Central Locution. (). 77 COILL!.!:; rnoNK 153. ST, Appointments Complete. Large Shady Grounds. TERMS Act onllng to Location of Room. FAIRFIELLD INN SUPPHIRE COUNTRY ON LAKE FAIRFIELD IN THE BE AUTIFTJIj HOTEL NO W OPEN ". " ' The trout fishing la excellent at this season of the year and sportsmen will And at FAIRFIELD splendid sport, and a moat delightful spot to spend a few days or weeks. : For Information, rates, etc., addr era , . ' . II.. K. ROBERTS ON,' Proprietor v ' FAIRFIELD INN. SAPPHIRE, N. C ;:: vO ; t THE MANOR . ; V -V . , ALBEMARLE PARK . ;.;. i. ; - ASHEVILLE, N. 0. ; AN EXCLUSIVE INN. Near golf links.- Attractive accommodations ; good service; excellent table. COMMERCIAL TOURIST THE KENTUCKY HOME HOTEL Endorsed by the T. P. A. and U. C. T. Traveling Men. The beet Sample Room in the town. Hendersonville, N. C. Battery ParK Hotel , . A8HEVILLE, Jf. 0. . ... OPEN THROUGHOUT THE TEAR. iF&mous Everywhere. THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE , Family and Transient Hotel Rate $2.50 st. day and upward. FRANK LOUGHRAN, Owner A Prop. Hotel Kenmore . WATNE8VILLE, HY C Open Throughout the Tear. ! . BTRICTXY HIGH CLASS SERVICE ALWAYS, C. H. and MRS. L. KNIGHT. THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL 07 ; ' WAYNES VILLE, N. C. . MRS. S ALL IE E. CORY, ProprietreiB. Open the Year Round. "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" GLADSTONE HOTEL . Asheville's New Hotel. The only up-to-date European Ho tel in the city. Rates 50c, 75c, $1.00. Baths free. Cafe now open. Furnace heated. The commercial trade solicited. ' FRANK BLAKE, Manager The Blue Ridge Inn COMMERCIAL. TOURIST. i Open all the year. Rates $2 day. ' Just a good hotel" That's all.'! ' J. ; ' W. A. SCOTT, Mgr., Hendersonville'; N. C. 4 Gity Livery, Stable W. T, ISRAEL, I'Top." HENDERSONVTLLK, K. C. SPECIAL RATES TO COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Best of etock.end vehicles. Prompt and proficient service, day and night. In both city, sitd county. Satisfaction guaranteed. . - GATAffl' CURE Remedy Tested for 80 Years Cures Through the Blood Foul Breath, K'hawklng and Spitting Done Away by Its Use, Hawking spitting, Foul Breath, dis charges of yellow matter, perman ently cured by taking Internally Bo tanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Thou sands of sufferers have tried B. B. B. where all else failed and were cured to stay cured. CATARRH IS NOT ONLY DAN GEROUS, but it causes ulcerations, death and decay of bones, kills am bition, often causes loss of appetite and reaches to geenral debility, idiocy and insanity, It needs, attention at once. Cure it by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) It is a quick, radical permanent oure, because it rids the system of the poison germs that cause catarrh. At the same time Blood Balm (B. B. B.) purifies the blood, does away with every symtom of catarrh. B. B. B. sends a tingling flood of warm, rich, pure blood direct to the paralyzed nerves and parts af fected by catarrhal poison, giving warmth and strength Just where it is needed, and in this way making a perreet, lasting cure or catarrn in nil its forms. DRUGGISTS or by ex press, $1 PER LARGE BOTTLE, with directions for home cure. SAMPLE SENT FREE by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. De scribe your trouble and free medical advice given. . ; PROGRESSIVES AHEAD Municipal Election There Arousing Con- liderable lnterest-"Wett" vi. "Dryi." 