Saturday, June 17, 1911. pAG2IX;2 J I ' , i-.r- I ALCOHOL 3 PER cknt aumuiiug mcttxxiaruReflula ,vf- IhimofcsDiaestlonliftfli 'ness and RestCantaliis nefitir i Opium-Morphine narMiaenL '' J NOT NARCOTIC -'t jfcjMHtfrAaVe. Anafect Remedy forOmsllpi- Hon, Sour StomadiDlantioei :. Worms fonvnlsionsjewia neaa onLoss or Sdeer 4 Fir,SM Signature if :'. I i-i -i "A V,, Exact Copy of Wrapper. , ''' ; ii.ii i Rumford Bakini Powder ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE, EFFECTIVE JTJNK 19, 1811. i, Bchedule figures published a Information .and are not guaranteed. ; ( , , , Eastern Time. . . , . ARRTVK8 FROM . . , ' . , DEPARTS FOR. No, 8;l4tk ,Toxaway .. :15 p.m. No. 6. Lake Toxaway.. .11:80 a,ra. No. J, Savannah and Jack- ...,. . sonvllle. 1:10 p.m. No, 11.' Washington- New - York,' Norfolk and '"" ' ' - , Richmond ...-.w.. 3:45 p.m. No. -12 Cincinnati Louis , , . t ille. fit. Louis and ) Memphis ... . .. . 2:08 p.m. No. 18 Charleston .Co- , '-v P"- o. ie murpny ana nsjMf Vnl sn Mumh ..i w.v.... ' . ." viii.-' i xi.i .j .' . i ?kk nm No. 22 Waynesvllle . 1:00 a.m. No. 21 Goldshoro and Ital- - elgh ..... .... 7:40 p.m. iso. Z3 Terreu, ana ituacx Mountain ... . . . 8:10 a.m. No. 27 Charleston A ' Co- 1 lumbia, : .. .. .. 7:84 p.m. No. 28 Cincinnati A Chi- - . i' caso.a. i .10:16 a.m. No. 35 Wash;. N. Y. and v ' - Richmond..,. .. . 2:30 a.m. No. 88 Memphis A Chat- ; . . tanooga. ... .... :bo a.m. No. 41 Charleston, Macon , rand -Atlanta.. ... 7:00 un. , No, 2-41 New Orleans ..10:80 a.m. no, 101 Bristol, Knoxvuia . , , ; . and Chattanooga 10:36 p.m. 'N. B. No coach passengers handled on 2-41, and train stops to dis charge passengers only. ... - , . v , .T - ;t : Through sleeping cars dally to and from New York, Philadelphia, Baltl , more, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk, Charleston (2), Cincinnati (2), ; Memphis (2), Atlanta, Macon, Jacksonville. Savannah, St Louis, Louisville. Through sleeping cars to and from New Orleans via Atlanta and L. A N. Ry., arriving as 2-41 on Tuesdays, T hursdays and Saturdays, returning, leaving Ashevllle same dates. : . " v ' -. -; .. , s- ...Through sleeping cars to and from. New-Orleans via Chattanooga and Queen , and- Crescent;, arriving Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, return ing Mqndays,, Wednesdays and Fridays. . . 1 . Ti, Through chair cars Ooldsbero and Waynesvllle, trains 21 and 22. Through sleeping cars Charleston and Waynesvllle trains 17 and 20. ( :Chalr. cars Ashevllle to Lake Toxaway trains 5 and I. -. "Carolina Special" trains il and 28 Charleston, to .anclnnatl full dining car service and Observation sleeping car,, trail' electrically lighted throughout ! J, S, WOOD, plst Pass. Agent R. H. GRAHAM, City Pass. A Ticket Afent. ethiiit cut tciisDiTLi 19 grrrcT OCT. 23, mi. RlVFiIU?IDl PARK :It nd 9ytrr 11 "ninutes wntu a - ' m.,then every nonr nntll 11:00 p. m JC ili ORD AVENUE" 10:8 av m. aa4 st.ry 7 1-3 minutes TO 2AKTrS RTRTTT until U:0: v a., exospt 1:07 and DLtOT VIA BOUTIISIDa s. m. and every 16 minutes until AVrVTrS 1:11 ;thea vary 7 1-1 minutes until AVAuiUd 1:48; them avwr II mlnutea tUl 11:91 ; '--'v " ' " , last ear.. t ... j, v t i 0 2 VII liLlht CJ . avery li mlnU uadl it.U EHCJLD AVZNUfi - t arery 89 minutes till 11: iLAllCS , a. to., iita every 16 minutes till ll ',.!,,:' . v m., exoept mo tmt to Square at 19:11 .: -I.