Saturday, June 17, 1911. SNAPSHOTS AT CELEBRITIES Beading Hotels and Boarding Houses KNICKERBOCKER NO. 77 COLLEGE ST. PHONE 153. i ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. RESORTS. A. 0. Stanley, Who Will Probe the Steel Trust. Delightful Situation. Appointments Complete, Central Location. Large Shady Grounds. " TERMS According to Location of Room. . J i , ii !i his . it J kit ;1 t; 1,1 lit f " II 11 .A I Help Andrew Camegie once suggested as an epitaph for his own tombstone what he said was the secret of his success: "Here lies a man who surrounded himself with men abler than himself.' Many able people are' working for you. scientists, inventor, manufacturers, all trying to make something yotf want Do you use their brains and their efforts "surround yourself with them" or do you plod along by yourself, years behind the times ? Take your own home. Have you your share of modem im provements there money-saving, labor-saving, health-promoting? One of the most important of these is a New Perfection Oil Cook-stove. A New Perfection itore never overhead a kitchen. It aavea your strength, h avta fuel and time. With the New Perfection oven with the gtau door To can go on with your ironing or any other work, and still be sure at a glance the joint ii routing properly. Vt'MM "J I J in yy m J ' 1 1 1 filfl'l Disinfecting Theaters. A committee of French doctors lias been Instructed to submit to tbe Paris police a scbeme of regulations for min imizing the danger of tbe dissemina tion of Infectious diseases at theatrical performances. It Is proposed. In tbe first place, that every theater sball be disinfected after every performance by means of sawdust steeped In antisep tics. It also is recommended that win dows and doors shall be kept wide open in tbe intervals between tbe per formances, tbut tbe cushioned seats hall be sponged with antiseptics, that the cloakroom attendants sba.'l under go regular medical inspection and finally that the air of tbe bouse shall be sterilized once a week by means of team charged with formaldehyde. Pestiferous microbes certainly will need to be of a very hardy character to resist tbls drastic treatment West minster Gazette. A Trick In Ink Erasing. A western banker brought, a beaiy manlla envelope up to tbe desk In an uptown botel and asked tbe clerk if be could paste a piece of paper over the address that was written over tbe face of it. It was a kind of envelope made especially for bis bank and made for a special purpose, and be wanted to mall something In It. Tbe clerk looked at it nnd then took from bis pocket a tiny bit of white sandpaper, robbed it over the address a few times and bunded the banker tbe envelope With a perfectly clean surface. "vell,., remarked the banker, "you can learn any sort of new trick In any trade but mlue. bare been in the banking business nil my life, and I never saw erasing done like that." New Tnrk Sun. YOUR NEIGHBOR'S EXPERIENCE How you may profit by It Take Foley Kidney Pllla Mra. E. G. Writ ing, 360 Willow Bt, Akron, O., says: "For soma time I had a very serious case of kidney trouble and I suffered I had pecks floating before my eyes and I felt alt tired out and miserable. I saw Foley Kidney Pills advertised and got a bottle and took them ac cording to . directions and results howed almost at once. The pain and dizzy headaches left me, my eye-sight became clear and today I can say I am a well woman, thanks to Foley Kidney Pllla." For sale by all drug gist LOGAN MERCHANT TAILOR. Legal Bldg. 8. Pack Square FboiM m. Ta SANITARY KITCHEN is of as much importance to the home tary bathroom. Let us install a "tftaadMsT I j 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ! tO " -. - - 1 It If tet Weaveryille Line Tate the Jlc& Cars from the Square on the odd hours".. Folder'., and information at the ticket office, Noi 7 North .".'M.) & Er.:t Tcnr.c::ce fbr,:e"! for AU Muk wkk 1.2 lad 3 burner with long, turquoae blot caameled tkimeyu HaBoVomelr nakhed throughout. Tka 2- and 3-ourner atovetcaa be had with or without a cabinet lop. which ia fctted wall drop aSetvca. towel racks, etc Dealm everywhere : or write for da- cripflve circular to the DeaKat aaeacy ol the Standard Oil Company i Incoi-ponttedl How to Give Dog a Bath. Short coated doss need grooming as well as the long haired