'ItV. erl A telephone message from Weaver vllle at 2 o'clock today is to the effect that out of 90 registered voters In the municipal election, 70 votes have been cast and the "progressive" ticket Is anywhere from 4 to 12 votes ahead of the "citizens" ticket. For two or three weeks the town has been in a state of some excitement over the contest, even the women and the ministers taking active part. There were two tickets put In the field some time ago and since that tima botn sides have been working hard. The "progressives" slated a tloket and the "citizens" later nominated a ticket In opposition. These two faction in local parlance were known as ths "wets" and the "drys." the moisture being soda-water on Sunday, the "drys" being greatly opposed to this Sabbath Irrigation. Jn other words they were opposed to the stores and refreshment stands being open on Sunday and considerable feeling was generated, even though the candidates of the "progressive" , party expressed themselves as being In favor of enforc ing the laws as they exist The "pro gressives" claimed to stand for the good o. the town and for anything hat would advance the town's inter ests; and the "citizens" claimed to stand for the same thing. flLllLjJ., JAl!4";: OUTSIDE TRUCE ZOriE for Sale A judgement for $62.50 against F. K. Gardner of Asheviile. Apply to Ga-tette-Newg Office. AETHELWOLD HOTEL . BREVARD. Jf. C. MRS. F. a HAMILTON, Mgr. Rates, with bath, $2.50. Without, 13 per day. AU modern conveniences steam heat, private baths, electric lights, 'phone, etc. Caters especially to traveling men's trade. Both rooms and table strictly nrst-class. CADILLACS - ' S-gl and everything m automobile line. The elegant new 1911 Cadil lac Models in different styles, i a stock. Yestera Carolina Auto. Co. Lexington end Walesa, Pbooe 000. ' HOTEL ENTELLA BRYSON Cm, Headquarters lor traveling men and lumbermen. Rate $1 per day, Special rate by 'the month. Bath room. Free sample rooms. Railroad eating honae fronting Southern depot Livery In connection. A. W. A ALMA WHXTCLER. Propre FOR SALE. -room house, Charlotte street large lot house modern, easy terms $ 3,2 60. New S-room house on Pear son's drive. Large lot; easy termi $1,000.00. 7-room house near passen ger depot; easy terms $1360.00. 4 room house near depot; good terms flioo. -we have the good bargains. Come and see us. CANADA! REALTY COMPANY. Ground Floor No. 10 North Pack Sq, . Phone 074. rOKYSKmilEYPlIIS Fee Dmiamc Htmmwatm f tees Sealed Bids For ' Grading Stomach Prescription Smith's Drug Store will tell you that It guarantees Ml-Q-NA to re lieve promptly and cure permanently all diseases of the stomach and indi gestion, or money back. Have you gas on stomach? One or two MI-O-NA stomach tab' lets and the misery Is ended.. Are you bilious, dizzy or nervous?. MI-O-NA stomach tablets will put you right In a day; give relief In 10 mlnutea Now, dear reader, don't go on suf fering with stomach trouble. Be fair to yourself; throw aside prejudice and try MI-O-NA. It Is a great doctor's prescription. No doctor ever wrote a better one. And money back If you don't say MI-O-NA is worth IU weight m gold, Sold by Smith's Drug Store and lead' ing druggists everywhere. 60 cents a large box. Mrs. Mary Hutchinson says: "Pains and distress In my stomach fc.id general complaint was entirety cured for me by the use of two boxes of Ml-o-na stomach tablets." 603 Pearl St., Vpsllanti, Mich, Write Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y., for free trial sample. PATT0N HOUSE, ; Murphy, N. 0, The beet and most reasonable house In town, good table, clean beds and Home cooking. Bates $1 per day. MISS ROSA PATTON v (Continued from page 1) the expiration of their terms, a free election shall be held. ,., After the selection . of provisional governors shall have been made and the electoral laws . revised according to tfie insurgent program, a general election shall be called to choose a president ' . , ' Senor de la Barra, minister of for eign affairs, la the professed favorite of the revolutionists for provisional president. - A complete change of political ad ministration is desired by the revolu tionists and there ,1s good ground to believe ' that the federal government has already given assurance? of the acceptability of some of the rebel de mands. Peace Commissioners Chosen. Francisco I. Madero, jr., president of the provisional - government an nounced the election by ballot of Dr. Francisco Vasquex Gomez, Francisco Madero, sr., and Jose Pino Saurez, as the peace commissioners of the revo lutionary party. Francisco Madero, sr., was present at the conference. With the provi sional governors of the various states In which the Insurgents have organ ized their government present a defi nite basis , of peace terms was agreed upon. 