-1 , f ; -.r. ... . p .. . . . ..... , every 16 nua. ii".tt-i ' i W I ra. , . ": , 19 and 11 y. m. ears are through' AV.JUJ a. m. and avery 16 minttUa tUllT . ; r ; ' p. m. .. j LALi' '' " - a. m. aad avary 16 mlnutea UU 11:09 . ., p. m.. CACJ VIA ' 8 a. sou and nr 84 Hhuum tui I ,.r.r.rt , m mmmffm U. BA-, Ula tJ 18 kUO. Until 9 f i. .wt AiU t olook p, m.. 8hea svanr 89 mla. until ' " -y. ; ' ". L aIi A m w ' ' i' ' 4:16 a so. aud evwy li tuauua tZI 11:99 p. nu l"t tmt. - .' A L '" A ' - - J 'U 1 n i. J. V Via i-8 aV8. buuun. i.ijjiiie la u.e luuu..t. iwumuui: Cars lave Egoare tot Zpot vta Sonthaide Ave. 9:11, 1:89, 7:99, 7:39, 1:99 and 8:89 a. m. Car iMvea Ij-t fur Ltjot via iTaack Broad At 9:16, 8 t, 4:l, 7:16, 7:49 and 8.16. ' Car fur Depot Ivaa ynara 8:I, fco'' tnetksttla asd rrsack . Creed, frt e 1mvs for C'.-w! s"t si 8:43. .',. ." r iirrt er Imtm ifi for HiTii...;e t.l), a 8:8.'' r' '' i Flrt cure for Went Anhevilie, lvee P'p.iare 9:30. r IT""' -j . i i i t iboTt iwpuum iw .!; 1 r ! -8 O ,si me ss week 5TS. , - ! ..,.. -'. ;. t tu ufi itiniMi s- e la l"" , an . . I ; H, t ll II ) Mill i I J T I , ll I " - " ... ...... . . . , t J'-N For Infanta and Children, The Kind? You Have Boifshl , v Tmi tMiiiwwjiT, ar rrr. ' a . 3 1 '- rf' t r w V ft ' -v 1- i , . No. 4 Lake Toxaway. ., 8:20 a.m. No.. Laka-Toxaway ,.. 6:20 p.m. No. 10 Savannaih' A Jack- ' " sonvllle 4:10 p.m. No. 11 Cincinnati, St Louis, ' . Memphis and Louls- vllle. 1:06 p.m. No. 12 Washington it New York, Norfolk and Richmond, . . . . ... .. t, 1:28 p.m, No. 14. Atlanta' Charles. ton 7:00 No. 17 Waynesvllle A Mur . : phy, ....... 8:80 a.m No. 19 Waynesville A Mur- phy... ... .. 8:80 p.m. No. 21 Waynesvllle... ... 7:55 p.m, No. 22 Raleigh . .. A Golds- boro,.v .. ..' 9:05 a.m, Na 24 Terrell and Black jaowntain... . .., , , : p.m. No, 28 Columbia A Charles-- , ton.., 10:26 a.m, No. 35 Memphis A Chatta- . noogai.. ... ...10:30 p.m. no. 31 Washington, 'Rich- mond A New York 7:10 a.m. No. 43 Atlanta, Macon and New. Orleans 8:30 p.m, No. 102 Bristol, Knoxvllle and Chattanooga .. 7:20 a.m. hour until ion p, m., laat car. " j3H Always i .Dears me l J J. Use ii 1 f ; nr iiupr ThirtyiYears iili BLOSSOM'S LITTLE PAL The Change Time Wrought In the Two Companions. By ETHEL BARRINQTON. Whan John Blossom became blind the mainspring of bis Ufa was snap ped. Imblttered and sensitive, he banned companionship, his small an nulty sufficing for a cheap lodging and meals at a neighboring restaurant' It was terrible beyond expression to be bllnt to be dragged back to Ufa when the fever bad so denuded him. Exist ence was barren, useless, hopeless, and when he prayed It was for death. One day, tripping aa be climbed the tain, bo felt the belp of baby hands xou counted , wrong," reproved a childish voice. "I did t'uver night In the dark." "What's your nameT" be demanded shortly. Dorg. "Who's jmV -"John Blossom," : : 'Pretty name. Bend down. Then, Whispering In bis ear, "I shall call you Blossom," the scampered away, sing ing back, mischievously, "Blossom B-vo-s-a-c-m." It Was a week before they met again.; : The man's mood was desper ate. "Ton la frownln', awful. Blos som," piped the shrill voice, "but you can't frighten me. , . . " ; .. "If you are not scared come and talk to me a bit", "Mover dont low me in lodgers' rooms." ..Blossom felt tb rebuff and. reaching the top .floor, stumbled Into bis room and slammed the door. Seat ed on bis cot, be clinched bis bands In the agony of his helplessness, . , v "Come," be cried sharply In answer to a timid rap, whereat some one en tared whom be could , not recognize. "What is itr be bait shouted., bis nerves strained to the point of frensy. "Just me,: Blossom. Mnver says yon is axceptipna," Then in tbe silence the child's eyes roved over the room, and lighted on the table Uttered with pa pen. "Does you writer , Her tone be tokened Interest ,, Blossom' hands moved.., .ajinlesaly, "Write,,, r write? That's precisely what I can't do, curse itr There before him lay the work begun in pride and hope, now shatter ed by a darkness worse than death. Be was recalled to tbe present by , tbe pressure of small arms resting on bis knees aa the child looked up into bis despairing face. , . "Poor dear!" she sympathised In an old fashioned manner. 