'Of! 1.1 WW "lll . " "' V I ill r or . jjvi . 'r.".m7J,il:77777,r.7Trrip- ''ill I'M 1 .0 1 MO l"Oil j tot --4 ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AVcgetablefteparartonErAs-siraitatinStteWamllWiiia ,ttaLieSiomactisandlowclsof 1iH Promotes Ditottonflietifi ness and Restlontains ncUte OtJiunuMorphine narMmetaLi NOT NARCOTIC. flnpimSmd JtxJtma MMUUtf , AnerfectReroedvforCiJnsft Hojt,SourStomadi,Dlarrtoa WormsA-onvuisionsjevEnsir ness andLoss or Sixer TicSbae Sinatw of NEW YOKK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Thirty-Five Awards in Medals and Money Made by Hero Fund Commission. T hunranteedunrTLerTwd" to. SJr Use For Over Thirty Years Ilii CARfiEGIE AWAODS fl ULIBEIJ OFHEflQES HERE IS MORE PROOF OF WHAT THE GERMAN REMEDIES HAVE DONE FOR 0 THEES ALL 4 ' ' ; " ; PROCLAIMING THEM THE MOST EFFECTIVE MEDICINES IN USE. IIT2 HI Exact Copy of Wrapper. thc otirr&uN oanuiT. an vomi errv. Try Gazette-News Want Ads BERKELEY Is Still Open and will be equ POOL ROOM better ever Pittsburg, Pa., May 2. -Thirty-five awards In recognition of acts of horo- sm were made yesterday at the spring meeting of the Carnegie Hero Fund commlsslonxand the iSBuance of nine silver and twenty-six bronze medals was authorized. ; In addition the money, accompanying the, medals amounts to $34,100 and pensions to widows of heroes total 81,310 annual ly." .. -, The money is apportioned as fol lows: . . ., :-. Six thousand dollars for "worthy purposes; $2,200 liquidation of mort gages; $3700 for other Indebtedness; $4000 purchase of homes; $14,000 for education; $3300 .death benefits and $1000 for restoration of health. In nine instances the heroes lost their lives, and the award is made to a member of the family. Twenty of the awards are . made in connection with rescues from drowning, five from railway trains, four In runaways, five In mine or well suffocation - cases, and one the rescue of an Insane pa tlent from a roof. In the awards a number of heroes In the South are recognized as fol lows: ; - - Hlchard C. Williams, aged 23, saved Melvin B. -Mayo from train at Reu- sens, Va., - June 17, 1906. Bronze medal and $1,000 for a home. Park S. Rushford, aged 25, save.) Elbert G. Cunningham from drowning at Mannlngton, W Va., January 19, 1907. Bronze medal and $1000 for a home. , , .... - , i Benjamin J. Cottle, aged 24, res cued Morris M. Caldwell, jr., aged 3 from runaway at Wilmington, N, C., August 28, 1910. Bronze medal and $1000 as needed. '.,' , John R. Graham, aged 36, saved from drowning George W. Thompson and attempted to save C. I Lipscomb at Thicketty, S.X!., March , 1910. Bronze medal and $1000 to liquidate Indebtedness and other -worthy pur poses as needed. Albert J. Appleby, aged 18, saved Ruthell.a M. Harbeson from trsin at Bowyer, S. C, March 11, 1910. Tironze medal and $2000 as needed for edu cational purposes. ; ' f ' Thomas M. Christenbury, 'aged 88, resced Rufus Long (colored), from a cave In a well at Charlotte, N. C. August 9, 1909. $200 to liquidate mortgage, and silver medal and $2000 to educate children as needed. Boyce Lindsay (colored), aged 16 saved E. Reynolds Smith from train at Spartanburg, S. C, May 26, 1910, Bronze medal and $200 as needed for educational purposes. The Health Teacher, while in this tonia, the same as these people have never act without taking pills, pel- city.'t.fd you. through the columns of done and be made well. ' lets, salts or some strong purgative. ... m . ..'HA Dlllard. Harrlman, . Tenn., Had poor appetite, weak, all run this paper that German Teutonia and wl"eg tkaf had been uuder the im down, had herfdaches, buzzing, roar, Germanla OH would cure rheuma- preB8on for three years that he had ing, sound In ears when the lay Usm, catarrh, kidney, liver, stomach . catarrh ':. of the stomach. Every down. After using German Teutonia and blood troubles, no matter how morning got up feeling tired, as one week, feels as well as ever, long you have been . aff llc-ted. 1 They though he had not slept at all, had Mrs. W. M. White, Springfield, will cure where all other