'Though no official announce ment of the terms was made, It was admitted by many that there may be breakers ahead. . ' Tho first obstacle. It is believed, will be met when Francisco Caraba Jal, head of the federal peace com mission, arrives. -. . ;v . The insurgents Will, want to know exactly what powers have been be stowed on Senor CarabajaL It Is said. for instance, that Senora Branift and Obregon, who have been interested in the negotiations, will, act with Senor Carabajal, but in what capacity is not known to the insurrrecto leaders. Should it develop that Senor Cara bajal Is to.be the sole envoy, with plenary powers, the Insiirrectos will invest Dr. Gomez with, similar creden tials, Francisco Madero . and Saurez acting in an advisory capacity. The insurrecto leaders are, determined that formal negotiations shall not begin until the federal envoys present cre dentials authorizing them to act for the government The substance of the Insurrecto demands is known In a general way. The revolutionists insist on participa tion in government affairs and point out that the only way to guarantee it is to place some members of their party in the cabinet and to select at least a dozen of their supporters as provisional governor pending new elections. 'While the resignation of President Diaz is said to be hardly mentioned in the Insurrecto demands, the rebels believe that with a majority represen tation in government affairs the per sonality of the executive will be of little importance. .. They emphasize the fact that there is no personal quarrel but a political revolt One reason for the absence of any discus- M"n foccerning President Diaz's part in the forthcoming transactions is. the fact that there are few rebels who believe that Diaz Intends to continue in the presidency. No one has assur ances of any resignations but the in surrectos generaUyi.i;-declare , other hands are steering tfie ship of state in the Mexican capital. The military leaders were invited to the conference- merely to advise the peace envoys of th progress of the negotiations. Fighting on Sat unlay and Sunday. Douglas, Ariz., $Iay Z. Reports from the towns of Pitiqulto and Ca- borca. In the state 4 Sonora,' Mexico, have been received there telling of desperate fighting thre Saturday and sunaay ana tne oay oerore Deiween Mexican federal troops and tne insur- rectos, 300 on each side. The , federals used a machine' gun and defeated the rebels In both towna The government troops finally occu pied both towns which the rebels had previously held,, the latter leaving 20 dead and many wounded. , Intermittent, Fighting. Tucson, Ariz., . May 2. A special dispatch from Nogalea, Hex., say? that the fighting around Caborca and Pitiqulto has been going on Intermit ,ently.-for eight days. -The federals are said to have lost 14 killed In the first skirmish and 40 In the second, A Revolutionist Reverse. San Antonio, Tex May 2. The siege of Ojtnaga has been raised and the revolutionists driven in disorder toward the town of Mulato, a'ccordlnz to advices received by government officers here. ' . ' , t Two Federal V Maries. Mexico City, May 2. Assisted by the guns and marines of the gunboat Tampico, Col. Jose Beltram repulsed the rebels who. attacked Mazatlan, according to reports received at tht department of war.; The guns of the warship were trained on the assail ants and the large number of deathi In their ranks Is