1. . . "If a dark, Dora never any light That" s why I cannot write." His toIqs broke with a half sob. , - -. "I'm dreadful sorry. Let me do it for yon. I print now, and I learn fast Bee If I don't" She tossed the papers aside and climbed Into a chair, socking loudly. at the pencil to make it black. "What will we write, Blossomf Re ceiving no answer, she looked up. Her companion's head waa pillowed on bis arms. His sbonlden heaved.) Could a man cry even she sometimes did? Dora scrambled to. ber. feet and hur ried from, the room, to return a few minutes later flushed and breathless. "Here's Miss Arabella!" aha cried, thrusting doU Into the man's bands. "When I get eryin I tost hold ber tight She comforts kta. Muver"s call- in'. Hold Arabella dose. Blossom,". The doU became the first Unk in strange friendship, which grew with years, . For the child's amusement Blossom brought , wonderful tales oat of the storehouse of bis imagination, frequently in vene that be strung to gether daring wakeful hours of the night , Dora listened and remembered. As she bad said, aba learned fast She was barely twelve when she. recalled her promise. "I write, truly now. Tell me what to write." Blossom smiled sadly, declaring tbe desire dead, bat she Insisted and coax. ed until be yielded, repeating some of the . phrasing! that haunted him, and tbe dormant passion revived. . Jt was new birth to the man, and the girl be came bis eyes, aa the gift that bad been smothered in darkness and uncer tainty .suddenly, developed, and the poet came Into bis own. In time "our poetry," aa Dora called tt, verses with exquisite , rhythm, in . round childish chlrofrraphn found their way into ed itors' bands and caused comment So .the yearat passed, and Blossom counted each anniversary as it eaaie. "Fifteen today," be said on one eoca. slon, sighing beevllyr ; fl wish so could see you once Jurt once." . Dora raised ber bead from copying. It was unusual for Blossom to chat before ,the. dictation, was completed. "How do . yoa look 7?. 1 continued the blind man, directing bis sightless gase toward her. i p-. '- "Whose derision shall I renderr Dora laughed deliclouaiy, ."Mother says S blg girl,' Aunt Helen "gawky tbut Tom lnsuts pretty"! ,! ' j ... ;, .j "Of coarse Tom is right . WeU. ben Is my remembrance." Fumbling in bis pocket, be brought out a little case, disclosing a gold locket .with a dl mond set in its heart shape. , 1 "Oh, Blossom, how lovely I But what extnvagaacel Ton can't afford It", "Ton mistake. I have more money than I need little pel.", i The girl slipped tbe slender chain sbout her neck and gave tbe clasp into his hands; tben as be clumsily fitted It together sbe threw Iter arms sbout his nm-k. snd kled him. Ills pulses throbbed riotously at tbe warm touch n:;::"T n nils AD SCRATCHED 1 Till It Got to be Second Nature' Suffering Endless and Without , Relief Cuticura Made Skin y as Clear as a Baby's. . "If I had known of the Cutlcnra Remedies flftv vears aco It would have saved me two hundred dollars snd sn Immense amount of suffering. My dis ease (paorisais) commenced on my bead In a spot not larger than a cent. . U spread rapidly ever my body and got under my nans., i ne acaiee would arop off of me ail the time and my suffering wss endless and without relief. A thou sand dollars would not tempt me to have this disease over again. 