remedies a bad taste in the mouth, foul breath, Ohio, had rheumatism, badly consti- have failed and we feel so confident bloating and fullness of stomach, af- pated, very nervous, had creepy sen- about their curative properties, that ter meals, food did not digest and sation after going to bed. Just as if we- are veiling to refund your money, would lay like a lump of lead on his something was biting under the skin. it, aiier a ween s iriai me medicines stomacn, any nara worn wouiu rauao i-uw ictio mo new nuniau, do you no good. ' palpitation of the heart, had at times If you sutler With constipation, quit sour stomachi and heartburn, very of ten would have enormous appetite, then again would eat very little. Af ter using Teutonia two days 6 doses, all these ; troubles disappeared. ; He using these five . minute cures and quick reliefs, which invariably make you feel worse than you did before. . This Is dangerous. Come and get the medicine which gets to the, seat passed a tape worm that measured 45 of the trouble and removes the cause feet, head and all, without pain or or the sickness. . ir you or your sickness. He certainly recommenas children are troubled with worms, of this medicine to all similarly afflicted, any ;kind and want to get rid of them Amelia Robinson,' Charleston, W. completely without starving or taking -Va sufTered for years with stomach Clare E. Connel, 93 Water St., Springfield, Ohio, was afflicted with kidney trouble and pains in the side were so severe that he was in per fect misery whenever he tried to lay down. Used four bottles of Teutonia and it has made him well and strong. Recommends this medicine to all he comes In contact with. The above Is but a few of. the many testimonials we have in our office and goes to prove that these medicines cure. . - -. Take Teutonia as a spring tonic Tou will find It makes that tired no good feeling disappear In a juffy and . will put you in the best of spirits. It', sells for $1.00 per bottle or three for $2.60. Germanla Oil, the great assistant to Teutonia In cases of Rheumatism and Catarrh, as well as ' being the most powerful pain remedy In exis tence sells for BO cents per bottle or three for $1.26. Keep it in the house for sprains, neuralgic pains, earache, toothache, chest pains, sore throat, , cramps, dysentery, etc. . , German Salve promptly cures blind, Itching or protruding piles in a very short while- Price, 26 cents. German Cough Syrup contains no opiates and promptly cures coughs ' and Immediately relieves that tickling sensation In the throat. Price, 25 cents. The German Remedies are for sale .at Grant's Pharmacy,' 24 S. Main St.. Chance Seriously iHurt And Out of the Game UNNECESSARY ELABORATION.. "Give a girl the moonlight, a path through the trees, and a man, and she will lead ' him home engaged," says the Syracuse Herald. Why drag In the moonlight and the trees? Chicago Record-Herald. STREET CAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT OCT. 23, 1818. RIVERSIDE PARK , sMu; MONTFORD AVENUE , ": Jj d - TO SANTEE STREET 10:T Mch ro to Boco street only DEPOT VIA SOUTHSIDE " 1:15 ;then svery 7 1-1 minutes until AVJUfiUJE 1:46; than ry It minutes till 11:01 : ' ' last car. . ,; DEPOT VIA FRENCH :16, and inrj 16 muiulM until 10:01 BROAD AVENUE p" ' th" " minMe "n MANOR ; 0 a. m., then vsry It mwiutm Uil 11 p. m., except no car to Bciuar t i:ll :x ,..:..-.'.,' p. m.. CHARLOTTE STREET m- m- th,a mi. TERMINUS 10 and 11 p. m. ears go through. PATTON AVENUE a. m. and avery it minutes till 11 ' . ' p. m. EAST STREET , a. m. and srsry It mlnutM till 11:00 ; , 1 . ' . ' p. m. .- - .