thought to be the work of exploding shells. ' The ma chine guns of the artillery also played i important part In the battle-' Tlv number of casualties has not yet been reported. . Reports have been received at the war department of a battle at Ohlet la, Puebla. The federals are said to have routed their assailants, ;;flal::.:AT1o;i hade her almost crazy With Pain. Itching Settled from Knee to Toes. Physicians Oost a Fortune. No Relief. Went to Hospital 3 Years. Unable to Help. Finally Used Cuticura and Was Completely Lured. i hma ta hira aa Itch Ins over bit whole body about siren yean ago and this settled In my limb, (torn the knee to the toes. I went to sea s great many physicians, a mster which cost me a fortune, and after I noticed that I did not set any relief that way, I went for three years to the hospital. But they were unable to help me there. I used all the medicines that I could see but became worse and worse. I had an Inflammation which msde me almost crazy with ptin. When I showed my foot to my friends they would get really frightened. I did not know wtt to do. I was so sick and bad become so nervous that I positively lost all bops. f h.H hmi th. arivT4lMtnnt Of th rhltt, cure Remedies a great many times but could not make up my mind to buy them, for I had already used so many medicines. Finally I did decide to use the Cuticura Remedies and I tell you that I was never so pleased as when I noticed that, after having used two t. a. rutliur Rnan rilt(flirK Ointment and Cuticura Fills, the entire inflammation had gone. I was completely cured. I should be only too glad It people with a similar disease would come to me and find out the truth. I would only recommend them to use Cuti cura. Mrs. Bertha Sachs, 1621 Second Ave., New York, . Aug. iU, JWV. 'Mrs. Bertha Sachs Is my sister-m-iaw ana Vmiw wll how idle suffered and was cured by the Cuticura Remedies after many other treatments failed. Morris Sachs, 321 E. 80th Ostrowoer Unt.-Vereln. Kempner Hebrew Benevolent Bociety, etc. Ctrtleam Soap (Me.). Cntleim Ointment (Ws-) and Cutkura Resolvent (Ma.), tor In the form ol Chocolate Coated Pills 8e. v vial ol 60) are sola throughout tbe world. Potter Drug Chem. Carp, Sole Props, 1M Columbus Ave. Boston, Mus. J" Milled tree, 92-pace dooi on bub uubw WILLIAMS' KIDWEY PILLS. Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder? Have you pains In loins,, side, back and blad der? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, and under the eyes? A frequent desire to pass urine T , If to, Williams' Kidney Pills will cure you- Druggist, Price 60c Williams M Ts, Co,, Props, Cleveland, O. . ""or sale at Peawell's Phsnw- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . . t Having qualified as administrator of W. E. Eller, deceased, late of Bun combe county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of April, 1912, or this notlee will be pleaded In bar of their recov ery. AU persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment This April 25th, 1911. J. M. PICKENS, Administrator. Sealed bids will be received by J. W. Beaver, Jr., chief engineer, Southern Assembly, until noon May 11, 1911, for the grading of 1 1-2 miles of driveway on the grounds of the Southern Assembly. Plana Profiles and Specifications may be seen at the office of the Chief Engineer, South ern Assembly, Waynesvllle, , N. : C, where bidding sheets may be obtained. , Each bid must Ve accompanied by a' certified check, drawn In favor of 1 J the Southern Assembly (Inc.) for the llilJnum of one hundred dollars (1100.00) rb a guarantee inm tne uiuuer win, ' :ATI. OHIO. If successful, furnish satisfactory I sml Kenyon Streets, bond and enter Into the proposed r New tlnton Park. Ev- contract within five days from date , i 1 -Vh Sath, or hot of notification of award. Checks of ;. cream, vege-unnucceasful bidders wJU be returned , r Cli n u.