1 am a poor man but feat rich to be free of what some of the doctors called leprosy, some ringworm, psoriasis, ete. 1 took and sarsaperlUas ovsr a year and a half but got no our. I cannot praise the Cuticura Remedies too much. They made my skin as olear and free from scales ss a baby's. All I used of tbem was two oakas of Cuticura Soap, three boxes of Outloura Ointment and three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent. If you had been there and said you would have cured me for two hundred dollars, you would have had the money. I was covered with the scales but by using Cuticura I wss soon ss clear as any per son ever wss.' This was ever twenty-two years ago and for a long time, tbrough lotos of habit, I used to rub my hands over my arms and legs to scratch, but to no purpose I was well. I hsd scratched twenty-eight years and it got to be a kind of second nature to me. Dennis Downing, Waterbury, Yt., November 27, 1909." ' Cnttom a the awst ttonsaMtl tnatsniit fctt aSMUoni 01 Un ikio od mip. a m ol Cucmm BMP Ui Dos 01 culKUrt outnMnt 11 onta uOctut. BoM tbnxirfcout tn world: PoturDius a Cban. Corp., Sow Prot., Bonos. artlaiM na M-stf Cuticura book, u AuUumr a uw sua. of her Ups, and he hardly dared trust himself to kiss ber in return. : t 1 Strangely enough, It was the last ca ress sbe offered. From that birthday she seemed to lea re childhood behind. and the man suffered in the change. He grew to dread the succeeding years. Els pal waa growing Into womanhood and so further away from him. Be could have Hved luxuriously bad he de sired, but be elung to tbe old lodging Critics snd publie alike acknowledged his genius,, yet the whole world-was bound up in Dora to the blind author-. Dora, whose voice was ae music, whose Step be could distinguish in a mUUon. He encouraged ber .to talk about ber friends ber ambitions, and yea, , be made ber tell him about Tom. too Tom, who had grown to be a man and on whom Dora's mother looked kindly. "I must .be going now," said Don after a fruitless; afternoon. Blossom having been unable to settle to work, t "Tom comlngt", ' ' "Yes." Ber voice waa a Uttle tired Blossom noticed Iti "Ton have not quarreled T" "Tom never wlU. Blossom, do you want me to marry TomT" V ( i "Marryr Tbe I, attack waa sudden "Marry! "VW beautifur 'ben young people )ave enough for that Bat year mother were better consulted. 1 am only an old bachelor." "You an my pal," persisted tbe gin impatiently. . "Mother married young Sbe thinks 1 should, but-I don't wast to be hurried." .; : - H "Quite right" began Blossom quick, ly. Than, pulling himself together "Tom's a nice boy. Be will make a good husband" v.- ',.-. jr. . ! "He Is alt you say. 1 suppose I shall take him.. Blossom, 1 know Jie is go big to ask me tonight," iTbe girl bans over the back, of, bar .friends cbalr He could feel ber breath on his cheek. bat It was a pity be could not see the look in her eyes. Blossom gripped tbe arm rests as if for support - v,."God bless you both. Uttle pal,", be said steadily. ,"1 know yon will be s good wlfe. Tom's a lucky fellow." "Yon think I had better take him ton wish me to" i The girl bent still closer; her bair brushed bis forehead. "I wish only your happiness." ,"Donl Dont" H was her mother calUng. Dora moved hesitatingly to ward the door. - "We will always be pals always Just tbe samel" 4j Blossom lifted hb bead. "Always,' be promised. "Don't think about me lou love Tom." - A "I love Tom yes.";.. Then