varieties. To keep them in good condition they should be well brushed every morning, Opinions differ as to the washing of terriers, many people saying they should not be washed frequently, bran or sawdust being rubbed well into their coats to cleanse them, but per sonal experience with fox terriers proves that thoroughly washing tbem with pood soap and warm water nnd a disinfectant once n week will keep them sweet nnd clean and absolutely free from fleas and vermin of nuy de scription (of course, provided that bed ding, etc., receive proper attention). The dog must le well dried and brushed nnd soap thoroughly rinsed off, especially from tlie ears, or It may cause canker of the ear, which is a common complaint and may often be relieved by shaking a large pinch of boracic ncid powder (into t he ear three times a week. How to Keep Flies From a Horie. For a good way to keep flies from a horse the following methods are rec ommended: 1. Take the horse into the yard and, having provided a pailful of water, a sponge and a piece of carbolic or whale oil soap, first wash the legs of the horse and then the whole body, leaving some soapsuds to dry upon the skin. 2. Moisten the hair, especially of the tall and nostrils, with a strong decoc tion of hazelnut loaves. By means of this decoction the eggs which tbe files lay on the skin of the horse are also destroyed. A Leadluc CallrnMifm DrmnHat Pasadena, CaL, March , nil. Foley and Co., Gentlemen: We have sold and recommended Foley's Money and Tar Compound for years We believe It to be one of the most efficient expectorants on the market Containing no opiates or narcotics It can be given freely to children. Enough of the remedy can be taken 10 relieve a coia as it nas ro nau seating results ,and d ies not Inter fere with digestion. Toura very truly, C, H. Ward Drug Co., C L. Parsons, Sec'y and Treas." Get the original Foley's Honey and Tar Compound In the yellow package. For sale by all druggists. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PELLS. Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble) with your kidneys and bladder T Have yon pains In loins, aide, back and blad der? Have yon a flabby appearance of the face, and under the eyesT A frequent desire to pas urine T If so, Williams Kidney Pills will cur you Druggurt, Price Ma Williams MTg. Co.. Props., Cleveland, O. For ami at BaawelT Pharmacy porcelain enara- sink in your kitchen. will moon j m vicaucr auu neater kitchen and better sanitary conditions. j. c. Mcpherson, Phone 133. . No. S3 and 17 E. College Bt J.-f 1 1 1911, by American Press Association. Congressman Augustus Owsley Stan ley of Kentucky, chairman of tbe spe cial committee to inquire into tbe af fairs of the United States Steel cor poration, is tbe author of tbe bouse resolution to make tbe investigation, Tbe special aims of the investigation are to find out bow tbe restriction or destruction of competition, tbe capital ization and bonding of tbe various sub sidiary concerns of tbe corporation and the combination between the offi cers and agents of one corporation and those of others have been brought about Tbe speculation of officers and agents of the various steel companies in stocks and bonds by agreement among themselves and the profits that may have thus been made will be brought to ligbt if possible. The com mittee is especially authorized to find out if financial panics have been in fluenced by the steel trust's operations. Tbe committee has full power to delve into tbe relations of tbe employ ees of the corporation with tbe various companies. Mr. Stanley Is a native of Kentucky, forty-four years of age, and is serving bis fifth term In congress. Ha was educated at Center college, Danville, Ky, and began the practice of law In 1894. In I'JOO be was a presidential elector, which U the only public office ever held by him prior to bis election to the Fifty-eighth congress. He has always been a Democrat Honored by Pretbyterians. Rev. John Fleming Carson, who was elected moderator of the general as sembly of tbe Presbyterian Church of the United States at its one hundred and twenty-third annual session, has been a leading member of the evan gelistic committee of tbe general as sembly since its origin. He has had experience as moderator of the Brook lyn presbytery and later