-m Immediately after the contract has rrui . formr!y of been awarded. T ir . i -ri.ion. N, T. The Southern Assembly reserves the I. i Turk City. right fc -reject any or nil bid. M, I n. I. J. W. SEAVER, JR., Chief Engineer Southern Asecuitl - ;1 -s t ft V to Anything. Electrical Bee W. A. WARD Upholstering: Department , We desire to call special attention (o our Uphnlsierlng department Wt have la stock 10 Remnants of Silk Ta pestry, ancient designs, to select from IIAVfnSE&KlSllK, Thai Old TlrheT Farnlfnr Shop, . Ou i' Rates If ''i, J-op. -ateO ai TTnhm iL HOTEL x?rt3oii, Prop. v c. . sample room. Strictly transient AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE. Two large touring cars to hire at 12.00 an hour day or night S mile ride 4 people, 25c each. O. F. KAY. 2t Patton Ave. Oay Phone 1704. Night Phone 1056 $430,000 Asheviile, l C. , , v REFTJNIINO BONDS ', The Mayor and Board of A'dormen of the City of Asheviile, North Caro lina, will, until 12 M MAT S2d, 1911, received sealed bids for all or any part of an Issue of I4S0.000 Refund ing 10-year bonds of said, city, to be dated July 1st, 1911. Bids ere re quested for 4 1-2 per cent, and also i per cent bonds. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check foi one-half of 1 per cent, of bonds nam t'1 In bid. ,The board reserves thi right to reject any and all bids. For further Information uiMrt-n JOHN A. CAJU'Biaij, Mayor, r ' "It i H i i I i , 1 I , i V , mm ii IT, Is useless for anyone to call at this office In an endeavor to find ont the. names of advertisers. TnoAe who advertise under an Initial or nom de plume do not wish their names to be made public, and they cannot be di vulged at this office. . f, ; . FOR RENT-!- unfurnished rooms la nice place on Charlotte street,. Cheap to right parties. No sick people: no children.; 3, R. Ga. aette-Newi, . ll-tl HELP WANTED. WANTED A good1 wok. Apply at 60 Oak St ' ' ; ft , , ;. . 70-St FOR RENT Two or three connect ing rooms, first or second floor. Nicely furnished for housekeeping; Sink and tra In kitchen. 26 Starnes avenue.. ('. i'v- ';"- tt . WANTED One male squirrel Imme diately. Telephone or write to X. , T. Z.,' care The Gazette-News. . tf FOR RENT One floor (2 rooms) unfurnished; , electric lights, bath:, gas. 102 South French Broad. tf . WANTED By middle aged lady, , a position as housekeeper or compan ion. BeBt of references. Address P. O. Box 764 Asheviile, N. C. ; f 70-6t FOR RENT Connecting rooms, fur nished for house-keeping, at 18 Grady street, also G room house un furnished, , 18 Grady street, . 63-t WANTED Young men and ladles to learn Telegraphy. We are receiv ing more calls for our graduates than we can supply. Charlotte Tel egraphy School, Charlotte, N. C. FOR RENT Upright pland. Call No. 6 FUnt street, or Phone 1010. 70-3t FOR j , RENT -Desirable 1 furnished rooms., 216 Patton Ave. .Phone 722. , ..- .' ' B-6t WANTED Capable cook. 138 Charlotte street. Apply at 69-3t MANAGERS WANTED To control the county rights In North Carolina, Only first class men, with refer ence, and small capital (say $500) need apply. The proposition is good for $S,000 a year to , an ..energetic sales manager. Apply in person, or write Radium Spray company. Clo ver, Virginia. FOR RENT room furnished houses - near car line. Price 240.00 per month. . Forbes & Campbell, Room 2, Drhumor Building. Phone 268, -.- M WANTED For V. fi. Army: Able bodied unmarried men between the ages of H and 85; citizens of United States, of. good character and tem perate habits, who. can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply; to Recruiting Officer, 307 W. Trade street, Char lotte, N- C; t South Main . street Asheviile, N. C; 330 Vi South Elm street, Greenshortf, N. C; 167 W. Main street Spartanburg, 8, C, or 204 V4 W. Main street, Greenville, S. c .? HOUSE CLEANING JIME We do all kinds of house cleaning, rugs, carpets, side walls etc We use the Vacuum Cleaner -which enables us to do cleaning at your house, or we can bring same to our rleaning department. Asheviile Carpet House. Nos. 18 and 20 Church St Phone No. 228. v -.., tf MISS M. M. ATKINS, wedding pres ents. China and water colors, Studio 136 Vi South Main street .v . 