tbe door closed, and Blossom sank back In his chair, allsery showed Uvld in bis face and stooping sboaldets. Don loved Toml It bad come at last It seemed aa if this second' loss were greater, mon terrible, than Xhat. of bis sight He was doubly bereft: Be hsd prom lsed tbe girl they would remain pata. but new ties, new duties, would arise. Tbe old, most Jbe laid aside; be mpst school himself to be alone. . Tbe sweat broke on his forehead a be clinched his hands; then, with $ groan, be fold ed his srms on bla.keees and hid bis face. He crouched motionless, taking no notice of tbe passage of time. . Softly, timidly, some one touched him on tbe shoulders.. The man thrilled bis soul leaped out to meet that other self Passionately his arms opened and claimed the girlish flgun of his pa He felt her throbbing in response, the trembling of her bands as sbe clang to him. . . . ; , . I ."Blossom Blossom, speak to me!" he whispered, ."Tell me yoa love me.' , "Love yoa I , With all my , helngi Dora, wbo is then in all tbe world like your "Why did yon make me suffer why did yon make me speakT sbe ques tioned half sobblngly. , . , ! , "I thought it was Tom" - J , j "I love Tom ss a brother." I clung still closer. "Men sre so sropkL "Bat. child, I fear I do you wrong I'm growing old; I'm always helpless. blind"- j "I love you, only you. Blossom, ju pretend I am Miss Arabella and bold me close; it comforts lots." j And Blossom, stooping, kissed ber oa the mouth. j MltUle Ageaand""ideriy People Use Foley Kidney snd Pills for quit and permanent results la all cafls ii! ini-y and blsdler touUe and t OR 28YEARS want: IT Is useless for anyone to call at this office in ah endeavor to find out the names of advertisers. Those who advertise under au initial or nom. de plume do not. wish their names to be made public, and they cannot be di vulged at this office. MISCELLANEOUS WIRE AND IRON FENCING Now Is the time to get your fences built so as to avoid the spring and sum mer rush. . QITlce In Oates building first floor. " Phone 218. M. A. Creasman & Son. . 80-tf NEW RUGS From old carpets we make them any else. Ours are su perior to others.- Write for cata logue.' Oriental Rug Co., 1101 Ca thedral street Baltimore, Md. 78-tf GLOBE FURNITURE CO. New and second-hand furniture, '. Try our credit system. 62 South Main, Phone 886. - ' 9-86t NOW is the time, everybody! Get your "Want Ads" ready. I'll call for them immediately.. Fred Wolfe, Gazette-News solicitor. Phone 769. ' -V ' - -(- r- . tt. MOUNTAIN RANGE CREAMERY The best milk, cream and ice cream in town, 46 College, phone 1681. V . 8-86t PROFESSOR NESS, Expert Riding and Driving Master. 1- $1.00 per lea son. Saddle horses and pony coaches for hire. Corner College and Spruce. -: . - 87-tf MRS. M. McCOY will open halrdress- lng parlors In the Paragon building, rooms 9 and 10, June 20. Popular prices for two weeks. ' Shampoo 25c, hatrdress 25c, manicure 2 60, mas sage - 25o, .scalp treatment 25c, switches made $1.60..... ,, ,,. 109-5t PSYCHIC, CLAIRVOYANT 59 Clay. ton street Hours 3 to 9. 97-tf. CHAS. L. SLUDER, 20 & B. Pack square Furniture bought sold and stored -and rented. Sewing Ma chines $2.00 and up. OSCAR N.' ROCKETT, a practical Jeweller and Watchmaker. See me and save money on .your repair work. Work guaranteed. 29 N. Main street 99-26t EAT at "Cafe Hubert," French Res taurantIn Weavervllle' line- wait ing room,1 No. 7 North Main street 81 genu' meals $3.60. Ladles' $3.00. Dinner 25c 103-26t DOES YOUR RAZOR work bad t Have it concaved and honed. : Is your Pocket Knife rusty and dull? We can sharpen and polish it How about your Sheani Bring them, too. We polish and edge any tool. We have a full line of Barber Sup plies. A. B. 8. Co., 13 North Main street . - - tf H. WHITE Near big concrete hotel on College street Expert shoe re. palrer. Work reasonable. 