christian Influences, expenses reasonable. For catalogue write th president. REV. C. O. GRAY, D. D Oreenvllle, Tenn. ' MAN IS BORN TO DIE But he gets lots of pleas ure living in Asheville he wears linens laundered the NICHOLS WAY. Phone 95. Asheville L&undry, J. A. Nichols, Mgr. SPECIAL REAL ESTATE BARGAIN. . One sven-room house, Woodfin street, at end of Spruce, and one store for quick sale S000. Terrus ; Natt Atldnson Sons Co. . Real Estate Agents. . FRESH CAKES MADE , DAILY Absolutely pure. Free from adul teration. Have perfect flavor. ASHEVILLK STEAM BAKERY riione 23 or SSI, nAI?wC0Cr3 Bpnolnl Baio ut Hil. li., three and rtve dollars, greatly re til for thlw week only. 1 FTT'PP -V J MEN'S TAN OXFORDS ' : Come here if yon want hand some Tan Oxfords for summer ( wear. We have all the new cuts in all the popular leathers'. A size for every foot. You will be correctly fitted if you come here. Agent Hanan Shoes. We do repairing. Nichols Shoe Co. LeadingShoeists. On the Sq. Will the Future find women doing the heavy work and men busying themselves with household duties? Whatever the an swer may be, we can say for a certain ty that housework won't be much easier that It is now in the kitchens where the most modern improved utensils are used.. We carry a full line of them. ASHEVTIXiE CHINA CO. 6 If. Pack Sq. " Phone S81. At Theato A Game Tor Two. A Floating Message. The Mule Driver. PARK BANK Improve the Looks of ' the Table By having the linens laun dered hy us. Phone 70 A trial is all we ask. Swannanoa Laundry "We Treat Tour Laundry Wl 1 teh;? , WAV.-'4 l V . c , Now Is the time to niv ,, a Bprlng Cleaning. We d without pain to your ent i tlon. im. si ri: Cor, College and h'l-rie ' Court lluiiHii. 1 i , Ccmn: TI 1 t