87-26t TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS Is tur specialty. Money to loan oa diamonds, watches, jewelry and anything of value.' H. L. FINKELSTEUT Loan Office. 23 S. Main St Phone 887.- Asheviile. AUTOMOBILR for hire,' new Hudson car, . at Sawyer's Garage, Phone 1310. C I Taylor. . 6S-26t mm 7 THEATRK UKtXHT ! TODAY ; Honrs 3 to 6, 8 to 10. The Miracle Painting The Shadow of the Cross One of the real, wonders - ( the world. , . . . -, ; " ill CHIjO6 THaATKsl ClKUtT r, - MONDAY, MAV 8. . The Real Kvent of the season, ' "The Chocolate Soldier" V 4 . Note Reserved Seats for Subscrl bcra opens at Whltolck's Thursday at 9 A. M. ' Regular Advance Sale opens Friday at 9 a. m. Prices Lower Floor, 12.00, $1.50 and 11.00. Balcony $1.00, 75o and 50c. Gallery 25c. Mall Orders from out "of' the city must be accompanied by P. O. or Ex press Money Order and will be filled In the order received. We Stand for the South &a Did Lee and Jackaon Being the oldest Old Line Legal Reserve Southern Mutual Company, Issuing all of the Standard Policies, giving the lowest possible rates con alstent'wlth safety. We solicit your pa ti onage. The Security Life & Annuity Company of Greensboro, Bf. C. A. K SMITH. ia Agetrt . Aaluivtlle, N. CL Delays are F.speei8l1y Dangerous Where Dt-fntlve Plumbing la Concerned. . in tne Interest of your own an your family's health yon positively cannot afford to reflect the smallest defect In your snnlttiry equipment If you are not oulte sure about your plumbing system see us. I MOV l-L'mLilxa.COMPANV, I. Clauuo t uiiMvK.., J. Leo Sugg, ti ti. ! ' I f t FRO RENT A neat, five room cot-. tage at Waynesvllle, (For partlcun lars write to Art Teacher, Balem College, Winston-Salem, N.C. .69-6t FOR RENT Offices, or entire floor; In Citizens Bank building, 8 FacB square, - Flat (modern), Haywood street, $18.00; house on Spruc street $24.00. Apply to J. L. Wag ner, postoffice, or No. IS Revolt Building, v. j-.A ' 1 X-t FOR SALE-f-Smallr automobiles for sale cheap, and in excellent con dition. P. O. Box 190. ' 8-St tOSCXLLAKSOUB. FOR SALE Interest ' in ' profitable and reliable business. - Position and salary. Box 606. city. v FOR SALE Well rotted stable fertil izer, $1 per load. Phone 62S. . tf WIRE AND IRON FENCING Now Is the time to get your fences built so as to avoid the spring and sum mer rush. Office In Oates building, first floor. Phone , III. M. A. Creasman Son, ll-tf FOR' SALE A fine lot Of show cases and counters, good as new, W. L. Moore, No. 11 West Pack Bo, tf CHAS, Lt SLUDEB, 20 8. E. Pack square. . Furniture bought, sold stored and rented. Phone 1707. ',,.. 60-26t OLP CARPETS; NEW RUGS Send carpets to us, we make , the rugs any size, write for catalogue. Ori entat Rue Co., 1101 Cathedral St Baltimore Md. 55-tf. $33.00 In Gold to owners and users of the -. Holdaway Buttonsewer.' Ask our agent or write us quick for particulars. Live agents wanted Rilev R. Oulley. shepherd Building, Raleigh. N. C. . . . V 61-iOt LOCK AND KET WORK, Trunk Re pairing. 6000 keys, a large supply of Trnnk Material, and two good .Trunk . Makers and . Locksmiths to do the work for you. J. M. Hearn A Co.. Battery Park Place. Phone 448. LOST 8unday, About- 5:10, ; 'smell change purse containing one $1 bill. Finder return to Gazette-New. V ' ,". 70-tf WANTED. WATED At once. Horse suitable for farm. Also buggy, harness and one horse wagon. Paul P. Brown Phone 1312, - , . . ,70-3t WANTED To rent place suitable to raise chickens; state location and price. Box 214. Asheviile, N. C. 6-8t WANTED Ladles Dying, cleaning. and repair work. 1. II. McGlnness, II South Main street l2-tf WANTED An eight-piece kitchen set fully warranted. Is offered aa premium by The Gaaette-Newa. ,No kitchen is complete without one of these seta A limited number left and are only ebtaisable by new and old subscribers to the paper. . rdx SALE. 