100-3 St PAYING TEA-COFFEE ' BUSINESS ' FOR SALE Reasoui for ' selling, impaired health. Address Ni 8. C, care Gazette. - 106-12t LOST Bunoh of bills, between Vlo toria averuio and Church street Return to Swannanoa Laundry and get reward, f ' 109-8t UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS RE COVERED In all grades of silk, gloria and linen combinations. We can make a parasol cover out of just the material you ' want with as many tucks, and hemstitches, or In width of border that you desire. Ask your friends, about our covers. M. Hearn 4b Co.i 4 Battery Park Piece. Phone 448. , . ' S IF, YOU WANT Quick action on your Real Es tate. If will pay you to see us, CANADA REALTY CO. ION. Pack Sq. Tel, 974, FOR SALE Fine home, 6 miles out on Sulphur Springs Road, 8 room - house fine Tove. 8 1-1 acres of land. Parties leaving country, vt v J. . PEXLAND SON No. 11 Temple Court Phone 1496 STORAGE MOVING Packing, Shipping, Baggage, Phone- 210, ,60 Patton Ave. Asheville Transfer: Moving St Storage Co. ; '. : THE BABY STUDIO I We make the best baby photo. graphs because we make them quick' est 1-30 of S second. Catch them laughing, playing, etc. Studio oooled by large tan. 'j mi:. ;n- :. i....r KAY'S STUDIO, ..iiS.t,'.- ' Patton, Ave, : t ,. t JTSTE -CABINET .WORK; :.W have recently; added new and up-o-data machinery which wlU en able as te samara and better work in our cabinet. department.. Wa make specialty of rehnlshlng aU kinds of Hardwood. , UAVlTrR6jn22R . The Old Time Furniture Shop, Ko.lN.lliJii8ti Ibnel9T4 TOR SALS "Nice 8' reom..bUngalow'large lot Merrlmon avenue, price reasonable 7 room house, good location,, price lUiOO: ' trrtod rm. s Hne'. x : ' i DCIINAHOS & ELTBS0S Phone 49. ' " Park Sq. TRUNK3 A1ID LSAT22R COATOI Is our spmaltr. Money to loan on dinmcr(3,-wat(i's, jewelry any nrrtyr'" ci vi n . i:. J,. l:;. : "T 1 - y : y y WANTS' HELP WANTED. ..a. LEARN REAL ESTATE business by mall. ' Great possibilities even as side line. The small cost of our eourse Is covered by absolute guar antee of satisfaction. We will help you get started. Write for free particulars. National Co-Operative Realty . Company, W1236 Marden Building, Washington, D. C WANTED- For O. Armys .Able bodied unmarried men between the age of 18 and 36; citlsens of United Btates, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write .the English - language. For Information apply te Recruiting Officer, 307 W. Trade street Char lotte, 'N. C; 8 South Main street Ashevllle, N. C; 830 V4 South Elm street. Greensboro. N. C; 16714 W. Main street Spartanburg., 8. C, or 294 W. Main street Greenville, S. a v ' . . - - 7 WANTED Men to Uke a thirty daya PracUcal Course in our ma chine Shops, learn the automobile business and accept good positions. Charlotte Auto School, Charlotte, Ni C. ' - " ' ;..'.- WANTED Men to learn the cotton business in our sample rooms; two weeks to complete coune, high salaried positions secured. Char lotte Cotton School, Charlotte, N, C. WANTED Experienced white man to work as handy man and porter for 100 room hotel, 86 miles from Ashevllle; must be handy at gen eral repair : work; give experience and salary expected In first letter, Address H. B., Gasette-News. ,. , 10t-3t MANAGERS WANTED To control the county rights in North Carolina. Only , first class men, with refer ence, and small, capital (say 3500) need apply. The proposition is good for 35,000 a year to an energetic sales manager. Apply in penon, or write Radium Spray company, Clo ver, Virginia. WANTED Young men and ladles to learn Telegraphy. We are receiv ing more calls for our graduates than we can supply. Charlotte Tel. egraphy School, Charlotte, N. C. LADIES WANTED To learn halr- dresslng. Apply Paragon building, opposite Postofflce, room 9 and 10, Mrs. M. McCoy, manager. 