- - . - 3RACE VIA . m. and 17 SO mlnutM till S 85ERRIM ON AVENUE (: Joloo'lt p. m.,"tnsa vnr? St min. until - ' ' - ' 11 p. m. ' 11'X'M0RE ' ' :1 a m. and every it niinutM UU f ; - 11:00 p. m last car. DEPOT & WEST ASHE. 6:62 a. m. and every 80 minutes until oit-j 4 :V:H P. m. then every hour unUl VILLE, via Southside Are. ,10:22 p. m., last car. : m rK Chance. . MANAGER CHICAGO NATIONALS B'rank Chance, manager of the Chicago "Cubs," was seriously injured during a recent game in Cincinnati. The latest report has It that Chance will be" out of the1 game for some time. . Mrs. Bacon And' why did you cook leave you? t. Mrs,. Robert She. wanted us to raise her wages. "And what were you paying her?" "Why, $16 u month." "And couldn't you raise that much?" n ' Roughing It--"Serve the ' cham pagne In tin cups, Osfraf," directed th6 owner of the bungalow. "Very good, sir," "These hunting parties like to rough It a trifle." Washington Her ald. r ' ' : Foley Kidney Pills are a true medi cine. They are healing, strengthening, antiseptic and tonic..' They act quick ly. For sale by all druggists. , , t. huna&y scneauuf uinitr iu ut luiiuwius iMurucuiius; ' Cars leave Bquar for Depot via Bouthslde Ave. 0:11. 0:S0, T:00. 7:30, S: 00 and 8:10 a. m. Car leevea Bquare for Depot via French Broad Ave. f:15, 6:10, :45. 7:11, 7:46 and 8:16. Car for Depot leaves Bquare 8:46, both Bouthslde and French Broad. ; First car leaves Square for Charlotte street at S:l. ' First car leaves Bquare for Riverside 1:80, next 8:46. ' 1 First care for -West Ashevllle, leaves Square 8:6J. With the above exceptions, Sunday schedule commences at f a. nt. and continues seme as week days. ' ' . ..... .-........, - i. On evenings when entertainments are In progress at either Auditorium or Opera House, the last trip on all llnee win ha from ntuTtalnmrat, leaving Bquare at regular time and holdlnr over at Anditormm or nous " ' - imJSSSXSSSZi Car leavas Squara to meat No. Si, alcbt . oe -n.r Purest and Best Rumford Baking Powder -1 - r. j . -t . r 3- aaaatpagtaaBajMBMBMBaessaajaesssssssssssssssiessssssBSssssssssssss '" ' j ' ' ' " ' r9 rV- Of the Reemi reeR;;Wbolen Mills .. 35 Beautiful Building Lots at Weaverville; N. G. it LAKE JUANITA THIS PROPERTY IS CLOSE TO THE LOVELY LAKE NOW BEING BUILT TO BE KNOWN AS A. . T ' ' VA. LI ill AND THE LAKE COMPANY IS HAVING CALLS -EVERY PAY FOR RESIDENCE LOTS WHICH THEY ARE REFUSING TO SELL UNTIL THE ENTIRE PLACE 1 i COMPLETED. THESE ! ' I n l 1 LOTS ARE THE MOST AVAILABLE BUILDING LOTS TO THE LAKE. : v " - The Reems Creek Woolen Mills with the water power, machinery, 2 good residences and 1 store house, also 35 building lots. . " ; Here are some things this mill and power could be used for and made to pay handsomely; Flour, Mill, Electric Light Plant, Broom Factory, Laundry, Knitting Mills, Hosiery, Mills.; The Woolen Mill paid and can be made to pay even more. . . ' : v , ''' ' J' t 35 has As a Flour Mill It c'ouldi be made to pay be cause the great valleys for miles around produce an abun dance of wheat, and Weaver ville needs a Flour Mill. As a Laundry It would pay or the cost' of work would bo-less than half what it would cost ' in Ashe ville. Weaverville needs" one. As Electric Light Plant It would pay, for.-.Weavervillo is growing; hund'jfeds of peo- , pie are going to , build around Lako Juanita, and everybody wants light." , - - As Broom Factory It would pay, as broom ; corn can, be grown. - successfully around Weaverville.. Broom Factories " are, paying ' every where end the farmers are . anxious to grow the sjraw.' ' " As a Knitting Mill It would pay for you have power already harnessed and your running expenses would ",b"e less'.tlian most apywhere. WEAVERVILLE IILLDS- THE22 PLANTS AND WEAVERVILLE NEEDS GOOD" PROGRESSIVE CITIZENS. WEAVERVILLE IS THE BEST LOCATED RESORT TOWN IN THE IIOUL'TAi: OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. LAKE JUANITA WILL BRHIG HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE TO BUY PROPERTY. .1 .. . s- V. rr7 ( i C0I.IE TO WEAVERVILLE; ATTEND THIS SALE. OWN YOUR HOME IN THE PRETTIEST SPOT ON EARTH. DON'T LET ANYTHING KEEP, YOU FROM THIS SALE. THE MT, V7' VILLE CAR LINE 13 GOING TO HAVE CARS EVERY HOUR TO AND FROM ASIISVILLE. OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS IN ASHEVILLE, LIVE IN WEAVERVILLE, WHERE YOU CAN KAY PURE MOUNTAIN AIR, PLENTY OJf XOULI AND THE BEST WATER ON EARTn. GOOD TERMS, FREE DINNER. GOOD MUSIC. ' V 1 v M 1 Rn 7 'J I.TCAL EUILDIIia. 'VTE rLL LOT 3 AND LOT"! CI LOTS'