'OR SALE Furniture, in good' con dition, cheap. Address T. ,Y., OaT .sette-News. '.; .X' .. K, ii.,, :;.1-,U FOR SALE For less than half cost, a nice fishing outfit most of It prac tically , new.. Address P..1 . O.- Bog 855, city. . J-.f- . , . 6-6t LARGE RUG $30.00; 4 Mission chairs, $6 each; magazine rack, $6; Mission plate rail, $10; Mission . lamp, Tiffany glass, ' $10; other household effects. Perfect condi tion. Trafton, over the Woman's Exchange. . . 70-6t FOR BALK Eggs from very fine, well-mated pen of single comb Rhode Island Reds, .' Th birds score from It to 93 H. ,'Eggs II for II. Apply A. L. Stockton, Oa-ette-Newa off lev. or 14 Vance street FOR BALE Single comb, thorovgb- ,-bred Rhode .Island Red., cockerel; will sell cheap. Address Poultry. Gaxette-Newa . . ., . . . . '306-tf FOR BALE 1000 acres of mountain land, T miles of Asheviile; a bar gain. : Room I Revell Building. : F. P. Ingle. -. . -i, ...,t,'. . ... tf CAMERA FOR BALE A IVixIVi (postcard eiie Kodak, In excellent condition. Cost $30. will sell for $12.60. Also a IVixiVi for $10, Inquire, In th afternoon, of C W. Capell, at Gazette-News. . : tf FOR' SALE Nice five room cottage. all Improvements, large lot, plenty of fruit barn, chicken house, etc., one block from Charlotte street $2500 cash If taken at once, or will sell for . $2700. with a substantial cash payment and balance on time. F. M. Messier, 25 American Nation al Bank Building.. Phono 682. . , , ' t-lt POTJLTRT SUPPLIES Red Comb, Poultry Feed, Scratch, Corn and .Fine Chick, Dry Mash for hens, Force Feed for little chicks. Roup, - Gap, Cholera, and White Diarrhoea j Cure, Lice Powder and lice Liquid, and a limited number of 60o books free. Phone 711. I. M. Campbell, at Btoner Grocery Department ,,..u. . a ,-v4 - -. Ml-tf FOR PALE 7 room house; electric lights; water and bath; paved ' street; close In. This place is worth $2600, and will rent for $18 per mo. Will sell for $18p0, one-half ' cash, balance In one year. See B. T, Tiller, 21 N. Main St, or tele- ', phone 414V , , . , . ... ... tf FOR SALE Bargain: half dozen ex-. tra fine Brown Leghorn Pullets and . . one grand cock bird.. 'Bee or write Luke Dixon, Gazette-News, , Ashe- Ulc. . ; ... .. .tf BARGAIN Leaving Asheviile must Bell Furniture and Kitchen Uten sils, practically new. H. Kreamer, 176 8. French Broad Ave. 69-3t EOAKDCrO. WANTED Tour Notary publlo work. Phone 9$. Jas. W. Albright I6tf HOUSE WANTED 6 or 7 rooms, large lot if suited In price and lo cution will take one year lease. W Oazette-Newa $3-7t WANTED Pongee suits, flannel suits, In fact suits of every kind of mate rial to be steam cleaned and made like new. The most careful atten tion given all ladles' work. J. C. Wllbar, Phone 189. WANTED To teach elocution In pri vate homes by first class elocution ist Rates reasonable. Address P. O. Box 467, City. 69 Jt FOR SALE. Nice E room cottHge, moderii, close to car line, price $160, with terma If Interested see D0NNAIIC2 & BLrD:0S Phone 6 IS). i'U(k g(j. ROCK LEDGB, (I Haywood street II Rooms thoroughly renovated, across . street from Auditorium, half block from Battery Park hotel. Mrs. P. 3. Corcoran, Prop, FIRST CLASS BOARD in cottages suitably arranged for Invalids; rates moderate. Apply 41 Vlotorla Road. ' !3-26t FULL LINE 6? BEDDING , PLANTS for the flower garden at Lashley, the Florist, W. Asheviile. Also Tomato, Cabbage and Pepper Plants, For Sale or Exchange for City' Property. 20 acres of land, 6 room house, barn, chicken yard, part .timber, acres of bottom land. 1 1-2 miles from street car line, on Mm adnm rmid. J. I. I'BUMi -,v. No. 11 Tempi Cuuit. l tm.