of the New 'BST. roHH V. CABSOX. York lynod. It Is said of him that he ia eminently fair, knows no ecclesi astical party and is an adept at ex pediting business. For twenty-six years Dr. Carson ha been pastor of the Central Presbyterian church of Brooklyn and ha refused all call from the churchea of other cities. Dr. Carson 1 a natlv of Philadel phia, fifty-one years of age and W3 educated at the University of Penn sylvania and the Befonned Presby terian Theological seminary, Allegheny, Pa. When he became pastor of the 0 ntral Presbyterian church of Brook lyn It bad but 149 members. Under bis ministration It ha grown to over 2,200 and Is the largest church of Its denomination In Greater New York. A Puzzle. "That Is a puzzle." said Robert W. Chambers, the novelist, at a dinner. "Yes, that Is a much of a puzzle a Mrs. Malaprop's definition of naivete. "Mrs. Malaprop and a gentleman were discussing the beautiful young lady poet " 'What I regard as the most conspicu ous thing about her is ber naivete.' " Yes said Mrs. Malaprop. 1 won der what made her get such a tight one.' "Human Life. ' F. 8. Hezford, lt New fork LIU Bid ir., Kansas City, Mo., says: "I nnd a severe attack of cold which settled In my bark and kidneys and I was In great pain from my trouble. A friend recommended Koley Kidney pills and 1 need two bottle of them snd they bine, dun ma a wnrlil cf gind." 1 r ' I ' nil ''ivy. : u mm I THE MANOR ALBEMARLE PARK ' ASHEVILLE, N. 0. AN EXCLU SIVE INN. Near golf links. Attractive accommodations; good service; excellent table. : " . WINDSOR. HOTE.L 48 South Main St. NEW MANAGEMENT. Overhauled and throughout. Kates $1.00 to $2. 00 per day. Commercial Trade Solicited. FAIRFIELD INN NOW OPEN AND FISHING IS FINE Elevation, 8,250 feet Lake Fairfield, In the beautiful Sa pphlre country, is the finest spot ' ,rt the world for .a vacation, and the trout fishing was never better than It ta right now. . ' Get your tackle together, close up your desk, and come up for a few day or weeks. You'll get a taste of real sport , Modern hotel with baths, hot and cloth water,' electrlo lights, bell boy service, first-class cuisine, boating and all out-door sports. Music, dancing, tennis, bowling. Telegraph line dlrec t to the hotel. Special rates for June and September. For information, rates, etc., addre ss IL R. ROBERTSON, Proprietor, Fairfield Inn. Sapphire, IT. O. COMMERCIAL THE KENTUCKY HOME HOTEL Endorsed by the T. P. A. and The best Sample Room in the Battery Park Hotel ASHEVILLE, N. O. ' OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR, Famous Everywhere I THE SWANNANOA A STRICTLY HIGH GRADE Family and Transient Hotel Rate $2.60 a day and upward. Hotel Kenmore WAYNESVILLK, N. ft Open Throughout the Year. TRIOTLY HIGH CLASS SERVICE ALWAYS. O. H. and MRS. L. W. KNIGHT. THE BON AIR LEADING COMMERCIAL AND TOURIST HOTEL WAYNESV MRS. 8 ALL Open the Year Round THELWOLD HOTEL In heart of Urautttul Kauuhlre Co per day. Tempting Terms to TourlHt RexervatlniiH. MRS. BREVARD. N. C. t GLADSTONE HOTEL To right of Southern depot Only Room 75 cent and J1.00 per day. ter meet all train.. Commercial ' MINERAL SPRINGS, SKYLAND, N. C. "Spend the Summer Here." Located on ithe highest point of Asheville & Spartan burg division of the Southern railway. Has an almost perfect natural drainage. A health-giving air free from city . smoke and. other impurities A fine mineral spring on premises. Vegetables from our own garden. Pure milk and butter. One of tho best bowling alleys in the state. Ten trains daily aud four daily mails. Cottages in connection with the main building. Taking it all around one of the most desirable Bummer resorts in "Western North Carolina. Beautiful walks and drives. For rates and information, address MRS: IL CATHEY, Skyland, N. C. PATTON HOUSE, Murphy, N. 0. Ths beat and most reasonable house fn town, good table, clean bed and horn cooking. Rate $1 per day. MISS ROSA PATTON. COMMERCIAL "HOTEL 1 O. N. JUSTICE, Prop. Canton, N. C. , f , Excellent table, good service, , Reas onable rates. Free sample room. Hot and cold bath. Undar new man agement. Btrtctly first ol Our House W. C. HALL, Prop, BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. O. Rates St per day Located at Union fetation. foittST):x;oimTiYi City Livery Stable