109-tSt FOR RENT. FOR RENT OR SALE 9 room house close In; desirable location; newly painted and papered; stable and ' large lot ' Address Box 306. . j,...,. .. J.'.-.. 110-6t FOR RUNT Good E-room house. 11 AflrM nrn giium cuirivRLion nraRn truck; plenty of apples; near ear line. "XX" care Gazette-News. - 110-3t FOR RENT Furnished flat Of rooms, or will rent singly; excel- lent location. 120 Hillside street , 110-6t FOR RENT Offices or entire floor in Citizens Bank building, 8 Pack square. Flat (modern), Haywood street $18.00; house on Spruce street $24.00. . Apply to J. L. Wag. ner, postofflce, or No. 13 Revell Building,- -. , r 813-tf FOR RENT 5 rooms, sleeping porch, hot and eold water, bath room laundry tabs, gas, - electric lights, 320 a month, 36 Panola street' P, R. Bennett M. D. -- 199-8t FOR RENT Two or three connect- Ing rooms, flrt or second floor. Nicely furnished for housekeeping. Sink and gas In kitchen. 28 Starnes avenue. J-- i v tf FOR RENT Large front room, fur- nlahed;' southern exposun; In pri vate family; - on Chestnut street Two young men preferred or mar ried couple. Table board eonveh lent Address with references M. 8 care Qasette-News, . 76-tt FOR RENT Connecting rooms fur nished for housekeeping at ' It Grady street or phone 839. . tl-tf FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms In nice place on Charlotte street Cheap to right parties . No sick people! no children. ' J. R. R., Ga- sette-News. V, ' .12-tf FOR RENT 11-room bouse, unfur nished, two 1-roora cottages and barn, large yard, near car line, 130.80.. Forbe ft Campbell, 48H Drhumor Building, Room 2. Phone 868. , 96-tf. I RENT HOUSES and collect rents. sell your property and do your no tary work. W. A. Willis, Paragon Building. Phone 624. - 101-tf. FOR RENT Furnished . eight' room ': house, four room cottage, two four room apartments. Room 9 Revell ' Bldg. F. P Ingle. i : FOR RENT Two or-three nicely furnished rooms on first floor with ' gas range and electric light tor ' light housekeeping at 40 Haywood i street- 101-tf FOR RENT Slxroom house unfur ; nlshed, Charlotte street, $80.00, Forbes ft Campbell, room 1 Drhu : mor building, 41 H Fatton avenue, a Phone 26$. 104-tt. FOR HENT Five" "Unfurnished con necting rooms, over the Palali Royal, for Ilsht housekeeping!' rent cheap. Apply at store. . 104-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnlnhed, .airy bedrooms; rates reasonable; room ers hsve una of reading room, 11 brary, gymnasium, swimming pool, . shower baths and game rooms Ap nly X . M. C A. . los-t T.r.Jcn::::::cD. No. f-Sonth IjPinpU;n At. Bnrtcmmt to Johnnon A Trt-xli-r. Fhffst V"tl Votk t n nl v' rn, " - :r r f I " ' WANTS FOR SALE KODAK FOR SALE A 3x4 Ko dak, In first class condition. Cost 316, will sell for $8.76. Inquire of C. W. Capell. at this office. ! tf. FOR SALE Six room dwelling and nearly four acres of land, located in the 'heart of the favorite ' resi dence section of Tryon, N. C, will be sold at a comparatively low price for non-resident owner. C. J. Reich, Agt, Tryon, N. C. 1 FOR SALE One tan Babcock buggy. has been used Just a few tlmee. and will sell at a sacrifice , if sold at once. Phone 849. " 109-3t EGGS FROM PRIZE WINNERS at halt price for short time only,- from Buff-Orpingtons, tight Bnhroaa and Buttercups. Fernlhurst Poul try Yard, J. H. Ponse, Manager. Phone 427. 86-80t FOR BALE Single comb, thorough bred Rhode Island Red cockerel; will sell cheap. Address Poultry. Gazette-News. - 306-tf FOR SALE 1000 acres of mountain land, 7 miles of Ashevllle; a bar gain. Room 9 Revell Building. F. P. Ingle. . tf FOR SALE Locust posts, all ; sixes. rouna or spilt- Lngtn rrom I feet to 40 feet. . Can be delivered in Anhevlllo on short notice. Apply to Reagan & Arnold, Weavervllle. Phone 18. 109-Bt, POULTRY SUPPLIES Red Comb, Poultry Feed, Scratch, Corn and Fine Chick, Dry Mash for . hens. Force Feed for little chicks. Roup, Gap, Cholera, and White Diarrhoea Cure, Lice Powder and Lice Liquid, and a limited number of 60o books free. Phone 763. J.. M. Campbell, at Stoner's Grocery Department . ' 106-tf FOR SALE Eggs for setting from very fine pen of single comb Rhode Island Reds. All the birds score high. Apply 159 Chestnut street or telephone 1306. Tl-tf. ICE CREAM SODAS 6e; Ice cream, pt., 15c; qt, 80c; gal., $1.30. Can dles and fruits of aU kinds. Karres Bros. Candy Kitchen, 11 North Main St Phone 1417. 88-tf DRY KINDLING WOOD, cheap. Tel ephone 1643, the Blltmore Box Fac tory, for rates. AU orden will be attended to promptly. - 94-2tt FOR SALE A gentle mare lady can drive her. Also handsome basket surrey, closed, carriage and har ness. Fernlhurst Poultry Yard. 3. A. Pons, Mgr. Phone 427. 106-tf. BOARDING. ANYONE LOOKING for a nice pleas. ant place for the summer would do well to call on Miss Belle Burnette, 167 Patton Ave Phone 967. 197-tf ROCK LEDGE, 63 Haywood street, 38 Rooms thoroughly renovated, across street from Auditorium, half bl-ik from Battery Park hotel, Mrs. V. J. Corcoran, Prop. . , LARGE, AIRY ROOMS, reasonable rates; no sick people taken. Apply 34 Spruce street . Phone 671, 74-tf OLD KENTUCKY. HOME A pictur esque place, lately overhauled, Im proved and beautified. 48 Spruce street ' Phone 766. - tf 1 1 ,i . i , i , i , i i i ii i i l CLAYTON HEIGHTS No. 29 Clayton street, an' Ideal home for eemi-ln-vallda, ( Rates $5 to $7 per week. Phone 746. ,v.v1 w !9-80t. BOARDERS WANTED At 66. Col lege street . Reasonable rates. No consumptives . taken. Phone 425. Mrs. Reeves. l09-26t WANTED. WANTED Ladles' Dying,- cleaning, and repair work. J. H. McGinness, 31 South Main steet 132-tt WANTED An eight-piece Kitchen' ' set fully warranted, Is offered as a premium by The Gazette-News. No kitchen Is complete without one of these sets. - A limited number left and are only obtainable by new and old subscribers to the paper. WANTED Your Notary public work. Phone 98. Jaa. W Albright 66-tf WANTED Ladles delicate shirt waists and lingerie dresses that have ' been soiled to be sent here for per fect cleaning. Our live steam ta bles make old fabrics look new. J. C. Wllbar, Phone 889. Under big . electric sign en Square. - WANTED Position by experienced , housekeeper - in i first 'class hotel. Address "Experienced," this office. : ... ;, . 110-t Delays are Epeosttiy Der roue Where Dfecuve Plumbing u Concerned, la the Interest of your own r 1 your family's health you pop vP f cannot afford t p- -,-leot the an -'i-.t defect In your sanitary equlpm t. If you are not quite sure about four plumbing system se us. CMO.t .FIT "T UNG T 1, Claude I ani .o. J. ... t . as N. liuta fen. We Stand for the Couth E3 1 . i Lea a.r.1 '3 Being the oldest Old Line I ' Reserve Southern Mutual C'' Issuing ell of the f -n-. 1 .T g'Ving the lur.t pi, , r , MsK-nt with af. ty. We t". tv i ... . , ' - . ii.3 . ....I , i . c ' 1 11 I t: r 1