W. , ISRAEL, Prop. - KENDERSONVTIXE, N. O, UTTnSXj RATF9 TO TOMMFJtCIAL TRAVELrnS. ti '1 Tol l. Id. Prompt 1 5 tr refurnished 0. J. YATES,-Prop. TOURIST U. C. T. Traveling Men. town. Hendersonville, N. C. FRANK LOPGHRAN, Owner ft Prop. or ILLE, N. C. US E. CORY. Proprietress. "FREE SAMPLE ROOMS" untrv. . Altitude 22KO feet Rto 11 Trade. Write for Quotations and FKANCENIA HAMILTON. . ProprtoU-ew. European plan hotel In the city. Cafe in connection. Baths free. Por trade solicited. FRANK BLAKE. Manager. rPAVILION -" HOTEL AND COTTAGES , SHARON SPRINGS, N, IT, ' Now Open, , 1 The celebrated White ' Sulphur Springs and Bathing. EstabHith merit open May 18th, Sulphur Bath, Pine Needle Baths, Douches, Steam Massage, Inhalation, Neu heim Baths, Dry Hot Air for treat ment of Rheumatism, Gout, Skin and Nervous Diseases of the Res piratory Organs, Malaria and Heart Blxoane. Folders sent Free. . JOHN H. GARDNER BON, W. If. C'RAIO. Mutineer. HOTEL INTZLLA . BRTSON CITT. ' Headqvarter for traveling ' man and lumbermen. Rate ft per day. Special rate by th month, Bath room. Free sample room. Railroad ating bouse fronting Southern depot Uvry In connection. . W. M ALMA WIIEFT.ER. Prop. anfl proficient prvtr, f, r and r'i' t. IT... XT i Ail - i. i 1 '"'"iniiiHior' h HOTEL DENNIS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The new fireproof addition, containing 200 guest rooms with 125 private baths, sea water connections, completed in- March, 1911, is a model for comfort and convenience. The entire house now otters 350 guest rooms, each of which is connected with private bath or has running water. Hotel Dennis Is one the Beach Front Hotels still maintaining an unobstructed ocean view. That is Best Is Recogruzedforyears as '- representative visitors X r ...... xjt Arranged, appointed and conducted under an etfaUished qrctem of HoteJ Management that hat long catered to public demwd. x HOTEL PERFECTION AT CONSISTENT RATES Qf jk BOOKLET 5th Ave, and 30th St ARE YOU ; GOING TO THE Tlie ATLANTIC . HOTEL, at Morcliend City, N. C offers superior nttractioiiM, unexcelled 'accommodations, the largest variety of aiuuse ments, and guests here ei0y tho most Invigorating . and healthful climato on tlie Atlantic Coast. ,' , , , -l , . . , , Ideal Surf Ilathlng Beach Finest Fishing In , the World Safe Sailing on Inland Waters or tlie Atlantic Ocean Largest Dull Room in the Soutli Convention Hall Tennis C -rts Bon ling Alleys Pool Billiards. VS$9tliti V. 'f;r udt.u. SPLENDID CUISINE 4 SOUTHERN COOKING A FEATURE. Tlie Summer Home tor Mother and Baby Cool Sea Air tho best tonic. Special Kate for faindllca. Low Rate) SEASON, TEN-DAY and WEED-END excursion fares via '. - , w RALEIGH or G0LDSB0R0 " AND NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. Hotel Rates, f 12.50 to $21.00 per week. ' T. ALEX. BAXTER, Mgr., MOREHEAD CITY. N. C. Formerly Manager of Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. I: N 1 J Hotel Sterling CINCINNATI, OHIO. Sixth, Mound and Kenyon Streets. Overlooking New Blnton Park. Ev ery room outsld with bath, or hot and cold water. Milk, cream, vege tables from our own farm. R. B. Mills, Prop., formerly of Hotel Bennett, Blnghamton, N. T and Orcnd Hotel, New Tork City. . American Plan lt.00, fS.I. $11 and IS.tS per dar. ONE HUNDRED CENTS ON THE DOLLAR ar what you should demand when buying your tinware and kitchen utensils, and that's exactly the valu you will get at our store. You want pots, pans, kettles, broilers, etc, for service a well a for attractive ap pearanc on your kitchen shelves. We warrant our kitchen ware to give sat isfactory service. . ASHEVILLE CHINA CO. Ilmne .181. ON. Park 6q. BROS. STEAM DYE WORKS hj Fiirmor?;- Asheville Sterna Dye W POOLS BE03.; works, w Thu only expert cli ancrs and O 11 ilyrB in AMwIllp . ,' 1" 1 I 1I S II: a WALTER J. BTJZRY. Offers All - in Hotel Life the headquarters of New York's As from every state in the yiuon. SEASHORE To Those Vho Have Not Call- ed and Listed Property The time for listing expired the 15th of June. ' - ' At our request the time has been extended to the 30th of r k this month.' '." , Those who do not list during this time' will have to take the consequences. ' , F. STIKELEATIIER, F. M..VEAVT.R, , - , JlIRS. O. E.' ADAMS, Tax Listers. 1 1 4 W-

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